import re import sys import types import unittest import inspect import linecache import datetime import collections import os import shutil from os.path import normcase from import run_unittest, TESTFN, DirsOnSysPath from test import inspect_fodder as mod from test import inspect_fodder2 as mod2 # C module for test_findsource_binary import unicodedata # Functions tested in this suite: # ismodule, isclass, ismethod, isfunction, istraceback, isframe, iscode, # isbuiltin, isroutine, isgenerator, isgeneratorfunction, getmembers, # getdoc, getfile, getmodule, getsourcefile, getcomments, getsource, # getclasstree, getargspec, getargvalues, formatargspec, formatargvalues, # currentframe, stack, trace, isdatadescriptor # NOTE: There are some additional tests relating to interaction with # zipimport in the test_zipimport_support test module. modfile = mod.__file__ if modfile.endswith(('c', 'o')): modfile = modfile[:-1] # Normalize file names: on Windows, the case of file names of compiled # modules depends on the path used to start the python executable. modfile = normcase(modfile) def revise(filename, *args): return (normcase(filename),) + args import builtins git = mod.StupidGit() class IsTestBase(unittest.TestCase): predicates = set([inspect.isbuiltin, inspect.isclass, inspect.iscode, inspect.isframe, inspect.isfunction, inspect.ismethod, inspect.ismodule, inspect.istraceback, inspect.isgenerator, inspect.isgeneratorfunction]) def istest(self, predicate, exp): obj = eval(exp) self.assertTrue(predicate(obj), '%s(%s)' % (predicate.__name__, exp)) for other in self.predicates - set([predicate]): if predicate == inspect.isgeneratorfunction and\ other == inspect.isfunction: continue self.assertFalse(other(obj), 'not %s(%s)' % (other.__name__, exp)) def generator_function_example(self): for i in range(2): yield i class TestPredicates(IsTestBase): def test_sixteen(self): count = len([x for x in dir(inspect) if x.startswith('is')]) # This test is here for remember you to update Doc/library/inspect.rst # which claims there are 16 such functions expected = 16 err_msg = "There are %d (not %d) is* functions" % (count, expected) self.assertEqual(count, expected, err_msg) def test_excluding_predicates(self): global tb self.istest(inspect.isbuiltin, 'sys.exit') self.istest(inspect.isbuiltin, '[].append') self.istest(inspect.iscode, 'mod.spam.__code__') try: 1/0 except: tb = sys.exc_info()[2] self.istest(inspect.isframe, 'tb.tb_frame') self.istest(inspect.istraceback, 'tb') if hasattr(types, 'GetSetDescriptorType'): self.istest(inspect.isgetsetdescriptor, 'type(tb.tb_frame).f_locals') else: self.assertFalse(inspect.isgetsetdescriptor(type(tb.tb_frame).f_locals)) finally: # Clear traceback and all the frames and local variables hanging to it. tb = None self.istest(inspect.isfunction, 'mod.spam') self.istest(inspect.isfunction, 'mod.StupidGit.abuse') self.istest(inspect.ismethod, 'git.argue') self.istest(inspect.ismodule, 'mod') self.istest(inspect.isdatadescriptor, 'collections.defaultdict.default_factory') self.istest(inspect.isgenerator, '(x for x in range(2))') self.istest(inspect.isgeneratorfunction, 'generator_function_example') if hasattr(types, 'MemberDescriptorType'): self.istest(inspect.ismemberdescriptor, 'datetime.timedelta.days') else: self.assertFalse(inspect.ismemberdescriptor(datetime.timedelta.days)) def test_isroutine(self): self.assertTrue(inspect.isroutine(mod.spam)) self.assertTrue(inspect.isroutine([].count)) def test_isclass(self): self.istest(inspect.isclass, 'mod.StupidGit') self.assertTrue(inspect.isclass(list)) class CustomGetattr(object): def __getattr__(self, attr): return None self.assertFalse(inspect.isclass(CustomGetattr())) def test_get_slot_members(self): class C(object): __slots__ = ("a", "b") x = C() x.a = 42 members = dict(inspect.getmembers(x)) self.assertIn('a', members) self.assertNotIn('b', members) def test_isabstract(self): from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod class AbstractClassExample(metaclass=ABCMeta): @abstractmethod def foo(self): pass class ClassExample(AbstractClassExample): def foo(self): pass a = ClassExample() # Test general behaviour. self.assertTrue(inspect.isabstract(AbstractClassExample)) self.assertFalse(inspect.isabstract(ClassExample)) self.assertFalse(inspect.isabstract(a)) self.assertFalse(inspect.isabstract(int)) self.assertFalse(inspect.isabstract(5)) class TestInterpreterStack(IsTestBase): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) git.abuse(7, 8, 9) def test_abuse_done(self): self.istest(inspect.istraceback, 'git.ex[2]') self.istest(inspect.isframe, '') def test_stack(self): self.assertTrue(len( >= 5) self.assertEqual(revise(*[0][1:]), (modfile, 16, 'eggs', [' st = inspect.stack()\n'], 0)) self.assertEqual(revise(*[1][1:]), (modfile, 9, 'spam', [' eggs(b + d, c + f)\n'], 0)) self.assertEqual(revise(*[2][1:]), (modfile, 43, 'argue', [' spam(a, b, c)\n'], 0)) self.assertEqual(revise(*[3][1:]), (modfile, 39, 'abuse', [' self.argue(a, b, c)\n'], 0)) def test_trace(self): self.assertEqual(len(, 3) self.assertEqual(revise(*[0][1:]), (modfile, 43, 'argue', [' spam(a, b, c)\n'], 0)) self.assertEqual(revise(*[1][1:]), (modfile, 9, 'spam', [' eggs(b + d, c + f)\n'], 0)) self.assertEqual(revise(*[2][1:]), (modfile, 18, 'eggs', [' q = y / 0\n'], 0)) def test_frame(self): args, varargs, varkw, locals = inspect.getargvalues( self.assertEqual(args, ['x', 'y']) self.assertEqual(varargs, None) self.assertEqual(varkw, None) self.assertEqual(locals, {'x': 11, 'p': 11, 'y': 14}) self.assertEqual(inspect.formatargvalues(args, varargs, varkw, locals), '(x=11, y=14)') def test_previous_frame(self): args, varargs, varkw, locals = inspect.getargvalues( self.assertEqual(args, ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']) self.assertEqual(varargs, 'g') self.assertEqual(varkw, 'h') self.assertEqual(inspect.formatargvalues(args, varargs, varkw, locals), '(a=7, b=8, c=9, d=3, e=4, f=5, *g=(), **h={})') class GetSourceBase(unittest.TestCase): # Subclasses must override. fodderModule = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) with open(inspect.getsourcefile(self.fodderModule)) as fp: self.source = def sourcerange(self, top, bottom): lines = self.source.split("\n") return "\n".join(lines[top-1:bottom]) + "\n" def assertSourceEqual(self, obj, top, bottom): self.assertEqual(inspect.getsource(obj), self.sourcerange(top, bottom)) class TestRetrievingSourceCode(GetSourceBase): fodderModule = mod def test_getclasses(self): classes = inspect.getmembers(mod, inspect.isclass) self.assertEqual(classes, [('FesteringGob', mod.FesteringGob), ('MalodorousPervert', mod.MalodorousPervert), ('ParrotDroppings', mod.ParrotDroppings), ('StupidGit', mod.StupidGit)]) tree = inspect.getclasstree([cls[1] for cls in classes], 1) self.assertEqual(tree, [(object, ()), [(mod.ParrotDroppings, (object,)), (mod.StupidGit, (object,)), [(mod.MalodorousPervert, (mod.StupidGit,)), [(mod.FesteringGob, (mod.MalodorousPervert, mod.ParrotDroppings)) ] ] ] ]) def test_getfunctions(self): functions = inspect.getmembers(mod, inspect.isfunction) self.assertEqual(functions, [('eggs', mod.eggs), ('spam', mod.spam)]) @unittest.skipIf(sys.flags.optimize >= 2, "Docstrings are omitted with -O2 and above") def test_getdoc(self): self.assertEqual(inspect.getdoc(mod), 'A module docstring.') self.assertEqual(inspect.getdoc(mod.StupidGit), 'A longer,\n\nindented\n\ndocstring.') self.assertEqual(inspect.getdoc(git.abuse), 'Another\n\ndocstring\n\ncontaining\n\ntabs') def test_cleandoc(self): self.assertEqual(inspect.cleandoc('An\n indented\n docstring.'), 'An\nindented\ndocstring.') def test_getcomments(self): self.assertEqual(inspect.getcomments(mod), '# line 1\n') self.assertEqual(inspect.getcomments(mod.StupidGit), '# line 20\n') def test_getmodule(self): # Check actual module self.assertEqual(inspect.getmodule(mod), mod) # Check class (uses __module__ attribute) self.assertEqual(inspect.getmodule(mod.StupidGit), mod) # Check a method (no __module__ attribute, falls back to filename) self.assertEqual(inspect.getmodule(mod.StupidGit.abuse), mod) # Do it again (check the caching isn't broken) self.assertEqual(inspect.getmodule(mod.StupidGit.abuse), mod) # Check a builtin self.assertEqual(inspect.getmodule(str), sys.modules["builtins"]) # Check filename override self.assertEqual(inspect.getmodule(None, modfile), mod) def test_getsource(self): self.assertSourceEqual(git.abuse, 29, 39) self.assertSourceEqual(mod.StupidGit, 21, 46) def test_getsourcefile(self): self.assertEqual(normcase(inspect.getsourcefile(mod.spam)), modfile) self.assertEqual(normcase(inspect.getsourcefile(git.abuse)), modfile) fn = "" co = compile("None", fn, "exec") self.assertEqual(inspect.getsourcefile(co), None) linecache.cache[co.co_filename] = (1, None, "None", co.co_filename) try: self.assertEqual(normcase(inspect.getsourcefile(co)), fn) finally: del linecache.cache[co.co_filename] def test_getfile(self): self.assertEqual(inspect.getfile(mod.StupidGit), mod.__file__) def test_getmodule_recursion(self): from types import ModuleType name = '__inspect_dummy' m = sys.modules[name] = ModuleType(name) m.__file__ = "" # hopefully not a real filename... m.__loader__ = "dummy" # pretend the filename is understood by a loader exec("def x(): pass", m.__dict__) self.assertEqual(inspect.getsourcefile(m.x.__code__), '') del sys.modules[name] inspect.getmodule(compile('a=10','','single')) def test_proceed_with_fake_filename(self): '''doctest monkeypatches linecache to enable inspection''' fn, source = '', 'def x(): pass\n' getlines = linecache.getlines def monkey(filename, module_globals=None): if filename == fn: return source.splitlines(keepends=True) else: return getlines(filename, module_globals) linecache.getlines = monkey try: ns = {} exec(compile(source, fn, 'single'), ns) inspect.getsource(ns["x"]) finally: linecache.getlines = getlines class TestDecorators(GetSourceBase): fodderModule = mod2 def test_wrapped_decorator(self): self.assertSourceEqual(mod2.wrapped, 14, 17) def test_replacing_decorator(self): self.assertSourceEqual(mod2.gone, 9, 10) class TestOneliners(GetSourceBase): fodderModule = mod2 def test_oneline_lambda(self): # Test inspect.getsource with a one-line lambda function. self.assertSourceEqual(mod2.oll, 25, 25) def test_threeline_lambda(self): # Test inspect.getsource with a three-line lambda function, # where the second and third lines are _not_ indented. self.assertSourceEqual(mod2.tll, 28, 30) def test_twoline_indented_lambda(self): # Test inspect.getsource with a two-line lambda function, # where the second line _is_ indented. self.assertSourceEqual(mod2.tlli, 33, 34) def test_onelinefunc(self): # Test inspect.getsource with a regular one-line function. self.assertSourceEqual(mod2.onelinefunc, 37, 37) def test_manyargs(self): # Test inspect.getsource with a regular function where # the arguments are on two lines and _not_ indented and # the body on the second line with the last arguments. self.assertSourceEqual(mod2.manyargs, 40, 41) def test_twolinefunc(self): # Test inspect.getsource with a regular function where # the body is on two lines, following the argument list and # continued on the next line by a \\. self.assertSourceEqual(mod2.twolinefunc, 44, 45) def test_lambda_in_list(self): # Test inspect.getsource with a one-line lambda function # defined in a list, indented. self.assertSourceEqual(mod2.a[1], 49, 49) def test_anonymous(self): # Test inspect.getsource with a lambda function defined # as argument to another function. self.assertSourceEqual(mod2.anonymous, 55, 55) class TestBuggyCases(GetSourceBase): fodderModule = mod2 def test_with_comment(self): self.assertSourceEqual(mod2.with_comment, 58, 59) def test_multiline_sig(self): self.assertSourceEqual(mod2.multiline_sig[0], 63, 64) def test_nested_class(self): self.assertSourceEqual(mod2.func69().func71, 71, 72) def test_one_liner_followed_by_non_name(self): self.assertSourceEqual(mod2.func77, 77, 77) def test_one_liner_dedent_non_name(self): self.assertSourceEqual(mod2.cls82.func83, 83, 83) def test_with_comment_instead_of_docstring(self): self.assertSourceEqual(mod2.func88, 88, 90) def test_method_in_dynamic_class(self): self.assertSourceEqual(mod2.method_in_dynamic_class, 95, 97) @unittest.skipIf( not hasattr(unicodedata, '__file__') or unicodedata.__file__[-4:] in (".pyc", ".pyo"), "unicodedata is not an external binary module") def test_findsource_binary(self): self.assertRaises(OSError, inspect.getsource, unicodedata) self.assertRaises(OSError, inspect.findsource, unicodedata) def test_findsource_code_in_linecache(self): lines = ["x=1"] co = compile(lines[0], "_dynamically_created_file", "exec") self.assertRaises(OSError, inspect.findsource, co) self.assertRaises(OSError, inspect.getsource, co) linecache.cache[co.co_filename] = (1, None, lines, co.co_filename) try: self.assertEqual(inspect.findsource(co), (lines,0)) self.assertEqual(inspect.getsource(co), lines[0]) finally: del linecache.cache[co.co_filename] class TestNoEOL(GetSourceBase): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.tempdir = TESTFN + '_dir' os.mkdir(self.tempdir) with open(os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'inspect_fodder3%spy' % os.extsep), 'w') as f: f.write("class X:\n pass # No EOL") with DirsOnSysPath(self.tempdir): import inspect_fodder3 as mod3 self.fodderModule = mod3 GetSourceBase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def tearDown(self): shutil.rmtree(self.tempdir) def test_class(self): self.assertSourceEqual(self.fodderModule.X, 1, 2) class _BrokenDataDescriptor(object): """ A broken data descriptor. See bug #1785. """ def __get__(*args): raise AssertionError("should not __get__ data descriptors") def __set__(*args): raise RuntimeError def __getattr__(*args): raise AssertionError("should not __getattr__ data descriptors") class _BrokenMethodDescriptor(object): """ A broken method descriptor. See bug #1785. """ def __get__(*args): raise AssertionError("should not __get__ method descriptors") def __getattr__(*args): raise AssertionError("should not __getattr__ method descriptors") # Helper for testing classify_class_attrs. def attrs_wo_objs(cls): return [t[:3] for t in inspect.classify_class_attrs(cls)] class TestClassesAndFunctions(unittest.TestCase): def test_newstyle_mro(self): # The same w/ new-class MRO. class A(object): pass class B(A): pass class C(A): pass class D(B, C): pass expected = (D, B, C, A, object) got = inspect.getmro(D) self.assertEqual(expected, got) def assertArgSpecEquals(self, routine, args_e, varargs_e=None, varkw_e=None, defaults_e=None, formatted=None): args, varargs, varkw, defaults = inspect.getargspec(routine) self.assertEqual(args, args_e) self.assertEqual(varargs, varargs_e) self.assertEqual(varkw, varkw_e) self.assertEqual(defaults, defaults_e) if formatted is not None: self.assertEqual(inspect.formatargspec(args, varargs, varkw, defaults), formatted) def assertFullArgSpecEquals(self, routine, args_e, varargs_e=None, varkw_e=None, defaults_e=None, kwonlyargs_e=[], kwonlydefaults_e=None, ann_e={}, formatted=None): args, varargs, varkw, defaults, kwonlyargs, kwonlydefaults, ann = \ inspect.getfullargspec(routine) self.assertEqual(args, args_e) self.assertEqual(varargs, varargs_e) self.assertEqual(varkw, varkw_e) self.assertEqual(defaults, defaults_e) self.assertEqual(kwonlyargs, kwonlyargs_e) self.assertEqual(kwonlydefaults, kwonlydefaults_e) self.assertEqual(ann, ann_e) if formatted is not None: self.assertEqual(inspect.formatargspec(args, varargs, varkw, defaults, kwonlyargs, kwonlydefaults, ann), formatted) def test_getargspec(self): self.assertArgSpecEquals(mod.eggs, ['x', 'y'], formatted='(x, y)') self.assertArgSpecEquals(mod.spam, ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'], 'g', 'h', (3, 4, 5), '(a, b, c, d=3, e=4, f=5, *g, **h)') self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.assertArgSpecEquals, mod2.keyworded, []) self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.assertArgSpecEquals, mod2.annotated, []) self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.assertArgSpecEquals, mod2.keyword_only_arg, []) def test_getfullargspec(self): self.assertFullArgSpecEquals(mod2.keyworded, [], varargs_e='arg1', kwonlyargs_e=['arg2'], kwonlydefaults_e={'arg2':1}, formatted='(*arg1, arg2=1)') self.assertFullArgSpecEquals(mod2.annotated, ['arg1'], ann_e={'arg1' : list}, formatted='(arg1: list)') self.assertFullArgSpecEquals(mod2.keyword_only_arg, [], kwonlyargs_e=['arg'], formatted='(*, arg)') def test_getargspec_method(self): class A(object): def m(self): pass self.assertArgSpecEquals(A.m, ['self']) def test_classify_newstyle(self): class A(object): def s(): pass s = staticmethod(s) def c(cls): pass c = classmethod(c) def getp(self): pass p = property(getp) def m(self): pass def m1(self): pass datablob = '1' dd = _BrokenDataDescriptor() md = _BrokenMethodDescriptor() attrs = attrs_wo_objs(A) self.assertIn(('s', 'static method', A), attrs, 'missing static method') self.assertIn(('c', 'class method', A), attrs, 'missing class method') self.assertIn(('p', 'property', A), attrs, 'missing property') self.assertIn(('m', 'method', A), attrs, 'missing plain method: %r' % attrs) self.assertIn(('m1', 'method', A), attrs, 'missing plain method') self.assertIn(('datablob', 'data', A), attrs, 'missing data') self.assertIn(('md', 'method', A), attrs, 'missing method descriptor') self.assertIn(('dd', 'data', A), attrs, 'missing data descriptor') class B(A): def m(self): pass attrs = attrs_wo_objs(B) self.assertIn(('s', 'static method', A), attrs, 'missing static method') self.assertIn(('c', 'class method', A), attrs, 'missing class method') self.assertIn(('p', 'property', A), attrs, 'missing property') self.assertIn(('m', 'method', B), attrs, 'missing plain method') self.assertIn(('m1', 'method', A), attrs, 'missing plain method') self.assertIn(('datablob', 'data', A), attrs, 'missing data') self.assertIn(('md', 'method', A), attrs, 'missing method descriptor') self.assertIn(('dd', 'data', A), attrs, 'missing data descriptor') class C(A): def m(self): pass def c(self): pass attrs = attrs_wo_objs(C) self.assertIn(('s', 'static method', A), attrs, 'missing static method') self.assertIn(('c', 'method', C), attrs, 'missing plain method') self.assertIn(('p', 'property', A), attrs, 'missing property') self.assertIn(('m', 'method', C), attrs, 'missing plain method') self.assertIn(('m1', 'method', A), attrs, 'missing plain method') self.assertIn(('datablob', 'data', A), attrs, 'missing data') self.assertIn(('md', 'method', A), attrs, 'missing method descriptor') self.assertIn(('dd', 'data', A), attrs, 'missing data descriptor') class D(B, C): def m1(self): pass attrs = attrs_wo_objs(D) self.assertIn(('s', 'static method', A), attrs, 'missing static method') self.assertIn(('c', 'method', C), attrs, 'missing plain method') self.assertIn(('p', 'property', A), attrs, 'missing property') self.assertIn(('m', 'method', B), attrs, 'missing plain method') self.assertIn(('m1', 'method', D), attrs, 'missing plain method') self.assertIn(('datablob', 'data', A), attrs, 'missing data') self.assertIn(('md', 'method', A), attrs, 'missing method descriptor') self.assertIn(('dd', 'data', A), attrs, 'missing data descriptor') def test_classify_builtin_types(self): # Simple sanity check that all built-in types can have their # attributes classified. for name in dir(__builtins__): builtin = getattr(__builtins__, name) if isinstance(builtin, type): inspect.classify_class_attrs(builtin) def test_getmembers_descriptors(self): class A(object): dd = _BrokenDataDescriptor() md = _BrokenMethodDescriptor() def pred_wrapper(pred): # A quick'n'dirty way to discard standard attributes of new-style # classes. class Empty(object): pass def wrapped(x): if '__name__' in dir(x) and hasattr(Empty, x.__name__): return False return pred(x) return wrapped ismethoddescriptor = pred_wrapper(inspect.ismethoddescriptor) isdatadescriptor = pred_wrapper(inspect.isdatadescriptor) self.assertEqual(inspect.getmembers(A, ismethoddescriptor), [('md', A.__dict__['md'])]) self.assertEqual(inspect.getmembers(A, isdatadescriptor), [('dd', A.__dict__['dd'])]) class B(A): pass self.assertEqual(inspect.getmembers(B, ismethoddescriptor), [('md', A.__dict__['md'])]) self.assertEqual(inspect.getmembers(B, isdatadescriptor), [('dd', A.__dict__['dd'])]) def test_getmembers_method(self): class B: def f(self): pass self.assertIn(('f', B.f), inspect.getmembers(B)) self.assertNotIn(('f', B.f), inspect.getmembers(B, inspect.ismethod)) b = B() self.assertIn(('f', b.f), inspect.getmembers(b)) self.assertIn(('f', b.f), inspect.getmembers(b, inspect.ismethod)) _global_ref = object() class TestGetClosureVars(unittest.TestCase): def test_name_resolution(self): # Basic test of the 4 different resolution mechanisms def f(nonlocal_ref): def g(local_ref): print(local_ref, nonlocal_ref, _global_ref, unbound_ref) return g _arg = object() nonlocal_vars = {"nonlocal_ref": _arg} global_vars = {"_global_ref": _global_ref} builtin_vars = {"print": print} unbound_names = {"unbound_ref"} expected = inspect.ClosureVars(nonlocal_vars, global_vars, builtin_vars, unbound_names) self.assertEqual(inspect.getclosurevars(f(_arg)), expected) def test_generator_closure(self): def f(nonlocal_ref): def g(local_ref): print(local_ref, nonlocal_ref, _global_ref, unbound_ref) yield return g _arg = object() nonlocal_vars = {"nonlocal_ref": _arg} global_vars = {"_global_ref": _global_ref} builtin_vars = {"print": print} unbound_names = {"unbound_ref"} expected = inspect.ClosureVars(nonlocal_vars, global_vars, builtin_vars, unbound_names) self.assertEqual(inspect.getclosurevars(f(_arg)), expected) def test_method_closure(self): class C: def f(self, nonlocal_ref): def g(local_ref): print(local_ref, nonlocal_ref, _global_ref, unbound_ref) return g _arg = object() nonlocal_vars = {"nonlocal_ref": _arg} global_vars = {"_global_ref": _global_ref} builtin_vars = {"print": print} unbound_names = {"unbound_ref"} expected = inspect.ClosureVars(nonlocal_vars, global_vars, builtin_vars, unbound_names) self.assertEqual(inspect.getclosurevars(C().f(_arg)), expected) def test_nonlocal_vars(self): # More complex tests of nonlocal resolution def _nonlocal_vars(f): return inspect.getclosurevars(f).nonlocals def make_adder(x): def add(y): return x + y return add def curry(func, arg1): return lambda arg2: func(arg1, arg2) def less_than(a, b): return a < b # The infamous Y combinator. def Y(le): def g(f): return le(lambda x: f(f)(x)) Y.g_ref = g return g(g) def check_y_combinator(func): self.assertEqual(_nonlocal_vars(func), {'f': Y.g_ref}) inc = make_adder(1) add_two = make_adder(2) greater_than_five = curry(less_than, 5) self.assertEqual(_nonlocal_vars(inc), {'x': 1}) self.assertEqual(_nonlocal_vars(add_two), {'x': 2}) self.assertEqual(_nonlocal_vars(greater_than_five), {'arg1': 5, 'func': less_than}) self.assertEqual(_nonlocal_vars((lambda x: lambda y: x + y)(3)), {'x': 3}) Y(check_y_combinator) def test_getclosurevars_empty(self): def foo(): pass _empty = inspect.ClosureVars({}, {}, {}, set()) self.assertEqual(inspect.getclosurevars(lambda: True), _empty) self.assertEqual(inspect.getclosurevars(foo), _empty) def test_getclosurevars_error(self): class T: pass self.assertRaises(TypeError, inspect.getclosurevars, 1) self.assertRaises(TypeError, inspect.getclosurevars, list) self.assertRaises(TypeError, inspect.getclosurevars, {}) def _private_globals(self): code = """def f(): print(path)""" ns = {} exec(code, ns) return ns["f"], ns def test_builtins_fallback(self): f, ns = self._private_globals() ns.pop("__builtins__", None) expected = inspect.ClosureVars({}, {}, {"print":print}, {"path"}) self.assertEqual(inspect.getclosurevars(f), expected) def test_builtins_as_dict(self): f, ns = self._private_globals() ns["__builtins__"] = {"path":1} expected = inspect.ClosureVars({}, {}, {"path":1}, {"print"}) self.assertEqual(inspect.getclosurevars(f), expected) def test_builtins_as_module(self): f, ns = self._private_globals() ns["__builtins__"] = os expected = inspect.ClosureVars({}, {}, {"path":os.path}, {"print"}) self.assertEqual(inspect.getclosurevars(f), expected) class TestGetcallargsFunctions(unittest.TestCase): def assertEqualCallArgs(self, func, call_params_string, locs=None): locs = dict(locs or {}, func=func) r1 = eval('func(%s)' % call_params_string, None, locs) r2 = eval('inspect.getcallargs(func, %s)' % call_params_string, None, locs) self.assertEqual(r1, r2) def assertEqualException(self, func, call_param_string, locs=None): locs = dict(locs or {}, func=func) try: eval('func(%s)' % call_param_string, None, locs) except Exception as e: ex1 = e else:'Exception not raised') try: eval('inspect.getcallargs(func, %s)' % call_param_string, None, locs) except Exception as e: ex2 = e else:'Exception not raised') self.assertIs(type(ex1), type(ex2)) self.assertEqual(str(ex1), str(ex2)) del ex1, ex2 def makeCallable(self, signature): """Create a function that returns its locals()""" code = "lambda %s: locals()" return eval(code % signature) def test_plain(self): f = self.makeCallable('a, b=1') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, '2') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, '2, 3') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, 'a=2') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, 'b=3, a=2') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, '2, b=3') # expand *iterable / **mapping self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, '*(2,)') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, '*[2]') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, '*(2, 3)') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, '*[2, 3]') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, '**{"a":2}') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, 'b=3, **{"a":2}') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, '2, **{"b":3}') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, '**{"b":3, "a":2}') # expand UserList / UserDict self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, '*collections.UserList([2])') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, '*collections.UserList([2, 3])') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, '**collections.UserDict(a=2)') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, '2, **collections.UserDict(b=3)') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, 'b=2, **collections.UserDict(a=3)') def test_varargs(self): f = self.makeCallable('a, b=1, *c') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, '2') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, '2, 3') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, '2, 3, 4') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, '*(2,3,4)') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, '2, *[3,4]') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, '2, 3, *collections.UserList([4])') def test_varkw(self): f = self.makeCallable('a, b=1, **c') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, 'a=2') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, '2, b=3, c=4') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, 'b=3, a=2, c=4') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, 'c=4, **{"a":2, "b":3}') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, '2, c=4, **{"b":3}') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, 'b=2, **{"a":3, "c":4}') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, '**collections.UserDict(a=2, b=3, c=4)') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, '2, c=4, **collections.UserDict(b=3)') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, 'b=2, **collections.UserDict(a=3, c=4)') def test_varkw_only(self): # issue11256: f = self.makeCallable('**c') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, '') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, 'a=1') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, 'a=1, b=2') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, 'c=3, **{"a": 1, "b": 2}') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, '**collections.UserDict(a=1, b=2)') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, 'c=3, **collections.UserDict(a=1, b=2)') def test_keyword_only(self): f = self.makeCallable('a=3, *, c, d=2') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, 'c=3') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, 'c=3, a=3') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, 'a=2, c=4') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, '4, c=4') self.assertEqualException(f, '') self.assertEqualException(f, '3') self.assertEqualException(f, 'a=3') self.assertEqualException(f, 'd=4') f = self.makeCallable('*, c, d=2') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, 'c=3') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, 'c=3, d=4') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, 'd=4, c=3') def test_multiple_features(self): f = self.makeCallable('a, b=2, *f, **g') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, '2, 3, 7') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, '2, 3, x=8') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, '2, 3, x=8, *[(4,[5,6]), 7]') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, '2, x=8, *[3, (4,[5,6]), 7], y=9') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, 'x=8, *[2, 3, (4,[5,6])], y=9') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, 'x=8, *collections.UserList(' '[2, 3, (4,[5,6])]), **{"y":9, "z":10}') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, '2, x=8, *collections.UserList([3, ' '(4,[5,6])]), **collections.UserDict(' 'y=9, z=10)') f = self.makeCallable('a, b=2, *f, x, y=99, **g') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, '2, 3, x=8') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, '2, 3, x=8, *[(4,[5,6]), 7]') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, '2, x=8, *[3, (4,[5,6]), 7], y=9, z=10') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, 'x=8, *[2, 3, (4,[5,6])], y=9, z=10') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, 'x=8, *collections.UserList(' '[2, 3, (4,[5,6])]), q=0, **{"y":9, "z":10}') self.assertEqualCallArgs(f, '2, x=8, *collections.UserList([3, ' '(4,[5,6])]), q=0, **collections.UserDict(' 'y=9, z=10)') def test_errors(self): f0 = self.makeCallable('') f1 = self.makeCallable('a, b') f2 = self.makeCallable('a, b=1') # f0 takes no arguments self.assertEqualException(f0, '1') self.assertEqualException(f0, 'x=1') self.assertEqualException(f0, '1,x=1') # f1 takes exactly 2 arguments self.assertEqualException(f1, '') self.assertEqualException(f1, '1') self.assertEqualException(f1, 'a=2') self.assertEqualException(f1, 'b=3') # f2 takes at least 1 argument self.assertEqualException(f2, '') self.assertEqualException(f2, 'b=3') for f in f1, f2: # f1/f2 takes exactly/at most 2 arguments self.assertEqualException(f, '2, 3, 4') self.assertEqualException(f, '1, 2, 3, a=1') self.assertEqualException(f, '2, 3, 4, c=5') # XXX: success of this one depends on dict order ## self.assertEqualException(f, '2, 3, 4, a=1, c=5') # f got an unexpected keyword argument self.assertEqualException(f, 'c=2') self.assertEqualException(f, '2, c=3') self.assertEqualException(f, '2, 3, c=4') self.assertEqualException(f, '2, c=4, b=3') self.assertEqualException(f, '**{u"\u03c0\u03b9": 4}') # f got multiple values for keyword argument self.assertEqualException(f, '1, a=2') self.assertEqualException(f, '1, **{"a":2}') self.assertEqualException(f, '1, 2, b=3') # XXX: Python inconsistency # - for functions and bound methods: unexpected keyword 'c' # - for unbound methods: multiple values for keyword 'a' #self.assertEqualException(f, '1, c=3, a=2') # issue11256: f3 = self.makeCallable('**c') self.assertEqualException(f3, '1, 2') self.assertEqualException(f3, '1, 2, a=1, b=2') f4 = self.makeCallable('*, a, b=0') self.assertEqualException(f3, '1, 2') self.assertEqualException(f3, '1, 2, a=1, b=2') class TestGetcallargsMethods(TestGetcallargsFunctions): def setUp(self): class Foo(object): pass self.cls = Foo self.inst = Foo() def makeCallable(self, signature): assert 'self' not in signature mk = super(TestGetcallargsMethods, self).makeCallable self.cls.method = mk('self, ' + signature) return self.inst.method class TestGetcallargsUnboundMethods(TestGetcallargsMethods): def makeCallable(self, signature): super(TestGetcallargsUnboundMethods, self).makeCallable(signature) return self.cls.method def assertEqualCallArgs(self, func, call_params_string, locs=None): return super(TestGetcallargsUnboundMethods, self).assertEqualCallArgs( *self._getAssertEqualParams(func, call_params_string, locs)) def assertEqualException(self, func, call_params_string, locs=None): return super(TestGetcallargsUnboundMethods, self).assertEqualException( *self._getAssertEqualParams(func, call_params_string, locs)) def _getAssertEqualParams(self, func, call_params_string, locs=None): assert 'inst' not in call_params_string locs = dict(locs or {}, inst=self.inst) return (func, 'inst,' + call_params_string, locs) class TestGetattrStatic(unittest.TestCase): def test_basic(self): class Thing(object): x = object() thing = Thing() self.assertEqual(inspect.getattr_static(thing, 'x'), Thing.x) self.assertEqual(inspect.getattr_static(thing, 'x', None), Thing.x) with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): inspect.getattr_static(thing, 'y') self.assertEqual(inspect.getattr_static(thing, 'y', 3), 3) def test_inherited(self): class Thing(object): x = object() class OtherThing(Thing): pass something = OtherThing() self.assertEqual(inspect.getattr_static(something, 'x'), Thing.x) def test_instance_attr(self): class Thing(object): x = 2 def __init__(self, x): self.x = x thing = Thing(3) self.assertEqual(inspect.getattr_static(thing, 'x'), 3) del thing.x self.assertEqual(inspect.getattr_static(thing, 'x'), 2) def test_property(self): class Thing(object): @property def x(self): raise AttributeError("I'm pretending not to exist") thing = Thing() self.assertEqual(inspect.getattr_static(thing, 'x'), Thing.x) def test_descriptor_raises_AttributeError(self): class descriptor(object): def __get__(*_): raise AttributeError("I'm pretending not to exist") desc = descriptor() class Thing(object): x = desc thing = Thing() self.assertEqual(inspect.getattr_static(thing, 'x'), desc) def test_classAttribute(self): class Thing(object): x = object() self.assertEqual(inspect.getattr_static(Thing, 'x'), Thing.x) def test_inherited_classattribute(self): class Thing(object): x = object() class OtherThing(Thing): pass self.assertEqual(inspect.getattr_static(OtherThing, 'x'), Thing.x) def test_slots(self): class Thing(object): y = 'bar' __slots__ = ['x'] def __init__(self): self.x = 'foo' thing = Thing() self.assertEqual(inspect.getattr_static(thing, 'x'), Thing.x) self.assertEqual(inspect.getattr_static(thing, 'y'), 'bar') del thing.x self.assertEqual(inspect.getattr_static(thing, 'x'), Thing.x) def test_metaclass(self): class meta(type): attr = 'foo' class Thing(object, metaclass=meta): pass self.assertEqual(inspect.getattr_static(Thing, 'attr'), 'foo') class sub(meta): pass class OtherThing(object, metaclass=sub): x = 3 self.assertEqual(inspect.getattr_static(OtherThing, 'attr'), 'foo') class OtherOtherThing(OtherThing): pass # this test is odd, but it was added as it exposed a bug self.assertEqual(inspect.getattr_static(OtherOtherThing, 'x'), 3) def test_no_dict_no_slots(self): self.assertEqual(inspect.getattr_static(1, 'foo', None), None) self.assertNotEqual(inspect.getattr_static('foo', 'lower'), None) def test_no_dict_no_slots_instance_member(self): # returns descriptor with open(__file__) as handle: self.assertEqual(inspect.getattr_static(handle, 'name'), type(handle).name) def test_inherited_slots(self): # returns descriptor class Thing(object): __slots__ = ['x'] def __init__(self): self.x = 'foo' class OtherThing(Thing): pass # it would be nice if this worked... # we get the descriptor instead of the instance attribute self.assertEqual(inspect.getattr_static(OtherThing(), 'x'), Thing.x) def test_descriptor(self): class descriptor(object): def __get__(self, instance, owner): return 3 class Foo(object): d = descriptor() foo = Foo() # for a non data descriptor we return the instance attribute foo.__dict__['d'] = 1 self.assertEqual(inspect.getattr_static(foo, 'd'), 1) # if the descriptor is a data-desciptor we should return the # descriptor descriptor.__set__ = lambda s, i, v: None self.assertEqual(inspect.getattr_static(foo, 'd'), Foo.__dict__['d']) def test_metaclass_with_descriptor(self): class descriptor(object): def __get__(self, instance, owner): return 3 class meta(type): d = descriptor() class Thing(object, metaclass=meta): pass self.assertEqual(inspect.getattr_static(Thing, 'd'), meta.__dict__['d']) def test_class_as_property(self): class Base(object): foo = 3 class Something(Base): executed = False @property def __class__(self): self.executed = True return object instance = Something() self.assertEqual(inspect.getattr_static(instance, 'foo'), 3) self.assertFalse(instance.executed) self.assertEqual(inspect.getattr_static(Something, 'foo'), 3) def test_mro_as_property(self): class Meta(type): @property def __mro__(self): return (object,) class Base(object): foo = 3 class Something(Base, metaclass=Meta): pass self.assertEqual(inspect.getattr_static(Something(), 'foo'), 3) self.assertEqual(inspect.getattr_static(Something, 'foo'), 3) def test_dict_as_property(self): test = self test.called = False class Foo(dict): a = 3 @property def __dict__(self): test.called = True return {} foo = Foo() foo.a = 4 self.assertEqual(inspect.getattr_static(foo, 'a'), 3) self.assertFalse(test.called) def test_custom_object_dict(self): test = self test.called = False class Custom(dict): def get(self, key, default=None): test.called = True super().get(key, default) class Foo(object): a = 3 foo = Foo() foo.__dict__ = Custom() self.assertEqual(inspect.getattr_static(foo, 'a'), 3) self.assertFalse(test.called) def test_metaclass_dict_as_property(self): class Meta(type): @property def __dict__(self): self.executed = True class Thing(metaclass=Meta): executed = False def __init__(self): self.spam = 42 instance = Thing() self.assertEqual(inspect.getattr_static(instance, "spam"), 42) self.assertFalse(Thing.executed) def test_module(self): sentinel = object() self.assertIsNot(inspect.getattr_static(sys, "version", sentinel), sentinel) def test_metaclass_with_metaclass_with_dict_as_property(self): class MetaMeta(type): @property def __dict__(self): self.executed = True return dict(spam=42) class Meta(type, metaclass=MetaMeta): executed = False class Thing(metaclass=Meta): pass with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): inspect.getattr_static(Thing, "spam") self.assertFalse(Thing.executed) class TestGetGeneratorState(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): def number_generator(): for number in range(5): yield number self.generator = number_generator() def _generatorstate(self): return inspect.getgeneratorstate(self.generator) def test_created(self): self.assertEqual(self._generatorstate(), inspect.GEN_CREATED) def test_suspended(self): next(self.generator) self.assertEqual(self._generatorstate(), inspect.GEN_SUSPENDED) def test_closed_after_exhaustion(self): for i in self.generator: pass self.assertEqual(self._generatorstate(), inspect.GEN_CLOSED) def test_closed_after_immediate_exception(self): with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError): self.generator.throw(RuntimeError) self.assertEqual(self._generatorstate(), inspect.GEN_CLOSED) def test_running(self): # As mentioned on issue #10220, checking for the RUNNING state only # makes sense inside the generator itself. # The following generator checks for this by using the closure's # reference to self and the generator state checking helper method def running_check_generator(): for number in range(5): self.assertEqual(self._generatorstate(), inspect.GEN_RUNNING) yield number self.assertEqual(self._generatorstate(), inspect.GEN_RUNNING) self.generator = running_check_generator() # Running up to the first yield next(self.generator) # Running after the first yield next(self.generator) def test_easy_debugging(self): # repr() and str() of a generator state should contain the state name names = 'GEN_CREATED GEN_RUNNING GEN_SUSPENDED GEN_CLOSED'.split() for name in names: state = getattr(inspect, name) self.assertIn(name, repr(state)) self.assertIn(name, str(state)) def test_getgeneratorlocals(self): def each(lst, a=None): b=(1, 2, 3) for v in lst: if v == 3: c = 12 yield v numbers = each([1, 2, 3]) self.assertEqual(inspect.getgeneratorlocals(numbers), {'a': None, 'lst': [1, 2, 3]}) next(numbers) self.assertEqual(inspect.getgeneratorlocals(numbers), {'a': None, 'lst': [1, 2, 3], 'v': 1, 'b': (1, 2, 3)}) next(numbers) self.assertEqual(inspect.getgeneratorlocals(numbers), {'a': None, 'lst': [1, 2, 3], 'v': 2, 'b': (1, 2, 3)}) next(numbers) self.assertEqual(inspect.getgeneratorlocals(numbers), {'a': None, 'lst': [1, 2, 3], 'v': 3, 'b': (1, 2, 3), 'c': 12}) try: next(numbers) except StopIteration: pass self.assertEqual(inspect.getgeneratorlocals(numbers), {}) def test_getgeneratorlocals_empty(self): def yield_one(): yield 1 one = yield_one() self.assertEqual(inspect.getgeneratorlocals(one), {}) try: next(one) except StopIteration: pass self.assertEqual(inspect.getgeneratorlocals(one), {}) def test_getgeneratorlocals_error(self): self.assertRaises(TypeError, inspect.getgeneratorlocals, 1) self.assertRaises(TypeError, inspect.getgeneratorlocals, lambda x: True) self.assertRaises(TypeError, inspect.getgeneratorlocals, set) self.assertRaises(TypeError, inspect.getgeneratorlocals, (2,3)) class TestSignatureObject(unittest.TestCase): @staticmethod def signature(func): sig = inspect.signature(func) return (tuple((, (... if param.default is param.empty else param.default), (... if param.annotation is param.empty else param.annotation), str(param.kind).lower()) for param in sig.parameters.values()), (... if sig.return_annotation is sig.empty else sig.return_annotation)) def test_signature_object(self): S = inspect.Signature P = inspect.Parameter self.assertEqual(str(S()), '()') def test(po, pk, *args, ko, **kwargs): pass sig = inspect.signature(test) po = sig.parameters['po'].replace(kind=P.POSITIONAL_ONLY) pk = sig.parameters['pk'] args = sig.parameters['args'] ko = sig.parameters['ko'] kwargs = sig.parameters['kwargs'] S((po, pk, args, ko, kwargs)) with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'wrong parameter order'): S((pk, po, args, ko, kwargs)) with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'wrong parameter order'): S((po, args, pk, ko, kwargs)) with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'wrong parameter order'): S((args, po, pk, ko, kwargs)) with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'wrong parameter order'): S((po, pk, args, kwargs, ko)) kwargs2 = kwargs.replace(name='args') with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'duplicate parameter name'): S((po, pk, args, kwargs2, ko)) def test_signature_immutability(self): def test(a): pass sig = inspect.signature(test) with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): = 'bar' with self.assertRaises(TypeError): sig.parameters['a'] = None def test_signature_on_noarg(self): def test(): pass self.assertEqual(self.signature(test), ((), ...)) def test_signature_on_wargs(self): def test(a, b:'foo') -> 123: pass self.assertEqual(self.signature(test), ((('a', ..., ..., "positional_or_keyword"), ('b', ..., 'foo', "positional_or_keyword")), 123)) def test_signature_on_wkwonly(self): def test(*, a:float, b:str) -> int: pass self.assertEqual(self.signature(test), ((('a', ..., float, "keyword_only"), ('b', ..., str, "keyword_only")), int)) def test_signature_on_complex_args(self): def test(a, b:'foo'=10, *args:'bar', spam:'baz', ham=123, **kwargs:int): pass self.assertEqual(self.signature(test), ((('a', ..., ..., "positional_or_keyword"), ('b', 10, 'foo', "positional_or_keyword"), ('args', ..., 'bar', "var_positional"), ('spam', ..., 'baz', "keyword_only"), ('ham', 123, ..., "keyword_only"), ('kwargs', ..., int, "var_keyword")), ...)) def test_signature_on_builtin_function(self): with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'not supported by signature'): inspect.signature(type) with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'not supported by signature'): # support for 'wrapper_descriptor' inspect.signature(type.__call__) with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'not supported by signature'): # support for 'method-wrapper' inspect.signature(min.__call__) with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'no signature found for builtin function'): # support for 'method-wrapper' inspect.signature(min) def test_signature_on_non_function(self): with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'is not a callable object'): inspect.signature(42) with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'is not a Python function'): inspect.Signature.from_function(42) def test_signature_on_method(self): class Test: def foo(self, arg1, arg2=1) -> int: pass meth = Test().foo self.assertEqual(self.signature(meth), ((('arg1', ..., ..., "positional_or_keyword"), ('arg2', 1, ..., "positional_or_keyword")), int)) def test_signature_on_classmethod(self): class Test: @classmethod def foo(cls, arg1, *, arg2=1): pass meth = Test().foo self.assertEqual(self.signature(meth), ((('arg1', ..., ..., "positional_or_keyword"), ('arg2', 1, ..., "keyword_only")), ...)) meth = self.assertEqual(self.signature(meth), ((('arg1', ..., ..., "positional_or_keyword"), ('arg2', 1, ..., "keyword_only")), ...)) def test_signature_on_staticmethod(self): class Test: @staticmethod def foo(cls, *, arg): pass meth = Test().foo self.assertEqual(self.signature(meth), ((('cls', ..., ..., "positional_or_keyword"), ('arg', ..., ..., "keyword_only")), ...)) meth = self.assertEqual(self.signature(meth), ((('cls', ..., ..., "positional_or_keyword"), ('arg', ..., ..., "keyword_only")), ...)) def test_signature_on_partial(self): from functools import partial def test(): pass self.assertEqual(self.signature(partial(test)), ((), ...)) with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "has incorrect arguments"): inspect.signature(partial(test, 1)) with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "has incorrect arguments"): inspect.signature(partial(test, a=1)) def test(a, b, *, c, d): pass self.assertEqual(self.signature(partial(test)), ((('a', ..., ..., "positional_or_keyword"), ('b', ..., ..., "positional_or_keyword"), ('c', ..., ..., "keyword_only"), ('d', ..., ..., "keyword_only")), ...)) self.assertEqual(self.signature(partial(test, 1)), ((('b', ..., ..., "positional_or_keyword"), ('c', ..., ..., "keyword_only"), ('d', ..., ..., "keyword_only")), ...)) self.assertEqual(self.signature(partial(test, 1, c=2)), ((('b', ..., ..., "positional_or_keyword"), ('c', 2, ..., "keyword_only"), ('d', ..., ..., "keyword_only")), ...)) self.assertEqual(self.signature(partial(test, b=1, c=2)), ((('a', ..., ..., "positional_or_keyword"), ('b', 1, ..., "positional_or_keyword"), ('c', 2, ..., "keyword_only"), ('d', ..., ..., "keyword_only")), ...)) self.assertEqual(self.signature(partial(test, 0, b=1, c=2)), ((('b', 1, ..., "positional_or_keyword"), ('c', 2, ..., "keyword_only"), ('d', ..., ..., "keyword_only"),), ...)) def test(a, *args, b, **kwargs): pass self.assertEqual(self.signature(partial(test, 1)), ((('args', ..., ..., "var_positional"), ('b', ..., ..., "keyword_only"), ('kwargs', ..., ..., "var_keyword")), ...)) self.assertEqual(self.signature(partial(test, 1, 2, 3)), ((('args', ..., ..., "var_positional"), ('b', ..., ..., "keyword_only"), ('kwargs', ..., ..., "var_keyword")), ...)) self.assertEqual(self.signature(partial(test, 1, 2, 3, test=True)), ((('args', ..., ..., "var_positional"), ('b', ..., ..., "keyword_only"), ('kwargs', ..., ..., "var_keyword")), ...)) self.assertEqual(self.signature(partial(test, 1, 2, 3, test=1, b=0)), ((('args', ..., ..., "var_positional"), ('b', 0, ..., "keyword_only"), ('kwargs', ..., ..., "var_keyword")), ...)) self.assertEqual(self.signature(partial(test, b=0)), ((('a', ..., ..., "positional_or_keyword"), ('args', ..., ..., "var_positional"), ('b', 0, ..., "keyword_only"), ('kwargs', ..., ..., "var_keyword")), ...)) self.assertEqual(self.signature(partial(test, b=0, test=1)), ((('a', ..., ..., "positional_or_keyword"), ('args', ..., ..., "var_positional"), ('b', 0, ..., "keyword_only"), ('kwargs', ..., ..., "var_keyword")), ...)) def test(a, b, c:int) -> 42: pass sig = test.__signature__ = inspect.signature(test) self.assertEqual(self.signature(partial(partial(test, 1))), ((('b', ..., ..., "positional_or_keyword"), ('c', ..., int, "positional_or_keyword")), 42)) self.assertEqual(self.signature(partial(partial(test, 1), 2)), ((('c', ..., int, "positional_or_keyword"),), 42)) psig = inspect.signature(partial(partial(test, 1), 2)) def foo(a): return a _foo = partial(partial(foo, a=10), a=20) self.assertEqual(self.signature(_foo), ((('a', 20, ..., "positional_or_keyword"),), ...)) # check that we don't have any side-effects in signature(), # and the partial object is still functioning self.assertEqual(_foo(), 20) def foo(a, b, c): return a, b, c _foo = partial(partial(foo, 1, b=20), b=30) self.assertEqual(self.signature(_foo), ((('b', 30, ..., "positional_or_keyword"), ('c', ..., ..., "positional_or_keyword")), ...)) self.assertEqual(_foo(c=10), (1, 30, 10)) _foo = partial(_foo, 2) # now 'b' has two values - # positional and keyword with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "has incorrect arguments"): inspect.signature(_foo) def foo(a, b, c, *, d): return a, b, c, d _foo = partial(partial(foo, d=20, c=20), b=10, d=30) self.assertEqual(self.signature(_foo), ((('a', ..., ..., "positional_or_keyword"), ('b', 10, ..., "positional_or_keyword"), ('c', 20, ..., "positional_or_keyword"), ('d', 30, ..., "keyword_only")), ...)) ba = inspect.signature(_foo).bind(a=200, b=11) self.assertEqual(_foo(*ba.args, **ba.kwargs), (200, 11, 20, 30)) def foo(a=1, b=2, c=3): return a, b, c _foo = partial(foo, a=10, c=13) ba = inspect.signature(_foo).bind(11) self.assertEqual(_foo(*ba.args, **ba.kwargs), (11, 2, 13)) ba = inspect.signature(_foo).bind(11, 12) self.assertEqual(_foo(*ba.args, **ba.kwargs), (11, 12, 13)) ba = inspect.signature(_foo).bind(11, b=12) self.assertEqual(_foo(*ba.args, **ba.kwargs), (11, 12, 13)) ba = inspect.signature(_foo).bind(b=12) self.assertEqual(_foo(*ba.args, **ba.kwargs), (10, 12, 13)) _foo = partial(_foo, b=10) ba = inspect.signature(_foo).bind(12, 14) self.assertEqual(_foo(*ba.args, **ba.kwargs), (12, 14, 13)) def test_signature_on_decorated(self): import functools def decorator(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs) -> int: return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper class Foo: @decorator def bar(self, a, b): pass self.assertEqual(self.signature(, ((('self', ..., ..., "positional_or_keyword"), ('a', ..., ..., "positional_or_keyword"), ('b', ..., ..., "positional_or_keyword")), ...)) self.assertEqual(self.signature(Foo().bar), ((('a', ..., ..., "positional_or_keyword"), ('b', ..., ..., "positional_or_keyword")), ...)) # Test that we handle method wrappers correctly def decorator(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs) -> int: return func(42, *args, **kwargs) sig = inspect.signature(func) new_params = tuple(sig.parameters.values())[1:] wrapper.__signature__ = sig.replace(parameters=new_params) return wrapper class Foo: @decorator def __call__(self, a, b): pass self.assertEqual(self.signature(Foo.__call__), ((('a', ..., ..., "positional_or_keyword"), ('b', ..., ..., "positional_or_keyword")), ...)) self.assertEqual(self.signature(Foo().__call__), ((('b', ..., ..., "positional_or_keyword"),), ...)) def test_signature_on_class(self): class C: def __init__(self, a): pass self.assertEqual(self.signature(C), ((('a', ..., ..., "positional_or_keyword"),), ...)) class CM(type): def __call__(cls, a): pass class C(metaclass=CM): def __init__(self, b): pass self.assertEqual(self.signature(C), ((('a', ..., ..., "positional_or_keyword"),), ...)) class CM(type): def __new__(mcls, name, bases, dct, *, foo=1): return super().__new__(mcls, name, bases, dct) class C(metaclass=CM): def __init__(self, b): pass self.assertEqual(self.signature(C), ((('b', ..., ..., "positional_or_keyword"),), ...)) self.assertEqual(self.signature(CM), ((('name', ..., ..., "positional_or_keyword"), ('bases', ..., ..., "positional_or_keyword"), ('dct', ..., ..., "positional_or_keyword"), ('foo', 1, ..., "keyword_only")), ...)) class CMM(type): def __new__(mcls, name, bases, dct, *, foo=1): return super().__new__(mcls, name, bases, dct) def __call__(cls, nm, bs, dt): return type(nm, bs, dt) class CM(type, metaclass=CMM): def __new__(mcls, name, bases, dct, *, bar=2): return super().__new__(mcls, name, bases, dct) class C(metaclass=CM): def __init__(self, b): pass self.assertEqual(self.signature(CMM), ((('name', ..., ..., "positional_or_keyword"), ('bases', ..., ..., "positional_or_keyword"), ('dct', ..., ..., "positional_or_keyword"), ('foo', 1, ..., "keyword_only")), ...)) self.assertEqual(self.signature(CM), ((('nm', ..., ..., "positional_or_keyword"), ('bs', ..., ..., "positional_or_keyword"), ('dt', ..., ..., "positional_or_keyword")), ...)) self.assertEqual(self.signature(C), ((('b', ..., ..., "positional_or_keyword"),), ...)) class CM(type): def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct, *, bar=2): return super().__init__(name, bases, dct) class C(metaclass=CM): def __init__(self, b): pass self.assertEqual(self.signature(CM), ((('name', ..., ..., "positional_or_keyword"), ('bases', ..., ..., "positional_or_keyword"), ('dct', ..., ..., "positional_or_keyword"), ('bar', 2, ..., "keyword_only")), ...)) def test_signature_on_callable_objects(self): class Foo: def __call__(self, a): pass self.assertEqual(self.signature(Foo()), ((('a', ..., ..., "positional_or_keyword"),), ...)) class Spam: pass with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, "is not a callable object"): inspect.signature(Spam()) class Bar(Spam, Foo): pass self.assertEqual(self.signature(Bar()), ((('a', ..., ..., "positional_or_keyword"),), ...)) class ToFail: __call__ = type with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "not supported by signature"): inspect.signature(ToFail()) class Wrapped: pass Wrapped.__wrapped__ = lambda a: None self.assertEqual(self.signature(Wrapped), ((('a', ..., ..., "positional_or_keyword"),), ...)) def test_signature_on_lambdas(self): self.assertEqual(self.signature((lambda a=10: a)), ((('a', 10, ..., "positional_or_keyword"),), ...)) def test_signature_equality(self): def foo(a, *, b:int) -> float: pass self.assertNotEqual(inspect.signature(foo), 42) def bar(a, *, b:int) -> float: pass self.assertEqual(inspect.signature(foo), inspect.signature(bar)) def bar(a, *, b:int) -> int: pass self.assertNotEqual(inspect.signature(foo), inspect.signature(bar)) def bar(a, *, b:int): pass self.assertNotEqual(inspect.signature(foo), inspect.signature(bar)) def bar(a, *, b:int=42) -> float: pass self.assertNotEqual(inspect.signature(foo), inspect.signature(bar)) def bar(a, *, c) -> float: pass self.assertNotEqual(inspect.signature(foo), inspect.signature(bar)) def bar(a, b:int) -> float: pass self.assertNotEqual(inspect.signature(foo), inspect.signature(bar)) def spam(b:int, a) -> float: pass self.assertNotEqual(inspect.signature(spam), inspect.signature(bar)) def foo(*, a, b, c): pass def bar(*, c, b, a): pass self.assertEqual(inspect.signature(foo), inspect.signature(bar)) def foo(*, a=1, b, c): pass def bar(*, c, b, a=1): pass self.assertEqual(inspect.signature(foo), inspect.signature(bar)) def foo(pos, *, a=1, b, c): pass def bar(pos, *, c, b, a=1): pass self.assertEqual(inspect.signature(foo), inspect.signature(bar)) def foo(pos, *, a, b, c): pass def bar(pos, *, c, b, a=1): pass self.assertNotEqual(inspect.signature(foo), inspect.signature(bar)) def foo(pos, *args, a=42, b, c, **kwargs:int): pass def bar(pos, *args, c, b, a=42, **kwargs:int): pass self.assertEqual(inspect.signature(foo), inspect.signature(bar)) def test_signature_unhashable(self): def foo(a): pass sig = inspect.signature(foo) with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'unhashable type'): hash(sig) def test_signature_str(self): def foo(a:int=1, *, b, c=None, **kwargs) -> 42: pass self.assertEqual(str(inspect.signature(foo)), '(a:int=1, *, b, c=None, **kwargs) -> 42') def foo(a:int=1, *args, b, c=None, **kwargs) -> 42: pass self.assertEqual(str(inspect.signature(foo)), '(a:int=1, *args, b, c=None, **kwargs) -> 42') def foo(): pass self.assertEqual(str(inspect.signature(foo)), '()') def test_signature_str_positional_only(self): P = inspect.Parameter def test(a_po, *, b, **kwargs): return a_po, kwargs sig = inspect.signature(test) new_params = list(sig.parameters.values()) new_params[0] = new_params[0].replace(kind=P.POSITIONAL_ONLY) test.__signature__ = sig.replace(parameters=new_params) self.assertEqual(str(inspect.signature(test)), '(, *, b, **kwargs)') sig = inspect.signature(test) new_params = list(sig.parameters.values()) new_params[0] = new_params[0].replace(name=None) test.__signature__ = sig.replace(parameters=new_params) self.assertEqual(str(inspect.signature(test)), '(<0>, *, b, **kwargs)') def test_signature_replace_anno(self): def test() -> 42: pass sig = inspect.signature(test) sig = sig.replace(return_annotation=None) self.assertIs(sig.return_annotation, None) sig = sig.replace(return_annotation=sig.empty) self.assertIs(sig.return_annotation, sig.empty) sig = sig.replace(return_annotation=42) self.assertEqual(sig.return_annotation, 42) self.assertEqual(sig, inspect.signature(test)) class TestParameterObject(unittest.TestCase): def test_signature_parameter_kinds(self): P = inspect.Parameter self.assertTrue(P.POSITIONAL_ONLY < P.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD < \ P.VAR_POSITIONAL < P.KEYWORD_ONLY < P.VAR_KEYWORD) self.assertEqual(str(P.POSITIONAL_ONLY), 'POSITIONAL_ONLY') self.assertTrue('POSITIONAL_ONLY' in repr(P.POSITIONAL_ONLY)) def test_signature_parameter_object(self): p = inspect.Parameter('foo', default=10, kind=inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY) self.assertEqual(, 'foo') self.assertEqual(p.default, 10) self.assertIs(p.annotation, p.empty) self.assertEqual(p.kind, inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY) with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'invalid value'): inspect.Parameter('foo', default=10, kind='123') with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'not a valid parameter name'): inspect.Parameter('1', kind=inspect.Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD) with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'non-positional-only parameter'): inspect.Parameter(None, kind=inspect.Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD) with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'cannot have default values'): inspect.Parameter('a', default=42, kind=inspect.Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD) with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'cannot have default values'): inspect.Parameter('a', default=42, kind=inspect.Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL) p = inspect.Parameter('a', default=42, kind=inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD) with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'cannot have default values'): p.replace(kind=inspect.Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL) self.assertTrue(repr(p).startswith('') p = p.replace(name='1') self.assertEqual(str(p), '<1>') def test_signature_parameter_immutability(self): p = inspect.Parameter(None, kind=inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY) with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): = 'bar' with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): p.kind = 123 class TestSignatureBind(unittest.TestCase): @staticmethod def call(func, *args, **kwargs): sig = inspect.signature(func) ba = sig.bind(*args, **kwargs) return func(*ba.args, **ba.kwargs) def test_signature_bind_empty(self): def test(): return 42 self.assertEqual(, 42) with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'too many positional arguments'):, 1) with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'too many positional arguments'):, 1, spam=10) with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'too many keyword arguments'):, spam=1) def test_signature_bind_var(self): def test(*args, **kwargs): return args, kwargs self.assertEqual(, ((), {})) self.assertEqual(, 1), ((1,), {})) self.assertEqual(, 1, 2), ((1, 2), {})) self.assertEqual(, foo='bar'), ((), {'foo': 'bar'})) self.assertEqual(, 1, foo='bar'), ((1,), {'foo': 'bar'})) self.assertEqual(, args=10), ((), {'args': 10})) self.assertEqual(, 1, 2, foo='bar'), ((1, 2), {'foo': 'bar'})) def test_signature_bind_just_args(self): def test(a, b, c): return a, b, c self.assertEqual(, 1, 2, 3), (1, 2, 3)) with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'too many positional arguments'):, 1, 2, 3, 4) with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, "'b' parameter lacking default"):, 1) with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, "'a' parameter lacking default"): def test(a, b, c=10): return a, b, c self.assertEqual(, 1, 2, 3), (1, 2, 3)) self.assertEqual(, 1, 2), (1, 2, 10)) def test(a=1, b=2, c=3): return a, b, c self.assertEqual(, a=10, c=13), (10, 2, 13)) self.assertEqual(, a=10), (10, 2, 3)) self.assertEqual(, b=10), (1, 10, 3)) def test_signature_bind_varargs_order(self): def test(*args): return args self.assertEqual(, ()) self.assertEqual(, 1, 2, 3), (1, 2, 3)) def test_signature_bind_args_and_varargs(self): def test(a, b, c=3, *args): return a, b, c, args self.assertEqual(, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5), (1, 2, 3, (4, 5))) self.assertEqual(, 1, 2), (1, 2, 3, ())) self.assertEqual(, b=1, a=2), (2, 1, 3, ())) self.assertEqual(, 1, b=2), (1, 2, 3, ())) with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, "multiple values for argument 'c'"):, 1, 2, 3, c=4) def test_signature_bind_just_kwargs(self): def test(**kwargs): return kwargs self.assertEqual(, {}) self.assertEqual(, foo='bar', spam='ham'), {'foo': 'bar', 'spam': 'ham'}) def test_signature_bind_args_and_kwargs(self): def test(a, b, c=3, **kwargs): return a, b, c, kwargs self.assertEqual(, 1, 2), (1, 2, 3, {})) self.assertEqual(, 1, 2, foo='bar', spam='ham'), (1, 2, 3, {'foo': 'bar', 'spam': 'ham'})) self.assertEqual(, b=2, a=1, foo='bar', spam='ham'), (1, 2, 3, {'foo': 'bar', 'spam': 'ham'})) self.assertEqual(, a=1, b=2, foo='bar', spam='ham'), (1, 2, 3, {'foo': 'bar', 'spam': 'ham'})) self.assertEqual(, 1, b=2, foo='bar', spam='ham'), (1, 2, 3, {'foo': 'bar', 'spam': 'ham'})) self.assertEqual(, 1, b=2, c=4, foo='bar', spam='ham'), (1, 2, 4, {'foo': 'bar', 'spam': 'ham'})) self.assertEqual(, 1, 2, 4, foo='bar'), (1, 2, 4, {'foo': 'bar'})) self.assertEqual(, c=5, a=4, b=3), (4, 3, 5, {})) def test_signature_bind_kwonly(self): def test(*, foo): return foo with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'too many positional arguments'):, 1) self.assertEqual(, foo=1), 1) def test(a, *, foo=1, bar): return foo with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, "'bar' parameter lacking default value"):, 1) def test(foo, *, bar): return foo, bar self.assertEqual(, 1, bar=2), (1, 2)) self.assertEqual(, bar=2, foo=1), (1, 2)) with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'too many keyword arguments'):, bar=2, foo=1, spam=10) with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'too many positional arguments'):, 1, 2) with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'too many positional arguments'):, 1, 2, bar=2) with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'too many keyword arguments'):, 1, bar=2, spam='ham') with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, "'bar' parameter lacking default value"):, 1) def test(foo, *, bar, **bin): return foo, bar, bin self.assertEqual(, 1, bar=2), (1, 2, {})) self.assertEqual(, foo=1, bar=2), (1, 2, {})) self.assertEqual(, 1, bar=2, spam='ham'), (1, 2, {'spam': 'ham'})) self.assertEqual(, spam='ham', foo=1, bar=2), (1, 2, {'spam': 'ham'})) with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, "'foo' parameter lacking default value"):, spam='ham', bar=2) self.assertEqual(, 1, bar=2, bin=1, spam=10), (1, 2, {'bin': 1, 'spam': 10})) def test_signature_bind_arguments(self): def test(a, *args, b, z=100, **kwargs): pass sig = inspect.signature(test) ba = sig.bind(10, 20, b=30, c=40, args=50, kwargs=60) # we won't have 'z' argument in the bound arguments object, as we didn't # pass it to the 'bind' self.assertEqual(tuple(ba.arguments.items()), (('a', 10), ('args', (20,)), ('b', 30), ('kwargs', {'c': 40, 'args': 50, 'kwargs': 60}))) self.assertEqual(ba.kwargs, {'b': 30, 'c': 40, 'args': 50, 'kwargs': 60}) self.assertEqual(ba.args, (10, 20)) def test_signature_bind_positional_only(self): P = inspect.Parameter def test(a_po, b_po, c_po=3, foo=42, *, bar=50, **kwargs): return a_po, b_po, c_po, foo, bar, kwargs sig = inspect.signature(test) new_params = collections.OrderedDict(tuple(sig.parameters.items())) for name in ('a_po', 'b_po', 'c_po'): new_params[name] = new_params[name].replace(kind=P.POSITIONAL_ONLY) new_sig = sig.replace(parameters=new_params.values()) test.__signature__ = new_sig self.assertEqual(, 1, 2, 4, 5, bar=6), (1, 2, 4, 5, 6, {})) with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, "parameter is positional only"):, 1, 2, c_po=4) with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, "parameter is positional only"):, a_po=1, b_po=2) class TestBoundArguments(unittest.TestCase): def test_signature_bound_arguments_unhashable(self): def foo(a): pass ba = inspect.signature(foo).bind(1) with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, 'unhashable type'): hash(ba) def test_signature_bound_arguments_equality(self): def foo(a): pass ba = inspect.signature(foo).bind(1) self.assertEqual(ba, ba) ba2 = inspect.signature(foo).bind(1) self.assertEqual(ba, ba2) ba3 = inspect.signature(foo).bind(2) self.assertNotEqual(ba, ba3) ba3.arguments['a'] = 1 self.assertEqual(ba, ba3) def bar(b): pass ba4 = inspect.signature(bar).bind(1) self.assertNotEqual(ba, ba4) def test_main(): run_unittest( TestDecorators, TestRetrievingSourceCode, TestOneliners, TestBuggyCases, TestInterpreterStack, TestClassesAndFunctions, TestPredicates, TestGetcallargsFunctions, TestGetcallargsMethods, TestGetcallargsUnboundMethods, TestGetattrStatic, TestGetGeneratorState, TestNoEOL, TestSignatureObject, TestSignatureBind, TestParameterObject, TestBoundArguments, TestGetClosureVars ) if __name__ == "__main__": test_main()