
123 lines
3.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <buzz/buzztype.h>
#include <buzz/buzzdict.h>
#include <buzz/buzzdarray.h>
#include <buzz/buzzvstig.h>
#define delete_p(p) do { free(p); p = NULL; } while(0)
/* Updater states */
typedef enum {
CODE_RUNNING = 0, // Code executing
CODE_UPDATE, // Updating code
CODE_NEIGHBOUR, // Neighbour triggered an update
CODE_STANDBY, // Standing by for others to update
} code_states_e;
/*Message types */
typedef enum {
SEND_CODE = 0, // Broadcast code with state
STATE_MSG, // Broadcast state
} code_message_e;
/*Updater message queue */
struct updater_msgqueue_s {
uint8_t* queue;
uint8_t* size;
} ;
typedef struct updater_msgqueue_s* updater_msgqueue_t;
/*Updater data*/
struct buzz_updater_elem_s {
/* robot id */
uint16_t robotid;
/*current Bytecode content */
uint8_t* bcode;
/*current bcode size*/
size_t bcode_size;
/*updater out msg queue */
updater_msgqueue_t outmsg_queue;
/*updater in msg queue*/
updater_msgqueue_t inmsg_queue;
/*Current state of the updater one in code_states_e ENUM*/
int mode;
/*Table with state of other neighbours*/
buzzdict_t state_dict;
/*Update number to ensure consistency*/
uint8_t update_no;
} ;
typedef struct buzz_updater_elem_s* buzz_updater_elem_t;
/*Updater routine from msg processing to file checks to be called from main*/
int update_routine(const char* bcfname,
const char* dbgfname, int destroy);
/*Initalizes the updater */
void init_update_monitor(const char* bo_filename,int barrier);
/*Appends buffer of given size to in msg queue of updater*/
void code_message_inqueue_append(uint8_t* msg,uint16_t size);
/*Processes messages inside the queue of the updater*/
void code_message_inqueue_process();
/* obtains messages from out msgs queue of the updater*/
uint8_t* getupdater_out_msg();
/*obtains out msg queue size*/
uint8_t* getupdate_out_msg_size();
/*destroys the out msg queue*/
void destroy_out_msg_queue();
/*obatins updater state*/
int get_update_mode();
/*sets bzz file name*/
void set_bzz_file(const char* in_bzz_file);
/*Destroys the updater*/
void destroy_updater();