import warnings import os import unittest from test import test_support # The warnings module isn't easily tested, because it relies on module # globals to store configuration information. setUp() and tearDown() # preserve the current settings to avoid bashing them while running tests. # To capture the warning messages, a replacement for showwarning() is # used to save warning information in a global variable. class WarningMessage: "Holds results of latest showwarning() call" pass def showwarning(message, category, filename, lineno, file=None): msg.message = str(message) msg.category = category.__name__ msg.filename = os.path.basename(filename) msg.lineno = lineno class TestModule(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): global msg msg = WarningMessage() self._filters = warnings.filters[:] self._showwarning = warnings.showwarning warnings.showwarning = showwarning self.ignored = [w[2].__name__ for w in self._filters if w[0]=='ignore' and w[1] is None and w[3] is None] def tearDown(self): warnings.filters = self._filters[:] warnings.showwarning = self._showwarning def test_warn_default_category(self): for i in range(4): text = 'multi %d' %i # Different text on each call warnings.warn(text) self.assertEqual(msg.message, text) self.assertEqual(msg.category, 'UserWarning') def test_warn_specific_category(self): text = 'None' for category in [DeprecationWarning, FutureWarning, PendingDeprecationWarning, RuntimeWarning, SyntaxWarning, UserWarning, Warning]: if category.__name__ in self.ignored: text = 'filtered out' + category.__name__ warnings.warn(text, category) self.assertNotEqual(msg.message, text) else: text = 'unfiltered %s' % category.__name__ warnings.warn(text, category) self.assertEqual(msg.message, text) self.assertEqual(msg.category, category.__name__) def test_filtering(self): warnings.filterwarnings("error", "", Warning, "", 0) self.assertRaises(UserWarning, warnings.warn, 'convert to error') warnings.resetwarnings() text = 'handle normally' warnings.warn(text) self.assertEqual(msg.message, text) self.assertEqual(msg.category, 'UserWarning') warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "", Warning, "", 0) text = 'filtered out' warnings.warn(text) self.assertNotEqual(msg.message, text) warnings.resetwarnings() warnings.filterwarnings("error", "hex*", Warning, "", 0) self.assertRaises(UserWarning, warnings.warn, 'hex/oct') text = 'nonmatching text' warnings.warn(text) self.assertEqual(msg.message, text) self.assertEqual(msg.category, 'UserWarning') def test_main(verbose=None): test_support.run_unittest(TestModule) if __name__ == "__main__": test_main(verbose=True)