const scriptLocation = "/usr/local/echopilot/" const confLocation = "/etc/mavlink-router/" const version = document.getElementById("version"); const file_location = document.getElementById("file_location"); const losHost = document.getElementById("losHost"); const losPort = document.getElementById("losPort"); const tcpHost = document.getElementById("tcpHost"); const tcpPort = document.getElementById("tcpPort"); const losIface = document.getElementById("losIface"); const backupHost = document.getElementById("backupHost"); const backupPort = document.getElementById("backupPort"); const backupIface = document.getElementById("backupIface"); const fmuDevice = document.getElementById("fmuDevice"); const baudrate = document.getElementById("baudrate"); const fmuId = document.getElementById("fmuId"); const atakHost = document.getElementById("atakHost"); const atakPort = document.getElementById("atakPort"); const atakPeriod = document.getElementById("atakPeriod"); const CONFIG_LENGTH = 11; // standard Baud rates const baudRateArray = [ 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400, 460800, 500000, 921600 ]; const udpModeArray = [ "Normal", "Server"]; const udpStatusArray = [ "Enabled", "Disabled"]; const tcpStatusArray = [ "Enabled", "Disabled"]; const atakPeriodArray = [ "Disabled", "1", "3", "5", "10" ]; var isUdpEnabled = "Disabled"; var istcpEnabled = "Disabled"; enabled = true; // Runs the initPage when the document is loaded document.onload = InitPage(); // Save file button document.getElementById("save").addEventListener("click", saveSettings); // This attempts to read the conf file, if it exists, then it will parse it and fill out the table // if it fails then the values are loaded with defaults. function InitPage() { cockpit.script(scriptLocation + " -v") .then((content) => version.innerHTML=content) .catch(error => displayFail(error)); cockpit.script(scriptLocation + " -u") .then(function(content) { ipsubnet1.innerHTML=content; ipsubnet2.innerHTML=content; }) .catch(error => displayFail(error)); file_location.innerHTML = confLocation + "main.conf"; cockpit.file(confLocation + "main.conf") .read().then((content, tag) => SuccessReadFile(content)) .catch(error => failureReadFile(error)); } function getValueByKey(text, sectionName, sectionLength, key) { //function to extract key values from a file with sections //this should work if the section is commented out or not var lines = text.split("\n"); var sectionBody = ""; for(let t = 0; t < lines.length; t++){ if (lines[t] === sectionName || lines[t] === "#" + sectionName) { for(let n = 0; n < sectionLength; n++){ if (lines[t].startsWith("#")) sectionBody += lines[t+n+1].slice(1) + "\n"; else sectionBody += lines[t+n+1] + "\n"; } break; } } if (sectionBody === "") return null; var regex = new RegExp("^" + key + " =(.*)$", "m"); var match = regex.exec(sectionBody); if (match) return match[1].trim(); else return null; } function isSectionEnabled(text, sectionName) { var lines = text.split("\n"); for(let t = 0; t < lines.length; t++){ if (lines[t] === sectionName) { if (!lines[t].startsWith("#")) { return "Enabled"; } return "Disabled"; } } return "Disabled"; } function setSectionEnabled(text, sectionName, sectionLength, enabled) { //if enabled, find the section and remove leading # //if disabled, find the section and add leading # //return content var lines = text.split("\n"); if (enabled) { //do action to enable the section for(let t = 0; t < lines.length; t++){ if (lines[t] === "#" + sectionName) { for(let n = 0; n < sectionLength+1; n++){ if (lines[t+n].startsWith("#")) { lines[t+n] = lines[t+n].slice(1); } } break; } } } else { //do action to disable the section for(let t = 0; t < lines.length; t++){ if (lines[t] === sectionName) { for(let n = 0; n < sectionLength+1; n++){ lines[t+n] = "#" + lines[t+n]; } break; } } } return lines.join("\n"); } function setValueByKey(text, sectionName, sectionLength, key, value) { //find the sectionName in the text, then replace the key value with the one specified //return the new contents //skip until we find section, then look forward X lines for the key/value var lines = text.split("\n"); for(let t = 0; t < lines.length; t++){ if (lines[t] === sectionName) { for(let n = 0; n < sectionLength; n++){ if (lines[t+n+1].split('=')[0].trim() == key) { lines[t+n+1] = key + " = " + value; break; } } } } return lines.join("\n"); } function SuccessReadFile(content) { try { //FMU Endpoint var currentfmuDevice = getValueByKey(content, "[UartEndpoint alpha]", 2, "Device"); var currentbaudRate = getValueByKey(content, "[UartEndpoint alpha]", 2, "Baud"); cockpit.script(scriptLocation + " -s") .then((content) => AddDropDown(fmuDevice, content.split("\n"), currentfmuDevice)) .catch(error => displayFail(error)); AddDropDown(baudrate, baudRateArray, currentbaudRate); //UDP Telemetry isUdpEnabled = isSectionEnabled(content, "[UdpEndpoint alpha]"); //to do, if disabled, gray out the values var currentudpMode = getValueByKey(content, "[UdpEndpoint alpha]", 3, "Mode"); losHost.value = getValueByKey(content, "[UdpEndpoint alpha]", 3, "Address"); losPort.value = getValueByKey(content, "[UdpEndpoint alpha]", 3, "Port"); $(udpStatus).change(function() { if ($(this).val() === null) return; if ($(this).val() == "Disabled") { isUdpEnabled = "Disabled"; $(udpMode).attr("disabled", "disabled"); $(losHost).attr("disabled", "disabled"); $(losPort).attr("disabled", "disabled"); } else { isUdpEnabled = "Enabled"; $(udpMode).removeAttr("disabled"); $(losHost).removeAttr("disabled"); $(losPort).removeAttr("disabled"); } }).trigger("change"); AddDropDown(udpMode, udpModeArray, currentudpMode); AddDropDown(udpStatus, udpStatusArray, isUdpEnabled); // init state of UDP fields if (isUdpEnabled === "Disabled") { $(udpMode).attr("disabled", "disabled"); $(losHost).attr("disabled", "disabled"); $(losPort).attr("disabled", "disabled"); } //TCP Telemetry istcpEnabled = isSectionEnabled(content, "[TcpEndpoint alpha]"); tcpHost.value = getValueByKey(content, "[TcpEndpoint alpha]", 3, "Address"); tcpPort.value = getValueByKey(content, "[TcpEndpoint alpha]", 3, "Port"); $(tcpStatus).change(function() { if ($(this).val() === null) return; if ($(this).val() == "Disabled") { istcpEnabled = "Disabled"; $(tcpHost).attr("disabled", "disabled"); $(tcpPort).attr("disabled", "disabled"); } else { istcpEnabled = "Enabled"; $(tcpHost).removeAttr("disabled"); $(tcpPort).removeAttr("disabled"); } }).trigger("change"); AddDropDown(tcpStatus, tcpStatusArray, istcpEnabled); // init state of TCP fields if (istcpEnabled === "Disabled") { $(tcpHost).attr("disabled", "disabled"); $(tcpPort).attr("disabled", "disabled"); } } catch(e) { failureReadFile(e); } } function AddPathToDeviceFile(incomingArray) { for(let t = 0; t < incomingArray.length; t++){ incomingArray[t] = "/dev/" + incomingArray[t]; } return incomingArray; } function AddDropDown(box, theArray, defaultValue) { try { for(let t = 0; t < theArray.length; t++){ if (theArray[t] === "") continue; var option = document.createElement("option"); option.text = theArray[t]; box.add(option); if(defaultValue == option.text) { box.value = option.text; } } } catch(e) { displayFail(e) } } function failureReadFile(error) { // Display error message console.log("Error : " + error.message); output.innerHTML = "Error : " + error.message; // TODO :: Defaults should go here. losHost.value = ""; losPort.value = "14550"; fmuId.value = "1"; atakHost.value = ""; atakPort.value = "6969"; atakPeriod.value = "5"; } function saveSettings() { //lets do some validation var ipformat = /^(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$/; var portformat = /^([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$/; var errorFlag = false; var errorText = ""; if (!losHost.value.match(ipformat) && (isUdpEnabled==="Enabled")) { losHost.focus(); errorText += "Error in the UDP Host Address!<br>"; errorFlag = true; } if (!losPort.value.match(portformat) && (isUdpEnabled==="Enabled")) { losPort.focus(); errorText += "Error in the UDP Port Number! (0-65535 allowed)<br>"; errorFlag = true; } if (!tcpHost.value.match(ipformat) && (istcpEnabled==="Enabled")) { tcpHost.focus(); errorText += "Error in the TCP Host Address, should be x.x.x.x<br>"; errorFlag = true; } if (!tcpPort.value.match(portformat) && (istcpEnabled==="Enabled")) { tcpPort.focus(); errorText += "Error in the TCP Port Number! (0-65535 allowed)<br>"; errorFlag = true; } if (errorFlag) { = "red"; result.innerHTML = errorText; return; } //open the file for writing, and callback function for modification cockpit.file(confLocation + "main.conf") .read().then((content, tag) => SuccessReadforSaveFile(content)) .catch(error => failureReadFile(error)); } function SuccessReadforSaveFile(content) { try { //if udp is disabled, then skip those if (isUdpEnabled == "Disabled") { content = setSectionEnabled(content, "[UdpEndpoint alpha]", 3, false); } else { content = setSectionEnabled(content, "[UdpEndpoint alpha]", 3, true); content = setValueByKey(content, "[UdpEndpoint alpha]",3, "Address", losHost.value ) content = setValueByKey(content, "[UdpEndpoint alpha]",3, "Port", losPort.value ) content = setValueByKey(content, "[UdpEndpoint alpha]",3, "Mode", udpMode.value ) } if (istcpEnabled == "Disabled") { content = setSectionEnabled(content, "[TcpEndpoint alpha]", 2, false); } else { content = setSectionEnabled(content, "[TcpEndpoint alpha]", 2, true); content = setValueByKey(content, "[TcpEndpoint alpha]",2, "Address", tcpHost.value ) content = setValueByKey(content, "[TcpEndpoint alpha]",2, "Port", tcpPort.value ) } //at this point we have the contents of the file, we need to replace keys content = setValueByKey(content, "[UartEndpoint alpha]",2, "Device", fmuDevice.value ) content = setValueByKey(content, "[UartEndpoint alpha]",2, "Baud", baudrate.value ) cockpit.file(confLocation + "main.conf", { superuser : "try" }).replace(content) .then(displaySuccess) .catch(displayFail); cockpit.spawn(["systemctl", "restart", "mavlink-router"], { superuser : "try" }); } catch(e) { failureReadFile(e); } } function displaySuccess() { = "green"; result.innerHTML = "Success, mavlink-router restarting..."; setTimeout(() => result.innerHTML = "", 5000); } function displayFail(error) { = "red"; result.innerHTML = error.message; } // Send a 'init' message. This tells integration tests that we are ready to go cockpit.transport.wait(function() { });