mirror of https://github.com/python/cpython
478 lines
13 KiB
478 lines
13 KiB
from dataclasses import dataclass
import lexer
import parser
from typing import Optional
class Properties:
escapes: bool
infallible: bool
deopts: bool
oparg: bool
jumps: bool
ends_with_eval_breaker: bool
needs_this: bool
always_exits: bool
stores_sp: bool
tier_one_only: bool
def dump(self, indent: str) -> None:
print(indent, end="")
text = ", ".join([f"{key}: {value}" for (key, value) in self.__dict__.items()])
print(indent, text, sep="")
def from_list(properties: list["Properties"]) -> "Properties":
return Properties(
escapes=any(p.escapes for p in properties),
infallible=all(p.infallible for p in properties),
deopts=any(p.deopts for p in properties),
oparg=any(p.oparg for p in properties),
jumps=any(p.jumps for p in properties),
ends_with_eval_breaker=any(p.ends_with_eval_breaker for p in properties),
needs_this=any(p.needs_this for p in properties),
always_exits=any(p.always_exits for p in properties),
stores_sp=any(p.stores_sp for p in properties),
tier_one_only=any(p.tier_one_only for p in properties),
class Skip:
"Unused cache entry"
size: int
def name(self) -> str:
return f"unused/{self.size}"
def properties(self) -> Properties:
class StackItem:
name: str
type: str | None
condition: str | None
size: str
peek: bool = False
def __str__(self) -> str:
cond = f" if ({self.condition})" if self.condition else ""
size = f"[{self.size}]" if self.size != "1" else ""
type = "" if self.type is None else f"{self.type} "
return f"{type}{self.name}{size}{cond} {self.peek}"
def is_array(self) -> bool:
return self.type == "PyObject **"
class StackEffect:
inputs: list[StackItem]
outputs: list[StackItem]
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"({', '.join([str(i) for i in self.inputs])} -- {', '.join([str(i) for i in self.outputs])})"
class CacheEntry:
name: str
size: int
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"{self.name}/{self.size}"
class Uop:
name: str
context: parser.Context | None
annotations: list[str]
stack: StackEffect
caches: list[CacheEntry]
body: list[lexer.Token]
properties: Properties
_size: int = -1
implicitly_created: bool = False
def dump(self, indent: str) -> None:
indent, self.name, ", ".join(self.annotations) if self.annotations else ""
print(indent, self.stack, ", ".join([str(c) for c in self.caches]))
self.properties.dump(" " + indent)
def size(self) -> int:
if self._size < 0:
self._size = sum(c.size for c in self.caches)
return self._size
def is_viable(self) -> bool:
if self.name == "_SAVE_RETURN_OFFSET":
return True # Adjusts next_instr, but only in tier 1 code
if self.properties.needs_this:
return False
if "INSTRUMENTED" in self.name:
return False
if "replaced" in self.annotations:
return False
if self.name in ("INTERPRETER_EXIT", "JUMP_BACKWARD"):
return False
if len([c for c in self.caches if c.name != "unused"]) > 1:
return False
return True
Part = Uop | Skip
class Instruction:
name: str
parts: list[Part]
_properties: Properties | None
is_target: bool = False
family: Optional["Family"] = None
def properties(self) -> Properties:
if self._properties is None:
self._properties = self._compute_properties()
return self._properties
def _compute_properties(self) -> Properties:
return Properties.from_list([part.properties for part in self.parts])
def dump(self, indent: str) -> None:
print(indent, self.name, "=", ", ".join([part.name for part in self.parts]))
self.properties.dump(" " + indent)
def size(self) -> int:
return 1 + sum(part.size for part in self.parts)
class PseudoInstruction:
name: str
targets: list[Instruction]
flags: list[str]
def dump(self, indent: str) -> None:
print(indent, self.name, "->", " or ".join([t.name for t in self.targets]))
class Family:
name: str
size: str
members: list[Instruction]
def dump(self, indent: str) -> None:
print(indent, self.name, "= ", ", ".join([m.name for m in self.members]))
class Analysis:
instructions: dict[str, Instruction]
uops: dict[str, Uop]
families: dict[str, Family]
pseudos: dict[str, PseudoInstruction]
def analysis_error(message: str, tkn: lexer.Token) -> SyntaxError:
# To do -- support file and line output
# Construct a SyntaxError instance from message and token
return lexer.make_syntax_error(message, "", tkn.line, tkn.column, "")
def override_error(
name: str,
context: parser.Context | None,
prev_context: parser.Context | None,
token: lexer.Token,
) -> SyntaxError:
return analysis_error(
f"Duplicate definition of '{name}' @ {context} "
f"previous definition @ {prev_context}",
def convert_stack_item(item: parser.StackEffect) -> StackItem:
return StackItem(item.name, item.type, item.cond, (item.size or "1"))
def analyze_stack(op: parser.InstDef) -> StackEffect:
inputs: list[StackItem] = [
convert_stack_item(i) for i in op.inputs if isinstance(i, parser.StackEffect)
outputs: list[StackItem] = [convert_stack_item(i) for i in op.outputs]
for input, output in zip(inputs, outputs):
if input.name == output.name:
input.peek = output.peek = True
return StackEffect(inputs, outputs)
def analyze_caches(op: parser.InstDef) -> list[CacheEntry]:
caches: list[parser.CacheEffect] = [
i for i in op.inputs if isinstance(i, parser.CacheEffect)
return [CacheEntry(i.name, int(i.size)) for i in caches]
def variable_used(node: parser.InstDef, name: str) -> bool:
"""Determine whether a variable with a given name is used in a node."""
return any(
token.kind == "IDENTIFIER" and token.text == name for token in node.tokens
def is_infallible(op: parser.InstDef) -> bool:
return not (
variable_used(op, "ERROR_IF")
or variable_used(op, "error")
or variable_used(op, "pop_1_error")
or variable_used(op, "exception_unwind")
or variable_used(op, "resume_with_error")
from flags import makes_escaping_api_call
def eval_breaker_at_end(op: parser.InstDef) -> bool:
return op.tokens[-5].text == "CHECK_EVAL_BREAKER"
def always_exits(op: parser.InstDef) -> bool:
depth = 0
tkn_iter = iter(op.tokens)
for tkn in tkn_iter:
if tkn.kind == "LBRACE":
depth += 1
elif tkn.kind == "RBRACE":
depth -= 1
elif depth > 1:
elif tkn.kind == "GOTO" or tkn.kind == "RETURN":
return True
elif tkn.kind == "KEYWORD":
if tkn.text in EXITS:
return True
elif tkn.kind == "IDENTIFIER":
if tkn.text in EXITS:
return True
if tkn.text == "DEOPT_IF" or tkn.text == "ERROR_IF":
next(tkn_iter) # '('
t = next(tkn_iter)
if t.text == "true":
return True
return False
def compute_properties(op: parser.InstDef) -> Properties:
return Properties(
deopts=variable_used(op, "DEOPT_IF"),
oparg=variable_used(op, "oparg"),
jumps=variable_used(op, "JUMPBY"),
needs_this=variable_used(op, "this_instr"),
stores_sp=variable_used(op, "STORE_SP"),
tier_one_only=variable_used(op, "TIER_ONE_ONLY"),
def make_uop(name: str, op: parser.InstDef) -> Uop:
return Uop(
def add_op(op: parser.InstDef, uops: dict[str, Uop]) -> None:
assert op.kind == "op"
if op.name in uops:
if "override" not in op.annotations:
raise override_error(
op.name, op.context, uops[op.name].context, op.tokens[0]
uops[op.name] = make_uop(op.name, op)
def add_instruction(
name: str, parts: list[Part], instructions: dict[str, Instruction]
) -> None:
instructions[name] = Instruction(name, parts, None)
def desugar_inst(
inst: parser.InstDef, instructions: dict[str, Instruction], uops: dict[str, Uop]
) -> None:
assert inst.kind == "inst"
name = inst.name
uop = make_uop("_" + inst.name, inst)
uop.implicitly_created = True
uops[inst.name] = uop
add_instruction(name, [uop], instructions)
def add_macro(
macro: parser.Macro, instructions: dict[str, Instruction], uops: dict[str, Uop]
) -> None:
parts: list[Uop | Skip] = []
for part in macro.uops:
match part:
case parser.OpName():
if part.name not in uops:
analysis_error(f"No Uop named {part.name}", macro.tokens[0])
case parser.CacheEffect():
case _:
assert False
assert parts
add_instruction(macro.name, parts, instructions)
def add_family(
pfamily: parser.Family,
instructions: dict[str, Instruction],
families: dict[str, Family],
) -> None:
family = Family(
[instructions[member_name] for member_name in pfamily.members],
for member in family.members:
member.family = family
# The head of the family is an implicit jump target for DEOPTs
instructions[family.name].is_target = True
families[family.name] = family
def add_pseudo(
pseudo: parser.Pseudo,
instructions: dict[str, Instruction],
pseudos: dict[str, PseudoInstruction],
) -> None:
pseudos[pseudo.name] = PseudoInstruction(
[instructions[target] for target in pseudo.targets],
def analyze_forest(forest: list[parser.AstNode]) -> Analysis:
instructions: dict[str, Instruction] = {}
uops: dict[str, Uop] = {}
families: dict[str, Family] = {}
pseudos: dict[str, PseudoInstruction] = {}
for node in forest:
match node:
case parser.InstDef(name):
if node.kind == "inst":
desugar_inst(node, instructions, uops)
assert node.kind == "op"
add_op(node, uops)
case parser.Macro():
case parser.Family():
case parser.Pseudo():
case _:
assert False
for node in forest:
if isinstance(node, parser.Macro):
add_macro(node, instructions, uops)
for node in forest:
match node:
case parser.Family():
add_family(node, instructions, families)
case parser.Pseudo():
add_pseudo(node, instructions, pseudos)
case _:
for uop in uops.values():
tkn_iter = iter(uop.body)
for tkn in tkn_iter:
if tkn.kind == "IDENTIFIER" and tkn.text == "GO_TO_INSTRUCTION":
if next(tkn_iter).kind != "LPAREN":
target = next(tkn_iter)
if target.kind != "IDENTIFIER":
if target.text in instructions:
instructions[target.text].is_target = True
# Hack
instructions["BINARY_OP_INPLACE_ADD_UNICODE"].family = families["BINARY_OP"]
return Analysis(instructions, uops, families, pseudos)
def analyze_files(filenames: list[str]) -> Analysis:
return analyze_forest(parser.parse_files(filenames))
def dump_analysis(analysis: Analysis) -> None:
for u in analysis.uops.values():
u.dump(" ")
for i in analysis.instructions.values():
i.dump(" ")
for f in analysis.families.values():
f.dump(" ")
for p in analysis.pseudos.values():
p.dump(" ")
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print("No input")
filenames = sys.argv[1:]