
86 lines
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"""This module includes tests of the code object representation.
>>> def f(x):
... def g(y):
... return x + y
... return g
>>> dump(f.func_code)
name: f
argcount: 1
names: ()
varnames: ('x', 'g')
cellvars: ('x',)
freevars: ()
nlocals: 2
flags: 3
consts: ('None', '<code object g>')
>>> dump(f(4).func_code)
name: g
argcount: 1
names: ()
varnames: ('y',)
cellvars: ()
freevars: ('x',)
nlocals: 1
flags: 19
consts: ('None',)
>>> def h(x, y):
... a = x + y
... b = x - y
... c = a * b
... return c
>>> dump(h.func_code)
name: h
argcount: 2
names: ()
varnames: ('x', 'y', 'a', 'b', 'c')
cellvars: ()
freevars: ()
nlocals: 5
flags: 67
consts: ('None',)
>>> def attrs(obj):
... print obj.attr1
... print obj.attr2
... print obj.attr3
>>> dump(attrs.func_code)
name: attrs
argcount: 1
names: ('attr1', 'attr2', 'attr3')
varnames: ('obj',)
cellvars: ()
freevars: ()
nlocals: 1
flags: 67
consts: ('None',)
def consts(t):
"""Yield a doctest-safe sequence of object reprs."""
for elt in t:
r = repr(elt)
if r.startswith("<code object"):
yield "<code object %s>" % elt.co_name
yield r
def dump(co):
"""Print out a text representation of a code object."""
for attr in ["name", "argcount", "names", "varnames", "cellvars",
"freevars", "nlocals", "flags"]:
print "%s: %s" % (attr, getattr(co, "co_" + attr))
print "consts:", tuple(consts(co.co_consts))
def test_main(verbose=None):
from test.test_support import run_doctest
from test import test_code
run_doctest(test_code, verbose)