define("ace/autocomplete/popup",["require","exports","module","ace/virtual_renderer","ace/editor","ace/range","ace/lib/event","ace/lib/lang","ace/lib/dom","ace/config","ace/lib/useragent"], function(require, exports, module){"use strict"; var Renderer = require("../virtual_renderer").VirtualRenderer; var Editor = require("../editor").Editor; var Range = require("../range").Range; var event = require("../lib/event"); var lang = require("../lib/lang"); var dom = require("../lib/dom"); var nls = require("../config").nls; var userAgent = require("./../lib/useragent"); var getAriaId = function (index) { return "suggest-aria-id:".concat(index); }; var popupAriaRole = userAgent.isSafari ? "menu" : "listbox"; var optionAriaRole = userAgent.isSafari ? "menuitem" : "option"; var ariaActiveState = userAgent.isSafari ? "aria-current" : "aria-selected"; var $singleLineEditor = function (el) { var renderer = new Renderer(el); renderer.$maxLines = 4; var editor = new Editor(renderer); editor.setHighlightActiveLine(false); editor.setShowPrintMargin(false); editor.renderer.setShowGutter(false); editor.renderer.setHighlightGutterLine(false); editor.$mouseHandler.$focusTimeout = 0; editor.$highlightTagPending = true; return editor; }; var AcePopup = /** @class */ (function () { function AcePopup(parentNode) { var el = dom.createElement("div"); var popup = $singleLineEditor(el); if (parentNode) { parentNode.appendChild(el); } = "none"; = "default"; popup.renderer.setStyle("ace_autocomplete"); popup.renderer.$textLayer.element.setAttribute("role", popupAriaRole); popup.renderer.$textLayer.element.setAttribute("aria-roledescription", nls("autocomplete.popup.aria-roledescription", "Autocomplete suggestions")); popup.renderer.$textLayer.element.setAttribute("aria-label", nls("autocomplete.popup.aria-label", "Autocomplete suggestions")); popup.renderer.textarea.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"); popup.setOption("displayIndentGuides", false); popup.setOption("dragDelay", 150); var noop = function () { }; popup.focus = noop; popup.$isFocused = true; popup.renderer.$cursorLayer.restartTimer = noop; popup.renderer.$ = "0"; popup.renderer.$maxLines = 8; popup.renderer.$keepTextAreaAtCursor = false; popup.setHighlightActiveLine(false); popup.session.highlight(""); popup.session.$searchHighlight.clazz = "ace_highlight-marker"; popup.on("mousedown", function (e) { var pos = e.getDocumentPosition(); popup.selection.moveToPosition(pos); selectionMarker.start.row = selectionMarker.end.row = pos.row; e.stop(); }); var lastMouseEvent; var hoverMarker = new Range(-1, 0, -1, Infinity); var selectionMarker = new Range(-1, 0, -1, Infinity); = popup.session.addMarker(selectionMarker, "ace_active-line", "fullLine"); popup.setSelectOnHover = function (val) { if (!val) { = popup.session.addMarker(hoverMarker, "ace_line-hover", "fullLine"); } else if ( { popup.session.removeMarker(; = null; } }; popup.setSelectOnHover(false); popup.on("mousemove", function (e) { if (!lastMouseEvent) { lastMouseEvent = e; return; } if (lastMouseEvent.x == e.x && lastMouseEvent.y == e.y) { return; } lastMouseEvent = e; lastMouseEvent.scrollTop = popup.renderer.scrollTop; popup.isMouseOver = true; var row = lastMouseEvent.getDocumentPosition().row; if (hoverMarker.start.row != row) { if (! popup.setRow(row); setHoverMarker(row); } }); popup.renderer.on("beforeRender", function () { if (lastMouseEvent && hoverMarker.start.row != -1) { lastMouseEvent.$pos = null; var row = lastMouseEvent.getDocumentPosition().row; if (! popup.setRow(row); setHoverMarker(row, true); } }); popup.renderer.on("afterRender", function () { var row = popup.getRow(); var t = popup.renderer.$textLayer; var selected = /** @type {HTMLElement|null} */ (t.element.childNodes[row - t.config.firstRow]); var el = document.activeElement; // Active element is textarea of main editor if (selected !== popup.selectedNode && popup.selectedNode) { dom.removeCssClass(popup.selectedNode, "ace_selected"); el.removeAttribute("aria-activedescendant"); popup.selectedNode.removeAttribute(ariaActiveState); popup.selectedNode.removeAttribute("id"); } popup.selectedNode = selected; if (selected) { dom.addCssClass(selected, "ace_selected"); var ariaId = getAriaId(row); = ariaId; t.element.setAttribute("aria-activedescendant", ariaId); el.setAttribute("aria-activedescendant", ariaId); selected.setAttribute("role", optionAriaRole); selected.setAttribute("aria-roledescription", nls("autocomplete.popup.item.aria-roledescription", "item")); selected.setAttribute("aria-label", popup.getData(row).caption || popup.getData(row).value); selected.setAttribute("aria-setsize",; selected.setAttribute("aria-posinset", row + 1); selected.setAttribute("aria-describedby", "doc-tooltip"); selected.setAttribute(ariaActiveState, "true"); } }); var hideHoverMarker = function () { setHoverMarker(-1); }; var setHoverMarker = function (row, suppressRedraw) { if (row !== hoverMarker.start.row) { hoverMarker.start.row = hoverMarker.end.row = row; if (!suppressRedraw) popup.session._emit("changeBackMarker"); popup._emit("changeHoverMarker"); } }; popup.getHoveredRow = function () { return hoverMarker.start.row; }; event.addListener(popup.container, "mouseout", function () { popup.isMouseOver = false; hideHoverMarker(); }); popup.on("hide", hideHoverMarker); popup.on("changeSelection", hideHoverMarker); popup.session.doc.getLength = function () { return; }; popup.session.doc.getLine = function (i) { var data =[i]; if (typeof data == "string") return data; return (data && data.value) || ""; }; var bgTokenizer = popup.session.bgTokenizer; bgTokenizer.$tokenizeRow = function (row) { var data =[row]; var tokens = []; if (!data) return tokens; if (typeof data == "string") data = { value: data }; var caption = data.caption || data.value ||; function addToken(value, className) { value && tokens.push({ type: (data.className || "") + (className || ""), value: value }); } var lower = caption.toLowerCase(); var filterText = (popup.filterText || "").toLowerCase(); var lastIndex = 0; var lastI = 0; for (var i = 0; i <= filterText.length; i++) { if (i != lastI && (data.matchMask & (1 << i) || i == filterText.length)) { var sub = filterText.slice(lastI, i); lastI = i; var index = lower.indexOf(sub, lastIndex); if (index == -1) continue; addToken(caption.slice(lastIndex, index), ""); lastIndex = index + sub.length; addToken(caption.slice(index, lastIndex), "completion-highlight"); } } addToken(caption.slice(lastIndex, caption.length), ""); tokens.push({ type: "completion-spacer", value: " " }); if (data.meta) tokens.push({ type: "completion-meta", value: data.meta }); if (data.message) tokens.push({ type: "completion-message", value: data.message }); return tokens; }; bgTokenizer.$updateOnChange = noop; bgTokenizer.start = noop; popup.session.$computeWidth = function () { return this.screenWidth = 0; }; popup.isOpen = false; popup.isTopdown = false; popup.autoSelect = true; popup.filterText = ""; popup.isMouseOver = false; = []; popup.setData = function (list, filterText) { popup.filterText = filterText || ""; popup.setValue(lang.stringRepeat("\n", list.length), -1); = list || []; popup.setRow(0); }; popup.getData = function (row) { return[row]; }; popup.getRow = function () { return selectionMarker.start.row; }; popup.setRow = function (line) { line = Math.max(this.autoSelect ? 0 : -1, Math.min( - 1, line)); if (selectionMarker.start.row != line) { popup.selection.clearSelection(); selectionMarker.start.row = selectionMarker.end.row = line || 0; popup.session._emit("changeBackMarker"); popup.moveCursorTo(line || 0, 0); if (popup.isOpen) popup._signal("select"); } }; popup.on("changeSelection", function () { if (popup.isOpen) popup.setRow(popup.selection.lead.row); popup.renderer.scrollCursorIntoView(); }); popup.hide = function () { = "none"; popup.anchorPos = null; popup.anchor = null; if (popup.isOpen) { popup.isOpen = false; this._signal("hide"); } }; popup.tryShow = function (pos, lineHeight, anchor, forceShow) { if (!forceShow && popup.isOpen && popup.anchorPos && popup.anchor && === && popup.anchorPos.left === pos.left && popup.anchor === anchor) { return true; } var el = this.container; var screenHeight = window.innerHeight; var screenWidth = window.innerWidth; var renderer = this.renderer; var maxH = renderer.$maxLines * lineHeight * 1.4; var dims = { top: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0 }; var spaceBelow = screenHeight - - 3 * this.$borderSize - lineHeight; var spaceAbove = - 3 * this.$borderSize; if (!anchor) { if (spaceAbove <= spaceBelow || spaceBelow >= maxH) { anchor = "bottom"; } else { anchor = "top"; } } if (anchor === "top") { dims.bottom = - this.$borderSize; = dims.bottom - maxH; } else if (anchor === "bottom") { = + lineHeight + this.$borderSize; dims.bottom = + maxH; } var fitsX = >= 0 && dims.bottom <= screenHeight; if (!forceShow && !fitsX) { return false; } if (!fitsX) { if (anchor === "top") { renderer.$maxPixelHeight = spaceAbove; } else { renderer.$maxPixelHeight = spaceBelow; } } else { renderer.$maxPixelHeight = null; } if (anchor === "top") { = ""; = (screenHeight - dims.bottom) + "px"; popup.isTopdown = false; } else { = + "px"; = ""; popup.isTopdown = true; } = ""; var left = pos.left; if (left + el.offsetWidth > screenWidth) left = screenWidth - el.offsetWidth; = left + "px"; = ""; if (!popup.isOpen) { popup.isOpen = true; this._signal("show"); lastMouseEvent = null; } popup.anchorPos = pos; popup.anchor = anchor; return true; }; = function (pos, lineHeight, topdownOnly) { this.tryShow(pos, lineHeight, topdownOnly ? "bottom" : undefined, true); }; popup.goTo = function (where) { var row = this.getRow(); var max = this.session.getLength() - 1; switch (where) { case "up": row = row <= 0 ? max : row - 1; break; case "down": row = row >= max ? -1 : row + 1; break; case "start": row = 0; break; case "end": row = max; break; } this.setRow(row); }; popup.getTextLeftOffset = function () { return this.$borderSize + this.renderer.$padding + this.$imageSize; }; popup.$imageSize = 0; popup.$borderSize = 1; return popup; } return AcePopup; }()); dom.importCssString("\n.ace_editor.ace_autocomplete .ace_marker-layer .ace_active-line {\n background-color: #CAD6FA;\n z-index: 1;\n}\n.ace_dark.ace_editor.ace_autocomplete .ace_marker-layer .ace_active-line {\n background-color: #3a674e;\n}\n.ace_editor.ace_autocomplete .ace_line-hover {\n border: 1px solid #abbffe;\n margin-top: -1px;\n background: rgba(233,233,253,0.4);\n position: absolute;\n z-index: 2;\n}\n.ace_dark.ace_editor.ace_autocomplete .ace_line-hover {\n border: 1px solid rgba(109, 150, 13, 0.8);\n background: rgba(58, 103, 78, 0.62);\n}\n.ace_completion-meta {\n opacity: 0.5;\n margin-left: 0.9em;\n}\n.ace_completion-message {\n margin-left: 0.9em;\n color: blue;\n}\n.ace_editor.ace_autocomplete .ace_completion-highlight{\n color: #2d69c7;\n}\n.ace_dark.ace_editor.ace_autocomplete .ace_completion-highlight{\n color: #93ca12;\n}\n.ace_editor.ace_autocomplete {\n width: 300px;\n z-index: 200000;\n border: 1px lightgray solid;\n position: fixed;\n box-shadow: 2px 3px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.2);\n line-height: 1.4;\n background: #fefefe;\n color: #111;\n}\n.ace_dark.ace_editor.ace_autocomplete {\n border: 1px #484747 solid;\n box-shadow: 2px 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.51);\n line-height: 1.4;\n background: #25282c;\n color: #c1c1c1;\n}\n.ace_autocomplete .ace_text-layer {\n width: calc(100% - 8px);\n}\n.ace_autocomplete .ace_line {\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n}\n.ace_autocomplete .ace_line > * {\n min-width: 0;\n flex: 0 0 auto;\n}\n.ace_autocomplete .ace_line .ace_ {\n flex: 0 1 auto;\n overflow: hidden;\n text-overflow: ellipsis;\n}\n.ace_autocomplete .ace_completion-spacer {\n flex: 1;\n}\n.ace_autocomplete.ace_loading:after {\n content: \"\";\n position: absolute;\n top: 0px;\n height: 2px;\n width: 8%;\n background: blue;\n z-index: 100;\n animation: ace_progress 3s infinite linear;\n animation-delay: 300ms;\n transform: translateX(-100%) scaleX(1);\n}\n@keyframes ace_progress {\n 0% { transform: translateX(-100%) scaleX(1) }\n 50% { transform: translateX(625%) scaleX(2) } \n 100% { transform: translateX(1500%) scaleX(3) } \n}\n@media (prefers-reduced-motion) {\n .ace_autocomplete.ace_loading:after {\n transform: translateX(625%) scaleX(2);\n animation: none;\n }\n}\n", "autocompletion.css", false); exports.AcePopup = AcePopup; exports.$singleLineEditor = $singleLineEditor; exports.getAriaId = getAriaId; }); define("ace/snippets",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/dom","ace/lib/oop","ace/lib/event_emitter","ace/lib/lang","ace/range","ace/range_list","ace/keyboard/hash_handler","ace/tokenizer","ace/clipboard","ace/editor"], function(require, exports, module){"use strict"; var dom = require("./lib/dom"); var oop = require("./lib/oop"); var EventEmitter = require("./lib/event_emitter").EventEmitter; var lang = require("./lib/lang"); var Range = require("./range").Range; var RangeList = require("./range_list").RangeList; var HashHandler = require("./keyboard/hash_handler").HashHandler; var Tokenizer = require("./tokenizer").Tokenizer; var clipboard = require("./clipboard"); var VARIABLES = { CURRENT_WORD: function (editor) { return editor.session.getTextRange(editor.session.getWordRange()); }, SELECTION: function (editor, name, indentation) { var text = editor.session.getTextRange(); if (indentation) return text.replace(/\n\r?([ \t]*\S)/g, "\n" + indentation + "$1"); return text; }, CURRENT_LINE: function (editor) { return editor.session.getLine(editor.getCursorPosition().row); }, PREV_LINE: function (editor) { return editor.session.getLine(editor.getCursorPosition().row - 1); }, LINE_INDEX: function (editor) { return editor.getCursorPosition().row; }, LINE_NUMBER: function (editor) { return editor.getCursorPosition().row + 1; }, SOFT_TABS: function (editor) { return editor.session.getUseSoftTabs() ? "YES" : "NO"; }, TAB_SIZE: function (editor) { return editor.session.getTabSize(); }, CLIPBOARD: function (editor) { return clipboard.getText && clipboard.getText(); }, FILENAME: function (editor) { return /[^/\\]*$/.exec(this.FILEPATH(editor))[0]; }, FILENAME_BASE: function (editor) { return /[^/\\]*$/.exec(this.FILEPATH(editor))[0].replace(/\.[^.]*$/, ""); }, DIRECTORY: function (editor) { return this.FILEPATH(editor).replace(/[^/\\]*$/, ""); }, FILEPATH: function (editor) { return "/not implemented.txt"; }, WORKSPACE_NAME: function () { return "Unknown"; }, FULLNAME: function () { return "Unknown"; }, BLOCK_COMMENT_START: function (editor) { var mode = editor.session.$mode || {}; return mode.blockComment && mode.blockComment.start || ""; }, BLOCK_COMMENT_END: function (editor) { var mode = editor.session.$mode || {}; return mode.blockComment && mode.blockComment.end || ""; }, LINE_COMMENT: function (editor) { var mode = editor.session.$mode || {}; return mode.lineCommentStart || ""; }, CURRENT_YEAR: date.bind(null, { year: "numeric" }), CURRENT_YEAR_SHORT: date.bind(null, { year: "2-digit" }), CURRENT_MONTH: date.bind(null, { month: "numeric" }), CURRENT_MONTH_NAME: date.bind(null, { month: "long" }), CURRENT_MONTH_NAME_SHORT: date.bind(null, { month: "short" }), CURRENT_DATE: date.bind(null, { day: "2-digit" }), CURRENT_DAY_NAME: date.bind(null, { weekday: "long" }), CURRENT_DAY_NAME_SHORT: date.bind(null, { weekday: "short" }), CURRENT_HOUR: date.bind(null, { hour: "2-digit", hour12: false }), CURRENT_MINUTE: date.bind(null, { minute: "2-digit" }), CURRENT_SECOND: date.bind(null, { second: "2-digit" }) }; VARIABLES.SELECTED_TEXT = VARIABLES.SELECTION; function date(dateFormat) { var str = new Date().toLocaleString("en-us", dateFormat); return str.length == 1 ? "0" + str : str; } var SnippetManager = /** @class */ (function () { function SnippetManager() { this.snippetMap = {}; this.snippetNameMap = {}; this.variables = VARIABLES; } SnippetManager.prototype.getTokenizer = function () { return SnippetManager["$tokenizer"] || this.createTokenizer(); }; SnippetManager.prototype.createTokenizer = function () { function TabstopToken(str) { str = str.substr(1); if (/^\d+$/.test(str)) return [{ tabstopId: parseInt(str, 10) }]; return [{ text: str }]; } function escape(ch) { return "(?:[^\\\\" + ch + "]|\\\\.)"; } var formatMatcher = { regex: "/(" + escape("/") + "+)/", onMatch: function (val, state, stack) { var ts = stack[0]; ts.fmtString = true; ts.guard = val.slice(1, -1); ts.flag = ""; return ""; }, next: "formatString" }; SnippetManager["$tokenizer"] = new Tokenizer({ start: [ { regex: /\\./, onMatch: function (val, state, stack) { var ch = val[1]; if (ch == "}" && stack.length) { val = ch; } else if ("`$\\".indexOf(ch) != -1) { val = ch; } return [val]; } }, { regex: /}/, onMatch: function (val, state, stack) { return [stack.length ? stack.shift() : val]; } }, { regex: /\$(?:\d+|\w+)/, onMatch: TabstopToken }, { regex: /\$\{[\dA-Z_a-z]+/, onMatch: function (str, state, stack) { var t = TabstopToken(str.substr(1)); stack.unshift(t[0]); return t; }, next: "snippetVar" }, { regex: /\n/, token: "newline", merge: false } ], snippetVar: [ { regex: "\\|" + escape("\\|") + "*\\|", onMatch: function (val, state, stack) { var choices = val.slice(1, -1).replace(/\\[,|\\]|,/g, function (operator) { return operator.length == 2 ? operator[1] : "\x00"; }).split("\x00").map(function (value) { return { value: value }; }); stack[0].choices = choices; return [choices[0]]; }, next: "start" }, formatMatcher, { regex: "([^:}\\\\]|\\\\.)*:?", token: "", next: "start" } ], formatString: [ { regex: /:/, onMatch: function (val, state, stack) { if (stack.length && stack[0].expectElse) { stack[0].expectElse = false; stack[0].ifEnd = { elseEnd: stack[0] }; return [stack[0].ifEnd]; } return ":"; } }, { regex: /\\./, onMatch: function (val, state, stack) { var ch = val[1]; if (ch == "}" && stack.length) val = ch; else if ("`$\\".indexOf(ch) != -1) val = ch; else if (ch == "n") val = "\n"; else if (ch == "t") val = "\t"; else if ("ulULE".indexOf(ch) != -1) val = { changeCase: ch, local: ch > "a" }; return [val]; } }, { regex: "/\\w*}", onMatch: function (val, state, stack) { var next = stack.shift(); if (next) next.flag = val.slice(1, -1); = next && next.tabstopId ? "start" : ""; return [next || val]; }, next: "start" }, { regex: /\$(?:\d+|\w+)/, onMatch: function (val, state, stack) { return [{ text: val.slice(1) }]; } }, { regex: /\${\w+/, onMatch: function (val, state, stack) { var token = { text: val.slice(2) }; stack.unshift(token); return [token]; }, next: "formatStringVar" }, { regex: /\n/, token: "newline", merge: false }, { regex: /}/, onMatch: function (val, state, stack) { var next = stack.shift(); = next && next.tabstopId ? "start" : ""; return [next || val]; }, next: "start" } ], formatStringVar: [ { regex: /:\/\w+}/, onMatch: function (val, state, stack) { var ts = stack[0]; ts.formatFunction = val.slice(2, -1); return [stack.shift()]; }, next: "formatString" }, formatMatcher, { regex: /:[\?\-+]?/, onMatch: function (val, state, stack) { if (val[1] == "+") stack[0].ifEnd = stack[0]; if (val[1] == "?") stack[0].expectElse = true; }, next: "formatString" }, { regex: "([^:}\\\\]|\\\\.)*:?", token: "", next: "formatString" } ] }); return SnippetManager["$tokenizer"]; }; SnippetManager.prototype.tokenizeTmSnippet = function (str, startState) { return this.getTokenizer().getLineTokens(str, startState) (x) { return x.value || x; }); }; SnippetManager.prototype.getVariableValue = function (editor, name, indentation) { if (/^\d+$/.test(name)) return (this.variables.__ || {})[name] || ""; if (/^[A-Z]\d+$/.test(name)) return (this.variables[name[0] + "__"] || {})[name.substr(1)] || ""; name = name.replace(/^TM_/, ""); if (!this.variables.hasOwnProperty(name)) return ""; var value = this.variables[name]; if (typeof value == "function") value = this.variables[name](editor, name, indentation); return value == null ? "" : value; }; SnippetManager.prototype.tmStrFormat = function (str, ch, editor) { if (!ch.fmt) return str; var flag = ch.flag || ""; var re = ch.guard; re = new RegExp(re, flag.replace(/[^gim]/g, "")); var fmtTokens = typeof ch.fmt == "string" ? this.tokenizeTmSnippet(ch.fmt, "formatString") : ch.fmt; var _self = this; var formatted = str.replace(re, function () { var oldArgs = _self.variables.__; _self.variables.__ = []; var fmtParts = _self.resolveVariables(fmtTokens, editor); var gChangeCase = "E"; for (var i = 0; i < fmtParts.length; i++) { var ch = fmtParts[i]; if (typeof ch == "object") { fmtParts[i] = ""; if (ch.changeCase && ch.local) { var next = fmtParts[i + 1]; if (next && typeof next == "string") { if (ch.changeCase == "u") fmtParts[i] = next[0].toUpperCase(); else fmtParts[i] = next[0].toLowerCase(); fmtParts[i + 1] = next.substr(1); } } else if (ch.changeCase) { gChangeCase = ch.changeCase; } } else if (gChangeCase == "U") { fmtParts[i] = ch.toUpperCase(); } else if (gChangeCase == "L") { fmtParts[i] = ch.toLowerCase(); } } _self.variables.__ = oldArgs; return fmtParts.join(""); }); return formatted; }; SnippetManager.prototype.tmFormatFunction = function (str, ch, editor) { if (ch.formatFunction == "upcase") return str.toUpperCase(); if (ch.formatFunction == "downcase") return str.toLowerCase(); return str; }; SnippetManager.prototype.resolveVariables = function (snippet, editor) { var result = []; var indentation = ""; var afterNewLine = true; for (var i = 0; i < snippet.length; i++) { var ch = snippet[i]; if (typeof ch == "string") { result.push(ch); if (ch == "\n") { afterNewLine = true; indentation = ""; } else if (afterNewLine) { indentation = /^\t*/.exec(ch)[0]; afterNewLine = /\S/.test(ch); } continue; } if (!ch) continue; afterNewLine = false; if (ch.fmtString) { var j = snippet.indexOf(ch, i + 1); if (j == -1) j = snippet.length; ch.fmt = snippet.slice(i + 1, j); i = j; } if (ch.text) { var value = this.getVariableValue(editor, ch.text, indentation) + ""; if (ch.fmtString) value = this.tmStrFormat(value, ch, editor); if (ch.formatFunction) value = this.tmFormatFunction(value, ch, editor); if (value && !ch.ifEnd) { result.push(value); gotoNext(ch); } else if (!value && ch.ifEnd) { gotoNext(ch.ifEnd); } } else if (ch.elseEnd) { gotoNext(ch.elseEnd); } else if (ch.tabstopId != null) { result.push(ch); } else if (ch.changeCase != null) { result.push(ch); } } function gotoNext(ch) { var i1 = snippet.indexOf(ch, i + 1); if (i1 != -1) i = i1; } return result; }; SnippetManager.prototype.getDisplayTextForSnippet = function (editor, snippetText) { var processedSnippet =, editor, snippetText); return processedSnippet.text; }; SnippetManager.prototype.insertSnippetForSelection = function (editor, snippetText, options) { if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } var processedSnippet =, editor, snippetText, options); var range = editor.getSelectionRange(); var end = editor.session.replace(range, processedSnippet.text); var tabstopManager = new TabstopManager(editor); var selectionId = editor.inVirtualSelectionMode && editor.selection.index; tabstopManager.addTabstops(processedSnippet.tabstops, range.start, end, selectionId); }; SnippetManager.prototype.insertSnippet = function (editor, snippetText, options) { if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } var self = this; if (editor.inVirtualSelectionMode) return self.insertSnippetForSelection(editor, snippetText, options); editor.forEachSelection(function () { self.insertSnippetForSelection(editor, snippetText, options); }, null, { keepOrder: true }); if (editor.tabstopManager) editor.tabstopManager.tabNext(); }; SnippetManager.prototype.$getScope = function (editor) { var scope = editor.session.$mode.$id || ""; scope = scope.split("/").pop(); if (scope === "html" || scope === "php") { if (scope === "php" && !editor.session.$mode.inlinePhp) scope = "html"; var c = editor.getCursorPosition(); var state = editor.session.getState(c.row); if (typeof state === "object") { state = state[0]; } if (state.substring) { if (state.substring(0, 3) == "js-") scope = "javascript"; else if (state.substring(0, 4) == "css-") scope = "css"; else if (state.substring(0, 4) == "php-") scope = "php"; } } return scope; }; SnippetManager.prototype.getActiveScopes = function (editor) { var scope = this.$getScope(editor); var scopes = [scope]; var snippetMap = this.snippetMap; if (snippetMap[scope] && snippetMap[scope].includeScopes) { scopes.push.apply(scopes, snippetMap[scope].includeScopes); } scopes.push("_"); return scopes; }; SnippetManager.prototype.expandWithTab = function (editor, options) { var self = this; var result = editor.forEachSelection(function () { return self.expandSnippetForSelection(editor, options); }, null, { keepOrder: true }); if (result && editor.tabstopManager) editor.tabstopManager.tabNext(); return result; }; SnippetManager.prototype.expandSnippetForSelection = function (editor, options) { var cursor = editor.getCursorPosition(); var line = editor.session.getLine(cursor.row); var before = line.substring(0, cursor.column); var after = line.substr(cursor.column); var snippetMap = this.snippetMap; var snippet; this.getActiveScopes(editor).some(function (scope) { var snippets = snippetMap[scope]; if (snippets) snippet = this.findMatchingSnippet(snippets, before, after); return !!snippet; }, this); if (!snippet) return false; if (options && options.dryRun) return true; editor.session.doc.removeInLine(cursor.row, cursor.column - snippet.replaceBefore.length, cursor.column + snippet.replaceAfter.length); this.variables.M__ = snippet.matchBefore; this.variables.T__ = snippet.matchAfter; this.insertSnippetForSelection(editor, snippet.content); this.variables.M__ = this.variables.T__ = null; return true; }; SnippetManager.prototype.findMatchingSnippet = function (snippetList, before, after) { for (var i = snippetList.length; i--;) { var s = snippetList[i]; if (s.startRe && !s.startRe.test(before)) continue; if (s.endRe && !s.endRe.test(after)) continue; if (!s.startRe && !s.endRe) continue; s.matchBefore = s.startRe ? s.startRe.exec(before) : [""]; s.matchAfter = s.endRe ? s.endRe.exec(after) : [""]; s.replaceBefore = s.triggerRe ? s.triggerRe.exec(before)[0] : ""; s.replaceAfter = s.endTriggerRe ? s.endTriggerRe.exec(after)[0] : ""; return s; } }; SnippetManager.prototype.register = function (snippets, scope) { var snippetMap = this.snippetMap; var snippetNameMap = this.snippetNameMap; var self = this; if (!snippets) snippets = []; function wrapRegexp(src) { if (src && !/^\^?\(.*\)\$?$|^\\b$/.test(src)) src = "(?:" + src + ")"; return src || ""; } function guardedRegexp(re, guard, opening) { re = wrapRegexp(re); guard = wrapRegexp(guard); if (opening) { re = guard + re; if (re && re[re.length - 1] != "$") re = re + "$"; } else { re = re + guard; if (re && re[0] != "^") re = "^" + re; } return new RegExp(re); } function addSnippet(s) { if (!s.scope) s.scope = scope || "_"; scope = s.scope; if (!snippetMap[scope]) { snippetMap[scope] = []; snippetNameMap[scope] = {}; } var map = snippetNameMap[scope]; if ( { var old = map[]; if (old) self.unregister(old); map[] = s; } snippetMap[scope].push(s); if (s.prefix) s.tabTrigger = s.prefix; if (!s.content && s.body) s.content = Array.isArray(s.body) ? s.body.join("\n") : s.body; if (s.tabTrigger && !s.trigger) { if (!s.guard && /^\w/.test(s.tabTrigger)) s.guard = "\\b"; s.trigger = lang.escapeRegExp(s.tabTrigger); } if (!s.trigger && !s.guard && !s.endTrigger && !s.endGuard) return; s.startRe = guardedRegexp(s.trigger, s.guard, true); s.triggerRe = new RegExp(s.trigger); s.endRe = guardedRegexp(s.endTrigger, s.endGuard, true); s.endTriggerRe = new RegExp(s.endTrigger); } if (Array.isArray(snippets)) { snippets.forEach(addSnippet); } else { Object.keys(snippets).forEach(function (key) { addSnippet(snippets[key]); }); } this._signal("registerSnippets", { scope: scope }); }; SnippetManager.prototype.unregister = function (snippets, scope) { var snippetMap = this.snippetMap; var snippetNameMap = this.snippetNameMap; function removeSnippet(s) { var nameMap = snippetNameMap[s.scope || scope]; if (nameMap && nameMap[]) { delete nameMap[]; var map = snippetMap[s.scope || scope]; var i = map && map.indexOf(s); if (i >= 0) map.splice(i, 1); } } if (snippets.content) removeSnippet(snippets); else if (Array.isArray(snippets)) snippets.forEach(removeSnippet); }; SnippetManager.prototype.parseSnippetFile = function (str) { str = str.replace(/\r/g, ""); var list = [], /**@type{Snippet}*/ snippet = {}; var re = /^#.*|^({[\s\S]*})\s*$|^(\S+) (.*)$|^((?:\n*\t.*)+)/gm; var m; while (m = re.exec(str)) { if (m[1]) { try { snippet = JSON.parse(m[1]); list.push(snippet); } catch (e) { } } if (m[4]) { snippet.content = m[4].replace(/^\t/gm, ""); list.push(snippet); snippet = {}; } else { var key = m[2], val = m[3]; if (key == "regex") { var guardRe = /\/((?:[^\/\\]|\\.)*)|$/g; snippet.guard = guardRe.exec(val)[1]; snippet.trigger = guardRe.exec(val)[1]; snippet.endTrigger = guardRe.exec(val)[1]; snippet.endGuard = guardRe.exec(val)[1]; } else if (key == "snippet") { snippet.tabTrigger = val.match(/^\S*/)[0]; if (! = val; } else if (key) { snippet[key] = val; } } } return list; }; SnippetManager.prototype.getSnippetByName = function (name, editor) { var snippetMap = this.snippetNameMap; var snippet; this.getActiveScopes(editor).some(function (scope) { var snippets = snippetMap[scope]; if (snippets) snippet = snippets[name]; return !!snippet; }, this); return snippet; }; return SnippetManager; }()); oop.implement(SnippetManager.prototype, EventEmitter); var processSnippetText = function (editor, snippetText, options) { if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } var cursor = editor.getCursorPosition(); var line = editor.session.getLine(cursor.row); var tabString = editor.session.getTabString(); var indentString = line.match(/^\s*/)[0]; if (cursor.column < indentString.length) indentString = indentString.slice(0, cursor.column); snippetText = snippetText.replace(/\r/g, ""); var tokens = this.tokenizeTmSnippet(snippetText); tokens = this.resolveVariables(tokens, editor); tokens = (x) { if (x == "\n" && !options.excludeExtraIndent) return x + indentString; if (typeof x == "string") return x.replace(/\t/g, tabString); return x; }); var tabstops = []; tokens.forEach(function (p, i) { if (typeof p != "object") return; var id = p.tabstopId; var ts = tabstops[id]; if (!ts) { ts = tabstops[id] = []; ts.index = id; ts.value = ""; ts.parents = {}; } if (ts.indexOf(p) !== -1) return; if (p.choices && !ts.choices) ts.choices = p.choices; ts.push(p); var i1 = tokens.indexOf(p, i + 1); if (i1 === -1) return; var value = tokens.slice(i + 1, i1); var isNested = value.some(function (t) { return typeof t === "object"; }); if (isNested && !ts.value) { ts.value = value; } else if (value.length && (!ts.value || typeof ts.value !== "string")) { ts.value = value.join(""); } }); tabstops.forEach(function (ts) { ts.length = 0; }); var expanding = {}; function copyValue(val) { var copy = []; for (var i = 0; i < val.length; i++) { var p = val[i]; if (typeof p == "object") { if (expanding[p.tabstopId]) continue; var j = val.lastIndexOf(p, i - 1); p = copy[j] || { tabstopId: p.tabstopId }; } copy[i] = p; } return copy; } for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { var p = tokens[i]; if (typeof p != "object") continue; var id = p.tabstopId; var ts = tabstops[id]; var i1 = tokens.indexOf(p, i + 1); if (expanding[id]) { if (expanding[id] === p) { delete expanding[id]; Object.keys(expanding).forEach(function (parentId) { ts.parents[parentId] = true; }); } continue; } expanding[id] = p; var value = ts.value; if (typeof value !== "string") value = copyValue(value); else if (p.fmt) value = this.tmStrFormat(value, p, editor); tokens.splice.apply(tokens, [i + 1, Math.max(0, i1 - i)].concat(value, p)); if (ts.indexOf(p) === -1) ts.push(p); } var row = 0, column = 0; var text = ""; tokens.forEach(function (t) { if (typeof t === "string") { var lines = t.split("\n"); if (lines.length > 1) { column = lines[lines.length - 1].length; row += lines.length - 1; } else column += t.length; text += t; } else if (t) { if (!t.start) t.start = { row: row, column: column }; else t.end = { row: row, column: column }; } }); return { text: text, tabstops: tabstops, tokens: tokens }; }; var TabstopManager = /** @class */ (function () { function TabstopManager(editor) { this.index = 0; this.ranges = []; this.tabstops = []; if (editor.tabstopManager) return editor.tabstopManager; editor.tabstopManager = this; this.$onChange = this.onChange.bind(this); this.$onChangeSelection = lang.delayedCall(this.onChangeSelection.bind(this)).schedule; this.$onChangeSession = this.onChangeSession.bind(this); this.$onAfterExec = this.onAfterExec.bind(this); this.attach(editor); } TabstopManager.prototype.attach = function (editor) { this.$openTabstops = null; this.selectedTabstop = null; this.editor = editor; this.session = editor.session; this.editor.on("change", this.$onChange); this.editor.on("changeSelection", this.$onChangeSelection); this.editor.on("changeSession", this.$onChangeSession); this.editor.commands.on("afterExec", this.$onAfterExec); this.editor.keyBinding.addKeyboardHandler(this.keyboardHandler); }; TabstopManager.prototype.detach = function () { this.tabstops.forEach(this.removeTabstopMarkers, this); this.ranges.length = 0; this.tabstops.length = 0; this.selectedTabstop = null;"change", this.$onChange);"changeSelection", this.$onChangeSelection);"changeSession", this.$onChangeSession);"afterExec", this.$onAfterExec); this.editor.keyBinding.removeKeyboardHandler(this.keyboardHandler); this.editor.tabstopManager = null; this.session = null; this.editor = null; }; TabstopManager.prototype.onChange = function (delta) { var isRemove = delta.action[0] == "r"; var selectedTabstop = this.selectedTabstop || {}; var parents = selectedTabstop.parents || {}; var tabstops = this.tabstops.slice(); for (var i = 0; i < tabstops.length; i++) { var ts = tabstops[i]; var active = ts == selectedTabstop || parents[ts.index]; ts.rangeList.$bias = active ? 0 : 1; if (delta.action == "remove" && ts !== selectedTabstop) { var parentActive = ts.parents && ts.parents[selectedTabstop.index]; var startIndex = ts.rangeList.pointIndex(delta.start, parentActive); startIndex = startIndex < 0 ? -startIndex - 1 : startIndex + 1; var endIndex = ts.rangeList.pointIndex(delta.end, parentActive); endIndex = endIndex < 0 ? -endIndex - 1 : endIndex - 1; var toRemove = ts.rangeList.ranges.slice(startIndex, endIndex); for (var j = 0; j < toRemove.length; j++) this.removeRange(toRemove[j]); } ts.rangeList.$onChange(delta); } var session = this.session; if (!this.$inChange && isRemove && session.getLength() == 1 && !session.getValue()) this.detach(); }; TabstopManager.prototype.updateLinkedFields = function () { var ts = this.selectedTabstop; if (!ts || !ts.hasLinkedRanges || !ts.firstNonLinked) return; this.$inChange = true; var session = this.session; var text = session.getTextRange(ts.firstNonLinked); for (var i = 0; i < ts.length; i++) { var range = ts[i]; if (!range.linked) continue; var original = range.original; var fmt = exports.snippetManager.tmStrFormat(text, original, this.editor); session.replace(range, fmt); } this.$inChange = false; }; TabstopManager.prototype.onAfterExec = function (e) { if (e.command && !e.command.readOnly) this.updateLinkedFields(); }; TabstopManager.prototype.onChangeSelection = function () { if (!this.editor) return; var lead = this.editor.selection.lead; var anchor = this.editor.selection.anchor; var isEmpty = this.editor.selection.isEmpty(); for (var i = 0; i < this.ranges.length; i++) { if (this.ranges[i].linked) continue; var containsLead = this.ranges[i].contains(lead.row, lead.column); var containsAnchor = isEmpty || this.ranges[i].contains(anchor.row, anchor.column); if (containsLead && containsAnchor) return; } this.detach(); }; TabstopManager.prototype.onChangeSession = function () { this.detach(); }; TabstopManager.prototype.tabNext = function (dir) { var max = this.tabstops.length; var index = this.index + (dir || 1); index = Math.min(Math.max(index, 1), max); if (index == max) index = 0; this.selectTabstop(index); this.updateTabstopMarkers(); if (index === 0) { this.detach(); } }; TabstopManager.prototype.selectTabstop = function (index) { this.$openTabstops = null; var ts = this.tabstops[this.index]; if (ts) this.addTabstopMarkers(ts); this.index = index; ts = this.tabstops[this.index]; if (!ts || !ts.length) return; this.selectedTabstop = ts; var range = ts.firstNonLinked || ts; if (ts.choices) range.cursor = range.start; if (!this.editor.inVirtualSelectionMode) { var sel = this.editor.multiSelect; sel.toSingleRange(range); for (var i = 0; i < ts.length; i++) { if (ts.hasLinkedRanges && ts[i].linked) continue; sel.addRange(ts[i].clone(), true); } } else { this.editor.selection.fromOrientedRange(range); } this.editor.keyBinding.addKeyboardHandler(this.keyboardHandler); if (this.selectedTabstop && this.selectedTabstop.choices) this.editor.execCommand("startAutocomplete", { matches: this.selectedTabstop.choices }); }; TabstopManager.prototype.addTabstops = function (tabstops, start, end) { var useLink = this.useLink || !this.editor.getOption("enableMultiselect"); if (!this.$openTabstops) this.$openTabstops = []; if (!tabstops[0]) { var p = Range.fromPoints(end, end); moveRelative(p.start, start); moveRelative(p.end, start); tabstops[0] = [p]; tabstops[0].index = 0; } var i = this.index; var arg = [i + 1, 0]; var ranges = this.ranges; var snippetId = this.snippetId = (this.snippetId || 0) + 1; tabstops.forEach(function (ts, index) { var dest = this.$openTabstops[index] || ts; dest.snippetId = snippetId; for (var i = 0; i < ts.length; i++) { var p = ts[i]; var range = Range.fromPoints(p.start, p.end || p.start); movePoint(range.start, start); movePoint(range.end, start); range.original = p; range.tabstop = dest; ranges.push(range); if (dest != ts) dest.unshift(range); else dest[i] = range; if (p.fmtString || (dest.firstNonLinked && useLink)) { range.linked = true; dest.hasLinkedRanges = true; } else if (!dest.firstNonLinked) dest.firstNonLinked = range; } if (!dest.firstNonLinked) dest.hasLinkedRanges = false; if (dest === ts) { arg.push(dest); this.$openTabstops[index] = dest; } this.addTabstopMarkers(dest); dest.rangeList = dest.rangeList || new RangeList(); dest.rangeList.$bias = 0; dest.rangeList.addList(dest); }, this); if (arg.length > 2) { if (this.tabstops.length) arg.push(arg.splice(2, 1)[0]); this.tabstops.splice.apply(this.tabstops, arg); } }; TabstopManager.prototype.addTabstopMarkers = function (ts) { var session = this.session; ts.forEach(function (range) { if (!range.markerId) range.markerId = session.addMarker(range, "ace_snippet-marker", "text"); }); }; TabstopManager.prototype.removeTabstopMarkers = function (ts) { var session = this.session; ts.forEach(function (range) { session.removeMarker(range.markerId); range.markerId = null; }); }; TabstopManager.prototype.updateTabstopMarkers = function () { if (!this.selectedTabstop) return; var currentSnippetId = this.selectedTabstop.snippetId; if (this.selectedTabstop.index === 0) { currentSnippetId--; } this.tabstops.forEach(function (ts) { if (ts.snippetId === currentSnippetId) this.addTabstopMarkers(ts); else this.removeTabstopMarkers(ts); }, this); }; TabstopManager.prototype.removeRange = function (range) { var i = range.tabstop.indexOf(range); if (i != -1) range.tabstop.splice(i, 1); i = this.ranges.indexOf(range); if (i != -1) this.ranges.splice(i, 1); i = range.tabstop.rangeList.ranges.indexOf(range); if (i != -1) range.tabstop.splice(i, 1); this.session.removeMarker(range.markerId); if (!range.tabstop.length) { i = this.tabstops.indexOf(range.tabstop); if (i != -1) this.tabstops.splice(i, 1); if (!this.tabstops.length) this.detach(); } }; return TabstopManager; }()); TabstopManager.prototype.keyboardHandler = new HashHandler(); TabstopManager.prototype.keyboardHandler.bindKeys({ "Tab": function (editor) { if (exports.snippetManager && exports.snippetManager.expandWithTab(editor)) return; editor.tabstopManager.tabNext(1); editor.renderer.scrollCursorIntoView(); }, "Shift-Tab": function (editor) { editor.tabstopManager.tabNext(-1); editor.renderer.scrollCursorIntoView(); }, "Esc": function (editor) { editor.tabstopManager.detach(); } }); var movePoint = function (point, diff) { if (point.row == 0) point.column += diff.column; point.row += diff.row; }; var moveRelative = function (point, start) { if (point.row == start.row) point.column -= start.column; point.row -= start.row; }; dom.importCssString("\n.ace_snippet-marker {\n -moz-box-sizing: border-box;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n background: rgba(194, 193, 208, 0.09);\n border: 1px dotted rgba(211, 208, 235, 0.62);\n position: absolute;\n}", "snippets.css", false); exports.snippetManager = new SnippetManager(); var Editor = require("./editor").Editor; (function () { this.insertSnippet = function (content, options) { return exports.snippetManager.insertSnippet(this, content, options); }; this.expandSnippet = function (options) { return exports.snippetManager.expandWithTab(this, options); }; }).call(Editor.prototype); }); define("ace/autocomplete/inline_screenreader",["require","exports","module"], function(require, exports, module){"use strict"; var AceInlineScreenReader = /** @class */ (function () { function AceInlineScreenReader(editor) { this.editor = editor; this.screenReaderDiv = document.createElement("div"); this.screenReaderDiv.classList.add("ace_screenreader-only"); this.editor.container.appendChild(this.screenReaderDiv); } AceInlineScreenReader.prototype.setScreenReaderContent = function (content) { if (!this.popup && this.editor.completer && /**@type{import("../autocomplete").Autocomplete}*/ (this.editor.completer).popup) { this.popup = /**@type{import("../autocomplete").Autocomplete}*/ (this.editor.completer).popup; this.popup.renderer.on("afterRender", function () { var row = this.popup.getRow(); var t = this.popup.renderer.$textLayer; var selected = t.element.childNodes[row - t.config.firstRow]; if (selected) { var idString = "doc-tooltip "; for (var lineIndex = 0; lineIndex < this._lines.length; lineIndex++) { idString += "ace-inline-screenreader-line-".concat(lineIndex, " "); } selected.setAttribute("aria-describedby", idString); } }.bind(this)); } while (this.screenReaderDiv.firstChild) { this.screenReaderDiv.removeChild(this.screenReaderDiv.firstChild); } this._lines = content.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/); var codeElement = this.createCodeBlock(); this.screenReaderDiv.appendChild(codeElement); }; AceInlineScreenReader.prototype.destroy = function () { this.screenReaderDiv.remove(); }; AceInlineScreenReader.prototype.createCodeBlock = function () { var container = document.createElement("pre"); container.setAttribute("id", "ace-inline-screenreader"); for (var lineIndex = 0; lineIndex < this._lines.length; lineIndex++) { var codeElement = document.createElement("code"); codeElement.setAttribute("id", "ace-inline-screenreader-line-".concat(lineIndex)); var line = document.createTextNode(this._lines[lineIndex]); codeElement.appendChild(line); container.appendChild(codeElement); } return container; }; return AceInlineScreenReader; }()); exports.AceInlineScreenReader = AceInlineScreenReader; }); define("ace/autocomplete/inline",["require","exports","module","ace/snippets","ace/autocomplete/inline_screenreader"], function(require, exports, module){"use strict"; var snippetManager = require("../snippets").snippetManager; var AceInlineScreenReader = require("./inline_screenreader").AceInlineScreenReader; var AceInline = /** @class */ (function () { function AceInline() { this.editor = null; } = function (editor, completion, prefix) { prefix = prefix || ""; if (editor && this.editor && this.editor !== editor) { this.hide(); this.editor = null; this.inlineScreenReader = null; } if (!editor || !completion) { return false; } if (!this.inlineScreenReader) { this.inlineScreenReader = new AceInlineScreenReader(editor); } var displayText = completion.snippet ? snippetManager.getDisplayTextForSnippet(editor, completion.snippet) : completion.value; if (completion.hideInlinePreview || !displayText || !displayText.startsWith(prefix)) { return false; } this.editor = editor; this.inlineScreenReader.setScreenReaderContent(displayText); displayText = displayText.slice(prefix.length); if (displayText === "") { editor.removeGhostText(); } else { editor.setGhostText(displayText); } return true; }; AceInline.prototype.isOpen = function () { if (!this.editor) { return false; } return !!this.editor.renderer.$ghostText; }; AceInline.prototype.hide = function () { if (!this.editor) { return false; } this.editor.removeGhostText(); return true; }; AceInline.prototype.destroy = function () { this.hide(); this.editor = null; if (this.inlineScreenReader) { this.inlineScreenReader.destroy(); this.inlineScreenReader = null; } }; return AceInline; }()); exports.AceInline = AceInline; }); define("ace/autocomplete/util",["require","exports","module"], function(require, exports, module){"use strict"; exports.parForEach = function (array, fn, callback) { var completed = 0; var arLength = array.length; if (arLength === 0) callback(); for (var i = 0; i < arLength; i++) { fn(array[i], function (result, err) { completed++; if (completed === arLength) callback(result, err); }); } }; var ID_REGEX = /[a-zA-Z_0-9\$\-\u00A2-\u2000\u2070-\uFFFF]/; exports.retrievePrecedingIdentifier = function (text, pos, regex) { regex = regex || ID_REGEX; var buf = []; for (var i = pos - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (regex.test(text[i])) buf.push(text[i]); else break; } return buf.reverse().join(""); }; exports.retrieveFollowingIdentifier = function (text, pos, regex) { regex = regex || ID_REGEX; var buf = []; for (var i = pos; i < text.length; i++) { if (regex.test(text[i])) buf.push(text[i]); else break; } return buf; }; exports.getCompletionPrefix = function (editor) { var pos = editor.getCursorPosition(); var line = editor.session.getLine(pos.row); var prefix; editor.completers.forEach(function (completer) { if (completer.identifierRegexps) { completer.identifierRegexps.forEach(function (identifierRegex) { if (!prefix && identifierRegex) prefix = this.retrievePrecedingIdentifier(line, pos.column, identifierRegex); }.bind(this)); } }.bind(this)); return prefix || this.retrievePrecedingIdentifier(line, pos.column); }; exports.triggerAutocomplete = function (editor, previousChar) { var previousChar = previousChar == null ? editor.session.getPrecedingCharacter() : previousChar; return editor.completers.some(function (completer) { if (completer.triggerCharacters && Array.isArray(completer.triggerCharacters)) { return completer.triggerCharacters.includes(previousChar); } }); }; }); define("ace/autocomplete",["require","exports","module","ace/keyboard/hash_handler","ace/autocomplete/popup","ace/autocomplete/inline","ace/autocomplete/popup","ace/autocomplete/util","ace/lib/lang","ace/lib/dom","ace/snippets","ace/config","ace/lib/event","ace/lib/scroll"], function(require, exports, module){"use strict"; var HashHandler = require("./keyboard/hash_handler").HashHandler; var AcePopup = require("./autocomplete/popup").AcePopup; var AceInline = require("./autocomplete/inline").AceInline; var getAriaId = require("./autocomplete/popup").getAriaId; var util = require("./autocomplete/util"); var lang = require("./lib/lang"); var dom = require("./lib/dom"); var snippetManager = require("./snippets").snippetManager; var config = require("./config"); var event = require("./lib/event"); var preventParentScroll = require("./lib/scroll").preventParentScroll; var destroyCompleter = function (e, editor) { editor.completer && editor.completer.destroy(); }; var Autocomplete = /** @class */ (function () { function Autocomplete() { this.autoInsert = false; this.autoSelect = true; this.autoShown = false; this.exactMatch = false; this.inlineEnabled = false; this.keyboardHandler = new HashHandler(); this.keyboardHandler.bindKeys(this.commands); this.parentNode = null; this.setSelectOnHover = false; this.hasSeen = new Set(); this.showLoadingState = false; this.stickySelectionDelay = 500; this.blurListener = this.blurListener.bind(this); this.changeListener = this.changeListener.bind(this); this.mousedownListener = this.mousedownListener.bind(this); this.mousewheelListener = this.mousewheelListener.bind(this); this.onLayoutChange = this.onLayoutChange.bind(this); this.changeTimer = lang.delayedCall(function () { this.updateCompletions(true); }.bind(this)); this.tooltipTimer = lang.delayedCall(this.updateDocTooltip.bind(this), 50); this.popupTimer = lang.delayedCall(this.$updatePopupPosition.bind(this), 50); this.stickySelectionTimer = lang.delayedCall(function () { this.stickySelection = true; }.bind(this), this.stickySelectionDelay); this.$firstOpenTimer = lang.delayedCall(/**@this{Autocomplete}*/ function () { var initialPosition = this.completionProvider && this.completionProvider.initialPosition; if (this.autoShown || (this.popup && this.popup.isOpen) || !initialPosition || this.editor.completers.length === 0) return; this.completions = new FilteredList(Autocomplete.completionsForLoading); this.openPopup(this.editor, initialPosition.prefix, false); this.popup.renderer.setStyle("ace_loading", true); }.bind(this), this.stickySelectionDelay); } Object.defineProperty(Autocomplete, "completionsForLoading", { get: function () { return [{ caption: config.nls("autocomplete.loading", "Loading..."), value: "" }]; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Autocomplete.prototype.$init = function () { this.popup = new AcePopup(this.parentNode || document.body || document.documentElement); this.popup.on("click", function (e) { this.insertMatch(); e.stop(); }.bind(this)); this.popup.focus = this.editor.focus.bind(this.editor); this.popup.on("show", this.$onPopupShow.bind(this)); this.popup.on("hide", this.$onHidePopup.bind(this)); this.popup.on("select", this.$onPopupChange.bind(this)); event.addListener(this.popup.container, "mouseout", this.mouseOutListener.bind(this)); this.popup.on("changeHoverMarker", this.tooltipTimer.bind(null, null)); this.popup.renderer.on("afterRender", this.$onPopupRender.bind(this)); return this.popup; }; Autocomplete.prototype.$initInline = function () { if (!this.inlineEnabled || this.inlineRenderer) return; this.inlineRenderer = new AceInline(); return this.inlineRenderer; }; Autocomplete.prototype.getPopup = function () { return this.popup || this.$init(); }; Autocomplete.prototype.$onHidePopup = function () { if (this.inlineRenderer) { this.inlineRenderer.hide(); } this.hideDocTooltip(); this.stickySelectionTimer.cancel(); this.popupTimer.cancel(); this.stickySelection = false; }; Autocomplete.prototype.$seen = function (completion) { if (!this.hasSeen.has(completion) && completion && completion.completer && completion.completer.onSeen && typeof completion.completer.onSeen === "function") { completion.completer.onSeen(this.editor, completion); this.hasSeen.add(completion); } }; Autocomplete.prototype.$onPopupChange = function (hide) { if (this.inlineRenderer && this.inlineEnabled) { var completion = hide ? null : this.popup.getData(this.popup.getRow()); this.$updateGhostText(completion); if (this.popup.isMouseOver && this.setSelectOnHover) {, null); return; } this.popupTimer.schedule(); this.tooltipTimer.schedule(); } else {, null);, null); } }; Autocomplete.prototype.$updateGhostText = function (completion) { var row = this.base.row; var column = this.base.column; var cursorColumn = this.editor.getCursorPosition().column; var prefix = this.editor.session.getLine(row).slice(column, cursorColumn); if (!, completion, prefix)) { this.inlineRenderer.hide(); } else { this.$seen(completion); } }; Autocomplete.prototype.$onPopupRender = function () { var inlineEnabled = this.inlineRenderer && this.inlineEnabled; if (this.completions && this.completions.filtered && this.completions.filtered.length > 0) { for (var i = this.popup.getFirstVisibleRow(); i <= this.popup.getLastVisibleRow(); i++) { var completion = this.popup.getData(i); if (completion && (!inlineEnabled || completion.hideInlinePreview)) { this.$seen(completion); } } } }; Autocomplete.prototype.$onPopupShow = function (hide) { this.$onPopupChange(hide); this.stickySelection = false; if (this.stickySelectionDelay >= 0) this.stickySelectionTimer.schedule(this.stickySelectionDelay); }; Autocomplete.prototype.observeLayoutChanges = function () { if (this.$elements || !this.editor) return; window.addEventListener("resize", this.onLayoutChange, { passive: true }); window.addEventListener("wheel", this.mousewheelListener); var el = this.editor.container.parentNode; var elements = []; while (el) { elements.push(el); el.addEventListener("scroll", this.onLayoutChange, { passive: true }); el = el.parentNode; } this.$elements = elements; }; Autocomplete.prototype.unObserveLayoutChanges = function () { var _this = this; window.removeEventListener("resize", this.onLayoutChange, { passive: true }); window.removeEventListener("wheel", this.mousewheelListener); this.$elements && this.$elements.forEach(function (el) { el.removeEventListener("scroll", _this.onLayoutChange, { passive: true }); }); this.$elements = null; }; Autocomplete.prototype.onLayoutChange = function () { if (!this.popup.isOpen) return this.unObserveLayoutChanges(); this.$updatePopupPosition(); this.updateDocTooltip(); }; Autocomplete.prototype.$updatePopupPosition = function () { var editor = this.editor; var renderer = editor.renderer; var lineHeight = renderer.layerConfig.lineHeight; var pos = renderer.$cursorLayer.getPixelPosition(this.base, true); pos.left -= this.popup.getTextLeftOffset(); var rect = editor.container.getBoundingClientRect(); += - renderer.layerConfig.offset; pos.left += rect.left - editor.renderer.scrollLeft; pos.left += renderer.gutterWidth; var posGhostText = { top:, left: pos.left }; if (renderer.$ghostText && renderer.$ghostTextWidget) { if (this.base.row === renderer.$ghostText.position.row) { += renderer.$ghostTextWidget.el.offsetHeight; } } var editorContainerBottom = editor.container.getBoundingClientRect().bottom - lineHeight; var lowestPosition = editorContainerBottom < ? { top: editorContainerBottom, left: posGhostText.left } : posGhostText; if (this.popup.tryShow(lowestPosition, lineHeight, "bottom")) { return; } if (this.popup.tryShow(pos, lineHeight, "top")) { return; }, lineHeight); }; Autocomplete.prototype.openPopup = function (editor, prefix, keepPopupPosition) { this.$firstOpenTimer.cancel(); if (!this.popup) this.$init(); if (this.inlineEnabled && !this.inlineRenderer) this.$initInline(); this.popup.autoSelect = this.autoSelect; this.popup.setSelectOnHover(this.setSelectOnHover); var oldRow = this.popup.getRow(); var previousSelectedItem =[oldRow]; this.popup.setData(this.completions.filtered, this.completions.filterText); if (this.editor.textInput.setAriaOptions) { this.editor.textInput.setAriaOptions({ activeDescendant: getAriaId(this.popup.getRow()), inline: this.inlineEnabled }); } editor.keyBinding.addKeyboardHandler(this.keyboardHandler); var newRow; if (this.stickySelection) newRow =; if (!newRow || newRow === -1) newRow = 0; this.popup.setRow(this.autoSelect ? newRow : -1); if (newRow === oldRow && previousSelectedItem !== this.completions.filtered[newRow]) this.$onPopupChange(); var inlineEnabled = this.inlineRenderer && this.inlineEnabled; if (newRow === oldRow && inlineEnabled) { var completion = this.popup.getData(this.popup.getRow()); this.$updateGhostText(completion); } if (!keepPopupPosition) { this.popup.setTheme(editor.getTheme()); this.popup.setFontSize(editor.getFontSize()); this.$updatePopupPosition(); if (this.tooltipNode) { this.updateDocTooltip(); } } this.changeTimer.cancel(); this.observeLayoutChanges(); }; Autocomplete.prototype.detach = function () { if (this.editor) { this.editor.keyBinding.removeKeyboardHandler(this.keyboardHandler);"changeSelection", this.changeListener);"blur", this.blurListener);"mousedown", this.mousedownListener);"mousewheel", this.mousewheelListener); } this.$firstOpenTimer.cancel(); this.changeTimer.cancel(); this.hideDocTooltip(); if (this.completionProvider) { this.completionProvider.detach(); } if (this.popup && this.popup.isOpen) this.popup.hide(); if (this.popup && this.popup.renderer) {"afterRender", this.$onPopupRender); } if (this.base) this.base.detach(); this.activated = false; this.completionProvider = this.completions = this.base = null; this.unObserveLayoutChanges(); }; Autocomplete.prototype.changeListener = function (e) { var cursor = this.editor.selection.lead; if (cursor.row != this.base.row || cursor.column < this.base.column) { this.detach(); } if (this.activated) this.changeTimer.schedule(); else this.detach(); }; Autocomplete.prototype.blurListener = function (e) { var el = document.activeElement; var text = this.editor.textInput.getElement(); var fromTooltip = e.relatedTarget && this.tooltipNode && this.tooltipNode.contains(e.relatedTarget); var container = this.popup && this.popup.container; if (el != text && el.parentNode != container && !fromTooltip && el != this.tooltipNode && e.relatedTarget != text) { this.detach(); } }; Autocomplete.prototype.mousedownListener = function (e) { this.detach(); }; Autocomplete.prototype.mousewheelListener = function (e) { if (this.popup && !this.popup.isMouseOver) this.detach(); }; Autocomplete.prototype.mouseOutListener = function (e) { if (this.popup.isOpen) this.$updatePopupPosition(); }; Autocomplete.prototype.goTo = function (where) { this.popup.goTo(where); }; Autocomplete.prototype.insertMatch = function (data, options) { if (!data) data = this.popup.getData(this.popup.getRow()); if (!data) return false; if (data.value === "") // Explicitly given nothing to insert, e.g. "No suggestion state" return this.detach(); var completions = this.completions; var result = this.getCompletionProvider().insertMatch(this.editor, data, completions.filterText, options); if (this.completions == completions) this.detach(); return result; }; Autocomplete.prototype.showPopup = function (editor, options) { if (this.editor) this.detach(); this.activated = true; this.editor = editor; if (editor.completer != this) { if (editor.completer) editor.completer.detach(); editor.completer = this; } editor.on("changeSelection", this.changeListener); editor.on("blur", this.blurListener); editor.on("mousedown", this.mousedownListener); editor.on("mousewheel", this.mousewheelListener); this.updateCompletions(false, options); }; Autocomplete.prototype.getCompletionProvider = function (initialPosition) { if (!this.completionProvider) this.completionProvider = new CompletionProvider(initialPosition); return this.completionProvider; }; Autocomplete.prototype.gatherCompletions = function (editor, callback) { return this.getCompletionProvider().gatherCompletions(editor, callback); }; Autocomplete.prototype.updateCompletions = function (keepPopupPosition, options) { if (keepPopupPosition && this.base && this.completions) { var pos = this.editor.getCursorPosition(); var prefix = this.editor.session.getTextRange({ start: this.base, end: pos }); if (prefix == this.completions.filterText) return; this.completions.setFilter(prefix); if (!this.completions.filtered.length) return this.detach(); if (this.completions.filtered.length == 1 && this.completions.filtered[0].value == prefix && !this.completions.filtered[0].snippet) return this.detach(); this.openPopup(this.editor, prefix, keepPopupPosition); return; } if (options && options.matches) { var pos = this.editor.getSelectionRange().start; this.base = this.editor.session.doc.createAnchor(pos.row, pos.column); this.base.$insertRight = true; this.completions = new FilteredList(options.matches); this.getCompletionProvider().completions = this.completions; return this.openPopup(this.editor, "", keepPopupPosition); } var session = this.editor.getSession(); var pos = this.editor.getCursorPosition(); var prefix = util.getCompletionPrefix(this.editor); this.base = session.doc.createAnchor(pos.row, pos.column - prefix.length); this.base.$insertRight = true; var completionOptions = { exactMatch: this.exactMatch, ignoreCaption: this.ignoreCaption }; this.getCompletionProvider({ prefix: prefix, pos: pos }).provideCompletions(this.editor, completionOptions, function (err, completions, finished) { var filtered = completions.filtered; var prefix = util.getCompletionPrefix(this.editor); this.$firstOpenTimer.cancel(); if (finished) { if (!filtered.length) { var emptyMessage = !this.autoShown && this.emptyMessage; if (typeof emptyMessage == "function") emptyMessage = this.emptyMessage(prefix); if (emptyMessage) { var completionsForEmpty = [{ caption: emptyMessage, value: "" } ]; this.completions = new FilteredList(completionsForEmpty); this.openPopup(this.editor, prefix, keepPopupPosition); this.popup.renderer.setStyle("ace_loading", false); this.popup.renderer.setStyle("ace_empty-message", true); return; } return this.detach(); } if (filtered.length == 1 && filtered[0].value == prefix && !filtered[0].snippet) return this.detach(); if (this.autoInsert && !this.autoShown && filtered.length == 1) return this.insertMatch(filtered[0]); } this.completions = !finished && this.showLoadingState ? new FilteredList(Autocomplete.completionsForLoading.concat(filtered), completions.filterText) : completions; this.openPopup(this.editor, prefix, keepPopupPosition); this.popup.renderer.setStyle("ace_empty-message", false); this.popup.renderer.setStyle("ace_loading", !finished); }.bind(this)); if (this.showLoadingState && !this.autoShown && !(this.popup && this.popup.isOpen)) { this.$firstOpenTimer.delay(this.stickySelectionDelay / 2); } }; Autocomplete.prototype.cancelContextMenu = function () { this.editor.$mouseHandler.cancelContextMenu(); }; Autocomplete.prototype.updateDocTooltip = function () { var popup = this.popup; var all = this.completions.filtered; var selected = all && (all[popup.getHoveredRow()] || all[popup.getRow()]); var doc = null; if (!selected || !this.editor || !this.popup.isOpen) return this.hideDocTooltip(); var completersLength = this.editor.completers.length; for (var i = 0; i < completersLength; i++) { var completer = this.editor.completers[i]; if (completer.getDocTooltip && selected.completerId === { doc = completer.getDocTooltip(selected); break; } } if (!doc && typeof selected != "string") doc = selected; if (typeof doc == "string") doc = { docText: doc }; if (!doc || !(doc.docHTML || doc.docText)) return this.hideDocTooltip(); this.showDocTooltip(doc); }; Autocomplete.prototype.showDocTooltip = function (item) { if (!this.tooltipNode) { this.tooltipNode = dom.createElement("div"); = "0"; = "auto"; = "contain"; this.tooltipNode.tabIndex = -1; this.tooltipNode.onblur = this.blurListener.bind(this); this.tooltipNode.onclick = this.onTooltipClick.bind(this); = "doc-tooltip"; this.tooltipNode.setAttribute("role", "tooltip"); this.tooltipNode.addEventListener("wheel", preventParentScroll); } var theme = this.editor.renderer.theme; this.tooltipNode.className = "ace_tooltip ace_doc-tooltip " + (theme.isDark ? "ace_dark " : "") + (theme.cssClass || ""); var tooltipNode = this.tooltipNode; if (item.docHTML) { tooltipNode.innerHTML = item.docHTML; } else if (item.docText) { tooltipNode.textContent = item.docText; } if (!tooltipNode.parentNode) this.popup.container.appendChild(this.tooltipNode); var popup = this.popup; var rect = popup.container.getBoundingClientRect(); =; =; = "block"; if (window.innerWidth - rect.right < 320) { if (rect.left < 320) { if (popup.isTopdown) { = rect.bottom + "px"; = rect.left + "px"; = ""; = ""; } else { = popup.container.offsetTop - tooltipNode.offsetHeight + "px"; = rect.left + "px"; = ""; = ""; } } else { = window.innerWidth - rect.left + "px"; = ""; } } else { = (rect.right + 1) + "px"; = ""; } }; Autocomplete.prototype.hideDocTooltip = function () { this.tooltipTimer.cancel(); if (!this.tooltipNode) return; var el = this.tooltipNode; if (!this.editor.isFocused() && document.activeElement == el) this.editor.focus(); this.tooltipNode = null; if (el.parentNode) el.parentNode.removeChild(el); }; Autocomplete.prototype.onTooltipClick = function (e) { var a =; while (a && a != this.tooltipNode) { if (a.nodeName == "A" && a.href) { a.rel = "noreferrer"; = "_blank"; break; } a = a.parentNode; } }; Autocomplete.prototype.destroy = function () { this.detach(); if (this.popup) { this.popup.destroy(); var el = this.popup.container; if (el && el.parentNode) el.parentNode.removeChild(el); } if (this.editor && this.editor.completer == this) {"destroy", destroyCompleter); this.editor.completer = null; } this.inlineRenderer = this.popup = this.editor = null; }; return Autocomplete; }()); Autocomplete.prototype.commands = { "Up": function (editor) { editor.completer.goTo("up"); }, "Down": function (editor) { editor.completer.goTo("down"); }, "Ctrl-Up|Ctrl-Home": function (editor) { editor.completer.goTo("start"); }, "Ctrl-Down|Ctrl-End": function (editor) { editor.completer.goTo("end"); }, "Esc": function (editor) { editor.completer.detach(); }, "Return": function (editor) { return editor.completer.insertMatch(); }, "Shift-Return": function (editor) { editor.completer.insertMatch(null, { deleteSuffix: true }); }, "Tab": function (editor) { var result = editor.completer.insertMatch(); if (!result && !editor.tabstopManager) editor.completer.goTo("down"); else return result; }, "Backspace": function (editor) { editor.execCommand("backspace"); var prefix = util.getCompletionPrefix(editor); if (!prefix && editor.completer) editor.completer.detach(); }, "PageUp": function (editor) { editor.completer.popup.gotoPageUp(); }, "PageDown": function (editor) { editor.completer.popup.gotoPageDown(); } }; Autocomplete.for = function (editor) { if (editor.completer instanceof Autocomplete) { return editor.completer; } if (editor.completer) { editor.completer.destroy(); editor.completer = null; } if (config.get("sharedPopups")) { if (!Autocomplete["$sharedInstance"]) Autocomplete["$sharedInstance"] = new Autocomplete(); editor.completer = Autocomplete["$sharedInstance"]; } else { editor.completer = new Autocomplete(); editor.once("destroy", destroyCompleter); } return editor.completer; }; Autocomplete.startCommand = { name: "startAutocomplete", exec: function (editor, options) { var completer = Autocomplete.for(editor); completer.autoInsert = false; completer.autoSelect = true; completer.autoShown = false; completer.showPopup(editor, options); completer.cancelContextMenu(); }, bindKey: "Ctrl-Space|Ctrl-Shift-Space|Alt-Space" }; var CompletionProvider = /** @class */ (function () { function CompletionProvider(initialPosition) { this.initialPosition = initialPosition; = true; } CompletionProvider.prototype.insertByIndex = function (editor, index, options) { if (!this.completions || !this.completions.filtered) { return false; } return this.insertMatch(editor, this.completions.filtered[index], options); }; CompletionProvider.prototype.insertMatch = function (editor, data, options) { if (!data) return false; editor.startOperation({ command: { name: "insertMatch" } }); if (data.completer && data.completer.insertMatch) { data.completer.insertMatch(editor, data); } else { if (!this.completions) return false; var replaceBefore = this.completions.filterText.length; var replaceAfter = 0; if (data.range && data.range.start.row === data.range.end.row) { replaceBefore -= this.initialPosition.prefix.length; replaceBefore += this.initialPosition.pos.column - data.range.start.column; replaceAfter += data.range.end.column - this.initialPosition.pos.column; } if (replaceBefore || replaceAfter) { var ranges; if (editor.selection.getAllRanges) { ranges = editor.selection.getAllRanges(); } else { ranges = [editor.getSelectionRange()]; } for (var i = 0, range; range = ranges[i]; i++) { range.start.column -= replaceBefore; range.end.column += replaceAfter; editor.session.remove(range); } } if (data.snippet) { snippetManager.insertSnippet(editor, data.snippet); } else { this.$insertString(editor, data); } if (data.completer && data.completer.onInsert && typeof data.completer.onInsert == "function") { data.completer.onInsert(editor, data); } if (data.command && data.command === "startAutocomplete") { editor.execCommand(data.command); } } editor.endOperation(); return true; }; CompletionProvider.prototype.$insertString = function (editor, data) { var text = data.value || data; editor.execCommand("insertstring", text); }; CompletionProvider.prototype.gatherCompletions = function (editor, callback) { var session = editor.getSession(); var pos = editor.getCursorPosition(); var prefix = util.getCompletionPrefix(editor); var matches = []; this.completers = editor.completers; var total = editor.completers.length; editor.completers.forEach(function (completer, i) { completer.getCompletions(editor, session, pos, prefix, function (err, results) { if (completer.hideInlinePreview) results = (result) { return Object.assign(result, { hideInlinePreview: completer.hideInlinePreview }); }); if (!err && results) matches = matches.concat(results); callback(null, { prefix: util.getCompletionPrefix(editor), matches: matches, finished: (--total === 0) }); }); }); return true; }; CompletionProvider.prototype.provideCompletions = function (editor, options, callback) { var processResults = function (results) { var prefix = results.prefix; var matches = results.matches; this.completions = new FilteredList(matches); if (options.exactMatch) this.completions.exactMatch = true; if (options.ignoreCaption) this.completions.ignoreCaption = true; this.completions.setFilter(prefix); if (results.finished || this.completions.filtered.length) callback(null, this.completions, results.finished); }.bind(this); var isImmediate = true; var immediateResults = null; this.gatherCompletions(editor, function (err, results) { if (! { return; } if (err) { callback(err, [], true); this.detach(); } var prefix = results.prefix; if (prefix.indexOf(results.prefix) !== 0) return; if (isImmediate) { immediateResults = results; return; } processResults(results); }.bind(this)); isImmediate = false; if (immediateResults) { var results = immediateResults; immediateResults = null; processResults(results); } }; CompletionProvider.prototype.detach = function () { = false; this.completers && this.completers.forEach(function (completer) { if (typeof completer.cancel === "function") { completer.cancel(); } }); }; return CompletionProvider; }()); var FilteredList = /** @class */ (function () { function FilteredList(array, filterText) { this.all = array; this.filtered = array; this.filterText = filterText || ""; this.exactMatch = false; this.ignoreCaption = false; } FilteredList.prototype.setFilter = function (str) { if (str.length > this.filterText && str.lastIndexOf(this.filterText, 0) === 0) var matches = this.filtered; else var matches = this.all; this.filterText = str; matches = this.filterCompletions(matches, this.filterText); matches = matches.sort(function (a, b) { return b.exactMatch - a.exactMatch || b.$score - a.$score || (a.caption || a.value).localeCompare(b.caption || b.value); }); var prev = null; matches = matches.filter(function (item) { var caption = item.snippet || item.caption || item.value; if (caption === prev) return false; prev = caption; return true; }); this.filtered = matches; }; FilteredList.prototype.filterCompletions = function (items, needle) { var results = []; var upper = needle.toUpperCase(); var lower = needle.toLowerCase(); loop: for (var i = 0, item; item = items[i]; i++) { var caption = (!this.ignoreCaption && item.caption) || item.value || item.snippet; if (!caption) continue; var lastIndex = -1; var matchMask = 0; var penalty = 0; var index, distance; if (this.exactMatch) { if (needle !== caption.substr(0, needle.length)) continue loop; } else { var fullMatchIndex = caption.toLowerCase().indexOf(lower); if (fullMatchIndex > -1) { penalty = fullMatchIndex; } else { for (var j = 0; j < needle.length; j++) { var i1 = caption.indexOf(lower[j], lastIndex + 1); var i2 = caption.indexOf(upper[j], lastIndex + 1); index = (i1 >= 0) ? ((i2 < 0 || i1 < i2) ? i1 : i2) : i2; if (index < 0) continue loop; distance = index - lastIndex - 1; if (distance > 0) { if (lastIndex === -1) penalty += 10; penalty += distance; matchMask = matchMask | (1 << j); } lastIndex = index; } } } item.matchMask = matchMask; item.exactMatch = penalty ? 0 : 1; item.$score = (item.score || 0) - penalty; results.push(item); } return results; }; return FilteredList; }()); exports.Autocomplete = Autocomplete; exports.CompletionProvider = CompletionProvider; exports.FilteredList = FilteredList; }); define("ace/ext/menu_tools/settings_menu.css",["require","exports","module"], function(require, exports, module){module.exports = "#ace_settingsmenu, #kbshortcutmenu {\n background-color: #F7F7F7;\n color: black;\n box-shadow: -5px 4px 5px rgba(126, 126, 126, 0.55);\n padding: 1em 0.5em 2em 1em;\n overflow: auto;\n position: absolute;\n margin: 0;\n bottom: 0;\n right: 0;\n top: 0;\n z-index: 9991;\n cursor: default;\n}\n\n.ace_dark #ace_settingsmenu, .ace_dark #kbshortcutmenu {\n box-shadow: -20px 10px 25px rgba(126, 126, 126, 0.25);\n background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6);\n color: black;\n}\n\n.ace_optionsMenuEntry:hover {\n background-color: rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.1);\n transition: all 0.3s\n}\n\n.ace_closeButton {\n background: rgba(245, 146, 146, 0.5);\n border: 1px solid #F48A8A;\n border-radius: 50%;\n padding: 7px;\n position: absolute;\n right: -8px;\n top: -8px;\n z-index: 100000;\n}\n.ace_closeButton{\n background: rgba(245, 146, 146, 0.9);\n}\n.ace_optionsMenuKey {\n color: darkslateblue;\n font-weight: bold;\n}\n.ace_optionsMenuCommand {\n color: darkcyan;\n font-weight: normal;\n}\n.ace_optionsMenuEntry input, .ace_optionsMenuEntry button {\n vertical-align: middle;\n}\n\n.ace_optionsMenuEntry button[ace_selected_button=true] {\n background: #e7e7e7;\n box-shadow: 1px 0px 2px 0px #adadad inset;\n border-color: #adadad;\n}\n.ace_optionsMenuEntry button {\n background: white;\n border: 1px solid lightgray;\n margin: 0px;\n}\n.ace_optionsMenuEntry button:hover{\n background: #f0f0f0;\n}"; }); define("ace/ext/menu_tools/overlay_page",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/dom","ace/ext/menu_tools/settings_menu.css"], function(require, exports, module){/*jslint indent: 4, maxerr: 50, white: true, browser: true, vars: true*/ 'use strict'; var dom = require("../../lib/dom"); var cssText = require("./settings_menu.css"); dom.importCssString(cssText, "settings_menu.css", false); module.exports.overlayPage = function overlayPage(editor, contentElement, callback) { var closer = document.createElement('div'); var ignoreFocusOut = false; function documentEscListener(e) { if (e.keyCode === 27) { close(); } } function close() { if (!closer) return; document.removeEventListener('keydown', documentEscListener); closer.parentNode.removeChild(closer); if (editor) { editor.focus(); } closer = null; callback && callback(); } function setIgnoreFocusOut(ignore) { ignoreFocusOut = ignore; if (ignore) { = "none"; = "auto"; } } = 'margin: 0; padding: 0; ' + 'position: fixed; top:0; bottom:0; left:0; right:0;' + 'z-index: 9990; ' + (editor ? 'background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);' : ''); closer.addEventListener('click', function (e) { if (!ignoreFocusOut) { close(); } }); document.addEventListener('keydown', documentEscListener); contentElement.addEventListener('click', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); closer.appendChild(contentElement); document.body.appendChild(closer); if (editor) { editor.blur(); } return { close: close, setIgnoreFocusOut: setIgnoreFocusOut }; }; }); define("ace/ext/modelist",["require","exports","module"], function(require, exports, module){"use strict"; var modes = []; function getModeForPath(path) { var mode = modesByName.text; var fileName = path.split(/[\/\\]/).pop(); for (var i = 0; i < modes.length; i++) { if (modes[i].supportsFile(fileName)) { mode = modes[i]; break; } } return mode; } var Mode = /** @class */ (function () { function Mode(name, caption, extensions) { = name; this.caption = caption; this.mode = "ace/mode/" + name; this.extensions = extensions; var re; if (/\^/.test(extensions)) { re = extensions.replace(/\|(\^)?/g, function (a, b) { return "$|" + (b ? "^" : "^.*\\."); }) + "$"; } else { re = "^.*\\.(" + extensions + ")$"; } this.extRe = new RegExp(re, "gi"); } Mode.prototype.supportsFile = function (filename) { return filename.match(this.extRe); }; return Mode; }()); var supportedModes = { ABAP: ["abap"], ABC: ["abc"], ActionScript: ["as"], ADA: ["ada|adb"], Alda: ["alda"], Apache_Conf: ["^htaccess|^htgroups|^htpasswd|^conf|htaccess|htgroups|htpasswd"], Apex: ["apex|cls|trigger|tgr"], AQL: ["aql"], AsciiDoc: ["asciidoc|adoc"], ASL: ["dsl|asl|asl.json"], Assembly_ARM32: ["s"], Assembly_x86: ["asm|a"], Astro: ["astro"], AutoHotKey: ["ahk"], BatchFile: ["bat|cmd"], BibTeX: ["bib"], C_Cpp: ["cpp|c|cc|cxx|h|hh|hpp|ino"], C9Search: ["c9search_results"], Cirru: ["cirru|cr"], Clojure: ["clj|cljs"], Cobol: ["CBL|COB"], coffee: ["coffee|cf|cson|^Cakefile"], ColdFusion: ["cfm|cfc"], Crystal: ["cr"], CSharp: ["cs"], Csound_Document: ["csd"], Csound_Orchestra: ["orc"], Csound_Score: ["sco"], CSS: ["css"], Curly: ["curly"], Cuttlefish: ["conf"], D: ["d|di"], Dart: ["dart"], Diff: ["diff|patch"], Django: ["djt|html.djt|dj.html|djhtml"], Dockerfile: ["^Dockerfile"], Dot: ["dot"], Drools: ["drl"], Edifact: ["edi"], Eiffel: ["e|ge"], EJS: ["ejs"], Elixir: ["ex|exs"], Elm: ["elm"], Erlang: ["erl|hrl"], Flix: ["flix"], Forth: ["frt|fs|ldr|fth|4th"], Fortran: ["f|f90"], FSharp: ["fsi|fs|ml|mli|fsx|fsscript"], FSL: ["fsl"], FTL: ["ftl"], Gcode: ["gcode"], Gherkin: ["feature"], Gitignore: ["^.gitignore"], Glsl: ["glsl|frag|vert"], Gobstones: ["gbs"], golang: ["go"], GraphQLSchema: ["gql"], Groovy: ["groovy"], HAML: ["haml"], Handlebars: ["hbs|handlebars|tpl|mustache"], Haskell: ["hs"], Haskell_Cabal: ["cabal"], haXe: ["hx"], Hjson: ["hjson"], HTML: ["html|htm|xhtml|we|wpy"], HTML_Elixir: ["eex|html.eex"], HTML_Ruby: ["erb|rhtml|html.erb"], INI: ["ini|conf|cfg|prefs"], Io: ["io"], Ion: ["ion"], Jack: ["jack"], Jade: ["jade|pug"], Java: ["java"], JavaScript: ["js|jsm|cjs|mjs"], JEXL: ["jexl"], JSON: ["json"], JSON5: ["json5"], JSONiq: ["jq"], JSP: ["jsp"], JSSM: ["jssm|jssm_state"], JSX: ["jsx"], Julia: ["jl"], Kotlin: ["kt|kts"], LaTeX: ["tex|latex|ltx|bib"], Latte: ["latte"], LESS: ["less"], Liquid: ["liquid"], Lisp: ["lisp"], LiveScript: ["ls"], Log: ["log"], LogiQL: ["logic|lql"], Logtalk: ["lgt"], LSL: ["lsl"], Lua: ["lua"], LuaPage: ["lp"], Lucene: ["lucene"], Makefile: ["^Makefile|^GNUmakefile|^makefile|^OCamlMakefile|make"], Markdown: ["md|markdown"], Mask: ["mask"], MATLAB: ["matlab"], Maze: ["mz"], MediaWiki: ["wiki|mediawiki"], MEL: ["mel"], MIPS: ["s|asm"], MIXAL: ["mixal"], MUSHCode: ["mc|mush"], MySQL: ["mysql"], Nasal: ["nas"], Nginx: ["nginx|conf"], Nim: ["nim"], Nix: ["nix"], NSIS: ["nsi|nsh"], Nunjucks: ["nunjucks|nunjs|nj|njk"], ObjectiveC: ["m|mm"], OCaml: ["ml|mli"], Odin: ["odin"], PartiQL: ["partiql|pql"], Pascal: ["pas|p"], Perl: ["pl|pm"], pgSQL: ["pgsql"], PHP: ["php|inc|phtml|shtml|php3|php4|php5|phps|phpt|aw|ctp|module"], PHP_Laravel_blade: ["blade.php"], Pig: ["pig"], PLSQL: ["plsql"], Powershell: ["ps1"], Praat: ["praat|praatscript|psc|proc"], Prisma: ["prisma"], Prolog: ["plg|prolog"], Properties: ["properties"], Protobuf: ["proto"], PRQL: ["prql"], Puppet: ["epp|pp"], Python: ["py"], QML: ["qml"], R: ["r"], Raku: ["raku|rakumod|rakutest|p6|pl6|pm6"], Razor: ["cshtml|asp"], RDoc: ["Rd"], Red: ["red|reds"], RHTML: ["Rhtml"], Robot: ["robot|resource"], RST: ["rst"], Ruby: ["rb|ru|gemspec|rake|^Guardfile|^Rakefile|^Gemfile"], Rust: ["rs"], SaC: ["sac"], SASS: ["sass"], SCAD: ["scad"], Scala: ["scala|sbt"], Scheme: ["scm|sm|rkt|oak|scheme"], Scrypt: ["scrypt"], SCSS: ["scss"], SH: ["sh|bash|^.bashrc"], SJS: ["sjs"], Slim: ["slim|skim"], Smarty: ["smarty|tpl"], Smithy: ["smithy"], snippets: ["snippets"], Soy_Template: ["soy"], Space: ["space"], SPARQL: ["rq"], SQL: ["sql"], SQLServer: ["sqlserver"], Stylus: ["styl|stylus"], SVG: ["svg"], Swift: ["swift"], Tcl: ["tcl"], Terraform: ["tf", "tfvars", "terragrunt"], Tex: ["tex"], Text: ["txt"], Textile: ["textile"], Toml: ["toml"], TSX: ["tsx"], Turtle: ["ttl"], Twig: ["twig|swig"], Typescript: ["ts|mts|cts|typescript|str"], Vala: ["vala"], VBScript: ["vbs|vb"], Velocity: ["vm"], Verilog: ["v|vh|sv|svh"], VHDL: ["vhd|vhdl"], Visualforce: ["vfp|component|page"], Vue: ["vue"], Wollok: ["wlk|wpgm|wtest"], XML: ["xml|rdf|rss|wsdl|xslt|atom|mathml|mml|xul|xbl|xaml"], XQuery: ["xq"], YAML: ["yaml|yml"], Zeek: ["zeek|bro"], Zig: ["zig"] }; var nameOverrides = { ObjectiveC: "Objective-C", CSharp: "C#", golang: "Go", C_Cpp: "C and C++", Csound_Document: "Csound Document", Csound_Orchestra: "Csound", Csound_Score: "Csound Score", coffee: "CoffeeScript", HTML_Ruby: "HTML (Ruby)", HTML_Elixir: "HTML (Elixir)", FTL: "FreeMarker", PHP_Laravel_blade: "PHP (Blade Template)", Perl6: "Perl 6", AutoHotKey: "AutoHotkey / AutoIt" }; var modesByName = {}; for (var name in supportedModes) { var data = supportedModes[name]; var displayName = (nameOverrides[name] || name).replace(/_/g, " "); var filename = name.toLowerCase(); var mode = new Mode(filename, displayName, data[0]); modesByName[filename] = mode; modes.push(mode); } module.exports = { getModeForPath: getModeForPath, modes: modes, modesByName: modesByName }; }); define("ace/ext/prompt",["require","exports","module","ace/config","ace/range","ace/lib/dom","ace/autocomplete","ace/autocomplete/popup","ace/autocomplete/popup","ace/undomanager","ace/tokenizer","ace/ext/menu_tools/overlay_page","ace/ext/modelist"], function(require, exports, module){/** * @typedef {import("../editor").Editor} Editor */ "use strict"; var nls = require("../config").nls; var Range = require("../range").Range; var dom = require("../lib/dom"); var FilteredList = require("../autocomplete").FilteredList; var AcePopup = require('../autocomplete/popup').AcePopup; var $singleLineEditor = require('../autocomplete/popup').$singleLineEditor; var UndoManager = require("../undomanager").UndoManager; var Tokenizer = require("../tokenizer").Tokenizer; var overlayPage = require("./menu_tools/overlay_page").overlayPage; var modelist = require("./modelist"); var openPrompt; function prompt(editor, message, options, callback) { if (typeof message == "object") { return prompt(editor, "", message, options); } if (openPrompt) { var lastPrompt = openPrompt; editor = lastPrompt.editor; lastPrompt.close(); if ( && == return; } if (options.$type) return prompt[options.$type](editor, callback); var cmdLine = $singleLineEditor(); cmdLine.session.setUndoManager(new UndoManager()); var el = dom.buildDom(["div", { class: "ace_prompt_container" + (options.hasDescription ? " input-box-with-description" : "") }]); var overlay = overlayPage(editor, el, done); el.appendChild(cmdLine.container); if (editor) { editor.cmdLine = cmdLine; cmdLine.setOption("fontSize", editor.getOption("fontSize")); } if (message) { cmdLine.setValue(message, 1); } if (options.selection) { cmdLine.selection.setRange({ start: cmdLine.session.doc.indexToPosition(options.selection[0]), end: cmdLine.session.doc.indexToPosition(options.selection[1]) }); } if (options.getCompletions) { var popup = new AcePopup(); popup.renderer.setStyle("ace_autocomplete_inline"); = "block"; = "600px"; = "100%"; = "3px"; popup.renderer.setScrollMargin(2, 2, 0, 0); popup.autoSelect = false; popup.renderer.$maxLines = 15; popup.setRow(-1); popup.on("click", function (e) { var data = popup.getData(popup.getRow()); if (!data["error"]) { cmdLine.setValue(data.value || data["name"] || data); accept(); e.stop(); } }); el.appendChild(popup.container); updateCompletions(); } if (options.$rules) { var tokenizer = new Tokenizer(options.$rules); cmdLine.session.bgTokenizer.setTokenizer(tokenizer); } if (options.placeholder) { cmdLine.setOption("placeholder", options.placeholder); } if (options.hasDescription) { var promptTextContainer = dom.buildDom(["div", { class: "ace_prompt_text_container" }]); dom.buildDom(options.prompt || "Press 'Enter' to confirm or 'Escape' to cancel", promptTextContainer); el.appendChild(promptTextContainer); } overlay.setIgnoreFocusOut(options.ignoreFocusOut); function accept() { var val; if (popup && popup.getCursorPosition().row > 0) { val = valueFromRecentList(); } else { val = cmdLine.getValue(); } var curData = popup ? popup.getData(popup.getRow()) : val; if (curData && !curData["error"]) { done(); options.onAccept && options.onAccept({ value: val, item: curData }, cmdLine); } } var keys = { "Enter": accept, "Esc|Shift-Esc": function () { options.onCancel && options.onCancel(cmdLine.getValue(), cmdLine); done(); } }; if (popup) { Object.assign(keys, { "Up": function (editor) { popup.goTo("up"); valueFromRecentList(); }, "Down": function (editor) { popup.goTo("down"); valueFromRecentList(); }, "Ctrl-Up|Ctrl-Home": function (editor) { popup.goTo("start"); valueFromRecentList(); }, "Ctrl-Down|Ctrl-End": function (editor) { popup.goTo("end"); valueFromRecentList(); }, "Tab": function (editor) { popup.goTo("down"); valueFromRecentList(); }, "PageUp": function (editor) { popup.gotoPageUp(); valueFromRecentList(); }, "PageDown": function (editor) { popup.gotoPageDown(); valueFromRecentList(); } }); } cmdLine.commands.bindKeys(keys); function done() { overlay.close(); callback && callback(); openPrompt = null; } cmdLine.on("input", function () { options.onInput && options.onInput(); updateCompletions(); }); function updateCompletions() { if (options.getCompletions) { var prefix; if (options.getPrefix) { prefix = options.getPrefix(cmdLine); } var completions = options.getCompletions(cmdLine); popup.setData(completions, prefix); popup.resize(true); } } function valueFromRecentList() { var current = popup.getData(popup.getRow()); if (current && !current["error"]) return current.value || current.caption || current; } cmdLine.resize(true); if (popup) { popup.resize(true); } cmdLine.focus(); openPrompt = { close: done, name:, editor: editor }; } prompt.gotoLine = function (editor, callback) { function stringifySelection(selection) { if (!Array.isArray(selection)) selection = [selection]; return (r) { var cursor = r.isBackwards ? r.start : r.end; var anchor = r.isBackwards ? r.end : r.start; var row = anchor.row; var s = (row + 1) + ":" + anchor.column; if (anchor.row == cursor.row) { if (anchor.column != cursor.column) s += ">" + ":" + cursor.column; } else { s += ">" + (cursor.row + 1) + ":" + cursor.column; } return s; }).reverse().join(", "); } prompt(editor, ":" + stringifySelection(editor.selection.toJSON()), { name: "gotoLine", selection: [1, Number.MAX_VALUE], onAccept: function (data) { var value = data.value; var _history = prompt.gotoLine["_history"]; if (!_history) prompt.gotoLine["_history"] = _history = []; if (_history.indexOf(value) != -1) _history.splice(_history.indexOf(value), 1); _history.unshift(value); if (_history.length > 20) _history.length = 20; var pos = editor.getCursorPosition(); var ranges = []; value.replace(/^:/, "").split(/,/).map(function (str) { var parts = str.split(/([<>:+-]|c?\d+)|[^c\d<>:+-]+/).filter(Boolean); var i = 0; function readPosition() { var c = parts[i++]; if (!c) return; if (c[0] == "c") { var index = parseInt(c.slice(1)) || 0; return editor.session.doc.indexToPosition(index); } var row = pos.row; var column = 0; if (/\d/.test(c)) { row = parseInt(c) - 1; c = parts[i++]; } if (c == ":") { c = parts[i++]; if (/\d/.test(c)) { column = parseInt(c) || 0; } } return { row: row, column: column }; } pos = readPosition(); var range = Range.fromPoints(pos, pos); if (parts[i] == ">") { i++; range.end = readPosition(); } else if (parts[i] == "<") { i++; range.start = readPosition(); } ranges.unshift(range); }); editor.selection.fromJSON(ranges); var scrollTop = editor.renderer.scrollTop; editor.renderer.scrollSelectionIntoView(editor.selection.anchor, editor.selection.cursor, 0.5); editor.renderer.animateScrolling(scrollTop); }, history: function () { if (!prompt.gotoLine["_history"]) return []; return prompt.gotoLine["_history"]; }, getCompletions: function (cmdLine) { var value = cmdLine.getValue(); var m = value.replace(/^:/, "").split(":"); var row = Math.min(parseInt(m[0]) || 1, editor.session.getLength()) - 1; var line = editor.session.getLine(row); var current = value + " " + line; return [current].concat(this.history()); }, $rules: { start: [{ regex: /\d+/, token: "string" }, { regex: /[:,><+\-c]/, token: "keyword" }] } }); }; prompt.commands = function (editor, callback) { function normalizeName(name) { return (name || "").replace(/^./, function (x) { return x.toUpperCase(x); }).replace(/[a-z][A-Z]/g, function (x) { return x[0] + " " + x[1].toLowerCase(x); }); } function getEditorCommandsByName(excludeCommands) { var commandsByName = []; var commandMap = {}; editor.keyBinding.$handlers.forEach(function (handler) { var platform = handler["platform"]; var cbn = handler["byName"]; for (var i in cbn) { var key = cbn[i].bindKey; if (typeof key !== "string") { key = key && key[platform] || ""; } var commands = cbn[i]; var description = commands.description || normalizeName(; if (!Array.isArray(commands)) commands = [commands]; commands.forEach(function (command) { if (typeof command != "string") command =; var needle = excludeCommands.find(function (el) { return el === command; }); if (!needle) { if (commandMap[command]) { commandMap[command].key += "|" + key; } else { commandMap[command] = { key: key, command: command, description: description }; commandsByName.push(commandMap[command]); } } }); } }); return commandsByName; } var excludeCommandsList = ["insertstring", "inserttext", "setIndentation", "paste"]; var shortcutsArray = getEditorCommandsByName(excludeCommandsList); shortcutsArray = (item) { return { value: item.description, meta: item.key, command: item.command }; }); prompt(editor, "", { name: "commands", selection: [0, Number.MAX_VALUE], maxHistoryCount: 5, onAccept: function (data) { if (data.item) { var commandName = data.item.command; this.addToHistory(data.item); editor.execCommand(commandName); } }, addToHistory: function (item) { var history = this.history(); history.unshift(item); delete item.message; for (var i = 1; i < history.length; i++) { if (history[i]["command"] == item.command) { history.splice(i, 1); break; } } if (this.maxHistoryCount > 0 && history.length > this.maxHistoryCount) { history.splice(history.length - 1, 1); } prompt.commands["history"] = history; }, history: function () { return prompt.commands["history"] || []; }, getPrefix: function (cmdLine) { var currentPos = cmdLine.getCursorPosition(); var filterValue = cmdLine.getValue(); return filterValue.substring(0, currentPos.column); }, getCompletions: function (cmdLine) { function getFilteredCompletions(commands, prefix) { var resultCommands = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(commands)); var filtered = new FilteredList(resultCommands); return filtered.filterCompletions(resultCommands, prefix); } function getUniqueCommandList(commands, usedCommands) { if (!usedCommands || !usedCommands.length) { return commands; } var excludeCommands = []; usedCommands.forEach(function (item) { excludeCommands.push(item.command); }); var resultCommands = []; commands.forEach(function (item) { if (excludeCommands.indexOf(item.command) === -1) { resultCommands.push(item); } }); return resultCommands; } var prefix = this.getPrefix(cmdLine); var recentlyUsedCommands = getFilteredCompletions(this.history(), prefix); var otherCommands = getUniqueCommandList(shortcutsArray, recentlyUsedCommands); otherCommands = getFilteredCompletions(otherCommands, prefix); if (recentlyUsedCommands.length && otherCommands.length) { recentlyUsedCommands[0].message = nls("prompt.recently-used", "Recently used"); otherCommands[0].message = nls("prompt.other-commands", "Other commands"); } var completions = recentlyUsedCommands.concat(otherCommands); return completions.length > 0 ? completions : [{ value: nls("", "No matching commands"), error: 1 }]; } }); }; prompt.modes = function (editor, callback) { var modesArray = modelist.modes; modesArray = (item) { return { value: item.caption, mode: }; }); prompt(editor, "", { name: "modes", selection: [0, Number.MAX_VALUE], onAccept: function (data) { if (data.item) { var modeName = "ace/mode/" + data.item.mode; editor.session.setMode(modeName); } }, getPrefix: function (cmdLine) { var currentPos = cmdLine.getCursorPosition(); var filterValue = cmdLine.getValue(); return filterValue.substring(0, currentPos.column); }, getCompletions: function (cmdLine) { function getFilteredCompletions(modes, prefix) { var resultCommands = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(modes)); var filtered = new FilteredList(resultCommands); return filtered.filterCompletions(resultCommands, prefix); } var prefix = this.getPrefix(cmdLine); var completions = getFilteredCompletions(modesArray, prefix); return completions.length > 0 ? completions : [{ "caption": "No mode matching", "value": "No mode matching", "error": 1 }]; } }); }; dom.importCssString(".ace_prompt_container {\n max-width: 603px;\n width: 100%;\n margin: 20px auto;\n padding: 3px;\n background: white;\n border-radius: 2px;\n box-shadow: 0px 2px 3px 0px #555;\n}", "promtp.css", false); exports.prompt = prompt; }); (function() { window.require(["ace/ext/prompt"], function(m) { if (typeof module == "object" && typeof exports == "object" && module) { module.exports = m; } }); })();