
189 lines
6.6 KiB

"""Generate the main interpreter switch."""
# Write the cases to generated_cases.c.h, which is #included in ceval.c.
# TODO: Reuse C generation framework from deepfreeze.py?
import argparse
import os
import re
import sys
from typing import TextIO, cast
import parser
from parser import InstDef # TODO: Use parser.InstDef
RE_PREDICTED = r"(?s)(?:PREDICT\(|GO_TO_INSTRUCTION\(|DEOPT_IF\(.*?,\s*)(\w+)\);"
arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
arg_parser.add_argument("-i", "--input", type=str, default="Python/bytecodes.c")
arg_parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", type=str, default="Python/generated_cases.c.h")
arg_parser.add_argument("-c", "--compare", action="store_true")
arg_parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true")
def eopen(filename: str, mode: str = "r") -> TextIO:
if filename == "-":
if "r" in mode:
return sys.stdin
return sys.stdout
return cast(TextIO, open(filename, mode))
def parse_cases(
src: str, filename: str|None = None
) -> tuple[list[InstDef], list[parser.Super], list[parser.Family]]:
psr = parser.Parser(src, filename=filename)
instrs: list[InstDef] = []
supers: list[parser.Super] = []
families: list[parser.Family] = []
while not psr.eof():
if inst := psr.inst_def():
assert inst.block
elif sup := psr.super_def():
elif fam := psr.family_def():
raise psr.make_syntax_error(f"Unexpected token")
return instrs, supers, families
def always_exits(block: parser.Block) -> bool:
text = block.text
lines = text.splitlines()
while lines and not lines[-1].strip():
if not lines or lines[-1].strip() != "}":
return False
if not lines:
return False
line = lines.pop().rstrip()
# Indent must match exactly (TODO: Do something better)
if line[:12] != " "*12:
return False
line = line[12:]
return line.startswith(("goto ", "return ", "DISPATCH", "GO_TO_", "Py_UNREACHABLE()"))
def write_instr(instr: InstDef, predictions: set[str], indent: str, f: TextIO, dedent: int = 0):
assert instr.block
if dedent < 0:
indent += " " * -dedent
# TODO: Is it better to count forward or backward?
for i, input in enumerate(reversed(instr.inputs), 1):
f.write(f"{indent} PyObject *{input} = PEEK({i});\n")
for output in instr.outputs:
if output not in instr.inputs:
f.write(f"{indent} PyObject *{output};\n")
assert instr.block is not None
blocklines = instr.block.to_text(dedent=dedent).splitlines(True)
# Remove blank lines from ends
while blocklines and not blocklines[0].strip():
while blocklines and not blocklines[-1].strip():
# Remove leading '{' and trailing '}'
assert blocklines and blocklines[0].strip() == "{"
assert blocklines and blocklines[-1].strip() == "}"
# Remove trailing blank lines
while blocklines and not blocklines[-1].strip():
# Write the body
ninputs = len(instr.inputs or ())
for line in blocklines:
if m := re.match(r"(\s*)ERROR_IF\((.+), (\w+)\);\s*$", line):
space, cond, label = m.groups()
# ERROR_IF() must remove the inputs from the stack.
# The code block is responsible for DECREF()ing them.
if ninputs:
f.write(f"{space}if ({cond}) goto pop_{ninputs}_{label};\n")
f.write(f"{space}if ({cond}) goto {label};\n")
noutputs = len(instr.outputs or ())
diff = noutputs - ninputs
if diff > 0:
f.write(f"{indent} STACK_GROW({diff});\n")
elif diff < 0:
f.write(f"{indent} STACK_SHRINK({-diff});\n")
for i, output in enumerate(reversed(instr.outputs or ()), 1):
if output not in (instr.inputs or ()):
f.write(f"{indent} POKE({i}, {output});\n")
assert instr.block
def write_cases(f: TextIO, instrs: list[InstDef], supers: list[parser.Super]):
predictions: set[str] = set()
for instr in instrs:
assert isinstance(instr, InstDef)
assert instr.block is not None
for target in re.findall(RE_PREDICTED, instr.block.text):
indent = " "
f.write(f"// This file is generated by {os.path.relpath(__file__)}\n")
f.write(f"// Do not edit!\n")
instr_index: dict[str, InstDef] = {}
for instr in instrs:
instr_index[instr.name] = instr
f.write(f"\n{indent}TARGET({instr.name}) {{\n")
if instr.name in predictions:
f.write(f"{indent} PREDICTED({instr.name});\n")
write_instr(instr, predictions, indent, f)
assert instr.block
if not always_exits(instr.block):
f.write(f"{indent} DISPATCH();\n")
# Write trailing '}'
for sup in supers:
assert isinstance(sup, parser.Super)
components = [instr_index[name] for name in sup.ops]
f.write(f"\n{indent}TARGET({sup.name}) {{\n")
for i, instr in enumerate(components):
assert instr.block
if i > 0:
f.write(f"{indent} NEXTOPARG();\n")
f.write(f"{indent} next_instr++;\n")
f.write(f"{indent} {{\n")
write_instr(instr, predictions, indent, f, dedent=-4)
f.write(f" {indent}}}\n")
f.write(f"{indent} DISPATCH();\n")
def main():
args = arg_parser.parse_args()
with eopen(args.input) as f:
srclines = f.read().splitlines()
begin = srclines.index("// BEGIN BYTECODES //")
end = srclines.index("// END BYTECODES //")
src = "\n".join(srclines[begin+1 : end])
instrs, supers, families = parse_cases(src, filename=args.input)
ninstrs = nsupers = nfamilies = 0
if not args.quiet:
ninstrs = len(instrs)
nsupers = len(supers)
nfamilies = len(families)
f"Read {ninstrs} instructions, {nsupers} supers, "
f"and {nfamilies} families from {args.input}",
with eopen(args.output, "w") as f:
write_cases(f, instrs, supers)
if not args.quiet:
f"Wrote {ninstrs + nsupers} instructions to {args.output}",
if __name__ == "__main__":