
199 lines
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"""macfs - Pure Python module designed to be backward compatible with
macfs and MACFS.
import sys
import struct
import Carbon.Res
import Carbon.File
import warnings
warnings.warn("macfs is deprecated, use Carbon.File, Carbon.Folder or EasyDialogs",
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
# First step: ensure we also emulate the MACFS module, which contained
# all the constants
sys.modules['MACFS'] = sys.modules[__name__]
# Import all those constants
from Carbon.Files import *
from Carbon.Folders import *
# For some obscure historical reason these are here too:
READ = 1
smAllScripts = -3
# Find the epoch conversion for file dates in a way that works on OS9 and OSX
import time
if time.gmtime(0)[0] == 1970:
_EPOCHCONVERT = -((1970-1904)*365 + 17) * (24*60*60) + 0x100000000
def _utc2time(utc):
t = utc[1] + _EPOCHCONVERT
return int(t)
def _time2utc(t):
t = int(t) - _EPOCHCONVERT
if t < -0x7fffffff:
t = t + 0x10000000
return (0, int(t), 0)
def _utc2time(utc):
t = utc[1]
if t < 0:
t = t + 0x100000000
return t
def _time2utc(t):
if t > 0x7fffffff:
t = t - 0x100000000
return (0, int(t), 0)
# The old name of the error object:
error = Carbon.File.Error
# The various objects macfs used to export. We override them here, because some
# of the method names are subtly different.
class FSSpec(Carbon.File.FSSpec):
def as_fsref(self):
return FSRef(self)
def NewAlias(self, src=None):
return Alias(Carbon.File.NewAlias(src, self))
def GetCreatorType(self):
finfo = self.FSpGetFInfo()
return finfo.Creator, finfo.Type
def SetCreatorType(self, ctor, tp):
finfo = self.FSpGetFInfo()
finfo.Creator = ctor
finfo.Type = tp
def GetFInfo(self):
return self.FSpGetFInfo()
def SetFInfo(self, info):
return self.FSpSetFInfo(info)
def GetDates(self):
catInfoFlags = kFSCatInfoCreateDate|kFSCatInfoContentMod|kFSCatInfoBackupDate
catinfo, d1, d2, d3 = FSRef(self).FSGetCatalogInfo(catInfoFlags)
cdate = catinfo.createDate
mdate = catinfo.contentModDate
bdate = catinfo.backupDate
return _utc2time(cdate), _utc2time(mdate), _utc2time(bdate)
def SetDates(self, cdate, mdate, bdate):
catInfoFlags = kFSCatInfoCreateDate|kFSCatInfoContentMod|kFSCatInfoBackupDate
catinfo = Carbon.File.FSCatalogInfo(
createDate = _time2utc(cdate),
contentModDate = _time2utc(mdate),
backupDate = _time2utc(bdate))
FSRef(self).FSSetCatalogInfo(catInfoFlags, catinfo)
class FSRef(Carbon.File.FSRef):
def as_fsspec(self):
return FSSpec(self)
class Alias(Carbon.File.Alias):
def GetInfo(self, index):
return self.GetAliasInfo(index)
def Update(self, *args):
pass # print "Alias.Update not yet implemented"
def Resolve(self, src=None):
fss, changed = self.ResolveAlias(src)
return FSSpec(fss), changed
from Carbon.File import FInfo
# Backward-compatible type names:
FSSpecType = FSSpec
FSRefType = FSRef
AliasType = Alias
FInfoType = FInfo
# Global functions:
def ResolveAliasFile(fss, chain=1):
fss, isdir, isalias = Carbon.File.ResolveAliasFile(fss, chain)
return FSSpec(fss), isdir, isalias
def RawFSSpec(data):
return FSSpec(rawdata=data)
def RawAlias(data):
return Alias(rawdata=data)
def FindApplication(*args):
raise NotImplementedError, "FindApplication no longer implemented"
def NewAliasMinimalFromFullPath(path):
return Alias(Carbon.File.NewAliasMinimalFromFullPath(path, '', ''))
# Another global function:
from Carbon.Folder import FindFolder
# Finally the old Standard File routine emulators.
_curfolder = None
def StandardGetFile(*typelist):
"""Ask for an input file, optionally specifying 4-char file types that are
return PromptGetFile('', *typelist)
def PromptGetFile(prompt, *typelist):
"""Ask for an input file giving the user a prompt message. Optionally you can
specifying 4-char file types that are allowable"""
import EasyDialogs
warnings.warn("macfs.StandardGetFile and friends are deprecated, use EasyDialogs.AskFileForOpen",
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
if not typelist:
typelist = None
fss = EasyDialogs.AskFileForOpen(message=prompt, wanted=FSSpec,
typeList=typelist, defaultLocation=_handleSetFolder())
return fss, not fss is None
def StandardPutFile(prompt, default=None):
"""Ask the user for an output file, with a prompt. Optionally you cn supply a
default output filename"""
import EasyDialogs
warnings.warn("macfs.StandardGetFile and friends are deprecated, use EasyDialogs.AskFileForOpen",
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
fss = EasyDialogs.AskFileForSave(wanted=FSSpec, message=prompt,
savedFileName=default, defaultLocation=_handleSetFolder())
return fss, not fss is None
def SetFolder(folder):
global _curfolder
warnings.warn("macfs.StandardGetFile and friends are deprecated, use EasyDialogs.AskFileForOpen",
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
if _curfolder:
rv = FSSpec(_curfolder)
rv = None
_curfolder = folder
return rv
def _handleSetFolder():
global _curfolder
rv = _curfolder
_curfolder = None
return rv
def GetDirectory(prompt=None):
"""Ask the user to select a folder. Optionally you can give a prompt."""
import EasyDialogs
warnings.warn("macfs.StandardGetFile and friends are deprecated, use EasyDialogs.AskFileForOpen",
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
fss = EasyDialogs.AskFolder(message=prompt, wanted=FSSpec,
return fss, not fss is None