
526 lines
17 KiB

import io
import itertools
import contextlib
import pathlib
import pickle
import sys
import unittest
import zipfile
from ._functools import compose
from ._itertools import Counter
from ._test_params import parameterize, Invoked
from test.support.os_helper import temp_dir
class jaraco:
class itertools:
Counter = Counter
def add_dirs(zf):
Given a writable zip file zf, inject directory entries for
any directories implied by the presence of children.
for name in zipfile.CompleteDirs._implied_dirs(zf.namelist()):
zf.writestr(name, b"")
return zf
def build_alpharep_fixture():
Create a zip file with this structure:
├── a.txt
├── b
│ ├── c.txt
│ ├── d
│ │ └── e.txt
│ └── f.txt
└── g
└── h
└── i.txt
This fixture has the following key characteristics:
- a file at the root (a)
- a file two levels deep (b/d/e)
- multiple files in a directory (b/c, b/f)
- a directory containing only a directory (g/h)
"alpha" because it uses alphabet
"rep" because it's a representative example
data = io.BytesIO()
zf = zipfile.ZipFile(data, "w")
zf.writestr("a.txt", b"content of a")
zf.writestr("b/c.txt", b"content of c")
zf.writestr("b/d/e.txt", b"content of e")
zf.writestr("b/f.txt", b"content of f")
zf.writestr("g/h/i.txt", b"content of i")
zf.filename = "alpharep.zip"
return zf
alpharep_generators = [
Invoked.wrap(compose(add_dirs, build_alpharep_fixture)),
pass_alpharep = parameterize(['alpharep'], alpharep_generators)
class TestPath(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.fixtures = contextlib.ExitStack()
def zipfile_ondisk(self, alpharep):
tmpdir = pathlib.Path(self.fixtures.enter_context(temp_dir()))
buffer = alpharep.fp
path = tmpdir / alpharep.filename
with path.open("wb") as strm:
return path
def test_iterdir_and_types(self, alpharep):
root = zipfile.Path(alpharep)
assert root.is_dir()
a, b, g = root.iterdir()
assert a.is_file()
assert b.is_dir()
assert g.is_dir()
c, f, d = b.iterdir()
assert c.is_file() and f.is_file()
(e,) = d.iterdir()
assert e.is_file()
(h,) = g.iterdir()
(i,) = h.iterdir()
assert i.is_file()
def test_is_file_missing(self, alpharep):
root = zipfile.Path(alpharep)
assert not root.joinpath('missing.txt').is_file()
def test_iterdir_on_file(self, alpharep):
root = zipfile.Path(alpharep)
a, b, g = root.iterdir()
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
def test_subdir_is_dir(self, alpharep):
root = zipfile.Path(alpharep)
assert (root / 'b').is_dir()
assert (root / 'b/').is_dir()
assert (root / 'g').is_dir()
assert (root / 'g/').is_dir()
def test_open(self, alpharep):
root = zipfile.Path(alpharep)
a, b, g = root.iterdir()
with a.open(encoding="utf-8") as strm:
data = strm.read()
self.assertEqual(data, "content of a")
with a.open('r', "utf-8") as strm: # not a kw, no gh-101144 TypeError
data = strm.read()
self.assertEqual(data, "content of a")
def test_open_encoding_utf16(self):
in_memory_file = io.BytesIO()
zf = zipfile.ZipFile(in_memory_file, "w")
zf.writestr("path/16.txt", "This was utf-16".encode("utf-16"))
zf.filename = "test_open_utf16.zip"
root = zipfile.Path(zf)
(path,) = root.iterdir()
u16 = path.joinpath("16.txt")
with u16.open('r', "utf-16") as strm:
data = strm.read()
assert data == "This was utf-16"
with u16.open(encoding="utf-16") as strm:
data = strm.read()
assert data == "This was utf-16"
def test_open_encoding_errors(self):
in_memory_file = io.BytesIO()
zf = zipfile.ZipFile(in_memory_file, "w")
zf.writestr("path/bad-utf8.bin", b"invalid utf-8: \xff\xff.")
zf.filename = "test_read_text_encoding_errors.zip"
root = zipfile.Path(zf)
(path,) = root.iterdir()
u16 = path.joinpath("bad-utf8.bin")
# encoding= as a positional argument for gh-101144.
data = u16.read_text("utf-8", errors="ignore")
assert data == "invalid utf-8: ."
with u16.open("r", "utf-8", errors="surrogateescape") as f:
assert f.read() == "invalid utf-8: \udcff\udcff."
# encoding= both positional and keyword is an error; gh-101144.
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, "encoding"):
data = u16.read_text("utf-8", encoding="utf-8")
# both keyword arguments work.
with u16.open("r", encoding="utf-8", errors="strict") as f:
# error during decoding with wrong codec.
with self.assertRaises(UnicodeDecodeError):
not getattr(sys.flags, 'warn_default_encoding', 0),
"Requires warn_default_encoding",
def test_encoding_warnings(self, alpharep):
"""EncodingWarning must blame the read_text and open calls."""
assert sys.flags.warn_default_encoding
root = zipfile.Path(alpharep)
with self.assertWarns(EncodingWarning) as wc:
assert __file__ == wc.filename
with self.assertWarns(EncodingWarning) as wc:
assert __file__ == wc.filename
def test_open_write(self):
If the zipfile is open for write, it should be possible to
write bytes or text to it.
zf = zipfile.Path(zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(), mode='w'))
with zf.joinpath('file.bin').open('wb') as strm:
strm.write(b'binary contents')
with zf.joinpath('file.txt').open('w', encoding="utf-8") as strm:
strm.write('text file')
def test_open_extant_directory(self):
Attempting to open a directory raises IsADirectoryError.
zf = zipfile.Path(add_dirs(build_alpharep_fixture()))
with self.assertRaises(IsADirectoryError):
def test_open_binary_invalid_args(self, alpharep):
root = zipfile.Path(alpharep)
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
root.joinpath('a.txt').open('rb', encoding='utf-8')
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
root.joinpath('a.txt').open('rb', 'utf-8')
def test_open_missing_directory(self):
Attempting to open a missing directory raises FileNotFoundError.
zf = zipfile.Path(add_dirs(build_alpharep_fixture()))
with self.assertRaises(FileNotFoundError):
def test_read(self, alpharep):
root = zipfile.Path(alpharep)
a, b, g = root.iterdir()
assert a.read_text(encoding="utf-8") == "content of a"
# Also check positional encoding arg (gh-101144).
assert a.read_text("utf-8") == "content of a"
assert a.read_bytes() == b"content of a"
def test_joinpath(self, alpharep):
root = zipfile.Path(alpharep)
a = root.joinpath("a.txt")
assert a.is_file()
e = root.joinpath("b").joinpath("d").joinpath("e.txt")
assert e.read_text(encoding="utf-8") == "content of e"
def test_joinpath_multiple(self, alpharep):
root = zipfile.Path(alpharep)
e = root.joinpath("b", "d", "e.txt")
assert e.read_text(encoding="utf-8") == "content of e"
def test_traverse_truediv(self, alpharep):
root = zipfile.Path(alpharep)
a = root / "a.txt"
assert a.is_file()
e = root / "b" / "d" / "e.txt"
assert e.read_text(encoding="utf-8") == "content of e"
def test_pathlike_construction(self, alpharep):
zipfile.Path should be constructable from a path-like object
zipfile_ondisk = self.zipfile_ondisk(alpharep)
pathlike = pathlib.Path(str(zipfile_ondisk))
def test_traverse_pathlike(self, alpharep):
root = zipfile.Path(alpharep)
root / pathlib.Path("a")
def test_parent(self, alpharep):
root = zipfile.Path(alpharep)
assert (root / 'a').parent.at == ''
assert (root / 'a' / 'b').parent.at == 'a/'
def test_dir_parent(self, alpharep):
root = zipfile.Path(alpharep)
assert (root / 'b').parent.at == ''
assert (root / 'b/').parent.at == ''
def test_missing_dir_parent(self, alpharep):
root = zipfile.Path(alpharep)
assert (root / 'missing dir/').parent.at == ''
def test_mutability(self, alpharep):
If the underlying zipfile is changed, the Path object should
reflect that change.
root = zipfile.Path(alpharep)
a, b, g = root.iterdir()
alpharep.writestr('foo.txt', 'foo')
alpharep.writestr('bar/baz.txt', 'baz')
assert any(child.name == 'foo.txt' for child in root.iterdir())
assert (root / 'foo.txt').read_text(encoding="utf-8") == 'foo'
(baz,) = (root / 'bar').iterdir()
assert baz.read_text(encoding="utf-8") == 'baz'
def huge_zipfile(self):
"""Create a read-only zipfile with a huge number of entries entries."""
strm = io.BytesIO()
zf = zipfile.ZipFile(strm, "w")
for entry in map(str, range(self.HUGE_ZIPFILE_NUM_ENTRIES)):
zf.writestr(entry, entry)
zf.mode = 'r'
return zf
def test_joinpath_constant_time(self):
Ensure joinpath on items in zipfile is linear time.
root = zipfile.Path(self.huge_zipfile())
entries = jaraco.itertools.Counter(root.iterdir())
for entry in entries:
# Check the file iterated all items
assert entries.count == self.HUGE_ZIPFILE_NUM_ENTRIES
def test_read_does_not_close(self, alpharep):
alpharep = self.zipfile_ondisk(alpharep)
with zipfile.ZipFile(alpharep) as file:
for rep in range(2):
zipfile.Path(file, 'a.txt').read_text(encoding="utf-8")
def test_subclass(self, alpharep):
class Subclass(zipfile.Path):
root = Subclass(alpharep)
assert isinstance(root / 'b', Subclass)
def test_filename(self, alpharep):
root = zipfile.Path(alpharep)
assert root.filename == pathlib.Path('alpharep.zip')
def test_root_name(self, alpharep):
The name of the root should be the name of the zipfile
root = zipfile.Path(alpharep)
assert root.name == 'alpharep.zip' == root.filename.name
def test_suffix(self, alpharep):
The suffix of the root should be the suffix of the zipfile.
The suffix of each nested file is the final component's last suffix, if any.
Includes the leading period, just like pathlib.Path.
root = zipfile.Path(alpharep)
assert root.suffix == '.zip' == root.filename.suffix
b = root / "b.txt"
assert b.suffix == ".txt"
c = root / "c" / "filename.tar.gz"
assert c.suffix == ".gz"
d = root / "d"
assert d.suffix == ""
def test_suffixes(self, alpharep):
The suffix of the root should be the suffix of the zipfile.
The suffix of each nested file is the final component's last suffix, if any.
Includes the leading period, just like pathlib.Path.
root = zipfile.Path(alpharep)
assert root.suffixes == ['.zip'] == root.filename.suffixes
b = root / 'b.txt'
assert b.suffixes == ['.txt']
c = root / 'c' / 'filename.tar.gz'
assert c.suffixes == ['.tar', '.gz']
d = root / 'd'
assert d.suffixes == []
e = root / '.hgrc'
assert e.suffixes == []
def test_stem(self, alpharep):
The final path component, without its suffix
root = zipfile.Path(alpharep)
assert root.stem == 'alpharep' == root.filename.stem
b = root / "b.txt"
assert b.stem == "b"
c = root / "c" / "filename.tar.gz"
assert c.stem == "filename.tar"
d = root / "d"
assert d.stem == "d"
def test_root_parent(self, alpharep):
root = zipfile.Path(alpharep)
assert root.parent == pathlib.Path('.')
root.root.filename = 'foo/bar.zip'
assert root.parent == pathlib.Path('foo')
def test_root_unnamed(self, alpharep):
It is an error to attempt to get the name
or parent of an unnamed zipfile.
alpharep.filename = None
root = zipfile.Path(alpharep)
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
# .name and .parent should still work on subs
sub = root / "b"
assert sub.name == "b"
assert sub.parent
def test_match_and_glob(self, alpharep):
root = zipfile.Path(alpharep)
assert not root.match("*.txt")
assert list(root.glob("b/c.*")) == [zipfile.Path(alpharep, "b/c.txt")]
files = root.glob("**/*.txt")
assert all(each.match("*.txt") for each in files)
assert list(root.glob("**/*.txt")) == list(root.rglob("*.txt"))
def test_glob_empty(self):
root = zipfile.Path(zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(), 'w'))
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
def test_eq_hash(self, alpharep):
root = zipfile.Path(alpharep)
assert root == zipfile.Path(alpharep)
assert root != (root / "a.txt")
assert (root / "a.txt") == (root / "a.txt")
root = zipfile.Path(alpharep)
assert root in {root}
def test_is_symlink(self, alpharep):
See python/cpython#82102 for symlink support beyond this object.
root = zipfile.Path(alpharep)
assert not root.is_symlink()
def test_relative_to(self, alpharep):
root = zipfile.Path(alpharep)
relative = root.joinpath("b", "c.txt").relative_to(root / "b")
assert str(relative) == "c.txt"
relative = root.joinpath("b", "d", "e.txt").relative_to(root / "b")
assert str(relative) == "d/e.txt"
def test_inheritance(self, alpharep):
cls = type('PathChild', (zipfile.Path,), {})
file = cls(alpharep).joinpath('some dir').parent
assert isinstance(file, cls)
['alpharep', 'path_type', 'subpath'],
[str, pathlib.Path],
['', 'b/'],
def test_pickle(self, alpharep, path_type, subpath):
zipfile_ondisk = path_type(self.zipfile_ondisk(alpharep))
saved_1 = pickle.dumps(zipfile.Path(zipfile_ondisk, at=subpath))
restored_1 = pickle.loads(saved_1)
first, *rest = restored_1.iterdir()
assert first.read_text(encoding='utf-8').startswith('content of ')
def test_extract_orig_with_implied_dirs(self, alpharep):
A zip file wrapped in a Path should extract even with implied dirs.
source_path = self.zipfile_ondisk(alpharep)
zf = zipfile.ZipFile(source_path)
# wrap the zipfile for its side effect
def test_getinfo_missing(self, alpharep):
Validate behavior of getinfo on original zipfile after wrapping.
with self.assertRaises(KeyError):