#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2018-2022 Vasily Evseenko # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 3. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # import sys import time import json import os import re import hashlib from itertools import groupby from twisted.python import log, failure from twisted.python.logfile import LogFile from twisted.internet import reactor, defer, main as ti_main from twisted.internet.protocol import ProcessProtocol, DatagramProtocol, Protocol, Factory from twisted.protocols.basic import LineReceiver from twisted.internet.error import ReactorNotRunning from twisted.internet.serialport import SerialPort from . import _log_msg, ConsoleObserver, call_and_check_rc, ExecError from .common import abort_on_crash, exit_status, df_sleep from .config_parser import Section from .proxy import UDPProxyProtocol, MavlinkSerialProxyProtocol, MavlinkUDPProxyProtocol from .mavlink_protocol import MavlinkARMProtocol, MavlinkTCPFactory from .tuntap import TUNTAPProtocol, TUNTAPTransport from .conf import settings, cfg_files connect_re = re.compile(r'^connect://(?P[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+):(?P[0-9]+)$', re.IGNORECASE) listen_re = re.compile(r'^listen://(?P[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+):(?P[0-9]+)$', re.IGNORECASE) serial_re = re.compile(r'^serial:(?P[a-z0-9\-\_/]+):(?P[0-9]+)$', re.IGNORECASE) class BadTelemetry(Exception): pass class WFBFlags(object): LINK_LOST = 1 LINK_JAMMED = 2 fec_types = {1: 'VDM_RS'} class StatisticsProtocol(Protocol): def connectionMade(self): self.factory.ui_sessions.append(self) def dataReceived(self, data): pass def connectionLost(self, reason): self.factory.ui_sessions.remove(self) def send_stats(self, data): self.transport.write(json.dumps(data).encode('utf-8') + b'\n') class StatsAndSelectorFactory(Factory): noisy = False protocol = StatisticsProtocol """ Aggregate RX stats and select TX antenna """ def __init__(self): self.ant_sel_cb_list = [] self.rssi_cb_l = [] # Select antenna #0 by default self.tx_sel = 0 self.tx_sel_delta = settings.common.tx_sel_delta # tcp sockets for UI self.ui_sessions = [] def add_ant_sel_cb(self, ant_sel_cb): self.ant_sel_cb_list.append(ant_sel_cb) ant_sel_cb(self.tx_sel) def add_rssi_cb(self, rssi_cb): self.rssi_cb_l.append(rssi_cb) def select_tx_antenna(self, ant_rssi): wlan_rssi = {} for k, grp in groupby(sorted(((int(ant_id, 16) >> 8) & 0xff, rssi_avg) \ for ant_id, (pkt_s, rssi_min, rssi_avg, rssi_max) in ant_rssi.items()), lambda x: x[0]): # Select max average rssi from all wlan's antennas wlan_rssi[k] = max(rssi for _, rssi in grp) tx_max = None for k, v in wlan_rssi.items(): if tx_max is None or k != tx_max and v > wlan_rssi[tx_max]: tx_max = k if tx_max is None or wlan_rssi[tx_max] <= wlan_rssi.get(self.tx_sel, -200) + self.tx_sel_delta: return log.msg('Swith TX antenna from %d to %d' % (self.tx_sel, tx_max)) for ant_sel_cb in self.ant_sel_cb_list: try: ant_sel_cb(tx_max) except Exception: log.err() self.tx_sel = tx_max def update_stats(self, rx_id, packet_stats, ant_rssi): mav_rssi = [] flags = 0 for i, (k, v) in enumerate(sorted(ant_rssi.items())): pkt_s, rssi_min, rssi_avg, rssi_max = v mav_rssi.append(rssi_avg) rssi = (max(mav_rssi) if mav_rssi else -128) % 256 if not mav_rssi: flags |= WFBFlags.LINK_LOST elif packet_stats['dec_ok'] == 0: flags |= WFBFlags.LINK_JAMMED if ant_rssi and self.ant_sel_cb_list: self.select_tx_antenna(ant_rssi) if self.rssi_cb_l: _idx = 0 if settings.common.mavlink_err_rate else 1 rx_errors = min(packet_stats['dec_err'][_idx] + packet_stats['bad'][_idx] + packet_stats['lost'][_idx], 65535) rx_fec = min(packet_stats['fec_rec'][_idx], 65535) for rssi_cb in self.rssi_cb_l: try: rssi_cb(rx_id, rssi, rx_errors, rx_fec, flags) except Exception: log.err() if settings.common.debug: log.msg('%s rssi %s tx#%d %s %s' % (rx_id, max(mav_rssi) if mav_rssi else 'N/A', self.tx_sel, packet_stats, ant_rssi)) # Send stats to CLI sessions for s in self.ui_sessions: s.send_stats(dict(id=rx_id, tx_ant=self.tx_sel, packets=packet_stats, rssi=ant_rssi)) class AntennaProtocol(LineReceiver): delimiter = b'\n' """ wfb_rx log parser """ def __init__(self, ant_stat_cb, rx_id): self.ant_stat_cb = ant_stat_cb self.rx_id = rx_id self.ant = {} self.count_all = None def lineReceived(self, line): line = line.decode('utf-8').strip() cols = line.split('\t') try: if len(cols) < 2: raise BadTelemetry() #ts = int(cols[0]) cmd = cols[1] if cmd == 'ANT': if len(cols) != 4: raise BadTelemetry() self.ant[cols[2]] = tuple(int(i) for i in cols[3].split(':')) elif cmd == 'PKT': if len(cols) != 3: raise BadTelemetry() p_all, p_dec_err, p_dec_ok, p_fec_rec, p_lost, p_bad = list(int(i) for i in cols[2].split(':')) if not self.count_all: self.count_all = (p_all, p_dec_ok, p_fec_rec, p_lost, p_dec_err, p_bad) else: self.count_all = tuple((a + b) for a, b in zip((p_all, p_dec_ok, p_fec_rec, p_lost, p_dec_err, p_bad), self.count_all)) stats = dict(zip(('all', 'dec_ok', 'fec_rec', 'lost', 'dec_err', 'bad'), zip((p_all, p_dec_ok, p_fec_rec, p_lost, p_dec_err, p_bad), self.count_all))) # Send stats to aggregators if self.ant_stat_cb is not None: self.ant_stat_cb.update_stats(self.rx_id, stats, dict(self.ant)) self.ant.clear() elif cmd == 'SESSION': if len(cols) != 3: raise BadTelemetry() epoch, fec_type, fec_k, fec_n = list(int(i) for i in cols[2].split(':')) log.msg('New session detected [%s]: FEC=%s K=%d, N=%d, epoch=%d' % (self.rx_id, fec_types.get(fec_type, 'Unknown'), fec_k, fec_n, epoch)) else: raise BadTelemetry() except BadTelemetry: log.msg('Bad telemetry [%s]: %s' % (self.rx_id, line), isError=1) class DbgProtocol(LineReceiver): delimiter = b'\n' """ stderr parser """ def __init__(self, rx_id): self.rx_id = rx_id def lineReceived(self, line): log.msg('%s: %s' % (self.rx_id, line.decode('utf-8'))) class TXGetUDPPortProtocol(LineReceiver): delimiter = b'\n' """ stderr parser """ def __init__(self, df): self.df = df self.ports = {} def lineReceived(self, line): cols = line.decode('utf-8').strip().split('\t') cmd = cols[0] if cmd == 'LISTEN_UDP' and len(cols) == 2: port, wlan = cols[1].split(':', 1) self.ports[wlan] = int(port) elif cmd == 'LISTEN_UDP_END' and self.df is not None: self.df.callback(self.ports) class RXProtocol(ProcessProtocol): """ manager for wfb_rx process """ def __init__(self, ant_stat_cb, cmd, rx_id): self.cmd = cmd self.rx_id = rx_id self.ant = AntennaProtocol(ant_stat_cb, rx_id) if ant_stat_cb else None self.dbg = DbgProtocol(rx_id) self.df = defer.Deferred() def connectionMade(self): log.msg('Started %s' % (self.rx_id,)) def outReceived(self, data): if self.ant is not None: self.ant.dataReceived(data) def errReceived(self, data): self.dbg.dataReceived(data) def processEnded(self, status): rc = status.value.exitCode log.msg('Stopped RX %s with code %s' % (self.rx_id, rc)) if rc == 0: self.df.callback(str(status.value)) else: self.df.errback(status) def start(self): df = defer.maybeDeferred(reactor.spawnProcess, self, self.cmd[0], self.cmd, env=os.environ, childFDs={0: "w", 1: "r", 2: "r"}) return df.addCallback(lambda _: self.df) class TXProtocol(ProcessProtocol): """ manager for wfb_tx process """ def __init__(self, cmd, tx_id, ports_df=None): self.cmd = cmd self.tx_id = tx_id self.dbg = DbgProtocol(tx_id) self.ports_df = ports_df self.port_parser = TXGetUDPPortProtocol(ports_df) self.df = defer.Deferred() def connectionMade(self): log.msg('Started %s' % (self.tx_id,)) def outReceived(self, data): self.port_parser.dataReceived(data) def errReceived(self, data): self.dbg.dataReceived(data) def processEnded(self, status): rc = status.value.exitCode log.msg('Stopped TX %s with code %s' % (self.tx_id, rc)) if self.ports_df is not None: self.ports_df.cancel() if rc == 0: self.df.callback(str(status.value)) else: self.df.errback(status) def start(self): df = defer.maybeDeferred(reactor.spawnProcess, self, self.cmd[0], self.cmd, env=os.environ, childFDs={0: "w", 1: "r", 2: "r"}) return df.addCallback(lambda _: self.df) @defer.inlineCallbacks def init_wlans(max_bw, wlans): if max_bw == 20: ht_mode = 'HT20' elif max_bw == 40: ht_mode = 'HT40+' else: raise Exception('Unsupported bandwith %d MHz' % (max_bw,)) if not settings.common.primary: log.msg('Skip card init due to secondary role') return try: yield call_and_check_rc('iw', 'reg', 'set', settings.common.wifi_region) for wlan in wlans: if settings.common.set_nm_unmanaged and os.path.exists('/usr/bin/nmcli'): device_status = yield call_and_check_rc('nmcli', 'device', 'show', wlan, log_stdout=False) if not b'(unmanaged)' in device_status: log.msg('Switch %s to unmanaged state' % (wlan,)) yield call_and_check_rc('nmcli', 'device', 'set', wlan, 'managed', 'no') yield df_sleep(1) yield call_and_check_rc('ip', 'link', 'set', wlan, 'down') yield call_and_check_rc('iw', 'dev', wlan, 'set', 'monitor', 'otherbss') yield call_and_check_rc('ip', 'link', 'set', wlan, 'up') yield call_and_check_rc('iw', 'dev', wlan, 'set', 'channel', str(settings.common.wifi_channel), ht_mode) if settings.common.wifi_txpower: yield call_and_check_rc('iw', 'dev', wlan, 'set', 'txpower', 'fixed', str(settings.common.wifi_txpower)) except ExecError as v: if v.stdout: log.msg(v.stdout, isError=1) if v.stderr: log.msg(v.stderr, isError=1) raise def parse_services(profile_name): res = [] for stream in getattr(settings, profile_name).streams: cfg = Section() stream = dict(stream) name = stream.pop('name') service_type = stream.pop('service_type') for profile in stream.pop('profiles'): cfg.__dict__.update(getattr(settings, profile).__dict__) cfg.__dict__.update(stream) res.append((name, service_type, cfg)) return res @defer.inlineCallbacks def init(profiles, wlans): type_map = dict(udp_direct_rx=init_udp_direct_rx, udp_direct_tx=init_udp_direct_tx, mavlink=init_mavlink, tunnel=init_tunnel, udp_proxy=init_udp_proxy) services = list((profile, parse_services(profile)) for profile in profiles) max_bw = max(cfg.bandwidth for _, tmp in services for _, _, cfg in tmp) # Do cards init yield init_wlans(max_bw, wlans) dl = [] for profile, service_list in services: # Domain wide antenna selector ant_sel_f = StatsAndSelectorFactory() profile_cfg = getattr(settings, profile) link_id = int.from_bytes(hashlib.sha1(profile_cfg.link_domain.encode('utf-8')).digest()[:3], 'big') if profile_cfg.stats_port: reactor.listenTCP(profile_cfg.stats_port, ant_sel_f) for service_name, service_type, srv_cfg in service_list: log.msg('Starting %s/%s@%s on %s' % (profile, service_name, profile_cfg.link_domain, ', '.join(wlans))) dl.append(defer.maybeDeferred(type_map[service_type], service_name, srv_cfg, wlans, link_id, ant_sel_f)) yield defer.gatherResults(dl, consumeErrors=True).addErrback(lambda f: f.trap(defer.FirstError) and f.value.subFailure) def init_udp_direct_tx(service_name, cfg, wlans, link_id, ant_sel_f): if not listen_re.match(cfg.peer): raise Exception('%s: unsupported peer address: %s' % (service_name, cfg.peer)) m = listen_re.match(cfg.peer) listen = m.group('addr'), int(m.group('port')) log.msg('Listen for %s stream %d on %s:%d' % (service_name, cfg.stream_tx, listen[0], listen[1])) cmd = ('%(cmd)s -f %(frame_type)s -p %(stream)d -u %(port)d -K %(key)s '\ '-B %(bw)d -G %(gi)s -S %(stbc)d -L %(ldpc)d -M %(mcs)d '\ '-k %(fec_k)d -n %(fec_n)d -T %(fec_timeout)d -i %(link_id)d -R %(rcv_buf_size)d' % \ dict(cmd=os.path.join(settings.path.bin_dir, 'wfb_tx'), frame_type=cfg.frame_type, stream=cfg.stream_tx, port=listen[1], key=os.path.join(settings.path.conf_dir, cfg.keypair), bw=cfg.bandwidth, gi="short" if cfg.short_gi else "long", stbc=cfg.stbc, ldpc=cfg.ldpc, mcs=cfg.mcs_index, fec_k=cfg.fec_k, fec_n=cfg.fec_n, fec_timeout=cfg.fec_timeout, link_id=link_id, rcv_buf_size=settings.common.tx_rcv_buf_size) ).split() + wlans[0:1] # We don't use TX diversity for direct udp # due to only one transmitter on the vehichle df = TXProtocol(cmd, 'video tx').start() log.msg('%s: %s' % (service_name, ' '.join(cmd),)) return df def init_udp_direct_rx(service_name, cfg, wlans, link_id, ant_sel_f): if not connect_re.match(cfg.peer): raise Exception('%s: unsupported peer address: %s' % (service_name, cfg.peer)) m = connect_re.match(cfg.peer) connect = m.group('addr'), int(m.group('port')) log.msg('Send %s stream %d to %s:%d' % (service_name, cfg.stream_rx, connect[0], connect[1])) cmd = ('%(cmd)s -p %(stream)d -c %(ip_addr)s -u %(port)d -K %(key)s -i %(link_id)d' % \ dict(cmd=os.path.join(settings.path.bin_dir, 'wfb_rx'), stream=cfg.stream_rx, ip_addr=connect[0], port=connect[1], key=os.path.join(settings.path.conf_dir, cfg.keypair), link_id=link_id)).split() + wlans df = RXProtocol(ant_sel_f, cmd, '%s rx' % (service_name,)).start() log.msg('%s: %s' % (service_name, ' '.join(cmd),)) return df @defer.inlineCallbacks def init_mavlink(service_name, cfg, wlans, link_id, ant_sel_f): listen = None connect = None serial = None mirror = None if connect_re.match(cfg.peer): m = connect_re.match(cfg.peer) connect = m.group('addr'), int(m.group('port')) log.msg('Connect %s stream %d(RX), %d(TX) to %s:%d' % (service_name, cfg.stream_rx, cfg.stream_tx, connect[0], connect[1])) elif listen_re.match(cfg.peer): m = listen_re.match(cfg.peer) listen = m.group('addr'), int(m.group('port')) log.msg('Listen for %s stream %d(RX), %d(TX) on %s:%d' % (service_name, cfg.stream_rx, cfg.stream_tx, listen[0], listen[1])) elif serial_re.match(cfg.peer): m = serial_re.match(cfg.peer) serial = m.group('dev'), int(m.group('baud')) log.msg('Open serial port %s on speed %d' % (serial[0], serial[1])) else: raise Exception('Unsupported peer address: %s' % (cfg.peer,)) if cfg.mirror is not None and connect_re.match(cfg.mirror): m = connect_re.match(cfg.mirror) mirror = m.group('addr'), int(m.group('port')) log.msg('Mirror %s stream to %s:%d' % (service_name, mirror[0], mirror[1])) rx_hooks = [] tx_hooks = [] if cfg.call_on_arm or cfg.call_on_disarm: arm_proto = MavlinkARMProtocol(cfg.call_on_arm, cfg.call_on_disarm) rx_hooks.append(arm_proto.dataReceived) tx_hooks.append(arm_proto.dataReceived) if serial: p_in = MavlinkSerialProxyProtocol(agg_max_size=settings.common.radio_mtu, agg_timeout=settings.common.mavlink_agg_timeout, inject_rssi=cfg.inject_rssi, mavlink_sys_id=cfg.mavlink_sys_id, mavlink_comp_id=cfg.mavlink_comp_id, rx_hooks=rx_hooks, tx_hooks=tx_hooks) else: # The first argument is not None only if we initiate mavlink connection p_in = MavlinkUDPProxyProtocol(connect, agg_max_size=settings.common.radio_mtu, agg_timeout=settings.common.mavlink_agg_timeout, inject_rssi=cfg.inject_rssi, mirror=mirror, mavlink_sys_id=cfg.mavlink_sys_id, mavlink_comp_id=cfg.mavlink_comp_id, rx_hooks=rx_hooks, tx_hooks=tx_hooks) p_rx = UDPProxyProtocol() p_rx.peer = p_in rx_socket = reactor.listenUDP(0, p_rx) sockets = [rx_socket] cmd_rx = ('%(cmd)s -p %(stream)d -u %(port)d -K %(key)s -i %(link_id)d' % \ dict(cmd=os.path.join(settings.path.bin_dir, 'wfb_rx'), stream=cfg.stream_rx, port=rx_socket.getHost().port, key=os.path.join(settings.path.conf_dir, cfg.keypair), link_id=link_id)).split() + wlans cmd_tx = ('%(cmd)s -f %(frame_type)s -p %(stream)d -u %(port)d -K %(key)s -B %(bw)d '\ '-G %(gi)s -S %(stbc)d -L %(ldpc)d -M %(mcs)d '\ '-k %(fec_k)d -n %(fec_n)d -T %(fec_timeout)d -i %(link_id)d -R %(rcv_buf_size)d' % \ dict(cmd=os.path.join(settings.path.bin_dir, 'wfb_tx'), frame_type=cfg.frame_type, stream=cfg.stream_tx, port=0, key=os.path.join(settings.path.conf_dir, cfg.keypair), bw=cfg.bandwidth, gi="short" if cfg.short_gi else "long", stbc=cfg.stbc, ldpc=cfg.ldpc, mcs=cfg.mcs_index, fec_k=cfg.fec_k, fec_n=cfg.fec_n, fec_timeout=cfg.fec_timeout, link_id=link_id, rcv_buf_size=settings.common.tx_rcv_buf_size)).split() + wlans log.msg('%s RX: %s' % (service_name, ' '.join(cmd_rx))) log.msg('%s TX: %s' % (service_name, ' '.join(cmd_tx))) # Setup mavlink TCP proxy if cfg.mavlink_tcp_port: mav_tcp_f = MavlinkTCPFactory(p_in) p_in.rx_hooks.append(mav_tcp_f.write) reactor.listenTCP(cfg.mavlink_tcp_port, mav_tcp_f) tx_ports_df = defer.Deferred() dl = [TXProtocol(cmd_tx, '%s tx' % (service_name,), tx_ports_df).start()] # Wait while wfb_tx allocates ephemeral udp ports and reports them back tx_ports = yield tx_ports_df log.msg('%s use wfb_tx ports %s' % (service_name, tx_ports)) p_tx_l = [UDPProxyProtocol(('', tx_ports[wlan])) for wlan in wlans] if serial: serial_port = SerialPort(p_in, os.path.join('/dev', serial[0]), reactor, baudrate=serial[1]) serial_port._serial.exclusive = True else: serial_port = None sockets += [ reactor.listenUDP(listen[1] if listen else 0, p_in) ] sockets += [ reactor.listenUDP(0, p_tx) for p_tx in p_tx_l ] def ant_sel_cb(ant_idx): p_in.peer = p_tx_l[ant_idx] ant_sel_f.add_ant_sel_cb(ant_sel_cb) # Report RSSI to OSD ant_sel_f.add_rssi_cb(p_in.send_rssi) dl.append(RXProtocol(ant_sel_f, cmd_rx, '%s rx' % (service_name,)).start()) def _cleanup(x): if serial_port is not None: serial_port.loseConnection() serial_port.connectionLost(failure.Failure(ti_main.CONNECTION_DONE)) for s in sockets: s.stopListening() return x yield defer.gatherResults(dl, consumeErrors=True).addBoth(_cleanup)\ .addErrback(lambda f: f.trap(defer.FirstError) and f.value.subFailure) @defer.inlineCallbacks def init_tunnel(service_name, cfg, wlans, link_id, ant_sel_f): p_in = TUNTAPProtocol(mtu=settings.common.radio_mtu, agg_timeout=settings.common.tunnel_agg_timeout) p_rx = UDPProxyProtocol() p_rx.peer = p_in rx_socket = reactor.listenUDP(0, p_rx) sockets = [rx_socket] cmd_rx = ('%(cmd)s -p %(stream)d -u %(port)d -K %(key)s -i %(link_id)d' % \ dict(cmd=os.path.join(settings.path.bin_dir, 'wfb_rx'), stream=cfg.stream_rx, port=rx_socket.getHost().port, key=os.path.join(settings.path.conf_dir, cfg.keypair), link_id=link_id)).split() + wlans cmd_tx = ('%(cmd)s -f %(frame_type)s -p %(stream)d -u %(port)d -K %(key)s -B %(bw)d -G %(gi)s '\ '-S %(stbc)d -L %(ldpc)d -M %(mcs)d '\ '-k %(fec_k)d -n %(fec_n)d -T %(fec_timeout)d -i %(link_id)d -R %(rcv_buf_size)d' % \ dict(cmd=os.path.join(settings.path.bin_dir, 'wfb_tx'), frame_type=cfg.frame_type, stream=cfg.stream_tx, port=0, key=os.path.join(settings.path.conf_dir, cfg.keypair), bw=cfg.bandwidth, gi="short" if cfg.short_gi else "long", stbc=cfg.stbc, ldpc=cfg.ldpc, mcs=cfg.mcs_index, fec_k=cfg.fec_k, fec_n=cfg.fec_n, fec_timeout=cfg.fec_timeout, link_id=link_id, rcv_buf_size=settings.common.tx_rcv_buf_size)).split() + wlans log.msg('%s RX: %s' % (service_name, ' '.join(cmd_rx))) log.msg('%s TX: %s' % (service_name, ' '.join(cmd_tx),)) tx_ports_df = defer.Deferred() dl = [TXProtocol(cmd_tx, '%s tx' % (service_name,), tx_ports_df).start()] # Wait while wfb_tx allocates ephemeral udp ports and reports them back tx_ports = yield tx_ports_df log.msg('%s use wfb_tx ports %s' % (service_name, tx_ports)) p_tx_l = [UDPProxyProtocol(('', tx_ports[wlan])) for wlan in wlans] tun_ep = TUNTAPTransport(reactor, p_in, cfg.ifname, cfg.ifaddr, mtu=settings.common.radio_mtu, default_route=cfg.default_route) sockets += [ reactor.listenUDP(0, p_tx) for p_tx in p_tx_l ] def ant_sel_cb(ant_idx): p_in.peer = p_tx_l[ant_idx] ant_sel_f.add_ant_sel_cb(ant_sel_cb) dl.append(RXProtocol(ant_sel_f, cmd_rx, '%s rx' % (service_name,)).start()) def _cleanup(x): tun_ep.loseConnection() for s in sockets: s.stopListening() return x yield defer.gatherResults(dl, consumeErrors=True).addBoth(_cleanup)\ .addErrback(lambda f: f.trap(defer.FirstError) and f.value.subFailure) @defer.inlineCallbacks def init_udp_proxy(service_name, cfg, wlans, link_id, ant_sel_f): listen = None connect = None if connect_re.match(cfg.peer): m = connect_re.match(cfg.peer) connect = m.group('addr'), int(m.group('port')) log.msg('Connect %s stream %d(RX), %d(TX) to %s:%d' % (service_name, cfg.stream_rx, cfg.stream_tx, connect[0], connect[1])) elif listen_re.match(cfg.peer): m = listen_re.match(cfg.peer) listen = m.group('addr'), int(m.group('port')) log.msg('Listen for %s stream %d(RX), %d(TX) on %s:%d' % (service_name, cfg.stream_rx, cfg.stream_tx, listen[0], listen[1])) else: raise Exception('Unsupported peer address: %s' % (cfg.peer,)) # The first argument is not None only if we initiate mavlink connection p_in = UDPProxyProtocol(connect) sockets = [reactor.listenUDP(listen[1] if listen else 0, p_in)] dl = [] if cfg.stream_rx is not None: p_rx = UDPProxyProtocol() p_rx.peer = p_in rx_socket = reactor.listenUDP(0, p_rx) sockets = [rx_socket] cmd_rx = ('%(cmd)s -p %(stream)d -u %(port)d -K %(key)s -i %(link_id)d' % \ dict(cmd=os.path.join(settings.path.bin_dir, 'wfb_rx'), stream=cfg.stream_rx, port=rx_socket.getHost().port, key=os.path.join(settings.path.conf_dir, cfg.keypair), link_id=link_id)).split() + wlans log.msg('%s RX: %s' % (service_name, ' '.join(cmd_rx))) dl.append(RXProtocol(ant_sel_f, cmd_rx, '%s rx' % (service_name,)).start()) if cfg.stream_tx is not None: cmd_tx = ('%(cmd)s -f %(frame_type)s -p %(stream)d -u %(port)d -K %(key)s -B %(bw)d '\ '-G %(gi)s -S %(stbc)d -L %(ldpc)d -M %(mcs)d '\ '-k %(fec_k)d -n %(fec_n)d -T %(fec_timeout)d -i %(link_id)d -R %(rcv_buf_size)d' % \ dict(cmd=os.path.join(settings.path.bin_dir, 'wfb_tx'), frame_type=cfg.frame_type, stream=cfg.stream_tx, port=0, key=os.path.join(settings.path.conf_dir, cfg.keypair), bw=cfg.bandwidth, gi="short" if cfg.short_gi else "long", stbc=cfg.stbc, ldpc=cfg.ldpc, mcs=cfg.mcs_index, fec_k=cfg.fec_k, fec_n=cfg.fec_n, fec_timeout=cfg.fec_timeout, link_id=link_id, rcv_buf_size=settings.common.tx_rcv_buf_size)).split() + wlans log.msg('%s TX: %s' % (service_name, ' '.join(cmd_tx))) tx_ports_df = defer.Deferred() dl += [TXProtocol(cmd_tx, '%s tx' % (service_name,), tx_ports_df).start()] # Wait while wfb_tx allocates ephemeral udp ports and reports them back tx_ports = yield tx_ports_df log.msg('%s use wfb_tx ports %s' % (service_name, tx_ports)) p_tx_l = [UDPProxyProtocol(('', tx_ports[wlan])) for wlan in wlans] sockets += [reactor.listenUDP(0, p_tx) for p_tx in p_tx_l ] def ant_sel_cb(ant_idx): p_in.peer = p_tx_l[ant_idx] ant_sel_f.add_ant_sel_cb(ant_sel_cb) def _cleanup(x): for s in sockets: s.stopListening() return x yield defer.gatherResults(dl, consumeErrors=True).addBoth(_cleanup)\ .addErrback(lambda f: f.trap(defer.FirstError) and f.value.subFailure) def main(): log.msg = _log_msg if settings.common.log_file: log.startLogging(LogFile(settings.common.log_file, settings.path.log_dir, rotateLength=1024*1024, maxRotatedFiles=10)) elif sys.stdout.isatty(): log.startLogging(sys.stdout) else: obs = ConsoleObserver() log.theLogPublisher._startLogging(obs.emit, False) log.msg('WFB version %s-%s' % (settings.common.version, settings.common.commit[:8])) profiles, wlans = sys.argv[1], list(wlan for arg in sys.argv[2:] for wlan in arg.split()) uname = os.uname() log.msg('Run on %s/%s @%s, profile(s) %s using %s' % (uname[4], uname[2], uname[1], profiles, ', '.join(wlans))) log.msg('Using cfg files:\n%s' % ('\n'.join(cfg_files),)) reactor.callWhenRunning(lambda: defer.maybeDeferred(init, profiles.split(':'), wlans)\ .addErrback(abort_on_crash)) reactor.run() rc = exit_status() log.msg('Exiting with code %d' % rc) sys.exit(rc) if __name__ == '__main__': main()