
432 lines
9.8 KiB

import re, unicodedata, sys
if sys.maxunicode == 65535:
raise RuntimeError, "need UCS-4 Python"
def gen_category(cats):
for i in range(0, 0x110000):
if unicodedata.category(unichr(i)) in cats:
def gen_bidirectional(cats):
for i in range(0, 0x110000):
if unicodedata.bidirectional(unichr(i)) in cats:
def compact_set(l):
single = []
tuple = []
prev = None
span = 0
for e in l:
if prev is None:
prev = e
span = 0
if prev+span+1 != e:
if span > 2:
for i in range(prev, prev+span+1):
prev = e
span = 0
span += 1
if span:
tuple = " + ".join(["list(range(%d,%d))" % t for t in tuple])
if not single:
return "set(%s)" % tuple
if not tuple:
return "set(%s)" % repr(single)
return "set(%s + %s)" % (repr(single),tuple)
############## Read the tables in the RFC #######################
data = open("rfc3454.txt").readlines()
tables = []
curname = None
for l in data:
l = l.strip()
if not l:
# Skip RFC page breaks
if l.startswith("Hoffman & Blanchet") or\
l.startswith("RFC 3454"):
# Find start/end lines
m = re.match("----- (Start|End) Table ([A-Z](.[0-9])+) -----", l)
if m:
if m.group(1) == "Start":
if curname:
raise "Double Start",(curname, l)
curname = m.group(2)
table = {}
tables.append((curname, table))
if not curname:
raise "End without start", l
curname = None
if not curname:
# Now we are in a table
fields = l.split(";")
if len(fields) > 1:
# Drop comment field
fields = fields[:-1]
if len(fields) == 1:
fields = fields[0].split("-")
if len(fields) > 1:
# range
start, end = fields
except ValueError:
raise "Unpacking problem", l
start = end = fields[0]
start = int(start, 16)
end = int(end, 16)
for i in range(start, end+1):
table[i] = i
code, value = fields
value = value.strip()
if value:
value = [int(v, 16) for v in value.split(" ")]
# table B.1
value = None
table[int(code, 16)] = value
########### Generate compact Python versions of the tables #############
print """# This file is generated by mkstringprep.py. DO NOT EDIT.
\"\"\"Library that exposes various tables found in the StringPrep RFC 3454.
There are two kinds of tables: sets, for which a member test is provided,
and mappings, for which a mapping function is provided.
import unicodedata
print "assert unicodedata.unidata_version == %s" % repr(unicodedata.unidata_version)
# A.1 is the table of unassigned characters
# XXX Plane 15 PUA is listed as unassigned in Python.
name, table = tables[0]
del tables[0]
assert name == "A.1"
table = set(table.keys())
Cn = set(gen_category(["Cn"]))
# FDD0..FDEF are process internal codes
Cn -= set(range(0xFDD0, 0xFDF0))
# not a character
Cn -= set(range(0xFFFE, 0x110000, 0x10000))
Cn -= set(range(0xFFFF, 0x110000, 0x10000))
# assert table == Cn
print """
def in_table_a1(code):
if unicodedata.category(code) != 'Cn': return False
c = ord(code)
if 0xFDD0 <= c < 0xFDF0: return False
return (c & 0xFFFF) not in (0xFFFE, 0xFFFF)
# B.1 cannot easily be derived
name, table = tables[0]
del tables[0]
assert name == "B.1"
table = table.keys()
print """
b1_set = """ + compact_set(table) + """
def in_table_b1(code):
return ord(code) in b1_set
# B.2 and B.3 is case folding.
# It takes CaseFolding.txt into account, which is
# not available in the Python database. Since
# B.2 is derived from B.3, we process B.3 first.
# B.3 supposedly *is* CaseFolding-3.2.0.txt.
name, table_b2 = tables[0]
del tables[0]
assert name == "B.2"
name, table_b3 = tables[0]
del tables[0]
assert name == "B.3"
# B.3 is mostly Python's .lower, except for a number
# of special cases, e.g. considering canonical forms.
b3_exceptions = {}
for k,v in table_b2.items():
if map(ord, unichr(k).lower()) != v:
b3_exceptions[k] = u"".join(map(unichr,v))
b3 = b3_exceptions.items()
print """
b3_exceptions = {"""
for i,(k,v) in enumerate(b3):
print "0x%x:%s," % (k, repr(v)),
if i % 4 == 3:
print "}"
print """
def map_table_b3(code):
r = b3_exceptions.get(ord(code))
if r is not None: return r
return code.lower()
def map_table_b3(code):
r = b3_exceptions.get(ord(code))
if r is not None: return r
return code.lower()
# B.2 is case folding for NFKC. This is the same as B.3,
# except where NormalizeWithKC(Fold(a)) !=
# NormalizeWithKC(Fold(NormalizeWithKC(Fold(a))))
def map_table_b2(a):
al = map_table_b3(a)
b = unicodedata.normalize("NFKC", al)
bl = u"".join([map_table_b3(ch) for ch in b])
c = unicodedata.normalize("NFKC", bl)
if b != c:
return c
return al
specials = {}
for k,v in table_b2.items():
if map(ord, map_table_b2(unichr(k))) != v:
specials[k] = v
# B.3 should not add any additional special cases
assert specials == {}
print """
def map_table_b2(a):
al = map_table_b3(a)
b = unicodedata.normalize("NFKC", al)
bl = u"".join([map_table_b3(ch) for ch in b])
c = unicodedata.normalize("NFKC", bl)
if b != c:
return c
return al
# C.1.1 is a table with a single character
name, table = tables[0]
del tables[0]
assert name == "C.1.1"
assert table == {0x20:0x20}
print """
def in_table_c11(code):
return code == u" "
# C.1.2 is the rest of all space characters
name, table = tables[0]
del tables[0]
assert name == "C.1.2"
# table = set(table.keys())
# Zs = set(gen_category(["Zs"])) - set([0x20])
# assert Zs == table
print """
def in_table_c12(code):
return unicodedata.category(code) == "Zs" and code != u" "
def in_table_c11_c12(code):
return unicodedata.category(code) == "Zs"
# C.2.1 ASCII control characters
name, table_c21 = tables[0]
del tables[0]
assert name == "C.2.1"
Cc = set(gen_category(["Cc"]))
Cc_ascii = Cc & set(range(128))
table_c21 = set(table_c21.keys())
assert Cc_ascii == table_c21
print """
def in_table_c21(code):
return ord(code) < 128 and unicodedata.category(code) == "Cc"
# C.2.2 Non-ASCII control characters. It also includes
# a number of characters in category Cf.
name, table_c22 = tables[0]
del tables[0]
assert name == "C.2.2"
Cc_nonascii = Cc - Cc_ascii
table_c22 = set(table_c22.keys())
assert len(Cc_nonascii - table_c22) == 0
specials = list(table_c22 - Cc_nonascii)
print """c22_specials = """ + compact_set(specials) + """
def in_table_c22(code):
c = ord(code)
if c < 128: return False
if unicodedata.category(code) == "Cc": return True
return c in c22_specials
def in_table_c21_c22(code):
return unicodedata.category(code) == "Cc" or \\
ord(code) in c22_specials
# C.3 Private use
name, table = tables[0]
del tables[0]
assert name == "C.3"
Co = set(gen_category(["Co"]))
assert set(table.keys()) == Co
print """
def in_table_c3(code):
return unicodedata.category(code) == "Co"
# C.4 Non-character code points, xFFFE, xFFFF
# plus process internal codes
name, table = tables[0]
del tables[0]
assert name == "C.4"
nonchar = set(range(0xFDD0,0xFDF0) +
range(0xFFFE,0x110000,0x10000) +
table = set(table.keys())
assert table == nonchar
print """
def in_table_c4(code):
c = ord(code)
if c < 0xFDD0: return False
if c < 0xFDF0: return True
return (ord(code) & 0xFFFF) in (0xFFFE, 0xFFFF)
# C.5 Surrogate codes
name, table = tables[0]
del tables[0]
assert name == "C.5"
Cs = set(gen_category(["Cs"]))
assert set(table.keys()) == Cs
print """
def in_table_c5(code):
return unicodedata.category(code) == "Cs"
# C.6 Inappropriate for plain text
name, table = tables[0]
del tables[0]
assert name == "C.6"
table = table.keys()
print """
c6_set = """ + compact_set(table) + """
def in_table_c6(code):
return ord(code) in c6_set
# C.7 Inappropriate for canonical representation
name, table = tables[0]
del tables[0]
assert name == "C.7"
table = table.keys()
print """
c7_set = """ + compact_set(table) + """
def in_table_c7(code):
return ord(code) in c7_set
# C.8 Change display properties or are deprecated
name, table = tables[0]
del tables[0]
assert name == "C.8"
table = table.keys()
print """
c8_set = """ + compact_set(table) + """
def in_table_c8(code):
return ord(code) in c8_set
# C.9 Tagging characters
name, table = tables[0]
del tables[0]
assert name == "C.9"
table = table.keys()
print """
c9_set = """ + compact_set(table) + """
def in_table_c9(code):
return ord(code) in c9_set
# D.1 Characters with bidirectional property "R" or "AL"
name, table = tables[0]
del tables[0]
assert name == "D.1"
RandAL = set(gen_bidirectional(["R","AL"]))
assert set(table.keys()) == RandAL
print """
def in_table_d1(code):
return unicodedata.bidirectional(code) in ("R","AL")
# D.2 Characters with bidirectional property "L"
name, table = tables[0]
del tables[0]
assert name == "D.2"
L = set(gen_bidirectional(["L"]))
assert set(table.keys()) == L
print """
def in_table_d2(code):
return unicodedata.bidirectional(code) == "L"