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# Test case for property
# more tests are in test_descr
import sys
import unittest
from test import support
class PropertyBase(Exception):
class PropertyGet(PropertyBase):
class PropertySet(PropertyBase):
class PropertyDel(PropertyBase):
class BaseClass(object):
def __init__(self):
self._spam = 5
def spam(self):
return self._spam
def spam(self, value):
self._spam = value
def spam(self):
del self._spam
class SubClass(BaseClass):
def spam(self):
raise PropertyGet(self._spam)
def spam(self, value):
raise PropertySet(self._spam)
def spam(self):
raise PropertyDel(self._spam)
class PropertyDocBase(object):
_spam = 1
def _get_spam(self):
return self._spam
spam = property(_get_spam, doc="spam spam spam")
class PropertyDocSub(PropertyDocBase):
def spam(self):
"""The decorator does not use this doc string"""
return self._spam
class PropertySubNewGetter(BaseClass):
def spam(self):
"""new docstring"""
return 5
class PropertyNewGetter(object):
def spam(self):
"""original docstring"""
return 1
def spam(self):
"""new docstring"""
return 8
class PropertyTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_property_decorator_baseclass(self):
# see #1620
base = BaseClass()
self.assertEqual(base.spam, 5)
self.assertEqual(base._spam, 5)
base.spam = 10
self.assertEqual(base.spam, 10)
self.assertEqual(base._spam, 10)
delattr(base, "spam")
self.assertTrue(not hasattr(base, "spam"))
self.assertTrue(not hasattr(base, "_spam"))
base.spam = 20
self.assertEqual(base.spam, 20)
self.assertEqual(base._spam, 20)
def test_property_decorator_subclass(self):
# see #1620
sub = SubClass()
self.assertRaises(PropertyGet, getattr, sub, "spam")
self.assertRaises(PropertySet, setattr, sub, "spam", None)
self.assertRaises(PropertyDel, delattr, sub, "spam")
@unittest.skipIf(sys.flags.optimize >= 2,
"Docstrings are omitted with -O2 and above")
def test_property_decorator_subclass_doc(self):
sub = SubClass()
self.assertEqual(sub.__class__.spam.__doc__, "SubClass.getter")
@unittest.skipIf(sys.flags.optimize >= 2,
"Docstrings are omitted with -O2 and above")
def test_property_decorator_baseclass_doc(self):
base = BaseClass()
self.assertEqual(base.__class__.spam.__doc__, "BaseClass.getter")
def test_property_decorator_doc(self):
base = PropertyDocBase()
sub = PropertyDocSub()
self.assertEqual(base.__class__.spam.__doc__, "spam spam spam")
self.assertEqual(sub.__class__.spam.__doc__, "spam spam spam")
@unittest.skipIf(sys.flags.optimize >= 2,
"Docstrings are omitted with -O2 and above")
def test_property_getter_doc_override(self):
newgettersub = PropertySubNewGetter()
self.assertEqual(newgettersub.spam, 5)
self.assertEqual(newgettersub.__class__.spam.__doc__, "new docstring")
newgetter = PropertyNewGetter()
self.assertEqual(newgetter.spam, 8)
self.assertEqual(newgetter.__class__.spam.__doc__, "new docstring")
def test_property___isabstractmethod__descriptor(self):
for val in (True, False, [], [1], '', '1'):
class C(object):
def foo(self):
foo.__isabstractmethod__ = val
foo = property(foo)
self.assertIs(C.foo.__isabstractmethod__, bool(val))
# check that the property's __isabstractmethod__ descriptor does the
# right thing when presented with a value that fails truth testing:
class NotBool(object):
def __bool__(self):
raise ValueError()
__len__ = __bool__
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
class C(object):
def foo(self):
foo.__isabstractmethod__ = NotBool()
foo = property(foo)
@unittest.skipIf(sys.flags.optimize >= 2,
"Docstrings are omitted with -O2 and above")
def test_property_builtin_doc_writable(self):
p = property(doc='basic')
self.assertEqual(p.__doc__, 'basic')
p.__doc__ = 'extended'
self.assertEqual(p.__doc__, 'extended')
@unittest.skipIf(sys.flags.optimize >= 2,
"Docstrings are omitted with -O2 and above")
def test_property_decorator_doc_writable(self):
class PropertyWritableDoc(object):
def spam(self):
return "eggs"
sub = PropertyWritableDoc()
self.assertEqual(sub.__class__.spam.__doc__, 'Eggs')
sub.__class__.spam.__doc__ = 'Spam'
self.assertEqual(sub.__class__.spam.__doc__, 'Spam')
def test_refleaks_in___init__(self):
gettotalrefcount = support.get_attribute(sys, 'gettotalrefcount')
fake_prop = property('fget', 'fset', 'fdel', 'doc')
refs_before = gettotalrefcount()
for i in range(100):
fake_prop.__init__('fget', 'fset', 'fdel', 'doc')
self.assertAlmostEqual(gettotalrefcount() - refs_before, 0, delta=10)
def test_gh_115618(self):
# Py_XDECREF() was improperly called for None argument
# in property methods.
gettotalrefcount = support.get_attribute(sys, 'gettotalrefcount')
prop = property()
refs_before = gettotalrefcount()
for i in range(100):
prop = prop.getter(None)
for i in range(100):
prop = prop.setter(None)
for i in range(100):
prop = prop.deleter(None)
self.assertAlmostEqual(gettotalrefcount() - refs_before, 0, delta=10)
def test_property_name(self):
def getter(self):
return 42
def setter(self, value):
class A:
def foo(self):
return 1
def oof(self, value):
bar = property(getter)
baz = property(None, setter)
self.assertEqual(A.foo.__name__, 'foo')
self.assertEqual(A.oof.__name__, 'oof')
self.assertEqual(A.bar.__name__, 'bar')
self.assertEqual(A.baz.__name__, 'baz')
A.quux = property(getter)
self.assertEqual(A.quux.__name__, 'getter')
A.quux.__name__ = 'myquux'
self.assertEqual(A.quux.__name__, 'myquux')
self.assertEqual(A.bar.__name__, 'bar') # not affected
A.quux.__name__ = None
with self.assertRaisesRegex(
AttributeError, "'property' object has no attribute '__name__'"
property(None, setter).__name__
with self.assertRaisesRegex(
AttributeError, "'property' object has no attribute '__name__'"
class Err:
def __getattr__(self, attr):
raise RuntimeError('fail')
p = property(Err())
with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, 'fail'):
p.__name__ = 'not_fail'
self.assertEqual(p.__name__, 'not_fail')
def test_property_set_name_incorrect_args(self):
p = property()
for i in (0, 1, 3):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(
fr'^__set_name__\(\) takes 2 positional arguments but {i} were given$'
p.__set_name__(*([0] * i))
def test_property_setname_on_property_subclass(self):
# https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/100942
# Copy was setting the name field without first
# verifying that the copy was an actual property
# instance. As a result, the code below was
# causing a segfault.
class pro(property):
def __new__(typ, *args, **kwargs):
return "abcdef"
class A:
p = property.__new__(pro)
p.__set_name__(A, 1)
np = p.getter(lambda self: 1)
# Issue 5890: subclasses of property do not preserve method __doc__ strings
class PropertySub(property):
"""This is a subclass of property"""
class PropertySubWoDoc(property):
class PropertySubSlots(property):
"""This is a subclass of property that defines __slots__"""
__slots__ = ()
class PropertySubclassTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_slots_docstring_copy_exception(self):
# A special case error that we preserve despite the GH-98963 behavior
# that would otherwise silently ignore this error.
# This came from commit b18500d39d791c879e9904ebac293402b4a7cd34
# as part of https://bugs.python.org/issue5890 which allowed docs to
# be set via property subclasses in the first place.
with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
class Foo(object):
def spam(self):
"""Trying to copy this docstring will raise an exception"""
return 1
def test_property_with_slots_no_docstring(self):
# https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/98963#issuecomment-1574413319
class slotted_prop(property):
__slots__ = ("foo",)
p = slotted_prop() # no AttributeError
self.assertIsNone(getattr(p, "__doc__", None))
def undocumented_getter():
return 4
p = slotted_prop(undocumented_getter) # New in 3.12: no AttributeError
self.assertIsNone(getattr(p, "__doc__", None))
@unittest.skipIf(sys.flags.optimize >= 2,
"Docstrings are omitted with -O2 and above")
def test_property_with_slots_docstring_silently_dropped(self):
# https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/98963#issuecomment-1574413319
class slotted_prop(property):
__slots__ = ("foo",)
p = slotted_prop(doc="what's up") # no AttributeError
def documented_getter():
"""getter doc."""
return 4
# Historical behavior: A docstring from a getter always raises.
# (matches test_slots_docstring_copy_exception above).
with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
p = slotted_prop(documented_getter)
@unittest.skipIf(sys.flags.optimize >= 2,
"Docstrings are omitted with -O2 and above")
def test_property_with_slots_and_doc_slot_docstring_present(self):
# https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/98963#issuecomment-1574413319
class slotted_prop(property):
__slots__ = ("foo", "__doc__")
p = slotted_prop(doc="what's up")
self.assertEqual("what's up", p.__doc__) # new in 3.12: This gets set.
def documented_getter():
"""what's up getter doc?"""
return 4
p = slotted_prop(documented_getter)
self.assertEqual("what's up getter doc?", p.__doc__)
@unittest.skipIf(sys.flags.optimize >= 2,
"Docstrings are omitted with -O2 and above")
def test_issue41287(self):
self.assertEqual(PropertySub.__doc__, "This is a subclass of property",
"Docstring of `property` subclass is ignored")
doc = PropertySub(None, None, None, "issue 41287 is fixed").__doc__
self.assertEqual(doc, "issue 41287 is fixed",
"Subclasses of `property` ignores `doc` constructor argument")
def getter(x):
"""Getter docstring"""
def getter_wo_doc(x):
for ps in property, PropertySub, PropertySubWoDoc:
doc = ps(getter, None, None, "issue 41287 is fixed").__doc__
self.assertEqual(doc, "issue 41287 is fixed",
"Getter overrides explicit property docstring (%s)" % ps.__name__)
doc = ps(getter, None, None, None).__doc__
self.assertEqual(doc, "Getter docstring", "Getter docstring is not picked-up (%s)" % ps.__name__)
doc = ps(getter_wo_doc, None, None, "issue 41287 is fixed").__doc__
self.assertEqual(doc, "issue 41287 is fixed",
"Getter overrides explicit property docstring (%s)" % ps.__name__)
doc = ps(getter_wo_doc, None, None, None).__doc__
self.assertIsNone(doc, "Property class doc appears in instance __doc__ (%s)" % ps.__name__)
@unittest.skipIf(sys.flags.optimize >= 2,
"Docstrings are omitted with -O2 and above")
def test_docstring_copy(self):
class Foo(object):
def spam(self):
"""spam wrapped in property subclass"""
return 1
"spam wrapped in property subclass")
@unittest.skipIf(sys.flags.optimize >= 2,
"Docstrings are omitted with -O2 and above")
def test_docstring_copy2(self):
Property tries to provide the best docstring it finds for its instances.
If a user-provided docstring is available, it is preserved on copies.
If no docstring is available during property creation, the property
will utilize the docstring from the getter if available.
def getter1(self):
return 1
def getter2(self):
"""doc 2"""
return 2
def getter3(self):
"""doc 3"""
return 3
# Case-1: user-provided doc is preserved in copies
# of property with undocumented getter
p = property(getter1, None, None, "doc-A")
p2 = p.getter(getter2)
self.assertEqual(p.__doc__, "doc-A")
self.assertEqual(p2.__doc__, "doc-A")
# Case-2: user-provided doc is preserved in copies
# of property with documented getter
p = property(getter2, None, None, "doc-A")
p2 = p.getter(getter3)
self.assertEqual(p.__doc__, "doc-A")
self.assertEqual(p2.__doc__, "doc-A")
# Case-3: with no user-provided doc new getter doc
# takes precendence
p = property(getter2, None, None, None)
p2 = p.getter(getter3)
self.assertEqual(p.__doc__, "doc 2")
self.assertEqual(p2.__doc__, "doc 3")
# Case-4: A user-provided doc is assigned after property construction
# with documented getter. The doc IS NOT preserved.
# It's an odd behaviour, but it's a strange enough
# use case with no easy solution.
p = property(getter2, None, None, None)
p.__doc__ = "user"
p2 = p.getter(getter3)
self.assertEqual(p.__doc__, "user")
self.assertEqual(p2.__doc__, "doc 3")
# Case-5: A user-provided doc is assigned after property construction
# with UNdocumented getter. The doc IS preserved.
p = property(getter1, None, None, None)
p.__doc__ = "user"
p2 = p.getter(getter2)
self.assertEqual(p.__doc__, "user")
self.assertEqual(p2.__doc__, "user")
@unittest.skipIf(sys.flags.optimize >= 2,
"Docstrings are omitted with -O2 and above")
def test_property_setter_copies_getter_docstring(self):
class Foo(object):
def __init__(self): self._spam = 1
def spam(self):
"""spam wrapped in property subclass"""
return self._spam
def spam(self, value):
"""this docstring is ignored"""
self._spam = value
foo = Foo()
self.assertEqual(foo.spam, 1)
foo.spam = 2
self.assertEqual(foo.spam, 2)
"spam wrapped in property subclass")
class FooSub(Foo):
def spam(self, value):
"""another ignored docstring"""
self._spam = 'eggs'
foosub = FooSub()
self.assertEqual(foosub.spam, 1)
foosub.spam = 7
self.assertEqual(foosub.spam, 'eggs')
"spam wrapped in property subclass")
@unittest.skipIf(sys.flags.optimize >= 2,
"Docstrings are omitted with -O2 and above")
def test_property_new_getter_new_docstring(self):
class Foo(object):
def spam(self):
"""a docstring"""
return 1
def spam(self):
"""a new docstring"""
return 2
self.assertEqual(Foo.spam.__doc__, "a new docstring")
class FooBase(object):
def spam(self):
"""a docstring"""
return 1
class Foo2(FooBase):
def spam(self):
"""a new docstring"""
return 2
self.assertEqual(Foo.spam.__doc__, "a new docstring")
class _PropertyUnreachableAttribute:
msg_format = None
obj = None
cls = None
def _format_exc_msg(self, msg):
return self.msg_format.format(msg)
def setUpClass(cls):
cls.obj = cls.cls()
def test_get_property(self):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(AttributeError, self._format_exc_msg("has no getter")):
def test_set_property(self):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(AttributeError, self._format_exc_msg("has no setter")):
self.obj.foo = None
def test_del_property(self):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(AttributeError, self._format_exc_msg("has no deleter")):
del self.obj.foo
class PropertyUnreachableAttributeWithName(_PropertyUnreachableAttribute, unittest.TestCase):
msg_format = r"^property 'foo' of 'PropertyUnreachableAttributeWithName\.cls' object {}$"
class cls:
foo = property()
class PropertyUnreachableAttributeNoName(_PropertyUnreachableAttribute, unittest.TestCase):
msg_format = r"^property of 'PropertyUnreachableAttributeNoName\.cls' object {}$"
class cls:
cls.foo = property()
if __name__ == '__main__':