# Makefile for installation of echomav_deploy on EchoPilot AI hardware # This is installation of mavlink-router, cockpit and network setup # Spiri modified to install additional features .DEFAULT_GOAL := default SHELL := /bin/bash SUDO := $(shell test $${EUID} -ne 0 && echo "sudo") .EXPORT_ALL_VARIABLES: SYSCFG = /etc/mavlink-router CONFIG ?= /var/local LIBSYSTEMD=/lib/systemd/system SERVICES=mavlink-router.service temperature.service wifibroadcast@drone fpv-camera.service DRY_RUN=false LOCAL=/usr/local LOCAL_SCRIPTS=temperature.sh cockpitScript.sh .PHONY = enable install see uninstall static default no-static default: @$(MAKE) --no-print-directory install @$(MAKE) --no-print-directory static explicit-ip: @$(MAKE) --no-print-directory install @$(SUDO) ./static-network.sh -i eth0 -a $(ip) no-static: @$(MAKE) --no-print-directory install disable: @( for c in stop disable ; do $(SUDO) systemctl $${c} $(SERVICES) ; done ; true ) enable: @( for c in stop disable ; do $(SUDO) systemctl $${c} $(SERVICES) ; done ; true ) @( for s in $(SERVICES) ; do $(SUDO) install -Dm644 $${s%.*}.service $(LIBSYSTEMD)/$${s%.*}.service ; done ; true ) @if [ ! -z "$(SERVICES)" ] ; then $(SUDO) systemctl daemon-reload ; fi @( for s in $(SERVICES) ; do $(SUDO) systemctl enable $${s%.*} ; done ; true ) @echo "" @echo "Service is installed. To run now use sudo systemctl start mavlink-router and sudo systemctl start cockpit.socket" @echo "Inspect output with sudo journalctl -fu mavlink-router" @echo "" static: # set up static ip address on eth0 @$(SUDO) ./static-network.sh -i eth0 -a auto install: # install helper apps # @$(SUDO) rm -r /var/lib/apt/lists/* @$(SUDO) apt update @$(SUDO) apt install -y nano @$(SUDO) apt install -y nload @$(SUDO) apt install -y htop @$(SUDO) apt install -y picocom # install mavlink-router @rm -rf ~/tmp/mavlink-router-source @git clone https://github.com/EchoMAV/mavlink-router-src ~/tmp/mavlink-router-source && cd ~/tmp/mavlink-router-source && git submodule update --init --recursive @$(SUDO) apt -y install git ninja-build pkg-config gcc g++ systemd @$(SUDO) apt -y install python3-pip @$(SUDO) pip3 install meson smbus @cd ~/tmp/mavlink-router-source && meson setup build . && $(SUDO) ninja -C build install # install the config file @$(SUDO) mkdir -p $(SYSCFG) @$(SUDO) cp main.conf $(SYSCFG)/. # install cockpit @$(SUDO) ./ensure-cockpit.sh # set up cockpit files @$(SUDO) rm -rf /usr/share/cockpit/general/ @$(SUDO) mkdir /usr/share/cockpit/general/ @$(SUDO) cp -rf ui/general/* /usr/share/cockpit/general/ @$(SUDO) cp -rf ui/branding-ubuntu/* /usr/share/cockpit/branding/ubuntu/ @$(SUDO) cp -rf ui/static/* /usr/share/cockpit/static/ @$(SUDO) cp -rf ui/base1/* /usr/share/cockpit/base1/ @[ -d $(LOCAL)/echopilot ] || $(SUDO) mkdir $(LOCAL)/echopilot @$(SUDO) install -Dm755 version.txt $(LOCAL)/echopilot/. @for s in $(LOCAL_SCRIPTS) ; do $(SUDO) install -Dm755 $${s} $(LOCAL)/echopilot/$${s} ; done # install modified 8812EU drivers @git clone https://github.com/libc0607/rtl88x2eu-20230815 ~/tmp/rtl88x2eu && cd ~/tmp/rtl88x2eu && git submodule update --init --recursive @$(SUDO) sed -i 's/CONFIG_PLATFORM_I386_PC = y/CONFIG_PLATFORM_I386_PC = n/g' Makefile @$(SUDO) sed -i 's/CONFIG_PLATFORM_ARM64_RPI = n/CONFIG_PLATFORM_ARM64_RPI = y/g' Makefile @$(SUDO) apt -y install dkms @$(SUDO) ./dkms-install.sh # configure naming of wireless interface # Install WFB-NG dependancies and compile deb @git clone -b stable https://github.com/svpcom/wfb-ng.git ~/tmp/wfb-ng && cd ~/tmp/wfb-ng @$(SUDO) apt -y install python3-all libpcap-dev libsodium-dev python3-pip python3-pyroute2 python3-future python3-twisted python3-serial python3-all-dev iw virtualenv debhelper dh-python build-essential @$(SUDO) make deb @$(SUDO) dpkg -i /deb_dist/wfb*.deb # create initial WFB-NG config file @$(SUDO) cp wifibroadcast.cfg /etc/ # move drone encryption key to /etc/ @$(SUDO) cp drone.key /etc/ # stop any running services we care about @for c in stop disable ; do $(SUDO) systemctl $${c} $(SERVICES) ; done ; true # install and enable services @for s in $(SERVICES) ; do $(SUDO) install -Dm644 $${s%.*}.service $(LIBSYSTEMD)/$${s%.*}.service ; done @if [ ! -z "$(SERVICES)" ] ; then $(SUDO) systemctl daemon-reload ; fi @for s in $(SERVICES) ; do $(SUDO) systemctl enable $${s%.*} ; done # set up the system permissions, stop/disable nvgetty etc @$(SUDO) systemctl stop nvgetty @$(SUDO) systemctl disable nvgetty @$(SUDO) usermod -aG dialout $${USER} @$(SUDO) usermod -aG tty $${USER} @echo "" see: $(SUDO) cat $(SYSCFG)/main.conf serial: -@$(SUDO) python3 serial_number.py 0 || true -@$(SUDO) python3 serial_number.py 1 || true uninstall: @$(MAKE) --no-print-directory disable @( for s in $(SERVICES) ; do $(SUDO) rm $(LIBSYSTEMD)/$${s%.*}.service ; done ; true ) @if [ ! -z "$(SERVICES)" ] ; then $(SUDO) systemctl daemon-reload ; fi