# general purpose 'tooltip' routines - currently unused in idlelib # (although the 'calltips' extension is partly based on this code) # may be useful for some purposes in (or almost in ;) the current project scope # Ideas gleaned from PySol from tkinter import * class ToolTipBase: def __init__(self, button): self.button = button self.tipwindow = None self.id = None self.x = self.y = 0 self._id1 = self.button.bind("", self.enter) self._id2 = self.button.bind("", self.leave) self._id3 = self.button.bind("", self.leave) def enter(self, event=None): self.schedule() def leave(self, event=None): self.unschedule() self.hidetip() def schedule(self): self.unschedule() self.id = self.button.after(1500, self.showtip) def unschedule(self): id = self.id self.id = None if id: self.button.after_cancel(id) def showtip(self): if self.tipwindow: return # The tip window must be completely outside the button; # otherwise when the mouse enters the tip window we get # a leave event and it disappears, and then we get an enter # event and it reappears, and so on forever :-( x = self.button.winfo_rootx() + 20 y = self.button.winfo_rooty() + self.button.winfo_height() + 1 self.tipwindow = tw = Toplevel(self.button) tw.wm_overrideredirect(1) tw.wm_geometry("+%d+%d" % (x, y)) self.showcontents() def showcontents(self, text="Your text here"): # Override this in derived class label = Label(self.tipwindow, text=text, justify=LEFT, background="#ffffe0", relief=SOLID, borderwidth=1) label.pack() def hidetip(self): tw = self.tipwindow self.tipwindow = None if tw: tw.destroy() class ToolTip(ToolTipBase): def __init__(self, button, text): ToolTipBase.__init__(self, button) self.text = text def showcontents(self): ToolTipBase.showcontents(self, self.text) class ListboxToolTip(ToolTipBase): def __init__(self, button, items): ToolTipBase.__init__(self, button) self.items = items def showcontents(self): listbox = Listbox(self.tipwindow, background="#ffffe0") listbox.pack() for item in self.items: listbox.insert(END, item) def _tooltip(parent): # htest # root = Tk() root.title("Test tooltip") width, height, x, y = list(map(int, re.split('[x+]', parent.geometry()))) root.geometry("+%d+%d"%(x, y + 150)) label = Label(root, text="Place your mouse over buttons") label.pack() button1 = Button(root, text="Button 1") button2 = Button(root, text="Button 2") button1.pack() button2.pack() ToolTip(button1, "This is tooltip text for button1.") ListboxToolTip(button2, ["This is","multiple line", "tooltip text","for button2"]) root.mainloop() if __name__ == '__main__': from idlelib.idle_test.htest import run run(_tooltip)