'''Test idlelib.textview. Since all methods and functions create (or destroy) a TextViewer, which is a widget containing multiple widgets, all tests must be gui tests. Using mock Text would not change this. Other mocks are used to retrieve information about calls. Coverage: 100%. ''' from idlelib import textview as tv from test.support import requires requires('gui') import unittest import os from tkinter import Tk, Button from idlelib.idle_test.mock_idle import Func from idlelib.idle_test.mock_tk import Mbox_func def setUpModule(): global root root = Tk() root.withdraw() def tearDownModule(): global root root.update_idletasks() root.destroy() # Pyflakes falsely sees root as undefined. del root # If we call TextViewer or wrapper functions with defaults # modal=True, _utest=False, test hangs on call to wait_window. # Have also gotten tk error 'can't invoke "event" command'. class TV(tv.TextViewer): # Used in TextViewTest. transient = Func() grab_set = Func() wait_window = Func() # Call wrapper class with mock wait_window. class TextViewTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): TV.transient.__init__() TV.grab_set.__init__() TV.wait_window.__init__() def test_init_modal(self): view = TV(root, 'Title', 'test text') self.assertTrue(TV.transient.called) self.assertTrue(TV.grab_set.called) self.assertTrue(TV.wait_window.called) view.Ok() def test_init_nonmodal(self): view = TV(root, 'Title', 'test text', modal=False) self.assertFalse(TV.transient.called) self.assertFalse(TV.grab_set.called) self.assertFalse(TV.wait_window.called) view.Ok() def test_ok(self): view = TV(root, 'Title', 'test text', modal=False) view.destroy = Func() view.Ok() self.assertTrue(view.destroy.called) del view.destroy # Unmask real function. view.destroy() # Call TextViewer with modal=False. class ViewFunctionTest(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.orig_error = tv.showerror tv.showerror = Mbox_func() @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): tv.showerror = cls.orig_error del cls.orig_error def test_view_text(self): view = tv.view_text(root, 'Title', 'test text', modal=False) self.assertIsInstance(view, tv.TextViewer) view.Ok() def test_view_file(self): view = tv.view_file(root, 'Title', __file__, modal=False) self.assertIsInstance(view, tv.TextViewer) self.assertIn('Test', view.textView.get('1.0', '1.end')) view.Ok() def test_bad_file(self): # Mock showerror will be used; view_file will return None. view = tv.view_file(root, 'Title', 'abc.xyz', modal=False) self.assertIsNone(view) self.assertEqual(tv.showerror.title, 'File Load Error') def test_bad_encoding(self): p = os.path fn = p.abspath(p.join(p.dirname(__file__), '..', 'CREDITS.txt')) tv.showerror.title = None view = tv.view_file(root, 'Title', fn, 'ascii', modal=False) self.assertIsNone(view) self.assertEqual(tv.showerror.title, 'Unicode Decode Error') # Call TextViewer with _utest=True. class ButtonClickTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.view = None self.called = False def tearDown(self): if self.view: self.view.destroy() def test_view_text_bind_with_button(self): def _command(): self.called = True self.view = tv.view_text(root, 'TITLE_TEXT', 'COMMAND', _utest=True) button = Button(root, text='BUTTON', command=_command) button.invoke() self.addCleanup(button.destroy) self.assertEqual(self.called, True) self.assertEqual(self.view.title(), 'TITLE_TEXT') self.assertEqual(self.view.textView.get('1.0', '1.end'), 'COMMAND') def test_view_file_bind_with_button(self): def _command(): self.called = True self.view = tv.view_file(root, 'TITLE_FILE', __file__, _utest=True) button = Button(root, text='BUTTON', command=_command) button.invoke() self.addCleanup(button.destroy) self.assertEqual(self.called, True) self.assertEqual(self.view.title(), 'TITLE_FILE') with open(__file__) as f: self.assertEqual(self.view.textView.get('1.0', '1.end'), f.readline().strip()) f.readline() self.assertEqual(self.view.textView.get('3.0', '3.end'), f.readline().strip()) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(verbosity=2)