"""Tests for distutils.command.register.""" import sys import os import unittest from distutils.command.register import register from distutils.core import Distribution from distutils.tests import support from distutils.tests.test_config import PYPIRC, PyPIRCCommandTestCase class RawInputs(object): """Fakes user inputs.""" def __init__(self, *answers): self.answers = answers self.index = 0 def __call__(self, prompt=''): try: return self.answers[self.index] finally: self.index += 1 WANTED_PYPIRC = """\ [distutils] index-servers = pypi [pypi] username:tarek password:xxx """ class registerTestCase(PyPIRCCommandTestCase): def test_create_pypirc(self): # this test makes sure a .pypirc file # is created when requested. # let's create a fake distribution # and a register instance dist = Distribution() dist.metadata.url = 'xxx' dist.metadata.author = 'xxx' dist.metadata.author_email = 'xxx' dist.metadata.name = 'xxx' dist.metadata.version = 'xxx' cmd = register(dist) # we shouldn't have a .pypirc file yet self.assert_(not os.path.exists(self.rc)) # patching raw_input and getpass.getpass # so register gets happy # # Here's what we are faking : # use your existing login (choice 1.) # Username : 'tarek' # Password : 'xxx' # Save your login (y/N)? : 'y' inputs = RawInputs('1', 'tarek', 'y') from distutils.command import register as register_module register_module.raw_input = inputs.__call__ def _getpass(prompt): return 'xxx' register_module.getpass.getpass = _getpass class FakeServer(object): def __init__(self): self.calls = [] def __call__(self, *args): # we want to compare them, so let's store # something comparable els = args[0].items() els.sort() self.calls.append(tuple(els)) return 200, 'OK' cmd.post_to_server = pypi_server = FakeServer() # let's run the command cmd.run() # we should have a brand new .pypirc file self.assert_(os.path.exists(self.rc)) # with the content similar to WANTED_PYPIRC content = open(self.rc).read() self.assertEquals(content, WANTED_PYPIRC) # now let's make sure the .pypirc file generated # really works : we shouldn't be asked anything # if we run the command again def _no_way(prompt=''): raise AssertionError(prompt) register_module.raw_input = _no_way cmd.run() # let's see what the server received : we should # have 2 similar requests self.assert_(len(pypi_server.calls), 2) self.assert_(pypi_server.calls[0], pypi_server.calls[1]) def test_suite(): return unittest.makeSuite(registerTestCase) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main(defaultTest="test_suite")