removed sync algo. debug prints

This commit is contained in:
vivek-shankar 2018-07-28 22:52:33 -04:00
parent 3602b4c2d6
commit 323004fece

View File

@ -622,7 +622,6 @@ with size......... | /
memcpy(r8header+1, &mid, sizeof(uint16_t));
memcpy(r8header+3, &stime, sizeof(float));
memcpy(&rheader, r8header, 7*sizeof(uint8_t));
ROS_INFO("SENT Header : mtype %u mid %u stime %f", mtype,mid,stime);
// push header into the buffer
@ -632,9 +631,6 @@ with size......... | /
// add time sync algo data
// ROS_INFO("[%i] SENT_MSG NO : %i",robot_id, msg_id);
ROS_INFO("SENT L CLock : %"PRIu64" , H clock : %"PRIu64" , Rate %f",
ros::Time::now().toNSec(),logical_clock.toNSec(), logical_time_rate );
// prepare rosbuzz msg header
@ -648,7 +644,6 @@ with size......... | /
memcpy(r8header+1, &mid, sizeof(uint16_t));
memcpy(r8header+3, &stime, sizeof(float));
memcpy(&rheader, r8header, 7*sizeof(uint8_t));
ROS_INFO("SENT Header : mtype %u mid %u stime %f", mtype,mid,stime);
// push header into the buffer
@ -1139,7 +1134,6 @@ void roscontroller::payload_obt(const mavros_msgs::Mavlink::ConstPtr& msg)
memcpy(&mid, r8header+1, sizeof(uint16_t));
memcpy(&stime, r8header+3, sizeof(float));
ROS_INFO("Received Header : mtype %u mid %u stime %f", mtype,mid,stime);
// Check for Updater message, if updater message push it into updater FIFO
if ((int)mtype == (int)UPDATER_MESSAGE)
@ -1495,7 +1489,6 @@ void roscontroller::time_sync_step()
int64_t offset = (int64_t)(it->second).nei_logical_time - (int64_t)(it->second).node_logical_time;
avgOffset = avgOffset + offset;
ROS_INFO("time sync loop offset %" PRId64 ", nei clock : %" PRId64 ", my clock :%" PRId64, offset,(int64_t)(it->second).nei_logical_time, (int64_t)(it->second).node_logical_time);
if((it->second).age < BUZZRATE) (it->second).age++;
else neighbours_time_map.erase(it);
@ -1503,9 +1496,7 @@ void roscontroller::time_sync_step()
if(offsetCount>0 && !time_sync_jumped){
int64_t correction = (int64_t)ceil(avgOffset / (offsetCount+1));
if(std::abs(correction) < TIME_SYNC_JUMP_THR){
// ROS_INFO("With correction before correcting time sync : %f ", logical_clock.toSec());
ROS_INFO("With correction time sync : %f ", logical_clock.toSec());
get_logical_time(); // just to update clock
@ -1519,15 +1510,12 @@ void roscontroller::push_timesync_nei_msg(int nid, uint64_t nh, uint64_t nl, dou
* pushes a time syncronization msg into its data slot
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
ROS_INFO("Received from [%i] L %"PRIu64" , H: %"PRIu64" , nei rate %f",nid, nl,nh,nr);
map<int, buzz_utility::neighbor_time>::iterator it = neighbours_time_map.find(nid);
double relativeRate =1;
if (it != neighbours_time_map.end()){
int64_t deltaLocal = ros::Time::now().toNSec() - (it->second).node_hardware_time;
int64_t delatNei = round(nh - (it->second).nei_hardware_time);
double currentRate = 0;
ROS_INFO("current in hand for nei : me H %"PRIu64" , nei H %"PRIu64" ", (it->second).node_hardware_time,
(it->second).nei_hardware_time );
if(deltaLocal !=0 && delatNei !=0) currentRate = ((double)delatNei - (double)deltaLocal)/(double)deltaLocal;
relativeRate = MOVING_AVERAGE_ALPHA*((it->second).relative_rate)
+ (1- MOVING_AVERAGE_ALPHA)*currentRate;
@ -1540,7 +1528,6 @@ void roscontroller::push_timesync_nei_msg(int nid, uint64_t nh, uint64_t nl, dou
if(offset > TIME_SYNC_JUMP_THR){
set_logical_time_correction(offset);// + time_diff * logical_time_rate );
time_sync_jumped = true;
ROS_WARN("CLock Jumped %"PRIu64, logical_clock.toNSec());
buzz_utility::neighbor_time nt(nh, nl, ros::Time::now().toNSec(),
logical_clock.toNSec(), nr, relativeRate);