# A multi-producer, multi-consumer queue. # define this exception to be compatible with Python 1.5's class # exceptions, but also when -X option is used. try: class Empty(Exception): pass except TypeError: # string based exceptions Empty = 'Queue.Empty' # Exception raised by get_nowait() class Queue: def __init__(self, maxsize): """Initialize a queue object with a given maximum size. If maxsize is <= 0, the queue size is infinite. """ import thread self._init(maxsize) self.mutex = thread.allocate_lock() self.esema = thread.allocate_lock() self.esema.acquire_lock() self.fsema = thread.allocate_lock() def qsize(self): """Returns the approximate size of the queue (not reliable!).""" self.mutex.acquire_lock() n = self._qsize() self.mutex.release_lock() return n def empty(self): """Returns 1 if the queue is empty, 0 otherwise (not reliable!).""" self.mutex.acquire_lock() n = self._empty() self.mutex.release_lock() return n def full(self): """Returns 1 if the queue is full, 0 otherwise (not reliable!).""" self.mutex.acquire_lock() n = self._full() self.mutex.release_lock() return n def put(self, item): """Put an item into the queue.""" self.fsema.acquire_lock() self.mutex.acquire_lock() was_empty = self._empty() self._put(item) if was_empty: self.esema.release_lock() if not self._full(): self.fsema.release_lock() self.mutex.release_lock() def get(self): """Gets and returns an item from the queue. This method blocks if necessary until an item is available. """ self.esema.acquire_lock() self.mutex.acquire_lock() was_full = self._full() item = self._get() if was_full: self.fsema.release_lock() if not self._empty(): self.esema.release_lock() self.mutex.release_lock() return item # Get an item from the queue if one is immediately available, # raise Empty if the queue is empty or temporarily unavailable def get_nowait(self): """Gets and returns an item from the queue. Only gets an item if one is immediately available, Otherwise this raises the Empty exception if the queue is empty or temporarily unavailable. """ locked = self.esema.acquire_lock(0) self.mutex.acquire_lock() if self._empty(): # The queue is empty -- we can't have esema self.mutex.release_lock() raise Empty if not locked: locked = self.esema.acquire_lock(0) if not locked: # Somebody else has esema # but we have mutex -- # go out of their way self.mutex.release_lock() raise Empty was_full = self._full() item = self._get() if was_full: self.fsema.release_lock() if not self._empty(): self.esema.release_lock() self.mutex.release_lock() return item # XXX Need to define put_nowait() as well. # Override these methods to implement other queue organizations # (e.g. stack or priority queue). # These will only be called with appropriate locks held # Initialize the queue representation def _init(self, maxsize): self.maxsize = maxsize self.queue = [] def _qsize(self): return len(self.queue) # Check wheter the queue is empty def _empty(self): return not self.queue # Check whether the queue is full def _full(self): return self.maxsize > 0 and len(self.queue) == self.maxsize # Put a new item in the queue def _put(self, item): self.queue.append(item) # Get an item from the queue def _get(self): item = self.queue[0] del self.queue[0] return item