from Tkinter import * class WindowList: def __init__(self): self.dict = {} self.callbacks = [] def add(self, window): window.after_idle(self.call_callbacks) self.dict[str(window)] = window def delete(self, window): try: del self.dict[str(window)] except KeyError: # Sometimes, destroy() is called twice pass self.call_callbacks() def add_windows_to_menu(self, menu): list = [] for key in self.dict.keys(): window = self.dict[key] try: title = window.get_title() except TclError: continue list.append((title, window)) list.sort() for title, window in list: if title == "Python Shell": # Hack -- until we have a better way to this continue menu.add_command(label=title, command=window.wakeup) def register_callback(self, callback): self.callbacks.append(callback) def unregister_callback(self, callback): try: self.callbacks.remove(callback) except ValueError: pass def call_callbacks(self): for callback in self.callbacks: try: callback() except: print "warning: callback failed in WindowList", \ sys.exc_type, ":", sys.exc_value registry = WindowList() add_windows_to_menu = registry.add_windows_to_menu register_callback = registry.register_callback unregister_callback = registry.unregister_callback class ListedToplevel(Toplevel): def __init__(self, master, **kw): Toplevel.__init__(self, master, kw) registry.add(self) def destroy(self): registry.delete(self) Toplevel.destroy(self) # If this is Idle's last window then quit the mainloop # (Needed for clean exit on Windows 98) if not registry.dict: self.quit() def get_title(self): # Subclass can override return self.wm_title() def wakeup(self): try: if self.wm_state() == "iconic": self.wm_deiconify() else: self.tkraise() self.focus_set() except TclError: # This can happen when the window menu was torn off. # Simply ignore it. pass