
665 lines
14 KiB

.. date: 2024-06-26-14-09-31
.. gh-issue: 120838
.. nonce: nFeTL9
.. release date: 2024-06-27
.. section: Core and Builtins
:c:func:`Py_Finalize()` and :c:func:`Py_FinalizeEx()` now always run with
the main interpreter active.
.. date: 2024-06-26-13-42-36
.. gh-issue: 113433
.. nonce: xKAtLB
.. section: Core and Builtins
Subinterpreters now get cleaned up automatically during runtime
.. date: 2024-06-19-11-10-50
.. gh-issue: 119462
.. nonce: DpcqSe
.. section: Core and Builtins
Make sure that invariants of type versioning are maintained: * Superclasses
always have their version number assigned before subclasses * The version
tag is always zero if the tag is not valid. * The version tag is always
non-zero if the tag is valid.
.. date: 2024-06-19-01-58-54
.. gh-issue: 120437
.. nonce: nCkIoI
.. section: Core and Builtins
Fix ``_CHECK_STACK_SPACE`` optimization problems introduced in :gh:`118322`.
.. date: 2024-06-18-22-41-05
.. gh-issue: 120722
.. nonce: rS7tkE
.. section: Core and Builtins
Correctly set the bytecode position on return instructions within lambdas.
Patch by Jelle Zijlstra.
.. date: 2024-06-18-21-34-30
.. gh-issue: 120367
.. nonce: zDwffP
.. section: Core and Builtins
Fix bug where compiler creates a redundant jump during pseudo-op
replacement. Can only happen with a synthetic AST that has a try on the same
line as the instruction following the exception handler.
.. date: 2024-06-14-22-02-25
.. gh-issue: 113993
.. nonce: MiA0vX
.. section: Core and Builtins
Strings interned with :func:`sys.intern` are again garbage-collected when no
longer used, as per the documentation. Strings interned with the C function
:c:func:`PyUnicode_InternInPlace` are still immortal. Internals of the
string interning mechanism have been changed. This may affect performance
and identities of :class:`str` objects.
.. date: 2024-06-13-12-17-52
.. gh-issue: 120384
.. nonce: w1UBGl
.. section: Core and Builtins
Fix an array out of bounds crash in ``list_ass_subscript``, which could be
invoked via some specificly tailored input: including concurrent
modification of a list object, where one thread assigns a slice and another
clears it.
.. date: 2024-06-12-18-50-29
.. gh-issue: 120367
.. nonce: LmXx2y
.. section: Core and Builtins
Fix crash in compiler on code with redundant NOPs and JUMPs which show up
after exception handlers are moved to the end of the code.
.. date: 2024-06-12-18-23-15
.. gh-issue: 120380
.. nonce: edtqjq
.. section: Core and Builtins
Fix Python implementation of :class:`pickle.Pickler` for :class:`bytes` and
:class:`bytearray` objects when using protocol version 5. Patch by Bénédikt
.. date: 2024-06-12-12-29-45
.. gh-issue: 120400
.. nonce: lZYHVS
.. section: Core and Builtins
Support Linux perf profiler to see Python calls on RISC-V architecture.
.. date: 2024-06-11-17-56-12
.. gh-issue: 120221
.. nonce: si9hM9
.. section: Core and Builtins
Deliver real signals on Ctrl-C and Ctrl-Z in the new REPL. Patch by Pablo
.. date: 2024-06-11-12-47-54
.. gh-issue: 120346
.. nonce: hhn_6X
.. section: Core and Builtins
Respect :envvar:`PYTHON_BASIC_REPL` when running in interative inspect mode
(``python -i``). Patch by Pablo Galindo
.. date: 2024-06-10-22-30-26
.. gh-issue: 93691
.. nonce: 68WOTS
.. section: Core and Builtins
Fix source locations of instructions generated for the iterator of a for
.. date: 2024-06-10-15-07-16
.. gh-issue: 120198
.. nonce: WW_pjO
.. section: Core and Builtins
Fix a crash when multiple threads read and write to the same ``__class__``
of an object concurrently.
.. date: 2024-06-10-10-42-48
.. gh-issue: 120298
.. nonce: napREA
.. section: Core and Builtins
Fix use-after free in ``list_richcompare_impl`` which can be invoked via
some specificly tailored evil input.
.. date: 2024-06-09-19-13-38
.. gh-issue: 119666
.. nonce: S0G4rZ
.. section: Core and Builtins
Fix a compiler crash in the case where two comprehensions in class scope
both reference ``__class__``.
.. date: 2024-06-07-16-09-04
.. gh-issue: 120225
.. nonce: kuYf9t
.. section: Core and Builtins
Fix crash in compiler on empty block at end of exception handler.
.. date: 2024-06-03-13-48-44
.. gh-issue: 119933
.. nonce: Kc0HG5
.. section: Core and Builtins
Improve :exc:`SyntaxError` messages for invalid expressions in a type
parameters bound, a type parameter constraint tuple or a default type
parameter. Patch by Bénédikt Tran.
.. bpo: 24766
.. date: 2018-10-09-15-14-53
.. nonce: c_C1Wc
.. section: Core and Builtins
Fix handling of ``doc`` argument to subclasses of ``property``.
.. date: 2024-06-27-13-47-14
.. gh-issue: 121027
.. nonce: jh55EC
.. section: Library
Add a future warning in :meth:`!functools.partial.__get__`. In future Python
versions :class:`functools.partial` will be a method descriptor.
.. date: 2024-06-26-10-13-40
.. gh-issue: 121025
.. nonce: M-XXlV
.. section: Library
Improve the :meth:`~object.__repr__` of :class:`functools.partialmethod`.
Patch by Bénédikt Tran.
.. date: 2024-06-26-03-04-24
.. gh-issue: 121018
.. nonce: clVSc4
.. section: Library
Fixed an issue where :meth:`!argparse.ArgumentParser.parses_args` did not
honor ``exit_on_error=False`` when given unrecognized arguments. Patch by
Ben Hsing.
.. date: 2024-06-23-17-50-40
.. gh-issue: 119614
.. nonce: vwPGLB
.. section: Library
Fix truncation of strings with embedded null characters in some internal
operations in :mod:`tkinter`.
.. date: 2024-06-23-11-21-27
.. gh-issue: 120910
.. nonce: t0QXdB
.. section: Library
When reading installed files from an egg, use ``relative_to(walk_up=True)``
to honor files installed outside of the installation root.
.. date: 2024-06-22-22-52-24
.. gh-issue: 120888
.. nonce: sd8I3N
.. section: Library
Upgrade pip wheel bundled with ensurepip (pip 24.1.1)
.. date: 2024-06-22-22-23-56
.. gh-issue: 101830
.. nonce: 1BAoxH
.. section: Library
Accessing the :mod:`tkinter` object's string representation no longer
converts the underlying Tcl object to a string on Windows.
.. date: 2024-06-21-14-32-56
.. gh-issue: 120811
.. nonce: eBmVTV
.. section: Library
Fix possible memory leak in :meth:`contextvars.Context.run`.
.. date: 2024-06-20-01-31-24
.. gh-issue: 120769
.. nonce: PfiMrc
.. section: Library
Make empty line in :mod:`pdb` repeats the last command even when the command
is from ``cmdqueue``.
.. date: 2024-06-19-15-06-58
.. gh-issue: 120732
.. nonce: OvYV9b
.. section: Library
Fix ``name`` passing to :class:`unittest.mock.Mock` object when using
.. date: 2024-06-18-19-18-10
.. gh-issue: 120683
.. nonce: xmRez7
.. section: Library
Fix an error in :class:`logging.LogRecord`, when the integer part of the
timestamp is rounded up, while the millisecond calculation truncates,
causing the log timestamp to be wrong by up to 999 ms (affected roughly 1 in
8 million timestamps).
.. date: 2024-06-17-20-04-13
.. gh-issue: 120633
.. nonce: kZC5wt
.. section: Library
Move scrollbar and remove tear-off menus in turtledemo.
.. date: 2024-06-15-12-04-46
.. gh-issue: 120541
.. nonce: d3cc5y
.. section: Library
Improve the prompt in the "less" pager when :func:`help` is called with
non-string argument.
.. date: 2024-06-14-20-05-25
.. gh-issue: 120495
.. nonce: OxgZKB
.. section: Library
Fix incorrect exception handling in Tab Nanny. Patch by Wulian233.
.. date: 2024-06-12-11-54-05
.. gh-issue: 120381
.. nonce: O-BNLs
.. section: Library
Correct :func:`inspect.ismethoddescriptor` to check also for the lack of
:meth:`~object.__delete__`. Patch by Jan Kaliszewski.
.. date: 2024-06-12-10-00-31
.. gh-issue: 90425
.. nonce: 5CfkKG
.. section: Library
The OS byte in gzip headers is now always set to 255 when using
.. date: 2024-06-11-16-34-41
.. gh-issue: 120343
.. nonce: hdiXeU
.. section: Library
Fix column offset reporting for tokens that come after multiline f-strings
in the :mod:`tokenize` module.
.. date: 2024-06-10-14-00-40
.. gh-issue: 119600
.. nonce: jJMf4C
.. section: Library
Fix :func:`unittest.mock.patch` to not read attributes of the target when
``new_callable`` is set. Patch by Robert Collins.
.. date: 2024-06-08-15-46-35
.. gh-issue: 114053
.. nonce: Ub2XgJ
.. section: Library
Fix edge-case bug where :func:`typing.get_type_hints` would produce
incorrect results if type parameters in a class scope were overridden by
assignments in a class scope and ``from __future__ import annotations``
semantics were enabled. Patch by Alex Waygood.
.. date: 2024-06-08-15-15-29
.. gh-issue: 114053
.. nonce: WQLAFG
.. section: Library
Fix erroneous :exc:`NameError` when calling :func:`inspect.get_annotations`
with ``eval_str=True``` on a class that made use of :pep:`695` type
parameters in a module that had ``from __future__ import annotations`` at
the top of the file. Patch by Alex Waygood.
.. date: 2024-06-08-14-36-40
.. gh-issue: 120268
.. nonce: MNpd1q
.. section: Library
Prohibit passing ``None`` to pure-Python :meth:`datetime.date.fromtimestamp`
to achieve consistency with C-extension implementation.
.. date: 2024-06-08-09-45-31
.. gh-issue: 120244
.. nonce: 8o9Dzr
.. section: Library
Fix memory leak in :func:`re.sub` when the replacement string contains
.. date: 2024-06-07-13-21-11
.. gh-issue: 120211
.. nonce: Rws_gf
.. section: Library
Fix :mod:`tkinter.ttk` with Tcl/Tk 9.0.
.. date: 2024-06-07-11-23-31
.. gh-issue: 71587
.. nonce: IjFajE
.. section: Library
Fix crash in C version of :meth:`datetime.datetime.strptime` when called
again on the restarted interpreter.
.. date: 2024-06-06-17-24-43
.. gh-issue: 120161
.. nonce: DahNXV
.. section: Library
:mod:`datetime` no longer crashes in certain complex reference cycle
.. date: 2024-06-06-12-07-57
.. gh-issue: 119698
.. nonce: rRrprk
.. section: Library
Fix :meth:`symtable.Class.get_methods` and document its behaviour. Patch by
Bénédikt Tran.
.. date: 2024-06-05-16-30-28
.. gh-issue: 120121
.. nonce: 9dz8i7
.. section: Library
Add :exc:`concurrent.futures.InvalidStateError` to module's ``__all__``.
.. date: 2024-06-05-11-39-21
.. gh-issue: 119933
.. nonce: ooJXQV
.. section: Library
Add the :class:`symtable.SymbolTableType` enumeration to represent the
possible outputs of the :class:`symtable.SymbolTable.get_type` method. Patch
by Bénédikt Tran.
.. date: 2024-06-05-08-02-46
.. gh-issue: 120108
.. nonce: 4U9BL8
.. section: Library
Fix calling :func:`copy.deepcopy` on :mod:`ast` trees that have been
modified to have references to parent nodes. Patch by Jelle Zijlstra.
.. date: 2024-06-04-19-03-25
.. gh-issue: 112672
.. nonce: K2XfZH
.. section: Library
Support building :mod:`tkinter` with Tcl 9.0.
.. date: 2024-06-04-08-57-02
.. gh-issue: 65454
.. nonce: o9j4wF
.. section: Library
:func:`unittest.mock.Mock.attach_mock` no longer triggers a call to a
``PropertyMock`` being attached.
.. date: 2024-06-02-13-35-11
.. gh-issue: 81936
.. nonce: ETeW9x
.. section: Library
:meth:`!help` and :meth:`!showtopic` methods now respect a configured
*output* argument to :class:`!pydoc.Helper` and not use the pager in such
cases. Patch by Enrico Tröger.
.. date: 2024-05-29-21-50-05
.. gh-issue: 119577
.. nonce: S3BlKJ
.. section: Library
The :exc:`DeprecationWarning` emitted when testing the truth value of an
:class:`xml.etree.ElementTree.Element` now describes unconditionally
returning ``True`` in a future version rather than raising an exception in
Python 3.14.
.. date: 2024-05-25-10-40-38
.. gh-issue: 118908
.. nonce: XcZiq4
.. section: Library
Limit exposed globals from internal imports and definitions on new REPL
startup. Patch by Eugene Triguba and Pablo Galindo.
.. date: 2024-05-24-14-32-24
.. gh-issue: 119506
.. nonce: -nMNqq
.. section: Library
Fix :meth:`!io.TextIOWrapper.write` method breaks internal buffer when the
method is called again during flushing internal buffer.
.. date: 2024-06-21-09-24-03
.. gh-issue: 120671
.. nonce: Z8sBQB
.. section: Build
Fix failing configure tests due to a missing space when appending to CFLAGS.
.. date: 2024-06-19-21-05-15
.. gh-issue: 120602
.. nonce: UyDARz
.. section: Build
Correctly handle LLVM installs with ``LLVM_VERSION_SUFFIX`` when building
with ``--enable-experimental-jit``.
.. date: 2024-06-11-00-38-05
.. gh-issue: 120326
.. nonce: JHSDF1
.. section: Build
On Windows, fix build error when ``--disable-gil`` and
``--experimental-jit`` options are combined.
.. date: 2024-06-09-15-54-22
.. gh-issue: 120291
.. nonce: IpfHzE
.. section: Build
Make the ``python-config`` shell script compatible with non-bash shells.
.. date: 2024-06-26-11-29-01
.. gh-issue: 120642
.. nonce: H7P9qK
.. section: C API
Remove the private ``_Py_CODEUNIT`` type from the public C API. The internal
``pycore_code.h`` header should now be used to get this internal type. Patch
by Victor Stinner.
.. date: 2024-06-21-16-41-21
.. gh-issue: 120858
.. nonce: Z5_-Mn
.. section: C API
:c:func:`PyDict_Next` no longer locks the dictionary in the free-threaded
build. The locking needs to be done by the caller around the entire
iteration loop.
.. date: 2024-06-19-21-27-42
.. gh-issue: 120642
.. nonce: UlKClN
.. section: C API
Remove the following unstable functions:
* ``PyUnstable_Replace_Executor()``
* ``PyUnstable_SetOptimizer()``
* ``PyUnstable_GetOptimizer()``
* ``PyUnstable_GetExecutor()``
* ``PyUnstable_Optimizer_NewCounter()``
* ``PyUnstable_Optimizer_NewUOpOptimizer()``
Patch by Victor Stinner.
.. date: 2024-05-21-19-41-41
.. gh-issue: 119344
.. nonce: QKvzQb
.. section: C API
The critical section API is now public as part of the non-limited C API.
.. date: 2024-05-08-21-57-50
.. gh-issue: 118789
.. nonce: Ni4UQx
.. section: C API
Add :c:func:`PyUnstable_Object_ClearWeakRefsNoCallbacks`, which clears
weakrefs without calling their callbacks.
.. date: 2024-04-10-16-48-04
.. gh-issue: 117511
.. nonce: RZtBRK
.. section: C API
Make the :c:type:`PyMutex` public in the non-limited C API.