""" Test script for the Unicode implementation. Written by Bill Tutt. (c) Copyright CNRI, All Rights Reserved. NO WARRANTY. """#" from test_support import verify, verbose print 'Testing General Unicode Character Name, and case insensitivity...', # General and case insensitivity test: s = u"\N{LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T}" \ u"\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER H}" \ u"\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER E}" \ u"\N{SPACE}" \ u"\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER R}" \ u"\N{LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E}" \ u"\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER D}" \ u"\N{SPACE}" \ u"\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER f}" \ u"\N{LATIN CAPITAL LeTtEr o}" \ u"\N{LATIN SMaLl LETTER x}" \ u"\N{SPACE}" \ u"\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER A}" \ u"\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER T}" \ u"\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER E}" \ u"\N{SPACE}" \ u"\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER T}" \ u"\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER H}" \ u"\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER E}" \ u"\N{SpAcE}" \ u"\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER S}" \ u"\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER H}" \ u"\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER E}" \ u"\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER E}" \ u"\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER P}" \ u"\N{FULL STOP}" verify(s == u"The rEd fOx ate the sheep.", s) import ucnhash # minimal sanity check for char in "SPAM": name = "LATIN SMALL LETTER %s" % char code = ucnhash.getcode(name) verify(ucnhash.getname(code) == name) # loop over all characters in the database for code in range(65536): try: name = ucnhash.getname(code) verify(ucnhash.getcode(name) == code) except ValueError: pass print "done." # misc. symbol testing print "Testing misc. symbols for unicode character name expansion....", verify(u"\N{PILCROW SIGN}" == u"\u00b6") verify(u"\N{REPLACEMENT CHARACTER}" == u"\uFFFD") verify(u"\N{HALFWIDTH KATAKANA SEMI-VOICED SOUND MARK}" == u"\uFF9F") verify(u"\N{FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER A}" == u"\uFF41") print "done." # strict error testing: print "Testing unicode character name expansion strict error handling....", try: unicode("\N{blah}", 'unicode-escape', 'strict') except UnicodeError: pass else: raise AssertionError, "failed to raise an exception when given a bogus character name" try: unicode("\N{" + "x" * 100000 + "}", 'unicode-escape', 'strict') except UnicodeError: pass else: raise AssertionError, "failed to raise an exception when given a very " \ "long bogus character name" try: unicode("\N{SPACE", 'unicode-escape', 'strict') except UnicodeError: pass else: raise AssertionError, "failed to raise an exception for a missing closing brace." try: unicode("\NSPACE", 'unicode-escape', 'strict') except UnicodeError: pass else: raise AssertionError, "failed to raise an exception for a missing opening brace." print "done."