mirror of https://github.com/python/cpython
501 lines
16 KiB
501 lines
16 KiB
"""Parser for bytecodes.inst."""
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import NamedTuple, Callable, TypeVar, Literal, cast
import lexer as lx
from plexer import PLexer
P = TypeVar("P", bound="Parser")
N = TypeVar("N", bound="Node")
def contextual(func: Callable[[P], N | None]) -> Callable[[P], N | None]:
# Decorator to wrap grammar methods.
# Resets position if `func` returns None.
def contextual_wrapper(self: P) -> N | None:
begin = self.getpos()
res = func(self)
if res is None:
return None
end = self.getpos()
res.context = Context(begin, end, self)
return res
return contextual_wrapper
class Context(NamedTuple):
begin: int
end: int
owner: PLexer
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"<{self.owner.filename}: {self.begin}-{self.end}>"
class Node:
context: Context | None = field(init=False, compare=False, default=None)
def text(self) -> str:
return self.to_text()
def to_text(self, dedent: int = 0) -> str:
context = self.context
if not context:
return ""
return lx.to_text(self.tokens, dedent)
def tokens(self) -> list[lx.Token]:
context = self.context
if not context:
return []
tokens = context.owner.tokens
begin = context.begin
end = context.end
return tokens[begin:end]
def first_token(self) -> lx.Token:
context = self.context
assert context is not None
return context.owner.tokens[context.begin]
class Block(Node):
# This just holds a context which has the list of tokens.
class StackEffect(Node):
name: str = field(compare=False) # __eq__ only uses type, cond, size
type: str = "" # Optional `:type`
cond: str = "" # Optional `if (cond)`
size: str = "" # Optional `[size]`
# Note: size cannot be combined with type or cond
def __repr__(self) -> str:
items = [self.name, self.type, self.cond, self.size]
while items and items[-1] == "":
del items[-1]
return f"StackEffect({', '.join(repr(item) for item in items)})"
class Expression(Node):
size: str
class CacheEffect(Node):
name: str
size: int
class OpName(Node):
name: str
InputEffect = StackEffect | CacheEffect
OutputEffect = StackEffect
UOp = OpName | CacheEffect
class InstHeader(Node):
annotations: list[str]
kind: Literal["inst", "op"]
name: str
inputs: list[InputEffect]
outputs: list[OutputEffect]
class InstDef(Node):
annotations: list[str]
kind: Literal["inst", "op"]
name: str
inputs: list[InputEffect]
outputs: list[OutputEffect]
block: Block
class Macro(Node):
name: str
uops: list[UOp]
class Family(Node):
name: str
size: str # Variable giving the cache size in code units
members: list[str]
class Pseudo(Node):
name: str
inputs: list[InputEffect]
outputs: list[OutputEffect]
flags: list[str] # instr flags to set on the pseudo instruction
targets: list[str] # opcodes this can be replaced by
as_sequence: bool
AstNode = InstDef | Macro | Pseudo | Family
class Parser(PLexer):
def definition(self) -> AstNode | None:
if macro := self.macro_def():
return macro
if family := self.family_def():
return family
if pseudo := self.pseudo_def():
return pseudo
if inst := self.inst_def():
return inst
return None
def inst_def(self) -> InstDef | None:
if hdr := self.inst_header():
if block := self.block():
return InstDef(
raise self.make_syntax_error("Expected block")
return None
def inst_header(self) -> InstHeader | None:
# annotation* inst(NAME, (inputs -- outputs))
# | annotation* op(NAME, (inputs -- outputs))
annotations = []
while anno := self.expect(lx.ANNOTATION):
if anno.text == "replicate":
times = self.require(lx.NUMBER)
tkn = self.expect(lx.INST)
if not tkn:
tkn = self.expect(lx.OP)
if tkn:
kind = cast(Literal["inst", "op"], tkn.text)
if self.expect(lx.LPAREN) and (tkn := self.expect(lx.IDENTIFIER)):
name = tkn.text
if self.expect(lx.COMMA):
inp, outp = self.io_effect()
if self.expect(lx.RPAREN):
if (tkn := self.peek()) and tkn.kind == lx.LBRACE:
return InstHeader(annotations, kind, name, inp, outp)
return None
def io_effect(self) -> tuple[list[InputEffect], list[OutputEffect]]:
# '(' [inputs] '--' [outputs] ')'
if self.expect(lx.LPAREN):
inputs = self.inputs() or []
if self.expect(lx.MINUSMINUS):
outputs = self.outputs() or []
if self.expect(lx.RPAREN):
return inputs, outputs
raise self.make_syntax_error("Expected stack effect")
def inputs(self) -> list[InputEffect] | None:
# input (',' input)*
here = self.getpos()
if inp := self.input():
inp = cast(InputEffect, inp)
near = self.getpos()
if self.expect(lx.COMMA):
if rest := self.inputs():
return [inp] + rest
return [inp]
return None
def input(self) -> InputEffect | None:
return self.cache_effect() or self.stack_effect()
def outputs(self) -> list[OutputEffect] | None:
# output (, output)*
here = self.getpos()
if outp := self.output():
near = self.getpos()
if self.expect(lx.COMMA):
if rest := self.outputs():
return [outp] + rest
return [outp]
return None
def output(self) -> OutputEffect | None:
return self.stack_effect()
def cache_effect(self) -> CacheEffect | None:
if tkn := self.expect(lx.IDENTIFIER):
if self.expect(lx.DIVIDE):
num = self.require(lx.NUMBER).text
size = int(num)
except ValueError:
raise self.make_syntax_error(f"Expected integer, got {num!r}")
return CacheEffect(tkn.text, size)
return None
def stack_effect(self) -> StackEffect | None:
# IDENTIFIER [':' IDENTIFIER [TIMES]] ['if' '(' expression ')']
# | IDENTIFIER '[' expression ']'
if tkn := self.expect(lx.IDENTIFIER):
type_text = ""
if self.expect(lx.COLON):
type_text = self.require(lx.IDENTIFIER).text.strip()
if self.expect(lx.TIMES):
type_text += " *"
cond_text = ""
if self.expect(lx.IF):
if not (cond := self.expression()):
raise self.make_syntax_error("Expected condition")
cond_text = cond.text.strip()
size_text = ""
if self.expect(lx.LBRACKET):
if type_text or cond_text:
raise self.make_syntax_error("Unexpected [")
if not (size := self.expression()):
raise self.make_syntax_error("Expected expression")
size_text = size.text.strip()
return StackEffect(tkn.text, type_text, cond_text, size_text)
return None
def expression(self) -> Expression | None:
tokens: list[lx.Token] = []
level = 1
while tkn := self.peek():
if tkn.kind in (lx.LBRACKET, lx.LPAREN):
level += 1
elif tkn.kind in (lx.RBRACKET, lx.RPAREN):
level -= 1
if level == 0:
if not tokens:
return None
return Expression(lx.to_text(tokens).strip())
# def ops(self) -> list[OpName] | None:
# if op := self.op():
# ops = [op]
# while self.expect(lx.PLUS):
# if op := self.op():
# ops.append(op)
# return ops
def op(self) -> OpName | None:
if tkn := self.expect(lx.IDENTIFIER):
return OpName(tkn.text)
return None
def macro_def(self) -> Macro | None:
if tkn := self.expect(lx.MACRO):
if self.expect(lx.LPAREN):
if tkn := self.expect(lx.IDENTIFIER):
if self.expect(lx.RPAREN):
if self.expect(lx.EQUALS):
if uops := self.uops():
res = Macro(tkn.text, uops)
return res
return None
def uops(self) -> list[UOp] | None:
if uop := self.uop():
uop = cast(UOp, uop)
uops = [uop]
while self.expect(lx.PLUS):
if uop := self.uop():
uop = cast(UOp, uop)
raise self.make_syntax_error("Expected op name or cache effect")
return uops
return None
def uop(self) -> UOp | None:
if tkn := self.expect(lx.IDENTIFIER):
if self.expect(lx.DIVIDE):
if num := self.expect(lx.NUMBER):
size = int(num.text)
except ValueError:
raise self.make_syntax_error(
f"Expected integer, got {num.text!r}"
return CacheEffect(tkn.text, size)
raise self.make_syntax_error("Expected integer")
return OpName(tkn.text)
return None
def family_def(self) -> Family | None:
if (tkn := self.expect(lx.IDENTIFIER)) and tkn.text == "family":
size = None
if self.expect(lx.LPAREN):
if tkn := self.expect(lx.IDENTIFIER):
if self.expect(lx.COMMA):
if not (size := self.expect(lx.IDENTIFIER)):
if not (size := self.expect(lx.NUMBER)):
raise self.make_syntax_error(
"Expected identifier or number"
if self.expect(lx.RPAREN):
if self.expect(lx.EQUALS):
if not self.expect(lx.LBRACE):
raise self.make_syntax_error("Expected {")
if members := self.members():
if self.expect(lx.RBRACE) and self.expect(lx.SEMI):
return Family(
tkn.text, size.text if size else "", members
return None
def flags(self) -> list[str]:
here = self.getpos()
if self.expect(lx.LPAREN):
if tkn := self.expect(lx.IDENTIFIER):
flags = [tkn.text]
while self.expect(lx.COMMA):
if tkn := self.expect(lx.IDENTIFIER):
if not self.expect(lx.RPAREN):
raise self.make_syntax_error("Expected comma or right paren")
return flags
return []
def pseudo_def(self) -> Pseudo | None:
if (tkn := self.expect(lx.IDENTIFIER)) and tkn.text == "pseudo":
size = None
if self.expect(lx.LPAREN):
if tkn := self.expect(lx.IDENTIFIER):
if self.expect(lx.COMMA):
inp, outp = self.io_effect()
if self.expect(lx.COMMA):
flags = self.flags()
flags = []
if self.expect(lx.RPAREN):
if self.expect(lx.EQUALS):
if self.expect(lx.LBRACE):
as_sequence = False
closing = lx.RBRACE
elif self.expect(lx.LBRACKET):
as_sequence = True
closing = lx.RBRACKET
raise self.make_syntax_error("Expected { or [")
if members := self.members(allow_sequence=True):
if self.expect(closing) and self.expect(lx.SEMI):
return Pseudo(
tkn.text, inp, outp, flags, members, as_sequence
return None
def members(self, allow_sequence : bool=False) -> list[str] | None:
here = self.getpos()
if tkn := self.expect(lx.IDENTIFIER):
members = [tkn.text]
while self.expect(lx.COMMA):
if tkn := self.expect(lx.IDENTIFIER):
peek = self.peek()
kinds = [lx.RBRACE, lx.RBRACKET] if allow_sequence else [lx.RBRACE]
if not peek or peek.kind not in kinds:
raise self.make_syntax_error(
f"Expected comma or right paren{'/bracket' if allow_sequence else ''}")
return members
return None
def block(self) -> Block | None:
if self.c_blob():
return Block()
return None
def c_blob(self) -> list[lx.Token]:
tokens: list[lx.Token] = []
level = 0
while tkn := self.next(raw=True):
if tkn.kind in (lx.LBRACE, lx.LPAREN, lx.LBRACKET):
level += 1
elif tkn.kind in (lx.RBRACE, lx.RPAREN, lx.RBRACKET):
level -= 1
if level <= 0:
return tokens
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
if sys.argv[1:]:
filename = sys.argv[1]
if filename == "-c" and sys.argv[2:]:
src = sys.argv[2]
filename = "<string>"
with open(filename, "r") as f:
src = f.read()
srclines = src.splitlines()
begin = srclines.index("// BEGIN BYTECODES //")
end = srclines.index("// END BYTECODES //")
src = "\n".join(srclines[begin + 1 : end])
filename = "<default>"
src = "if (x) { x.foo; // comment\n}"
parser = Parser(src, filename)
x = parser.definition()