
532 lines
19 KiB

import unittest
import sys
import os
from test import support
# Skip this test if the _tkinter module wasn't built.
_tkinter = support.import_module('_tkinter')
# Make sure tkinter._fix runs to set up the environment
from tkinter import Tcl
from _tkinter import TclError
from _testcapi import INT_MAX, PY_SSIZE_T_MAX
except ImportError:
INT_MAX = PY_SSIZE_T_MAX = sys.maxsize
tcl_version = _tkinter.TCL_VERSION.split('.')
for i in range(len(tcl_version)):
tcl_version[i] = int(tcl_version[i])
except ValueError:
tcl_version = tuple(tcl_version)
_tk_patchlevel = None
def get_tk_patchlevel():
global _tk_patchlevel
if _tk_patchlevel is None:
tcl = Tcl()
patchlevel = []
for x in tcl.call('info', 'patchlevel').split('.'):
x = int(x, 10)
except ValueError:
x = -1
_tk_patchlevel = tuple(patchlevel)
return _tk_patchlevel
class TkinterTest(unittest.TestCase):
def testFlattenLen(self):
# flatten(<object with no length>)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, _tkinter._flatten, True)
class TclTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.interp = Tcl()
self.wantobjects = self.interp.tk.wantobjects()
def testEval(self):
tcl = self.interp
tcl.eval('set a 1')
self.assertEqual(tcl.eval('set a'),'1')
def test_eval_null_in_result(self):
tcl = self.interp
self.assertEqual(tcl.eval('set a "a\\0b"'), 'a\x00b')
def testEvalException(self):
tcl = self.interp
self.assertRaises(TclError,tcl.eval,'set a')
def testEvalException2(self):
tcl = self.interp
self.assertRaises(TclError,tcl.eval,'this is wrong')
def testCall(self):
tcl = self.interp
def testCallException(self):
tcl = self.interp
def testCallException2(self):
tcl = self.interp
def testSetVar(self):
tcl = self.interp
self.assertEqual(tcl.eval('set a'),'1')
def testSetVarArray(self):
tcl = self.interp
self.assertEqual(tcl.eval('set a(1)'),'1')
def testGetVar(self):
tcl = self.interp
tcl.eval('set a 1')
def testGetVarArray(self):
tcl = self.interp
tcl.eval('set a(1) 1')
def testGetVarException(self):
tcl = self.interp
def testGetVarArrayException(self):
tcl = self.interp
def testUnsetVar(self):
tcl = self.interp
self.assertEqual(tcl.eval('info exists a'),'1')
self.assertEqual(tcl.eval('info exists a'),'0')
def testUnsetVarArray(self):
tcl = self.interp
self.assertEqual(tcl.eval('info exists a(1)'),'1')
self.assertEqual(tcl.eval('info exists a(2)'),'1')
self.assertEqual(tcl.eval('info exists a(1)'),'0')
self.assertEqual(tcl.eval('info exists a(2)'),'1')
def testUnsetVarException(self):
tcl = self.interp
def testEvalFile(self):
tcl = self.interp
with open(support.TESTFN, 'w') as f:
self.addCleanup(support.unlink, support.TESTFN)
f.write("""set a 1
set b 2
set c [ expr $a + $b ]
self.assertEqual(tcl.eval('set a'),'1')
self.assertEqual(tcl.eval('set b'),'2')
self.assertEqual(tcl.eval('set c'),'3')
def test_evalfile_null_in_result(self):
tcl = self.interp
with open(support.TESTFN, 'w') as f:
self.addCleanup(support.unlink, support.TESTFN)
set a "a\0b"
set b "a\\0b"
self.assertEqual(tcl.eval('set a'), 'a\x00b')
self.assertEqual(tcl.eval('set b'), 'a\x00b')
def testEvalFileException(self):
tcl = self.interp
filename = "doesnotexists"
except Exception as e:
def testPackageRequireException(self):
tcl = self.interp
self.assertRaises(TclError,tcl.eval,'package require DNE')
@unittest.skipUnless(sys.platform == 'win32', 'Requires Windows')
def testLoadWithUNC(self):
# Build a UNC path from the regular path.
# Something like
# \\%COMPUTERNAME%\c$\python27\python.exe
fullname = os.path.abspath(sys.executable)
if fullname[1] != ':':
raise unittest.SkipTest('Absolute path should have drive part')
unc_name = r'\\%s\%s$\%s' % (os.environ['COMPUTERNAME'],
if not os.path.exists(unc_name):
raise unittest.SkipTest('Cannot connect to UNC Path')
with support.EnvironmentVarGuard() as env:
f = os.popen('%s -c "import tkinter; print(tkinter)"' % (unc_name,))
self.assertIn('tkinter', f.read())
# exit code must be zero
self.assertEqual(f.close(), None)
def test_exprstring(self):
tcl = self.interp
tcl.call('set', 'a', 3)
tcl.call('set', 'b', 6)
def check(expr, expected):
result = tcl.exprstring(expr)
self.assertEqual(result, expected)
self.assertIsInstance(result, str)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, tcl.exprstring)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, tcl.exprstring, '8.2', '+6')
self.assertRaises(TypeError, tcl.exprstring, b'8.2 + 6')
self.assertRaises(TclError, tcl.exprstring, 'spam')
check('', '0')
check('8.2 + 6', '14.2')
check('3.1 + $a', '6.1')
check('2 + "$a.$b"', '5.6')
check('4*[llength "6 2"]', '8')
check('{word one} < "word $a"', '0')
check('4*2 < 7', '0')
check('hypot($a, 4)', '5.0')
check('5 / 4', '1')
check('5 / 4.0', '1.25')
check('5 / ( [string length "abcd"] + 0.0 )', '1.25')
check('20.0/5.0', '4.0')
check('"0x03" > "2"', '1')
check('[string length "a\xbd\u20ac"]', '3')
check(r'[string length "a\xbd\u20ac"]', '3')
check('"abc"', 'abc')
check('"a\xbd\u20ac"', 'a\xbd\u20ac')
check(r'"a\xbd\u20ac"', 'a\xbd\u20ac')
check(r'"a\0b"', 'a\x00b')
if tcl_version >= (8, 5):
check('2**64', str(2**64))
def test_exprdouble(self):
tcl = self.interp
tcl.call('set', 'a', 3)
tcl.call('set', 'b', 6)
def check(expr, expected):
result = tcl.exprdouble(expr)
self.assertEqual(result, expected)
self.assertIsInstance(result, float)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, tcl.exprdouble)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, tcl.exprdouble, '8.2', '+6')
self.assertRaises(TypeError, tcl.exprdouble, b'8.2 + 6')
self.assertRaises(TclError, tcl.exprdouble, 'spam')
check('', 0.0)
check('8.2 + 6', 14.2)
check('3.1 + $a', 6.1)
check('2 + "$a.$b"', 5.6)
check('4*[llength "6 2"]', 8.0)
check('{word one} < "word $a"', 0.0)
check('4*2 < 7', 0.0)
check('hypot($a, 4)', 5.0)
check('5 / 4', 1.0)
check('5 / 4.0', 1.25)
check('5 / ( [string length "abcd"] + 0.0 )', 1.25)
check('20.0/5.0', 4.0)
check('"0x03" > "2"', 1.0)
check('[string length "a\xbd\u20ac"]', 3.0)
check(r'[string length "a\xbd\u20ac"]', 3.0)
self.assertRaises(TclError, tcl.exprdouble, '"abc"')
if tcl_version >= (8, 5):
check('2**64', float(2**64))
def test_exprlong(self):
tcl = self.interp
tcl.call('set', 'a', 3)
tcl.call('set', 'b', 6)
def check(expr, expected):
result = tcl.exprlong(expr)
self.assertEqual(result, expected)
self.assertIsInstance(result, int)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, tcl.exprlong)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, tcl.exprlong, '8.2', '+6')
self.assertRaises(TypeError, tcl.exprlong, b'8.2 + 6')
self.assertRaises(TclError, tcl.exprlong, 'spam')
check('', 0)
check('8.2 + 6', 14)
check('3.1 + $a', 6)
check('2 + "$a.$b"', 5)
check('4*[llength "6 2"]', 8)
check('{word one} < "word $a"', 0)
check('4*2 < 7', 0)
check('hypot($a, 4)', 5)
check('5 / 4', 1)
check('5 / 4.0', 1)
check('5 / ( [string length "abcd"] + 0.0 )', 1)
check('20.0/5.0', 4)
check('"0x03" > "2"', 1)
check('[string length "a\xbd\u20ac"]', 3)
check(r'[string length "a\xbd\u20ac"]', 3)
self.assertRaises(TclError, tcl.exprlong, '"abc"')
if tcl_version >= (8, 5):
self.assertRaises(TclError, tcl.exprlong, '2**64')
def test_exprboolean(self):
tcl = self.interp
tcl.call('set', 'a', 3)
tcl.call('set', 'b', 6)
def check(expr, expected):
result = tcl.exprboolean(expr)
self.assertEqual(result, expected)
self.assertIsInstance(result, int)
self.assertNotIsInstance(result, bool)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, tcl.exprboolean)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, tcl.exprboolean, '8.2', '+6')
self.assertRaises(TypeError, tcl.exprboolean, b'8.2 + 6')
self.assertRaises(TclError, tcl.exprboolean, 'spam')
check('', False)
for value in ('0', 'false', 'no', 'off'):
check(value, False)
check('"%s"' % value, False)
check('{%s}' % value, False)
for value in ('1', 'true', 'yes', 'on'):
check(value, True)
check('"%s"' % value, True)
check('{%s}' % value, True)
check('8.2 + 6', True)
check('3.1 + $a', True)
check('2 + "$a.$b"', True)
check('4*[llength "6 2"]', True)
check('{word one} < "word $a"', False)
check('4*2 < 7', False)
check('hypot($a, 4)', True)
check('5 / 4', True)
check('5 / 4.0', True)
check('5 / ( [string length "abcd"] + 0.0 )', True)
check('20.0/5.0', True)
check('"0x03" > "2"', True)
check('[string length "a\xbd\u20ac"]', True)
check(r'[string length "a\xbd\u20ac"]', True)
self.assertRaises(TclError, tcl.exprboolean, '"abc"')
if tcl_version >= (8, 5):
check('2**64', True)
def test_passing_values(self):
def passValue(value):
return self.interp.call('set', '_', value)
self.assertEqual(passValue(True), True if self.wantobjects else '1')
self.assertEqual(passValue(False), False if self.wantobjects else '0')
self.assertEqual(passValue('string'), 'string')
self.assertEqual(passValue('string\u20ac'), 'string\u20ac')
self.assertEqual(passValue('str\x00ing'), 'str\x00ing')
self.assertEqual(passValue('str\x00ing\xbd'), 'str\x00ing\xbd')
self.assertEqual(passValue('str\x00ing\u20ac'), 'str\x00ing\u20ac')
self.assertEqual(passValue(b'str\x00ing'), 'str\x00ing')
self.assertEqual(passValue(b'str\xc0\x80ing'), 'str\x00ing')
for i in (0, 1, -1, 2**31-1, -2**31):
self.assertEqual(passValue(i), i if self.wantobjects else str(i))
for f in (0.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1/3,
sys.float_info.min, sys.float_info.max,
-sys.float_info.min, -sys.float_info.max):
if self.wantobjects:
self.assertEqual(passValue(f), f)
self.assertEqual(float(passValue(f)), f)
if self.wantobjects:
f = passValue(float('nan'))
self.assertNotEqual(f, f)
self.assertEqual(passValue(float('inf')), float('inf'))
self.assertEqual(passValue(-float('inf')), -float('inf'))
f = float(passValue(float('nan')))
self.assertNotEqual(f, f)
self.assertEqual(float(passValue(float('inf'))), float('inf'))
self.assertEqual(float(passValue(-float('inf'))), -float('inf'))
self.assertEqual(passValue((1, '2', (3.4,))),
(1, '2', (3.4,)) if self.wantobjects else '1 2 3.4')
def test_user_command(self):
result = None
def testfunc(arg):
nonlocal result
result = arg
return arg
self.interp.createcommand('testfunc', testfunc)
self.addCleanup(self.interp.tk.deletecommand, 'testfunc')
def check(value, expected, eq=self.assertEqual):
r = self.interp.call('testfunc', value)
self.assertIsInstance(result, str)
eq(result, expected)
self.assertIsInstance(r, str)
eq(r, expected)
def float_eq(actual, expected):
expected = float(expected)
self.assertAlmostEqual(float(actual), expected,
delta=abs(expected) * 1e-10)
def nan_eq(actual, expected):
actual = float(actual)
self.assertNotEqual(actual, actual)
check(True, '1')
check(False, '0')
check('string', 'string')
check('string\xbd', 'string\xbd')
check('string\u20ac', 'string\u20ac')
check(b'string', 'string')
check(b'string\xe2\x82\xac', 'string\u20ac')
check('str\x00ing', 'str\x00ing')
check('str\x00ing\xbd', 'str\x00ing\xbd')
check('str\x00ing\u20ac', 'str\x00ing\u20ac')
check(b'str\xc0\x80ing', 'str\x00ing')
check(b'str\xc0\x80ing\xe2\x82\xac', 'str\x00ing\u20ac')
for i in (0, 1, -1, 2**31-1, -2**31):
check(i, str(i))
for f in (0.0, 1.0, -1.0):
check(f, repr(f))
for f in (1/3.0, sys.float_info.min, sys.float_info.max,
-sys.float_info.min, -sys.float_info.max):
check(f, f, eq=float_eq)
check(float('inf'), 'Inf', eq=float_eq)
check(-float('inf'), '-Inf', eq=float_eq)
check(float('nan'), 'NaN', eq=nan_eq)
check((), '')
check((1, (2,), (3, 4), '5 6', ()), '1 2 {3 4} {5 6} {}')
def test_splitlist(self):
splitlist = self.interp.tk.splitlist
call = self.interp.tk.call
self.assertRaises(TypeError, splitlist)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, splitlist, 'a', 'b')
self.assertRaises(TypeError, splitlist, 2)
testcases = [
('2', ('2',)),
('', ()),
('{}', ('',)),
('""', ('',)),
('a\n b\t\r c\n ', ('a', 'b', 'c')),
(b'a\n b\t\r c\n ', ('a', 'b', 'c')),
('a \u20ac', ('a', '\u20ac')),
(b'a \xe2\x82\xac', ('a', '\u20ac')),
(b'a\xc0\x80b c\xc0\x80d', ('a\x00b', 'c\x00d')),
('a {b c}', ('a', 'b c')),
(r'a b\ c', ('a', 'b c')),
(('a', 'b c'), ('a', 'b c')),
('a 2', ('a', '2')),
(('a', 2), ('a', 2)),
('a 3.4', ('a', '3.4')),
(('a', 3.4), ('a', 3.4)),
((), ()),
(call('list', 1, '2', (3.4,)),
(1, '2', (3.4,)) if self.wantobjects else
('1', '2', '3.4')),
if tcl_version >= (8, 5):
if not self.wantobjects or get_tk_patchlevel() < (8, 5, 5):
# Before 8.5.5 dicts were converted to lists through string
expected = ('12', '\u20ac', '\u20ac', '3.4')
expected = (12, '\u20ac', '\u20ac', (3.4,))
testcases += [
(call('dict', 'create', 12, '\u20ac', b'\xe2\x82\xac', (3.4,)),
for arg, res in testcases:
self.assertEqual(splitlist(arg), res, msg=arg)
self.assertRaises(TclError, splitlist, '{')
def test_split(self):
split = self.interp.tk.split
call = self.interp.tk.call
self.assertRaises(TypeError, split)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, split, 'a', 'b')
self.assertRaises(TypeError, split, 2)
testcases = [
('2', '2'),
('', ''),
('{}', ''),
('""', ''),
('{', '{'),
('a\n b\t\r c\n ', ('a', 'b', 'c')),
(b'a\n b\t\r c\n ', ('a', 'b', 'c')),
('a \u20ac', ('a', '\u20ac')),
(b'a \xe2\x82\xac', ('a', '\u20ac')),
(b'a\xc0\x80b', 'a\x00b'),
(b'a\xc0\x80b c\xc0\x80d', ('a\x00b', 'c\x00d')),
(b'{a\xc0\x80b c\xc0\x80d', '{a\x00b c\x00d'),
('a {b c}', ('a', ('b', 'c'))),
(r'a b\ c', ('a', ('b', 'c'))),
(('a', b'b c'), ('a', ('b', 'c'))),
(('a', 'b c'), ('a', ('b', 'c'))),
('a 2', ('a', '2')),
(('a', 2), ('a', 2)),
('a 3.4', ('a', '3.4')),
(('a', 3.4), ('a', 3.4)),
(('a', (2, 3.4)), ('a', (2, 3.4))),
((), ()),
(call('list', 1, '2', (3.4,)),
(1, '2', (3.4,)) if self.wantobjects else
('1', '2', '3.4')),
if tcl_version >= (8, 5):
if not self.wantobjects or get_tk_patchlevel() < (8, 5, 5):
# Before 8.5.5 dicts were converted to lists through string
expected = ('12', '\u20ac', '\u20ac', '3.4')
expected = (12, '\u20ac', '\u20ac', (3.4,))
testcases += [
(call('dict', 'create', 12, '\u20ac', b'\xe2\x82\xac', (3.4,)),
for arg, res in testcases:
self.assertEqual(split(arg), res, msg=arg)
class BigmemTclTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.interp = Tcl()
@unittest.skipUnless(INT_MAX < PY_SSIZE_T_MAX, "needs UINT_MAX < SIZE_MAX")
@support.bigmemtest(size=INT_MAX + 1, memuse=5, dry_run=False)
def test_huge_string(self, size):
value = ' ' * size
self.assertRaises(OverflowError, self.interp.call, 'set', '_', value)
def setUpModule():
if support.verbose:
tcl = Tcl()
print('patchlevel =', tcl.call('info', 'patchlevel'))
def test_main():
support.run_unittest(TclTest, TkinterTest, BigmemTclTest)
if __name__ == "__main__":