
665 lines
22 KiB
Executable File

"""Check the stable ABI manifest or generate files from it
By default, the tool only checks existing files/libraries.
Pass --generate to recreate auto-generated files instead.
For actions that take a FILENAME, the filename can be left out to use a default
(relative to the manifest file, as they appear in the CPython codebase).
from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path
import dataclasses
import subprocess
import sysconfig
import argparse
import textwrap
import difflib
import shutil
import sys
import os
import os.path
import io
import re
import csv
MISSING = object()
MACOS = (sys.platform == "darwin")
UNIXY = MACOS or (sys.platform == "linux") # XXX should this be "not Windows"?
'MS_WINDOWS': 'on Windows',
'HAVE_FORK': 'on platforms with fork()',
'USE_STACKCHECK': 'on platforms with USE_STACKCHECK',
# The stable ABI manifest (Misc/stable_abi.txt) exists only to fill the
# following dataclasses.
# Feel free to change its syntax (and the `parse_manifest` function)
# to better serve that purpose (while keeping it human-readable).
class Manifest:
"""Collection of `ABIItem`s forming the stable ABI/limited API."""
kind = 'manifest'
contents: dict = dataclasses.field(default_factory=dict)
def add(self, item):
if item.name in self.contents:
# We assume that stable ABI items do not share names,
# even if they're different kinds (e.g. function vs. macro).
raise ValueError(f'duplicate ABI item {item.name}')
self.contents[item.name] = item
def feature_defines(self):
"""Return all feature defines which affect what's available
These are e.g. HAVE_FORK and MS_WINDOWS.
return set(item.ifdef for item in self.contents.values()) - {None}
def select(self, kinds, *, include_abi_only=True, ifdef=None):
"""Yield selected items of the manifest
kinds: set of requested kinds, e.g. {'function', 'macro'}
include_abi_only: if True (default), include all items of the
stable ABI.
If False, include only items from the limited API
(i.e. items people should use today)
ifdef: set of feature defines (e.g. {'HAVE_FORK', 'MS_WINDOWS'}).
If None (default), items are not filtered by this. (This is
different from the empty set, which filters out all such
conditional items.)
for name, item in sorted(self.contents.items()):
if item.kind not in kinds:
if item.abi_only and not include_abi_only:
if (ifdef is not None
and item.ifdef is not None
and item.ifdef not in ifdef):
yield item
def dump(self):
"""Yield lines to recreate the manifest file (sans comments/newlines)"""
# Recursive in preparation for struct member & function argument nodes
for item in self.contents.values():
yield from item.dump(indent=0)
class ABIItem:
"""Information on one item (function, macro, struct, etc.)"""
kind: str
name: str
added: str = None
contents: list = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list)
abi_only: bool = False
ifdef: str = None
KINDS = frozenset({
'struct', 'function', 'macro', 'data', 'const', 'typedef',
def dump(self, indent=0):
yield f"{' ' * indent}{self.kind} {self.name}"
if self.added:
yield f"{' ' * (indent+1)}added {self.added}"
if self.ifdef:
yield f"{' ' * (indent+1)}ifdef {self.ifdef}"
if self.abi_only:
yield f"{' ' * (indent+1)}abi_only"
def parse_manifest(file):
"""Parse the given file (iterable of lines) to a Manifest"""
LINE_RE = re.compile('(?P<indent>[ ]*)(?P<kind>[^ ]+)[ ]*(?P<content>.*)')
manifest = Manifest()
# parents of currently processed line, each with its indentation level
levels = [(manifest, -1)]
def raise_error(msg):
raise SyntaxError(f'line {lineno}: {msg}')
for lineno, line in enumerate(file, start=1):
line, sep, comment = line.partition('#')
line = line.rstrip()
if not line:
match = LINE_RE.fullmatch(line)
if not match:
raise_error(f'invalid syntax: {line}')
level = len(match['indent'])
kind = match['kind']
content = match['content']
while level <= levels[-1][1]:
parent = levels[-1][0]
entry = None
if kind in ABIItem.KINDS:
if parent.kind not in {'manifest'}:
raise_error(f'{kind} cannot go in {parent.kind}')
entry = ABIItem(kind, content)
elif kind in {'added', 'ifdef'}:
if parent.kind not in ABIItem.KINDS:
raise_error(f'{kind} cannot go in {parent.kind}')
setattr(parent, kind, content)
elif kind in {'abi_only'}:
if parent.kind not in {'function', 'data'}:
raise_error(f'{kind} cannot go in {parent.kind}')
parent.abi_only = True
raise_error(f"unknown kind {kind!r}")
# When adding more, update the comment in stable_abi.txt.
levels.append((entry, level))
return manifest
# The tool can run individual "actions".
# Most actions are "generators", which generate a single file from the
# manifest. (Checking works by generating a temp file & comparing.)
# Other actions, like "--unixy-check", don't work on a single file.
generators = []
def generator(var_name, default_path):
"""Decorates a file generator: function that writes to a file"""
def _decorator(func):
func.var_name = var_name
func.arg_name = '--' + var_name.replace('_', '-')
func.default_path = default_path
return func
return _decorator
@generator("python3dll", 'PC/python3dll.c')
def gen_python3dll(manifest, args, outfile):
"""Generate/check the source for the Windows stable ABI library"""
write = partial(print, file=outfile)
/* Re-export stable Python ABI */
/* Generated by Tools/scripts/stable_abi.py */
#ifdef _M_IX86
#define DECORATE "_"
#define DECORATE
#define EXPORT_FUNC(name) \
__pragma(comment(linker, "/EXPORT:" DECORATE #name "=" PYTHON_DLL_NAME "." #name))
#define EXPORT_DATA(name) \
__pragma(comment(linker, "/EXPORT:" DECORATE #name "=" PYTHON_DLL_NAME "." #name ",DATA"))
def sort_key(item):
return item.name.lower()
for item in sorted(
{'function'}, include_abi_only=True, ifdef={'MS_WINDOWS'}),
for item in sorted(
{'data'}, include_abi_only=True, ifdef={'MS_WINDOWS'}),
'function': 'function',
'data': 'var',
'struct': 'type',
'macro': 'macro',
# 'const': 'const', # all undocumented
'typedef': 'type',
@generator("doc_list", 'Doc/data/stable_abi.dat')
def gen_doc_annotations(manifest, args, outfile):
"""Generate/check the stable ABI list for documentation annotations"""
writer = csv.DictWriter(
outfile, ['role', 'name', 'added', 'ifdef_note'], lineterminator='\n')
for item in manifest.select(REST_ROLES.keys(), include_abi_only=False):
if item.ifdef:
ifdef_note = IFDEF_DOC_NOTES[item.ifdef]
ifdef_note = None
'role': REST_ROLES[item.kind],
'name': item.name,
'added': item.added,
'ifdef_note': ifdef_note})
@generator("ctypes_test", 'Lib/test/test_stable_abi_ctypes.py')
def gen_ctypes_test(manifest, args, outfile):
"""Generate/check the ctypes-based test for exported symbols"""
write = partial(print, file=outfile)
# Generated by Tools/scripts/stable_abi.py
"""Test that all symbols of the Stable ABI are accessible using ctypes
import unittest
from test.support.import_helper import import_module
ctypes_test = import_module('ctypes')
class TestStableABIAvailability(unittest.TestCase):
def test_available_symbols(self):
for symbol_name in SYMBOL_NAMES:
with self.subTest(symbol_name):
items = manifest.select(
{'function', 'data'},
for item in items:
if item.name in (
# Some symbols aren't exported on all platforms.
# This is a bug: https://bugs.python.org/issue44133
'PyModule_Create2', 'PyModule_FromDefAndSpec2',
write(f' "{item.name}",')
def generate_or_check(manifest, args, path, func):
"""Generate/check a file with a single generator
Return True if successful; False if a comparison failed.
outfile = io.StringIO()
func(manifest, args, outfile)
generated = outfile.getvalue()
existing = path.read_text()
if generated != existing:
if args.generate:
print(f'File {path} differs from expected!')
diff = difflib.unified_diff(
generated.splitlines(), existing.splitlines(),
str(path), '<expected>',
for line in diff:
return False
return True
def do_unixy_check(manifest, args):
"""Check headers & library using "Unixy" tools (GCC/clang, binutils)"""
okay = True
# Get all macros first: we'll need feature macros like HAVE_FORK and
# MS_WINDOWS for everything else
present_macros = gcc_get_limited_api_macros(['Include/Python.h'])
feature_defines = manifest.feature_defines & present_macros
# Check that we have all needed macros
expected_macros = set(
item.name for item in manifest.select({'macro'})
missing_macros = expected_macros - present_macros
okay &= _report_unexpected_items(
'Some macros from are not defined from "Include/Python.h"'
+ 'with Py_LIMITED_API:')
expected_symbols = set(item.name for item in manifest.select(
{'function', 'data'}, include_abi_only=True, ifdef=feature_defines,
# Check the static library (*.a)
LIBRARY = sysconfig.get_config_var("LIBRARY")
if not LIBRARY:
raise Exception("failed to get LIBRARY variable from sysconfig")
if os.path.exists(LIBRARY):
okay &= binutils_check_library(
manifest, LIBRARY, expected_symbols, dynamic=False)
# Check the dynamic library (*.so)
LDLIBRARY = sysconfig.get_config_var("LDLIBRARY")
raise Exception("failed to get LDLIBRARY variable from sysconfig")
okay &= binutils_check_library(
manifest, LDLIBRARY, expected_symbols, dynamic=False)
# Check definitions in the header files
expected_defs = set(item.name for item in manifest.select(
{'function', 'data'}, include_abi_only=False, ifdef=feature_defines,
found_defs = gcc_get_limited_api_definitions(['Include/Python.h'])
missing_defs = expected_defs - found_defs
okay &= _report_unexpected_items(
'Some expected declarations were not declared in '
+ '"Include/Python.h" with Py_LIMITED_API:')
# Some Limited API macros are defined in terms of private symbols.
# These are not part of Limited API (even though they're defined with
# Py_LIMITED_API). They must be part of the Stable ABI, though.
private_symbols = {n for n in expected_symbols if n.startswith('_')}
extra_defs = found_defs - expected_defs - private_symbols
okay &= _report_unexpected_items(
'Some extra declarations were found in "Include/Python.h" '
+ 'with Py_LIMITED_API:')
return okay
def _report_unexpected_items(items, msg):
"""If there are any `items`, report them using "msg" and return false"""
if items:
print(msg, file=sys.stderr)
for item in sorted(items):
print(' -', item, file=sys.stderr)
return False
return True
def binutils_get_exported_symbols(library, dynamic=False):
"""Retrieve exported symbols using the nm(1) tool from binutils"""
# Only look at dynamic symbols
args = ["nm", "--no-sort"]
if dynamic:
proc = subprocess.run(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
if proc.returncode:
stdout = proc.stdout.rstrip()
if not stdout:
raise Exception("command output is empty")
for line in stdout.splitlines():
# Split line '0000000000001b80 D PyTextIOWrapper_Type'
if not line:
parts = line.split(maxsplit=2)
if len(parts) < 3:
symbol = parts[-1]
if MACOS and symbol.startswith("_"):
yield symbol[1:]
yield symbol
def binutils_check_library(manifest, library, expected_symbols, dynamic):
"""Check that library exports all expected_symbols"""
available_symbols = set(binutils_get_exported_symbols(library, dynamic))
missing_symbols = expected_symbols - available_symbols
if missing_symbols:
Some symbols from the limited API are missing from {library}:
{', '.join(missing_symbols)}
This error means that there are some missing symbols among the
ones exported in the library.
This normally means that some symbol, function implementation or
a prototype belonging to a symbol in the limited API has been
deleted or is missing.
"""), file=sys.stderr)
return False
return True
def gcc_get_limited_api_macros(headers):
"""Get all limited API macros from headers.
Runs the preprocessor over all the header files in "Include" setting
"-DPy_LIMITED_API" to the correct value for the running version of the
interpreter and extracting all macro definitions (via adding -dM to the
compiler arguments).
Requires Python built with a GCC-compatible compiler. (clang might work)
api_hexversion = sys.version_info.major << 24 | sys.version_info.minor << 16
preprocesor_output_with_macros = subprocess.check_output(
+ [
# Prevent the expansion of the exported macros so we can
# capture them later
"-DSIZEOF_WCHAR_T=4", # The actual value is not important
+ [str(file) for file in headers],
return {
for target in re.findall(
r"#define (\w+)", preprocesor_output_with_macros
def gcc_get_limited_api_definitions(headers):
"""Get all limited API definitions from headers.
Run the preprocessor over all the header files in "Include" setting
"-DPy_LIMITED_API" to the correct value for the running version of the
The limited API symbols will be extracted from the output of this command
as it includes the prototypes and definitions of all the exported symbols
that are in the limited api.
This function does *NOT* extract the macros defined on the limited API
Requires Python built with a GCC-compatible compiler. (clang might work)
api_hexversion = sys.version_info.major << 24 | sys.version_info.minor << 16
preprocesor_output = subprocess.check_output(
+ [
# Prevent the expansion of the exported macros so we can capture
# them later
"-DSIZEOF_WCHAR_T=4", # The actual value is not important
+ [str(file) for file in headers],
stable_functions = set(
re.findall(r"__PyAPI_FUNC\(.*?\)\s*(.*?)\s*\(", preprocesor_output)
stable_exported_data = set(
re.findall(r"__EXPORT_DATA\((.*?)\)", preprocesor_output)
stable_data = set(
re.findall(r"__PyAPI_DATA\(.*?\)[\s\*\(]*([^);]*)\)?.*;", preprocesor_output)
return stable_data | stable_exported_data | stable_functions
def check_private_names(manifest):
"""Ensure limited API doesn't contain private names
Names prefixed by an underscore are private by definition.
for name, item in manifest.contents.items():
if name.startswith('_') and not item.abi_only:
raise ValueError(
f'`{name}` is private (underscore-prefixed) and should be '
+ 'removed from the stable ABI list or or marked `abi_only`')
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
"file", type=Path, metavar='FILE',
help="file with the stable abi manifest",
"--generate", action='store_true',
help="generate file(s), rather than just checking them",
"--generate-all", action='store_true',
help="as --generate, but generate all file(s) using default filenames."
+ " (unlike --all, does not run any extra checks)",
"-a", "--all", action='store_true',
help="run all available checks using default filenames",
"-l", "--list", action='store_true',
help="list available generators and their default filenames; then exit",
"--dump", action='store_true',
help="dump the manifest contents (used for debugging the parser)",
actions_group = parser.add_argument_group('actions')
for gen in generators:
gen.arg_name, dest=gen.var_name,
type=str, nargs="?", default=MISSING,
'--unixy-check', action='store_true',
args = parser.parse_args()
base_path = args.file.parent.parent
if args.list:
for gen in generators:
print(f'{gen.arg_name}: {base_path / gen.default_path}')
run_all_generators = args.generate_all
if args.generate_all:
args.generate = True
if args.all:
run_all_generators = True
args.unixy_check = True
with args.file.open() as file:
manifest = parse_manifest(file)
# Remember results of all actions (as booleans).
# At the end we'll check that at least one action was run,
# and also fail if any are false.
results = {}
if args.dump:
for line in manifest.dump():
results['dump'] = True
for gen in generators:
filename = getattr(args, gen.var_name)
if filename is None or (run_all_generators and filename is MISSING):
filename = base_path / gen.default_path
elif filename is MISSING:
results[gen.var_name] = generate_or_check(manifest, args, filename, gen)
if args.unixy_check:
results['unixy_check'] = do_unixy_check(manifest, args)
if not results:
if args.generate:
parser.error('No file specified. Use --help for usage.')
parser.error('No check specified. Use --help for usage.')
failed_results = [name for name, result in results.items() if not result]
if failed_results:
raise Exception(f"""
These checks related to the stable ABI did not succeed:
{', '.join(failed_results)}
If you see diffs in the output, files derived from the stable
ABI manifest the were not regenerated.
Run `make regen-limited-abi` to fix this.
Otherwise, see the error(s) above.
The stable ABI manifest is at: {args.file}
Note that there is a process to follow when modifying it.
You can read more about the limited API and its contracts at:
And in PEP 384:
if __name__ == "__main__":