#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2018-2024 Vasily Evseenko # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 3. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # import sys import curses import msgpack import tempfile import signal import termios import struct import fcntl from twisted.python import log from twisted.internet import reactor, defer from twisted.internet.protocol import ReconnectingClientFactory from twisted.protocols.basic import Int32StringReceiver from .server import parse_services from .common import abort_on_crash, exit_status from .conf import settings _orig_stdout = sys.stdout def set_window_title(s): print("\033]2;%s\007" % (s,), file=_orig_stdout) def ignore_curses_err(f): def _f(*args, **kwargs): try: return f(*args, **kwargs) except curses.error: pass return _f @ignore_curses_err def addstr_noerr(window, y, x, s, *attrs): for i, c in enumerate(s, x): window.addch(y, i, c, *attrs) def addstr_centered(window, s, attrs=0): h, w = window.getmaxyx() addstr_noerr(window, h // 2, max((w - len(s)) // 2, 0), s, attrs) @ignore_curses_err def addstr_markup(window, y, x, s, attrs=0): for c in s: if c == '{': attrs |= curses.A_BOLD continue if c == '}': attrs &= ~curses.A_BOLD continue if c == '(': attrs |= curses.A_DIM continue if c == ')': attrs &= ~curses.A_DIM continue if c == '^': attrs |= curses.A_REVERSE continue if c == '$': attrs &= ~curses.A_REVERSE continue window.addch(y, x, c, attrs) x += 1 def rectangle(win, uly, ulx, lry, lrx): """Draw a rectangle with corners at the provided upper-left and lower-right coordinates. """ win.vline(uly+1, ulx, curses.ACS_VLINE, lry - uly - 1) win.hline(uly, ulx+1, curses.ACS_HLINE, lrx - ulx - 1) win.hline(lry, ulx+1, curses.ACS_HLINE, lrx - ulx - 1) win.vline(uly+1, lrx, curses.ACS_VLINE, lry - uly - 1) win.addch(uly, ulx, curses.ACS_ULCORNER) win.addch(uly, lrx, curses.ACS_URCORNER) # Workarond for ncurses bug that show error on output to the last position on the screen try: win.addch(lry, lrx, curses.ACS_LRCORNER) except curses.error: pass win.addch(lry, ulx, curses.ACS_LLCORNER) def human_rate(r): rate = r * 8 if rate >= 1000 * 1000: rate = rate / 1024 / 1024 mod = 'mbit/s' else: rate = rate / 1024 mod = 'kbit/s' if rate < 10: return '%0.1f %s' % (rate, mod) else: return '%3d %s' % (rate, mod) class AntennaStat(Int32StringReceiver): MAX_LENGTH = 1024 * 1024 def stringReceived(self, string): attrs = msgpack.unpackb(string, strict_map_key=False, use_list=False) if attrs['type'] == 'rx': self.draw_rx(attrs) elif attrs['type'] == 'tx': self.draw_tx(attrs) elif attrs['type'] == 'cli_title': set_window_title(attrs['cli_title']) def draw_rx(self, attrs): p = attrs['packets'] session_d = attrs['session'] stats_d = attrs['rx_ant_stats'] tx_ant = attrs.get('tx_ant') rx_id = attrs['id'] window = self.factory.windows.get(rx_id) if window is None: return window.erase() addstr_markup(window, 0, 0, ' {pkt/s pkt}') msg_l = (('{recv} %4d$ (%d)' % tuple(p['all']), 0), ('{udp} %4d$ (%d)' % tuple(p['out']), 0), ('fec_r %4d$ (%d)' % tuple(p['fec_rec']), curses.A_REVERSE if p['fec_rec'][0] else 0), ('lost %4d$ (%d)' % tuple(p['lost']), curses.A_REVERSE if p['lost'][0] else 0), ('d_err %4d$ (%d)' % tuple(p['dec_err']), curses.A_REVERSE if p['dec_err'][0] else 0), ('bad %4d$ (%d)' % tuple(p['bad']), curses.A_REVERSE if p['bad'][0] else 0)) ymax = window.getmaxyx()[0] for y, (msg, attr) in enumerate(msg_l, 1): if y < ymax: addstr_markup(window, y, 0, msg, attr) flow_str = '{Flow:} %s -> %s ' % \ (human_rate(p['all_bytes'][0]), human_rate(p['out_bytes'][0])) if session_d: flow_str += '{FEC:} %(fec_k)d/%(fec_n)d' % (session_d) addstr_markup(window, 0, 20, flow_str) if stats_d: addstr_markup(window, 2, 20, '{Freq MCS BW [ANT] pkt/s} {RSSI} [dBm] {SNR} [dB]') for y, (((freq, mcs_index, bandwith), ant_id), v) in enumerate(sorted(stats_d.items()), 3): pkt_s, rssi_min, rssi_avg, rssi_max, snr_min, snr_avg, snr_max = v if y < ymax: active_tx = (ant_id >> 8) == tx_ant addstr_markup(window, y, 20, '%04d %3d %2d %s%04x%s %4d %3d < {%3d} < %3d %3d < {%3d} < %3d' % \ (freq, mcs_index, bandwith, '{' if active_tx else '', ant_id, '}' if active_tx else '', pkt_s, rssi_min, rssi_avg, rssi_max, snr_min, snr_avg, snr_max), 0 if active_tx else curses.A_DIM) else: addstr_noerr(window, 2, 20, '[No data]', curses.A_REVERSE) window.refresh() def draw_tx(self, attrs): p = attrs['packets'] latency_d = attrs['latency'] tx_id = attrs['id'] rf_temperature = attrs['rf_temperature'] window = self.factory.windows.get(tx_id) if window is None: return window.erase() addstr_noerr(window, 0, 0, ' pkt/s pkt', curses.A_BOLD) msg_l = (('{sent} %4d$ (%d)' % tuple(p['injected']), 0), ('{udp} %4d$ (%d)' % tuple(p['incoming']), 0), ('fec_t %4d$ (%d)' % tuple(p['fec_timeouts']), 0), ('drop %4d$ (%d)' % tuple(p['dropped']), curses.A_REVERSE if p['dropped'][0] else 0), ('trunc %4d$ (%d)' % tuple(p['truncated']), curses.A_REVERSE if p['truncated'][0] else 0)) ymax = window.getmaxyx()[0] for y, (msg, attr) in enumerate(msg_l, 1): if y < ymax: addstr_markup(window, y, 0, msg, attr) addstr_markup(window, 0, 20, '{Flow:} %s -> %s' % \ (human_rate(p['incoming_bytes'][0]), human_rate(p['injected_bytes'][0]))) if latency_d: addstr_markup(window, 2, 20, '{[ANT] pkt/s} {\u00b0C} {Injection} [us]') for y, (k, v) in enumerate(sorted(latency_d.items()), 3): k = int(k) # json doesn't support int keys injected, dropped, lat_min, lat_avg, lat_max = v # Show max temperature from all RF paths temp = max((_v for _k, _v in rf_temperature.items() if (_k >> 8) == (k >> 8)), default=None) if temp is not None: if temp >= settings.common.temp_overheat_warning: temp = '{%d}' % (temp,) else: temp = str(temp) else: temp = ' (--)' if y < ymax: addstr_markup(window, y, 21, '{%02x}(XX) %4d %3s %4d < {%4d} < %4d' % (k >> 8, injected, temp, lat_min, lat_avg, lat_max)) else: addstr_noerr(window, 2, 20, '[No data]', curses.A_REVERSE) window.refresh() class AntennaStatClientFactory(ReconnectingClientFactory): noisy = False maxDelay = 1.0 def __init__(self, stdscr, profile): self.stdscr = stdscr self.profile = profile self.windows = {} self.init_windows() def init_windows(self): self.windows.clear() # python < 3.11 doesn't have termios.tcgetwinsize height, width = struct.unpack('hh', fcntl.ioctl(1, termios.TIOCGWINSZ, b' ' * 4)) curses.resize_term(height, width) self.stdscr.clear() service_list = list((s_name, cfg.stream_rx is not None, cfg.stream_tx is not None) for s_name, _, cfg in parse_services(self.profile)) if not service_list: rectangle(self.stdscr, 0, 0, height - 1, width - 1) addstr_noerr(self.stdscr, 0, 3, '[%s not configured]' % (self.profile,), curses.A_REVERSE) self.stdscr.refresh() return n_exp = 0 h_exp = height h_fixed = 3 for _, show_rx_stats, show_tx_stats in service_list: if show_rx_stats or show_tx_stats: n_exp += 1 else: h_exp -= h_fixed if n_exp > 0: h_exp = h_exp / n_exp hoff_int = 0 hoff_float = 0 for name, show_rx_stats, show_tx_stats in service_list: if show_rx_stats or show_tx_stats: hoff_float += h_exp else: hoff_float += h_fixed whl = [] for ww, xoff, txrx, show_stats in [((width * 4 // 7 - 1), 0, 'rx', show_rx_stats), ((width - width * 4 // 7 - 1), width * 4 // 7, 'tx', show_tx_stats)]: if not show_stats: whl.append(0) continue err = round(hoff_float) - (hoff_int + int(h_exp)) wh = int(h_exp) + err if wh < h_fixed: raise Exception('Terminal height is too small') window = self.stdscr.subpad(wh - 2, ww - 2, hoff_int + 1, xoff + 1) window.idlok(1) window.scrollok(1) rectangle(self.stdscr, hoff_int, xoff, hoff_int + wh - 1, xoff + ww) addstr_noerr(self.stdscr, hoff_int, 3 + xoff, '[%s: %s %s]' % (txrx.upper(), self.profile, name), curses.A_BOLD) self.windows['%s %s' % (name, txrx)] = window whl.append(wh) hoff_int += max(whl) self.stdscr.refresh() def startedConnecting(self, connector): set_window_title('Connecting to %s:%d ...' % (connector.host, connector.port)) for window in self.windows.values(): window.erase() addstr_centered(window, 'Connecting...', curses.A_DIM) window.refresh() def buildProtocol(self, addr): set_window_title('Connected to %s' % (addr,)) for window in self.windows.values(): window.erase() addstr_centered(window, 'Waiting for data...', curses.A_DIM) window.refresh() self.resetDelay() p = AntennaStat() p.factory = self return p def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason): set_window_title('Connection lost: %s' % (reason.value,)) for window in self.windows.values(): window.erase() addstr_centered(window, '[Connection lost]', curses.A_REVERSE) window.refresh() ReconnectingClientFactory.clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason) def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason): set_window_title('Connection failed: %s' % (reason.value,)) for window in self.windows.values(): window.erase() addstr_centered(window, '[Connection failed]', curses.A_REVERSE) window.refresh() ReconnectingClientFactory.clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason) def init(stdscr, profile): stats_port = getattr(settings, profile).stats_port f = AntennaStatClientFactory(stdscr, profile) # Resize windows on terminal size change def sigwinch_handler(signum, sigstack): reactor.callFromThread(lambda: defer.maybeDeferred(f.init_windows).addErrback(abort_on_crash)) signal.signal(signal.SIGWINCH, sigwinch_handler) reactor.connectTCP('', stats_port, f) def main(): stderr = sys.stderr if len(sys.argv) != 2: print("Usage: %s " % (sys.argv[0],), file=stderr) sys.exit(1) fd = tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode='w+', encoding='utf-8') log.startLogging(fd) stdscr = curses.initscr() try: curses.noecho() curses.cbreak() curses.curs_set(0) stdscr.keypad(True) reactor.callWhenRunning(lambda: defer.maybeDeferred(init, stdscr, sys.argv[1])\ .addErrback(abort_on_crash)) reactor.run() finally: curses.endwin() rc = exit_status() if rc: log.msg('Exiting with code %d' % rc) fd.seek(0) for l in fd: stderr.write(l) sys.exit(rc) if __name__ == '__main__': main()