import re from analyzer import StackItem, StackEffect, Instruction, Uop, PseudoInstruction from dataclasses import dataclass from cwriter import CWriter from typing import Iterator UNUSED = {"unused"} def maybe_parenthesize(sym: str) -> str: """Add parentheses around a string if it contains an operator and is not already parenthesized. An exception is made for '*' which is common and harmless in the context where the symbolic size is used. """ if sym.startswith("(") and sym.endswith(")"): return sym if re.match(r"^[\s\w*]+$", sym): return sym else: return f"({sym})" def var_size(var: StackItem) -> str: if var.condition: # Special case simplifications if var.condition == "0": return "0" elif var.condition == "1": return var.get_size() elif var.condition == "oparg & 1" and not var.size: return f"({var.condition})" else: return f"(({var.condition}) ? {var.get_size()} : 0)" elif var.size: return var.size else: return "1" @dataclass class StackOffset: "The stack offset of the virtual base of the stack from the physical stack pointer" popped: list[str] pushed: list[str] @staticmethod def empty() -> "StackOffset": return StackOffset([], []) def copy(self) -> "StackOffset": return StackOffset(self.popped[:], self.pushed[:]) def pop(self, item: StackItem) -> None: self.popped.append(var_size(item)) def push(self, item: StackItem) -> None: self.pushed.append(var_size(item)) def __sub__(self, other: "StackOffset") -> "StackOffset": return StackOffset(self.popped + other.pushed, self.pushed + other.popped) def __neg__(self) -> "StackOffset": return StackOffset(self.pushed, self.popped) def simplify(self) -> None: "Remove matching values from both the popped and pushed list" if not self.popped or not self.pushed: return # Sort the list so the lexically largest element is last. popped = sorted(self.popped) pushed = sorted(self.pushed) self.popped = [] self.pushed = [] while popped and pushed: pop = popped.pop() push = pushed.pop() if pop == push: pass elif pop > push: # if pop > push, there can be no element in pushed matching pop. self.popped.append(pop) pushed.append(push) else: self.pushed.append(push) popped.append(pop) self.popped.extend(popped) self.pushed.extend(pushed) def to_c(self) -> str: self.simplify() int_offset = 0 symbol_offset = "" for item in self.popped: try: int_offset -= int(item) except ValueError: symbol_offset += f" - {maybe_parenthesize(item)}" for item in self.pushed: try: int_offset += int(item) except ValueError: symbol_offset += f" + {maybe_parenthesize(item)}" if symbol_offset and not int_offset: res = symbol_offset else: res = f"{int_offset}{symbol_offset}" if res.startswith(" + "): res = res[3:] if res.startswith(" - "): res = "-" + res[3:] return res def clear(self) -> None: self.popped = [] self.pushed = [] class StackError(Exception): pass class Stack: def __init__(self) -> None: self.top_offset = StackOffset.empty() self.base_offset = StackOffset.empty() self.variables: list[StackItem] = [] self.defined: set[str] = set() def pop(self, var: StackItem, extract_bits: bool = False) -> str: self.top_offset.pop(var) indirect = "&" if var.is_array() else "" if self.variables: popped = self.variables.pop() if popped.size != var.size: raise StackError( f"Size mismatch when popping '{}' from stack to assign to {}. " f"Expected {var.size} got {popped.size}" ) if in UNUSED: if not in UNUSED and in self.defined: raise StackError(f"Value is declared unused, but is already cached by prior operation") return "" if in UNUSED or not in self.defined: self.defined.add( return ( f"{} = {indirect}stack_pointer[{self.top_offset.to_c()}];\n" ) else: self.defined.add( if == return "" else: return f"{} = {};\n" self.base_offset.pop(var) if in UNUSED or not var.used: return "" self.defined.add( cast = f"({var.type})" if (not indirect and var.type) else "" bits = ".bits" if cast and not extract_bits else "" assign = ( f"{} = {cast}{indirect}stack_pointer[{self.base_offset.to_c()}]{bits};" ) if var.condition: if var.condition == "1": return f"{assign}\n" elif var.condition == "0": return "" else: return f"if ({var.condition}) {{ {assign} }}\n" return f"{assign}\n" def push(self, var: StackItem) -> str: self.variables.append(var) if var.is_array() and not in self.defined and not in UNUSED: c_offset = self.top_offset.to_c() self.top_offset.push(var) self.defined.add( return f"{} = &stack_pointer[{c_offset}];\n" else: self.top_offset.push(var) if var.used: self.defined.add( return "" def flush(self, out: CWriter, cast_type: str = "uintptr_t", extract_bits: bool = False) -> None: out.start_line() for var in self.variables: if not var.peek: cast = f"({cast_type})" if var.type else "" bits = ".bits" if cast and not extract_bits else "" if not in UNUSED and not var.is_array(): if var.condition: if var.condition == "0": continue elif var.condition != "1": out.emit(f"if ({var.condition}) ") out.emit( f"stack_pointer[{self.base_offset.to_c()}]{bits} = {cast}{};\n" ) self.base_offset.push(var) if self.base_offset.to_c() != self.top_offset.to_c(): print("base", self.base_offset.to_c(), "top", self.top_offset.to_c()) assert False number = self.base_offset.to_c() if number != "0": out.emit(f"stack_pointer += {number};\n") out.emit("assert(WITHIN_STACK_BOUNDS());\n") self.variables = [] self.base_offset.clear() self.top_offset.clear() out.start_line() def peek_offset(self) -> str: peek = self.base_offset.copy() for var in self.variables: if not var.peek: break peek.push(var) return peek.to_c() def as_comment(self) -> str: return f"/* Variables: {[ for v in self.variables]}. Base offset: {self.base_offset.to_c()}. Top offset: {self.top_offset.to_c()} */" def get_stack_effect(inst: Instruction | PseudoInstruction) -> Stack: stack = Stack() def stacks(inst : Instruction | PseudoInstruction) -> Iterator[StackEffect]: if isinstance(inst, Instruction): for uop in if isinstance(uop, Uop): yield uop.stack else: assert isinstance(inst, PseudoInstruction) yield inst.stack for s in stacks(inst): for var in reversed(s.inputs): stack.pop(var) for var in s.outputs: stack.push(var) return stack