# Python test set -- part 5, built-in exceptions import copy import os import sys import unittest import pickle import weakref import errno from textwrap import dedent from test.support import (captured_stderr, check_impl_detail, cpython_only, gc_collect, no_tracing, script_helper, SuppressCrashReport) from test.support.import_helper import import_module from test.support.os_helper import TESTFN, unlink from test.support.warnings_helper import check_warnings from test import support try: from _testcapi import INT_MAX except ImportError: INT_MAX = 2**31 - 1 class NaiveException(Exception): def __init__(self, x): self.x = x class SlottedNaiveException(Exception): __slots__ = ('x',) def __init__(self, x): self.x = x class BrokenStrException(Exception): def __str__(self): raise Exception("str() is broken") # XXX This is not really enough, each *operation* should be tested! class ExceptionTests(unittest.TestCase): def raise_catch(self, exc, excname): with self.subTest(exc=exc, excname=excname): try: raise exc("spam") except exc as err: buf1 = str(err) try: raise exc("spam") except exc as err: buf2 = str(err) self.assertEqual(buf1, buf2) self.assertEqual(exc.__name__, excname) def testRaising(self): self.raise_catch(AttributeError, "AttributeError") self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, sys, "undefined_attribute") self.raise_catch(EOFError, "EOFError") fp = open(TESTFN, 'w', encoding="utf-8") fp.close() fp = open(TESTFN, 'r', encoding="utf-8") savestdin = sys.stdin try: try: import marshal marshal.loads(b'') except EOFError: pass finally: sys.stdin = savestdin fp.close() unlink(TESTFN) self.raise_catch(OSError, "OSError") self.assertRaises(OSError, open, 'this file does not exist', 'r') self.raise_catch(ImportError, "ImportError") self.assertRaises(ImportError, __import__, "undefined_module") self.raise_catch(IndexError, "IndexError") x = [] self.assertRaises(IndexError, x.__getitem__, 10) self.raise_catch(KeyError, "KeyError") x = {} self.assertRaises(KeyError, x.__getitem__, 'key') self.raise_catch(KeyboardInterrupt, "KeyboardInterrupt") self.raise_catch(MemoryError, "MemoryError") self.raise_catch(NameError, "NameError") try: x = undefined_variable except NameError: pass self.raise_catch(OverflowError, "OverflowError") x = 1 for dummy in range(128): x += x # this simply shouldn't blow up self.raise_catch(RuntimeError, "RuntimeError") self.raise_catch(RecursionError, "RecursionError") self.raise_catch(SyntaxError, "SyntaxError") try: exec('/\n') except SyntaxError: pass self.raise_catch(IndentationError, "IndentationError") self.raise_catch(TabError, "TabError") try: compile("try:\n\t1/0\n \t1/0\nfinally:\n pass\n", '', 'exec') except TabError: pass else: self.fail("TabError not raised") self.raise_catch(SystemError, "SystemError") self.raise_catch(SystemExit, "SystemExit") self.assertRaises(SystemExit, sys.exit, 0) self.raise_catch(TypeError, "TypeError") try: [] + () except TypeError: pass self.raise_catch(ValueError, "ValueError") self.assertRaises(ValueError, chr, 17<<16) self.raise_catch(ZeroDivisionError, "ZeroDivisionError") try: x = 1/0 except ZeroDivisionError: pass self.raise_catch(Exception, "Exception") try: x = 1/0 except Exception as e: pass self.raise_catch(StopAsyncIteration, "StopAsyncIteration") def testSyntaxErrorMessage(self): # make sure the right exception message is raised for each of # these code fragments def ckmsg(src, msg): with self.subTest(src=src, msg=msg): try: compile(src, '', 'exec') except SyntaxError as e: if e.msg != msg: self.fail("expected %s, got %s" % (msg, e.msg)) else: self.fail("failed to get expected SyntaxError") s = '''if 1: try: continue except: pass''' ckmsg(s, "'continue' not properly in loop") ckmsg("continue\n", "'continue' not properly in loop") ckmsg("f'{6 0}'", "invalid syntax. Perhaps you forgot a comma?") def testSyntaxErrorMissingParens(self): def ckmsg(src, msg, exception=SyntaxError): try: compile(src, '', 'exec') except exception as e: if e.msg != msg: self.fail("expected %s, got %s" % (msg, e.msg)) else: self.fail("failed to get expected SyntaxError") s = '''print "old style"''' ckmsg(s, "Missing parentheses in call to 'print'. Did you mean print(...)?") s = '''print "old style",''' ckmsg(s, "Missing parentheses in call to 'print'. Did you mean print(...)?") s = 'print f(a+b,c)' ckmsg(s, "Missing parentheses in call to 'print'. Did you mean print(...)?") s = '''exec "old style"''' ckmsg(s, "Missing parentheses in call to 'exec'. Did you mean exec(...)?") s = 'exec f(a+b,c)' ckmsg(s, "Missing parentheses in call to 'exec'. Did you mean exec(...)?") # Check that we don't incorrectly identify '(...)' as an expression to the right # of 'print' s = 'print (a+b,c) $ 42' ckmsg(s, "invalid syntax") s = 'exec (a+b,c) $ 42' ckmsg(s, "invalid syntax") # should not apply to subclasses, see issue #31161 s = '''if True:\nprint "No indent"''' ckmsg(s, "expected an indented block after 'if' statement on line 1", IndentationError) s = '''if True:\n print()\n\texec "mixed tabs and spaces"''' ckmsg(s, "inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation", TabError) def check(self, src, lineno, offset, end_lineno=None, end_offset=None, encoding='utf-8'): with self.subTest(source=src, lineno=lineno, offset=offset): with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError) as cm: compile(src, '', 'exec') self.assertEqual(cm.exception.lineno, lineno) self.assertEqual(cm.exception.offset, offset) if end_lineno is not None: self.assertEqual(cm.exception.end_lineno, end_lineno) if end_offset is not None: self.assertEqual(cm.exception.end_offset, end_offset) if cm.exception.text is not None: if not isinstance(src, str): src = src.decode(encoding, 'replace') line = src.split('\n')[lineno-1] self.assertIn(line, cm.exception.text) def test_error_offset_continuation_characters(self): check = self.check check('"\\\n"(1 for c in I,\\\n\\', 2, 2) def testSyntaxErrorOffset(self): check = self.check check('def fact(x):\n\treturn x!\n', 2, 10) check('1 +\n', 1, 4) check('def spam():\n print(1)\n print(2)', 3, 10) check('Python = "Python" +', 1, 20) check('Python = "\u1e54\xfd\u0163\u0125\xf2\xf1" +', 1, 20) check(b'# -*- coding: cp1251 -*-\nPython = "\xcf\xb3\xf2\xee\xed" +', 2, 19, encoding='cp1251') check(b'Python = "\xcf\xb3\xf2\xee\xed" +', 1, 10) check('x = "a', 1, 5) check('lambda x: x = 2', 1, 1) check('f{a + b + c}', 1, 2) check('[file for str(file) in []\n]', 1, 11) check('a = « hello » « world »', 1, 5) check('[\nfile\nfor str(file)\nin\n[]\n]', 3, 5) check('[file for\n str(file) in []]', 2, 2) check("ages = {'Alice'=22, 'Bob'=23}", 1, 9) check('match ...:\n case {**rest, "key": value}:\n ...', 2, 19) check("[a b c d e f]", 1, 2) check("for x yfff:", 1, 7) check("f(a for a in b, c)", 1, 3, 1, 15) check("f(a for a in b if a, c)", 1, 3, 1, 20) check("f(a, b for b in c)", 1, 6, 1, 18) check("f(a, b for b in c, d)", 1, 6, 1, 18) # Errors thrown by compile.c check('class foo:return 1', 1, 11) check('def f():\n continue', 2, 3) check('def f():\n break', 2, 3) check('try:\n pass\nexcept:\n pass\nexcept ValueError:\n pass', 3, 1) check('try:\n pass\nexcept*:\n pass', 3, 8) check('try:\n pass\nexcept*:\n pass\nexcept* ValueError:\n pass', 3, 8) # Errors thrown by the tokenizer check('(0x+1)', 1, 3) check('x = 0xI', 1, 6) check('0010 + 2', 1, 1) check('x = 32e-+4', 1, 8) check('x = 0o9', 1, 7) check('\u03b1 = 0xI', 1, 6) check(b'\xce\xb1 = 0xI', 1, 6) check(b'# -*- coding: iso8859-7 -*-\n\xe1 = 0xI', 2, 6, encoding='iso8859-7') check(b"""if 1: def foo(): ''' def bar(): pass def baz(): '''quux''' """, 9, 24) check("pass\npass\npass\n(1+)\npass\npass\npass", 4, 4) check("(1+)", 1, 4) check("[interesting\nfoo()\n", 1, 1) check(b"\xef\xbb\xbf#coding: utf8\nprint('\xe6\x88\x91')\n", 0, -1) check("""f''' { (123_a) }'''""", 3, 17) check("""f''' { f\"\"\" { (123_a) } \"\"\" }'''""", 5, 17) check('''f""" { 6 0="""''', 5, 13) # Errors thrown by symtable.c check('x = [(yield i) for i in range(3)]', 1, 7) check('def f():\n from _ import *', 2, 17) check('def f(x, x):\n pass', 1, 10) check('{i for i in range(5) if (j := 0) for j in range(5)}', 1, 38) check('def f(x):\n nonlocal x', 2, 3) check('def f(x):\n x = 1\n global x', 3, 3) check('nonlocal x', 1, 1) check('def f():\n global x\n nonlocal x', 2, 3) # Errors thrown by future.c check('from __future__ import doesnt_exist', 1, 1) check('from __future__ import braces', 1, 1) check('x=1\nfrom __future__ import division', 2, 1) check('foo(1=2)', 1, 5) check('def f():\n x, y: int', 2, 3) check('[*x for x in xs]', 1, 2) check('foo(x for x in range(10), 100)', 1, 5) check('for 1 in []: pass', 1, 5) check('(yield i) = 2', 1, 2) check('def f(*):\n pass', 1, 7) @unittest.skipIf(INT_MAX >= sys.maxsize, "Downcasting to int is safe for col_offset") @support.requires_resource('cpu') @support.bigmemtest(INT_MAX, memuse=2, dry_run=False) def testMemoryErrorBigSource(self, size): src = b"if True:\n%*s" % (size, b"pass") with self.assertRaisesRegex(OverflowError, "Parser column offset overflow"): compile(src, '', 'exec') @cpython_only def testSettingException(self): # test that setting an exception at the C level works even if the # exception object can't be constructed. class BadException(Exception): def __init__(self_): raise RuntimeError("can't instantiate BadException") class InvalidException: pass def test_capi1(): import _testcapi try: _testcapi.raise_exception(BadException, 1) except TypeError as err: co = err.__traceback__.tb_frame.f_code self.assertEqual(co.co_name, "test_capi1") self.assertTrue(co.co_filename.endswith('test_exceptions.py')) else: self.fail("Expected exception") def test_capi2(): import _testcapi try: _testcapi.raise_exception(BadException, 0) except RuntimeError as err: tb = err.__traceback__.tb_next co = tb.tb_frame.f_code self.assertEqual(co.co_name, "__init__") self.assertTrue(co.co_filename.endswith('test_exceptions.py')) co2 = tb.tb_frame.f_back.f_code self.assertEqual(co2.co_name, "test_capi2") else: self.fail("Expected exception") def test_capi3(): import _testcapi self.assertRaises(SystemError, _testcapi.raise_exception, InvalidException, 1) test_capi1() test_capi2() test_capi3() def test_WindowsError(self): try: WindowsError except NameError: pass else: self.assertIs(WindowsError, OSError) self.assertEqual(str(OSError(1001)), "1001") self.assertEqual(str(OSError(1001, "message")), "[Errno 1001] message") # POSIX errno (9 aka EBADF) is untranslated w = OSError(9, 'foo', 'bar') self.assertEqual(w.errno, 9) self.assertEqual(w.winerror, None) self.assertEqual(str(w), "[Errno 9] foo: 'bar'") # ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND (win error 3) becomes ENOENT (2) w = OSError(0, 'foo', 'bar', 3) self.assertEqual(w.errno, 2) self.assertEqual(w.winerror, 3) self.assertEqual(w.strerror, 'foo') self.assertEqual(w.filename, 'bar') self.assertEqual(w.filename2, None) self.assertEqual(str(w), "[WinError 3] foo: 'bar'") # Unknown win error becomes EINVAL (22) w = OSError(0, 'foo', None, 1001) self.assertEqual(w.errno, 22) self.assertEqual(w.winerror, 1001) self.assertEqual(w.strerror, 'foo') self.assertEqual(w.filename, None) self.assertEqual(w.filename2, None) self.assertEqual(str(w), "[WinError 1001] foo") # Non-numeric "errno" w = OSError('bar', 'foo') self.assertEqual(w.errno, 'bar') self.assertEqual(w.winerror, None) self.assertEqual(w.strerror, 'foo') self.assertEqual(w.filename, None) self.assertEqual(w.filename2, None) @unittest.skipUnless(sys.platform == 'win32', 'test specific to Windows') def test_windows_message(self): """Should fill in unknown error code in Windows error message""" ctypes = import_module('ctypes') # this error code has no message, Python formats it as hexadecimal code = 3765269347 with self.assertRaisesRegex(OSError, 'Windows Error 0x%x' % code): ctypes.pythonapi.PyErr_SetFromWindowsErr(code) def testAttributes(self): # test that exception attributes are happy exceptionList = [ (BaseException, (), {}, {'args' : ()}), (BaseException, (1, ), {}, {'args' : (1,)}), (BaseException, ('foo',), {}, {'args' : ('foo',)}), (BaseException, ('foo', 1), {}, {'args' : ('foo', 1)}), (SystemExit, ('foo',), {}, {'args' : ('foo',), 'code' : 'foo'}), (OSError, ('foo',), {}, {'args' : ('foo',), 'filename' : None, 'filename2' : None, 'errno' : None, 'strerror' : None}), (OSError, ('foo', 'bar'), {}, {'args' : ('foo', 'bar'), 'filename' : None, 'filename2' : None, 'errno' : 'foo', 'strerror' : 'bar'}), (OSError, ('foo', 'bar', 'baz'), {}, {'args' : ('foo', 'bar'), 'filename' : 'baz', 'filename2' : None, 'errno' : 'foo', 'strerror' : 'bar'}), (OSError, ('foo', 'bar', 'baz', None, 'quux'), {}, {'args' : ('foo', 'bar'), 'filename' : 'baz', 'filename2': 'quux'}), (OSError, ('errnoStr', 'strErrorStr', 'filenameStr'), {}, {'args' : ('errnoStr', 'strErrorStr'), 'strerror' : 'strErrorStr', 'errno' : 'errnoStr', 'filename' : 'filenameStr'}), (OSError, (1, 'strErrorStr', 'filenameStr'), {}, {'args' : (1, 'strErrorStr'), 'errno' : 1, 'strerror' : 'strErrorStr', 'filename' : 'filenameStr', 'filename2' : None}), (SyntaxError, (), {}, {'msg' : None, 'text' : None, 'filename' : None, 'lineno' : None, 'offset' : None, 'end_offset': None, 'print_file_and_line' : None}), (SyntaxError, ('msgStr',), {}, {'args' : ('msgStr',), 'text' : None, 'print_file_and_line' : None, 'msg' : 'msgStr', 'filename' : None, 'lineno' : None, 'offset' : None, 'end_offset': None}), (SyntaxError, ('msgStr', ('filenameStr', 'linenoStr', 'offsetStr', 'textStr', 'endLinenoStr', 'endOffsetStr')), {}, {'offset' : 'offsetStr', 'text' : 'textStr', 'args' : ('msgStr', ('filenameStr', 'linenoStr', 'offsetStr', 'textStr', 'endLinenoStr', 'endOffsetStr')), 'print_file_and_line' : None, 'msg' : 'msgStr', 'filename' : 'filenameStr', 'lineno' : 'linenoStr', 'end_lineno': 'endLinenoStr', 'end_offset': 'endOffsetStr'}), (SyntaxError, ('msgStr', 'filenameStr', 'linenoStr', 'offsetStr', 'textStr', 'endLinenoStr', 'endOffsetStr', 'print_file_and_lineStr'), {}, {'text' : None, 'args' : ('msgStr', 'filenameStr', 'linenoStr', 'offsetStr', 'textStr', 'endLinenoStr', 'endOffsetStr', 'print_file_and_lineStr'), 'print_file_and_line' : None, 'msg' : 'msgStr', 'filename' : None, 'lineno' : None, 'offset' : None, 'end_lineno': None, 'end_offset': None}), (UnicodeError, (), {}, {'args' : (),}), (UnicodeEncodeError, ('ascii', 'a', 0, 1, 'ordinal not in range'), {}, {'args' : ('ascii', 'a', 0, 1, 'ordinal not in range'), 'encoding' : 'ascii', 'object' : 'a', 'start' : 0, 'reason' : 'ordinal not in range'}), (UnicodeDecodeError, ('ascii', bytearray(b'\xff'), 0, 1, 'ordinal not in range'), {}, {'args' : ('ascii', bytearray(b'\xff'), 0, 1, 'ordinal not in range'), 'encoding' : 'ascii', 'object' : b'\xff', 'start' : 0, 'reason' : 'ordinal not in range'}), (UnicodeDecodeError, ('ascii', b'\xff', 0, 1, 'ordinal not in range'), {}, {'args' : ('ascii', b'\xff', 0, 1, 'ordinal not in range'), 'encoding' : 'ascii', 'object' : b'\xff', 'start' : 0, 'reason' : 'ordinal not in range'}), (UnicodeTranslateError, ("\u3042", 0, 1, "ouch"), {}, {'args' : ('\u3042', 0, 1, 'ouch'), 'object' : '\u3042', 'reason' : 'ouch', 'start' : 0, 'end' : 1}), (NaiveException, ('foo',), {}, {'args': ('foo',), 'x': 'foo'}), (SlottedNaiveException, ('foo',), {}, {'args': ('foo',), 'x': 'foo'}), (AttributeError, ('foo',), dict(name='name', obj='obj'), dict(args=('foo',), name='name', obj='obj')), ] try: # More tests are in test_WindowsError exceptionList.append( (WindowsError, (1, 'strErrorStr', 'filenameStr'), {}, {'args' : (1, 'strErrorStr'), 'strerror' : 'strErrorStr', 'winerror' : None, 'errno' : 1, 'filename' : 'filenameStr', 'filename2' : None}) ) except NameError: pass for exc, args, kwargs, expected in exceptionList: try: e = exc(*args, **kwargs) except: print(f"\nexc={exc!r}, args={args!r}", file=sys.stderr) # raise else: # Verify module name if not type(e).__name__.endswith('NaiveException'): self.assertEqual(type(e).__module__, 'builtins') # Verify no ref leaks in Exc_str() s = str(e) for checkArgName in expected: value = getattr(e, checkArgName) self.assertEqual(repr(value), repr(expected[checkArgName]), '%r.%s == %r, expected %r' % ( e, checkArgName, value, expected[checkArgName])) # test for pickling support for p in [pickle]: for protocol in range(p.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1): s = p.dumps(e, protocol) new = p.loads(s) for checkArgName in expected: got = repr(getattr(new, checkArgName)) if exc == AttributeError and checkArgName == 'obj': # See GH-103352, we're not pickling # obj at this point. So verify it's None. want = repr(None) else: want = repr(expected[checkArgName]) self.assertEqual(got, want, 'pickled "%r", attribute "%s' % (e, checkArgName)) def test_setstate(self): e = Exception(42) e.blah = 53 self.assertEqual(e.args, (42,)) self.assertEqual(e.blah, 53) self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, e, 'a') self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, e, 'b') e.__setstate__({'a': 1 , 'b': 2}) self.assertEqual(e.args, (42,)) self.assertEqual(e.blah, 53) self.assertEqual(e.a, 1) self.assertEqual(e.b, 2) e.__setstate__({'a': 11, 'args': (1,2,3), 'blah': 35}) self.assertEqual(e.args, (1,2,3)) self.assertEqual(e.blah, 35) self.assertEqual(e.a, 11) self.assertEqual(e.b, 2) def test_invalid_setstate(self): e = Exception(42) with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, "state is not a dictionary"): e.__setstate__(42) def test_notes(self): for e in [BaseException(1), Exception(2), ValueError(3)]: with self.subTest(e=e): self.assertFalse(hasattr(e, '__notes__')) e.add_note("My Note") self.assertEqual(e.__notes__, ["My Note"]) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): e.add_note(42) self.assertEqual(e.__notes__, ["My Note"]) e.add_note("Your Note") self.assertEqual(e.__notes__, ["My Note", "Your Note"]) del e.__notes__ self.assertFalse(hasattr(e, '__notes__')) e.add_note("Our Note") self.assertEqual(e.__notes__, ["Our Note"]) e.__notes__ = 42 self.assertEqual(e.__notes__, 42) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): e.add_note("will not work") self.assertEqual(e.__notes__, 42) def testWithTraceback(self): try: raise IndexError(4) except Exception as e: tb = e.__traceback__ e = BaseException().with_traceback(tb) self.assertIsInstance(e, BaseException) self.assertEqual(e.__traceback__, tb) e = IndexError(5).with_traceback(tb) self.assertIsInstance(e, IndexError) self.assertEqual(e.__traceback__, tb) class MyException(Exception): pass e = MyException().with_traceback(tb) self.assertIsInstance(e, MyException) self.assertEqual(e.__traceback__, tb) def testInvalidTraceback(self): try: Exception().__traceback__ = 5 except TypeError as e: self.assertIn("__traceback__ must be a traceback", str(e)) else: self.fail("No exception raised") def test_invalid_setattr(self): TE = TypeError exc = Exception() msg = "'int' object is not iterable" self.assertRaisesRegex(TE, msg, setattr, exc, 'args', 1) msg = "__traceback__ must be a traceback or None" self.assertRaisesRegex(TE, msg, setattr, exc, '__traceback__', 1) msg = "exception cause must be None or derive from BaseException" self.assertRaisesRegex(TE, msg, setattr, exc, '__cause__', 1) msg = "exception context must be None or derive from BaseException" self.assertRaisesRegex(TE, msg, setattr, exc, '__context__', 1) def test_invalid_delattr(self): TE = TypeError try: raise IndexError(4) except Exception as e: exc = e msg = "may not be deleted" self.assertRaisesRegex(TE, msg, delattr, exc, 'args') self.assertRaisesRegex(TE, msg, delattr, exc, '__traceback__') self.assertRaisesRegex(TE, msg, delattr, exc, '__cause__') self.assertRaisesRegex(TE, msg, delattr, exc, '__context__') def testNoneClearsTracebackAttr(self): try: raise IndexError(4) except Exception as e: tb = e.__traceback__ e = Exception() e.__traceback__ = tb e.__traceback__ = None self.assertEqual(e.__traceback__, None) def testChainingAttrs(self): e = Exception() self.assertIsNone(e.__context__) self.assertIsNone(e.__cause__) e = TypeError() self.assertIsNone(e.__context__) self.assertIsNone(e.__cause__) class MyException(OSError): pass e = MyException() self.assertIsNone(e.__context__) self.assertIsNone(e.__cause__) def testChainingDescriptors(self): try: raise Exception() except Exception as exc: e = exc self.assertIsNone(e.__context__) self.assertIsNone(e.__cause__) self.assertFalse(e.__suppress_context__) e.__context__ = NameError() e.__cause__ = None self.assertIsInstance(e.__context__, NameError) self.assertIsNone(e.__cause__) self.assertTrue(e.__suppress_context__) e.__suppress_context__ = False self.assertFalse(e.__suppress_context__) def testKeywordArgs(self): # test that builtin exception don't take keyword args, # but user-defined subclasses can if they want self.assertRaises(TypeError, BaseException, a=1) class DerivedException(BaseException): def __init__(self, fancy_arg): BaseException.__init__(self) self.fancy_arg = fancy_arg x = DerivedException(fancy_arg=42) self.assertEqual(x.fancy_arg, 42) @no_tracing def testInfiniteRecursion(self): def f(): return f() self.assertRaises(RecursionError, f) def g(): try: return g() except ValueError: return -1 self.assertRaises(RecursionError, g) def test_str(self): # Make sure both instances and classes have a str representation. self.assertTrue(str(Exception)) self.assertTrue(str(Exception('a'))) self.assertTrue(str(Exception('a', 'b'))) def test_exception_cleanup_names(self): # Make sure the local variable bound to the exception instance by # an "except" statement is only visible inside the except block. try: raise Exception() except Exception as e: self.assertIsInstance(e, Exception) self.assertNotIn('e', locals()) with self.assertRaises(UnboundLocalError): e def test_exception_cleanup_names2(self): # Make sure the cleanup doesn't break if the variable is explicitly deleted. try: raise Exception() except Exception as e: self.assertIsInstance(e, Exception) del e self.assertNotIn('e', locals()) with self.assertRaises(UnboundLocalError): e def testExceptionCleanupState(self): # Make sure exception state is cleaned up as soon as the except # block is left. See #2507 class MyException(Exception): def __init__(self, obj): self.obj = obj class MyObj: pass def inner_raising_func(): # Create some references in exception value and traceback local_ref = obj raise MyException(obj) # Qualified "except" with "as" obj = MyObj() wr = weakref.ref(obj) try: inner_raising_func() except MyException as e: pass obj = None gc_collect() # For PyPy or other GCs. obj = wr() self.assertIsNone(obj) # Qualified "except" without "as" obj = MyObj() wr = weakref.ref(obj) try: inner_raising_func() except MyException: pass obj = None gc_collect() # For PyPy or other GCs. obj = wr() self.assertIsNone(obj) # Bare "except" obj = MyObj() wr = weakref.ref(obj) try: inner_raising_func() except: pass obj = None gc_collect() # For PyPy or other GCs. obj = wr() self.assertIsNone(obj) # "except" with premature block leave obj = MyObj() wr = weakref.ref(obj) for i in [0]: try: inner_raising_func() except: break obj = None gc_collect() # For PyPy or other GCs. obj = wr() self.assertIsNone(obj) # "except" block raising another exception obj = MyObj() wr = weakref.ref(obj) try: try: inner_raising_func() except: raise KeyError except KeyError as e: # We want to test that the except block above got rid of # the exception raised in inner_raising_func(), but it # also ends up in the __context__ of the KeyError, so we # must clear the latter manually for our test to succeed. e.__context__ = None obj = None gc_collect() # For PyPy or other GCs. obj = wr() # guarantee no ref cycles on CPython (don't gc_collect) if check_impl_detail(cpython=False): gc_collect() self.assertIsNone(obj) # Some complicated construct obj = MyObj() wr = weakref.ref(obj) try: inner_raising_func() except MyException: try: try: raise finally: raise except MyException: pass obj = None if check_impl_detail(cpython=False): gc_collect() obj = wr() self.assertIsNone(obj) # Inside an exception-silencing "with" block class Context: def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__ (self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb): return True obj = MyObj() wr = weakref.ref(obj) with Context(): inner_raising_func() obj = None if check_impl_detail(cpython=False): gc_collect() obj = wr() self.assertIsNone(obj) def test_exception_target_in_nested_scope(self): # issue 4617: This used to raise a SyntaxError # "can not delete variable 'e' referenced in nested scope" def print_error(): e try: something except Exception as e: print_error() # implicit "del e" here def test_generator_leaking(self): # Test that generator exception state doesn't leak into the calling # frame def yield_raise(): try: raise KeyError("caught") except KeyError: yield sys.exception() yield sys.exception() yield sys.exception() g = yield_raise() self.assertIsInstance(next(g), KeyError) self.assertIsNone(sys.exception()) self.assertIsInstance(next(g), KeyError) self.assertIsNone(sys.exception()) self.assertIsNone(next(g)) # Same test, but inside an exception handler try: raise TypeError("foo") except TypeError: g = yield_raise() self.assertIsInstance(next(g), KeyError) self.assertIsInstance(sys.exception(), TypeError) self.assertIsInstance(next(g), KeyError) self.assertIsInstance(sys.exception(), TypeError) self.assertIsInstance(next(g), TypeError) del g self.assertIsInstance(sys.exception(), TypeError) def test_generator_leaking2(self): # See issue 12475. def g(): yield try: raise RuntimeError except RuntimeError: it = g() next(it) try: next(it) except StopIteration: pass self.assertIsNone(sys.exception()) def test_generator_leaking3(self): # See issue #23353. When gen.throw() is called, the caller's # exception state should be save and restored. def g(): try: yield except ZeroDivisionError: yield sys.exception() it = g() next(it) try: 1/0 except ZeroDivisionError as e: self.assertIs(sys.exception(), e) gen_exc = it.throw(e) self.assertIs(sys.exception(), e) self.assertIs(gen_exc, e) self.assertIsNone(sys.exception()) def test_generator_leaking4(self): # See issue #23353. When an exception is raised by a generator, # the caller's exception state should still be restored. def g(): try: 1/0 except ZeroDivisionError: yield sys.exception() raise it = g() try: raise TypeError except TypeError: # The caller's exception state (TypeError) is temporarily # saved in the generator. tp = type(next(it)) self.assertIs(tp, ZeroDivisionError) try: next(it) # We can't check it immediately, but while next() returns # with an exception, it shouldn't have restored the old # exception state (TypeError). except ZeroDivisionError as e: self.assertIs(sys.exception(), e) # We used to find TypeError here. self.assertIsNone(sys.exception()) def test_generator_doesnt_retain_old_exc(self): def g(): self.assertIsInstance(sys.exception(), RuntimeError) yield self.assertIsNone(sys.exception()) it = g() try: raise RuntimeError except RuntimeError: next(it) self.assertRaises(StopIteration, next, it) def test_generator_finalizing_and_sys_exception(self): # See #7173 def simple_gen(): yield 1 def run_gen(): gen = simple_gen() try: raise RuntimeError except RuntimeError: return next(gen) run_gen() gc_collect() self.assertIsNone(sys.exception()) def _check_generator_cleanup_exc_state(self, testfunc): # Issue #12791: exception state is cleaned up as soon as a generator # is closed (reference cycles are broken). class MyException(Exception): def __init__(self, obj): self.obj = obj class MyObj: pass def raising_gen(): try: raise MyException(obj) except MyException: yield obj = MyObj() wr = weakref.ref(obj) g = raising_gen() next(g) testfunc(g) g = obj = None gc_collect() # For PyPy or other GCs. obj = wr() self.assertIsNone(obj) def test_generator_throw_cleanup_exc_state(self): def do_throw(g): try: g.throw(RuntimeError()) except RuntimeError: pass self._check_generator_cleanup_exc_state(do_throw) def test_generator_close_cleanup_exc_state(self): def do_close(g): g.close() self._check_generator_cleanup_exc_state(do_close) def test_generator_del_cleanup_exc_state(self): def do_del(g): g = None self._check_generator_cleanup_exc_state(do_del) def test_generator_next_cleanup_exc_state(self): def do_next(g): try: next(g) except StopIteration: pass else: self.fail("should have raised StopIteration") self._check_generator_cleanup_exc_state(do_next) def test_generator_send_cleanup_exc_state(self): def do_send(g): try: g.send(None) except StopIteration: pass else: self.fail("should have raised StopIteration") self._check_generator_cleanup_exc_state(do_send) def test_3114(self): # Bug #3114: in its destructor, MyObject retrieves a pointer to # obsolete and/or deallocated objects. class MyObject: def __del__(self): nonlocal e e = sys.exception() e = () try: raise Exception(MyObject()) except: pass gc_collect() # For PyPy or other GCs. self.assertIsNone(e) def test_raise_does_not_create_context_chain_cycle(self): class A(Exception): pass class B(Exception): pass class C(Exception): pass # Create a context chain: # C -> B -> A # Then raise A in context of C. try: try: raise A except A as a_: a = a_ try: raise B except B as b_: b = b_ try: raise C except C as c_: c = c_ self.assertIsInstance(a, A) self.assertIsInstance(b, B) self.assertIsInstance(c, C) self.assertIsNone(a.__context__) self.assertIs(b.__context__, a) self.assertIs(c.__context__, b) raise a except A as e: exc = e # Expect A -> C -> B, without cycle self.assertIs(exc, a) self.assertIs(a.__context__, c) self.assertIs(c.__context__, b) self.assertIsNone(b.__context__) def test_no_hang_on_context_chain_cycle1(self): # See issue 25782. Cycle in context chain. def cycle(): try: raise ValueError(1) except ValueError as ex: ex.__context__ = ex raise TypeError(2) try: cycle() except Exception as e: exc = e self.assertIsInstance(exc, TypeError) self.assertIsInstance(exc.__context__, ValueError) self.assertIs(exc.__context__.__context__, exc.__context__) def test_no_hang_on_context_chain_cycle2(self): # See issue 25782. Cycle at head of context chain. class A(Exception): pass class B(Exception): pass class C(Exception): pass # Context cycle: # +-----------+ # V | # C --> B --> A with self.assertRaises(C) as cm: try: raise A() except A as _a: a = _a try: raise B() except B as _b: b = _b try: raise C() except C as _c: c = _c a.__context__ = c raise c self.assertIs(cm.exception, c) # Verify the expected context chain cycle self.assertIs(c.__context__, b) self.assertIs(b.__context__, a) self.assertIs(a.__context__, c) def test_no_hang_on_context_chain_cycle3(self): # See issue 25782. Longer context chain with cycle. class A(Exception): pass class B(Exception): pass class C(Exception): pass class D(Exception): pass class E(Exception): pass # Context cycle: # +-----------+ # V | # E --> D --> C --> B --> A with self.assertRaises(E) as cm: try: raise A() except A as _a: a = _a try: raise B() except B as _b: b = _b try: raise C() except C as _c: c = _c a.__context__ = c try: raise D() except D as _d: d = _d e = E() raise e self.assertIs(cm.exception, e) # Verify the expected context chain cycle self.assertIs(e.__context__, d) self.assertIs(d.__context__, c) self.assertIs(c.__context__, b) self.assertIs(b.__context__, a) self.assertIs(a.__context__, c) def test_context_of_exception_in_try_and_finally(self): try: try: te = TypeError(1) raise te finally: ve = ValueError(2) raise ve except Exception as e: exc = e self.assertIs(exc, ve) self.assertIs(exc.__context__, te) def test_context_of_exception_in_except_and_finally(self): try: try: te = TypeError(1) raise te except: ve = ValueError(2) raise ve finally: oe = OSError(3) raise oe except Exception as e: exc = e self.assertIs(exc, oe) self.assertIs(exc.__context__, ve) self.assertIs(exc.__context__.__context__, te) def test_context_of_exception_in_else_and_finally(self): try: try: pass except: pass else: ve = ValueError(1) raise ve finally: oe = OSError(2) raise oe except Exception as e: exc = e self.assertIs(exc, oe) self.assertIs(exc.__context__, ve) def test_unicode_change_attributes(self): # See issue 7309. This was a crasher. u = UnicodeEncodeError('baz', 'xxxxx', 1, 5, 'foo') self.assertEqual(str(u), "'baz' codec can't encode characters in position 1-4: foo") u.end = 2 self.assertEqual(str(u), "'baz' codec can't encode character '\\x78' in position 1: foo") u.end = 5 u.reason = 0x345345345345345345 self.assertEqual(str(u), "'baz' codec can't encode characters in position 1-4: 965230951443685724997") u.encoding = 4000 self.assertEqual(str(u), "'4000' codec can't encode characters in position 1-4: 965230951443685724997") u.start = 1000 self.assertEqual(str(u), "'4000' codec can't encode characters in position 1000-4: 965230951443685724997") u = UnicodeDecodeError('baz', b'xxxxx', 1, 5, 'foo') self.assertEqual(str(u), "'baz' codec can't decode bytes in position 1-4: foo") u.end = 2 self.assertEqual(str(u), "'baz' codec can't decode byte 0x78 in position 1: foo") u.end = 5 u.reason = 0x345345345345345345 self.assertEqual(str(u), "'baz' codec can't decode bytes in position 1-4: 965230951443685724997") u.encoding = 4000 self.assertEqual(str(u), "'4000' codec can't decode bytes in position 1-4: 965230951443685724997") u.start = 1000 self.assertEqual(str(u), "'4000' codec can't decode bytes in position 1000-4: 965230951443685724997") u = UnicodeTranslateError('xxxx', 1, 5, 'foo') self.assertEqual(str(u), "can't translate characters in position 1-4: foo") u.end = 2 self.assertEqual(str(u), "can't translate character '\\x78' in position 1: foo") u.end = 5 u.reason = 0x345345345345345345 self.assertEqual(str(u), "can't translate characters in position 1-4: 965230951443685724997") u.start = 1000 self.assertEqual(str(u), "can't translate characters in position 1000-4: 965230951443685724997") def test_unicode_errors_no_object(self): # See issue #21134. klasses = UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeDecodeError, UnicodeTranslateError for klass in klasses: self.assertEqual(str(klass.__new__(klass)), "") @no_tracing def test_badisinstance(self): # Bug #2542: if issubclass(e, MyException) raises an exception, # it should be ignored class Meta(type): def __subclasscheck__(cls, subclass): raise ValueError() class MyException(Exception, metaclass=Meta): pass with captured_stderr() as stderr: try: raise KeyError() except MyException as e: self.fail("exception should not be a MyException") except KeyError: pass except: self.fail("Should have raised KeyError") else: self.fail("Should have raised KeyError") def g(): try: return g() except RecursionError as e: return e exc = g() self.assertIsInstance(exc, RecursionError, type(exc)) self.assertIn("maximum recursion depth exceeded", str(exc)) @cpython_only @support.requires_resource('cpu') def test_trashcan_recursion(self): # See bpo-33930 def foo(): o = object() for x in range(1_000_000): # Create a big chain of method objects that will trigger # a deep chain of calls when they need to be destructed. o = o.__dir__ foo() support.gc_collect() @cpython_only def test_recursion_normalizing_exception(self): # Issue #22898. # Test that a RecursionError is raised when tstate->recursion_depth is # equal to recursion_limit in PyErr_NormalizeException() and check # that a ResourceWarning is printed. # Prior to #22898, the recursivity of PyErr_NormalizeException() was # controlled by tstate->recursion_depth and a PyExc_RecursionErrorInst # singleton was being used in that case, that held traceback data and # locals indefinitely and would cause a segfault in _PyExc_Fini() upon # finalization of these locals. code = """if 1: import sys from _testinternalcapi import get_recursion_depth from test import support class MyException(Exception): pass def setrecursionlimit(depth): while 1: try: sys.setrecursionlimit(depth) return depth except RecursionError: # sys.setrecursionlimit() raises a RecursionError if # the new recursion limit is too low (issue #25274). depth += 1 def recurse(cnt): cnt -= 1 if cnt: recurse(cnt) else: generator.throw(MyException) def gen(): f = open(%a, mode='rb', buffering=0) yield generator = gen() next(generator) recursionlimit = sys.getrecursionlimit() try: recurse(support.EXCEEDS_RECURSION_LIMIT) finally: sys.setrecursionlimit(recursionlimit) print('Done.') """ % __file__ rc, out, err = script_helper.assert_python_failure("-Wd", "-c", code) # Check that the program does not fail with SIGABRT. self.assertEqual(rc, 1) self.assertIn(b'RecursionError', err) self.assertIn(b'ResourceWarning', err) self.assertIn(b'Done.', out) @cpython_only def test_recursion_normalizing_infinite_exception(self): # Issue #30697. Test that a RecursionError is raised when # maximum recursion depth has been exceeded when creating # an exception code = """if 1: import _testcapi try: raise _testcapi.RecursingInfinitelyError finally: print('Done.') """ rc, out, err = script_helper.assert_python_failure("-c", code) self.assertEqual(rc, 1) self.assertIn(b'RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded', err) self.assertIn(b'Done.', out) def test_recursion_in_except_handler(self): def set_relative_recursion_limit(n): depth = 1 while True: try: sys.setrecursionlimit(depth) except RecursionError: depth += 1 else: break sys.setrecursionlimit(depth+n) def recurse_in_except(): try: 1/0 except: recurse_in_except() def recurse_after_except(): try: 1/0 except: pass recurse_after_except() def recurse_in_body_and_except(): try: recurse_in_body_and_except() except: recurse_in_body_and_except() recursionlimit = sys.getrecursionlimit() try: set_relative_recursion_limit(10) for func in (recurse_in_except, recurse_after_except, recurse_in_body_and_except): with self.subTest(func=func): try: func() except RecursionError: pass else: self.fail("Should have raised a RecursionError") finally: sys.setrecursionlimit(recursionlimit) @cpython_only # Python built with Py_TRACE_REFS fail with a fatal error in # _PyRefchain_Trace() on memory allocation error. @unittest.skipIf(support.Py_TRACE_REFS, 'cannot test Py_TRACE_REFS build') def test_recursion_normalizing_with_no_memory(self): # Issue #30697. Test that in the abort that occurs when there is no # memory left and the size of the Python frames stack is greater than # the size of the list of preallocated MemoryError instances, the # Fatal Python error message mentions MemoryError. code = """if 1: import _testcapi class C(): pass def recurse(cnt): cnt -= 1 if cnt: recurse(cnt) else: _testcapi.set_nomemory(0) C() recurse(16) """ with SuppressCrashReport(): rc, out, err = script_helper.assert_python_failure("-c", code) self.assertIn(b'MemoryError', err) @cpython_only def test_MemoryError(self): # PyErr_NoMemory always raises the same exception instance. # Check that the traceback is not doubled. import traceback from _testcapi import raise_memoryerror def raiseMemError(): try: raise_memoryerror() except MemoryError as e: tb = e.__traceback__ else: self.fail("Should have raised a MemoryError") return traceback.format_tb(tb) tb1 = raiseMemError() tb2 = raiseMemError() self.assertEqual(tb1, tb2) @cpython_only def test_exception_with_doc(self): import _testcapi doc2 = "This is a test docstring." doc4 = "This is another test docstring." self.assertRaises(SystemError, _testcapi.make_exception_with_doc, "error1") # test basic usage of PyErr_NewException error1 = _testcapi.make_exception_with_doc("_testcapi.error1") self.assertIs(type(error1), type) self.assertTrue(issubclass(error1, Exception)) self.assertIsNone(error1.__doc__) # test with given docstring error2 = _testcapi.make_exception_with_doc("_testcapi.error2", doc2) self.assertEqual(error2.__doc__, doc2) # test with explicit base (without docstring) error3 = _testcapi.make_exception_with_doc("_testcapi.error3", base=error2) self.assertTrue(issubclass(error3, error2)) # test with explicit base tuple class C(object): pass error4 = _testcapi.make_exception_with_doc("_testcapi.error4", doc4, (error3, C)) self.assertTrue(issubclass(error4, error3)) self.assertTrue(issubclass(error4, C)) self.assertEqual(error4.__doc__, doc4) # test with explicit dictionary error5 = _testcapi.make_exception_with_doc("_testcapi.error5", "", error4, {'a': 1}) self.assertTrue(issubclass(error5, error4)) self.assertEqual(error5.a, 1) self.assertEqual(error5.__doc__, "") @cpython_only def test_memory_error_cleanup(self): # Issue #5437: preallocated MemoryError instances should not keep # traceback objects alive. from _testcapi import raise_memoryerror class C: pass wr = None def inner(): nonlocal wr c = C() wr = weakref.ref(c) raise_memoryerror() # We cannot use assertRaises since it manually deletes the traceback try: inner() except MemoryError as e: self.assertNotEqual(wr(), None) else: self.fail("MemoryError not raised") gc_collect() # For PyPy or other GCs. self.assertEqual(wr(), None) @no_tracing def test_recursion_error_cleanup(self): # Same test as above, but with "recursion exceeded" errors class C: pass wr = None def inner(): nonlocal wr c = C() wr = weakref.ref(c) inner() # We cannot use assertRaises since it manually deletes the traceback try: inner() except RecursionError as e: self.assertNotEqual(wr(), None) else: self.fail("RecursionError not raised") gc_collect() # For PyPy or other GCs. self.assertEqual(wr(), None) def test_errno_ENOTDIR(self): # Issue #12802: "not a directory" errors are ENOTDIR even on Windows with self.assertRaises(OSError) as cm: os.listdir(__file__) self.assertEqual(cm.exception.errno, errno.ENOTDIR, cm.exception) def test_unraisable(self): # Issue #22836: PyErr_WriteUnraisable() should give sensible reports class BrokenDel: def __del__(self): exc = ValueError("del is broken") # The following line is included in the traceback report: raise exc obj = BrokenDel() with support.catch_unraisable_exception() as cm: del obj gc_collect() # For PyPy or other GCs. self.assertEqual(cm.unraisable.object, BrokenDel.__del__) self.assertIsNotNone(cm.unraisable.exc_traceback) def test_unhandled(self): # Check for sensible reporting of unhandled exceptions for exc_type in (ValueError, BrokenStrException): with self.subTest(exc_type): try: exc = exc_type("test message") # The following line is included in the traceback report: raise exc except exc_type: with captured_stderr() as stderr: sys.__excepthook__(*sys.exc_info()) report = stderr.getvalue() self.assertIn("test_exceptions.py", report) self.assertIn("raise exc", report) self.assertIn(exc_type.__name__, report) if exc_type is BrokenStrException: self.assertIn("", report) else: self.assertIn("test message", report) self.assertTrue(report.endswith("\n")) @cpython_only # Python built with Py_TRACE_REFS fail with a fatal error in # _PyRefchain_Trace() on memory allocation error. @unittest.skipIf(support.Py_TRACE_REFS, 'cannot test Py_TRACE_REFS build') def test_memory_error_in_PyErr_PrintEx(self): code = """if 1: import _testcapi class C(): pass _testcapi.set_nomemory(0, %d) C() """ # Issue #30817: Abort in PyErr_PrintEx() when no memory. # Span a large range of tests as the CPython code always evolves with # changes that add or remove memory allocations. for i in range(1, 20): rc, out, err = script_helper.assert_python_failure("-c", code % i) self.assertIn(rc, (1, 120)) self.assertIn(b'MemoryError', err) def test_yield_in_nested_try_excepts(self): #Issue #25612 class MainError(Exception): pass class SubError(Exception): pass def main(): try: raise MainError() except MainError: try: yield except SubError: pass raise coro = main() coro.send(None) with self.assertRaises(MainError): coro.throw(SubError()) def test_generator_doesnt_retain_old_exc2(self): #Issue 28884#msg282532 def g(): try: raise ValueError except ValueError: yield 1 self.assertIsNone(sys.exception()) yield 2 gen = g() try: raise IndexError except IndexError: self.assertEqual(next(gen), 1) self.assertEqual(next(gen), 2) def test_raise_in_generator(self): #Issue 25612#msg304117 def g(): yield 1 raise yield 2 with self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError): i = g() try: 1/0 except: next(i) next(i) @unittest.skipUnless(__debug__, "Won't work if __debug__ is False") def test_assert_shadowing(self): # Shadowing AssertionError would cause the assert statement to # misbehave. global AssertionError AssertionError = TypeError try: assert False, 'hello' except BaseException as e: del AssertionError self.assertIsInstance(e, AssertionError) self.assertEqual(str(e), 'hello') else: del AssertionError self.fail('Expected exception') def test_memory_error_subclasses(self): # bpo-41654: MemoryError instances use a freelist of objects that are # linked using the 'dict' attribute when they are inactive/dead. # Subclasses of MemoryError should not participate in the freelist # schema. This test creates a MemoryError object and keeps it alive # (therefore advancing the freelist) and then it creates and destroys a # subclass object. Finally, it checks that creating a new MemoryError # succeeds, proving that the freelist is not corrupted. class TestException(MemoryError): pass try: raise MemoryError except MemoryError as exc: inst = exc try: raise TestException except Exception: pass for _ in range(10): try: raise MemoryError except MemoryError as exc: pass gc_collect() def test_memory_error_in_subinterp(self): # gh-109894: subinterpreters shouldn't count on last resort memory error # when MemoryError is raised through PyErr_NoMemory() call, # and should preallocate memory errors as does the main interpreter. # interp.static_objects.last_resort_memory_error.args # should be initialized to empty tuple to avoid crash on attempt to print it. code = f"""if 1: import _testcapi _testcapi.run_in_subinterp(\"[0]*{sys.maxsize}\") exit(0) """ rc, _, err = script_helper.assert_python_ok("-c", code) self.assertIn(b'MemoryError', err) class NameErrorTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_name_error_has_name(self): try: bluch except NameError as exc: self.assertEqual("bluch", exc.name) def test_issue45826(self): # regression test for bpo-45826 def f(): with self.assertRaisesRegex(NameError, 'aaa'): aab try: f() except self.failureException: with support.captured_stderr() as err: sys.__excepthook__(*sys.exc_info()) self.assertIn("aab", err.getvalue()) def test_issue45826_focused(self): def f(): try: nonsense except BaseException as E: E.with_traceback(None) raise ZeroDivisionError() try: f() except ZeroDivisionError: with support.captured_stderr() as err: sys.__excepthook__(*sys.exc_info()) self.assertIn("nonsense", err.getvalue()) self.assertIn("ZeroDivisionError", err.getvalue()) def test_gh_111654(self): def f(): class TestClass: TestClass self.assertRaises(NameError, f) # Note: name suggestion tests live in `test_traceback`. class AttributeErrorTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_attributes(self): # Setting 'attr' should not be a problem. exc = AttributeError('Ouch!') self.assertIsNone(exc.name) self.assertIsNone(exc.obj) sentinel = object() exc = AttributeError('Ouch', name='carry', obj=sentinel) self.assertEqual(exc.name, 'carry') self.assertIs(exc.obj, sentinel) def test_getattr_has_name_and_obj(self): class A: blech = None obj = A() try: obj.bluch except AttributeError as exc: self.assertEqual("bluch", exc.name) self.assertEqual(obj, exc.obj) try: object.__getattribute__(obj, "bluch") except AttributeError as exc: self.assertEqual("bluch", exc.name) self.assertEqual(obj, exc.obj) def test_getattr_has_name_and_obj_for_method(self): class A: def blech(self): return obj = A() try: obj.bluch() except AttributeError as exc: self.assertEqual("bluch", exc.name) self.assertEqual(obj, exc.obj) # Note: name suggestion tests live in `test_traceback`. class ImportErrorTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_attributes(self): # Setting 'name' and 'path' should not be a problem. exc = ImportError('test') self.assertIsNone(exc.name) self.assertIsNone(exc.path) exc = ImportError('test', name='somemodule') self.assertEqual(exc.name, 'somemodule') self.assertIsNone(exc.path) exc = ImportError('test', path='somepath') self.assertEqual(exc.path, 'somepath') self.assertIsNone(exc.name) exc = ImportError('test', path='somepath', name='somename') self.assertEqual(exc.name, 'somename') self.assertEqual(exc.path, 'somepath') msg = "'invalid' is an invalid keyword argument for ImportError" with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, msg): ImportError('test', invalid='keyword') with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, msg): ImportError('test', name='name', invalid='keyword') with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, msg): ImportError('test', path='path', invalid='keyword') with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, msg): ImportError(invalid='keyword') with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, msg): ImportError('test', invalid='keyword', another=True) def test_reset_attributes(self): exc = ImportError('test', name='name', path='path') self.assertEqual(exc.args, ('test',)) self.assertEqual(exc.msg, 'test') self.assertEqual(exc.name, 'name') self.assertEqual(exc.path, 'path') # Reset not specified attributes exc.__init__() self.assertEqual(exc.args, ()) self.assertEqual(exc.msg, None) self.assertEqual(exc.name, None) self.assertEqual(exc.path, None) def test_non_str_argument(self): # Issue #15778 with check_warnings(('', BytesWarning), quiet=True): arg = b'abc' exc = ImportError(arg) self.assertEqual(str(arg), str(exc)) def test_copy_pickle(self): for kwargs in (dict(), dict(name='somename'), dict(path='somepath'), dict(name='somename', path='somepath')): orig = ImportError('test', **kwargs) for proto in range(pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1): exc = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(orig, proto)) self.assertEqual(exc.args, ('test',)) self.assertEqual(exc.msg, 'test') self.assertEqual(exc.name, orig.name) self.assertEqual(exc.path, orig.path) for c in copy.copy, copy.deepcopy: exc = c(orig) self.assertEqual(exc.args, ('test',)) self.assertEqual(exc.msg, 'test') self.assertEqual(exc.name, orig.name) self.assertEqual(exc.path, orig.path) class AssertionErrorTests(unittest.TestCase): def tearDown(self): unlink(TESTFN) def write_source(self, source): with open(TESTFN, 'w') as testfile: testfile.write(dedent(source)) _rc, _out, err = script_helper.assert_python_failure('-Wd', '-X', 'utf8', TESTFN) return err.decode('utf-8').splitlines() def test_assertion_error_location(self): cases = [ ('assert None', [ ' assert None', ' ^^^^', 'AssertionError', ], ), ('assert 0', [ ' assert 0', ' ^', 'AssertionError', ], ), ('assert 1 > 2', [ ' assert 1 > 2', ' ^^^^^', 'AssertionError', ], ), ('assert 1 > 2 and 3 > 2', [ ' assert 1 > 2 and 3 > 2', ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^', 'AssertionError', ], ), ('assert 1 > 2, "message"', [ ' assert 1 > 2, "message"', ' ^^^^^', 'AssertionError: message', ], ), # Multiline: (""" assert ( 1 > 2) """, [ ' 1 > 2)', ' ^^^^^', 'AssertionError', ], ), (""" assert ( 1 > 2), "Message" """, [ ' 1 > 2), "Message"', ' ^^^^^', 'AssertionError: Message', ], ), (""" assert ( 1 > 2), \\ "Message" """, [ ' 1 > 2), \\', ' ^^^^^', 'AssertionError: Message', ], ), ] for source, expected in cases: with self.subTest(source): result = self.write_source(source) self.assertEqual(result[-3:], expected) def test_multiline_not_highlighted(self): cases = [ (""" assert ( 1 > 2 ) """, [ ' 1 > 2', 'AssertionError', ], ), (""" assert ( 1 < 2 and 3 > 4 ) """, [ ' 1 < 2 and', ' 3 > 4', 'AssertionError', ], ), ] for source, expected in cases: with self.subTest(source): result = self.write_source(source) self.assertEqual(result[-len(expected):], expected) class SyntaxErrorTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_range_of_offsets(self): cases = [ # Basic range from 2->7 (("bad.py", 1, 2, "abcdefg", 1, 7), dedent( """ File "bad.py", line 1 abcdefg ^^^^^ SyntaxError: bad bad """)), # end_offset = start_offset + 1 (("bad.py", 1, 2, "abcdefg", 1, 3), dedent( """ File "bad.py", line 1 abcdefg ^ SyntaxError: bad bad """)), # Negative end offset (("bad.py", 1, 2, "abcdefg", 1, -2), dedent( """ File "bad.py", line 1 abcdefg ^ SyntaxError: bad bad """)), # end offset before starting offset (("bad.py", 1, 4, "abcdefg", 1, 2), dedent( """ File "bad.py", line 1 abcdefg ^ SyntaxError: bad bad """)), # Both offsets negative (("bad.py", 1, -4, "abcdefg", 1, -2), dedent( """ File "bad.py", line 1 abcdefg SyntaxError: bad bad """)), # Both offsets negative and the end more negative (("bad.py", 1, -4, "abcdefg", 1, -5), dedent( """ File "bad.py", line 1 abcdefg SyntaxError: bad bad """)), # Both offsets 0 (("bad.py", 1, 0, "abcdefg", 1, 0), dedent( """ File "bad.py", line 1 abcdefg SyntaxError: bad bad """)), # Start offset 0 and end offset not 0 (("bad.py", 1, 0, "abcdefg", 1, 5), dedent( """ File "bad.py", line 1 abcdefg SyntaxError: bad bad """)), # End offset pass the source length (("bad.py", 1, 2, "abcdefg", 1, 100), dedent( """ File "bad.py", line 1 abcdefg ^^^^^^ SyntaxError: bad bad """)), ] for args, expected in cases: with self.subTest(args=args): try: raise SyntaxError("bad bad", args) except SyntaxError as exc: with support.captured_stderr() as err: sys.__excepthook__(*sys.exc_info()) self.assertIn(expected, err.getvalue()) the_exception = exc def test_encodings(self): source = ( '# -*- coding: cp437 -*-\n' '"┬ó┬ó┬ó┬ó┬ó┬ó" + f(4, x for x in range(1))\n' ) try: with open(TESTFN, 'w', encoding='cp437') as testfile: testfile.write(source) rc, out, err = script_helper.assert_python_failure('-Wd', '-X', 'utf8', TESTFN) err = err.decode('utf-8').splitlines() self.assertEqual(err[-3], ' "┬ó┬ó┬ó┬ó┬ó┬ó" + f(4, x for x in range(1))') self.assertEqual(err[-2], ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^') finally: unlink(TESTFN) # Check backwards tokenizer errors source = '# -*- coding: ascii -*-\n\n(\n' try: with open(TESTFN, 'w', encoding='ascii') as testfile: testfile.write(source) rc, out, err = script_helper.assert_python_failure('-Wd', '-X', 'utf8', TESTFN) err = err.decode('utf-8').splitlines() self.assertEqual(err[-3], ' (') self.assertEqual(err[-2], ' ^') finally: unlink(TESTFN) def test_non_utf8(self): # Check non utf-8 characters try: with open(TESTFN, 'bw') as testfile: testfile.write(b"\x89") rc, out, err = script_helper.assert_python_failure('-Wd', '-X', 'utf8', TESTFN) err = err.decode('utf-8').splitlines() self.assertIn("SyntaxError: Non-UTF-8 code starting with '\\x89' in file", err[-1]) finally: unlink(TESTFN) def test_attributes_new_constructor(self): args = ("bad.py", 1, 2, "abcdefg", 1, 100) the_exception = SyntaxError("bad bad", args) filename, lineno, offset, error, end_lineno, end_offset = args self.assertEqual(filename, the_exception.filename) self.assertEqual(lineno, the_exception.lineno) self.assertEqual(end_lineno, the_exception.end_lineno) self.assertEqual(offset, the_exception.offset) self.assertEqual(end_offset, the_exception.end_offset) self.assertEqual(error, the_exception.text) self.assertEqual("bad bad", the_exception.msg) def test_attributes_old_constructor(self): args = ("bad.py", 1, 2, "abcdefg") the_exception = SyntaxError("bad bad", args) filename, lineno, offset, error = args self.assertEqual(filename, the_exception.filename) self.assertEqual(lineno, the_exception.lineno) self.assertEqual(None, the_exception.end_lineno) self.assertEqual(offset, the_exception.offset) self.assertEqual(None, the_exception.end_offset) self.assertEqual(error, the_exception.text) self.assertEqual("bad bad", the_exception.msg) def test_incorrect_constructor(self): args = ("bad.py", 1, 2) self.assertRaises(TypeError, SyntaxError, "bad bad", args) args = ("bad.py", 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7) self.assertRaises(TypeError, SyntaxError, "bad bad", args) args = ("bad.py", 1, 2, "abcdefg", 1) self.assertRaises(TypeError, SyntaxError, "bad bad", args) class TestInvalidExceptionMatcher(unittest.TestCase): def test_except_star_invalid_exception_type(self): with self.assertRaises(TypeError): try: raise ValueError except 42: pass with self.assertRaises(TypeError): try: raise ValueError except (ValueError, 42): pass class PEP626Tests(unittest.TestCase): def lineno_after_raise(self, f, *expected): try: f() except Exception as ex: t = ex.__traceback__ else: self.fail("No exception raised") lines = [] t = t.tb_next # Skip this function while t: frame = t.tb_frame lines.append( None if frame.f_lineno is None else frame.f_lineno-frame.f_code.co_firstlineno ) t = t.tb_next self.assertEqual(tuple(lines), expected) def test_lineno_after_raise_simple(self): def simple(): 1/0 pass self.lineno_after_raise(simple, 1) def test_lineno_after_raise_in_except(self): def in_except(): try: 1/0 except: 1/0 pass self.lineno_after_raise(in_except, 4) def test_lineno_after_other_except(self): def other_except(): try: 1/0 except TypeError as ex: pass self.lineno_after_raise(other_except, 3) def test_lineno_in_named_except(self): def in_named_except(): try: 1/0 except Exception as ex: 1/0 pass self.lineno_after_raise(in_named_except, 4) def test_lineno_in_try(self): def in_try(): try: 1/0 finally: pass self.lineno_after_raise(in_try, 4) def test_lineno_in_finally_normal(self): def in_finally_normal(): try: pass finally: 1/0 pass self.lineno_after_raise(in_finally_normal, 4) def test_lineno_in_finally_except(self): def in_finally_except(): try: 1/0 finally: 1/0 pass self.lineno_after_raise(in_finally_except, 4) def test_lineno_after_with(self): class Noop: def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *args): pass def after_with(): with Noop(): 1/0 pass self.lineno_after_raise(after_with, 2) def test_missing_lineno_shows_as_none(self): def f(): 1/0 self.lineno_after_raise(f, 1) f.__code__ = f.__code__.replace(co_linetable=b'\xf8\xf8\xf8\xf9\xf8\xf8\xf8') self.lineno_after_raise(f, None) def test_lineno_after_raise_in_with_exit(self): class ExitFails: def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *args): raise ValueError def after_with(): with ExitFails(): 1/0 self.lineno_after_raise(after_with, 1, 1) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()