
1602 lines
60 KiB

from __future__ import annotations
import ast
import enum
import inspect
import pprint
import re
import shlex
import sys
from collections.abc import Callable
from types import FunctionType, NoneType
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, NamedTuple
import libclinic
from libclinic import (
ClinicError, VersionTuple,
fail, warn, unspecified, unknown, NULL)
from libclinic.function import (
Module, Class, Function, Parameter,
from libclinic.converter import (
converters, legacy_converters)
from libclinic.converters import (
self_converter, defining_class_converter,
from libclinic.return_converters import (
CReturnConverter, return_converters,
from libclinic.parser import create_parser_namespace
from libclinic.block_parser import Block
from libclinic.app import Clinic
unsupported_special_methods: set[str] = set("""
StateKeeper = Callable[[str], None]
ConverterArgs = dict[str, Any]
class ParamState(enum.IntEnum):
"""Parameter parsing state.
[ [ a, b, ] c, ] d, e, f=3, [ g, h, [ i ] ] <- line
01 2 3 4 5 6 <- state transitions
# Before we've seen anything.
# Legal transitions: to LEFT_SQUARE_BEFORE or REQUIRED
# Left square brackets before required params.
# In a group, before required params.
# Required params, positional-or-keyword or positional-only (we
# don't know yet). Renumber left groups!
# Positional-or-keyword or positional-only params that now must have
# default values.
# In a group, after required params.
# Right square brackets after required params.
class FunctionNames(NamedTuple):
full_name: str
c_basename: str
def eval_ast_expr(
node: ast.expr,
filename: str = '-'
) -> Any:
Takes an ast.Expr node. Compiles it into a function object,
then calls the function object with 0 arguments.
Returns the result of that function call.
globals represents the globals dict the expression
should see. (There's no equivalent for "locals" here.)
if isinstance(node, ast.Expr):
node = node.value
expr = ast.Expression(node)
namespace = create_parser_namespace()
co = compile(expr, filename, 'eval')
fn = FunctionType(co, namespace)
return fn()
class IndentStack:
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.indents: list[int] = []
self.margin: str | None = None
def _ensure(self) -> None:
if not self.indents:
fail('IndentStack expected indents, but none are defined.')
def measure(self, line: str) -> int:
Returns the length of the line's margin.
if '\t' in line:
fail('Tab characters are illegal in the Argument Clinic DSL.')
stripped = line.lstrip()
if not len(stripped):
# we can't tell anything from an empty line
# so just pretend it's indented like our current indent
return self.indents[-1]
return len(line) - len(stripped)
def infer(self, line: str) -> int:
Infer what is now the current margin based on this line.
1 if we have indented (or this is the first margin)
0 if the margin has not changed
-N if we have dedented N times
indent = self.measure(line)
margin = ' ' * indent
if not self.indents:
self.margin = margin
return 1
current = self.indents[-1]
if indent == current:
return 0
if indent > current:
self.margin = margin
return 1
# indent < current
if indent not in self.indents:
fail("Illegal outdent.")
outdent_count = 0
while indent != current:
current = self.indents[-1]
outdent_count -= 1
self.margin = margin
return outdent_count
def depth(self) -> int:
Returns how many margins are currently defined.
return len(self.indents)
def dedent(self, line: str) -> str:
Dedents a line by the currently defined margin.
assert self.margin is not None, "Cannot call .dedent() before calling .infer()"
margin = self.margin
indent = self.indents[-1]
if not line.startswith(margin):
fail('Cannot dedent; line does not start with the previous margin.')
return line[indent:]
class DSLParser:
function: Function | None
state: StateKeeper
keyword_only: bool
positional_only: bool
deprecated_positional: VersionTuple | None
deprecated_keyword: VersionTuple | None
group: int
parameter_state: ParamState
indent: IndentStack
kind: FunctionKind
coexist: bool
forced_text_signature: str | None
parameter_continuation: str
preserve_output: bool
critical_section: bool
target_critical_section: list[str]
from_version_re = re.compile(r'([*/]) +\[from +(.+)\]')
def __init__(self, clinic: Clinic) -> None:
self.clinic = clinic
self.directives = {}
for name in dir(self):
# functions that start with directive_ are added to directives
_, s, key = name.partition("directive_")
if s:
self.directives[key] = getattr(self, name)
# functions that start with at_ are too, with an @ in front
_, s, key = name.partition("at_")
if s:
self.directives['@' + key] = getattr(self, name)
def reset(self) -> None:
self.function = None
self.state = self.state_dsl_start
self.keyword_only = False
self.positional_only = False
self.deprecated_positional = None
self.deprecated_keyword = None
self.group = 0
self.parameter_state: ParamState = ParamState.START
self.indent = IndentStack()
self.kind = CALLABLE
self.coexist = False
self.forced_text_signature = None
self.parameter_continuation = ''
self.preserve_output = False
self.critical_section = False
self.target_critical_section = []
def directive_module(self, name: str) -> None:
fields = name.split('.')[:-1]
module, cls = self.clinic._module_and_class(fields)
if cls:
fail("Can't nest a module inside a class!")
if name in module.modules:
fail(f"Already defined module {name!r}!")
m = Module(name, module)
module.modules[name] = m
def directive_class(
name: str,
typedef: str,
type_object: str
) -> None:
fields = name.split('.')
name = fields.pop()
module, cls = self.clinic._module_and_class(fields)
parent = cls or module
if name in parent.classes:
fail(f"Already defined class {name!r}!")
c = Class(name, module, cls, typedef, type_object)
parent.classes[name] = c
def directive_set(self, name: str, value: str) -> None:
if name not in ("line_prefix", "line_suffix"):
fail(f"unknown variable {name!r}")
value = value.format_map({
'block comment start': '/*',
'block comment end': '*/',
self.clinic.__dict__[name] = value
def directive_destination(
name: str,
command: str,
*args: str
) -> None:
match command:
case "new":
self.clinic.add_destination(name, *args)
case "clear":
case _:
fail(f"unknown destination command {command!r}")
def directive_output(
command_or_name: str,
destination: str = ''
) -> None:
fd = self.clinic.destination_buffers
if command_or_name == "preset":
preset = self.clinic.presets.get(destination)
if not preset:
fail(f"Unknown preset {destination!r}!")
if command_or_name == "push":
if command_or_name == "pop":
if not self.clinic.destination_buffers_stack:
fail("Can't 'output pop', stack is empty!")
previous_fd = self.clinic.destination_buffers_stack.pop()
# secret command for debugging!
if command_or_name == "print":
d = self.clinic.get_destination_buffer(destination)
if command_or_name == "everything":
for name in list(fd):
fd[name] = d
if command_or_name not in fd:
allowed = ["preset", "push", "pop", "print", "everything"]
fail(f"Invalid command or destination name {command_or_name!r}. "
"Must be one of:\n -",
"\n - ".join([repr(word) for word in allowed]))
fd[command_or_name] = d
def directive_dump(self, name: str) -> None:
def directive_printout(self, *args: str) -> None:
self.block.output.append(' '.join(args))
def directive_preserve(self) -> None:
if self.preserve_output:
fail("Can't have 'preserve' twice in one block!")
self.preserve_output = True
def at_classmethod(self) -> None:
if self.kind is not CALLABLE:
fail("Can't set @classmethod, function is not a normal callable")
self.kind = CLASS_METHOD
def at_critical_section(self, *args: str) -> None:
if len(args) > 2:
fail("Up to 2 critical section variables are supported")
self.critical_section = True
def at_getter(self) -> None:
match self.kind:
case FunctionKind.GETTER:
fail("Cannot apply @getter twice to the same function!")
case FunctionKind.SETTER:
fail("Cannot apply both @getter and @setter to the same function!")
case _:
self.kind = FunctionKind.GETTER
def at_setter(self) -> None:
match self.kind:
case FunctionKind.SETTER:
fail("Cannot apply @setter twice to the same function!")
case FunctionKind.GETTER:
fail("Cannot apply both @getter and @setter to the same function!")
case _:
self.kind = FunctionKind.SETTER
def at_staticmethod(self) -> None:
if self.kind is not CALLABLE:
fail("Can't set @staticmethod, function is not a normal callable")
self.kind = STATIC_METHOD
def at_coexist(self) -> None:
if self.coexist:
fail("Called @coexist twice!")
self.coexist = True
def at_text_signature(self, text_signature: str) -> None:
if self.forced_text_signature:
fail("Called @text_signature twice!")
self.forced_text_signature = text_signature
def parse(self, block: Block) -> None:
self.block = block
self.saved_output = self.block.output
block.output = []
block_start = self.clinic.block_parser.line_number
lines = block.input.split('\n')
for line_number, line in enumerate(lines, self.clinic.block_parser.block_start_line_number):
if '\t' in line:
fail(f'Tab characters are illegal in the Clinic DSL: {line!r}',
except ClinicError as exc:
exc.lineno = line_number
exc.filename = self.clinic.filename
block.output.extend(self.clinic.language.render(self.clinic, block.signatures))
if self.preserve_output:
if block.output:
fail("'preserve' only works for blocks that don't produce any output!",
block.output = self.saved_output
def in_docstring(self) -> bool:
"""Return true if we are processing a docstring."""
return self.state in {
def valid_line(self, line: str) -> bool:
# ignore comment-only lines
if line.lstrip().startswith('#'):
return False
# Ignore empty lines too
# (but not in docstring sections!)
if not self.in_docstring() and not line.strip():
return False
return True
def next(
state: StateKeeper,
line: str | None = None
) -> None:
self.state = state
if line is not None:
def state_dsl_start(self, line: str) -> None:
if not self.valid_line(line):
# is it a directive?
fields = shlex.split(line)
directive_name = fields[0]
directive = self.directives.get(directive_name, None)
if directive:
except TypeError as e:
self.next(self.state_modulename_name, line)
def parse_function_names(self, line: str) -> FunctionNames:
left, as_, right = line.partition(' as ')
full_name = left.strip()
c_basename = right.strip()
if as_ and not c_basename:
fail("No C basename provided after 'as' keyword")
if not c_basename:
fields = full_name.split(".")
if fields[-1] == '__new__':
c_basename = "_".join(fields)
if not libclinic.is_legal_py_identifier(full_name):
fail(f"Illegal function name: {full_name!r}")
if not libclinic.is_legal_c_identifier(c_basename):
fail(f"Illegal C basename: {c_basename!r}")
names = FunctionNames(full_name=full_name, c_basename=c_basename)
return names
def normalize_function_kind(self, fullname: str) -> None:
# Fetch the method name and possibly class.
fields = fullname.split('.')
name = fields.pop()
_, cls = self.clinic._module_and_class(fields)
# Check special method requirements.
if name in unsupported_special_methods:
fail(f"{name!r} is a special method and cannot be converted to Argument Clinic!")
if name == '__init__' and (self.kind is not CALLABLE or not cls):
fail(f"{name!r} must be a normal method; got '{self.kind}'!")
if name == '__new__' and (self.kind is not CLASS_METHOD or not cls):
fail("'__new__' must be a class method!")
if self.kind in {GETTER, SETTER} and not cls:
fail("@getter and @setter must be methods")
# Normalise self.kind.
if name == '__new__':
self.kind = METHOD_NEW
elif name == '__init__':
self.kind = METHOD_INIT
def resolve_return_converter(
self, full_name: str, forced_converter: str
) -> CReturnConverter:
if forced_converter:
if self.kind in {GETTER, SETTER}:
fail(f"@{self.kind.name.lower()} method cannot define a return type")
if self.kind is METHOD_INIT:
fail("__init__ methods cannot define a return type")
ast_input = f"def x() -> {forced_converter}: pass"
module_node = ast.parse(ast_input)
except SyntaxError:
fail(f"Badly formed annotation for {full_name!r}: {forced_converter!r}")
function_node = module_node.body[0]
assert isinstance(function_node, ast.FunctionDef)
name, legacy, kwargs = self.parse_converter(function_node.returns)
if legacy:
fail(f"Legacy converter {name!r} not allowed as a return converter")
if name not in return_converters:
fail(f"No available return converter called {name!r}")
return return_converters[name](**kwargs)
except ValueError:
fail(f"Badly formed annotation for {full_name!r}: {forced_converter!r}")
if self.kind in {METHOD_INIT, SETTER}:
return int_return_converter()
return CReturnConverter()
def parse_cloned_function(self, names: FunctionNames, existing: str) -> None:
full_name, c_basename = names
fields = [x.strip() for x in existing.split('.')]
function_name = fields.pop()
module, cls = self.clinic._module_and_class(fields)
parent = cls or module
for existing_function in parent.functions:
if existing_function.name == function_name:
print(f"{cls=}, {module=}, {existing=}", file=sys.stderr)
print(f"{(cls or module).functions=}", file=sys.stderr)
fail(f"Couldn't find existing function {existing!r}!")
fields = [x.strip() for x in full_name.split('.')]
function_name = fields.pop()
module, cls = self.clinic._module_and_class(fields)
overrides: dict[str, Any] = {
"name": function_name,
"full_name": full_name,
"module": module,
"cls": cls,
"c_basename": c_basename,
"docstring": "",
if not (existing_function.kind is self.kind and
existing_function.coexist == self.coexist):
# Allow __new__ or __init__ methods.
if existing_function.kind.new_or_init:
overrides["kind"] = self.kind
# Future enhancement: allow custom return converters
overrides["return_converter"] = CReturnConverter()
fail("'kind' of function and cloned function don't match! "
function = existing_function.copy(**overrides)
self.function = function
(cls or module).functions.append(function)
def state_modulename_name(self, line: str) -> None:
# looking for declaration, which establishes the leftmost column
# line should be
# modulename.fnname [as c_basename] [-> return annotation]
# square brackets denote optional syntax.
# alternatively:
# modulename.fnname [as c_basename] = modulename.existing_fn_name
# clones the parameters and return converter from that
# function. you can't modify them. you must enter a
# new docstring.
# (but we might find a directive first!)
# this line is permitted to start with whitespace.
# we'll call this number of spaces F (for "function").
assert self.valid_line(line)
# are we cloning?
before, equals, existing = line.rpartition('=')
if equals:
existing = existing.strip()
if libclinic.is_legal_py_identifier(existing):
if self.forced_text_signature:
fail("Cannot use @text_signature when cloning a function")
# we're cloning!
names = self.parse_function_names(before)
return self.parse_cloned_function(names, existing)
line, _, returns = line.partition('->')
returns = returns.strip()
full_name, c_basename = self.parse_function_names(line)
return_converter = self.resolve_return_converter(full_name, returns)
fields = [x.strip() for x in full_name.split('.')]
function_name = fields.pop()
module, cls = self.clinic._module_and_class(fields)
func = Function(
def add_function(self, func: Function) -> None:
# Insert a self converter automatically.
tp, name = correct_name_for_self(func)
if func.cls and tp == "PyObject *":
func.self_converter = self_converter(name, name, func,
func.self_converter = self_converter(name, name, func)
func.parameters[name] = Parameter(
self.function = func
(func.cls or func.module).functions.append(func)
# Now entering the parameters section. The rules, formally stated:
# * All lines must be indented with spaces only.
# * The first line must be a parameter declaration.
# * The first line must be indented.
# * This first line establishes the indent for parameters.
# * We'll call this number of spaces P (for "parameter").
# * Thenceforth:
# * Lines indented with P spaces specify a parameter.
# * Lines indented with > P spaces are docstrings for the previous
# parameter.
# * We'll call this number of spaces D (for "docstring").
# * All subsequent lines indented with >= D spaces are stored as
# part of the per-parameter docstring.
# * All lines will have the first D spaces of the indent stripped
# before they are stored.
# * It's illegal to have a line starting with a number of spaces X
# such that P < X < D.
# * A line with < P spaces is the first line of the function
# docstring, which ends processing for parameters and per-parameter
# docstrings.
# * The first line of the function docstring must be at the same
# indent as the function declaration.
# * It's illegal to have any line in the parameters section starting
# with X spaces such that F < X < P. (As before, F is the indent
# of the function declaration.)
# Also, currently Argument Clinic places the following restrictions on groups:
# * Each group must contain at least one parameter.
# * Each group may contain at most one group, which must be the furthest
# thing in the group from the required parameters. (The nested group
# must be the first in the group when it's before the required
# parameters, and the last thing in the group when after the required
# parameters.)
# * There may be at most one (top-level) group to the left or right of
# the required parameters.
# * You must specify a slash, and it must be after all parameters.
# (In other words: either all parameters are positional-only,
# or none are.)
# Said another way:
# * Each group must contain at least one parameter.
# * All left square brackets before the required parameters must be
# consecutive. (You can't have a left square bracket followed
# by a parameter, then another left square bracket. You can't
# have a left square bracket, a parameter, a right square bracket,
# and then a left square bracket.)
# * All right square brackets after the required parameters must be
# consecutive.
# These rules are enforced with a single state variable:
# "parameter_state". (Previously the code was a miasma of ifs and
# separate boolean state variables.) The states are defined in the
# ParamState class.
def state_parameters_start(self, line: str) -> None:
if not self.valid_line(line):
# if this line is not indented, we have no parameters
if not self.indent.infer(line):
return self.next(self.state_function_docstring, line)
assert self.function is not None
if self.function.kind in {GETTER, SETTER}:
getset = self.function.kind.name.lower()
fail(f"@{getset} methods cannot define parameters")
self.parameter_continuation = ''
return self.next(self.state_parameter, line)
def to_required(self) -> None:
Transition to the "required" parameter state.
if self.parameter_state is not ParamState.REQUIRED:
self.parameter_state = ParamState.REQUIRED
assert self.function is not None
for p in self.function.parameters.values():
p.group = -p.group
def state_parameter(self, line: str) -> None:
assert isinstance(self.function, Function)
if not self.valid_line(line):
if self.parameter_continuation:
line = self.parameter_continuation + ' ' + line.lstrip()
self.parameter_continuation = ''
assert self.indent.depth == 2
indent = self.indent.infer(line)
if indent == -1:
# we outdented, must be to definition column
return self.next(self.state_function_docstring, line)
if indent == 1:
# we indented, must be to new parameter docstring column
return self.next(self.state_parameter_docstring_start, line)
line = line.rstrip()
if line.endswith('\\'):
self.parameter_continuation = line[:-1]
line = line.lstrip()
version: VersionTuple | None = None
match = self.from_version_re.fullmatch(line)
if match:
line = match[1]
version = self.parse_version(match[2])
func = self.function
match line:
case '*':
self.parse_star(func, version)
case '[':
case ']':
case '/':
self.parse_slash(func, version)
case param:
def parse_parameter(self, line: str) -> None:
assert self.function is not None
match self.parameter_state:
case ParamState.START | ParamState.REQUIRED:
self.parameter_state = ParamState.GROUP_BEFORE
case ParamState.GROUP_BEFORE:
if not self.group:
case ParamState.GROUP_AFTER | ParamState.OPTIONAL:
case st:
fail(f"Function {self.function.name} has an unsupported group configuration. (Unexpected state {st}.a)")
# handle "as" for parameters too
c_name = None
name, have_as_token, trailing = line.partition(' as ')
if have_as_token:
name = name.strip()
if ' ' not in name:
fields = trailing.strip().split(' ')
if not fields:
fail("Invalid 'as' clause!")
c_name = fields[0]
if c_name.endswith(':'):
name += ':'
c_name = c_name[:-1]
fields[0] = name
line = ' '.join(fields)
default: str | None
base, equals, default = line.rpartition('=')
if not equals:
base = default
default = None
module = None
ast_input = f"def x({base}): pass"
module = ast.parse(ast_input)
except SyntaxError:
# the last = was probably inside a function call, like
# c: int(accept={str})
# so assume there was no actual default value.
default = None
ast_input = f"def x({line}): pass"
module = ast.parse(ast_input)
except SyntaxError:
if not module:
fail(f"Function {self.function.name!r} has an invalid parameter declaration:\n\t",
function = module.body[0]
assert isinstance(function, ast.FunctionDef)
function_args = function.args
if len(function_args.args) > 1:
fail(f"Function {self.function.name!r} has an "
f"invalid parameter declaration (comma?): {line!r}")
if function_args.defaults or function_args.kw_defaults:
fail(f"Function {self.function.name!r} has an "
f"invalid parameter declaration (default value?): {line!r}")
if function_args.kwarg:
fail(f"Function {self.function.name!r} has an "
f"invalid parameter declaration (**kwargs?): {line!r}")
if function_args.vararg:
is_vararg = True
parameter = function_args.vararg
is_vararg = False
parameter = function_args.args[0]
parameter_name = parameter.arg
name, legacy, kwargs = self.parse_converter(parameter.annotation)
value: object
if not default:
if self.parameter_state is ParamState.OPTIONAL:
fail(f"Can't have a parameter without a default ({parameter_name!r}) "
"after a parameter with a default!")
if is_vararg:
value = NULL
kwargs.setdefault('c_default', "NULL")
value = unspecified
if 'py_default' in kwargs:
fail("You can't specify py_default without specifying a default value!")
if is_vararg:
fail("Vararg can't take a default value!")
if self.parameter_state is ParamState.REQUIRED:
self.parameter_state = ParamState.OPTIONAL
default = default.strip()
bad = False
ast_input = f"x = {default}"
module = ast.parse(ast_input)
if 'c_default' not in kwargs:
# we can only represent very simple data values in C.
# detect whether default is okay, via a denylist
# of disallowed ast nodes.
class DetectBadNodes(ast.NodeVisitor):
bad = False
def bad_node(self, node: ast.AST) -> None:
self.bad = True
# inline function call
visit_Call = bad_node
# inline if statement ("x = 3 if y else z")
visit_IfExp = bad_node
# comprehensions and generator expressions
visit_ListComp = visit_SetComp = bad_node
visit_DictComp = visit_GeneratorExp = bad_node
# literals for advanced types
visit_Dict = visit_Set = bad_node
visit_List = visit_Tuple = bad_node
# "starred": "a = [1, 2, 3]; *a"
visit_Starred = bad_node
denylist = DetectBadNodes()
bad = denylist.bad
# if they specify a c_default, we can be more lenient about the default value.
# but at least make an attempt at ensuring it's a valid expression.
value = eval(default)
except NameError:
pass # probably a named constant
except Exception as e:
fail("Malformed expression given as default value "
f"{default!r} caused {e!r}")
if value is unspecified:
fail("'unspecified' is not a legal default value!")
if bad:
fail(f"Unsupported expression as default value: {default!r}")
assignment = module.body[0]
assert isinstance(assignment, ast.Assign)
expr = assignment.value
# mild hack: explicitly support NULL as a default value
c_default: str | None
if isinstance(expr, ast.Name) and expr.id == 'NULL':
value = NULL
py_default = '<unrepresentable>'
c_default = "NULL"
elif (isinstance(expr, ast.BinOp) or
(isinstance(expr, ast.UnaryOp) and
not (isinstance(expr.operand, ast.Constant) and
type(expr.operand.value) in {int, float, complex})
c_default = kwargs.get("c_default")
if not (isinstance(c_default, str) and c_default):
fail(f"When you specify an expression ({default!r}) "
f"as your default value, "
f"you MUST specify a valid c_default.",
py_default = default
value = unknown
elif isinstance(expr, ast.Attribute):
a = []
n: ast.expr | ast.Attribute = expr
while isinstance(n, ast.Attribute):
n = n.value
if not isinstance(n, ast.Name):
fail(f"Unsupported default value {default!r} "
"(looked like a Python constant)")
py_default = ".".join(reversed(a))
c_default = kwargs.get("c_default")
if not (isinstance(c_default, str) and c_default):
fail(f"When you specify a named constant ({py_default!r}) "
"as your default value, "
"you MUST specify a valid c_default.")
value = eval(py_default)
except NameError:
value = unknown
value = ast.literal_eval(expr)
py_default = repr(value)
if isinstance(value, (bool, NoneType)):
c_default = "Py_" + py_default
elif isinstance(value, str):
c_default = libclinic.c_repr(value)
c_default = py_default
except SyntaxError as e:
fail(f"Syntax error: {e.text!r}")
except (ValueError, AttributeError):
value = unknown
c_default = kwargs.get("c_default")
py_default = default
if not (isinstance(c_default, str) and c_default):
fail("When you specify a named constant "
f"({py_default!r}) as your default value, "
"you MUST specify a valid c_default.")
kwargs.setdefault('c_default', c_default)
kwargs.setdefault('py_default', py_default)
dict = legacy_converters if legacy else converters
legacy_str = "legacy " if legacy else ""
if name not in dict:
fail(f'{name!r} is not a valid {legacy_str}converter')
# if you use a c_name for the parameter, we just give that name to the converter
# but the parameter object gets the python name
converter = dict[name](c_name or parameter_name, parameter_name, self.function, value, **kwargs)
kind: inspect._ParameterKind
if is_vararg:
kind = inspect.Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL
elif self.keyword_only:
kind = inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY
kind = inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD
if isinstance(converter, self_converter):
if len(self.function.parameters) == 1:
if self.parameter_state is not ParamState.REQUIRED:
fail("A 'self' parameter cannot be marked optional.")
if value is not unspecified:
fail("A 'self' parameter cannot have a default value.")
if self.group:
fail("A 'self' parameter cannot be in an optional group.")
kind = inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY
self.parameter_state = ParamState.START
fail("A 'self' parameter, if specified, must be the "
"very first thing in the parameter block.")
if isinstance(converter, defining_class_converter):
_lp = len(self.function.parameters)
if _lp == 1:
if self.parameter_state is not ParamState.REQUIRED:
fail("A 'defining_class' parameter cannot be marked optional.")
if value is not unspecified:
fail("A 'defining_class' parameter cannot have a default value.")
if self.group:
fail("A 'defining_class' parameter cannot be in an optional group.")
if self.function.cls is None:
fail("A 'defining_class' parameter cannot be defined at module level.")
kind = inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY
fail("A 'defining_class' parameter, if specified, must either "
"be the first thing in the parameter block, or come just "
"after 'self'.")
p = Parameter(parameter_name, kind, function=self.function,
converter=converter, default=value, group=self.group,
names = [k.name for k in self.function.parameters.values()]
if parameter_name in names[1:]:
fail(f"You can't have two parameters named {parameter_name!r}!")
elif names and parameter_name == names[0] and c_name is None:
fail(f"Parameter {parameter_name!r} requires a custom C name")
key = f"{parameter_name}_as_{c_name}" if c_name else parameter_name
self.function.parameters[key] = p
if is_vararg:
self.keyword_only = True
def parse_converter(
annotation: ast.expr | None
) -> tuple[str, bool, ConverterArgs]:
match annotation:
case ast.Constant(value=str() as value):
return value, True, {}
case ast.Name(name):
return name, False, {}
case ast.Call(func=ast.Name(name)):
kwargs: ConverterArgs = {}
for node in annotation.keywords:
if not isinstance(node.arg, str):
fail("Cannot use a kwarg splat in a function-call annotation")
kwargs[node.arg] = eval_ast_expr(node.value)
return name, False, kwargs
case _:
"Annotations must be either a name, a function call, or a string."
def parse_version(self, thenceforth: str) -> VersionTuple:
"""Parse Python version in `[from ...]` marker."""
assert isinstance(self.function, Function)
major, minor = thenceforth.split(".")
return int(major), int(minor)
except ValueError:
f"Function {self.function.name!r}: expected format '[from major.minor]' "
f"where 'major' and 'minor' are integers; got {thenceforth!r}"
def parse_star(self, function: Function, version: VersionTuple | None) -> None:
"""Parse keyword-only parameter marker '*'.
The 'version' parameter signifies the future version from which
the marker will take effect (None means it is already in effect).
if version is None:
self.keyword_only = True
if self.keyword_only:
fail(f"Function {function.name!r}: '* [from ...]' must precede '*'")
if self.deprecated_positional:
if self.deprecated_positional == version:
fail(f"Function {function.name!r} uses '* [from "
f"{version[0]}.{version[1]}]' more than once.")
if self.deprecated_positional < version:
fail(f"Function {function.name!r}: '* [from "
f"{version[0]}.{version[1]}]' must precede '* [from "
self.deprecated_positional = version
def parse_opening_square_bracket(self, function: Function) -> None:
"""Parse opening parameter group symbol '['."""
match self.parameter_state:
case ParamState.START | ParamState.LEFT_SQUARE_BEFORE:
self.parameter_state = ParamState.LEFT_SQUARE_BEFORE
case ParamState.REQUIRED | ParamState.GROUP_AFTER:
self.parameter_state = ParamState.GROUP_AFTER
case st:
fail(f"Function {function.name!r} "
f"has an unsupported group configuration. "
f"(Unexpected state {st}.b)")
self.group += 1
function.docstring_only = True
def parse_closing_square_bracket(self, function: Function) -> None:
"""Parse closing parameter group symbol ']'."""
if not self.group:
fail(f"Function {function.name!r} has a ']' without a matching '['.")
if not any(p.group == self.group for p in function.parameters.values()):
fail(f"Function {function.name!r} has an empty group. "
"All groups must contain at least one parameter.")
self.group -= 1
match self.parameter_state:
self.parameter_state = ParamState.GROUP_BEFORE
case ParamState.GROUP_AFTER | ParamState.RIGHT_SQUARE_AFTER:
self.parameter_state = ParamState.RIGHT_SQUARE_AFTER
case st:
fail(f"Function {function.name!r} "
f"has an unsupported group configuration. "
f"(Unexpected state {st}.c)")
def parse_slash(self, function: Function, version: VersionTuple | None) -> None:
"""Parse positional-only parameter marker '/'.
The 'version' parameter signifies the future version from which
the marker will take effect (None means it is already in effect).
if version is None:
if self.deprecated_keyword:
fail(f"Function {function.name!r}: '/' must precede '/ [from ...]'")
if self.deprecated_positional:
fail(f"Function {function.name!r}: '/' must precede '* [from ...]'")
if self.keyword_only:
fail(f"Function {function.name!r}: '/' must precede '*'")
if self.positional_only:
fail(f"Function {function.name!r} uses '/' more than once.")
if self.deprecated_keyword:
if self.deprecated_keyword == version:
fail(f"Function {function.name!r} uses '/ [from "
f"{version[0]}.{version[1]}]' more than once.")
if self.deprecated_keyword > version:
fail(f"Function {function.name!r}: '/ [from "
f"{version[0]}.{version[1]}]' must precede '/ [from "
if self.deprecated_positional:
fail(f"Function {function.name!r}: '/ [from ...]' must precede '* [from ...]'")
if self.keyword_only:
fail(f"Function {function.name!r}: '/ [from ...]' must precede '*'")
self.positional_only = True
self.deprecated_keyword = version
if version is not None:
found = False
for p in reversed(function.parameters.values()):
found = p.kind is inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD
if not found:
fail(f"Function {function.name!r} specifies '/ [from ...]' "
f"without preceding parameters.")
# REQUIRED and OPTIONAL are allowed here, that allows positional-only
# without option groups to work (and have default values!)
allowed = {
if (self.parameter_state not in allowed) or self.group:
fail(f"Function {function.name!r} has an unsupported group configuration. "
f"(Unexpected state {self.parameter_state}.d)")
# fixup preceding parameters
for p in function.parameters.values():
if p.kind is inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD:
if version is None:
p.kind = inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY
elif p.deprecated_keyword is None:
p.deprecated_keyword = version
def state_parameter_docstring_start(self, line: str) -> None:
assert self.indent.margin is not None, "self.margin.infer() has not yet been called to set the margin"
self.parameter_docstring_indent = len(self.indent.margin)
assert self.indent.depth == 3
return self.next(self.state_parameter_docstring, line)
def docstring_append(self, obj: Function | Parameter, line: str) -> None:
"""Add a rstripped line to the current docstring."""
# gh-80282: We filter out non-ASCII characters from the docstring,
# since historically, some compilers may balk on non-ASCII input.
# If you're using Argument Clinic in an external project,
# you may not need to support the same array of platforms as CPython,
# so you may be able to remove this restriction.
matches = re.finditer(r'[^\x00-\x7F]', line)
if offending := ", ".join([repr(m[0]) for m in matches]):
warn("Non-ascii characters are not allowed in docstrings:",
docstring = obj.docstring
if docstring:
docstring += "\n"
if stripped := line.rstrip():
docstring += self.indent.dedent(stripped)
obj.docstring = docstring
# every line of the docstring must start with at least F spaces,
# where F > P.
# these F spaces will be stripped.
def state_parameter_docstring(self, line: str) -> None:
if not self.valid_line(line):
indent = self.indent.measure(line)
if indent < self.parameter_docstring_indent:
assert self.indent.depth < 3
if self.indent.depth == 2:
# back to a parameter
return self.next(self.state_parameter, line)
assert self.indent.depth == 1
return self.next(self.state_function_docstring, line)
assert self.function and self.function.parameters
last_param = next(reversed(self.function.parameters.values()))
self.docstring_append(last_param, line)
# the final stanza of the DSL is the docstring.
def state_function_docstring(self, line: str) -> None:
assert self.function is not None
if self.group:
fail(f"Function {self.function.name!r} has a ']' without a matching '['.")
if not self.valid_line(line):
self.docstring_append(self.function, line)
def format_docstring_signature(
f: Function, parameters: list[Parameter]
) -> str:
lines = []
if f.forced_text_signature:
elif f.kind in {GETTER, SETTER}:
# @getter and @setter do not need signatures like a method or a function.
return ''
# populate "right_bracket_count" field for every parameter
assert parameters, "We should always have a self parameter. " + repr(f)
assert isinstance(parameters[0].converter, self_converter)
# self is always positional-only.
assert parameters[0].is_positional_only()
assert parameters[0].right_bracket_count == 0
positional_only = True
for p in parameters[1:]:
if not p.is_positional_only():
positional_only = False
assert positional_only
if positional_only:
p.right_bracket_count = abs(p.group)
# don't put any right brackets around non-positional-only parameters, ever.
p.right_bracket_count = 0
right_bracket_count = 0
def fix_right_bracket_count(desired: int) -> str:
nonlocal right_bracket_count
s = ''
while right_bracket_count < desired:
s += '['
right_bracket_count += 1
while right_bracket_count > desired:
s += ']'
right_bracket_count -= 1
return s
need_slash = False
added_slash = False
need_a_trailing_slash = False
# we only need a trailing slash:
# * if this is not a "docstring_only" signature
# * and if the last *shown* parameter is
# positional only
if not f.docstring_only:
for p in reversed(parameters):
if not p.converter.show_in_signature:
if p.is_positional_only():
need_a_trailing_slash = True
added_star = False
first_parameter = True
last_p = parameters[-1]
line_length = len(''.join(lines))
indent = " " * line_length
def add_parameter(text: str) -> None:
nonlocal line_length
nonlocal first_parameter
if first_parameter:
s = text
first_parameter = False
s = ' ' + text
if line_length + len(s) >= 72:
lines.extend(["\n", indent])
line_length = len(indent)
s = text
line_length += len(s)
for p in parameters:
if not p.converter.show_in_signature:
assert p.name
is_self = isinstance(p.converter, self_converter)
if is_self and f.docstring_only:
# this isn't a real machine-parsable signature,
# so let's not print the "self" parameter
if p.is_positional_only():
need_slash = not f.docstring_only
elif need_slash and not (added_slash or p.is_positional_only()):
added_slash = True
if p.is_keyword_only() and not added_star:
added_star = True
p_lines = [fix_right_bracket_count(p.right_bracket_count)]
if isinstance(p.converter, self_converter):
# annotate first parameter as being a "self".
# if inspect.Signature gets this function,
# and it's already bound, the self parameter
# will be stripped off.
# if it's not bound, it should be marked
# as positional-only.
# note: we don't print "self" for __init__,
# because this isn't actually the signature
# for __init__. (it can't be, __init__ doesn't
# have a docstring.) if this is an __init__
# (or __new__), then this signature is for
# calling the class to construct a new instance.
if p.is_vararg():
added_star = True
name = p.converter.signature_name or p.name
if not p.is_vararg() and p.converter.is_optional():
value = p.converter.py_default
if not value:
value = repr(p.converter.default)
if (p != last_p) or need_a_trailing_slash:
p_output = "".join(p_lines)
if need_a_trailing_slash:
# PEP 8 says:
# The Python standard library will not use function annotations
# as that would result in a premature commitment to a particular
# annotation style. Instead, the annotations are left for users
# to discover and experiment with useful annotation styles.
# therefore this is commented out:
# if f.return_converter.py_default:
# lines.append(' -> ')
# lines.append(f.return_converter.py_default)
if not f.docstring_only:
lines.append("\n" + libclinic.SIG_END_MARKER + "\n")
signature_line = "".join(lines)
# now fix up the places where the brackets look wrong
return signature_line.replace(', ]', ',] ')
def format_docstring_parameters(params: list[Parameter]) -> str:
"""Create substitution text for {parameters}"""
return "".join(p.render_docstring() + "\n" for p in params if p.docstring)
def format_docstring(self) -> str:
assert self.function is not None
f = self.function
# For the following special cases, it does not make sense to render a docstring.
if f.kind in {METHOD_INIT, METHOD_NEW, GETTER, SETTER} and not f.docstring:
return f.docstring
# Enforce the summary line!
# The first line of a docstring should be a summary of the function.
# It should fit on one line (80 columns? 79 maybe?) and be a paragraph
# by itself.
# Argument Clinic enforces the following rule:
# * either the docstring is empty,
# * or it must have a summary line.
# Guido said Clinic should enforce this:
# http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2013-June/127110.html
lines = f.docstring.split('\n')
if len(lines) >= 2:
if lines[1]:
fail(f"Docstring for {f.full_name!r} does not have a summary line!\n"
"Every non-blank function docstring must start with "
"a single line summary followed by an empty line.")
elif len(lines) == 1:
# the docstring is only one line right now--the summary line.
# add an empty line after the summary line so we have space
# between it and the {parameters} we're about to add.
parameters_marker_count = len(f.docstring.split('{parameters}')) - 1
if parameters_marker_count > 1:
fail('You may not specify {parameters} more than once in a docstring!')
# insert signature at front and params after the summary line
if not parameters_marker_count:
lines.insert(2, '{parameters}')
lines.insert(0, '{signature}')
# finalize docstring
params = f.render_parameters
parameters = self.format_docstring_parameters(params)
signature = self.format_docstring_signature(f, params)
docstring = "\n".join(lines)
return libclinic.linear_format(docstring,
def check_remaining_star(self, lineno: int | None = None) -> None:
assert isinstance(self.function, Function)
if self.keyword_only:
symbol = '*'
elif self.deprecated_positional:
symbol = '* [from ...]'
for p in reversed(self.function.parameters.values()):
if self.keyword_only:
if (p.kind == inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY or
p.kind == inspect.Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL):
elif self.deprecated_positional:
if p.deprecated_positional == self.deprecated_positional:
fail(f"Function {self.function.name!r} specifies {symbol!r} "
f"without following parameters.", line_number=lineno)
def check_previous_star(self) -> None:
assert isinstance(self.function, Function)
if self.keyword_only:
fail(f"Function {self.function.name!r} uses '*' more than once.")
def do_post_block_processing_cleanup(self, lineno: int) -> None:
Called when processing the block is done.
if not self.function:
self.function.docstring = self.format_docstring()
except ClinicError as exc:
exc.lineno = lineno
exc.filename = self.clinic.filename