
477 lines
17 KiB

# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2005 Martin v. Löwis
# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
from _msi import *
import os, string, re, sys
AMD64 = "AMD64" in sys.version
Itanium = "Itanium" in sys.version
Win64 = AMD64 or Itanium
# Partially taken from Wine
datasizemask= 0x00ff
type_valid= 0x0100
type_localizable= 0x0200
typemask= 0x0c00
type_long= 0x0000
type_short= 0x0400
type_string= 0x0c00
type_binary= 0x0800
type_nullable= 0x1000
type_key= 0x2000
# XXX temporary, localizable?
knownbits = datasizemask | type_valid | type_localizable | \
typemask | type_nullable | type_key
class Table:
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
self.fields = []
def add_field(self, index, name, type):
def sql(self):
fields = []
keys = []
fields = [None]*len(self.fields)
for index, name, type in self.fields:
index -= 1
unk = type & ~knownbits
if unk:
print "%s.%s unknown bits %x" % (self.name, name, unk)
size = type & datasizemask
dtype = type & typemask
if dtype == type_string:
if size:
tname="CHAR(%d)" % size
elif dtype == type_short:
assert size==2
tname = "SHORT"
elif dtype == type_long:
assert size==4
elif dtype == type_binary:
assert size==0
print "%s.%sunknown integer type %d" % (self.name, name, size)
if type & type_nullable:
flags = ""
flags = " NOT NULL"
if type & type_localizable:
flags += " LOCALIZABLE"
fields[index] = "`%s` %s%s" % (name, tname, flags)
if type & type_key:
keys.append("`%s`" % name)
fields = ", ".join(fields)
keys = ", ".join(keys)
return "CREATE TABLE %s (%s PRIMARY KEY %s)" % (self.name, fields, keys)
def create(self, db):
v = db.OpenView(self.sql())
class _Unspecified:pass
def change_sequence(seq, action, seqno=_Unspecified, cond = _Unspecified):
"Change the sequence number of an action in a sequence list"
for i in range(len(seq)):
if seq[i][0] == action:
if cond is _Unspecified:
cond = seq[i][1]
if seqno is _Unspecified:
seqno = seq[i][2]
seq[i] = (action, cond, seqno)
raise ValueError, "Action not found in sequence"
def add_data(db, table, values):
v = db.OpenView("SELECT * FROM `%s`" % table)
count = v.GetColumnInfo(MSICOLINFO_NAMES).GetFieldCount()
r = CreateRecord(count)
for value in values:
assert len(value) == count, value
for i in range(count):
field = value[i]
if isinstance(field, (int, long)):
elif isinstance(field, basestring):
elif field is None:
elif isinstance(field, Binary):
r.SetStream(i+1, field.name)
raise TypeError, "Unsupported type %s" % field.__class__.__name__
except Exception, e:
raise MSIError("Could not insert "+repr(values)+" into "+table)
def add_stream(db, name, path):
v = db.OpenView("INSERT INTO _Streams (Name, Data) VALUES ('%s', ?)" % name)
r = CreateRecord(1)
r.SetStream(1, path)
def init_database(name, schema,
ProductName, ProductCode, ProductVersion,
except OSError:
ProductCode = ProductCode.upper()
# Create the database
db = OpenDatabase(name, MSIDBOPEN_CREATE)
# Create the tables
for t in schema.tables:
# Fill the validation table
add_data(db, "_Validation", schema._Validation_records)
# Initialize the summary information, allowing atmost 20 properties
si = db.GetSummaryInformation(20)
si.SetProperty(PID_TITLE, "Installation Database")
si.SetProperty(PID_SUBJECT, ProductName)
si.SetProperty(PID_AUTHOR, Manufacturer)
if Itanium:
si.SetProperty(PID_TEMPLATE, "Intel64;1033")
elif AMD64:
si.SetProperty(PID_TEMPLATE, "x64;1033")
si.SetProperty(PID_TEMPLATE, "Intel;1033")
si.SetProperty(PID_REVNUMBER, gen_uuid())
si.SetProperty(PID_WORDCOUNT, 2) # long file names, compressed, original media
si.SetProperty(PID_PAGECOUNT, 200)
si.SetProperty(PID_APPNAME, "Python MSI Library")
# XXX more properties
add_data(db, "Property", [
("ProductName", ProductName),
("ProductCode", ProductCode),
("ProductVersion", ProductVersion),
("Manufacturer", Manufacturer),
("ProductLanguage", "1033")])
return db
def add_tables(db, module):
for table in module.tables:
add_data(db, table, getattr(module, table))
def make_id(str):
#str = str.replace(".", "_") # colons are allowed
for c in " -+~;":
str = str.replace(c, "_")
if str[0] in (string.digits + "."):
str = "_" + str
assert re.match("^[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_.]*$", str), "FILE"+str
return str
def gen_uuid():
return "{"+UuidCreate().upper()+"}"
class CAB:
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
self.files = []
self.filenames = set()
self.index = 0
def gen_id(self, file):
logical = _logical = make_id(file)
pos = 1
while logical in self.filenames:
logical = "%s.%d" % (_logical, pos)
pos += 1
return logical
def append(self, full, file, logical):
if os.path.isdir(full):
if not logical:
logical = self.gen_id(file)
self.index += 1
self.files.append((full, logical))
return self.index, logical
def commit(self, db):
from tempfile import mktemp
filename = mktemp()
FCICreate(filename, self.files)
add_data(db, "Media",
[(1, self.index, None, "#"+self.name, None, None)])
add_stream(db, self.name, filename)
_directories = set()
class Directory:
def __init__(self, db, cab, basedir, physical, _logical, default, componentflags=None):
"""Create a new directory in the Directory table. There is a current component
at each point in time for the directory, which is either explicitly created
through start_component, or implicitly when files are added for the first
time. Files are added into the current component, and into the cab file.
To create a directory, a base directory object needs to be specified (can be
None), the path to the physical directory, and a logical directory name.
Default specifies the DefaultDir slot in the directory table. componentflags
specifies the default flags that new components get."""
index = 1
_logical = make_id(_logical)
logical = _logical
while logical in _directories:
logical = "%s%d" % (_logical, index)
index += 1
self.db = db
self.cab = cab
self.basedir = basedir
self.physical = physical
self.logical = logical
self.component = None
self.short_names = set()
self.ids = set()
self.keyfiles = {}
self.componentflags = componentflags
if basedir:
self.absolute = os.path.join(basedir.absolute, physical)
blogical = basedir.logical
self.absolute = physical
blogical = None
add_data(db, "Directory", [(logical, blogical, default)])
def start_component(self, component = None, feature = None, flags = None, keyfile = None, uuid=None):
"""Add an entry to the Component table, and make this component the current for this
directory. If no component name is given, the directory name is used. If no feature
is given, the current feature is used. If no flags are given, the directory's default
flags are used. If no keyfile is given, the KeyPath is left null in the Component
if flags is None:
flags = self.componentflags
if uuid is None:
uuid = gen_uuid()
uuid = uuid.upper()
if component is None:
component = self.logical
self.component = component
if Win64:
flags |= 256
if keyfile:
keyid = self.cab.gen_id(self.absolute, keyfile)
self.keyfiles[keyfile] = keyid
keyid = None
add_data(self.db, "Component",
[(component, uuid, self.logical, flags, None, keyid)])
if feature is None:
feature = current_feature
add_data(self.db, "FeatureComponents",
[(feature.id, component)])
def make_short(self, file):
oldfile = file
file = file.replace('+', '_')
file = ''.join(c for c in file if not c in ' "/\[]:;=,')
parts = file.split(".")
if len(parts) > 1:
prefix = "".join(parts[:-1]).upper()
suffix = parts[-1].upper()
if not prefix:
prefix = suffix
suffix = None
prefix = file.upper()
suffix = None
if len(parts) < 3 and len(prefix) <= 8 and file == oldfile and (
not suffix or len(suffix) <= 3):
if suffix:
file = prefix+"."+suffix
file = prefix
file = None
if file is None or file in self.short_names:
prefix = prefix[:6]
if suffix:
suffix = suffix[:3]
pos = 1
while 1:
if suffix:
file = "%s~%d.%s" % (prefix, pos, suffix)
file = "%s~%d" % (prefix, pos)
if file not in self.short_names: break
pos += 1
assert pos < 10000
if pos in (10, 100, 1000):
prefix = prefix[:-1]
assert not re.search(r'[\?|><:/*"+,;=\[\]]', file) # restrictions on short names
return file
def add_file(self, file, src=None, version=None, language=None):
"""Add a file to the current component of the directory, starting a new one
one if there is no current component. By default, the file name in the source
and the file table will be identical. If the src file is specified, it is
interpreted relative to the current directory. Optionally, a version and a
language can be specified for the entry in the File table."""
if not self.component:
self.start_component(self.logical, current_feature, 0)
if not src:
# Allow relative paths for file if src is not specified
src = file
file = os.path.basename(file)
absolute = os.path.join(self.absolute, src)
assert not re.search(r'[\?|><:/*]"', file) # restrictions on long names
if file in self.keyfiles:
logical = self.keyfiles[file]
logical = None
sequence, logical = self.cab.append(absolute, file, logical)
assert logical not in self.ids
short = self.make_short(file)
full = "%s|%s" % (short, file)
filesize = os.stat(absolute).st_size
# constants.msidbFileAttributesVital
# Compressed omitted, since it is the database default
# could add r/o, system, hidden
attributes = 512
add_data(self.db, "File",
[(logical, self.component, full, filesize, version,
language, attributes, sequence)])
#if not version:
# # Add hash if the file is not versioned
# filehash = FileHash(absolute, 0)
# add_data(self.db, "MsiFileHash",
# [(logical, 0, filehash.IntegerData(1),
# filehash.IntegerData(2), filehash.IntegerData(3),
# filehash.IntegerData(4))])
# Automatically remove .pyc/.pyo files on uninstall (2)
# XXX: adding so many RemoveFile entries makes installer unbelievably
# slow. So instead, we have to use wildcard remove entries
if file.endswith(".py"):
add_data(self.db, "RemoveFile",
[(logical+"c", self.component, "%sC|%sc" % (short, file),
self.logical, 2),
(logical+"o", self.component, "%sO|%so" % (short, file),
self.logical, 2)])
return logical
def glob(self, pattern, exclude = None):
"""Add a list of files to the current component as specified in the
glob pattern. Individual files can be excluded in the exclude list."""
files = glob.glob1(self.absolute, pattern)
for f in files:
if exclude and f in exclude: continue
return files
def remove_pyc(self):
"Remove .pyc/.pyo files on uninstall"
add_data(self.db, "RemoveFile",
[(self.component+"c", self.component, "*.pyc", self.logical, 2),
(self.component+"o", self.component, "*.pyo", self.logical, 2)])
class Binary:
def __init__(self, fname):
self.name = fname
def __repr__(self):
return 'msilib.Binary(os.path.join(dirname,"%s"))' % self.name
class Feature:
def __init__(self, db, id, title, desc, display, level = 1,
parent=None, directory = None, attributes=0):
self.id = id
if parent:
parent = parent.id
add_data(db, "Feature",
[(id, parent, title, desc, display,
level, directory, attributes)])
def set_current(self):
global current_feature
current_feature = self
class Control:
def __init__(self, dlg, name):
self.dlg = dlg
self.name = name
def event(self, event, argument, condition = "1", ordering = None):
add_data(self.dlg.db, "ControlEvent",
[(self.dlg.name, self.name, event, argument,
condition, ordering)])
def mapping(self, event, attribute):
add_data(self.dlg.db, "EventMapping",
[(self.dlg.name, self.name, event, attribute)])
def condition(self, action, condition):
add_data(self.dlg.db, "ControlCondition",
[(self.dlg.name, self.name, action, condition)])
class RadioButtonGroup(Control):
def __init__(self, dlg, name, property):
self.dlg = dlg
self.name = name
self.property = property
self.index = 1
def add(self, name, x, y, w, h, text, value = None):
if value is None:
value = name
add_data(self.dlg.db, "RadioButton",
[(self.property, self.index, value,
x, y, w, h, text, None)])
self.index += 1
class Dialog:
def __init__(self, db, name, x, y, w, h, attr, title, first, default, cancel):
self.db = db
self.name = name
self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h = x,y,w,h
add_data(db, "Dialog", [(name, x,y,w,h,attr,title,first,default,cancel)])
def control(self, name, type, x, y, w, h, attr, prop, text, next, help):
add_data(self.db, "Control",
[(self.name, name, type, x, y, w, h, attr, prop, text, next, help)])
return Control(self, name)
def text(self, name, x, y, w, h, attr, text):
return self.control(name, "Text", x, y, w, h, attr, None,
text, None, None)
def bitmap(self, name, x, y, w, h, text):
return self.control(name, "Bitmap", x, y, w, h, 1, None, text, None, None)
def line(self, name, x, y, w, h):
return self.control(name, "Line", x, y, w, h, 1, None, None, None, None)
def pushbutton(self, name, x, y, w, h, attr, text, next):
return self.control(name, "PushButton", x, y, w, h, attr, None, text, next, None)
def radiogroup(self, name, x, y, w, h, attr, prop, text, next):
add_data(self.db, "Control",
[(self.name, name, "RadioButtonGroup",
x, y, w, h, attr, prop, text, next, None)])
return RadioButtonGroup(self, name, prop)
def checkbox(self, name, x, y, w, h, attr, prop, text, next):
return self.control(name, "CheckBox", x, y, w, h, attr, prop, text, next, None)