
4110 lines
129 KiB

# Deliberately use "from dataclasses import *". Every name in __all__
# is tested, so they all must be present. This is a way to catch
# missing ones.
from dataclasses import *
import abc
import pickle
import inspect
import builtins
import types
import weakref
import unittest
from unittest.mock import Mock
from typing import ClassVar, Any, List, Union, Tuple, Dict, Generic, TypeVar, Optional, Protocol
from typing import get_type_hints
from collections import deque, OrderedDict, namedtuple
from functools import total_ordering
import typing # Needed for the string "typing.ClassVar[int]" to work as an annotation.
import dataclasses # Needed for the string "dataclasses.InitVar[int]" to work as an annotation.
# Just any custom exception we can catch.
class CustomError(Exception): pass
class TestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_no_fields(self):
class C:
o = C()
self.assertEqual(len(fields(C)), 0)
def test_no_fields_but_member_variable(self):
class C:
i = 0
o = C()
self.assertEqual(len(fields(C)), 0)
def test_one_field_no_default(self):
class C:
x: int
o = C(42)
self.assertEqual(o.x, 42)
def test_field_default_default_factory_error(self):
msg = "cannot specify both default and default_factory"
with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, msg):
class C:
x: int = field(default=1, default_factory=int)
def test_field_repr(self):
int_field = field(default=1, init=True, repr=False)
int_field.name = "id"
repr_output = repr(int_field)
expected_output = "Field(name='id',type=None," \
f"default=1,default_factory={MISSING!r}," \
"init=True,repr=False,hash=None," \
"compare=True,metadata=mappingproxy({})," \
f"kw_only={MISSING!r}," \
self.assertEqual(repr_output, expected_output)
def test_named_init_params(self):
class C:
x: int
o = C(x=32)
self.assertEqual(o.x, 32)
def test_two_fields_one_default(self):
class C:
x: int
y: int = 0
o = C(3)
self.assertEqual((o.x, o.y), (3, 0))
# Non-defaults following defaults.
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError,
"non-default argument 'y' follows "
"default argument"):
class C:
x: int = 0
y: int
# A derived class adds a non-default field after a default one.
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError,
"non-default argument 'y' follows "
"default argument"):
class B:
x: int = 0
class C(B):
y: int
# Override a base class field and add a default to
# a field which didn't use to have a default.
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError,
"non-default argument 'y' follows "
"default argument"):
class B:
x: int
y: int
class C(B):
x: int = 0
def test_overwrite_hash(self):
# Test that declaring this class isn't an error. It should
# use the user-provided __hash__.
class C:
x: int
def __hash__(self):
return 301
self.assertEqual(hash(C(100)), 301)
# Test that declaring this class isn't an error. It should
# use the generated __hash__.
class C:
x: int
def __eq__(self, other):
return False
self.assertEqual(hash(C(100)), hash((100,)))
# But this one should generate an exception, because with
# unsafe_hash=True, it's an error to have a __hash__ defined.
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError,
'Cannot overwrite attribute __hash__'):
class C:
def __hash__(self):
# Creating this class should not generate an exception,
# because even though __hash__ exists before @dataclass is
# called, (due to __eq__ being defined), since it's None
# that's okay.
class C:
x: int
def __eq__(self):
# The generated hash function works as we'd expect.
self.assertEqual(hash(C(10)), hash((10,)))
# Creating this class should generate an exception, because
# __hash__ exists and is not None, which it would be if it
# had been auto-generated due to __eq__ being defined.
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError,
'Cannot overwrite attribute __hash__'):
class C:
x: int
def __eq__(self):
def __hash__(self):
def test_overwrite_fields_in_derived_class(self):
# Note that x from C1 replaces x in Base, but the order remains
# the same as defined in Base.
class Base:
x: Any = 15.0
y: int = 0
class C1(Base):
z: int = 10
x: int = 15
o = Base()
self.assertEqual(repr(o), 'TestCase.test_overwrite_fields_in_derived_class.<locals>.Base(x=15.0, y=0)')
o = C1()
self.assertEqual(repr(o), 'TestCase.test_overwrite_fields_in_derived_class.<locals>.C1(x=15, y=0, z=10)')
o = C1(x=5)
self.assertEqual(repr(o), 'TestCase.test_overwrite_fields_in_derived_class.<locals>.C1(x=5, y=0, z=10)')
def test_field_named_self(self):
class C:
self: str
self.assertEqual(c.self, 'foo')
# Make sure the first parameter is not named 'self'.
sig = inspect.signature(C.__init__)
first = next(iter(sig.parameters))
self.assertNotEqual('self', first)
# But we do use 'self' if no field named self.
class C:
selfx: str
# Make sure the first parameter is named 'self'.
sig = inspect.signature(C.__init__)
first = next(iter(sig.parameters))
self.assertEqual('self', first)
def test_field_named_object(self):
class C:
object: str
c = C('foo')
self.assertEqual(c.object, 'foo')
def test_field_named_object_frozen(self):
class C:
object: str
c = C('foo')
self.assertEqual(c.object, 'foo')
def test_field_named_like_builtin(self):
# Attribute names can shadow built-in names
# since code generation is used.
# Ensure that this is not happening.
exclusions = {'None', 'True', 'False'}
builtins_names = sorted(
b for b in builtins.__dict__.keys()
if not b.startswith('__') and b not in exclusions
attributes = [(name, str) for name in builtins_names]
C = make_dataclass('C', attributes)
c = C(*[name for name in builtins_names])
for name in builtins_names:
self.assertEqual(getattr(c, name), name)
def test_field_named_like_builtin_frozen(self):
# Attribute names can shadow built-in names
# since code generation is used.
# Ensure that this is not happening
# for frozen data classes.
exclusions = {'None', 'True', 'False'}
builtins_names = sorted(
b for b in builtins.__dict__.keys()
if not b.startswith('__') and b not in exclusions
attributes = [(name, str) for name in builtins_names]
C = make_dataclass('C', attributes, frozen=True)
c = C(*[name for name in builtins_names])
for name in builtins_names:
self.assertEqual(getattr(c, name), name)
def test_0_field_compare(self):
# Ensure that order=False is the default.
class C0:
class C1:
for cls in [C0, C1]:
with self.subTest(cls=cls):
self.assertEqual(cls(), cls())
for idx, fn in enumerate([lambda a, b: a < b,
lambda a, b: a <= b,
lambda a, b: a > b,
lambda a, b: a >= b]):
with self.subTest(idx=idx):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError,
f"not supported between instances of '{cls.__name__}' and '{cls.__name__}'"):
fn(cls(), cls())
class C:
self.assertLessEqual(C(), C())
self.assertGreaterEqual(C(), C())
def test_1_field_compare(self):
# Ensure that order=False is the default.
class C0:
x: int
class C1:
x: int
for cls in [C0, C1]:
with self.subTest(cls=cls):
self.assertEqual(cls(1), cls(1))
self.assertNotEqual(cls(0), cls(1))
for idx, fn in enumerate([lambda a, b: a < b,
lambda a, b: a <= b,
lambda a, b: a > b,
lambda a, b: a >= b]):
with self.subTest(idx=idx):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError,
f"not supported between instances of '{cls.__name__}' and '{cls.__name__}'"):
fn(cls(0), cls(0))
class C:
x: int
self.assertLess(C(0), C(1))
self.assertLessEqual(C(0), C(1))
self.assertLessEqual(C(1), C(1))
self.assertGreater(C(1), C(0))
self.assertGreaterEqual(C(1), C(0))
self.assertGreaterEqual(C(1), C(1))
def test_simple_compare(self):
# Ensure that order=False is the default.
class C0:
x: int
y: int
class C1:
x: int
y: int
for cls in [C0, C1]:
with self.subTest(cls=cls):
self.assertEqual(cls(0, 0), cls(0, 0))
self.assertEqual(cls(1, 2), cls(1, 2))
self.assertNotEqual(cls(1, 0), cls(0, 0))
self.assertNotEqual(cls(1, 0), cls(1, 1))
for idx, fn in enumerate([lambda a, b: a < b,
lambda a, b: a <= b,
lambda a, b: a > b,
lambda a, b: a >= b]):
with self.subTest(idx=idx):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError,
f"not supported between instances of '{cls.__name__}' and '{cls.__name__}'"):
fn(cls(0, 0), cls(0, 0))
class C:
x: int
y: int
for idx, fn in enumerate([lambda a, b: a == b,
lambda a, b: a <= b,
lambda a, b: a >= b]):
with self.subTest(idx=idx):
self.assertTrue(fn(C(0, 0), C(0, 0)))
for idx, fn in enumerate([lambda a, b: a < b,
lambda a, b: a <= b,
lambda a, b: a != b]):
with self.subTest(idx=idx):
self.assertTrue(fn(C(0, 0), C(0, 1)))
self.assertTrue(fn(C(0, 1), C(1, 0)))
self.assertTrue(fn(C(1, 0), C(1, 1)))
for idx, fn in enumerate([lambda a, b: a > b,
lambda a, b: a >= b,
lambda a, b: a != b]):
with self.subTest(idx=idx):
self.assertTrue(fn(C(0, 1), C(0, 0)))
self.assertTrue(fn(C(1, 0), C(0, 1)))
self.assertTrue(fn(C(1, 1), C(1, 0)))
def test_compare_subclasses(self):
# Comparisons fail for subclasses, even if no fields
# are added.
class B:
i: int
class C(B):
for idx, (fn, expected) in enumerate([(lambda a, b: a == b, False),
(lambda a, b: a != b, True)]):
with self.subTest(idx=idx):
self.assertEqual(fn(B(0), C(0)), expected)
for idx, fn in enumerate([lambda a, b: a < b,
lambda a, b: a <= b,
lambda a, b: a > b,
lambda a, b: a >= b]):
with self.subTest(idx=idx):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError,
"not supported between instances of 'B' and 'C'"):
fn(B(0), C(0))
def test_eq_order(self):
# Test combining eq and order.
for (eq, order, result ) in [
(False, False, 'neither'),
(False, True, 'exception'),
(True, False, 'eq_only'),
(True, True, 'both'),
with self.subTest(eq=eq, order=order):
if result == 'exception':
with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'eq must be true if order is true'):
@dataclass(eq=eq, order=order)
class C:
@dataclass(eq=eq, order=order)
class C:
if result == 'neither':
self.assertNotIn('__eq__', C.__dict__)
self.assertNotIn('__lt__', C.__dict__)
self.assertNotIn('__le__', C.__dict__)
self.assertNotIn('__gt__', C.__dict__)
self.assertNotIn('__ge__', C.__dict__)
elif result == 'both':
self.assertIn('__eq__', C.__dict__)
self.assertIn('__lt__', C.__dict__)
self.assertIn('__le__', C.__dict__)
self.assertIn('__gt__', C.__dict__)
self.assertIn('__ge__', C.__dict__)
elif result == 'eq_only':
self.assertIn('__eq__', C.__dict__)
self.assertNotIn('__lt__', C.__dict__)
self.assertNotIn('__le__', C.__dict__)
self.assertNotIn('__gt__', C.__dict__)
self.assertNotIn('__ge__', C.__dict__)
assert False, f'unknown result {result!r}'
def test_field_no_default(self):
class C:
x: int = field()
self.assertEqual(C(5).x, 5)
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError,
r"__init__\(\) missing 1 required "
"positional argument: 'x'"):
def test_field_default(self):
default = object()
class C:
x: object = field(default=default)
self.assertIs(C.x, default)
c = C(10)
self.assertEqual(c.x, 10)
# If we delete the instance attribute, we should then see the
# class attribute.
del c.x
self.assertIs(c.x, default)
self.assertIs(C().x, default)
def test_not_in_repr(self):
class C:
x: int = field(repr=False)
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
c = C(10)
self.assertEqual(repr(c), 'TestCase.test_not_in_repr.<locals>.C()')
class C:
x: int = field(repr=False)
y: int
c = C(10, 20)
self.assertEqual(repr(c), 'TestCase.test_not_in_repr.<locals>.C(y=20)')
def test_not_in_compare(self):
class C:
x: int = 0
y: int = field(compare=False, default=4)
self.assertEqual(C(), C(0, 20))
self.assertEqual(C(1, 10), C(1, 20))
self.assertNotEqual(C(3), C(4, 10))
self.assertNotEqual(C(3, 10), C(4, 10))
def test_no_unhashable_default(self):
# See bpo-44674.
class Unhashable:
__hash__ = None
unhashable_re = 'mutable default .* for field a is not allowed'
with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, unhashable_re):
class A:
a: dict = {}
with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, unhashable_re):
class A:
a: Any = Unhashable()
# Make sure that the machinery looking for hashability is using the
# class's __hash__, not the instance's __hash__.
with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, unhashable_re):
unhashable = Unhashable()
# This shouldn't make the variable hashable.
unhashable.__hash__ = lambda: 0
class A:
a: Any = unhashable
def test_hash_field_rules(self):
# Test all 6 cases of:
# hash=True/False/None
# compare=True/False
for (hash_, compare, result ) in [
(True, False, 'field' ),
(True, True, 'field' ),
(False, False, 'absent'),
(False, True, 'absent'),
(None, False, 'absent'),
(None, True, 'field' ),
with self.subTest(hash=hash_, compare=compare):
class C:
x: int = field(compare=compare, hash=hash_, default=5)
if result == 'field':
# __hash__ contains the field.
self.assertEqual(hash(C(5)), hash((5,)))
elif result == 'absent':
# The field is not present in the hash.
self.assertEqual(hash(C(5)), hash(()))
assert False, f'unknown result {result!r}'
def test_init_false_no_default(self):
# If init=False and no default value, then the field won't be
# present in the instance.
class C:
x: int = field(init=False)
self.assertNotIn('x', C().__dict__)
class C:
x: int
y: int = 0
z: int = field(init=False)
t: int = 10
self.assertNotIn('z', C(0).__dict__)
self.assertEqual(vars(C(5)), {'t': 10, 'x': 5, 'y': 0})
def test_class_marker(self):
class C:
x: int
y: str = field(init=False, default=None)
z: str = field(repr=False)
the_fields = fields(C)
# the_fields is a tuple of 3 items, each value
# is in __annotations__.
self.assertIsInstance(the_fields, tuple)
for f in the_fields:
self.assertIs(type(f), Field)
self.assertIn(f.name, C.__annotations__)
self.assertEqual(len(the_fields), 3)
self.assertEqual(the_fields[0].name, 'x')
self.assertEqual(the_fields[0].type, int)
self.assertFalse(hasattr(C, 'x'))
self.assertTrue (the_fields[0].init)
self.assertTrue (the_fields[0].repr)
self.assertEqual(the_fields[1].name, 'y')
self.assertEqual(the_fields[1].type, str)
self.assertIsNone(getattr(C, 'y'))
self.assertTrue (the_fields[1].repr)
self.assertEqual(the_fields[2].name, 'z')
self.assertEqual(the_fields[2].type, str)
self.assertFalse(hasattr(C, 'z'))
self.assertTrue (the_fields[2].init)
def test_field_order(self):
class B:
a: str = 'B:a'
b: str = 'B:b'
c: str = 'B:c'
class C(B):
b: str = 'C:b'
self.assertEqual([(f.name, f.default) for f in fields(C)],
[('a', 'B:a'),
('b', 'C:b'),
('c', 'B:c')])
class D(B):
c: str = 'D:c'
self.assertEqual([(f.name, f.default) for f in fields(D)],
[('a', 'B:a'),
('b', 'B:b'),
('c', 'D:c')])
class E(D):
a: str = 'E:a'
d: str = 'E:d'
self.assertEqual([(f.name, f.default) for f in fields(E)],
[('a', 'E:a'),
('b', 'B:b'),
('c', 'D:c'),
('d', 'E:d')])
def test_class_attrs(self):
# We only have a class attribute if a default value is
# specified, either directly or via a field with a default.
default = object()
class C:
x: int
y: int = field(repr=False)
z: object = default
t: int = field(default=100)
self.assertFalse(hasattr(C, 'x'))
self.assertFalse(hasattr(C, 'y'))
self.assertIs (C.z, default)
self.assertEqual(C.t, 100)
def test_disallowed_mutable_defaults(self):
# For the known types, don't allow mutable default values.
for typ, empty, non_empty in [(list, [], [1]),
(dict, {}, {0:1}),
(set, set(), set([1])),
with self.subTest(typ=typ):
# Can't use a zero-length value.
with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError,
f'mutable default {typ} for field '
'x is not allowed'):
class Point:
x: typ = empty
# Nor a non-zero-length value
with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError,
f'mutable default {typ} for field '
'y is not allowed'):
class Point:
y: typ = non_empty
# Check subtypes also fail.
class Subclass(typ): pass
with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError,
f"mutable default .*Subclass'>"
' for field z is not allowed'
class Point:
z: typ = Subclass()
# Because this is a ClassVar, it can be mutable.
class C:
z: ClassVar[typ] = typ()
# Because this is a ClassVar, it can be mutable.
class C:
x: ClassVar[typ] = Subclass()
def test_deliberately_mutable_defaults(self):
# If a mutable default isn't in the known list of
# (list, dict, set), then it's okay.
class Mutable:
def __init__(self):
self.l = []
class C:
x: Mutable
# These 2 instances will share this value of x.
lst = Mutable()
o1 = C(lst)
o2 = C(lst)
self.assertEqual(o1, o2)
o1.x.l.extend([1, 2])
self.assertEqual(o1, o2)
self.assertEqual(o1.x.l, [1, 2])
self.assertIs(o1.x, o2.x)
def test_no_options(self):
# Call with dataclass().
class C:
x: int
self.assertEqual(C(42).x, 42)
def test_not_tuple(self):
# Make sure we can't be compared to a tuple.
class Point:
x: int
y: int
self.assertNotEqual(Point(1, 2), (1, 2))
# And that we can't compare to another unrelated dataclass.
class C:
x: int
y: int
self.assertNotEqual(Point(1, 3), C(1, 3))
def test_not_other_dataclass(self):
# Test that some of the problems with namedtuple don't happen
# here.
class Point3D:
x: int
y: int
z: int
class Date:
year: int
month: int
day: int
self.assertNotEqual(Point3D(2017, 6, 3), Date(2017, 6, 3))
self.assertNotEqual(Point3D(1, 2, 3), (1, 2, 3))
# Make sure we can't unpack.
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'unpack'):
x, y, z = Point3D(4, 5, 6)
# Make sure another class with the same field names isn't
# equal.
class Point3Dv1:
x: int = 0
y: int = 0
z: int = 0
self.assertNotEqual(Point3D(0, 0, 0), Point3Dv1())
def test_function_annotations(self):
# Some dummy class and instance to use as a default.
class F:
f = F()
def validate_class(cls):
# First, check __annotations__, even though they're not
# function annotations.
self.assertEqual(cls.__annotations__['i'], int)
self.assertEqual(cls.__annotations__['j'], str)
self.assertEqual(cls.__annotations__['k'], F)
self.assertEqual(cls.__annotations__['l'], float)
self.assertEqual(cls.__annotations__['z'], complex)
# Verify __init__.
signature = inspect.signature(cls.__init__)
# Check the return type, should be None.
self.assertIs(signature.return_annotation, None)
# Check each parameter.
params = iter(signature.parameters.values())
param = next(params)
# This is testing an internal name, and probably shouldn't be tested.
self.assertEqual(param.name, 'self')
param = next(params)
self.assertEqual(param.name, 'i')
self.assertIs (param.annotation, int)
self.assertEqual(param.default, inspect.Parameter.empty)
self.assertEqual(param.kind, inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD)
param = next(params)
self.assertEqual(param.name, 'j')
self.assertIs (param.annotation, str)
self.assertEqual(param.default, inspect.Parameter.empty)
self.assertEqual(param.kind, inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD)
param = next(params)
self.assertEqual(param.name, 'k')
self.assertIs (param.annotation, F)
# Don't test for the default, since it's set to MISSING.
self.assertEqual(param.kind, inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD)
param = next(params)
self.assertEqual(param.name, 'l')
self.assertIs (param.annotation, float)
# Don't test for the default, since it's set to MISSING.
self.assertEqual(param.kind, inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD)
self.assertRaises(StopIteration, next, params)
class C:
i: int
j: str
k: F = f
l: float=field(default=None)
z: complex=field(default=3+4j, init=False)
# Now repeat with __hash__.
@dataclass(frozen=True, unsafe_hash=True)
class C:
i: int
j: str
k: F = f
l: float=field(default=None)
z: complex=field(default=3+4j, init=False)
def test_missing_default(self):
# Test that MISSING works the same as a default not being
# specified.
class C:
x: int=field(default=MISSING)
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError,
r'__init__\(\) missing 1 required '
'positional argument'):
self.assertNotIn('x', C.__dict__)
class D:
x: int
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError,
r'__init__\(\) missing 1 required '
'positional argument'):
self.assertNotIn('x', D.__dict__)
def test_missing_default_factory(self):
# Test that MISSING works the same as a default factory not
# being specified (which is really the same as a default not
# being specified, too).
class C:
x: int=field(default_factory=MISSING)
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError,
r'__init__\(\) missing 1 required '
'positional argument'):
self.assertNotIn('x', C.__dict__)
class D:
x: int=field(default=MISSING, default_factory=MISSING)
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError,
r'__init__\(\) missing 1 required '
'positional argument'):
self.assertNotIn('x', D.__dict__)
def test_missing_repr(self):
self.assertIn('MISSING_TYPE object', repr(MISSING))
def test_dont_include_other_annotations(self):
class C:
i: int
def foo(self) -> int:
return 4
def bar(self) -> int:
return 5
self.assertEqual(list(C.__annotations__), ['i'])
self.assertEqual(C(10).foo(), 4)
self.assertEqual(C(10).bar, 5)
self.assertEqual(C(10).i, 10)
def test_post_init(self):
# Just make sure it gets called
class C:
def __post_init__(self):
raise CustomError()
with self.assertRaises(CustomError):
class C:
i: int = 10
def __post_init__(self):
if self.i == 10:
raise CustomError()
with self.assertRaises(CustomError):
# post-init gets called, but doesn't raise. This is just
# checking that self is used correctly.
# If there's not an __init__, then post-init won't get called.
class C:
def __post_init__(self):
raise CustomError()
# Creating the class won't raise
class C:
x: int = 0
def __post_init__(self):
self.x *= 2
self.assertEqual(C().x, 0)
self.assertEqual(C(2).x, 4)
# Make sure that if we're frozen, post-init can't set
# attributes.
class C:
x: int = 0
def __post_init__(self):
self.x *= 2
with self.assertRaises(FrozenInstanceError):
def test_post_init_super(self):
# Make sure super() post-init isn't called by default.
class B:
def __post_init__(self):
raise CustomError()
class C(B):
def __post_init__(self):
self.x = 5
self.assertEqual(C().x, 5)
# Now call super(), and it will raise.
class C(B):
def __post_init__(self):
with self.assertRaises(CustomError):
# Make sure post-init is called, even if not defined in our
# class.
class C(B):
with self.assertRaises(CustomError):
def test_post_init_staticmethod(self):
flag = False
class C:
x: int
y: int
def __post_init__():
nonlocal flag
flag = True
c = C(3, 4)
self.assertEqual((c.x, c.y), (3, 4))
def test_post_init_classmethod(self):
class C:
flag = False
x: int
y: int
def __post_init__(cls):
cls.flag = True
c = C(3, 4)
self.assertEqual((c.x, c.y), (3, 4))
def test_post_init_not_auto_added(self):
# See bpo-46757, which had proposed always adding __post_init__. As
# Raymond Hettinger pointed out, that would be a breaking change. So,
# add a test to make sure that the current behavior doesn't change.
class A0:
class B0:
b_called: bool = False
def __post_init__(self):
self.b_called = True
class C0(A0, B0):
c_called: bool = False
def __post_init__(self):
self.c_called = True
# Since A0 has no __post_init__, and one wasn't automatically added
# (because that's the rule: it's never added by @dataclass, it's only
# the class author that can add it), then B0.__post_init__ is called.
# Verify that.
c = C0()
# Now, the same thing, except A1 defines __post_init__.
class A1:
def __post_init__(self):
class B1:
b_called: bool = False
def __post_init__(self):
self.b_called = True
class C1(A1, B1):
c_called: bool = False
def __post_init__(self):
self.c_called = True
# This time, B1.__post_init__ isn't being called. This mimics what
# would happen if A1.__post_init__ had been automatically added,
# instead of manually added as we see here. This test isn't really
# needed, but I'm including it just to demonstrate the changed
# behavior when A1 does define __post_init__.
c = C1()
def test_class_var(self):
# Make sure ClassVars are ignored in __init__, __repr__, etc.
class C:
x: int
y: int = 10
z: ClassVar[int] = 1000
w: ClassVar[int] = 2000
t: ClassVar[int] = 3000
s: ClassVar = 4000
c = C(5)
self.assertEqual(repr(c), 'TestCase.test_class_var.<locals>.C(x=5, y=10)')
self.assertEqual(len(fields(C)), 2) # We have 2 fields.
self.assertEqual(len(C.__annotations__), 6) # And 4 ClassVars.
self.assertEqual(c.z, 1000)
self.assertEqual(c.w, 2000)
self.assertEqual(c.t, 3000)
self.assertEqual(c.s, 4000)
C.z += 1
self.assertEqual(c.z, 1001)
c = C(20)
self.assertEqual((c.x, c.y), (20, 10))
self.assertEqual(c.z, 1001)
self.assertEqual(c.w, 2000)
self.assertEqual(c.t, 3000)
self.assertEqual(c.s, 4000)
def test_class_var_no_default(self):
# If a ClassVar has no default value, it should not be set on the class.
class C:
x: ClassVar[int]
self.assertNotIn('x', C.__dict__)
def test_class_var_default_factory(self):
# It makes no sense for a ClassVar to have a default factory. When
# would it be called? Call it yourself, since it's class-wide.
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError,
'cannot have a default factory'):
class C:
x: ClassVar[int] = field(default_factory=int)
self.assertNotIn('x', C.__dict__)
def test_class_var_with_default(self):
# If a ClassVar has a default value, it should be set on the class.
class C:
x: ClassVar[int] = 10
self.assertEqual(C.x, 10)
class C:
x: ClassVar[int] = field(default=10)
self.assertEqual(C.x, 10)
def test_class_var_frozen(self):
# Make sure ClassVars work even if we're frozen.
class C:
x: int
y: int = 10
z: ClassVar[int] = 1000
w: ClassVar[int] = 2000
t: ClassVar[int] = 3000
c = C(5)
self.assertEqual(repr(C(5)), 'TestCase.test_class_var_frozen.<locals>.C(x=5, y=10)')
self.assertEqual(len(fields(C)), 2) # We have 2 fields
self.assertEqual(len(C.__annotations__), 5) # And 3 ClassVars
self.assertEqual(c.z, 1000)
self.assertEqual(c.w, 2000)
self.assertEqual(c.t, 3000)
# We can still modify the ClassVar, it's only instances that are
# frozen.
C.z += 1
self.assertEqual(c.z, 1001)
c = C(20)
self.assertEqual((c.x, c.y), (20, 10))
self.assertEqual(c.z, 1001)
self.assertEqual(c.w, 2000)
self.assertEqual(c.t, 3000)
def test_init_var_no_default(self):
# If an InitVar has no default value, it should not be set on the class.
class C:
x: InitVar[int]
self.assertNotIn('x', C.__dict__)
def test_init_var_default_factory(self):
# It makes no sense for an InitVar to have a default factory. When
# would it be called? Call it yourself, since it's class-wide.
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError,
'cannot have a default factory'):
class C:
x: InitVar[int] = field(default_factory=int)
self.assertNotIn('x', C.__dict__)
def test_init_var_with_default(self):
# If an InitVar has a default value, it should be set on the class.
class C:
x: InitVar[int] = 10
self.assertEqual(C.x, 10)
class C:
x: InitVar[int] = field(default=10)
self.assertEqual(C.x, 10)
def test_init_var(self):
class C:
x: int = None
init_param: InitVar[int] = None
def __post_init__(self, init_param):
if self.x is None:
self.x = init_param*2
c = C(init_param=10)
self.assertEqual(c.x, 20)
def test_init_var_preserve_type(self):
self.assertEqual(InitVar[int].type, int)
# Make sure the repr is correct.
self.assertEqual(repr(InitVar[int]), 'dataclasses.InitVar[int]')
'dataclasses.InitVar[int | str]')
def test_init_var_inheritance(self):
# Note that this deliberately tests that a dataclass need not
# have a __post_init__ function if it has an InitVar field.
# It could just be used in a derived class, as shown here.
class Base:
x: int
init_base: InitVar[int]
# We can instantiate by passing the InitVar, even though
# it's not used.
b = Base(0, 10)
self.assertEqual(vars(b), {'x': 0})
class C(Base):
y: int
init_derived: InitVar[int]
def __post_init__(self, init_base, init_derived):
self.x = self.x + init_base
self.y = self.y + init_derived
c = C(10, 11, 50, 51)
self.assertEqual(vars(c), {'x': 21, 'y': 101})
def test_default_factory(self):
# Test a factory that returns a new list.
class C:
x: int
y: list = field(default_factory=list)
c0 = C(3)
c1 = C(3)
self.assertEqual(c0.x, 3)
self.assertEqual(c0.y, [])
self.assertEqual(c0, c1)
self.assertIsNot(c0.y, c1.y)
self.assertEqual(astuple(C(5, [1])), (5, [1]))
# Test a factory that returns a shared list.
l = []
class C:
x: int
y: list = field(default_factory=lambda: l)
c0 = C(3)
c1 = C(3)
self.assertEqual(c0.x, 3)
self.assertEqual(c0.y, [])
self.assertEqual(c0, c1)
self.assertIs(c0.y, c1.y)
self.assertEqual(astuple(C(5, [1])), (5, [1]))
# Test various other field flags.
# repr
class C:
x: list = field(default_factory=list, repr=False)
self.assertEqual(repr(C()), 'TestCase.test_default_factory.<locals>.C()')
self.assertEqual(C().x, [])
# hash
class C:
x: list = field(default_factory=list, hash=False)
self.assertEqual(astuple(C()), ([],))
self.assertEqual(hash(C()), hash(()))
# init (see also test_default_factory_with_no_init)
class C:
x: list = field(default_factory=list, init=False)
self.assertEqual(astuple(C()), ([],))
# compare
class C:
x: list = field(default_factory=list, compare=False)
self.assertEqual(C(), C([1]))
def test_default_factory_with_no_init(self):
# We need a factory with a side effect.
factory = Mock()
class C:
x: list = field(default_factory=factory, init=False)
# Make sure the default factory is called for each new instance.
self.assertEqual(factory.call_count, 1)
self.assertEqual(factory.call_count, 2)
def test_default_factory_not_called_if_value_given(self):
# We need a factory that we can test if it's been called.
factory = Mock()
class C:
x: int = field(default_factory=factory)
# Make sure that if a field has a default factory function,
# it's not called if a value is specified.
self.assertEqual(factory.call_count, 1)
self.assertEqual(C(10).x, 10)
self.assertEqual(factory.call_count, 1)
self.assertEqual(factory.call_count, 2)
def test_default_factory_derived(self):
# See bpo-32896.
class Foo:
x: dict = field(default_factory=dict)
class Bar(Foo):
y: int = 1
self.assertEqual(Foo().x, {})
self.assertEqual(Bar().x, {})
self.assertEqual(Bar().y, 1)
class Baz(Foo):
self.assertEqual(Baz().x, {})
def test_intermediate_non_dataclass(self):
# Test that an intermediate class that defines
# annotations does not define fields.
class A:
x: int
class B(A):
y: int
class C(B):
z: int
c = C(1, 3)
self.assertEqual((c.x, c.z), (1, 3))
# .y was not initialized.
with self.assertRaisesRegex(AttributeError,
'object has no attribute'):
# And if we again derive a non-dataclass, no fields are added.
class D(C):
t: int
d = D(4, 5)
self.assertEqual((d.x, d.z), (4, 5))
def test_classvar_default_factory(self):
# It's an error for a ClassVar to have a factory function.
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError,
'cannot have a default factory'):
class C:
x: ClassVar[int] = field(default_factory=int)
def test_is_dataclass(self):
class NotDataClass:
class C:
x: int
class D:
d: C
e: int
c = C(10)
d = D(c, 4)
def test_is_dataclass_when_getattr_always_returns(self):
# See bpo-37868.
class A:
def __getattr__(self, key):
return 0
a = A()
# Also test for an instance attribute.
class B:
b = B()
b.__dataclass_fields__ = []
for obj in a, b:
with self.subTest(obj=obj):
# Indirect tests for _is_dataclass_instance().
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'should be called on dataclass instances'):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'should be called on dataclass instances'):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'should be called on dataclass instances'):
replace(obj, x=0)
def test_is_dataclass_genericalias(self):
class A(types.GenericAlias):
origin: type
args: type
a = A(list, int)
def test_helper_fields_with_class_instance(self):
# Check that we can call fields() on either a class or instance,
# and get back the same thing.
class C:
x: int
y: float
self.assertEqual(fields(C), fields(C(0, 0.0)))
def test_helper_fields_exception(self):
# Check that TypeError is raised if not passed a dataclass or
# instance.
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'dataclass type or instance'):
class C: pass
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'dataclass type or instance'):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'dataclass type or instance'):
def test_helper_asdict(self):
# Basic tests for asdict(), it should return a new dictionary.
class C:
x: int
y: int
c = C(1, 2)
self.assertEqual(asdict(c), {'x': 1, 'y': 2})
self.assertEqual(asdict(c), asdict(c))
self.assertIsNot(asdict(c), asdict(c))
c.x = 42
self.assertEqual(asdict(c), {'x': 42, 'y': 2})
self.assertIs(type(asdict(c)), dict)
def test_helper_asdict_raises_on_classes(self):
# asdict() should raise on a class object.
class C:
x: int
y: int
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'dataclass instance'):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'dataclass instance'):
def test_helper_asdict_copy_values(self):
class C:
x: int
y: List[int] = field(default_factory=list)
initial = []
c = C(1, initial)
d = asdict(c)
self.assertEqual(d['y'], initial)
self.assertIsNot(d['y'], initial)
c = C(1)
d = asdict(c)
self.assertEqual(c.y, [])
def test_helper_asdict_nested(self):
class UserId:
token: int
group: int
class User:
name: str
id: UserId
u = User('Joe', UserId(123, 1))
d = asdict(u)
self.assertEqual(d, {'name': 'Joe', 'id': {'token': 123, 'group': 1}})
self.assertIsNot(asdict(u), asdict(u))
u.id.group = 2
self.assertEqual(asdict(u), {'name': 'Joe',
'id': {'token': 123, 'group': 2}})
def test_helper_asdict_builtin_containers(self):
class User:
name: str
id: int
class GroupList:
id: int
users: List[User]
class GroupTuple:
id: int
users: Tuple[User, ...]
class GroupDict:
id: int
users: Dict[str, User]
a = User('Alice', 1)
b = User('Bob', 2)
gl = GroupList(0, [a, b])
gt = GroupTuple(0, (a, b))
gd = GroupDict(0, {'first': a, 'second': b})
self.assertEqual(asdict(gl), {'id': 0, 'users': [{'name': 'Alice', 'id': 1},
{'name': 'Bob', 'id': 2}]})
self.assertEqual(asdict(gt), {'id': 0, 'users': ({'name': 'Alice', 'id': 1},
{'name': 'Bob', 'id': 2})})
self.assertEqual(asdict(gd), {'id': 0, 'users': {'first': {'name': 'Alice', 'id': 1},
'second': {'name': 'Bob', 'id': 2}}})
def test_helper_asdict_builtin_object_containers(self):
class Child:
d: object
class Parent:
child: Child
self.assertEqual(asdict(Parent(Child([1]))), {'child': {'d': [1]}})
self.assertEqual(asdict(Parent(Child({1: 2}))), {'child': {'d': {1: 2}}})
def test_helper_asdict_factory(self):
class C:
x: int
y: int
c = C(1, 2)
d = asdict(c, dict_factory=OrderedDict)
self.assertEqual(d, OrderedDict([('x', 1), ('y', 2)]))
self.assertIsNot(d, asdict(c, dict_factory=OrderedDict))
c.x = 42
d = asdict(c, dict_factory=OrderedDict)
self.assertEqual(d, OrderedDict([('x', 42), ('y', 2)]))
self.assertIs(type(d), OrderedDict)
def test_helper_asdict_namedtuple(self):
T = namedtuple('T', 'a b c')
class C:
x: str
y: T
c = C('outer', T(1, C('inner', T(11, 12, 13)), 2))
d = asdict(c)
self.assertEqual(d, {'x': 'outer',
'y': T(1,
{'x': 'inner',
'y': T(11, 12, 13)},
# Now with a dict_factory. OrderedDict is convenient, but
# since it compares to dicts, we also need to have separate
# assertIs tests.
d = asdict(c, dict_factory=OrderedDict)
self.assertEqual(d, {'x': 'outer',
'y': T(1,
{'x': 'inner',
'y': T(11, 12, 13)},
# Make sure that the returned dicts are actually OrderedDicts.
self.assertIs(type(d), OrderedDict)
self.assertIs(type(d['y'][1]), OrderedDict)
def test_helper_asdict_namedtuple_key(self):
# Ensure that a field that contains a dict which has a
# namedtuple as a key works with asdict().
class C:
f: dict
T = namedtuple('T', 'a')
c = C({T('an a'): 0})
self.assertEqual(asdict(c), {'f': {T(a='an a'): 0}})
def test_helper_asdict_namedtuple_derived(self):
class T(namedtuple('Tbase', 'a')):
def my_a(self):
return self.a
class C:
f: T
t = T(6)
c = C(t)
d = asdict(c)
self.assertEqual(d, {'f': T(a=6)})
# Make sure that t has been copied, not used directly.
self.assertIsNot(d['f'], t)
self.assertEqual(d['f'].my_a(), 6)
def test_helper_astuple(self):
# Basic tests for astuple(), it should return a new tuple.
class C:
x: int
y: int = 0
c = C(1)
self.assertEqual(astuple(c), (1, 0))
self.assertEqual(astuple(c), astuple(c))
self.assertIsNot(astuple(c), astuple(c))
c.y = 42
self.assertEqual(astuple(c), (1, 42))
self.assertIs(type(astuple(c)), tuple)
def test_helper_astuple_raises_on_classes(self):
# astuple() should raise on a class object.
class C:
x: int
y: int
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'dataclass instance'):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'dataclass instance'):
def test_helper_astuple_copy_values(self):
class C:
x: int
y: List[int] = field(default_factory=list)
initial = []
c = C(1, initial)
t = astuple(c)
self.assertEqual(t[1], initial)
self.assertIsNot(t[1], initial)
c = C(1)
t = astuple(c)
self.assertEqual(c.y, [])
def test_helper_astuple_nested(self):
class UserId:
token: int
group: int
class User:
name: str
id: UserId
u = User('Joe', UserId(123, 1))
t = astuple(u)
self.assertEqual(t, ('Joe', (123, 1)))
self.assertIsNot(astuple(u), astuple(u))
u.id.group = 2
self.assertEqual(astuple(u), ('Joe', (123, 2)))
def test_helper_astuple_builtin_containers(self):
class User:
name: str
id: int
class GroupList:
id: int
users: List[User]
class GroupTuple:
id: int
users: Tuple[User, ...]
class GroupDict:
id: int
users: Dict[str, User]
a = User('Alice', 1)
b = User('Bob', 2)
gl = GroupList(0, [a, b])
gt = GroupTuple(0, (a, b))
gd = GroupDict(0, {'first': a, 'second': b})
self.assertEqual(astuple(gl), (0, [('Alice', 1), ('Bob', 2)]))
self.assertEqual(astuple(gt), (0, (('Alice', 1), ('Bob', 2))))
self.assertEqual(astuple(gd), (0, {'first': ('Alice', 1), 'second': ('Bob', 2)}))
def test_helper_astuple_builtin_object_containers(self):
class Child:
d: object
class Parent:
child: Child
self.assertEqual(astuple(Parent(Child([1]))), (([1],),))
self.assertEqual(astuple(Parent(Child({1: 2}))), (({1: 2},),))
def test_helper_astuple_factory(self):
class C:
x: int
y: int
NT = namedtuple('NT', 'x y')
def nt(lst):
return NT(*lst)
c = C(1, 2)
t = astuple(c, tuple_factory=nt)
self.assertEqual(t, NT(1, 2))
self.assertIsNot(t, astuple(c, tuple_factory=nt))
c.x = 42
t = astuple(c, tuple_factory=nt)
self.assertEqual(t, NT(42, 2))
self.assertIs(type(t), NT)
def test_helper_astuple_namedtuple(self):
T = namedtuple('T', 'a b c')
class C:
x: str
y: T
c = C('outer', T(1, C('inner', T(11, 12, 13)), 2))
t = astuple(c)
self.assertEqual(t, ('outer', T(1, ('inner', (11, 12, 13)), 2)))
# Now, using a tuple_factory. list is convenient here.
t = astuple(c, tuple_factory=list)
self.assertEqual(t, ['outer', T(1, ['inner', T(11, 12, 13)], 2)])
def test_dynamic_class_creation(self):
cls_dict = {'__annotations__': {'x': int, 'y': int},
# Create the class.
cls = type('C', (), cls_dict)
# Make it a dataclass.
cls1 = dataclass(cls)
self.assertEqual(cls1, cls)
self.assertEqual(asdict(cls(1, 2)), {'x': 1, 'y': 2})
def test_dynamic_class_creation_using_field(self):
cls_dict = {'__annotations__': {'x': int, 'y': int},
'y': field(default=5),
# Create the class.
cls = type('C', (), cls_dict)
# Make it a dataclass.
cls1 = dataclass(cls)
self.assertEqual(cls1, cls)
self.assertEqual(asdict(cls1(1)), {'x': 1, 'y': 5})
def test_init_in_order(self):
class C:
a: int
b: int = field()
c: list = field(default_factory=list, init=False)
d: list = field(default_factory=list)
e: int = field(default=4, init=False)
f: int = 4
calls = []
def setattr(self, name, value):
calls.append((name, value))
C.__setattr__ = setattr
c = C(0, 1)
self.assertEqual(('a', 0), calls[0])
self.assertEqual(('b', 1), calls[1])
self.assertEqual(('c', []), calls[2])
self.assertEqual(('d', []), calls[3])
self.assertNotIn(('e', 4), calls)
self.assertEqual(('f', 4), calls[4])
def test_items_in_dicts(self):
class C:
a: int
b: list = field(default_factory=list, init=False)
c: list = field(default_factory=list)
d: int = field(default=4, init=False)
e: int = 0
c = C(0)
# Class dict
self.assertNotIn('a', C.__dict__)
self.assertNotIn('b', C.__dict__)
self.assertNotIn('c', C.__dict__)
self.assertIn('d', C.__dict__)
self.assertEqual(C.d, 4)
self.assertIn('e', C.__dict__)
self.assertEqual(C.e, 0)
# Instance dict
self.assertIn('a', c.__dict__)
self.assertEqual(c.a, 0)
self.assertIn('b', c.__dict__)
self.assertEqual(c.b, [])
self.assertIn('c', c.__dict__)
self.assertEqual(c.c, [])
self.assertNotIn('d', c.__dict__)
self.assertIn('e', c.__dict__)
self.assertEqual(c.e, 0)
def test_alternate_classmethod_constructor(self):
# Since __post_init__ can't take params, use a classmethod
# alternate constructor. This is mostly an example to show
# how to use this technique.
class C:
x: int
def from_file(cls, filename):
# In a real example, create a new instance
# and populate 'x' from contents of a file.
value_in_file = 20
return cls(value_in_file)
self.assertEqual(C.from_file('filename').x, 20)
def test_field_metadata_default(self):
# Make sure the default metadata is read-only and of
# zero length.
class C:
i: int
self.assertEqual(len(fields(C)[0].metadata), 0)
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError,
'does not support item assignment'):
fields(C)[0].metadata['test'] = 3
def test_field_metadata_mapping(self):
# Make sure only a mapping can be passed as metadata
# zero length.
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
class C:
i: int = field(metadata=0)
# Make sure an empty dict works.
d = {}
class C:
i: int = field(metadata=d)
self.assertEqual(len(fields(C)[0].metadata), 0)
# Update should work (see bpo-35960).
d['foo'] = 1
self.assertEqual(len(fields(C)[0].metadata), 1)
self.assertEqual(fields(C)[0].metadata['foo'], 1)
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError,
'does not support item assignment'):
fields(C)[0].metadata['test'] = 3
# Make sure a non-empty dict works.
d = {'test': 10, 'bar': '42', 3: 'three'}
class C:
i: int = field(metadata=d)
self.assertEqual(len(fields(C)[0].metadata), 3)
self.assertEqual(fields(C)[0].metadata['test'], 10)
self.assertEqual(fields(C)[0].metadata['bar'], '42')
self.assertEqual(fields(C)[0].metadata[3], 'three')
# Update should work.
d['foo'] = 1
self.assertEqual(len(fields(C)[0].metadata), 4)
self.assertEqual(fields(C)[0].metadata['foo'], 1)
with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
# Non-existent key.
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError,
'does not support item assignment'):
fields(C)[0].metadata['test'] = 3
def test_field_metadata_custom_mapping(self):
# Try a custom mapping.
class SimpleNameSpace:
def __init__(self, **kw):
def __getitem__(self, item):
if item == 'xyzzy':
return 'plugh'
return getattr(self, item)
def __len__(self):
return self.__dict__.__len__()
class C:
i: int = field(metadata=SimpleNameSpace(a=10))
self.assertEqual(len(fields(C)[0].metadata), 1)
self.assertEqual(fields(C)[0].metadata['a'], 10)
with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
# Make sure we're still talking to our custom mapping.
self.assertEqual(fields(C)[0].metadata['xyzzy'], 'plugh')
def test_generic_dataclasses(self):
T = TypeVar('T')
class LabeledBox(Generic[T]):
content: T
label: str = '<unknown>'
box = LabeledBox(42)
self.assertEqual(box.content, 42)
self.assertEqual(box.label, '<unknown>')
# Subscripting the resulting class should work, etc.
Alias = List[LabeledBox[int]]
def test_generic_extending(self):
S = TypeVar('S')
T = TypeVar('T')
class Base(Generic[T, S]):
x: T
y: S
class DataDerived(Base[int, T]):
new_field: str
Alias = DataDerived[str]
c = Alias(0, 'test1', 'test2')
self.assertEqual(astuple(c), (0, 'test1', 'test2'))
class NonDataDerived(Base[int, T]):
def new_method(self):
return self.y
Alias = NonDataDerived[float]
c = Alias(10, 1.0)
self.assertEqual(c.new_method(), 1.0)
def test_generic_dynamic(self):
T = TypeVar('T')
class Parent(Generic[T]):
x: T
Child = make_dataclass('Child', [('y', T), ('z', Optional[T], None)],
bases=(Parent[int], Generic[T]), namespace={'other': 42})
self.assertIs(Child[int](1, 2).z, None)
self.assertEqual(Child[int](1, 2, 3).z, 3)
self.assertEqual(Child[int](1, 2, 3).other, 42)
# Check that type aliases work correctly.
Alias = Child[T]
self.assertEqual(Alias[int](1, 2).x, 1)
# Check MRO resolution.
self.assertEqual(Child.__mro__, (Child, Parent, Generic, object))
def test_dataclasses_pickleable(self):
global P, Q, R
class P:
x: int
y: int = 0
class Q:
x: int
y: int = field(default=0, init=False)
class R:
x: int
y: List[int] = field(default_factory=list)
q = Q(1)
q.y = 2
samples = [P(1), P(1, 2), Q(1), q, R(1), R(1, [2, 3, 4])]
for sample in samples:
for proto in range(pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1):
with self.subTest(sample=sample, proto=proto):
new_sample = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(sample, proto))
self.assertEqual(sample.x, new_sample.x)
self.assertEqual(sample.y, new_sample.y)
self.assertIsNot(sample, new_sample)
new_sample.x = 42
another_new_sample = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(new_sample, proto))
self.assertEqual(new_sample.x, another_new_sample.x)
self.assertEqual(sample.y, another_new_sample.y)
def test_dataclasses_qualnames(self):
@dataclass(order=True, unsafe_hash=True, frozen=True)
class A:
x: int
y: int
self.assertEqual(A.__init__.__name__, "__init__")
for function in (
self.assertEqual(getattr(A, function).__qualname__, f"TestCase.test_dataclasses_qualnames.<locals>.A.{function}")
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, r"A\.__init__\(\) missing"):
class TestFieldNoAnnotation(unittest.TestCase):
def test_field_without_annotation(self):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError,
"'f' is a field but has no type annotation"):
class C:
f = field()
def test_field_without_annotation_but_annotation_in_base(self):
class B:
f: int
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError,
"'f' is a field but has no type annotation"):
# This is still an error: make sure we don't pick up the
# type annotation in the base class.
class C(B):
f = field()
def test_field_without_annotation_but_annotation_in_base_not_dataclass(self):
# Same test, but with the base class not a dataclass.
class B:
f: int
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError,
"'f' is a field but has no type annotation"):
# This is still an error: make sure we don't pick up the
# type annotation in the base class.
class C(B):
f = field()
class TestDocString(unittest.TestCase):
def assertDocStrEqual(self, a, b):
# Because 3.6 and 3.7 differ in how inspect.signature work
# (see bpo #32108), for the time being just compare them with
# whitespace stripped.
self.assertEqual(a.replace(' ', ''), b.replace(' ', ''))
def test_existing_docstring_not_overridden(self):
class C:
"""Lorem ipsum"""
x: int
self.assertEqual(C.__doc__, "Lorem ipsum")
def test_docstring_no_fields(self):
class C:
self.assertDocStrEqual(C.__doc__, "C()")
def test_docstring_one_field(self):
class C:
x: int
self.assertDocStrEqual(C.__doc__, "C(x:int)")
def test_docstring_two_fields(self):
class C:
x: int
y: int
self.assertDocStrEqual(C.__doc__, "C(x:int, y:int)")
def test_docstring_three_fields(self):
class C:
x: int
y: int
z: str
self.assertDocStrEqual(C.__doc__, "C(x:int, y:int, z:str)")
def test_docstring_one_field_with_default(self):
class C:
x: int = 3
self.assertDocStrEqual(C.__doc__, "C(x:int=3)")
def test_docstring_one_field_with_default_none(self):
class C:
x: Union[int, type(None)] = None
self.assertDocStrEqual(C.__doc__, "C(x:Optional[int]=None)")
def test_docstring_list_field(self):
class C:
x: List[int]
self.assertDocStrEqual(C.__doc__, "C(x:List[int])")
def test_docstring_list_field_with_default_factory(self):
class C:
x: List[int] = field(default_factory=list)
self.assertDocStrEqual(C.__doc__, "C(x:List[int]=<factory>)")
def test_docstring_deque_field(self):
class C:
x: deque
self.assertDocStrEqual(C.__doc__, "C(x:collections.deque)")
def test_docstring_deque_field_with_default_factory(self):
class C:
x: deque = field(default_factory=deque)
self.assertDocStrEqual(C.__doc__, "C(x:collections.deque=<factory>)")
class TestInit(unittest.TestCase):
def test_base_has_init(self):
class B:
def __init__(self):
self.z = 100
# Make sure that declaring this class doesn't raise an error.
# The issue is that we can't override __init__ in our class,
# but it should be okay to add __init__ to us if our base has
# an __init__.
class C(B):
x: int = 0
c = C(10)
self.assertEqual(c.x, 10)
self.assertNotIn('z', vars(c))
# Make sure that if we don't add an init, the base __init__
# gets called.
class C(B):
x: int = 10
c = C()
self.assertEqual(c.x, 10)
self.assertEqual(c.z, 100)
def test_no_init(self):
class C:
i: int = 0
self.assertEqual(C().i, 0)
class C:
i: int = 2
def __init__(self):
self.i = 3
self.assertEqual(C().i, 3)
def test_overwriting_init(self):
# If the class has __init__, use it no matter the value of
# init=.
class C:
x: int
def __init__(self, x):
self.x = 2 * x
self.assertEqual(C(3).x, 6)
class C:
x: int
def __init__(self, x):
self.x = 2 * x
self.assertEqual(C(4).x, 8)
class C:
x: int
def __init__(self, x):
self.x = 2 * x
self.assertEqual(C(5).x, 10)
def test_inherit_from_protocol(self):
# Dataclasses inheriting from protocol should preserve their own `__init__`.
# See bpo-45081.
class P(Protocol):
a: int
class C(P):
a: int
self.assertEqual(C(5).a, 5)
class D(P):
def __init__(self, a):
self.a = a * 2
self.assertEqual(D(5).a, 10)
class TestRepr(unittest.TestCase):
def test_repr(self):
class B:
x: int
class C(B):
y: int = 10
o = C(4)
self.assertEqual(repr(o), 'TestRepr.test_repr.<locals>.C(x=4, y=10)')
class D(C):
x: int = 20
self.assertEqual(repr(D()), 'TestRepr.test_repr.<locals>.D(x=20, y=10)')
class C:
class D:
i: int
class E:
self.assertEqual(repr(C.D(0)), 'TestRepr.test_repr.<locals>.C.D(i=0)')
self.assertEqual(repr(C.E()), 'TestRepr.test_repr.<locals>.C.E()')
def test_no_repr(self):
# Test a class with no __repr__ and repr=False.
class C:
x: int
self.assertIn(f'{__name__}.TestRepr.test_no_repr.<locals>.C object at',
# Test a class with a __repr__ and repr=False.
class C:
x: int
def __repr__(self):
return 'C-class'
self.assertEqual(repr(C(3)), 'C-class')
def test_overwriting_repr(self):
# If the class has __repr__, use it no matter the value of
# repr=.
class C:
x: int
def __repr__(self):
return 'x'
self.assertEqual(repr(C(0)), 'x')
class C:
x: int
def __repr__(self):
return 'x'
self.assertEqual(repr(C(0)), 'x')
class C:
x: int
def __repr__(self):
return 'x'
self.assertEqual(repr(C(0)), 'x')
class TestEq(unittest.TestCase):
def test_no_eq(self):
# Test a class with no __eq__ and eq=False.
class C:
x: int
self.assertNotEqual(C(0), C(0))
c = C(3)
self.assertEqual(c, c)
# Test a class with an __eq__ and eq=False.
class C:
x: int
def __eq__(self, other):
return other == 10
self.assertEqual(C(3), 10)
def test_overwriting_eq(self):
# If the class has __eq__, use it no matter the value of
# eq=.
class C:
x: int
def __eq__(self, other):
return other == 3
self.assertEqual(C(1), 3)
self.assertNotEqual(C(1), 1)
class C:
x: int
def __eq__(self, other):
return other == 4
self.assertEqual(C(1), 4)
self.assertNotEqual(C(1), 1)
class C:
x: int
def __eq__(self, other):
return other == 5
self.assertEqual(C(1), 5)
self.assertNotEqual(C(1), 1)
class TestOrdering(unittest.TestCase):
def test_functools_total_ordering(self):
# Test that functools.total_ordering works with this class.
class C:
x: int
def __lt__(self, other):
# Perform the test "backward", just to make
# sure this is being called.
return self.x >= other
self.assertLess(C(0), -1)
self.assertLessEqual(C(0), -1)
self.assertGreater(C(0), 1)
self.assertGreaterEqual(C(0), 1)
def test_no_order(self):
# Test that no ordering functions are added by default.
class C:
x: int
# Make sure no order methods are added.
self.assertNotIn('__le__', C.__dict__)
self.assertNotIn('__lt__', C.__dict__)
self.assertNotIn('__ge__', C.__dict__)
self.assertNotIn('__gt__', C.__dict__)
# Test that __lt__ is still called
class C:
x: int
def __lt__(self, other):
return False
# Make sure other methods aren't added.
self.assertNotIn('__le__', C.__dict__)
self.assertNotIn('__ge__', C.__dict__)
self.assertNotIn('__gt__', C.__dict__)
def test_overwriting_order(self):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError,
'Cannot overwrite attribute __lt__'
'.*using functools.total_ordering'):
class C:
x: int
def __lt__(self):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError,
'Cannot overwrite attribute __le__'
'.*using functools.total_ordering'):
class C:
x: int
def __le__(self):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError,
'Cannot overwrite attribute __gt__'
'.*using functools.total_ordering'):
class C:
x: int
def __gt__(self):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError,
'Cannot overwrite attribute __ge__'
'.*using functools.total_ordering'):
class C:
x: int
def __ge__(self):
class TestHash(unittest.TestCase):
def test_unsafe_hash(self):
class C:
x: int
y: str
self.assertEqual(hash(C(1, 'foo')), hash((1, 'foo')))
def test_hash_rules(self):
def non_bool(value):
# Map to something else that's True, but not a bool.
if value is None:
return None
if value:
return (3,)
return 0
def test(case, unsafe_hash, eq, frozen, with_hash, result):
with self.subTest(case=case, unsafe_hash=unsafe_hash, eq=eq,
if result != 'exception':
if with_hash:
@dataclass(unsafe_hash=unsafe_hash, eq=eq, frozen=frozen)
class C:
def __hash__(self):
return 0
@dataclass(unsafe_hash=unsafe_hash, eq=eq, frozen=frozen)
class C:
# See if the result matches what's expected.
if result == 'fn':
# __hash__ contains the function we generated.
self.assertIn('__hash__', C.__dict__)
elif result == '':
# __hash__ is not present in our class.
if not with_hash:
self.assertNotIn('__hash__', C.__dict__)
elif result == 'none':
# __hash__ is set to None.
self.assertIn('__hash__', C.__dict__)
elif result == 'exception':
# Creating the class should cause an exception.
# This only happens with with_hash==True.
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'Cannot overwrite attribute __hash__'):
@dataclass(unsafe_hash=unsafe_hash, eq=eq, frozen=frozen)
class C:
def __hash__(self):
return 0
assert False, f'unknown result {result!r}'
# There are 8 cases of:
# unsafe_hash=True/False
# eq=True/False
# frozen=True/False
# And for each of these, a different result if
# __hash__ is defined or not.
for case, (unsafe_hash, eq, frozen, res_no_defined_hash, res_defined_hash) in enumerate([
(False, False, False, '', ''),
(False, False, True, '', ''),
(False, True, False, 'none', ''),
(False, True, True, 'fn', ''),
(True, False, False, 'fn', 'exception'),
(True, False, True, 'fn', 'exception'),
(True, True, False, 'fn', 'exception'),
(True, True, True, 'fn', 'exception'),
], 1):
test(case, unsafe_hash, eq, frozen, False, res_no_defined_hash)
test(case, unsafe_hash, eq, frozen, True, res_defined_hash)
# Test non-bool truth values, too. This is just to
# make sure the data-driven table in the decorator
# handles non-bool values.
test(case, non_bool(unsafe_hash), non_bool(eq), non_bool(frozen), False, res_no_defined_hash)
test(case, non_bool(unsafe_hash), non_bool(eq), non_bool(frozen), True, res_defined_hash)
def test_eq_only(self):
# If a class defines __eq__, __hash__ is automatically added
# and set to None. This is normal Python behavior, not
# related to dataclasses. Make sure we don't interfere with
# that (see bpo=32546).
class C:
i: int
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.i == other.i
self.assertEqual(C(1), C(1))
self.assertNotEqual(C(1), C(4))
# And make sure things work in this case if we specify
# unsafe_hash=True.
class C:
i: int
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.i == other.i
self.assertEqual(C(1), C(1.0))
self.assertEqual(hash(C(1)), hash(C(1.0)))
# And check that the classes __eq__ is being used, despite
# specifying eq=True.
@dataclass(unsafe_hash=True, eq=True)
class C:
i: int
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.i == 3 and self.i == other.i
self.assertEqual(C(3), C(3))
self.assertNotEqual(C(1), C(1))
self.assertEqual(hash(C(1)), hash(C(1.0)))
def test_0_field_hash(self):
class C:
self.assertEqual(hash(C()), hash(()))
class C:
self.assertEqual(hash(C()), hash(()))
def test_1_field_hash(self):
class C:
x: int
self.assertEqual(hash(C(4)), hash((4,)))
self.assertEqual(hash(C(42)), hash((42,)))
class C:
x: int
self.assertEqual(hash(C(4)), hash((4,)))
self.assertEqual(hash(C(42)), hash((42,)))
def test_hash_no_args(self):
# Test dataclasses with no hash= argument. This exists to
# make sure that if the @dataclass parameter name is changed
# or the non-default hashing behavior changes, the default
# hashability keeps working the same way.
class Base:
def __hash__(self):
return 301
# If frozen or eq is None, then use the default value (do not
# specify any value in the decorator).
for frozen, eq, base, expected in [
(None, None, object, 'unhashable'),
(None, None, Base, 'unhashable'),
(None, False, object, 'object'),
(None, False, Base, 'base'),
(None, True, object, 'unhashable'),
(None, True, Base, 'unhashable'),
(False, None, object, 'unhashable'),
(False, None, Base, 'unhashable'),
(False, False, object, 'object'),
(False, False, Base, 'base'),
(False, True, object, 'unhashable'),
(False, True, Base, 'unhashable'),
(True, None, object, 'tuple'),
(True, None, Base, 'tuple'),
(True, False, object, 'object'),
(True, False, Base, 'base'),
(True, True, object, 'tuple'),
(True, True, Base, 'tuple'),
with self.subTest(frozen=frozen, eq=eq, base=base, expected=expected):
# First, create the class.
if frozen is None and eq is None:
class C(base):
i: int
elif frozen is None:
class C(base):
i: int
elif eq is None:
class C(base):
i: int
@dataclass(frozen=frozen, eq=eq)
class C(base):
i: int
# Now, make sure it hashes as expected.
if expected == 'unhashable':
c = C(10)
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'unhashable type'):
elif expected == 'base':
self.assertEqual(hash(C(10)), 301)
elif expected == 'object':
# I'm not sure what test to use here. object's
# hash isn't based on id(), so calling hash()
# won't tell us much. So, just check the
# function used is object's.
self.assertIs(C.__hash__, object.__hash__)
elif expected == 'tuple':
self.assertEqual(hash(C(42)), hash((42,)))
assert False, f'unknown value for expected={expected!r}'
class TestFrozen(unittest.TestCase):
def test_frozen(self):
class C:
i: int
c = C(10)
self.assertEqual(c.i, 10)
with self.assertRaises(FrozenInstanceError):
c.i = 5
self.assertEqual(c.i, 10)
def test_inherit(self):
class C:
i: int
class D(C):
j: int
d = D(0, 10)
with self.assertRaises(FrozenInstanceError):
d.i = 5
with self.assertRaises(FrozenInstanceError):
d.j = 6
self.assertEqual(d.i, 0)
self.assertEqual(d.j, 10)
def test_inherit_nonfrozen_from_empty_frozen(self):
class C:
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError,
'cannot inherit non-frozen dataclass from a frozen one'):
class D(C):
j: int
def test_inherit_nonfrozen_from_empty(self):
class C:
class D(C):
j: int
d = D(3)
self.assertEqual(d.j, 3)
self.assertIsInstance(d, C)
# Test both ways: with an intermediate normal (non-dataclass)
# class and without an intermediate class.
def test_inherit_nonfrozen_from_frozen(self):
for intermediate_class in [True, False]:
with self.subTest(intermediate_class=intermediate_class):
class C:
i: int
if intermediate_class:
class I(C): pass
I = C
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError,
'cannot inherit non-frozen dataclass from a frozen one'):
class D(I):
def test_inherit_frozen_from_nonfrozen(self):
for intermediate_class in [True, False]:
with self.subTest(intermediate_class=intermediate_class):
class C:
i: int
if intermediate_class:
class I(C): pass
I = C
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError,
'cannot inherit frozen dataclass from a non-frozen one'):
class D(I):
def test_inherit_from_normal_class(self):
for intermediate_class in [True, False]:
with self.subTest(intermediate_class=intermediate_class):
class C:
if intermediate_class:
class I(C): pass
I = C
class D(I):
i: int
d = D(10)
with self.assertRaises(FrozenInstanceError):
d.i = 5
def test_non_frozen_normal_derived(self):
# See bpo-32953.
class D:
x: int
y: int = 10
class S(D):
s = S(3)
self.assertEqual(s.x, 3)
self.assertEqual(s.y, 10)
s.cached = True
# But can't change the frozen attributes.
with self.assertRaises(FrozenInstanceError):
s.x = 5
with self.assertRaises(FrozenInstanceError):
s.y = 5
self.assertEqual(s.x, 3)
self.assertEqual(s.y, 10)
self.assertEqual(s.cached, True)
def test_overwriting_frozen(self):
# frozen uses __setattr__ and __delattr__.
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError,
'Cannot overwrite attribute __setattr__'):
class C:
x: int
def __setattr__(self):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError,
'Cannot overwrite attribute __delattr__'):
class C:
x: int
def __delattr__(self):
class C:
x: int
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
self.__dict__['x'] = value * 2
self.assertEqual(C(10).x, 20)
def test_frozen_hash(self):
class C:
x: Any
# If x is immutable, we can compute the hash. No exception is
# raised.
# If x is mutable, computing the hash is an error.
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'unhashable type'):
class TestSlots(unittest.TestCase):
def test_simple(self):
class C:
__slots__ = ('x',)
x: Any
# There was a bug where a variable in a slot was assumed to
# also have a default value (of type
# types.MemberDescriptorType).
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError,
r"__init__\(\) missing 1 required positional argument: 'x'"):
# We can create an instance, and assign to x.
c = C(10)
self.assertEqual(c.x, 10)
c.x = 5
self.assertEqual(c.x, 5)
# We can't assign to anything else.
with self.assertRaisesRegex(AttributeError, "'C' object has no attribute 'y'"):
c.y = 5
def test_derived_added_field(self):
# See bpo-33100.
class Base:
__slots__ = ('x',)
x: Any
class Derived(Base):
x: int
y: int
d = Derived(1, 2)
self.assertEqual((d.x, d.y), (1, 2))
# We can add a new field to the derived instance.
d.z = 10
def test_generated_slots(self):
class C:
x: int
y: int
c = C(1, 2)
self.assertEqual((c.x, c.y), (1, 2))
c.x = 3
c.y = 4
self.assertEqual((c.x, c.y), (3, 4))
with self.assertRaisesRegex(AttributeError, "'C' object has no attribute 'z'"):
c.z = 5
def test_add_slots_when_slots_exists(self):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, '^C already specifies __slots__$'):
class C:
__slots__ = ('x',)
x: int
def test_generated_slots_value(self):
class Root:
__slots__ = {'x'}
class Root2(Root):
__slots__ = {'k': '...', 'j': ''}
class Root3(Root2):
__slots__ = ['h']
class Root4(Root3):
__slots__ = 'aa'
class Base(Root4):
y: int
j: str
h: str
self.assertEqual(Base.__slots__, ('y', ))
class Derived(Base):
aa: float
x: str
z: int
k: str
h: str
self.assertEqual(Derived.__slots__, ('z', ))
class AnotherDerived(Base):
z: int
self.assertNotIn('__slots__', AnotherDerived.__dict__)
def test_cant_inherit_from_iterator_slots(self):
class Root:
__slots__ = iter(['a'])
class Root2(Root):
__slots__ = ('b', )
with self.assertRaisesRegex(
"^Slots of 'Root' cannot be determined"
class C(Root2):
x: int
def test_returns_new_class(self):
class A:
x: int
B = dataclass(A, slots=True)
self.assertIsNot(A, B)
self.assertFalse(hasattr(A, "__slots__"))
self.assertTrue(hasattr(B, "__slots__"))
# Can't be local to test_frozen_pickle.
@dataclass(frozen=True, slots=True)
class FrozenSlotsClass:
foo: str
bar: int
class FrozenWithoutSlotsClass:
foo: str
bar: int
def test_frozen_pickle(self):
# bpo-43999
self.assertEqual(self.FrozenSlotsClass.__slots__, ("foo", "bar"))
for proto in range(pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1):
with self.subTest(proto=proto):
obj = self.FrozenSlotsClass("a", 1)
p = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(obj, protocol=proto))
self.assertIsNot(obj, p)
self.assertEqual(obj, p)
obj = self.FrozenWithoutSlotsClass("a", 1)
p = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(obj, protocol=proto))
self.assertIsNot(obj, p)
self.assertEqual(obj, p)
def test_slots_with_default_no_init(self):
# Originally reported in bpo-44649.
class A:
a: str
b: str = field(default='b', init=False)
obj = A("a")
self.assertEqual(obj.a, 'a')
self.assertEqual(obj.b, 'b')
def test_slots_with_default_factory_no_init(self):
# Originally reported in bpo-44649.
class A:
a: str
b: str = field(default_factory=lambda:'b', init=False)
obj = A("a")
self.assertEqual(obj.a, 'a')
self.assertEqual(obj.b, 'b')
def test_slots_no_weakref(self):
class A:
# No weakref.
self.assertNotIn("__weakref__", A.__slots__)
a = A()
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError,
"cannot create weak reference"):
def test_slots_weakref(self):
@dataclass(slots=True, weakref_slot=True)
class A:
a: int
self.assertIn("__weakref__", A.__slots__)
a = A(1)
def test_slots_weakref_base_str(self):
class Base:
__slots__ = '__weakref__'
class A(Base):
a: int
# __weakref__ is in the base class, not A. But an A is still weakref-able.
self.assertIn("__weakref__", Base.__slots__)
self.assertNotIn("__weakref__", A.__slots__)
a = A(1)
def test_slots_weakref_base_tuple(self):
# Same as test_slots_weakref_base, but use a tuple instead of a string
# in the base class.
class Base:
__slots__ = ('__weakref__',)
class A(Base):
a: int
# __weakref__ is in the base class, not A. But an A is still
# weakref-able.
self.assertIn("__weakref__", Base.__slots__)
self.assertNotIn("__weakref__", A.__slots__)
a = A(1)
def test_weakref_slot_without_slot(self):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError,
"weakref_slot is True but slots is False"):
class A:
a: int
def test_weakref_slot_make_dataclass(self):
A = make_dataclass('A', [('a', int),], slots=True, weakref_slot=True)
self.assertIn("__weakref__", A.__slots__)
a = A(1)
# And make sure if raises if slots=True is not given.
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError,
"weakref_slot is True but slots is False"):
B = make_dataclass('B', [('a', int),], weakref_slot=True)
class TestDescriptors(unittest.TestCase):
def test_set_name(self):
# See bpo-33141.
# Create a descriptor.
class D:
def __set_name__(self, owner, name):
self.name = name + 'x'
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
if instance is not None:
return 1
return self
# This is the case of just normal descriptor behavior, no
# dataclass code is involved in initializing the descriptor.
class C:
c: int=D()
self.assertEqual(C.c.name, 'cx')
# Now test with a default value and init=False, which is the
# only time this is really meaningful. If not using
# init=False, then the descriptor will be overwritten, anyway.
class C:
c: int=field(default=D(), init=False)
self.assertEqual(C.c.name, 'cx')
self.assertEqual(C().c, 1)
def test_non_descriptor(self):
# PEP 487 says __set_name__ should work on non-descriptors.
# Create a descriptor.
class D:
def __set_name__(self, owner, name):
self.name = name + 'x'
class C:
c: int=field(default=D(), init=False)
self.assertEqual(C.c.name, 'cx')
def test_lookup_on_instance(self):
# See bpo-33175.
class D:
d = D()
# Create an attribute on the instance, not type.
d.__set_name__ = Mock()
# Make sure d.__set_name__ is not called.
class C:
i: int=field(default=d, init=False)
self.assertEqual(d.__set_name__.call_count, 0)
def test_lookup_on_class(self):
# See bpo-33175.
class D:
D.__set_name__ = Mock()
# Make sure D.__set_name__ is called.
class C:
i: int=field(default=D(), init=False)
self.assertEqual(D.__set_name__.call_count, 1)
class TestStringAnnotations(unittest.TestCase):
def test_classvar(self):
# Some expressions recognized as ClassVar really aren't. But
# if you're using string annotations, it's not an exact
# science.
# These tests assume that both "import typing" and "from
# typing import *" have been run in this file.
for typestr in ('ClassVar[int]',
'ClassVar [int]',
' ClassVar [int]',
' ClassVar ',
' typing.ClassVar[str]',
'typing .ClassVar[str]',
'typing. ClassVar[str]',
'typing.ClassVar [str]',
'typing.ClassVar [ str]',
# Not syntactically valid, but these will
# be treated as ClassVars.
with self.subTest(typestr=typestr):
class C:
x: typestr
# x is a ClassVar, so C() takes no args.
# And it won't appear in the class's dict because it doesn't
# have a default.
self.assertNotIn('x', C.__dict__)
def test_isnt_classvar(self):
for typestr in ('CV',
with self.subTest(typestr=typestr):
class C:
x: typestr
# x is not a ClassVar, so C() takes one arg.
self.assertEqual(C(10).x, 10)
def test_initvar(self):
# These tests assume that both "import dataclasses" and "from
# dataclasses import *" have been run in this file.
for typestr in ('InitVar[int]',
'InitVar [int]'
' InitVar [int]',
' InitVar ',
' dataclasses.InitVar[str]',
'dataclasses .InitVar[str]',
'dataclasses. InitVar[str]',
'dataclasses.InitVar [str]',
'dataclasses.InitVar [ str]',
# Not syntactically valid, but these will
# be treated as InitVars.
with self.subTest(typestr=typestr):
class C:
x: typestr
# x is an InitVar, so doesn't create a member.
with self.assertRaisesRegex(AttributeError,
"object has no attribute 'x'"):
def test_isnt_initvar(self):
for typestr in ('IV',
with self.subTest(typestr=typestr):
class C:
x: typestr
# x is not an InitVar, so there will be a member x.
self.assertEqual(C(10).x, 10)
def test_classvar_module_level_import(self):
from test import dataclass_module_1
from test import dataclass_module_1_str
from test import dataclass_module_2
from test import dataclass_module_2_str
for m in (dataclass_module_1, dataclass_module_1_str,
dataclass_module_2, dataclass_module_2_str,
with self.subTest(m=m):
# There's a difference in how the ClassVars are
# interpreted when using string annotations or
# not. See the imported modules for details.
c = m.CV(10)
c = m.CV()
self.assertEqual(c.cv0, 20)
# There's a difference in how the InitVars are
# interpreted when using string annotations or
# not. See the imported modules for details.
c = m.IV(0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
for field_name in ('iv0', 'iv1', 'iv2', 'iv3'):
with self.subTest(field_name=field_name):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(AttributeError, f"object has no attribute '{field_name}'"):
# Since field_name is an InitVar, it's
# not an instance field.
getattr(c, field_name)
# iv4 is interpreted as a normal field.
self.assertIn('not_iv4', c.__dict__)
self.assertEqual(c.not_iv4, 4)
# iv4 is interpreted as an InitVar, so it
# won't exist on the instance.
self.assertNotIn('not_iv4', c.__dict__)
def test_text_annotations(self):
from test import dataclass_textanno
{'foo': dataclass_textanno.Foo})
{'foo': dataclass_textanno.Foo,
'return': type(None)})
class TestMakeDataclass(unittest.TestCase):
def test_simple(self):
C = make_dataclass('C',
[('x', int),
('y', int, field(default=5))],
namespace={'add_one': lambda self: self.x + 1})
c = C(10)
self.assertEqual((c.x, c.y), (10, 5))
self.assertEqual(c.add_one(), 11)
def test_no_mutate_namespace(self):
# Make sure a provided namespace isn't mutated.
ns = {}
C = make_dataclass('C',
[('x', int),
('y', int, field(default=5))],
self.assertEqual(ns, {})
def test_base(self):
class Base1:
class Base2:
C = make_dataclass('C',
[('x', int)],
bases=(Base1, Base2))
c = C(2)
self.assertIsInstance(c, C)
self.assertIsInstance(c, Base1)
self.assertIsInstance(c, Base2)
def test_base_dataclass(self):
class Base1:
x: int
class Base2:
C = make_dataclass('C',
[('y', int)],
bases=(Base1, Base2))
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'required positional'):
c = C(2)
c = C(1, 2)
self.assertIsInstance(c, C)
self.assertIsInstance(c, Base1)
self.assertIsInstance(c, Base2)
self.assertEqual((c.x, c.y), (1, 2))
def test_init_var(self):
def post_init(self, y):
self.x *= y
C = make_dataclass('C',
[('x', int),
('y', InitVar[int]),
namespace={'__post_init__': post_init},
c = C(2, 3)
self.assertEqual(vars(c), {'x': 6})
self.assertEqual(len(fields(c)), 1)
def test_class_var(self):
C = make_dataclass('C',
[('x', int),
('y', ClassVar[int], 10),
('z', ClassVar[int], field(default=20)),
c = C(1)
self.assertEqual(vars(c), {'x': 1})
self.assertEqual(len(fields(c)), 1)
self.assertEqual(C.y, 10)
self.assertEqual(C.z, 20)
def test_other_params(self):
C = make_dataclass('C',
[('x', int),
('y', ClassVar[int], 10),
('z', ClassVar[int], field(default=20)),
# Make sure we have a repr, but no init.
self.assertNotIn('__init__', vars(C))
self.assertIn('__repr__', vars(C))
# Make sure random other params don't work.
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'unexpected keyword argument'):
C = make_dataclass('C',
def test_no_types(self):
C = make_dataclass('Point', ['x', 'y', 'z'])
c = C(1, 2, 3)
self.assertEqual(vars(c), {'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'z': 3})
self.assertEqual(C.__annotations__, {'x': 'typing.Any',
'y': 'typing.Any',
'z': 'typing.Any'})
C = make_dataclass('Point', ['x', ('y', int), 'z'])
c = C(1, 2, 3)
self.assertEqual(vars(c), {'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'z': 3})
self.assertEqual(C.__annotations__, {'x': 'typing.Any',
'y': int,
'z': 'typing.Any'})
def test_invalid_type_specification(self):
for bad_field in [(),
(1, 2, 3, 4),
with self.subTest(bad_field=bad_field):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, r'Invalid field: '):
make_dataclass('C', ['a', bad_field])
# And test for things with no len().
for bad_field in [float,
lambda x:x,
with self.subTest(bad_field=bad_field):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, r'has no len\(\)'):
make_dataclass('C', ['a', bad_field])
def test_duplicate_field_names(self):
for field in ['a', 'ab']:
with self.subTest(field=field):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'Field name duplicated'):
make_dataclass('C', [field, 'a', field])
def test_keyword_field_names(self):
for field in ['for', 'async', 'await', 'as']:
with self.subTest(field=field):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'must not be keywords'):
make_dataclass('C', ['a', field])
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'must not be keywords'):
make_dataclass('C', [field])
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'must not be keywords'):
make_dataclass('C', [field, 'a'])
def test_non_identifier_field_names(self):
for field in ['()', 'x,y', '*', '2@3', '', 'little johnny tables']:
with self.subTest(field=field):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'must be valid identifiers'):
make_dataclass('C', ['a', field])
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'must be valid identifiers'):
make_dataclass('C', [field])
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'must be valid identifiers'):
make_dataclass('C', [field, 'a'])
def test_underscore_field_names(self):
# Unlike namedtuple, it's okay if dataclass field names have
# an underscore.
make_dataclass('C', ['_', '_a', 'a_a', 'a_'])
def test_funny_class_names_names(self):
# No reason to prevent weird class names, since
# types.new_class allows them.
for classname in ['()', 'x,y', '*', '2@3', '']:
with self.subTest(classname=classname):
C = make_dataclass(classname, ['a', 'b'])
self.assertEqual(C.__name__, classname)
class TestReplace(unittest.TestCase):
def test(self):
class C:
x: int
y: int
c = C(1, 2)
c1 = replace(c, x=3)
self.assertEqual(c1.x, 3)
self.assertEqual(c1.y, 2)
def test_frozen(self):
class C:
x: int
y: int
z: int = field(init=False, default=10)
t: int = field(init=False, default=100)
c = C(1, 2)
c1 = replace(c, x=3)
self.assertEqual((c.x, c.y, c.z, c.t), (1, 2, 10, 100))
self.assertEqual((c1.x, c1.y, c1.z, c1.t), (3, 2, 10, 100))
with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'init=False'):
replace(c, x=3, z=20, t=50)
with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'init=False'):
replace(c, z=20)
replace(c, x=3, z=20, t=50)
# Make sure the result is still frozen.
with self.assertRaisesRegex(FrozenInstanceError, "cannot assign to field 'x'"):
c1.x = 3
# Make sure we can't replace an attribute that doesn't exist,
# if we're also replacing one that does exist. Test this
# here, because setting attributes on frozen instances is
# handled slightly differently from non-frozen ones.
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, r"__init__\(\) got an unexpected "
"keyword argument 'a'"):
c1 = replace(c, x=20, a=5)
def test_invalid_field_name(self):
class C:
x: int
y: int
c = C(1, 2)
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, r"__init__\(\) got an unexpected "
"keyword argument 'z'"):
c1 = replace(c, z=3)
def test_invalid_object(self):
class C:
x: int
y: int
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'dataclass instance'):
replace(C, x=3)
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'dataclass instance'):
replace(0, x=3)
def test_no_init(self):
class C:
x: int
y: int = field(init=False, default=10)
c = C(1)
c.y = 20
# Make sure y gets the default value.
c1 = replace(c, x=5)
self.assertEqual((c1.x, c1.y), (5, 10))
# Trying to replace y is an error.
with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'init=False'):
replace(c, x=2, y=30)
with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'init=False'):
replace(c, y=30)
def test_classvar(self):
class C:
x: int
y: ClassVar[int] = 1000
c = C(1)
d = C(2)
self.assertIs(c.y, d.y)
self.assertEqual(c.y, 1000)
# Trying to replace y is an error: can't replace ClassVars.
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, r"__init__\(\) got an "
"unexpected keyword argument 'y'"):
replace(c, y=30)
replace(c, x=5)
def test_initvar_is_specified(self):
class C:
x: int
y: InitVar[int]
def __post_init__(self, y):
self.x *= y
c = C(1, 10)
self.assertEqual(c.x, 10)
with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, r"InitVar 'y' must be "
"specified with replace()"):
replace(c, x=3)
c = replace(c, x=3, y=5)
self.assertEqual(c.x, 15)
def test_initvar_with_default_value(self):
class C:
x: int
y: InitVar[int] = None
z: InitVar[int] = 42
def __post_init__(self, y, z):
if y is not None:
self.x += y
if z is not None:
self.x += z
c = C(x=1, y=10, z=1)
self.assertEqual(replace(c), C(x=12))
self.assertEqual(replace(c, y=4), C(x=12, y=4, z=42))
self.assertEqual(replace(c, y=4, z=1), C(x=12, y=4, z=1))
def test_recursive_repr(self):
class C:
f: "C"
c = C(None)
c.f = c
self.assertEqual(repr(c), "TestReplace.test_recursive_repr.<locals>.C(f=...)")
def test_recursive_repr_two_attrs(self):
class C:
f: "C"
g: "C"
c = C(None, None)
c.f = c
c.g = c
self.assertEqual(repr(c), "TestReplace.test_recursive_repr_two_attrs"
".<locals>.C(f=..., g=...)")
def test_recursive_repr_indirection(self):
class C:
f: "D"
class D:
f: "C"
c = C(None)
d = D(None)
c.f = d
d.f = c
self.assertEqual(repr(c), "TestReplace.test_recursive_repr_indirection"
def test_recursive_repr_indirection_two(self):
class C:
f: "D"
class D:
f: "E"
class E:
f: "C"
c = C(None)
d = D(None)
e = E(None)
c.f = d
d.f = e
e.f = c
self.assertEqual(repr(c), "TestReplace.test_recursive_repr_indirection_two"
def test_recursive_repr_misc_attrs(self):
class C:
f: "C"
g: int
c = C(None, 1)
c.f = c
self.assertEqual(repr(c), "TestReplace.test_recursive_repr_misc_attrs"
".<locals>.C(f=..., g=1)")
## def test_initvar(self):
## @dataclass
## class C:
## x: int
## y: InitVar[int]
## c = C(1, 10)
## d = C(2, 20)
## # In our case, replacing an InitVar is a no-op
## self.assertEqual(c, replace(c, y=5))
## replace(c, x=5)
class TestAbstract(unittest.TestCase):
def test_abc_implementation(self):
class Ordered(abc.ABC):
def __lt__(self, other):
def __le__(self, other):
class Date(Ordered):
year: int
month: 'Month'
day: 'int'
self.assertGreater(Date(2020,12,25), Date(2020,8,31))
def test_maintain_abc(self):
class A(abc.ABC):
def foo(self):
class Date(A):
year: int
month: 'Month'
day: 'int'
msg = 'class Date with abstract method foo'
self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, msg, Date)
class TestMatchArgs(unittest.TestCase):
def test_match_args(self):
class C:
a: int
self.assertEqual(C(42).__match_args__, ('a',))
def test_explicit_match_args(self):
ma = ()
class C:
a: int
__match_args__ = ma
self.assertIs(C(42).__match_args__, ma)
def test_bpo_43764(self):
@dataclass(repr=False, eq=False, init=False)
class X:
a: int
b: int
c: int
self.assertEqual(X.__match_args__, ("a", "b", "c"))
def test_match_args_argument(self):
class X:
a: int
self.assertNotIn('__match_args__', X.__dict__)
class Y:
a: int
__match_args__ = ('b',)
self.assertEqual(Y.__match_args__, ('b',))
class Z(Y):
z: int
self.assertEqual(Z.__match_args__, ('b',))
# Ensure parent dataclass __match_args__ is seen, if child class
# specifies match_args=False.
class A:
a: int
z: int
class B(A):
b: int
self.assertEqual(B.__match_args__, ('a', 'z'))
def test_make_dataclasses(self):
C = make_dataclass('C', [('x', int), ('y', int)])
self.assertEqual(C.__match_args__, ('x', 'y'))
C = make_dataclass('C', [('x', int), ('y', int)], match_args=True)
self.assertEqual(C.__match_args__, ('x', 'y'))
C = make_dataclass('C', [('x', int), ('y', int)], match_args=False)
self.assertNotIn('__match__args__', C.__dict__)
C = make_dataclass('C', [('x', int), ('y', int)], namespace={'__match_args__': ('z',)})
self.assertEqual(C.__match_args__, ('z',))
class TestKeywordArgs(unittest.TestCase):
def test_no_classvar_kwarg(self):
msg = 'field a is a ClassVar but specifies kw_only'
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, msg):
class A:
a: ClassVar[int] = field(kw_only=True)
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, msg):
class A:
a: ClassVar[int] = field(kw_only=False)
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, msg):
class A:
a: ClassVar[int] = field(kw_only=False)
def test_field_marked_as_kwonly(self):
# Using dataclass(kw_only=True)
class A:
a: int
class A:
a: int = field(kw_only=True)
class A:
a: int = field(kw_only=False)
# Using dataclass(kw_only=False)
class A:
a: int
class A:
a: int = field(kw_only=True)
class A:
a: int = field(kw_only=False)
# Not specifying dataclass(kw_only)
class A:
a: int
class A:
a: int = field(kw_only=True)
class A:
a: int = field(kw_only=False)
def test_match_args(self):
# kw fields don't show up in __match_args__.
class C:
a: int
self.assertEqual(C(a=42).__match_args__, ())
class C:
a: int
b: int = field(kw_only=True)
self.assertEqual(C(42, b=10).__match_args__, ('a',))
def test_KW_ONLY(self):
class A:
a: int
b: int
c: int
A(3, c=5, b=4)
msg = "takes 2 positional arguments but 4 were given"
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, msg):
A(3, 4, 5)
class B:
a: int
b: int
c: int
B(a=3, b=4, c=5)
msg = "takes 1 positional argument but 4 were given"
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, msg):
B(3, 4, 5)
# Explicitly make a field that follows KW_ONLY be non-keyword-only.
class C:
a: int
b: int
c: int = field(kw_only=False)
c = C(1, 2, b=3)
self.assertEqual(c.a, 1)
self.assertEqual(c.b, 3)
self.assertEqual(c.c, 2)
c = C(1, b=3, c=2)
self.assertEqual(c.a, 1)
self.assertEqual(c.b, 3)
self.assertEqual(c.c, 2)
c = C(1, b=3, c=2)
self.assertEqual(c.a, 1)
self.assertEqual(c.b, 3)
self.assertEqual(c.c, 2)
c = C(c=2, b=3, a=1)
self.assertEqual(c.a, 1)
self.assertEqual(c.b, 3)
self.assertEqual(c.c, 2)
def test_KW_ONLY_as_string(self):
class A:
a: int
_: 'dataclasses.KW_ONLY'
b: int
c: int
A(3, c=5, b=4)
msg = "takes 2 positional arguments but 4 were given"
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, msg):
A(3, 4, 5)
def test_KW_ONLY_twice(self):
msg = "'Y' is KW_ONLY, but KW_ONLY has already been specified"
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, msg):
class A:
a: int
b: int
c: int
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, msg):
class A:
a: int
b: int
c: int
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, msg):
class A:
a: int
b: int
c: int
# But this usage is okay, since it's not using KW_ONLY.
class A:
a: int
b: int
c: int = field(kw_only=True)
# And if inheriting, it's okay.
class A:
a: int
b: int
c: int
class B(A):
d: int
# Make sure the error is raised in a derived class.
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, msg):
class A:
a: int
b: int
c: int
class B(A):
d: int
def test_post_init(self):
class A:
a: int
b: InitVar[int]
c: int
d: InitVar[int]
def __post_init__(self, b, d):
raise CustomError(f'{b=} {d=}')
with self.assertRaisesRegex(CustomError, 'b=3 d=4'):
A(1, c=2, b=3, d=4)
class B:
a: int
b: InitVar[int]
c: int
d: InitVar[int]
def __post_init__(self, b, d):
self.a = b
self.c = d
b = B(1, c=2, b=3, d=4)
self.assertEqual(asdict(b), {'a': 3, 'c': 4})
def test_defaults(self):
# For kwargs, make sure we can have defaults after non-defaults.
class A:
a: int = 0
b: int
c: int = 1
d: int
a = A(d=4, b=3)
self.assertEqual(a.a, 0)
self.assertEqual(a.b, 3)
self.assertEqual(a.c, 1)
self.assertEqual(a.d, 4)
# Make sure we still check for non-kwarg non-defaults not following
# defaults.
err_regex = "non-default argument 'z' follows default argument"
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, err_regex):
class A:
a: int = 0
z: int
b: int
c: int = 1
d: int
def test_make_dataclass(self):
A = make_dataclass("A", ['a'], kw_only=True)
B = make_dataclass("B",
['a', ('b', int, field(kw_only=False))],
if __name__ == '__main__':