"""Utilities for writing StencilGroups out to a C header file.""" import itertools import typing import _stencils def _dump_footer(groups: dict[str, _stencils.StencilGroup]) -> typing.Iterator[str]: yield "typedef struct {" yield " void (*emit)(" yield " unsigned char *code, unsigned char *data, _PyExecutorObject *executor," yield " const _PyUOpInstruction *instruction, uintptr_t instruction_starts[]);" yield " size_t code_size;" yield " size_t data_size;" yield "} StencilGroup;" yield "" yield f"static const StencilGroup trampoline = {groups['trampoline'].as_c('trampoline')};" yield "" yield "static const StencilGroup stencil_groups[MAX_UOP_ID + 1] = {" for opname, group in sorted(groups.items()): if opname == "trampoline": continue yield f" [{opname}] = {group.as_c(opname)}," yield "};" def _dump_stencil(opname: str, group: _stencils.StencilGroup) -> typing.Iterator[str]: yield "void" yield f"emit_{opname}(" yield " unsigned char *code, unsigned char *data, _PyExecutorObject *executor," yield " const _PyUOpInstruction *instruction, uintptr_t instruction_starts[])" yield "{" for part, stencil in [("code", group.code), ("data", group.data)]: for line in stencil.disassembly: yield f" // {line}" if stencil.body: yield f" const unsigned char {part}_body[{len(stencil.body)}] = {{" for i in range(0, len(stencil.body), 8): row = " ".join(f"{byte:#04x}," for byte in stencil.body[i : i + 8]) yield f" {row}" yield " };" # Data is written first (so relaxations in the code work properly): for part, stencil in [("data", group.data), ("code", group.code)]: if stencil.body: yield f" memcpy({part}, {part}_body, sizeof({part}_body));" skip = False stencil.holes.sort(key=lambda hole: hole.offset) for hole, pair in itertools.zip_longest(stencil.holes, stencil.holes[1:]): if skip: skip = False continue if pair and (folded := hole.fold(pair)): skip = True hole = folded yield f" {hole.as_c(part)}" yield "}" yield "" def dump(groups: dict[str, _stencils.StencilGroup]) -> typing.Iterator[str]: """Yield a JIT compiler line-by-line as a C header file.""" for opname, group in sorted(groups.items()): yield from _dump_stencil(opname, group) yield from _dump_footer(groups)