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minidom.py -- a lightweight DOM implementation.
* convenience methods for getting elements and text.
* more testing
* bring some of the writer and linearizer code into conformance with this
* SAX 2 namespaces
import xml.dom
from xml.dom.minicompat import *
from xml.dom.xmlbuilder import DOMImplementationLS, DocumentLS
_TupleType = type(())
# This is used by the ID-cache invalidation checks; the list isn't
# actually complete, since the nodes being checked will never be the
# DOCUMENT_NODE or DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE. (The node being checked is
# the node being added or removed, not the node being modified.)
_nodeTypes_with_children = (xml.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE,
class Node(xml.dom.Node, GetattrMagic):
namespaceURI = None # this is non-null only for elements and attributes
parentNode = None
ownerDocument = None
nextSibling = None
previousSibling = None
prefix = EMPTY_PREFIX # non-null only for NS elements and attributes
def __nonzero__(self):
return True
def toxml(self, encoding = None):
return self.toprettyxml("", "", encoding)
def toprettyxml(self, indent="\t", newl="\n", encoding = None):
# indent = the indentation string to prepend, per level
# newl = the newline string to append
writer = _get_StringIO()
if encoding is not None:
import codecs
# Can't use codecs.getwriter to preserve 2.0 compatibility
writer = codecs.lookup(encoding)[3](writer)
if self.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE:
# Can pass encoding only to document, to put it into XML header
self.writexml(writer, "", indent, newl, encoding)
self.writexml(writer, "", indent, newl)
return writer.getvalue()
def hasChildNodes(self):
if self.childNodes:
return True
return False
def _get_childNodes(self):
return self.childNodes
def _get_firstChild(self):
if self.childNodes:
return self.childNodes[0]
def _get_lastChild(self):
if self.childNodes:
return self.childNodes[-1]
def insertBefore(self, newChild, refChild):
if newChild.nodeType == self.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE:
for c in tuple(newChild.childNodes):
self.insertBefore(c, refChild)
### The DOM does not clearly specify what to return in this case
return newChild
if newChild.nodeType not in self._child_node_types:
raise xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr(
"%s cannot be child of %s" % (repr(newChild), repr(self)))
if newChild.parentNode is not None:
if refChild is None:
index = self.childNodes.index(refChild)
except ValueError:
raise xml.dom.NotFoundErr()
if newChild.nodeType in _nodeTypes_with_children:
self.childNodes.insert(index, newChild)
newChild.nextSibling = refChild
refChild.previousSibling = newChild
if index:
node = self.childNodes[index-1]
node.nextSibling = newChild
newChild.previousSibling = node
newChild.previousSibling = None
newChild.parentNode = self
return newChild
def appendChild(self, node):
if node.nodeType == self.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE:
for c in tuple(node.childNodes):
### The DOM does not clearly specify what to return in this case
return node
if node.nodeType not in self._child_node_types:
raise xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr(
"%s cannot be child of %s" % (repr(node), repr(self)))
elif node.nodeType in _nodeTypes_with_children:
if node.parentNode is not None:
_append_child(self, node)
node.nextSibling = None
return node
def replaceChild(self, newChild, oldChild):
if newChild.nodeType == self.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE:
refChild = oldChild.nextSibling
return self.insertBefore(newChild, refChild)
if newChild.nodeType not in self._child_node_types:
raise xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr(
"%s cannot be child of %s" % (repr(newChild), repr(self)))
if newChild.parentNode is not None:
if newChild is oldChild:
index = self.childNodes.index(oldChild)
except ValueError:
raise xml.dom.NotFoundErr()
self.childNodes[index] = newChild
newChild.parentNode = self
oldChild.parentNode = None
if (newChild.nodeType in _nodeTypes_with_children
or oldChild.nodeType in _nodeTypes_with_children):
newChild.nextSibling = oldChild.nextSibling
newChild.previousSibling = oldChild.previousSibling
oldChild.nextSibling = None
oldChild.previousSibling = None
if newChild.previousSibling:
newChild.previousSibling.nextSibling = newChild
if newChild.nextSibling:
newChild.nextSibling.previousSibling = newChild
return oldChild
def removeChild(self, oldChild):
except ValueError:
raise xml.dom.NotFoundErr()
if oldChild.nextSibling is not None:
oldChild.nextSibling.previousSibling = oldChild.previousSibling
if oldChild.previousSibling is not None:
oldChild.previousSibling.nextSibling = oldChild.nextSibling
oldChild.nextSibling = oldChild.previousSibling = None
if oldChild.nodeType in _nodeTypes_with_children:
oldChild.parentNode = None
return oldChild
def normalize(self):
L = []
for child in self.childNodes:
if child.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE:
data = child.data
if data and L and L[-1].nodeType == child.nodeType:
# collapse text node
node = L[-1]
node.data = node.data + child.data
node.nextSibling = child.nextSibling
elif data:
if L:
L[-1].nextSibling = child
child.previousSibling = L[-1]
child.previousSibling = None
# empty text node; discard
if L:
L[-1].nextSibling = child
child.previousSibling = L[-1]
child.previousSibling = None
if child.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
self.childNodes[:] = L
def cloneNode(self, deep):
return _clone_node(self, deep, self.ownerDocument or self)
def isSupported(self, feature, version):
return self.ownerDocument.implementation.hasFeature(feature, version)
def _get_localName(self):
# Overridden in Element and Attr where localName can be Non-Null
return None
# Node interfaces from Level 3 (WD 9 April 2002)
def isSameNode(self, other):
return self is other
def getInterface(self, feature):
if self.isSupported(feature, None):
return self
return None
# The "user data" functions use a dictionary that is only present
# if some user data has been set, so be careful not to assume it
# exists.
def getUserData(self, key):
return self._user_data[key][0]
except (AttributeError, KeyError):
return None
def setUserData(self, key, data, handler):
old = None
d = self._user_data
except AttributeError:
d = {}
self._user_data = d
if d.has_key(key):
old = d[key][0]
if data is None:
# ignore handlers passed for None
handler = None
if old is not None:
del d[key]
d[key] = (data, handler)
return old
def _call_user_data_handler(self, operation, src, dst):
if hasattr(self, "_user_data"):
for key, (data, handler) in self._user_data.items():
if handler is not None:
handler.handle(operation, key, data, src, dst)
# minidom-specific API:
def unlink(self):
self.parentNode = self.ownerDocument = None
if self.childNodes:
for child in self.childNodes:
self.childNodes = NodeList()
self.previousSibling = None
self.nextSibling = None
defproperty(Node, "firstChild", doc="First child node, or None.")
defproperty(Node, "lastChild", doc="Last child node, or None.")
defproperty(Node, "localName", doc="Namespace-local name of this node.")
def _append_child(self, node):
# fast path with less checks; usable by DOM builders if careful
childNodes = self.childNodes
if childNodes:
last = childNodes[-1]
node.__dict__["previousSibling"] = last
last.__dict__["nextSibling"] = node
node.__dict__["parentNode"] = self
def _in_document(node):
# return True iff node is part of a document tree
while node is not None:
if node.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE:
return True
node = node.parentNode
return False
def _write_data(writer, data):
"Writes datachars to writer."
data = data.replace("&", "&amp;").replace("<", "&lt;")
data = data.replace("\"", "&quot;").replace(">", "&gt;")
def _get_elements_by_tagName_helper(parent, name, rc):
for node in parent.childNodes:
if node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and \
(name == "*" or node.tagName == name):
_get_elements_by_tagName_helper(node, name, rc)
return rc
def _get_elements_by_tagName_ns_helper(parent, nsURI, localName, rc):
for node in parent.childNodes:
if node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
if ((localName == "*" or node.localName == localName) and
(nsURI == "*" or node.namespaceURI == nsURI)):
_get_elements_by_tagName_ns_helper(node, nsURI, localName, rc)
return rc
class DocumentFragment(Node):
nodeName = "#document-fragment"
nodeValue = None
attributes = None
parentNode = None
_child_node_types = (Node.ELEMENT_NODE,
def __init__(self):
self.childNodes = NodeList()
class Attr(Node):
nodeType = Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE
attributes = None
ownerElement = None
specified = False
_is_id = False
_child_node_types = (Node.TEXT_NODE, Node.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE)
def __init__(self, qName, namespaceURI=EMPTY_NAMESPACE, localName=None,
# skip setattr for performance
d = self.__dict__
d["nodeName"] = d["name"] = qName
d["namespaceURI"] = namespaceURI
d["prefix"] = prefix
d['childNodes'] = NodeList()
# Add the single child node that represents the value of the attr
# nodeValue and value are set elsewhere
def _get_localName(self):
return self.nodeName.split(":", 1)[-1]
def _get_name(self):
return self.name
def _get_specified(self):
return self.specified
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
d = self.__dict__
if name in ("value", "nodeValue"):
d["value"] = d["nodeValue"] = value
d2 = self.childNodes[0].__dict__
d2["data"] = d2["nodeValue"] = value
if self.ownerElement is not None:
elif name in ("name", "nodeName"):
d["name"] = d["nodeName"] = value
if self.ownerElement is not None:
d[name] = value
def _set_prefix(self, prefix):
nsuri = self.namespaceURI
if prefix == "xmlns":
if nsuri and nsuri != XMLNS_NAMESPACE:
raise xml.dom.NamespaceErr(
"illegal use of 'xmlns' prefix for the wrong namespace")
d = self.__dict__
d['prefix'] = prefix
if prefix is None:
newName = self.localName
newName = "%s:%s" % (prefix, self.localName)
if self.ownerElement:
d['nodeName'] = d['name'] = newName
def _set_value(self, value):
d = self.__dict__
d['value'] = d['nodeValue'] = value
if self.ownerElement:
self.childNodes[0].data = value
def unlink(self):
# This implementation does not call the base implementation
# since most of that is not needed, and the expense of the
# method call is not warranted. We duplicate the removal of
# children, but that's all we needed from the base class.
elem = self.ownerElement
if elem is not None:
del elem._attrs[self.nodeName]
del elem._attrsNS[(self.namespaceURI, self.localName)]
if self._is_id:
self._is_id = False
elem._magic_id_nodes -= 1
self.ownerDocument._magic_id_count -= 1
for child in self.childNodes:
del self.childNodes[:]
def _get_isId(self):
if self._is_id:
return True
doc = self.ownerDocument
elem = self.ownerElement
if doc is None or elem is None:
return False
info = doc._get_elem_info(elem)
if info is None:
return False
if self.namespaceURI:
return info.isIdNS(self.namespaceURI, self.localName)
return info.isId(self.nodeName)
def _get_schemaType(self):
doc = self.ownerDocument
elem = self.ownerElement
if doc is None or elem is None:
return _no_type
info = doc._get_elem_info(elem)
if info is None:
return _no_type
if self.namespaceURI:
return info.getAttributeTypeNS(self.namespaceURI, self.localName)
return info.getAttributeType(self.nodeName)
defproperty(Attr, "isId", doc="True if this attribute is an ID.")
defproperty(Attr, "localName", doc="Namespace-local name of this attribute.")
defproperty(Attr, "schemaType", doc="Schema type for this attribute.")
class NamedNodeMap(NewStyle, GetattrMagic):
"""The attribute list is a transient interface to the underlying
dictionaries. Mutations here will change the underlying element's
Ordering is imposed artificially and does not reflect the order of
attributes as found in an input document.
__slots__ = ('_attrs', '_attrsNS', '_ownerElement')
def __init__(self, attrs, attrsNS, ownerElement):
self._attrs = attrs
self._attrsNS = attrsNS
self._ownerElement = ownerElement
def _get_length(self):
return len(self._attrs)
def item(self, index):
return self[self._attrs.keys()[index]]
except IndexError:
return None
def items(self):
L = []
for node in self._attrs.values():
L.append((node.nodeName, node.value))
return L
def itemsNS(self):
L = []
for node in self._attrs.values():
L.append(((node.namespaceURI, node.localName), node.value))
return L
def has_key(self, key):
if isinstance(key, StringTypes):
return self._attrs.has_key(key)
return self._attrsNS.has_key(key)
def keys(self):
return self._attrs.keys()
def keysNS(self):
return self._attrsNS.keys()
def values(self):
return self._attrs.values()
def get(self, name, value=None):
return self._attrs.get(name, value)
__len__ = _get_length
def __cmp__(self, other):
if self._attrs is getattr(other, "_attrs", None):
return 0
return cmp(id(self), id(other))
def __getitem__(self, attname_or_tuple):
if isinstance(attname_or_tuple, _TupleType):
return self._attrsNS[attname_or_tuple]
return self._attrs[attname_or_tuple]
# same as set
def __setitem__(self, attname, value):
if isinstance(value, StringTypes):
node = self._attrs[attname]
except KeyError:
node = Attr(attname)
node.ownerDocument = self._ownerElement.ownerDocument
node.value = value
if not isinstance(value, Attr):
raise TypeError, "value must be a string or Attr object"
node = value
def getNamedItem(self, name):
return self._attrs[name]
except KeyError:
return None
def getNamedItemNS(self, namespaceURI, localName):
return self._attrsNS[(namespaceURI, localName)]
except KeyError:
return None
def removeNamedItem(self, name):
n = self.getNamedItem(name)
if n is not None:
del self._attrs[n.nodeName]
del self._attrsNS[(n.namespaceURI, n.localName)]
if n.__dict__.has_key('ownerElement'):
n.__dict__['ownerElement'] = None
return n
raise xml.dom.NotFoundErr()
def removeNamedItemNS(self, namespaceURI, localName):
n = self.getNamedItemNS(namespaceURI, localName)
if n is not None:
del self._attrsNS[(n.namespaceURI, n.localName)]
del self._attrs[n.nodeName]
if n.__dict__.has_key('ownerElement'):
n.__dict__['ownerElement'] = None
return n
raise xml.dom.NotFoundErr()
def setNamedItem(self, node):
if not isinstance(node, Attr):
raise xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr(
"%s cannot be child of %s" % (repr(node), repr(self)))
old = self._attrs.get(node.name)
if old:
self._attrs[node.name] = node
self._attrsNS[(node.namespaceURI, node.localName)] = node
node.ownerElement = self._ownerElement
return old
def setNamedItemNS(self, node):
return self.setNamedItem(node)
def __delitem__(self, attname_or_tuple):
node = self[attname_or_tuple]
def __getstate__(self):
return self._attrs, self._attrsNS, self._ownerElement
def __setstate__(self, state):
self._attrs, self._attrsNS, self._ownerElement = state
defproperty(NamedNodeMap, "length",
doc="Number of nodes in the NamedNodeMap.")
AttributeList = NamedNodeMap
class TypeInfo(NewStyle):
__slots__ = 'namespace', 'name'
def __init__(self, namespace, name):
self.namespace = namespace
self.name = name
def __repr__(self):
if self.namespace:
return "<TypeInfo %s (from %s)>" % (`self.name`, `self.namespace`)
return "<TypeInfo %s>" % `self.name`
def _get_name(self):
return self.name
def _get_namespace(self):
return self.namespace
_no_type = TypeInfo(None, None)
class Element(Node):
nodeType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE
nodeValue = None
schemaType = _no_type
_magic_id_nodes = 0
_child_node_types = (Node.ELEMENT_NODE,
def __init__(self, tagName, namespaceURI=EMPTY_NAMESPACE, prefix=None,
self.tagName = self.nodeName = tagName
self.prefix = prefix
self.namespaceURI = namespaceURI
self.childNodes = NodeList()
self._attrs = {} # attributes are double-indexed:
self._attrsNS = {} # tagName -> Attribute
# URI,localName -> Attribute
# in the future: consider lazy generation
# of attribute objects this is too tricky
# for now because of headaches with
# namespaces.
def _get_localName(self):
return self.tagName.split(":", 1)[-1]
def _get_tagName(self):
return self.tagName
def unlink(self):
for attr in self._attrs.values():
self._attrs = None
self._attrsNS = None
def getAttribute(self, attname):
return self._attrs[attname].value
except KeyError:
return ""
def getAttributeNS(self, namespaceURI, localName):
return self._attrsNS[(namespaceURI, localName)].value
except KeyError:
return ""
def setAttribute(self, attname, value):
attr = self.getAttributeNode(attname)
if attr is None:
attr = Attr(attname)
# for performance
d = attr.__dict__
d["value"] = d["nodeValue"] = value
d["ownerDocument"] = self.ownerDocument
elif value != attr.value:
d = attr.__dict__
d["value"] = d["nodeValue"] = value
if attr.isId:
def setAttributeNS(self, namespaceURI, qualifiedName, value):
prefix, localname = _nssplit(qualifiedName)
attr = self.getAttributeNodeNS(namespaceURI, localname)
if attr is None:
# for performance
attr = Attr(qualifiedName, namespaceURI, localname, prefix)
d = attr.__dict__
d["prefix"] = prefix
d["nodeName"] = qualifiedName
d["value"] = d["nodeValue"] = value
d["ownerDocument"] = self.ownerDocument
d = attr.__dict__
if value != attr.value:
d["value"] = d["nodeValue"] = value
if attr.isId:
if attr.prefix != prefix:
d["prefix"] = prefix
d["nodeName"] = qualifiedName
def getAttributeNode(self, attrname):
return self._attrs.get(attrname)
def getAttributeNodeNS(self, namespaceURI, localName):
return self._attrsNS.get((namespaceURI, localName))
def setAttributeNode(self, attr):
if attr.ownerElement not in (None, self):
raise xml.dom.InuseAttributeErr("attribute node already owned")
old1 = self._attrs.get(attr.name, None)
if old1 is not None:
old2 = self._attrsNS.get((attr.namespaceURI, attr.localName), None)
if old2 is not None and old2 is not old1:
_set_attribute_node(self, attr)
if old1 is not attr:
# It might have already been part of this node, in which case
# it doesn't represent a change, and should not be returned.
return old1
if old2 is not attr:
return old2
setAttributeNodeNS = setAttributeNode
def removeAttribute(self, name):
attr = self._attrs[name]
except KeyError:
raise xml.dom.NotFoundErr()
def removeAttributeNS(self, namespaceURI, localName):
attr = self._attrsNS[(namespaceURI, localName)]
except KeyError:
raise xml.dom.NotFoundErr()
def removeAttributeNode(self, node):
if node is None:
raise xml.dom.NotFoundErr()
except KeyError:
raise xml.dom.NotFoundErr()
# Restore this since the node is still useful and otherwise
# unlinked
node.ownerDocument = self.ownerDocument
removeAttributeNodeNS = removeAttributeNode
def hasAttribute(self, name):
return self._attrs.has_key(name)
def hasAttributeNS(self, namespaceURI, localName):
return self._attrsNS.has_key((namespaceURI, localName))
def getElementsByTagName(self, name):
return _get_elements_by_tagName_helper(self, name, NodeList())
def getElementsByTagNameNS(self, namespaceURI, localName):
return _get_elements_by_tagName_ns_helper(
self, namespaceURI, localName, NodeList())
def __repr__(self):
return "<DOM Element: %s at %#x>" % (self.tagName, id(self))
def writexml(self, writer, indent="", addindent="", newl=""):
# indent = current indentation
# addindent = indentation to add to higher levels
# newl = newline string
writer.write(indent+"<" + self.tagName)
attrs = self._get_attributes()
a_names = attrs.keys()
for a_name in a_names:
writer.write(" %s=\"" % a_name)
_write_data(writer, attrs[a_name].value)
if self.childNodes:
for node in self.childNodes:
writer.write("%s</%s>%s" % (indent,self.tagName,newl))
def _get_attributes(self):
return NamedNodeMap(self._attrs, self._attrsNS, self)
def hasAttributes(self):
if self._attrs:
return True
return False
# DOM Level 3 attributes, based on the 22 Oct 2002 draft
def setIdAttribute(self, name):
idAttr = self.getAttributeNode(name)
def setIdAttributeNS(self, namespaceURI, localName):
idAttr = self.getAttributeNodeNS(namespaceURI, localName)
def setIdAttributeNode(self, idAttr):
if idAttr is None or not self.isSameNode(idAttr.ownerElement):
raise xml.dom.NotFoundErr()
if _get_containing_entref(self) is not None:
raise xml.dom.NoModificationAllowedErr()
if not idAttr._is_id:
idAttr.__dict__['_is_id'] = True
self._magic_id_nodes += 1
self.ownerDocument._magic_id_count += 1
defproperty(Element, "attributes",
doc="NamedNodeMap of attributes on the element.")
defproperty(Element, "localName",
doc="Namespace-local name of this element.")
def _set_attribute_node(element, attr):
element._attrs[attr.name] = attr
element._attrsNS[(attr.namespaceURI, attr.localName)] = attr
# This creates a circular reference, but Element.unlink()
# breaks the cycle since the references to the attribute
# dictionaries are tossed.
attr.__dict__['ownerElement'] = element
class Childless:
"""Mixin that makes childless-ness easy to implement and avoids
the complexity of the Node methods that deal with children.
attributes = None
childNodes = EmptyNodeList()
firstChild = None
lastChild = None
def _get_firstChild(self):
return None
def _get_lastChild(self):
return None
def appendChild(self, node):
raise xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr(
self.nodeName + " nodes cannot have children")
def hasChildNodes(self):
return False
def insertBefore(self, newChild, refChild):
raise xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr(
self.nodeName + " nodes do not have children")
def removeChild(self, oldChild):
raise xml.dom.NotFoundErr(
self.nodeName + " nodes do not have children")
def replaceChild(self, newChild, oldChild):
raise xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr(
self.nodeName + " nodes do not have children")
class ProcessingInstruction(Childless, Node):
def __init__(self, target, data):
self.target = self.nodeName = target
self.data = self.nodeValue = data
def _get_data(self):
return self.data
def _set_data(self, value):
d = self.__dict__
d['data'] = d['nodeValue'] = value
def _get_target(self):
return self.target
def _set_target(self, value):
d = self.__dict__
d['target'] = d['nodeName'] = value
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if name == "data" or name == "nodeValue":
self.__dict__['data'] = self.__dict__['nodeValue'] = value
elif name == "target" or name == "nodeName":
self.__dict__['target'] = self.__dict__['nodeName'] = value
self.__dict__[name] = value
def writexml(self, writer, indent="", addindent="", newl=""):
writer.write("%s<?%s %s?>%s" % (indent,self.target, self.data, newl))
class CharacterData(Childless, Node):
def _get_length(self):
return len(self.data)
__len__ = _get_length
def _get_data(self):
return self.__dict__['data']
def _set_data(self, data):
d = self.__dict__
d['data'] = d['nodeValue'] = data
_get_nodeValue = _get_data
_set_nodeValue = _set_data
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if name == "data" or name == "nodeValue":
self.__dict__['data'] = self.__dict__['nodeValue'] = value
self.__dict__[name] = value
def __repr__(self):
data = self.data
if len(data) > 10:
dotdotdot = "..."
dotdotdot = ""
return "<DOM %s node \"%s%s\">" % (
self.__class__.__name__, data[0:10], dotdotdot)
def substringData(self, offset, count):
if offset < 0:
raise xml.dom.IndexSizeErr("offset cannot be negative")
if offset >= len(self.data):
raise xml.dom.IndexSizeErr("offset cannot be beyond end of data")
if count < 0:
raise xml.dom.IndexSizeErr("count cannot be negative")
return self.data[offset:offset+count]
def appendData(self, arg):
self.data = self.data + arg
def insertData(self, offset, arg):
if offset < 0:
raise xml.dom.IndexSizeErr("offset cannot be negative")
if offset >= len(self.data):
raise xml.dom.IndexSizeErr("offset cannot be beyond end of data")
if arg:
self.data = "%s%s%s" % (
self.data[:offset], arg, self.data[offset:])
def deleteData(self, offset, count):
if offset < 0:
raise xml.dom.IndexSizeErr("offset cannot be negative")
if offset >= len(self.data):
raise xml.dom.IndexSizeErr("offset cannot be beyond end of data")
if count < 0:
raise xml.dom.IndexSizeErr("count cannot be negative")
if count:
self.data = self.data[:offset] + self.data[offset+count:]
def replaceData(self, offset, count, arg):
if offset < 0:
raise xml.dom.IndexSizeErr("offset cannot be negative")
if offset >= len(self.data):
raise xml.dom.IndexSizeErr("offset cannot be beyond end of data")
if count < 0:
raise xml.dom.IndexSizeErr("count cannot be negative")
if count:
self.data = "%s%s%s" % (
self.data[:offset], arg, self.data[offset+count:])
defproperty(CharacterData, "length", doc="Length of the string data.")
class Text(CharacterData):
# Make sure we don't add an instance __dict__ if we don't already
# have one, at least when that's possible:
# XXX this does not work, CharacterData is an old-style class
# __slots__ = ()
nodeType = Node.TEXT_NODE
nodeName = "#text"
attributes = None
def splitText(self, offset):
if offset < 0 or offset > len(self.data):
raise xml.dom.IndexSizeErr("illegal offset value")
newText = self.__class__()
newText.data = self.data[offset:]
newText.ownerDocument = self.ownerDocument
next = self.nextSibling
if self.parentNode and self in self.parentNode.childNodes:
if next is None:
self.parentNode.insertBefore(newText, next)
self.data = self.data[:offset]
return newText
def writexml(self, writer, indent="", addindent="", newl=""):
_write_data(writer, "%s%s%s"%(indent, self.data, newl))
# DOM Level 3 (WD 9 April 2002)
def _get_wholeText(self):
L = [self.data]
n = self.previousSibling
while n is not None:
if n.nodeType in (Node.TEXT_NODE, Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE):
L.insert(0, n.data)
n = n.previousSibling
n = self.nextSibling
while n is not None:
if n.nodeType in (Node.TEXT_NODE, Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE):
n = n.nextSibling
return ''.join(L)
def replaceWholeText(self, content):
# XXX This needs to be seriously changed if minidom ever
# supports EntityReference nodes.
parent = self.parentNode
n = self.previousSibling
while n is not None:
if n.nodeType in (Node.TEXT_NODE, Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE):
next = n.previousSibling
n = next
n = self.nextSibling
if not content:
while n is not None:
if n.nodeType in (Node.TEXT_NODE, Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE):
next = n.nextSibling
n = next
if content:
d = self.__dict__
d['data'] = content
d['nodeValue'] = content
return self
return None
def _get_isWhitespaceInElementContent(self):
if self.data.strip():
return False
elem = _get_containing_element(self)
if elem is None:
return False
info = self.ownerDocument._get_elem_info(elem)
if info is None:
return False
return info.isElementContent()
defproperty(Text, "isWhitespaceInElementContent",
doc="True iff this text node contains only whitespace"
" and is in element content.")
defproperty(Text, "wholeText",
doc="The text of all logically-adjacent text nodes.")
def _get_containing_element(node):
c = node.parentNode
while c is not None:
if c.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
return c
c = c.parentNode
return None
def _get_containing_entref(node):
c = node.parentNode
while c is not None:
if c.nodeType == Node.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE:
return c
c = c.parentNode
return None
class Comment(Childless, CharacterData):
nodeType = Node.COMMENT_NODE
nodeName = "#comment"
def __init__(self, data):
self.data = self.nodeValue = data
def writexml(self, writer, indent="", addindent="", newl=""):
writer.write("%s<!--%s-->%s" % (indent, self.data, newl))
class CDATASection(Text):
# Make sure we don't add an instance __dict__ if we don't already
# have one, at least when that's possible:
# XXX this does not work, Text is an old-style class
# __slots__ = ()
nodeName = "#cdata-section"
def writexml(self, writer, indent="", addindent="", newl=""):
if self.data.find("]]>") >= 0:
raise ValueError("']]>' not allowed in a CDATA section")
writer.write("<![CDATA[%s]]>" % self.data)
class ReadOnlySequentialNamedNodeMap(NewStyle, GetattrMagic):
__slots__ = '_seq',
def __init__(self, seq=()):
# seq should be a list or tuple
self._seq = seq
def __len__(self):
return len(self._seq)
def _get_length(self):
return len(self._seq)
def getNamedItem(self, name):
for n in self._seq:
if n.nodeName == name:
return n
def getNamedItemNS(self, namespaceURI, localName):
for n in self._seq:
if n.namespaceURI == namespaceURI and n.localName == localName:
return n
def __getitem__(self, name_or_tuple):
if isinstance(name_or_tuple, _TupleType):
node = self.getNamedItemNS(*name_or_tuple)
node = self.getNamedItem(name_or_tuple)
if node is None:
raise KeyError, name_or_tuple
return node
def item(self, index):
if index < 0:
return None
return self._seq[index]
except IndexError:
return None
def removeNamedItem(self, name):
raise xml.dom.NoModificationAllowedErr(
"NamedNodeMap instance is read-only")
def removeNamedItemNS(self, namespaceURI, localName):
raise xml.dom.NoModificationAllowedErr(
"NamedNodeMap instance is read-only")
def setNamedItem(self, node):
raise xml.dom.NoModificationAllowedErr(
"NamedNodeMap instance is read-only")
def setNamedItemNS(self, node):
raise xml.dom.NoModificationAllowedErr(
"NamedNodeMap instance is read-only")
def __getstate__(self):
return [self._seq]
def __setstate__(self, state):
self._seq = state[0]
defproperty(ReadOnlySequentialNamedNodeMap, "length",
doc="Number of entries in the NamedNodeMap.")
class Identified:
"""Mix-in class that supports the publicId and systemId attributes."""
# XXX this does not work, this is an old-style class
# __slots__ = 'publicId', 'systemId'
def _identified_mixin_init(self, publicId, systemId):
self.publicId = publicId
self.systemId = systemId
def _get_publicId(self):
return self.publicId
def _get_systemId(self):
return self.systemId
class DocumentType(Identified, Childless, Node):
nodeValue = None
name = None
publicId = None
systemId = None
internalSubset = None
def __init__(self, qualifiedName):
self.entities = ReadOnlySequentialNamedNodeMap()
self.notations = ReadOnlySequentialNamedNodeMap()
if qualifiedName:
prefix, localname = _nssplit(qualifiedName)
self.name = localname
self.nodeName = self.name
def _get_internalSubset(self):
return self.internalSubset
def cloneNode(self, deep):
if self.ownerDocument is None:
# it's ok
clone = DocumentType(None)
clone.name = self.name
clone.nodeName = self.name
operation = xml.dom.UserDataHandler.NODE_CLONED
if deep:
clone.entities._seq = []
clone.notations._seq = []
for n in self.notations._seq:
notation = Notation(n.nodeName, n.publicId, n.systemId)
n._call_user_data_handler(operation, n, notation)
for e in self.entities._seq:
entity = Entity(e.nodeName, e.publicId, e.systemId,
entity.actualEncoding = e.actualEncoding
entity.encoding = e.encoding
entity.version = e.version
e._call_user_data_handler(operation, n, entity)
self._call_user_data_handler(operation, self, clone)
return clone
return None
def writexml(self, writer, indent="", addindent="", newl=""):
writer.write("<!DOCTYPE ")
if self.publicId:
writer.write("\n PUBLIC '%s'\n '%s'"
% (self.publicId, self.systemId))
elif self.systemId:
writer.write("\n SYSTEM '%s'" % self.systemId)
if self.internalSubset is not None:
writer.write(" [")
class Entity(Identified, Node):
attributes = None
nodeType = Node.ENTITY_NODE
nodeValue = None
actualEncoding = None
encoding = None
version = None
def __init__(self, name, publicId, systemId, notation):
self.nodeName = name
self.notationName = notation
self.childNodes = NodeList()
self._identified_mixin_init(publicId, systemId)
def _get_actualEncoding(self):
return self.actualEncoding
def _get_encoding(self):
return self.encoding
def _get_version(self):
return self.version
def appendChild(self, newChild):
raise xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr(
"cannot append children to an entity node")
def insertBefore(self, newChild, refChild):
raise xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr(
"cannot insert children below an entity node")
def removeChild(self, oldChild):
raise xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr(
"cannot remove children from an entity node")
def replaceChild(self, newChild, oldChild):
raise xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr(
"cannot replace children of an entity node")
class Notation(Identified, Childless, Node):
nodeType = Node.NOTATION_NODE
nodeValue = None
def __init__(self, name, publicId, systemId):
self.nodeName = name
self._identified_mixin_init(publicId, systemId)
class DOMImplementation(DOMImplementationLS):
_features = [("core", "1.0"),
("core", "2.0"),
("core", "3.0"),
("core", None),
("xml", "1.0"),
("xml", "2.0"),
("xml", "3.0"),
("xml", None),
("ls-load", "3.0"),
("ls-load", None),
def hasFeature(self, feature, version):
if version == "":
version = None
return (feature.lower(), version) in self._features
def createDocument(self, namespaceURI, qualifiedName, doctype):
if doctype and doctype.parentNode is not None:
raise xml.dom.WrongDocumentErr(
"doctype object owned by another DOM tree")
doc = self._create_document()
add_root_element = not (namespaceURI is None
and qualifiedName is None
and doctype is None)
if not qualifiedName and add_root_element:
# The spec is unclear what to raise here; SyntaxErr
# would be the other obvious candidate. Since Xerces raises
# InvalidCharacterErr, and since SyntaxErr is not listed
# for createDocument, that seems to be the better choice.
# XXX: need to check for illegal characters here and in
# createElement.
# DOM Level III clears this up when talking about the return value
# of this function. If namespaceURI, qName and DocType are
# Null the document is returned without a document element
# Otherwise if doctype or namespaceURI are not None
# Then we go back to the above problem
raise xml.dom.InvalidCharacterErr("Element with no name")
if add_root_element:
prefix, localname = _nssplit(qualifiedName)
if prefix == "xml" \
and namespaceURI != "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace":
raise xml.dom.NamespaceErr("illegal use of 'xml' prefix")
if prefix and not namespaceURI:
raise xml.dom.NamespaceErr(
"illegal use of prefix without namespaces")
element = doc.createElementNS(namespaceURI, qualifiedName)
if doctype:
if doctype:
doctype.parentNode = doctype.ownerDocument = doc
doc.doctype = doctype
doc.implementation = self
return doc
def createDocumentType(self, qualifiedName, publicId, systemId):
doctype = DocumentType(qualifiedName)
doctype.publicId = publicId
doctype.systemId = systemId
return doctype
# DOM Level 3 (WD 9 April 2002)
def getInterface(self, feature):
if self.hasFeature(feature, None):
return self
return None
# internal
def _create_document(self):
return Document()
class ElementInfo(NewStyle):
"""Object that represents content-model information for an element.
This implementation is not expected to be used in practice; DOM
builders should provide implementations which do the right thing
using information available to it.
__slots__ = 'tagName',
def __init__(self, name):
self.tagName = name
def getAttributeType(self, aname):
return _no_type
def getAttributeTypeNS(self, namespaceURI, localName):
return _no_type
def isElementContent(self):
return False
def isEmpty(self):
"""Returns true iff this element is declared to have an EMPTY
content model."""
return False
def isId(self, aname):
"""Returns true iff the named attribte is a DTD-style ID."""
return False
def isIdNS(self, namespaceURI, localName):
"""Returns true iff the identified attribute is a DTD-style ID."""
return False
def __getstate__(self):
return self.tagName
def __setstate__(self, state):
self.tagName = state
def _clear_id_cache(node):
if node.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE:
node._id_search_stack = None
elif _in_document(node):
node.ownerDocument._id_search_stack= None
class Document(Node, DocumentLS):
nodeType = Node.DOCUMENT_NODE
nodeName = "#document"
nodeValue = None
attributes = None
doctype = None
parentNode = None
previousSibling = nextSibling = None
implementation = DOMImplementation()
# Document attributes from Level 3 (WD 9 April 2002)
actualEncoding = None
encoding = None
standalone = None
version = None
strictErrorChecking = False
errorHandler = None
documentURI = None
_magic_id_count = 0
def __init__(self):
self.childNodes = NodeList()
# mapping of (namespaceURI, localName) -> ElementInfo
# and tagName -> ElementInfo
self._elem_info = {}
self._id_cache = {}
self._id_search_stack = None
def _get_elem_info(self, element):
if element.namespaceURI:
key = element.namespaceURI, element.localName
key = element.tagName
return self._elem_info.get(key)
def _get_actualEncoding(self):
return self.actualEncoding
def _get_doctype(self):
return self.doctype
def _get_documentURI(self):
return self.documentURI
def _get_encoding(self):
return self.encoding
def _get_errorHandler(self):
return self.errorHandler
def _get_standalone(self):
return self.standalone
def _get_strictErrorChecking(self):
return self.strictErrorChecking
def _get_version(self):
return self.version
def appendChild(self, node):
if node.nodeType not in self._child_node_types:
raise xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr(
"%s cannot be child of %s" % (repr(node), repr(self)))
if node.parentNode is not None:
# This needs to be done before the next test since this
# may *be* the document element, in which case it should
# end up re-ordered to the end.
if node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE \
and self._get_documentElement():
raise xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr(
"two document elements disallowed")
return Node.appendChild(self, node)
def removeChild(self, oldChild):
except ValueError:
raise xml.dom.NotFoundErr()
oldChild.nextSibling = oldChild.previousSibling = None
oldChild.parentNode = None
if self.documentElement is oldChild:
self.documentElement = None
return oldChild
def _get_documentElement(self):
for node in self.childNodes:
if node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
return node
def unlink(self):
if self.doctype is not None:
self.doctype = None
def cloneNode(self, deep):
if not deep:
return None
clone = self.implementation.createDocument(None, None, None)
clone.encoding = self.encoding
clone.standalone = self.standalone
clone.version = self.version
for n in self.childNodes:
childclone = _clone_node(n, deep, clone)
assert childclone.ownerDocument.isSameNode(clone)
if childclone.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE:
assert clone.documentElement is None
elif childclone.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE:
assert clone.doctype is None
clone.doctype = childclone
childclone.parentNode = clone
self, clone)
return clone
def createDocumentFragment(self):
d = DocumentFragment()
d.ownerDocument = self
return d
def createElement(self, tagName):
e = Element(tagName)
e.ownerDocument = self
return e
def createTextNode(self, data):
if not isinstance(data, StringTypes):
raise TypeError, "node contents must be a string"
t = Text()
t.data = data
t.ownerDocument = self
return t
def createCDATASection(self, data):
if not isinstance(data, StringTypes):
raise TypeError, "node contents must be a string"
c = CDATASection()
c.data = data
c.ownerDocument = self
return c
def createComment(self, data):
c = Comment(data)
c.ownerDocument = self
return c
def createProcessingInstruction(self, target, data):
p = ProcessingInstruction(target, data)
p.ownerDocument = self
return p
def createAttribute(self, qName):
a = Attr(qName)
a.ownerDocument = self
a.value = ""
return a
def createElementNS(self, namespaceURI, qualifiedName):
prefix, localName = _nssplit(qualifiedName)
e = Element(qualifiedName, namespaceURI, prefix)
e.ownerDocument = self
return e
def createAttributeNS(self, namespaceURI, qualifiedName):
prefix, localName = _nssplit(qualifiedName)
a = Attr(qualifiedName, namespaceURI, localName, prefix)
a.ownerDocument = self
a.value = ""
return a
# A couple of implementation-specific helpers to create node types
# not supported by the W3C DOM specs:
def _create_entity(self, name, publicId, systemId, notationName):
e = Entity(name, publicId, systemId, notationName)
e.ownerDocument = self
return e
def _create_notation(self, name, publicId, systemId):
n = Notation(name, publicId, systemId)
n.ownerDocument = self
return n
def getElementById(self, id):
if self._id_cache.has_key(id):
return self._id_cache[id]
if not (self._elem_info or self._magic_id_count):
return None
stack = self._id_search_stack
if stack is None:
# we never searched before, or the cache has been cleared
stack = [self.documentElement]
self._id_search_stack = stack
elif not stack:
# Previous search was completed and cache is still valid;
# no matching node.
return None
result = None
while stack:
node = stack.pop()
# add child elements to stack for continued searching
stack.extend([child for child in node.childNodes
if child.nodeType in _nodeTypes_with_children])
# check this node
info = self._get_elem_info(node)
if info:
# We have to process all ID attributes before
# returning in order to get all the attributes set to
# be IDs using Element.setIdAttribute*().
for attr in node.attributes.values():
if attr.namespaceURI:
if info.isIdNS(attr.namespaceURI, attr.localName):
self._id_cache[attr.value] = node
if attr.value == id:
result = node
elif not node._magic_id_nodes:
elif info.isId(attr.name):
self._id_cache[attr.value] = node
if attr.value == id:
result = node
elif not node._magic_id_nodes:
elif attr._is_id:
self._id_cache[attr.value] = node
if attr.value == id:
result = node
elif node._magic_id_nodes == 1:
elif node._magic_id_nodes:
for attr in node.attributes.values():
if attr._is_id:
self._id_cache[attr.value] = node
if attr.value == id:
result = node
if result is not None:
return result
def getElementsByTagName(self, name):
return _get_elements_by_tagName_helper(self, name, NodeList())
def getElementsByTagNameNS(self, namespaceURI, localName):
return _get_elements_by_tagName_ns_helper(
self, namespaceURI, localName, NodeList())
def isSupported(self, feature, version):
return self.implementation.hasFeature(feature, version)
def importNode(self, node, deep):
if node.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE:
raise xml.dom.NotSupportedErr("cannot import document nodes")
elif node.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE:
raise xml.dom.NotSupportedErr("cannot import document type nodes")
return _clone_node(node, deep, self)
def writexml(self, writer, indent="", addindent="", newl="",
encoding = None):
if encoding is None:
writer.write('<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n')
writer.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="%s"?>\n' % encoding)
for node in self.childNodes:
node.writexml(writer, indent, addindent, newl)
# DOM Level 3 (WD 9 April 2002)
def renameNode(self, n, namespaceURI, name):
if n.ownerDocument is not self:
raise xml.dom.WrongDocumentErr(
"cannot rename nodes from other documents;\n"
"expected %s,\nfound %s" % (self, n.ownerDocument))
if n.nodeType not in (Node.ELEMENT_NODE, Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE):
raise xml.dom.NotSupportedErr(
"renameNode() only applies to element and attribute nodes")
if namespaceURI != EMPTY_NAMESPACE:
if ':' in name:
prefix, localName = name.split(':', 1)
if ( prefix == "xmlns"
and namespaceURI != xml.dom.XMLNS_NAMESPACE):
raise xml.dom.NamespaceErr(
"illegal use of 'xmlns' prefix")
if ( name == "xmlns"
and namespaceURI != xml.dom.XMLNS_NAMESPACE
and n.nodeType == Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE):
raise xml.dom.NamespaceErr(
"illegal use of the 'xmlns' attribute")
prefix = None
localName = name
prefix = None
localName = None
if n.nodeType == Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE:
element = n.ownerElement
if element is not None:
is_id = n._is_id
element = None
# avoid __setattr__
d = n.__dict__
d['prefix'] = prefix
d['localName'] = localName
d['namespaceURI'] = namespaceURI
d['nodeName'] = name
if n.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
d['tagName'] = name
# attribute node
d['name'] = name
if element is not None:
if is_id:
# It's not clear from a semantic perspective whether we should
# call the user data handlers for the NODE_RENAMED event since
# we're re-using the existing node. The draft spec has been
# interpreted as meaning "no, don't call the handler unless a
# new node is created."
return n
defproperty(Document, "documentElement",
doc="Top-level element of this document.")
def _clone_node(node, deep, newOwnerDocument):
Clone a node and give it the new owner document.
Called by Node.cloneNode and Document.importNode
if node.ownerDocument.isSameNode(newOwnerDocument):
operation = xml.dom.UserDataHandler.NODE_CLONED
operation = xml.dom.UserDataHandler.NODE_IMPORTED
if node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
clone = newOwnerDocument.createElementNS(node.namespaceURI,
for attr in node.attributes.values():
clone.setAttributeNS(attr.namespaceURI, attr.nodeName, attr.value)
a = clone.getAttributeNodeNS(attr.namespaceURI, attr.localName)
a.specified = attr.specified
if deep:
for child in node.childNodes:
c = _clone_node(child, deep, newOwnerDocument)
elif node.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE:
clone = newOwnerDocument.createDocumentFragment()
if deep:
for child in node.childNodes:
c = _clone_node(child, deep, newOwnerDocument)
elif node.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE:
clone = newOwnerDocument.createTextNode(node.data)
elif node.nodeType == Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE:
clone = newOwnerDocument.createCDATASection(node.data)
elif node.nodeType == Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE:
clone = newOwnerDocument.createProcessingInstruction(node.target,
elif node.nodeType == Node.COMMENT_NODE:
clone = newOwnerDocument.createComment(node.data)
elif node.nodeType == Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE:
clone = newOwnerDocument.createAttributeNS(node.namespaceURI,
clone.specified = True
clone.value = node.value
elif node.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE:
assert node.ownerDocument is not newOwnerDocument
operation = xml.dom.UserDataHandler.NODE_IMPORTED
clone = newOwnerDocument.implementation.createDocumentType(
node.name, node.publicId, node.systemId)
clone.ownerDocument = newOwnerDocument
if deep:
clone.entities._seq = []
clone.notations._seq = []
for n in node.notations._seq:
notation = Notation(n.nodeName, n.publicId, n.systemId)
notation.ownerDocument = newOwnerDocument
if hasattr(n, '_call_user_data_handler'):
n._call_user_data_handler(operation, n, notation)
for e in node.entities._seq:
entity = Entity(e.nodeName, e.publicId, e.systemId,
entity.actualEncoding = e.actualEncoding
entity.encoding = e.encoding
entity.version = e.version
entity.ownerDocument = newOwnerDocument
if hasattr(e, '_call_user_data_handler'):
e._call_user_data_handler(operation, n, entity)
# Note the cloning of Document and DocumentType nodes is
# implemenetation specific. minidom handles those cases
# directly in the cloneNode() methods.
raise xml.dom.NotSupportedErr("Cannot clone node %s" % repr(node))
# Check for _call_user_data_handler() since this could conceivably
# used with other DOM implementations (one of the FourThought
# DOMs, perhaps?).
if hasattr(node, '_call_user_data_handler'):
node._call_user_data_handler(operation, node, clone)
return clone
def _nssplit(qualifiedName):
fields = qualifiedName.split(':', 1)
if len(fields) == 2:
return fields
return (None, fields[0])
def _get_StringIO():
# we can't use cStringIO since it doesn't support Unicode strings
from StringIO import StringIO
return StringIO()
def _do_pulldom_parse(func, args, kwargs):
events = apply(func, args, kwargs)
toktype, rootNode = events.getEvent()
return rootNode
def parse(file, parser=None, bufsize=None):
"""Parse a file into a DOM by filename or file object."""
if parser is None and not bufsize:
from xml.dom import expatbuilder
return expatbuilder.parse(file)
from xml.dom import pulldom
return _do_pulldom_parse(pulldom.parse, (file,),
{'parser': parser, 'bufsize': bufsize})
def parseString(string, parser=None):
"""Parse a file into a DOM from a string."""
if parser is None:
from xml.dom import expatbuilder
return expatbuilder.parseString(string)
from xml.dom import pulldom
return _do_pulldom_parse(pulldom.parseString, (string,),
{'parser': parser})
def getDOMImplementation(features=None):
if features:
if isinstance(features, StringTypes):
features = domreg._parse_feature_string(features)
for f, v in features:
if not Document.implementation.hasFeature(f, v):
return None
return Document.implementation