
867 lines
32 KiB

import os.path
from os.path import abspath
import re
import sys
import types
import pickle
import builtins
from test import support
import unittest
import unittest.test
class TestableTestProgram(unittest.TestProgram):
module = None
exit = True
defaultTest = failfast = catchbreak = buffer = None
verbosity = 1
progName = ''
testRunner = testLoader = None
def __init__(self):
class TestDiscovery(unittest.TestCase):
# Heavily mocked tests so I can avoid hitting the filesystem
def test_get_name_from_path(self):
loader = unittest.TestLoader()
loader._top_level_dir = '/foo'
name = loader._get_name_from_path('/foo/bar/baz.py')
self.assertEqual(name, 'bar.baz')
if not __debug__:
# asserts are off
with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
def test_find_tests(self):
loader = unittest.TestLoader()
original_listdir = os.listdir
def restore_listdir():
os.listdir = original_listdir
original_isfile = os.path.isfile
def restore_isfile():
os.path.isfile = original_isfile
original_isdir = os.path.isdir
def restore_isdir():
os.path.isdir = original_isdir
path_lists = [['test2.py', 'test1.py', 'not_a_test.py', 'test_dir',
'test.foo', 'test-not-a-module.py', 'another_dir'],
['test4.py', 'test3.py', ]]
os.listdir = lambda path: path_lists.pop(0)
def isdir(path):
return path.endswith('dir')
os.path.isdir = isdir
def isfile(path):
# another_dir is not a package and so shouldn't be recursed into
return not path.endswith('dir') and not 'another_dir' in path
os.path.isfile = isfile
loader._get_module_from_name = lambda path: path + ' module'
orig_load_tests = loader.loadTestsFromModule
def loadTestsFromModule(module, pattern=None):
# This is where load_tests is called.
base = orig_load_tests(module, pattern=pattern)
return base + [module + ' tests']
loader.loadTestsFromModule = loadTestsFromModule
loader.suiteClass = lambda thing: thing
top_level = os.path.abspath('/foo')
loader._top_level_dir = top_level
suite = list(loader._find_tests(top_level, 'test*.py'))
# The test suites found should be sorted alphabetically for reliable
# execution order.
expected = [[name + ' module tests'] for name in
('test1', 'test2', 'test_dir')]
expected.extend([[('test_dir.%s' % name) + ' module tests'] for name in
('test3', 'test4')])
self.assertEqual(suite, expected)
def test_find_tests_socket(self):
# A socket is neither a directory nor a regular file.
# https://bugs.python.org/issue25320
loader = unittest.TestLoader()
original_listdir = os.listdir
def restore_listdir():
os.listdir = original_listdir
original_isfile = os.path.isfile
def restore_isfile():
os.path.isfile = original_isfile
original_isdir = os.path.isdir
def restore_isdir():
os.path.isdir = original_isdir
path_lists = [['socket']]
os.listdir = lambda path: path_lists.pop(0)
os.path.isdir = lambda path: False
os.path.isfile = lambda path: False
loader._get_module_from_name = lambda path: path + ' module'
orig_load_tests = loader.loadTestsFromModule
def loadTestsFromModule(module, pattern=None):
# This is where load_tests is called.
base = orig_load_tests(module, pattern=pattern)
return base + [module + ' tests']
loader.loadTestsFromModule = loadTestsFromModule
loader.suiteClass = lambda thing: thing
top_level = os.path.abspath('/foo')
loader._top_level_dir = top_level
suite = list(loader._find_tests(top_level, 'test*.py'))
self.assertEqual(suite, [])
def test_find_tests_with_package(self):
loader = unittest.TestLoader()
original_listdir = os.listdir
def restore_listdir():
os.listdir = original_listdir
original_isfile = os.path.isfile
def restore_isfile():
os.path.isfile = original_isfile
original_isdir = os.path.isdir
def restore_isdir():
os.path.isdir = original_isdir
directories = ['a_directory', 'test_directory', 'test_directory2']
path_lists = [directories, [], [], []]
os.listdir = lambda path: path_lists.pop(0)
os.path.isdir = lambda path: True
os.path.isfile = lambda path: os.path.basename(path) not in directories
class Module(object):
paths = []
load_tests_args = []
def __init__(self, path):
self.path = path
if os.path.basename(path) == 'test_directory':
def load_tests(loader, tests, pattern):
self.load_tests_args.append((loader, tests, pattern))
return [self.path + ' load_tests']
self.load_tests = load_tests
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.path == other.path
loader._get_module_from_name = lambda name: Module(name)
orig_load_tests = loader.loadTestsFromModule
def loadTestsFromModule(module, pattern=None):
# This is where load_tests is called.
base = orig_load_tests(module, pattern=pattern)
return base + [module.path + ' module tests']
loader.loadTestsFromModule = loadTestsFromModule
loader.suiteClass = lambda thing: thing
loader._top_level_dir = '/foo'
# this time no '.py' on the pattern so that it can match
# a test package
suite = list(loader._find_tests('/foo', 'test*'))
# We should have loaded tests from the a_directory and test_directory2
# directly and via load_tests for the test_directory package, which
# still calls the baseline module loader.
[['a_directory module tests'],
['test_directory load_tests',
'test_directory module tests'],
['test_directory2 module tests']])
# The test module paths should be sorted for reliable execution order
['a_directory', 'test_directory', 'test_directory2'])
# load_tests should have been called once with loader, tests and pattern
# (but there are no tests in our stub module itself, so thats [] at the
# time of call.
[(loader, [], 'test*')])
def test_find_tests_default_calls_package_load_tests(self):
loader = unittest.TestLoader()
original_listdir = os.listdir
def restore_listdir():
os.listdir = original_listdir
original_isfile = os.path.isfile
def restore_isfile():
os.path.isfile = original_isfile
original_isdir = os.path.isdir
def restore_isdir():
os.path.isdir = original_isdir
directories = ['a_directory', 'test_directory', 'test_directory2']
path_lists = [directories, [], [], []]
os.listdir = lambda path: path_lists.pop(0)
os.path.isdir = lambda path: True
os.path.isfile = lambda path: os.path.basename(path) not in directories
class Module(object):
paths = []
load_tests_args = []
def __init__(self, path):
self.path = path
if os.path.basename(path) == 'test_directory':
def load_tests(loader, tests, pattern):
self.load_tests_args.append((loader, tests, pattern))
return [self.path + ' load_tests']
self.load_tests = load_tests
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.path == other.path
loader._get_module_from_name = lambda name: Module(name)
orig_load_tests = loader.loadTestsFromModule
def loadTestsFromModule(module, pattern=None):
# This is where load_tests is called.
base = orig_load_tests(module, pattern=pattern)
return base + [module.path + ' module tests']
loader.loadTestsFromModule = loadTestsFromModule
loader.suiteClass = lambda thing: thing
loader._top_level_dir = '/foo'
# this time no '.py' on the pattern so that it can match
# a test package
suite = list(loader._find_tests('/foo', 'test*.py'))
# We should have loaded tests from the a_directory and test_directory2
# directly and via load_tests for the test_directory package, which
# still calls the baseline module loader.
[['a_directory module tests'],
['test_directory load_tests',
'test_directory module tests'],
['test_directory2 module tests']])
# The test module paths should be sorted for reliable execution order
['a_directory', 'test_directory', 'test_directory2'])
# load_tests should have been called once with loader, tests and pattern
[(loader, [], 'test*.py')])
def test_find_tests_customise_via_package_pattern(self):
# This test uses the example 'do-nothing' load_tests from
# https://docs.python.org/3/library/unittest.html#load-tests-protocol
# to make sure that that actually works.
# Housekeeping
original_listdir = os.listdir
def restore_listdir():
os.listdir = original_listdir
original_isfile = os.path.isfile
def restore_isfile():
os.path.isfile = original_isfile
original_isdir = os.path.isdir
def restore_isdir():
os.path.isdir = original_isdir
self.addCleanup(sys.path.remove, abspath('/foo'))
# Test data: we expect the following:
# a listdir to find our package, and isfile and isdir checks on it.
# a module-from-name call to turn that into a module
# followed by load_tests.
# then our load_tests will call discover() which is messy
# but that finally chains into find_tests again for the child dir -
# which is why we don't have an infinite loop.
# We expect to see:
# the module load tests for both package and plain module called,
# and the plain module result nested by the package module load_tests
# indicating that it was processed and could have been mutated.
vfs = {abspath('/foo'): ['my_package'],
abspath('/foo/my_package'): ['__init__.py', 'test_module.py']}
def list_dir(path):
return list(vfs[path])
os.listdir = list_dir
os.path.isdir = lambda path: not path.endswith('.py')
os.path.isfile = lambda path: path.endswith('.py')
class Module(object):
paths = []
load_tests_args = []
def __init__(self, path):
self.path = path
if path.endswith('test_module'):
def load_tests(loader, tests, pattern):
self.load_tests_args.append((loader, tests, pattern))
return [self.path + ' load_tests']
def load_tests(loader, tests, pattern):
self.load_tests_args.append((loader, tests, pattern))
# top level directory cached on loader instance
__file__ = '/foo/my_package/__init__.py'
this_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
pkg_tests = loader.discover(
start_dir=this_dir, pattern=pattern)
return [self.path + ' load_tests', tests
] + pkg_tests
self.load_tests = load_tests
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.path == other.path
loader = unittest.TestLoader()
loader._get_module_from_name = lambda name: Module(name)
loader.suiteClass = lambda thing: thing
loader._top_level_dir = abspath('/foo')
# this time no '.py' on the pattern so that it can match
# a test package
suite = list(loader._find_tests(abspath('/foo'), 'test*.py'))
# We should have loaded tests from both my_package and
# my_pacakge.test_module, and also run the load_tests hook in both.
# (normally this would be nested TestSuites.)
[['my_package load_tests', [],
['my_package.test_module load_tests']]])
# Parents before children.
['my_package', 'my_package.test_module'])
# load_tests should have been called twice with loader, tests and pattern
[(loader, [], 'test*.py'),
(loader, [], 'test*.py')])
def test_discover(self):
loader = unittest.TestLoader()
original_isfile = os.path.isfile
original_isdir = os.path.isdir
def restore_isfile():
os.path.isfile = original_isfile
os.path.isfile = lambda path: False
orig_sys_path = sys.path[:]
def restore_path():
sys.path[:] = orig_sys_path
full_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath('/foo'))
with self.assertRaises(ImportError):
loader.discover('/foo/bar', top_level_dir='/foo')
self.assertEqual(loader._top_level_dir, full_path)
self.assertIn(full_path, sys.path)
os.path.isfile = lambda path: True
os.path.isdir = lambda path: True
def restore_isdir():
os.path.isdir = original_isdir
_find_tests_args = []
def _find_tests(start_dir, pattern, namespace=None):
_find_tests_args.append((start_dir, pattern))
return ['tests']
loader._find_tests = _find_tests
loader.suiteClass = str
suite = loader.discover('/foo/bar/baz', 'pattern', '/foo/bar')
top_level_dir = os.path.abspath('/foo/bar')
start_dir = os.path.abspath('/foo/bar/baz')
self.assertEqual(suite, "['tests']")
self.assertEqual(loader._top_level_dir, top_level_dir)
self.assertEqual(_find_tests_args, [(start_dir, 'pattern')])
self.assertIn(top_level_dir, sys.path)
def test_discover_start_dir_is_package_calls_package_load_tests(self):
# This test verifies that the package load_tests in a package is indeed
# invoked when the start_dir is a package (and not the top level).
# http://bugs.python.org/issue22457
# Test data: we expect the following:
# an isfile to verify the package, then importing and scanning
# as per _find_tests' normal behaviour.
# We expect to see our load_tests hook called once.
vfs = {abspath('/toplevel'): ['startdir'],
abspath('/toplevel/startdir'): ['__init__.py']}
def list_dir(path):
return list(vfs[path])
self.addCleanup(setattr, os, 'listdir', os.listdir)
os.listdir = list_dir
self.addCleanup(setattr, os.path, 'isfile', os.path.isfile)
os.path.isfile = lambda path: path.endswith('.py')
self.addCleanup(setattr, os.path, 'isdir', os.path.isdir)
os.path.isdir = lambda path: not path.endswith('.py')
self.addCleanup(sys.path.remove, abspath('/toplevel'))
class Module(object):
paths = []
load_tests_args = []
def __init__(self, path):
self.path = path
def load_tests(self, loader, tests, pattern):
return ['load_tests called ' + self.path]
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.path == other.path
loader = unittest.TestLoader()
loader._get_module_from_name = lambda name: Module(name)
loader.suiteClass = lambda thing: thing
suite = loader.discover('/toplevel/startdir', top_level_dir='/toplevel')
# We should have loaded tests from the package __init__.
# (normally this would be nested TestSuites.)
[['load_tests called startdir']])
def setup_import_issue_tests(self, fakefile):
listdir = os.listdir
os.listdir = lambda _: [fakefile]
isfile = os.path.isfile
os.path.isfile = lambda _: True
orig_sys_path = sys.path[:]
def restore():
os.path.isfile = isfile
os.listdir = listdir
sys.path[:] = orig_sys_path
def setup_import_issue_package_tests(self, vfs):
self.addCleanup(setattr, os, 'listdir', os.listdir)
self.addCleanup(setattr, os.path, 'isfile', os.path.isfile)
self.addCleanup(setattr, os.path, 'isdir', os.path.isdir)
self.addCleanup(sys.path.__setitem__, slice(None), list(sys.path))
def list_dir(path):
return list(vfs[path])
os.listdir = list_dir
os.path.isdir = lambda path: not path.endswith('.py')
os.path.isfile = lambda path: path.endswith('.py')
def test_discover_with_modules_that_fail_to_import(self):
loader = unittest.TestLoader()
suite = loader.discover('.')
self.assertIn(os.getcwd(), sys.path)
self.assertEqual(suite.countTestCases(), 1)
# Errors loading the suite are also captured for introspection.
self.assertNotEqual([], loader.errors)
self.assertEqual(1, len(loader.errors))
error = loader.errors[0]
'Failed to import test module: test_this_does_not_exist' in error,
'missing error string in %r' % error)
test = list(list(suite)[0])[0] # extract test from suite
with self.assertRaises(ImportError):
def test_discover_with_init_modules_that_fail_to_import(self):
vfs = {abspath('/foo'): ['my_package'],
abspath('/foo/my_package'): ['__init__.py', 'test_module.py']}
import_calls = []
def _get_module_from_name(name):
raise ImportError("Cannot import Name")
loader = unittest.TestLoader()
loader._get_module_from_name = _get_module_from_name
suite = loader.discover(abspath('/foo'))
self.assertIn(abspath('/foo'), sys.path)
self.assertEqual(suite.countTestCases(), 1)
# Errors loading the suite are also captured for introspection.
self.assertNotEqual([], loader.errors)
self.assertEqual(1, len(loader.errors))
error = loader.errors[0]
'Failed to import test module: my_package' in error,
'missing error string in %r' % error)
test = list(list(suite)[0])[0] # extract test from suite
with self.assertRaises(ImportError):
self.assertEqual(import_calls, ['my_package'])
# Check picklability
for proto in range(pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1):
pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(test, proto))
def test_discover_with_module_that_raises_SkipTest_on_import(self):
loader = unittest.TestLoader()
def _get_module_from_name(name):
raise unittest.SkipTest('skipperoo')
loader._get_module_from_name = _get_module_from_name
suite = loader.discover('.')
self.assertEqual(suite.countTestCases(), 1)
result = unittest.TestResult()
self.assertEqual(len(result.skipped), 1)
# Check picklability
for proto in range(pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1):
pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(suite, proto))
def test_discover_with_init_module_that_raises_SkipTest_on_import(self):
vfs = {abspath('/foo'): ['my_package'],
abspath('/foo/my_package'): ['__init__.py', 'test_module.py']}
import_calls = []
def _get_module_from_name(name):
raise unittest.SkipTest('skipperoo')
loader = unittest.TestLoader()
loader._get_module_from_name = _get_module_from_name
suite = loader.discover(abspath('/foo'))
self.assertIn(abspath('/foo'), sys.path)
self.assertEqual(suite.countTestCases(), 1)
result = unittest.TestResult()
self.assertEqual(len(result.skipped), 1)
self.assertEqual(result.testsRun, 1)
self.assertEqual(import_calls, ['my_package'])
# Check picklability
for proto in range(pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1):
pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(suite, proto))
def test_command_line_handling_parseArgs(self):
program = TestableTestProgram()
args = []
program._do_discovery = args.append
program.parseArgs(['something', 'discover'])
self.assertEqual(args, [[]])
args[:] = []
program.parseArgs(['something', 'discover', 'foo', 'bar'])
self.assertEqual(args, [['foo', 'bar']])
def test_command_line_handling_discover_by_default(self):
program = TestableTestProgram()
args = []
program._do_discovery = args.append
self.assertEqual(args, [[]])
self.assertEqual(program.verbosity, 1)
self.assertIs(program.buffer, False)
self.assertIs(program.catchbreak, False)
self.assertIs(program.failfast, False)
def test_command_line_handling_discover_by_default_with_options(self):
program = TestableTestProgram()
args = []
program._do_discovery = args.append
program.parseArgs(['something', '-v', '-b', '-v', '-c', '-f'])
self.assertEqual(args, [[]])
self.assertEqual(program.verbosity, 2)
self.assertIs(program.buffer, True)
self.assertIs(program.catchbreak, True)
self.assertIs(program.failfast, True)
def test_command_line_handling_do_discovery_too_many_arguments(self):
program = TestableTestProgram()
program.testLoader = None
with support.captured_stderr() as stderr, \
self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as cm:
# too many args
program._do_discovery(['one', 'two', 'three', 'four'])
self.assertEqual(cm.exception.args, (2,))
self.assertIn('usage:', stderr.getvalue())
def test_command_line_handling_do_discovery_uses_default_loader(self):
program = object.__new__(unittest.TestProgram)
class Loader(object):
args = []
def discover(self, start_dir, pattern, top_level_dir):
self.args.append((start_dir, pattern, top_level_dir))
return 'tests'
program.testLoader = Loader()
self.assertEqual(Loader.args, [('.', 'test*.py', None)])
def test_command_line_handling_do_discovery_calls_loader(self):
program = TestableTestProgram()
class Loader(object):
args = []
def discover(self, start_dir, pattern, top_level_dir):
self.args.append((start_dir, pattern, top_level_dir))
return 'tests'
program._do_discovery(['-v'], Loader=Loader)
self.assertEqual(program.verbosity, 2)
self.assertEqual(program.test, 'tests')
self.assertEqual(Loader.args, [('.', 'test*.py', None)])
Loader.args = []
program = TestableTestProgram()
program._do_discovery(['--verbose'], Loader=Loader)
self.assertEqual(program.test, 'tests')
self.assertEqual(Loader.args, [('.', 'test*.py', None)])
Loader.args = []
program = TestableTestProgram()
program._do_discovery([], Loader=Loader)
self.assertEqual(program.test, 'tests')
self.assertEqual(Loader.args, [('.', 'test*.py', None)])
Loader.args = []
program = TestableTestProgram()
program._do_discovery(['fish'], Loader=Loader)
self.assertEqual(program.test, 'tests')
self.assertEqual(Loader.args, [('fish', 'test*.py', None)])
Loader.args = []
program = TestableTestProgram()
program._do_discovery(['fish', 'eggs'], Loader=Loader)
self.assertEqual(program.test, 'tests')
self.assertEqual(Loader.args, [('fish', 'eggs', None)])
Loader.args = []
program = TestableTestProgram()
program._do_discovery(['fish', 'eggs', 'ham'], Loader=Loader)
self.assertEqual(program.test, 'tests')
self.assertEqual(Loader.args, [('fish', 'eggs', 'ham')])
Loader.args = []
program = TestableTestProgram()
program._do_discovery(['-s', 'fish'], Loader=Loader)
self.assertEqual(program.test, 'tests')
self.assertEqual(Loader.args, [('fish', 'test*.py', None)])
Loader.args = []
program = TestableTestProgram()
program._do_discovery(['-t', 'fish'], Loader=Loader)
self.assertEqual(program.test, 'tests')
self.assertEqual(Loader.args, [('.', 'test*.py', 'fish')])
Loader.args = []
program = TestableTestProgram()
program._do_discovery(['-p', 'fish'], Loader=Loader)
self.assertEqual(program.test, 'tests')
self.assertEqual(Loader.args, [('.', 'fish', None)])
Loader.args = []
program = TestableTestProgram()
program._do_discovery(['-p', 'eggs', '-s', 'fish', '-v', '-f', '-c'],
self.assertEqual(program.test, 'tests')
self.assertEqual(Loader.args, [('fish', 'eggs', None)])
self.assertEqual(program.verbosity, 2)
def setup_module_clash(self):
class Module(object):
__file__ = 'bar/foo.py'
sys.modules['foo'] = Module
full_path = os.path.abspath('foo')
original_listdir = os.listdir
original_isfile = os.path.isfile
original_isdir = os.path.isdir
def cleanup():
os.listdir = original_listdir
os.path.isfile = original_isfile
os.path.isdir = original_isdir
del sys.modules['foo']
if full_path in sys.path:
def listdir(_):
return ['foo.py']
def isfile(_):
return True
def isdir(_):
return True
os.listdir = listdir
os.path.isfile = isfile
os.path.isdir = isdir
return full_path
def test_detect_module_clash(self):
full_path = self.setup_module_clash()
loader = unittest.TestLoader()
mod_dir = os.path.abspath('bar')
expected_dir = os.path.abspath('foo')
msg = re.escape(r"'foo' module incorrectly imported from %r. Expected %r. "
"Is this module globally installed?" % (mod_dir, expected_dir))
ImportError, '^%s$' % msg, loader.discover,
start_dir='foo', pattern='foo.py'
self.assertEqual(sys.path[0], full_path)
def test_module_symlink_ok(self):
full_path = self.setup_module_clash()
original_realpath = os.path.realpath
mod_dir = os.path.abspath('bar')
expected_dir = os.path.abspath('foo')
def cleanup():
os.path.realpath = original_realpath
def realpath(path):
if path == os.path.join(mod_dir, 'foo.py'):
return os.path.join(expected_dir, 'foo.py')
return path
os.path.realpath = realpath
loader = unittest.TestLoader()
loader.discover(start_dir='foo', pattern='foo.py')
def test_discovery_from_dotted_path(self):
loader = unittest.TestLoader()
tests = [self]
expectedPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(unittest.test.__file__))
self.wasRun = False
def _find_tests(start_dir, pattern, namespace=None):
self.wasRun = True
self.assertEqual(start_dir, expectedPath)
return tests
loader._find_tests = _find_tests
suite = loader.discover('unittest.test')
self.assertEqual(suite._tests, tests)
def test_discovery_from_dotted_path_builtin_modules(self):
loader = unittest.TestLoader()
listdir = os.listdir
os.listdir = lambda _: ['test_this_does_not_exist.py']
isfile = os.path.isfile
isdir = os.path.isdir
os.path.isdir = lambda _: False
orig_sys_path = sys.path[:]
def restore():
os.path.isfile = isfile
os.path.isdir = isdir
os.listdir = listdir
sys.path[:] = orig_sys_path
with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm:
'Can not use builtin modules '
'as dotted module names')
def test_discovery_from_dotted_namespace_packages(self):
loader = unittest.TestLoader()
orig_import = __import__
package = types.ModuleType('package')
package.__path__ = ['/a', '/b']
package.__spec__ = types.SimpleNamespace(
submodule_search_locations=['/a', '/b']
def _import(packagename, *args, **kwargs):
sys.modules[packagename] = package
return package
def cleanup():
builtins.__import__ = orig_import
builtins.__import__ = _import
_find_tests_args = []
def _find_tests(start_dir, pattern, namespace=None):
_find_tests_args.append((start_dir, pattern))
return ['%s/tests' % start_dir]
loader._find_tests = _find_tests
loader.suiteClass = list
suite = loader.discover('package')
self.assertEqual(suite, ['/a/tests', '/b/tests'])
def test_discovery_failed_discovery(self):
loader = unittest.TestLoader()
package = types.ModuleType('package')
orig_import = __import__
def _import(packagename, *args, **kwargs):
sys.modules[packagename] = package
return package
def cleanup():
builtins.__import__ = orig_import
builtins.__import__ = _import
with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm:
'don\'t know how to discover from {!r}'
if __name__ == '__main__':