
109 lines
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import decimal
from io import StringIO
from collections import OrderedDict
from test.test_json import PyTest, CTest
from test import support
class TestDecode:
def test_decimal(self):
rval = self.loads('1.1', parse_float=decimal.Decimal)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(rval, decimal.Decimal))
self.assertEqual(rval, decimal.Decimal('1.1'))
def test_float(self):
rval = self.loads('1', parse_int=float)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(rval, float))
self.assertEqual(rval, 1.0)
def test_empty_objects(self):
self.assertEqual(self.loads('{}'), {})
self.assertEqual(self.loads('[]'), [])
self.assertEqual(self.loads('""'), "")
def test_object_pairs_hook(self):
s = '{"xkd":1, "kcw":2, "art":3, "hxm":4, "qrt":5, "pad":6, "hoy":7}'
p = [("xkd", 1), ("kcw", 2), ("art", 3), ("hxm", 4),
("qrt", 5), ("pad", 6), ("hoy", 7)]
self.assertEqual(self.loads(s), eval(s))
self.assertEqual(self.loads(s, object_pairs_hook=lambda x: x), p)
object_pairs_hook=lambda x: x), p)
od = self.loads(s, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
self.assertEqual(od, OrderedDict(p))
self.assertEqual(type(od), OrderedDict)
# the object_pairs_hook takes priority over the object_hook
self.assertEqual(self.loads(s, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict,
object_hook=lambda x: None),
# check that empty object literals work (see #17368)
self.assertEqual(self.loads('{}', object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict),
self.assertEqual(self.loads('{"empty": {}}',
OrderedDict([('empty', OrderedDict())]))
def test_decoder_optimizations(self):
# Several optimizations were made that skip over calls to
# the whitespace regex, so this test is designed to try and
# exercise the uncommon cases. The array cases are already covered.
rval = self.loads('{ "key" : "value" , "k":"v" }')
self.assertEqual(rval, {"key":"value", "k":"v"})
def check_keys_reuse(self, source, loads):
rval = loads(source)
(a, b), (c, d) = sorted(rval[0]), sorted(rval[1])
self.assertIs(a, c)
self.assertIs(b, d)
def test_keys_reuse(self):
s = '[{"a_key": 1, "b_\xe9": 2}, {"a_key": 3, "b_\xe9": 4}]'
self.check_keys_reuse(s, self.loads)
decoder = self.json.decoder.JSONDecoder()
self.check_keys_reuse(s, decoder.decode)
def test_extra_data(self):
s = '[1, 2, 3]5'
msg = 'Extra data'
self.assertRaisesRegex(self.JSONDecodeError, msg, self.loads, s)
def test_invalid_escape(self):
s = '["abc\\y"]'
msg = 'escape'
self.assertRaisesRegex(self.JSONDecodeError, msg, self.loads, s)
def test_invalid_input_type(self):
msg = 'the JSON object must be str'
for value in [1, 3.14, [], {}, None]:
self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, msg, self.loads, value)
def test_string_with_utf8_bom(self):
# see #18958
bom_json = "[1,2,3]".encode('utf-8-sig').decode('utf-8')
with self.assertRaises(self.JSONDecodeError) as cm:
self.assertIn('BOM', str(cm.exception))
with self.assertRaises(self.JSONDecodeError) as cm:
self.assertIn('BOM', str(cm.exception))
# make sure that the BOM is not detected in the middle of a string
bom_in_str = '"{}"'.format(''.encode('utf-8-sig').decode('utf-8'))
self.assertEqual(self.loads(bom_in_str), '\ufeff')
self.assertEqual(self.json.load(StringIO(bom_in_str)), '\ufeff')
def test_negative_index(self):
d = self.json.JSONDecoder()
self.assertRaises(ValueError, d.raw_decode, 'a'*42, -50000)
def test_limit_int(self):
maxdigits = 5000
with support.adjust_int_max_str_digits(maxdigits):
self.loads('1' * maxdigits)
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
self.loads('1' * (maxdigits + 1))
class TestPyDecode(TestDecode, PyTest): pass
class TestCDecode(TestDecode, CTest): pass