"""distutils.command.install_scripts Implements the Distutils 'install_scripts' command, for installing Python scripts.""" # contributed by Bastian Kleineidam __revision__ = "$Id$" import os from distutils.cmd import install_misc from stat import ST_MODE class install_scripts(install_misc): description = "install scripts" def finalize_options (self): self._install_dir_from('install_scripts') def run (self): self._copy_files(self.distribution.scripts) if os.name == 'posix': # Set the executable bits (owner, group, and world) on # all the scripts we just installed. files = self.get_outputs() for file in files: if self.dry_run: self.announce("changing mode of %s" % file) else: mode = (os.stat(file)[ST_MODE]) | 0111 self.announce("changing mode of %s to %o" % (file, mode)) os.chmod(file, mode) def get_inputs (self): return self.distribution.scripts or [] # class install_scripts