
368 lines
13 KiB

// The _PyTime_t API is written to use timestamp and timeout values stored in
// various formats and to read clocks.
// The _PyTime_t type is an integer to support directly common arithmetic
// operations like t1 + t2.
// The _PyTime_t API supports a resolution of 1 nanosecond. The _PyTime_t type
// is signed to support negative timestamps. The supported range is around
// [-292.3 years; +292.3 years]. Using the Unix epoch (January 1st, 1970), the
// supported date range is around [1677-09-21; 2262-04-11].
// Formats:
// * seconds
// * seconds as a floating pointer number (C double)
// * milliseconds (10^-3 seconds)
// * microseconds (10^-6 seconds)
// * 100 nanoseconds (10^-7 seconds)
// * nanoseconds (10^-9 seconds)
// * timeval structure, 1 microsecond resolution (10^-6 seconds)
// * timespec structure, 1 nanosecond resolution (10^-9 seconds)
// Integer overflows are detected and raise OverflowError. Conversion to a
// resolution worse than 1 nanosecond is rounded correctly with the requested
// rounding mode. There are 4 rounding modes: floor (towards -inf), ceiling
// (towards +inf), half even and up (away from zero).
// Some functions clamp the result in the range [_PyTime_MIN; _PyTime_MAX], so
// the caller doesn't have to handle errors and doesn't need to hold the GIL.
// For example, _PyTime_Add(t1, t2) computes t1+t2 and clamp the result on
// overflow.
// Clocks:
// * System clock
// * Monotonic clock
// * Performance counter
// Operations like (t * k / q) with integers are implemented in a way to reduce
// the risk of integer overflow. Such operation is used to convert a clock
// value expressed in ticks with a frequency to _PyTime_t, like
// QueryPerformanceCounter() with QueryPerformanceFrequency().
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#ifndef Py_BUILD_CORE
# error "this header requires Py_BUILD_CORE define"
struct _time_runtime_state {
int ticks_per_second_initialized;
long ticks_per_second;
int _not_used;
#ifdef __clang__
struct timeval;
// _PyTime_t: Python timestamp with subsecond precision. It can be used to
// store a duration, and so indirectly a date (related to another date, like
// UNIX epoch).
typedef int64_t _PyTime_t;
// _PyTime_MIN nanoseconds is around -292.3 years
#define _PyTime_MIN INT64_MIN
// _PyTime_MAX nanoseconds is around +292.3 years
#define _PyTime_MAX INT64_MAX
#define _SIZEOF_PYTIME_T 8
typedef enum {
// Round towards minus infinity (-inf).
// For example, used to read a clock.
// Round towards infinity (+inf).
// For example, used for timeout to wait "at least" N seconds.
// Round to nearest with ties going to nearest even integer.
// For example, used to round from a Python float.
// Round away from zero
// For example, used for timeout. _PyTime_ROUND_CEILING rounds
// -1e-9 to 0 milliseconds which causes bpo-31786 issue.
// _PyTime_ROUND_UP rounds -1e-9 to -1 millisecond which keeps
// the timeout sign as expected. select.poll(timeout) must block
// for negative values.
// _PyTime_ROUND_TIMEOUT (an alias for _PyTime_ROUND_UP) should be
// used for timeouts.
} _PyTime_round_t;
// Convert a time_t to a PyLong.
// Export for '_testinternalcapi' shared extension
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) _PyLong_FromTime_t(time_t sec);
// Convert a PyLong to a time_t.
// Export for '_datetime' shared extension
PyAPI_FUNC(time_t) _PyLong_AsTime_t(PyObject *obj);
// Convert a number of seconds, int or float, to time_t.
// Export for '_datetime' shared extension.
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTime_ObjectToTime_t(
PyObject *obj,
time_t *sec,
// Convert a number of seconds, int or float, to a timeval structure.
// usec is in the range [0; 999999] and rounded towards zero.
// For example, -1.2 is converted to (-2, 800000).
// Export for '_datetime' shared extension.
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTime_ObjectToTimeval(
PyObject *obj,
time_t *sec,
long *usec,
// Convert a number of seconds, int or float, to a timespec structure.
// nsec is in the range [0; 999999999] and rounded towards zero.
// For example, -1.2 is converted to (-2, 800000000).
// Export for '_testinternalcapi' shared extension.
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTime_ObjectToTimespec(
PyObject *obj,
time_t *sec,
long *nsec,
// Create a timestamp from a number of seconds.
// Export for '_socket' shared extension.
PyAPI_FUNC(_PyTime_t) _PyTime_FromSeconds(int seconds);
// Macro to create a timestamp from a number of seconds, no integer overflow.
// Only use the macro for small values, prefer _PyTime_FromSeconds().
#define _PYTIME_FROMSECONDS(seconds) \
((_PyTime_t)(seconds) * (1000 * 1000 * 1000))
// Create a timestamp from a number of nanoseconds.
// Export for '_testinternalcapi' shared extension.
PyAPI_FUNC(_PyTime_t) _PyTime_FromNanoseconds(_PyTime_t ns);
// Create a timestamp from a number of microseconds.
// Clamp to [_PyTime_MIN; _PyTime_MAX] on overflow.
extern _PyTime_t _PyTime_FromMicrosecondsClamp(_PyTime_t us);
// Create a timestamp from nanoseconds (Python int).
// Export for '_lsprof' shared extension.
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTime_FromNanosecondsObject(_PyTime_t *t,
PyObject *obj);
// Convert a number of seconds (Python float or int) to a timestamp.
// Raise an exception and return -1 on error, return 0 on success.
// Export for '_socket' shared extension.
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTime_FromSecondsObject(_PyTime_t *t,
PyObject *obj,
_PyTime_round_t round);
// Convert a number of milliseconds (Python float or int, 10^-3) to a timestamp.
// Raise an exception and return -1 on error, return 0 on success.
// Export for 'select' shared extension.
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTime_FromMillisecondsObject(_PyTime_t *t,
PyObject *obj,
_PyTime_round_t round);
// Convert a timestamp to a number of seconds as a C double.
// Export for '_socket' shared extension.
PyAPI_FUNC(double) _PyTime_AsSecondsDouble(_PyTime_t t);
// Convert timestamp to a number of milliseconds (10^-3 seconds).
// Export for '_ssl' shared extension.
PyAPI_FUNC(_PyTime_t) _PyTime_AsMilliseconds(_PyTime_t t,
_PyTime_round_t round);
// Convert timestamp to a number of microseconds (10^-6 seconds).
// Export for '_queue' shared extension.
PyAPI_FUNC(_PyTime_t) _PyTime_AsMicroseconds(_PyTime_t t,
_PyTime_round_t round);
// Convert timestamp to a number of nanoseconds (10^-9 seconds).
extern _PyTime_t _PyTime_AsNanoseconds(_PyTime_t t);
// Convert timestamp to a number of 100 nanoseconds (10^-7 seconds).
extern _PyTime_t _PyTime_As100Nanoseconds(_PyTime_t t,
_PyTime_round_t round);
// Convert timestamp to a number of nanoseconds (10^-9 seconds) as a Python int
// object.
// Export for '_testinternalcapi' shared extension.
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) _PyTime_AsNanosecondsObject(_PyTime_t t);
#ifndef MS_WINDOWS
// Create a timestamp from a timeval structure.
// Raise an exception and return -1 on overflow, return 0 on success.
extern int _PyTime_FromTimeval(_PyTime_t *tp, struct timeval *tv);
// Convert a timestamp to a timeval structure (microsecond resolution).
// tv_usec is always positive.
// Raise an exception and return -1 if the conversion overflowed,
// return 0 on success.
// Export for 'select' shared extension.
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTime_AsTimeval(_PyTime_t t,
struct timeval *tv,
_PyTime_round_t round);
// Similar to _PyTime_AsTimeval() but don't raise an exception on overflow.
// On overflow, clamp tv_sec to _PyTime_t min/max.
// Export for 'select' shared extension.
PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyTime_AsTimeval_clamp(_PyTime_t t,
struct timeval *tv,
_PyTime_round_t round);
// Convert a timestamp to a number of seconds (secs) and microseconds (us).
// us is always positive. This function is similar to _PyTime_AsTimeval()
// except that secs is always a time_t type, whereas the timeval structure
// uses a C long for tv_sec on Windows.
// Raise an exception and return -1 if the conversion overflowed,
// return 0 on success.
// Export for '_datetime' shared extension.
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTime_AsTimevalTime_t(
_PyTime_t t,
time_t *secs,
int *us,
_PyTime_round_t round);
#if defined(HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME) || defined(HAVE_KQUEUE)
// Create a timestamp from a timespec structure.
// Raise an exception and return -1 on overflow, return 0 on success.
extern int _PyTime_FromTimespec(_PyTime_t *tp, struct timespec *ts);
// Convert a timestamp to a timespec structure (nanosecond resolution).
// tv_nsec is always positive.
// Raise an exception and return -1 on error, return 0 on success.
// Export for '_testinternalcapi' shared extension.
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTime_AsTimespec(_PyTime_t t, struct timespec *ts);
// Similar to _PyTime_AsTimespec() but don't raise an exception on overflow.
// On overflow, clamp tv_sec to _PyTime_t min/max.
// Export for '_testinternalcapi' shared extension.
PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyTime_AsTimespec_clamp(_PyTime_t t, struct timespec *ts);
// Compute t1 + t2. Clamp to [_PyTime_MIN; _PyTime_MAX] on overflow.
extern _PyTime_t _PyTime_Add(_PyTime_t t1, _PyTime_t t2);
// Compute ticks * mul / div.
// Clamp to [_PyTime_MIN; _PyTime_MAX] on overflow.
// The caller must ensure that ((div - 1) * mul) cannot overflow.
extern _PyTime_t _PyTime_MulDiv(_PyTime_t ticks,
_PyTime_t mul,
_PyTime_t div);
// Structure used by time.get_clock_info()
typedef struct {
const char *implementation;
int monotonic;
int adjustable;
double resolution;
} _Py_clock_info_t;
// Get the current time from the system clock.
// If the internal clock fails, silently ignore the error and return 0.
// On integer overflow, silently ignore the overflow and clamp the clock to
// [_PyTime_MIN; _PyTime_MAX].
// Use _PyTime_GetSystemClockWithInfo() to check for failure.
// Export for '_random' shared extension.
PyAPI_FUNC(_PyTime_t) _PyTime_GetSystemClock(void);
// Get the current time from the system clock.
// On success, set *t and *info (if not NULL), and return 0.
// On error, raise an exception and return -1.
extern int _PyTime_GetSystemClockWithInfo(
_PyTime_t *t,
_Py_clock_info_t *info);
// Get the time of a monotonic clock, i.e. a clock that cannot go backwards.
// The clock is not affected by system clock updates. The reference point of
// the returned value is undefined, so that only the difference between the
// results of consecutive calls is valid.
// If the internal clock fails, silently ignore the error and return 0.
// On integer overflow, silently ignore the overflow and clamp the clock to
// [_PyTime_MIN; _PyTime_MAX].
// Use _PyTime_GetMonotonicClockWithInfo() to check for failure.
// Export for '_random' shared extension.
PyAPI_FUNC(_PyTime_t) _PyTime_GetMonotonicClock(void);
// Get the time of a monotonic clock, i.e. a clock that cannot go backwards.
// The clock is not affected by system clock updates. The reference point of
// the returned value is undefined, so that only the difference between the
// results of consecutive calls is valid.
// Fill info (if set) with information of the function used to get the time.
// Return 0 on success, raise an exception and return -1 on error.
// Export for '_testsinglephase' shared extension.
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTime_GetMonotonicClockWithInfo(
_PyTime_t *t,
_Py_clock_info_t *info);
// Converts a timestamp to the Gregorian time, using the local time zone.
// Return 0 on success, raise an exception and return -1 on error.
// Export for '_datetime' shared extension.
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTime_localtime(time_t t, struct tm *tm);
// Converts a timestamp to the Gregorian time, assuming UTC.
// Return 0 on success, raise an exception and return -1 on error.
// Export for '_datetime' shared extension.
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTime_gmtime(time_t t, struct tm *tm);
// Get the performance counter: clock with the highest available resolution to
// measure a short duration.
// If the internal clock fails, silently ignore the error and return 0.
// On integer overflow, silently ignore the overflow and clamp the clock to
// [_PyTime_MIN; _PyTime_MAX].
// Use _PyTime_GetPerfCounterWithInfo() to check for failure.
// Export for '_lsprof' shared extension.
PyAPI_FUNC(_PyTime_t) _PyTime_GetPerfCounter(void);
// Get the performance counter: clock with the highest available resolution to
// measure a short duration.
// Fill info (if set) with information of the function used to get the time.
// Return 0 on success, raise an exception and return -1 on error.
extern int _PyTime_GetPerfCounterWithInfo(
_PyTime_t *t,
_Py_clock_info_t *info);
// Create a deadline.
// Pseudo code: _PyTime_GetMonotonicClock() + timeout.
// Export for '_ssl' shared extension.
PyAPI_FUNC(_PyTime_t) _PyDeadline_Init(_PyTime_t timeout);
// Get remaining time from a deadline.
// Pseudo code: deadline - _PyTime_GetMonotonicClock().
// Export for '_ssl' shared extension.
PyAPI_FUNC(_PyTime_t) _PyDeadline_Get(_PyTime_t deadline);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // !Py_INTERNAL_TIME_H