#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2001-2012 by Vinay Sajip. All Rights Reserved. # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its # documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, # provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that # both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in # supporting documentation, and that the name of Vinay Sajip # not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution # of the software without specific, written prior permission. # VINAY SAJIP DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING # ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL # VINAY SAJIP BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR # ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER # IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT # OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. """Test harness for the logging module. Run all tests. Copyright (C) 2001-2012 Vinay Sajip. All Rights Reserved. """ import logging import logging.handlers import logging.config import codecs import datetime import pickle import io import gc import json import os import queue import random import re import select import socket from socketserver import ThreadingTCPServer, StreamRequestHandler import struct import sys import tempfile from test.support import captured_stdout, run_with_locale, run_unittest from test.support import TestHandler, Matcher import textwrap import time import unittest import warnings import weakref try: import threading except ImportError: threading = None class BaseTest(unittest.TestCase): """Base class for logging tests.""" log_format = "%(name)s -> %(levelname)s: %(message)s" expected_log_pat = r"^([\w.]+) -> ([\w]+): ([\d]+)$" message_num = 0 def setUp(self): """Setup the default logging stream to an internal StringIO instance, so that we can examine log output as we want.""" logger_dict = logging.getLogger().manager.loggerDict logging._acquireLock() try: self.saved_handlers = logging._handlers.copy() self.saved_handler_list = logging._handlerList[:] self.saved_loggers = saved_loggers = logger_dict.copy() self.saved_level_names = logging._levelNames.copy() self.logger_states = logger_states = {} for name in saved_loggers: logger_states[name] = getattr(saved_loggers[name], 'disabled', None) finally: logging._releaseLock() # Set two unused loggers: one non-ASCII and one Unicode. # This is to test correct operation when sorting existing # loggers in the configuration code. See issue 8201. self.logger1 = logging.getLogger("\xab\xd7\xbb") self.logger2 = logging.getLogger("\u013f\u00d6\u0047") self.root_logger = logging.getLogger("") self.original_logging_level = self.root_logger.getEffectiveLevel() self.stream = io.StringIO() self.root_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.root_hdlr = logging.StreamHandler(self.stream) self.root_formatter = logging.Formatter(self.log_format) self.root_hdlr.setFormatter(self.root_formatter) if self.logger1.hasHandlers(): hlist = self.logger1.handlers + self.root_logger.handlers raise AssertionError('Unexpected handlers: %s' % hlist) if self.logger2.hasHandlers(): hlist = self.logger2.handlers + self.root_logger.handlers raise AssertionError('Unexpected handlers: %s' % hlist) self.root_logger.addHandler(self.root_hdlr) self.assertTrue(self.logger1.hasHandlers()) self.assertTrue(self.logger2.hasHandlers()) def tearDown(self): """Remove our logging stream, and restore the original logging level.""" self.stream.close() self.root_logger.removeHandler(self.root_hdlr) while self.root_logger.handlers: h = self.root_logger.handlers[0] self.root_logger.removeHandler(h) h.close() self.root_logger.setLevel(self.original_logging_level) logging._acquireLock() try: logging._levelNames.clear() logging._levelNames.update(self.saved_level_names) logging._handlers.clear() logging._handlers.update(self.saved_handlers) logging._handlerList[:] = self.saved_handler_list loggerDict = logging.getLogger().manager.loggerDict loggerDict.clear() loggerDict.update(self.saved_loggers) logger_states = self.logger_states for name in self.logger_states: if logger_states[name] is not None: self.saved_loggers[name].disabled = logger_states[name] finally: logging._releaseLock() def assert_log_lines(self, expected_values, stream=None): """Match the collected log lines against the regular expression self.expected_log_pat, and compare the extracted group values to the expected_values list of tuples.""" stream = stream or self.stream pat = re.compile(self.expected_log_pat) try: stream.reset() actual_lines = stream.readlines() except AttributeError: # StringIO.StringIO lacks a reset() method. actual_lines = stream.getvalue().splitlines() self.assertEqual(len(actual_lines), len(expected_values), '%s vs. %s' % (actual_lines, expected_values)) for actual, expected in zip(actual_lines, expected_values): match = pat.search(actual) if not match: self.fail("Log line does not match expected pattern:\n" + actual) self.assertEqual(tuple(match.groups()), expected) s = stream.read() if s: self.fail("Remaining output at end of log stream:\n" + s) def next_message(self): """Generate a message consisting solely of an auto-incrementing integer.""" self.message_num += 1 return "%d" % self.message_num class BuiltinLevelsTest(BaseTest): """Test builtin levels and their inheritance.""" def test_flat(self): #Logging levels in a flat logger namespace. m = self.next_message ERR = logging.getLogger("ERR") ERR.setLevel(logging.ERROR) INF = logging.LoggerAdapter(logging.getLogger("INF"), {}) INF.setLevel(logging.INFO) DEB = logging.getLogger("DEB") DEB.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # These should log. ERR.log(logging.CRITICAL, m()) ERR.error(m()) INF.log(logging.CRITICAL, m()) INF.error(m()) INF.warn(m()) INF.info(m()) DEB.log(logging.CRITICAL, m()) DEB.error(m()) DEB.warn (m()) DEB.info (m()) DEB.debug(m()) # These should not log. ERR.warn(m()) ERR.info(m()) ERR.debug(m()) INF.debug(m()) self.assert_log_lines([ ('ERR', 'CRITICAL', '1'), ('ERR', 'ERROR', '2'), ('INF', 'CRITICAL', '3'), ('INF', 'ERROR', '4'), ('INF', 'WARNING', '5'), ('INF', 'INFO', '6'), ('DEB', 'CRITICAL', '7'), ('DEB', 'ERROR', '8'), ('DEB', 'WARNING', '9'), ('DEB', 'INFO', '10'), ('DEB', 'DEBUG', '11'), ]) def test_nested_explicit(self): # Logging levels in a nested namespace, all explicitly set. m = self.next_message INF = logging.getLogger("INF") INF.setLevel(logging.INFO) INF_ERR = logging.getLogger("INF.ERR") INF_ERR.setLevel(logging.ERROR) # These should log. INF_ERR.log(logging.CRITICAL, m()) INF_ERR.error(m()) # These should not log. INF_ERR.warn(m()) INF_ERR.info(m()) INF_ERR.debug(m()) self.assert_log_lines([ ('INF.ERR', 'CRITICAL', '1'), ('INF.ERR', 'ERROR', '2'), ]) def test_nested_inherited(self): #Logging levels in a nested namespace, inherited from parent loggers. m = self.next_message INF = logging.getLogger("INF") INF.setLevel(logging.INFO) INF_ERR = logging.getLogger("INF.ERR") INF_ERR.setLevel(logging.ERROR) INF_UNDEF = logging.getLogger("INF.UNDEF") INF_ERR_UNDEF = logging.getLogger("INF.ERR.UNDEF") UNDEF = logging.getLogger("UNDEF") # These should log. INF_UNDEF.log(logging.CRITICAL, m()) INF_UNDEF.error(m()) INF_UNDEF.warn(m()) INF_UNDEF.info(m()) INF_ERR_UNDEF.log(logging.CRITICAL, m()) INF_ERR_UNDEF.error(m()) # These should not log. INF_UNDEF.debug(m()) INF_ERR_UNDEF.warn(m()) INF_ERR_UNDEF.info(m()) INF_ERR_UNDEF.debug(m()) self.assert_log_lines([ ('INF.UNDEF', 'CRITICAL', '1'), ('INF.UNDEF', 'ERROR', '2'), ('INF.UNDEF', 'WARNING', '3'), ('INF.UNDEF', 'INFO', '4'), ('INF.ERR.UNDEF', 'CRITICAL', '5'), ('INF.ERR.UNDEF', 'ERROR', '6'), ]) def test_nested_with_virtual_parent(self): # Logging levels when some parent does not exist yet. m = self.next_message INF = logging.getLogger("INF") GRANDCHILD = logging.getLogger("INF.BADPARENT.UNDEF") CHILD = logging.getLogger("INF.BADPARENT") INF.setLevel(logging.INFO) # These should log. GRANDCHILD.log(logging.FATAL, m()) GRANDCHILD.info(m()) CHILD.log(logging.FATAL, m()) CHILD.info(m()) # These should not log. GRANDCHILD.debug(m()) CHILD.debug(m()) self.assert_log_lines([ ('INF.BADPARENT.UNDEF', 'CRITICAL', '1'), ('INF.BADPARENT.UNDEF', 'INFO', '2'), ('INF.BADPARENT', 'CRITICAL', '3'), ('INF.BADPARENT', 'INFO', '4'), ]) def test_invalid_name(self): self.assertRaises(TypeError, logging.getLogger, any) class BasicFilterTest(BaseTest): """Test the bundled Filter class.""" def test_filter(self): # Only messages satisfying the specified criteria pass through the # filter. filter_ = logging.Filter("spam.eggs") handler = self.root_logger.handlers[0] try: handler.addFilter(filter_) spam = logging.getLogger("spam") spam_eggs = logging.getLogger("spam.eggs") spam_eggs_fish = logging.getLogger("spam.eggs.fish") spam_bakedbeans = logging.getLogger("spam.bakedbeans") spam.info(self.next_message()) spam_eggs.info(self.next_message()) # Good. spam_eggs_fish.info(self.next_message()) # Good. spam_bakedbeans.info(self.next_message()) self.assert_log_lines([ ('spam.eggs', 'INFO', '2'), ('spam.eggs.fish', 'INFO', '3'), ]) finally: handler.removeFilter(filter_) def test_callable_filter(self): # Only messages satisfying the specified criteria pass through the # filter. def filterfunc(record): parts = record.name.split('.') prefix = '.'.join(parts[:2]) return prefix == 'spam.eggs' handler = self.root_logger.handlers[0] try: handler.addFilter(filterfunc) spam = logging.getLogger("spam") spam_eggs = logging.getLogger("spam.eggs") spam_eggs_fish = logging.getLogger("spam.eggs.fish") spam_bakedbeans = logging.getLogger("spam.bakedbeans") spam.info(self.next_message()) spam_eggs.info(self.next_message()) # Good. spam_eggs_fish.info(self.next_message()) # Good. spam_bakedbeans.info(self.next_message()) self.assert_log_lines([ ('spam.eggs', 'INFO', '2'), ('spam.eggs.fish', 'INFO', '3'), ]) finally: handler.removeFilter(filterfunc) # # First, we define our levels. There can be as many as you want - the only # limitations are that they should be integers, the lowest should be > 0 and # larger values mean less information being logged. If you need specific # level values which do not fit into these limitations, you can use a # mapping dictionary to convert between your application levels and the # logging system. # SILENT = 120 TACITURN = 119 TERSE = 118 EFFUSIVE = 117 SOCIABLE = 116 VERBOSE = 115 TALKATIVE = 114 GARRULOUS = 113 CHATTERBOX = 112 BORING = 111 LEVEL_RANGE = range(BORING, SILENT + 1) # # Next, we define names for our levels. You don't need to do this - in which # case the system will use "Level n" to denote the text for the level. # my_logging_levels = { SILENT : 'Silent', TACITURN : 'Taciturn', TERSE : 'Terse', EFFUSIVE : 'Effusive', SOCIABLE : 'Sociable', VERBOSE : 'Verbose', TALKATIVE : 'Talkative', GARRULOUS : 'Garrulous', CHATTERBOX : 'Chatterbox', BORING : 'Boring', } class GarrulousFilter(logging.Filter): """A filter which blocks garrulous messages.""" def filter(self, record): return record.levelno != GARRULOUS class VerySpecificFilter(logging.Filter): """A filter which blocks sociable and taciturn messages.""" def filter(self, record): return record.levelno not in [SOCIABLE, TACITURN] class CustomLevelsAndFiltersTest(BaseTest): """Test various filtering possibilities with custom logging levels.""" # Skip the logger name group. expected_log_pat = r"^[\w.]+ -> ([\w]+): ([\d]+)$" def setUp(self): BaseTest.setUp(self) for k, v in my_logging_levels.items(): logging.addLevelName(k, v) def log_at_all_levels(self, logger): for lvl in LEVEL_RANGE: logger.log(lvl, self.next_message()) def test_logger_filter(self): # Filter at logger level. self.root_logger.setLevel(VERBOSE) # Levels >= 'Verbose' are good. self.log_at_all_levels(self.root_logger) self.assert_log_lines([ ('Verbose', '5'), ('Sociable', '6'), ('Effusive', '7'), ('Terse', '8'), ('Taciturn', '9'), ('Silent', '10'), ]) def test_handler_filter(self): # Filter at handler level. self.root_logger.handlers[0].setLevel(SOCIABLE) try: # Levels >= 'Sociable' are good. self.log_at_all_levels(self.root_logger) self.assert_log_lines([ ('Sociable', '6'), ('Effusive', '7'), ('Terse', '8'), ('Taciturn', '9'), ('Silent', '10'), ]) finally: self.root_logger.handlers[0].setLevel(logging.NOTSET) def test_specific_filters(self): # Set a specific filter object on the handler, and then add another # filter object on the logger itself. handler = self.root_logger.handlers[0] specific_filter = None garr = GarrulousFilter() handler.addFilter(garr) try: self.log_at_all_levels(self.root_logger) first_lines = [ # Notice how 'Garrulous' is missing ('Boring', '1'), ('Chatterbox', '2'), ('Talkative', '4'), ('Verbose', '5'), ('Sociable', '6'), ('Effusive', '7'), ('Terse', '8'), ('Taciturn', '9'), ('Silent', '10'), ] self.assert_log_lines(first_lines) specific_filter = VerySpecificFilter() self.root_logger.addFilter(specific_filter) self.log_at_all_levels(self.root_logger) self.assert_log_lines(first_lines + [ # Not only 'Garrulous' is still missing, but also 'Sociable' # and 'Taciturn' ('Boring', '11'), ('Chatterbox', '12'), ('Talkative', '14'), ('Verbose', '15'), ('Effusive', '17'), ('Terse', '18'), ('Silent', '20'), ]) finally: if specific_filter: self.root_logger.removeFilter(specific_filter) handler.removeFilter(garr) class MemoryHandlerTest(BaseTest): """Tests for the MemoryHandler.""" # Do not bother with a logger name group. expected_log_pat = r"^[\w.]+ -> ([\w]+): ([\d]+)$" def setUp(self): BaseTest.setUp(self) self.mem_hdlr = logging.handlers.MemoryHandler(10, logging.WARNING, self.root_hdlr) self.mem_logger = logging.getLogger('mem') self.mem_logger.propagate = 0 self.mem_logger.addHandler(self.mem_hdlr) def tearDown(self): self.mem_hdlr.close() BaseTest.tearDown(self) def test_flush(self): # The memory handler flushes to its target handler based on specific # criteria (message count and message level). self.mem_logger.debug(self.next_message()) self.assert_log_lines([]) self.mem_logger.info(self.next_message()) self.assert_log_lines([]) # This will flush because the level is >= logging.WARNING self.mem_logger.warn(self.next_message()) lines = [ ('DEBUG', '1'), ('INFO', '2'), ('WARNING', '3'), ] self.assert_log_lines(lines) for n in (4, 14): for i in range(9): self.mem_logger.debug(self.next_message()) self.assert_log_lines(lines) # This will flush because it's the 10th message since the last # flush. self.mem_logger.debug(self.next_message()) lines = lines + [('DEBUG', str(i)) for i in range(n, n + 10)] self.assert_log_lines(lines) self.mem_logger.debug(self.next_message()) self.assert_log_lines(lines) class ExceptionFormatter(logging.Formatter): """A special exception formatter.""" def formatException(self, ei): return "Got a [%s]" % ei[0].__name__ class ConfigFileTest(BaseTest): """Reading logging config from a .ini-style config file.""" expected_log_pat = r"^([\w]+) \+\+ ([\w]+)$" # config0 is a standard configuration. config0 = """ [loggers] keys=root [handlers] keys=hand1 [formatters] keys=form1 [logger_root] level=WARNING handlers=hand1 [handler_hand1] class=StreamHandler level=NOTSET formatter=form1 args=(sys.stdout,) [formatter_form1] format=%(levelname)s ++ %(message)s datefmt= """ # config1 adds a little to the standard configuration. config1 = """ [loggers] keys=root,parser [handlers] keys=hand1 [formatters] keys=form1 [logger_root] level=WARNING handlers= [logger_parser] level=DEBUG handlers=hand1 propagate=1 qualname=compiler.parser [handler_hand1] class=StreamHandler level=NOTSET formatter=form1 args=(sys.stdout,) [formatter_form1] format=%(levelname)s ++ %(message)s datefmt= """ # config1a moves the handler to the root. config1a = """ [loggers] keys=root,parser [handlers] keys=hand1 [formatters] keys=form1 [logger_root] level=WARNING handlers=hand1 [logger_parser] level=DEBUG handlers= propagate=1 qualname=compiler.parser [handler_hand1] class=StreamHandler level=NOTSET formatter=form1 args=(sys.stdout,) [formatter_form1] format=%(levelname)s ++ %(message)s datefmt= """ # config2 has a subtle configuration error that should be reported config2 = config1.replace("sys.stdout", "sys.stbout") # config3 has a less subtle configuration error config3 = config1.replace("formatter=form1", "formatter=misspelled_name") # config4 specifies a custom formatter class to be loaded config4 = """ [loggers] keys=root [handlers] keys=hand1 [formatters] keys=form1 [logger_root] level=NOTSET handlers=hand1 [handler_hand1] class=StreamHandler level=NOTSET formatter=form1 args=(sys.stdout,) [formatter_form1] class=""" + __name__ + """.ExceptionFormatter format=%(levelname)s:%(name)s:%(message)s datefmt= """ # config5 specifies a custom handler class to be loaded config5 = config1.replace('class=StreamHandler', 'class=logging.StreamHandler') # config6 uses ', ' delimiters in the handlers and formatters sections config6 = """ [loggers] keys=root,parser [handlers] keys=hand1, hand2 [formatters] keys=form1, form2 [logger_root] level=WARNING handlers= [logger_parser] level=DEBUG handlers=hand1 propagate=1 qualname=compiler.parser [handler_hand1] class=StreamHandler level=NOTSET formatter=form1 args=(sys.stdout,) [handler_hand2] class=StreamHandler level=NOTSET formatter=form1 args=(sys.stderr,) [formatter_form1] format=%(levelname)s ++ %(message)s datefmt= [formatter_form2] format=%(message)s datefmt= """ # config7 adds a compiler logger. config7 = """ [loggers] keys=root,parser,compiler [handlers] keys=hand1 [formatters] keys=form1 [logger_root] level=WARNING handlers=hand1 [logger_compiler] level=DEBUG handlers= propagate=1 qualname=compiler [logger_parser] level=DEBUG handlers= propagate=1 qualname=compiler.parser [handler_hand1] class=StreamHandler level=NOTSET formatter=form1 args=(sys.stdout,) [formatter_form1] format=%(levelname)s ++ %(message)s datefmt= """ def apply_config(self, conf): file = io.StringIO(textwrap.dedent(conf)) logging.config.fileConfig(file) def test_config0_ok(self): # A simple config file which overrides the default settings. with captured_stdout() as output: self.apply_config(self.config0) logger = logging.getLogger() # Won't output anything logger.info(self.next_message()) # Outputs a message logger.error(self.next_message()) self.assert_log_lines([ ('ERROR', '2'), ], stream=output) # Original logger output is empty. self.assert_log_lines([]) def test_config1_ok(self, config=config1): # A config file defining a sub-parser as well. with captured_stdout() as output: self.apply_config(config) logger = logging.getLogger("compiler.parser") # Both will output a message logger.info(self.next_message()) logger.error(self.next_message()) self.assert_log_lines([ ('INFO', '1'), ('ERROR', '2'), ], stream=output) # Original logger output is empty. self.assert_log_lines([]) def test_config2_failure(self): # A simple config file which overrides the default settings. self.assertRaises(Exception, self.apply_config, self.config2) def test_config3_failure(self): # A simple config file which overrides the default settings. self.assertRaises(Exception, self.apply_config, self.config3) def test_config4_ok(self): # A config file specifying a custom formatter class. with captured_stdout() as output: self.apply_config(self.config4) logger = logging.getLogger() try: raise RuntimeError() except RuntimeError: logging.exception("just testing") sys.stdout.seek(0) self.assertEqual(output.getvalue(), "ERROR:root:just testing\nGot a [RuntimeError]\n") # Original logger output is empty self.assert_log_lines([]) def test_config5_ok(self): self.test_config1_ok(config=self.config5) def test_config6_ok(self): self.test_config1_ok(config=self.config6) def test_config7_ok(self): with captured_stdout() as output: self.apply_config(self.config1a) logger = logging.getLogger("compiler.parser") # See issue #11424. compiler-hyphenated sorts # between compiler and compiler.xyz and this # was preventing compiler.xyz from being included # in the child loggers of compiler because of an # overzealous loop termination condition. hyphenated = logging.getLogger('compiler-hyphenated') # All will output a message logger.info(self.next_message()) logger.error(self.next_message()) hyphenated.critical(self.next_message()) self.assert_log_lines([ ('INFO', '1'), ('ERROR', '2'), ('CRITICAL', '3'), ], stream=output) # Original logger output is empty. self.assert_log_lines([]) with captured_stdout() as output: self.apply_config(self.config7) logger = logging.getLogger("compiler.parser") self.assertFalse(logger.disabled) # Both will output a message logger.info(self.next_message()) logger.error(self.next_message()) logger = logging.getLogger("compiler.lexer") # Both will output a message logger.info(self.next_message()) logger.error(self.next_message()) # Will not appear hyphenated.critical(self.next_message()) self.assert_log_lines([ ('INFO', '4'), ('ERROR', '5'), ('INFO', '6'), ('ERROR', '7'), ], stream=output) # Original logger output is empty. self.assert_log_lines([]) class LogRecordStreamHandler(StreamRequestHandler): """Handler for a streaming logging request. It saves the log message in the TCP server's 'log_output' attribute.""" TCP_LOG_END = "!!!END!!!" def handle(self): """Handle multiple requests - each expected to be of 4-byte length, followed by the LogRecord in pickle format. Logs the record according to whatever policy is configured locally.""" while True: chunk = self.connection.recv(4) if len(chunk) < 4: break slen = struct.unpack(">L", chunk)[0] chunk = self.connection.recv(slen) while len(chunk) < slen: chunk = chunk + self.connection.recv(slen - len(chunk)) obj = self.unpickle(chunk) record = logging.makeLogRecord(obj) self.handle_log_record(record) def unpickle(self, data): return pickle.loads(data) def handle_log_record(self, record): # If the end-of-messages sentinel is seen, tell the server to # terminate. if self.TCP_LOG_END in record.msg: self.server.abort = 1 return self.server.log_output += record.msg + "\n" class LogRecordSocketReceiver(ThreadingTCPServer): """A simple-minded TCP socket-based logging receiver suitable for test purposes.""" allow_reuse_address = 1 log_output = "" def __init__(self, host='localhost', port=logging.handlers.DEFAULT_TCP_LOGGING_PORT, handler=LogRecordStreamHandler): ThreadingTCPServer.__init__(self, (host, port), handler) self.abort = False self.timeout = 0.1 self.finished = threading.Event() def serve_until_stopped(self): while not self.abort: rd, wr, ex = select.select([self.socket.fileno()], [], [], self.timeout) if rd: self.handle_request() # Notify the main thread that we're about to exit self.finished.set() # close the listen socket self.server_close() @unittest.skipUnless(threading, 'Threading required for this test.') class SocketHandlerTest(BaseTest): """Test for SocketHandler objects.""" def setUp(self): """Set up a TCP server to receive log messages, and a SocketHandler pointing to that server's address and port.""" BaseTest.setUp(self) self.tcpserver = LogRecordSocketReceiver(port=0) self.port = self.tcpserver.socket.getsockname()[1] self.threads = [ threading.Thread(target=self.tcpserver.serve_until_stopped)] for thread in self.threads: thread.start() self.sock_hdlr = logging.handlers.SocketHandler('localhost', self.port) self.sock_hdlr.setFormatter(self.root_formatter) self.root_logger.removeHandler(self.root_logger.handlers[0]) self.root_logger.addHandler(self.sock_hdlr) def tearDown(self): """Shutdown the TCP server.""" try: self.tcpserver.abort = True del self.tcpserver self.root_logger.removeHandler(self.sock_hdlr) self.sock_hdlr.close() for thread in self.threads: thread.join(2.0) finally: BaseTest.tearDown(self) def get_output(self): """Get the log output as received by the TCP server.""" # Signal the TCP receiver and wait for it to terminate. self.root_logger.critical(LogRecordStreamHandler.TCP_LOG_END) self.tcpserver.finished.wait(2.0) return self.tcpserver.log_output def test_output(self): # The log message sent to the SocketHandler is properly received. logger = logging.getLogger("tcp") logger.error("spam") logger.debug("eggs") self.assertEqual(self.get_output(), "spam\neggs\n") class MemoryTest(BaseTest): """Test memory persistence of logger objects.""" def setUp(self): """Create a dict to remember potentially destroyed objects.""" BaseTest.setUp(self) self._survivors = {} def _watch_for_survival(self, *args): """Watch the given objects for survival, by creating weakrefs to them.""" for obj in args: key = id(obj), repr(obj) self._survivors[key] = weakref.ref(obj) def _assertTruesurvival(self): """Assert that all objects watched for survival have survived.""" # Trigger cycle breaking. gc.collect() dead = [] for (id_, repr_), ref in self._survivors.items(): if ref() is None: dead.append(repr_) if dead: self.fail("%d objects should have survived " "but have been destroyed: %s" % (len(dead), ", ".join(dead))) def test_persistent_loggers(self): # Logger objects are persistent and retain their configuration, even # if visible references are destroyed. self.root_logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) foo = logging.getLogger("foo") self._watch_for_survival(foo) foo.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.root_logger.debug(self.next_message()) foo.debug(self.next_message()) self.assert_log_lines([ ('foo', 'DEBUG', '2'), ]) del foo # foo has survived. self._assertTruesurvival() # foo has retained its settings. bar = logging.getLogger("foo") bar.debug(self.next_message()) self.assert_log_lines([ ('foo', 'DEBUG', '2'), ('foo', 'DEBUG', '3'), ]) class EncodingTest(BaseTest): def test_encoding_plain_file(self): # In Python 2.x, a plain file object is treated as having no encoding. log = logging.getLogger("test") fd, fn = tempfile.mkstemp(".log", "test_logging-1-") os.close(fd) # the non-ascii data we write to the log. data = "foo\x80" try: handler = logging.FileHandler(fn, encoding="utf-8") log.addHandler(handler) try: # write non-ascii data to the log. log.warning(data) finally: log.removeHandler(handler) handler.close() # check we wrote exactly those bytes, ignoring trailing \n etc f = open(fn, encoding="utf-8") try: self.assertEqual(f.read().rstrip(), data) finally: f.close() finally: if os.path.isfile(fn): os.remove(fn) def test_encoding_cyrillic_unicode(self): log = logging.getLogger("test") #Get a message in Unicode: Do svidanya in Cyrillic (meaning goodbye) message = '\u0434\u043e \u0441\u0432\u0438\u0434\u0430\u043d\u0438\u044f' #Ensure it's written in a Cyrillic encoding writer_class = codecs.getwriter('cp1251') writer_class.encoding = 'cp1251' stream = io.BytesIO() writer = writer_class(stream, 'strict') handler = logging.StreamHandler(writer) log.addHandler(handler) try: log.warning(message) finally: log.removeHandler(handler) handler.close() # check we wrote exactly those bytes, ignoring trailing \n etc s = stream.getvalue() #Compare against what the data should be when encoded in CP-1251 self.assertEqual(s, b'\xe4\xee \xf1\xe2\xe8\xe4\xe0\xed\xe8\xff\n') class WarningsTest(BaseTest): def test_warnings(self): with warnings.catch_warnings(): logging.captureWarnings(True) try: warnings.filterwarnings("always", category=UserWarning) file = io.StringIO() h = logging.StreamHandler(file) logger = logging.getLogger("py.warnings") logger.addHandler(h) warnings.warn("I'm warning you...") logger.removeHandler(h) s = file.getvalue() h.close() self.assertTrue(s.find("UserWarning: I'm warning you...\n") > 0) #See if an explicit file uses the original implementation file = io.StringIO() warnings.showwarning("Explicit", UserWarning, "dummy.py", 42, file, "Dummy line") s = file.getvalue() file.close() self.assertEqual(s, "dummy.py:42: UserWarning: Explicit\n Dummy line\n") finally: logging.captureWarnings(False) def formatFunc(format, datefmt=None): return logging.Formatter(format, datefmt) def handlerFunc(): return logging.StreamHandler() class CustomHandler(logging.StreamHandler): pass class ConfigDictTest(BaseTest): """Reading logging config from a dictionary.""" expected_log_pat = r"^([\w]+) \+\+ ([\w]+)$" # config0 is a standard configuration. config0 = { 'version': 1, 'formatters': { 'form1' : { 'format' : '%(levelname)s ++ %(message)s', }, }, 'handlers' : { 'hand1' : { 'class' : 'logging.StreamHandler', 'formatter' : 'form1', 'level' : 'NOTSET', 'stream' : 'ext://sys.stdout', }, }, 'root' : { 'level' : 'WARNING', 'handlers' : ['hand1'], }, } # config1 adds a little to the standard configuration. config1 = { 'version': 1, 'formatters': { 'form1' : { 'format' : '%(levelname)s ++ %(message)s', }, }, 'handlers' : { 'hand1' : { 'class' : 'logging.StreamHandler', 'formatter' : 'form1', 'level' : 'NOTSET', 'stream' : 'ext://sys.stdout', }, }, 'loggers' : { 'compiler.parser' : { 'level' : 'DEBUG', 'handlers' : ['hand1'], }, }, 'root' : { 'level' : 'WARNING', }, } # config1a moves the handler to the root. Used with config8a config1a = { 'version': 1, 'formatters': { 'form1' : { 'format' : '%(levelname)s ++ %(message)s', }, }, 'handlers' : { 'hand1' : { 'class' : 'logging.StreamHandler', 'formatter' : 'form1', 'level' : 'NOTSET', 'stream' : 'ext://sys.stdout', }, }, 'loggers' : { 'compiler.parser' : { 'level' : 'DEBUG', }, }, 'root' : { 'level' : 'WARNING', 'handlers' : ['hand1'], }, } # config2 has a subtle configuration error that should be reported config2 = { 'version': 1, 'formatters': { 'form1' : { 'format' : '%(levelname)s ++ %(message)s', }, }, 'handlers' : { 'hand1' : { 'class' : 'logging.StreamHandler', 'formatter' : 'form1', 'level' : 'NOTSET', 'stream' : 'ext://sys.stdbout', }, }, 'loggers' : { 'compiler.parser' : { 'level' : 'DEBUG', 'handlers' : ['hand1'], }, }, 'root' : { 'level' : 'WARNING', }, } #As config1 but with a misspelt level on a handler config2a = { 'version': 1, 'formatters': { 'form1' : { 'format' : '%(levelname)s ++ %(message)s', }, }, 'handlers' : { 'hand1' : { 'class' : 'logging.StreamHandler', 'formatter' : 'form1', 'level' : 'NTOSET', 'stream' : 'ext://sys.stdout', }, }, 'loggers' : { 'compiler.parser' : { 'level' : 'DEBUG', 'handlers' : ['hand1'], }, }, 'root' : { 'level' : 'WARNING', }, } #As config1 but with a misspelt level on a logger config2b = { 'version': 1, 'formatters': { 'form1' : { 'format' : '%(levelname)s ++ %(message)s', }, }, 'handlers' : { 'hand1' : { 'class' : 'logging.StreamHandler', 'formatter' : 'form1', 'level' : 'NOTSET', 'stream' : 'ext://sys.stdout', }, }, 'loggers' : { 'compiler.parser' : { 'level' : 'DEBUG', 'handlers' : ['hand1'], }, }, 'root' : { 'level' : 'WRANING', }, } # config3 has a less subtle configuration error config3 = { 'version': 1, 'formatters': { 'form1' : { 'format' : '%(levelname)s ++ %(message)s', }, }, 'handlers' : { 'hand1' : { 'class' : 'logging.StreamHandler', 'formatter' : 'misspelled_name', 'level' : 'NOTSET', 'stream' : 'ext://sys.stdout', }, }, 'loggers' : { 'compiler.parser' : { 'level' : 'DEBUG', 'handlers' : ['hand1'], }, }, 'root' : { 'level' : 'WARNING', }, } # config4 specifies a custom formatter class to be loaded config4 = { 'version': 1, 'formatters': { 'form1' : { '()' : __name__ + '.ExceptionFormatter', 'format' : '%(levelname)s:%(name)s:%(message)s', }, }, 'handlers' : { 'hand1' : { 'class' : 'logging.StreamHandler', 'formatter' : 'form1', 'level' : 'NOTSET', 'stream' : 'ext://sys.stdout', }, }, 'root' : { 'level' : 'NOTSET', 'handlers' : ['hand1'], }, } # As config4 but using an actual callable rather than a string config4a = { 'version': 1, 'formatters': { 'form1' : { '()' : ExceptionFormatter, 'format' : '%(levelname)s:%(name)s:%(message)s', }, 'form2' : { '()' : __name__ + '.formatFunc', 'format' : '%(levelname)s:%(name)s:%(message)s', }, 'form3' : { '()' : formatFunc, 'format' : '%(levelname)s:%(name)s:%(message)s', }, }, 'handlers' : { 'hand1' : { 'class' : 'logging.StreamHandler', 'formatter' : 'form1', 'level' : 'NOTSET', 'stream' : 'ext://sys.stdout', }, 'hand2' : { '()' : handlerFunc, }, }, 'root' : { 'level' : 'NOTSET', 'handlers' : ['hand1'], }, } # config5 specifies a custom handler class to be loaded config5 = { 'version': 1, 'formatters': { 'form1' : { 'format' : '%(levelname)s ++ %(message)s', }, }, 'handlers' : { 'hand1' : { 'class' : __name__ + '.CustomHandler', 'formatter' : 'form1', 'level' : 'NOTSET', 'stream' : 'ext://sys.stdout', }, }, 'loggers' : { 'compiler.parser' : { 'level' : 'DEBUG', 'handlers' : ['hand1'], }, }, 'root' : { 'level' : 'WARNING', }, } # config6 specifies a custom handler class to be loaded # but has bad arguments config6 = { 'version': 1, 'formatters': { 'form1' : { 'format' : '%(levelname)s ++ %(message)s', }, }, 'handlers' : { 'hand1' : { 'class' : __name__ + '.CustomHandler', 'formatter' : 'form1', 'level' : 'NOTSET', 'stream' : 'ext://sys.stdout', '9' : 'invalid parameter name', }, }, 'loggers' : { 'compiler.parser' : { 'level' : 'DEBUG', 'handlers' : ['hand1'], }, }, 'root' : { 'level' : 'WARNING', }, } #config 7 does not define compiler.parser but defines compiler.lexer #so compiler.parser should be disabled after applying it config7 = { 'version': 1, 'formatters': { 'form1' : { 'format' : '%(levelname)s ++ %(message)s', }, }, 'handlers' : { 'hand1' : { 'class' : 'logging.StreamHandler', 'formatter' : 'form1', 'level' : 'NOTSET', 'stream' : 'ext://sys.stdout', }, }, 'loggers' : { 'compiler.lexer' : { 'level' : 'DEBUG', 'handlers' : ['hand1'], }, }, 'root' : { 'level' : 'WARNING', }, } # config8 defines both compiler and compiler.lexer # so compiler.parser should not be disabled (since # compiler is defined) config8 = { 'version': 1, 'disable_existing_loggers' : False, 'formatters': { 'form1' : { 'format' : '%(levelname)s ++ %(message)s', }, }, 'handlers' : { 'hand1' : { 'class' : 'logging.StreamHandler', 'formatter' : 'form1', 'level' : 'NOTSET', 'stream' : 'ext://sys.stdout', }, }, 'loggers' : { 'compiler' : { 'level' : 'DEBUG', 'handlers' : ['hand1'], }, 'compiler.lexer' : { }, }, 'root' : { 'level' : 'WARNING', }, } # config8a disables existing loggers config8a = { 'version': 1, 'disable_existing_loggers' : True, 'formatters': { 'form1' : { 'format' : '%(levelname)s ++ %(message)s', }, }, 'handlers' : { 'hand1' : { 'class' : 'logging.StreamHandler', 'formatter' : 'form1', 'level' : 'NOTSET', 'stream' : 'ext://sys.stdout', }, }, 'loggers' : { 'compiler' : { 'level' : 'DEBUG', 'handlers' : ['hand1'], }, 'compiler.lexer' : { }, }, 'root' : { 'level' : 'WARNING', }, } config9 = { 'version': 1, 'formatters': { 'form1' : { 'format' : '%(levelname)s ++ %(message)s', }, }, 'handlers' : { 'hand1' : { 'class' : 'logging.StreamHandler', 'formatter' : 'form1', 'level' : 'WARNING', 'stream' : 'ext://sys.stdout', }, }, 'loggers' : { 'compiler.parser' : { 'level' : 'WARNING', 'handlers' : ['hand1'], }, }, 'root' : { 'level' : 'NOTSET', }, } config9a = { 'version': 1, 'incremental' : True, 'handlers' : { 'hand1' : { 'level' : 'WARNING', }, }, 'loggers' : { 'compiler.parser' : { 'level' : 'INFO', }, }, } config9b = { 'version': 1, 'incremental' : True, 'handlers' : { 'hand1' : { 'level' : 'INFO', }, }, 'loggers' : { 'compiler.parser' : { 'level' : 'INFO', }, }, } #As config1 but with a filter added config10 = { 'version': 1, 'formatters': { 'form1' : { 'format' : '%(levelname)s ++ %(message)s', }, }, 'filters' : { 'filt1' : { 'name' : 'compiler.parser', }, }, 'handlers' : { 'hand1' : { 'class' : 'logging.StreamHandler', 'formatter' : 'form1', 'level' : 'NOTSET', 'stream' : 'ext://sys.stdout', 'filters' : ['filt1'], }, }, 'loggers' : { 'compiler.parser' : { 'level' : 'DEBUG', 'filters' : ['filt1'], }, }, 'root' : { 'level' : 'WARNING', 'handlers' : ['hand1'], }, } #As config1 but using cfg:// references config11 = { 'version': 1, 'true_formatters': { 'form1' : { 'format' : '%(levelname)s ++ %(message)s', }, }, 'handler_configs': { 'hand1' : { 'class' : 'logging.StreamHandler', 'formatter' : 'form1', 'level' : 'NOTSET', 'stream' : 'ext://sys.stdout', }, }, 'formatters' : 'cfg://true_formatters', 'handlers' : { 'hand1' : 'cfg://handler_configs[hand1]', }, 'loggers' : { 'compiler.parser' : { 'level' : 'DEBUG', 'handlers' : ['hand1'], }, }, 'root' : { 'level' : 'WARNING', }, } #As config11 but missing the version key config12 = { 'true_formatters': { 'form1' : { 'format' : '%(levelname)s ++ %(message)s', }, }, 'handler_configs': { 'hand1' : { 'class' : 'logging.StreamHandler', 'formatter' : 'form1', 'level' : 'NOTSET', 'stream' : 'ext://sys.stdout', }, }, 'formatters' : 'cfg://true_formatters', 'handlers' : { 'hand1' : 'cfg://handler_configs[hand1]', }, 'loggers' : { 'compiler.parser' : { 'level' : 'DEBUG', 'handlers' : ['hand1'], }, }, 'root' : { 'level' : 'WARNING', }, } #As config11 but using an unsupported version config13 = { 'version': 2, 'true_formatters': { 'form1' : { 'format' : '%(levelname)s ++ %(message)s', }, }, 'handler_configs': { 'hand1' : { 'class' : 'logging.StreamHandler', 'formatter' : 'form1', 'level' : 'NOTSET', 'stream' : 'ext://sys.stdout', }, }, 'formatters' : 'cfg://true_formatters', 'handlers' : { 'hand1' : 'cfg://handler_configs[hand1]', }, 'loggers' : { 'compiler.parser' : { 'level' : 'DEBUG', 'handlers' : ['hand1'], }, }, 'root' : { 'level' : 'WARNING', }, } def apply_config(self, conf): logging.config.dictConfig(conf) def test_config0_ok(self): # A simple config which overrides the default settings. with captured_stdout() as output: self.apply_config(self.config0) logger = logging.getLogger() # Won't output anything logger.info(self.next_message()) # Outputs a message logger.error(self.next_message()) self.assert_log_lines([ ('ERROR', '2'), ], stream=output) # Original logger output is empty. self.assert_log_lines([]) def test_config1_ok(self, config=config1): # A config defining a sub-parser as well. with captured_stdout() as output: self.apply_config(config) logger = logging.getLogger("compiler.parser") # Both will output a message logger.info(self.next_message()) logger.error(self.next_message()) self.assert_log_lines([ ('INFO', '1'), ('ERROR', '2'), ], stream=output) # Original logger output is empty. self.assert_log_lines([]) def test_config2_failure(self): # A simple config which overrides the default settings. self.assertRaises(Exception, self.apply_config, self.config2) def test_config2a_failure(self): # A simple config which overrides the default settings. self.assertRaises(Exception, self.apply_config, self.config2a) def test_config2b_failure(self): # A simple config which overrides the default settings. self.assertRaises(Exception, self.apply_config, self.config2b) def test_config3_failure(self): # A simple config which overrides the default settings. self.assertRaises(Exception, self.apply_config, self.config3) def test_config4_ok(self): # A config specifying a custom formatter class. with captured_stdout() as output: self.apply_config(self.config4) #logger = logging.getLogger() try: raise RuntimeError() except RuntimeError: logging.exception("just testing") sys.stdout.seek(0) self.assertEqual(output.getvalue(), "ERROR:root:just testing\nGot a [RuntimeError]\n") # Original logger output is empty self.assert_log_lines([]) def test_config4a_ok(self): # A config specifying a custom formatter class. with captured_stdout() as output: self.apply_config(self.config4a) #logger = logging.getLogger() try: raise RuntimeError() except RuntimeError: logging.exception("just testing") sys.stdout.seek(0) self.assertEqual(output.getvalue(), "ERROR:root:just testing\nGot a [RuntimeError]\n") # Original logger output is empty self.assert_log_lines([]) def test_config5_ok(self): self.test_config1_ok(config=self.config5) def test_config6_failure(self): self.assertRaises(Exception, self.apply_config, self.config6) def test_config7_ok(self): with captured_stdout() as output: self.apply_config(self.config1) logger = logging.getLogger("compiler.parser") # Both will output a message logger.info(self.next_message()) logger.error(self.next_message()) self.assert_log_lines([ ('INFO', '1'), ('ERROR', '2'), ], stream=output) # Original logger output is empty. self.assert_log_lines([]) with captured_stdout() as output: self.apply_config(self.config7) logger = logging.getLogger("compiler.parser") self.assertTrue(logger.disabled) logger = logging.getLogger("compiler.lexer") # Both will output a message logger.info(self.next_message()) logger.error(self.next_message()) self.assert_log_lines([ ('INFO', '3'), ('ERROR', '4'), ], stream=output) # Original logger output is empty. self.assert_log_lines([]) #Same as test_config_7_ok but don't disable old loggers. def test_config_8_ok(self): with captured_stdout() as output: self.apply_config(self.config1) logger = logging.getLogger("compiler.parser") # All will output a message logger.info(self.next_message()) logger.error(self.next_message()) self.assert_log_lines([ ('INFO', '1'), ('ERROR', '2'), ], stream=output) # Original logger output is empty. self.assert_log_lines([]) with captured_stdout() as output: self.apply_config(self.config8) logger = logging.getLogger("compiler.parser") self.assertFalse(logger.disabled) # Both will output a message logger.info(self.next_message()) logger.error(self.next_message()) logger = logging.getLogger("compiler.lexer") # Both will output a message logger.info(self.next_message()) logger.error(self.next_message()) self.assert_log_lines([ ('INFO', '3'), ('ERROR', '4'), ('INFO', '5'), ('ERROR', '6'), ], stream=output) # Original logger output is empty. self.assert_log_lines([]) def test_config_8a_ok(self): with captured_stdout() as output: self.apply_config(self.config1a) logger = logging.getLogger("compiler.parser") # See issue #11424. compiler-hyphenated sorts # between compiler and compiler.xyz and this # was preventing compiler.xyz from being included # in the child loggers of compiler because of an # overzealous loop termination condition. hyphenated = logging.getLogger('compiler-hyphenated') # All will output a message logger.info(self.next_message()) logger.error(self.next_message()) hyphenated.critical(self.next_message()) self.assert_log_lines([ ('INFO', '1'), ('ERROR', '2'), ('CRITICAL', '3'), ], stream=output) # Original logger output is empty. self.assert_log_lines([]) with captured_stdout() as output: self.apply_config(self.config8a) logger = logging.getLogger("compiler.parser") self.assertFalse(logger.disabled) # Both will output a message logger.info(self.next_message()) logger.error(self.next_message()) logger = logging.getLogger("compiler.lexer") # Both will output a message logger.info(self.next_message()) logger.error(self.next_message()) # Will not appear hyphenated.critical(self.next_message()) self.assert_log_lines([ ('INFO', '4'), ('ERROR', '5'), ('INFO', '6'), ('ERROR', '7'), ], stream=output) # Original logger output is empty. self.assert_log_lines([]) def test_config_9_ok(self): with captured_stdout() as output: self.apply_config(self.config9) logger = logging.getLogger("compiler.parser") #Nothing will be output since both handler and logger are set to WARNING logger.info(self.next_message()) self.assert_log_lines([], stream=output) self.apply_config(self.config9a) #Nothing will be output since both handler is still set to WARNING logger.info(self.next_message()) self.assert_log_lines([], stream=output) self.apply_config(self.config9b) #Message should now be output logger.info(self.next_message()) self.assert_log_lines([ ('INFO', '3'), ], stream=output) def test_config_10_ok(self): with captured_stdout() as output: self.apply_config(self.config10) logger = logging.getLogger("compiler.parser") logger.warning(self.next_message()) logger = logging.getLogger('compiler') #Not output, because filtered logger.warning(self.next_message()) logger = logging.getLogger('compiler.lexer') #Not output, because filtered logger.warning(self.next_message()) logger = logging.getLogger("compiler.parser.codegen") #Output, as not filtered logger.error(self.next_message()) self.assert_log_lines([ ('WARNING', '1'), ('ERROR', '4'), ], stream=output) def test_config11_ok(self): self.test_config1_ok(self.config11) def test_config12_failure(self): self.assertRaises(Exception, self.apply_config, self.config12) def test_config13_failure(self): self.assertRaises(Exception, self.apply_config, self.config13) @unittest.skipUnless(threading, 'listen() needs threading to work') def setup_via_listener(self, text): text = text.encode("utf-8") # Ask for a randomly assigned port (by using port 0) t = logging.config.listen(0) t.start() t.ready.wait() # Now get the port allocated port = t.port t.ready.clear() try: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.settimeout(2.0) sock.connect(('localhost', port)) slen = struct.pack('>L', len(text)) s = slen + text sentsofar = 0 left = len(s) while left > 0: sent = sock.send(s[sentsofar:]) sentsofar += sent left -= sent sock.close() finally: t.ready.wait(2.0) logging.config.stopListening() t.join(2.0) def test_listen_config_10_ok(self): with captured_stdout() as output: self.setup_via_listener(json.dumps(self.config10)) logger = logging.getLogger("compiler.parser") logger.warning(self.next_message()) logger = logging.getLogger('compiler') #Not output, because filtered logger.warning(self.next_message()) logger = logging.getLogger('compiler.lexer') #Not output, because filtered logger.warning(self.next_message()) logger = logging.getLogger("compiler.parser.codegen") #Output, as not filtered logger.error(self.next_message()) self.assert_log_lines([ ('WARNING', '1'), ('ERROR', '4'), ], stream=output) def test_listen_config_1_ok(self): with captured_stdout() as output: self.setup_via_listener(textwrap.dedent(ConfigFileTest.config1)) logger = logging.getLogger("compiler.parser") # Both will output a message logger.info(self.next_message()) logger.error(self.next_message()) self.assert_log_lines([ ('INFO', '1'), ('ERROR', '2'), ], stream=output) # Original logger output is empty. self.assert_log_lines([]) class ManagerTest(BaseTest): def test_manager_loggerclass(self): logged = [] class MyLogger(logging.Logger): def _log(self, level, msg, args, exc_info=None, extra=None): logged.append(msg) man = logging.Manager(None) self.assertRaises(TypeError, man.setLoggerClass, int) man.setLoggerClass(MyLogger) logger = man.getLogger('test') logger.warning('should appear in logged') logging.warning('should not appear in logged') self.assertEqual(logged, ['should appear in logged']) class ChildLoggerTest(BaseTest): def test_child_loggers(self): r = logging.getLogger() l1 = logging.getLogger('abc') l2 = logging.getLogger('def.ghi') c1 = r.getChild('xyz') c2 = r.getChild('uvw.xyz') self.assertTrue(c1 is logging.getLogger('xyz')) self.assertTrue(c2 is logging.getLogger('uvw.xyz')) c1 = l1.getChild('def') c2 = c1.getChild('ghi') c3 = l1.getChild('def.ghi') self.assertTrue(c1 is logging.getLogger('abc.def')) self.assertTrue(c2 is logging.getLogger('abc.def.ghi')) self.assertTrue(c2 is c3) class DerivedLogRecord(logging.LogRecord): pass class LogRecordFactoryTest(BaseTest): def setUp(self): class CheckingFilter(logging.Filter): def __init__(self, cls): self.cls = cls def filter(self, record): t = type(record) if t is not self.cls: msg = 'Unexpected LogRecord type %s, expected %s' % (t, self.cls) raise TypeError(msg) return True BaseTest.setUp(self) self.filter = CheckingFilter(DerivedLogRecord) self.root_logger.addFilter(self.filter) self.orig_factory = logging.getLogRecordFactory() def tearDown(self): self.root_logger.removeFilter(self.filter) BaseTest.tearDown(self) logging.setLogRecordFactory(self.orig_factory) def test_logrecord_class(self): self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.root_logger.warning, self.next_message()) logging.setLogRecordFactory(DerivedLogRecord) self.root_logger.error(self.next_message()) self.assert_log_lines([ ('root', 'ERROR', '2'), ]) class QueueHandlerTest(BaseTest): # Do not bother with a logger name group. expected_log_pat = r"^[\w.]+ -> ([\w]+): ([\d]+)$" def setUp(self): BaseTest.setUp(self) self.queue = queue.Queue(-1) self.que_hdlr = logging.handlers.QueueHandler(self.queue) self.que_logger = logging.getLogger('que') self.que_logger.propagate = False self.que_logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) self.que_logger.addHandler(self.que_hdlr) def tearDown(self): self.que_hdlr.close() BaseTest.tearDown(self) def test_queue_handler(self): self.que_logger.debug(self.next_message()) self.assertRaises(queue.Empty, self.queue.get_nowait) self.que_logger.info(self.next_message()) self.assertRaises(queue.Empty, self.queue.get_nowait) msg = self.next_message() self.que_logger.warning(msg) data = self.queue.get_nowait() self.assertTrue(isinstance(data, logging.LogRecord)) self.assertEqual(data.name, self.que_logger.name) self.assertEqual((data.msg, data.args), (msg, None)) @unittest.skipUnless(hasattr(logging.handlers, 'QueueListener'), 'logging.handlers.QueueListener required for this test') def test_queue_listener(self): handler = TestHandler(Matcher()) listener = logging.handlers.QueueListener(self.queue, handler) listener.start() try: self.que_logger.warning(self.next_message()) self.que_logger.error(self.next_message()) self.que_logger.critical(self.next_message()) finally: listener.stop() self.assertTrue(handler.matches(levelno=logging.WARNING, message='1')) self.assertTrue(handler.matches(levelno=logging.ERROR, message='2')) self.assertTrue(handler.matches(levelno=logging.CRITICAL, message='3')) class FormatterTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.common = { 'name': 'formatter.test', 'level': logging.DEBUG, 'pathname': os.path.join('path', 'to', 'dummy.ext'), 'lineno': 42, 'exc_info': None, 'func': None, 'msg': 'Message with %d %s', 'args': (2, 'placeholders'), } self.variants = { } def get_record(self, name=None): result = dict(self.common) if name is not None: result.update(self.variants[name]) return logging.makeLogRecord(result) def test_percent(self): # Test %-formatting r = self.get_record() f = logging.Formatter('${%(message)s}') self.assertEqual(f.format(r), '${Message with 2 placeholders}') f = logging.Formatter('%(random)s') self.assertRaises(KeyError, f.format, r) self.assertFalse(f.usesTime()) f = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s') self.assertTrue(f.usesTime()) f = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)-15s') self.assertTrue(f.usesTime()) f = logging.Formatter('asctime') self.assertFalse(f.usesTime()) def test_braces(self): # Test {}-formatting r = self.get_record() f = logging.Formatter('$%{message}%$', style='{') self.assertEqual(f.format(r), '$%Message with 2 placeholders%$') f = logging.Formatter('{random}', style='{') self.assertRaises(KeyError, f.format, r) self.assertFalse(f.usesTime()) f = logging.Formatter('{asctime}', style='{') self.assertTrue(f.usesTime()) f = logging.Formatter('{asctime!s:15}', style='{') self.assertTrue(f.usesTime()) f = logging.Formatter('{asctime:15}', style='{') self.assertTrue(f.usesTime()) f = logging.Formatter('asctime', style='{') self.assertFalse(f.usesTime()) def test_dollars(self): # Test $-formatting r = self.get_record() f = logging.Formatter('$message', style='$') self.assertEqual(f.format(r), 'Message with 2 placeholders') f = logging.Formatter('$$%${message}%$$', style='$') self.assertEqual(f.format(r), '$%Message with 2 placeholders%$') f = logging.Formatter('${random}', style='$') self.assertRaises(KeyError, f.format, r) self.assertFalse(f.usesTime()) f = logging.Formatter('${asctime}', style='$') self.assertTrue(f.usesTime()) f = logging.Formatter('${asctime', style='$') self.assertFalse(f.usesTime()) f = logging.Formatter('$asctime', style='$') self.assertTrue(f.usesTime()) f = logging.Formatter('asctime', style='$') self.assertFalse(f.usesTime()) class LastResortTest(BaseTest): def test_last_resort(self): # Test the last resort handler root = self.root_logger root.removeHandler(self.root_hdlr) old_stderr = sys.stderr old_lastresort = logging.lastResort old_raise_exceptions = logging.raiseExceptions try: sys.stderr = sio = io.StringIO() root.warning('This is your final chance!') self.assertEqual(sio.getvalue(), 'This is your final chance!\n') #No handlers and no last resort, so 'No handlers' message logging.lastResort = None sys.stderr = sio = io.StringIO() root.warning('This is your final chance!') self.assertEqual(sio.getvalue(), 'No handlers could be found for logger "root"\n') # 'No handlers' message only printed once sys.stderr = sio = io.StringIO() root.warning('This is your final chance!') self.assertEqual(sio.getvalue(), '') root.manager.emittedNoHandlerWarning = False #If raiseExceptions is False, no message is printed logging.raiseExceptions = False sys.stderr = sio = io.StringIO() root.warning('This is your final chance!') self.assertEqual(sio.getvalue(), '') finally: sys.stderr = old_stderr root.addHandler(self.root_hdlr) logging.lastResort = old_lastresort logging.raiseExceptions = old_raise_exceptions class BaseFileTest(BaseTest): "Base class for handler tests that write log files" def setUp(self): BaseTest.setUp(self) fd, self.fn = tempfile.mkstemp(".log", "test_logging-2-") os.close(fd) self.rmfiles = [] def tearDown(self): for fn in self.rmfiles: os.unlink(fn) if os.path.exists(self.fn): os.unlink(self.fn) BaseTest.tearDown(self) def assertLogFile(self, filename): "Assert a log file is there and register it for deletion" self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(filename), msg="Log file %r does not exist") self.rmfiles.append(filename) class RotatingFileHandlerTest(BaseFileTest): def next_rec(self): return logging.LogRecord('n', logging.DEBUG, 'p', 1, self.next_message(), None, None, None) def test_should_not_rollover(self): # If maxbytes is zero rollover never occurs rh = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(self.fn, maxBytes=0) self.assertFalse(rh.shouldRollover(None)) rh.close() def test_should_rollover(self): rh = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(self.fn, maxBytes=1) self.assertTrue(rh.shouldRollover(self.next_rec())) rh.close() def test_file_created(self): # checks that the file is created and assumes it was created # by us rh = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(self.fn) rh.emit(self.next_rec()) self.assertLogFile(self.fn) rh.close() def test_rollover_filenames(self): rh = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler( self.fn, backupCount=2, maxBytes=1) rh.emit(self.next_rec()) self.assertLogFile(self.fn) rh.emit(self.next_rec()) self.assertLogFile(self.fn + ".1") rh.emit(self.next_rec()) self.assertLogFile(self.fn + ".2") self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(self.fn + ".3")) rh.close() class TimedRotatingFileHandlerTest(BaseFileTest): # test methods added below pass def secs(**kw): return datetime.timedelta(**kw) // datetime.timedelta(seconds=1) for when, exp in (('S', 1), ('M', 60), ('H', 60 * 60), ('D', 60 * 60 * 24), ('MIDNIGHT', 60 * 60 * 24), # current time (epoch start) is a Thursday, W0 means Monday ('W0', secs(days=4, hours=24)), ): def test_compute_rollover(self, when=when, exp=exp): rh = logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler( self.fn, when=when, interval=1, backupCount=0, utc=True) currentTime = 0.0 actual = rh.computeRollover(currentTime) if exp != actual: # Failures occur on some systems for MIDNIGHT and W0. # Print detailed calculation for MIDNIGHT so we can try to see # what's going on if when == 'MIDNIGHT': try: if rh.utc: t = time.gmtime(currentTime) else: t = time.localtime(currentTime) currentHour = t[3] currentMinute = t[4] currentSecond = t[5] # r is the number of seconds left between now and midnight r = logging.handlers._MIDNIGHT - ((currentHour * 60 + currentMinute) * 60 + currentSecond) result = currentTime + r print('t: %s (%s)' % (t, rh.utc), file=sys.stderr) print('currentHour: %s' % currentHour, file=sys.stderr) print('currentMinute: %s' % currentMinute, file=sys.stderr) print('currentSecond: %s' % currentSecond, file=sys.stderr) print('r: %s' % r, file=sys.stderr) print('result: %s' % result, file=sys.stderr) except Exception: print('exception in diagnostic code: %s' % sys.exc_info()[1], file=sys.stderr) self.assertEqual(exp, actual) rh.close() setattr(TimedRotatingFileHandlerTest, "test_compute_rollover_%s" % when, test_compute_rollover) class HandlerTest(BaseTest): @unittest.skipIf(os.name == 'nt', 'WatchedFileHandler not appropriate for Windows.') @unittest.skipUnless(threading, 'Threading required for this test.') def test_race(self): # Issue #14632 refers. def remove_loop(fname, tries): for _ in range(tries): try: os.unlink(fname) except OSError: pass time.sleep(0.004 * random.randint(0, 4)) del_count = 500 log_count = 500 for delay in (False, True): fd, fn = tempfile.mkstemp('.log', 'test_logging-3-') os.close(fd) remover = threading.Thread(target=remove_loop, args=(fn, del_count)) remover.daemon = True remover.start() h = logging.handlers.WatchedFileHandler(fn, delay=delay) f = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s: %(levelname)s: %(message)s') h.setFormatter(f) try: for _ in range(log_count): time.sleep(0.005) r = logging.makeLogRecord({'msg': 'testing' }) h.handle(r) finally: remover.join() h.close() if os.path.exists(fn): os.unlink(fn) # Set the locale to the platform-dependent default. I have no idea # why the test does this, but in any case we save the current locale # first and restore it at the end. @run_with_locale('LC_ALL', '') def test_main(): run_unittest(BuiltinLevelsTest, BasicFilterTest, CustomLevelsAndFiltersTest, MemoryHandlerTest, ConfigFileTest, SocketHandlerTest, MemoryTest, EncodingTest, WarningsTest, ConfigDictTest, ManagerTest, FormatterTest, LogRecordFactoryTest, ChildLoggerTest, QueueHandlerTest, RotatingFileHandlerTest, LastResortTest, TimedRotatingFileHandlerTest, HandlerTest, ) if __name__ == "__main__": test_main()