
119 lines
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import sys
import tkinter
import unittest
_tk_unavailable = None
def check_tk_availability():
"""Check that Tk is installed and available."""
global _tk_unavailable
if _tk_unavailable is None:
_tk_unavailable = False
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
# The Aqua Tk implementations on OS X can abort the process if
# being called in an environment where a window server connection
# cannot be made, for instance when invoked by a buildbot or ssh
# process not running under the same user id as the current console
# user. To avoid that, raise an exception if the window manager
# connection is not available.
from ctypes import cdll, c_int, pointer, Structure
from ctypes.util import find_library
app_services = cdll.LoadLibrary(find_library("ApplicationServices"))
if app_services.CGMainDisplayID() == 0:
_tk_unavailable = "cannot run without OS X window manager"
class ProcessSerialNumber(Structure):
_fields_ = [("highLongOfPSN", c_int),
("lowLongOfPSN", c_int)]
psn = ProcessSerialNumber()
psn_p = pointer(psn)
if ( (app_services.GetCurrentProcess(psn_p) < 0) or
(app_services.SetFrontProcess(psn_p) < 0) ):
_tk_unavailable = "cannot run without OS X gui process"
else: # not OS X
import tkinter
except tkinter.TclError as msg:
# assuming tk is not available
_tk_unavailable = "tk not available: %s" % msg
if _tk_unavailable:
raise unittest.SkipTest(_tk_unavailable)
def get_tk_root():
check_tk_availability() # raise exception if tk unavailable
root = tkinter._default_root
except AttributeError:
# it is possible to disable default root in Tkinter, although
# I haven't seen people doing it (but apparently someone did it
# here).
root = None
if root is None:
# create a new master only if there isn't one already
root = tkinter.Tk()
return root
def root_deiconify():
root = get_tk_root()
def root_withdraw():
root = get_tk_root()
def simulate_mouse_click(widget, x, y):
"""Generate proper events to click at the x, y position (tries to act
like an X server)."""
widget.event_generate('<Enter>', x=0, y=0)
widget.event_generate('<Motion>', x=x, y=y)
widget.event_generate('<ButtonPress-1>', x=x, y=y)
widget.event_generate('<ButtonRelease-1>', x=x, y=y)
import _tkinter
tcl_version = tuple(map(int, _tkinter.TCL_VERSION.split('.')))
def requires_tcl(*version):
return unittest.skipUnless(tcl_version >= version,
'requires Tcl version >= ' + '.'.join(map(str, version)))
units = {
'c': 72 / 2.54, # centimeters
'i': 72, # inches
'm': 72 / 25.4, # millimeters
'p': 1, # points
def pixels_conv(value):
return float(value[:-1]) * units[value[-1:]]
def tcl_obj_eq(actual, expected):
if actual == expected:
return True
if isinstance(actual, _tkinter.Tcl_Obj):
if isinstance(expected, str):
return str(actual) == expected
if isinstance(actual, tuple):
if isinstance(expected, tuple):
return (len(actual) == len(expected) and
all(tcl_obj_eq(act, exp)
for act, exp in zip(actual, expected)))
return False
def widget_eq(actual, expected):
if actual == expected:
return True
if isinstance(actual, (str, tkinter.Widget)):
if isinstance(expected, (str, tkinter.Widget)):
return str(actual) == str(expected)
return False