
447 lines
12 KiB

from collections import namedtuple
import glob
import os.path
import re
import shutil
import sys
import subprocess
C_GLOBALS_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
TOOLS_DIR = os.path.dirname(C_GLOBALS_DIR)
ROOT_DIR = os.path.dirname(TOOLS_DIR)
GLOBALS_FILE = os.path.join(C_GLOBALS_DIR, 'ignored-globals.txt')
SOURCE_DIRS = ['Include', 'Objects', 'Modules', 'Parser', 'Python']
CAPI_REGEX = re.compile(r'^ *PyAPI_DATA\([^)]*\) \W*(_?Py\w+(?:, \w+)*\w).*;.*$')
def find_capi_vars(root):
capi_vars = {}
for dirname in SOURCE_DIRS:
for filename in glob.glob(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, dirname, '**/*.[hc]'),
with open(filename) as file:
for name in _find_capi_vars(file):
if name in capi_vars:
assert not filename.endswith('.c')
assert capi_vars[name].endswith('.c')
capi_vars[name] = filename
return capi_vars
def _find_capi_vars(lines):
for line in lines:
if not line.startswith('PyAPI_DATA'):
assert '{' not in line
match = CAPI_REGEX.match(line)
assert match
names, = match.groups()
for name in names.split(', '):
yield name
def _read_global_names(filename):
# These variables are shared between all interpreters in the process.
with open(filename) as file:
return {line.partition('#')[0].strip()
for line in file
if line.strip() and not line.startswith('#')}
def _is_global_var(name, globalnames):
if _is_autogen_var(name):
return True
if _is_type_var(name):
return True
if _is_module(name):
return True
if _is_exception(name):
return True
if _is_compiler(name):
return True
return name in globalnames
def _is_autogen_var(name):
return (
name.startswith('PyId_') or
'.' in name or
# Objects/typeobject.c
name.startswith('op_id.') or
name.startswith('rop_id.') or
# Python/graminit.c
name.startswith('arcs_') or
def _is_type_var(name):
if name.endswith(('Type', '_Type', '_type')): # XXX Always a static type?
return True
if name.endswith('_desc'): # for structseq types
return True
return (
name.startswith('doc_') or
name.endswith(('_doc', '__doc__', '_docstring')) or
name.endswith('_methods') or
name.endswith('_fields') or
name.endswith(('_memberlist', '_members')) or
name.endswith('_slots') or
name.endswith(('_getset', '_getsets', '_getsetlist')) or
name.endswith('_as_mapping') or
name.endswith('_as_number') or
name.endswith('_as_sequence') or
name.endswith('_as_buffer') or
def _is_module(name):
if name.endswith(('_functions', 'Methods', '_Methods')):
return True
if name == 'module_def':
return True
if name == 'initialized':
return True
return name.endswith(('module', '_Module'))
def _is_exception(name):
# Other vars are enumerated in globals-core.txt.
if not name.startswith(('PyExc_', '_PyExc_')):
return False
return name.endswith(('Error', 'Warning'))
def _is_compiler(name):
return (
# Python/Python-ast.c
name.endswith('_type') or
name.endswith('_singleton') or
class Var(namedtuple('Var', 'name kind scope capi filename')):
def parse_nm(cls, line, expected, ignored, capi_vars, globalnames):
_, _, line = line.partition(' ') # strip off the address
line = line.strip()
kind, _, line = line.partition(' ')
if kind in ignored or ():
return None
elif kind not in expected or ():
raise RuntimeError('unsupported NM type {!r}'.format(kind))
name, _, filename = line.partition('\t')
name = name.strip()
if _is_autogen_var(name):
return None
if _is_global_var(name, globalnames):
scope = 'global'
scope = None
capi = (name in capi_vars or ())
if filename:
filename = os.path.relpath(filename.partition(':')[0])
return cls(name, kind, scope, capi, filename or '~???~')
def external(self):
return self.kind.isupper()
def find_vars(root, globals_filename=GLOBALS_FILE):
python = os.path.join(root, 'python')
if not os.path.exists(python):
raise RuntimeError('python binary missing (need to build it first?)')
capi_vars = find_capi_vars(root)
globalnames = _read_global_names(globals_filename)
nm = shutil.which('nm')
if nm is None:
# XXX Use dumpbin.exe /SYMBOLS on Windows.
raise NotImplementedError
yield from (var
for var in _find_var_symbols(python, nm, capi_vars,
if var.name not in IGNORED_VARS)
NM_FUNCS = set('Tt')
NM_PRIVATE_VARS = set('bd')
NM_DATA = set('Rr')
NM_OTHER = set('ACGgiINpSsuUVvWw-?')
def _find_var_symbols(python, nm, capi_vars, globalnames):
args = [nm,
out = subprocess.check_output(args)
for line in out.decode('utf-8').splitlines():
var = Var.parse_nm(line, NM_VARS, NM_IGNORED, capi_vars, globalnames)
if var is None:
yield var
class Filter(namedtuple('Filter', 'name op value action')):
def parse(cls, raw):
action = '+'
if raw.startswith(('+', '-')):
action = raw[0]
raw = raw[1:]
# XXX Support < and >?
name, op, value = raw.partition('=')
return cls(name, op, value, action)
def check(self, var):
value = getattr(var, self.name, None)
if not self.op:
matched = bool(value)
elif self.op == '=':
matched = (value == self.value)
raise NotImplementedError
if self.action == '+':
return matched
elif self.action == '-':
return not matched
raise NotImplementedError
def filter_var(var, filters):
for filter in filters:
if not filter.check(var):
return False
return True
def make_sort_key(spec):
columns = [(col.strip('_'), '_' if col.startswith('_') else '')
for col in spec]
def sort_key(var):
return tuple(getattr(var, col).lstrip(prefix)
for col, prefix in columns)
return sort_key
def make_groups(allvars, spec):
group = spec
groups = {}
for var in allvars:
value = getattr(var, group)
key = '{}: {}'.format(group, value)
groupvars = groups[key]
except KeyError:
groupvars = groups[key] = []
return groups
def format_groups(groups, columns, fmts, widths):
for group in sorted(groups):
groupvars = groups[group]
yield '', 0
yield ' # {}'.format(group), 0
yield from format_vars(groupvars, columns, fmts, widths)
def format_vars(allvars, columns, fmts, widths):
fmt = ' '.join(fmts[col] for col in columns)
fmt = ' ' + fmt.replace(' ', ' ') + ' ' # for div margin
header = fmt.replace(':', ':^').format(*(col.upper() for col in columns))
yield header, 0
div = ' '.join('-'*(widths[col]+2) for col in columns)
yield div, 0
for var in allvars:
values = (getattr(var, col) for col in columns)
row = fmt.format(*('X' if val is True else val or ''
for val in values))
yield row, 1
yield div, 0
COLUMNS = 'name,external,capi,scope,filename'
COLUMN_WIDTHS = {col: len(col)
for col in COLUMN_NAMES}
'name': 50,
'scope': 7,
'filename': 40,
COLUMN_FORMATS = {col: '{:%s}' % width
for col, width in COLUMN_WIDTHS.items()}
for col in COLUMN_FORMATS:
if COLUMN_WIDTHS[col] == len(col):
COLUMN_FORMATS[col] = COLUMN_FORMATS[col].replace(':', ':^')
def _parse_filters_arg(raw, error):
filters = []
for value in raw.split(','):
if not value:
filter = Filter.parse(value)
if filter.name not in COLUMN_NAMES:
raise Exception('unsupported column {!r}'.format(filter.name))
except Exception as e:
error('bad filter {!r}: {}'.format(raw, e))
return filters
def _parse_columns_arg(raw, error):
columns = raw.split(',')
for column in columns:
if column not in COLUMN_NAMES:
error('unsupported column {!r}'.format(column))
return columns
def _parse_sort_arg(raw, error):
sort = raw.split(',')
for column in sort:
if column.lstrip('_') not in COLUMN_NAMES:
error('unsupported column {!r}'.format(column))
return sort
def _parse_group_arg(raw, error):
if not raw:
return raw
group = raw
if group not in COLUMN_NAMES:
error('unsupported column {!r}'.format(group))
if group != 'filename':
error('unsupported group {!r}'.format(group))
return group
def parse_args(argv=None):
if argv is None:
argv = sys.argv[1:]
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='count', default=0)
parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', action='count', default=0)
parser.add_argument('--filters', default='-scope',
help='[[-]<COLUMN>[=<GLOB>]] ...')
parser.add_argument('--columns', default=COLUMNS,
help='a comma-separated list of columns to show')
parser.add_argument('--sort', default='filename,_name',
help='a comma-separated list of columns to sort')
help='group by the given column name (- to not group)')
parser.add_argument('--rc-on-match', dest='rc', type=int)
parser.add_argument('filename', nargs='?', default=GLOBALS_FILE)
args = parser.parse_args(argv)
verbose = vars(args).pop('verbose', 0)
quiet = vars(args).pop('quiet', 0)
args.verbosity = max(0, VERBOSITY + verbose - quiet)
if args.sort.startswith('filename') and not args.group:
args.group = 'filename'
if args.rc is None:
if '-scope=core' in args.filters or 'core' not in args.filters:
args.rc = 0
args.rc = 1
args.filters = _parse_filters_arg(args.filters, parser.error)
args.columns = _parse_columns_arg(args.columns, parser.error)
args.sort = _parse_sort_arg(args.sort, parser.error)
args.group = _parse_group_arg(args.group, parser.error)
return args
def main(root=ROOT_DIR, filename=GLOBALS_FILE,
filters=None, columns=COLUMN_NAMES, sort=None, group=None,
verbosity=VERBOSITY, rc=1):
log = lambda msg: ...
if verbosity >= 2:
log = lambda msg: print(msg)
allvars = (var
for var in find_vars(root, filename)
if filter_var(var, filters))
if sort:
allvars = sorted(allvars, key=make_sort_key(sort))
if group:
except ValueError:
grouped = make_groups(allvars, group)
lines = format_groups(grouped, columns, COLUMN_FORMATS, COLUMN_WIDTHS)
lines = format_vars(allvars, columns, COLUMN_FORMATS, COLUMN_WIDTHS)
total = 0
for line, count in lines:
total += count
log('\ntotal: {}'.format(total))
if total and rc:
print('ERROR: found unsafe globals', file=sys.stderr)
return rc
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = parse_args()