# Copyright 2007 Google Inc. # Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement. # See also: http://code.google.com/p/ipaddr-py/ """An IPv4/IPv6 manipulation library in Python. This library is used to create/poke/manipulate IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and prefixes. """ __version__ = '1.0.2' import struct class Error(Exception): """Base class for exceptions.""" class IPTypeError(Error): """Tried to perform a v4 action on v6 object or vice versa.""" class IPAddressExclusionError(Error): """An Error we should never see occurred in address exclusion.""" class IPv4IpValidationError(Error): """Raised when an IPv4 address is invalid.""" def __init__(self, ip): Error.__init__(self) self.ip = ip def __str__(self): return repr(self.ip) + ' is not a valid IPv4 address' class IPv4NetmaskValidationError(Error): """Raised when a netmask is invalid.""" def __init__(self, netmask): Error.__init__(self) self.netmask = netmask def __str__(self): return repr(self.netmask) + ' is not a valid IPv4 netmask' class IPv6IpValidationError(Error): """Raised when an IPv6 address is invalid.""" def __init__(self, ip): Error.__init__(self) self.ip = ip def __str__(self): return repr(self.ip) + ' is not a valid IPv6 address' class IPv6NetmaskValidationError(Error): """Raised when an IPv6 netmask is invalid.""" def __init__(self, netmask): Error.__init__(self) self.netmask = netmask def __str__(self): return repr(self.netmask) + ' is not a valid IPv6 netmask' class PrefixlenDiffInvalidError(Error): """Raised when Sub/Supernets is called with a bad prefixlen_diff.""" def __init__(self, error_str): Error.__init__(self) self.error_str = error_str def IP(ipaddr): """Take an IP string/int and return an object of the correct type. Args: ipaddr: A string or integer, the IP address. Either IPv4 or IPv6 addresses may be supplied; integers less than 2**32 will be considered to be IPv4. Returns: An IPv4 or IPv6 object. Raises: ValueError: if the string passed isn't either a v4 or a v6 address. """ try: return IPv4(ipaddr) except (IPv4IpValidationError, IPv4NetmaskValidationError): pass try: return IPv6(ipaddr) except (IPv6IpValidationError, IPv6NetmaskValidationError): pass raise ValueError('%r does not appear to be an IPv4 or IPv6 address' % ipaddr) def _collapse_address_list_recursive(addresses): """Loops through the addresses, collapsing concurrent netblocks. Example: >>> ip1 = IPv4('') >>> ip2 = IPv4('') >>> ip3 = IPv4('') >>> ip4 = IPv4('') >>> ip5 = IPv4('') >>> ip6 = IPv4('') >>> _collapse_address_list_recursive([ip1, ip2, ip3, ip4, ip5, ip6]) [IPv4(''), IPv4(''), IPv4('')] Notes: This shouldn't be called directly; it is called via collapse_address_list([]). Args: addresses: A list of IPv4 or IPv6 objects. Returns: A list of IPv4 or IPv6 objects depending on what we were passed. """ ret_array = [] optimized = False for cur_addr in addresses: if not ret_array: ret_array.append(cur_addr) continue if cur_addr in ret_array[-1]: optimized = True elif cur_addr == ret_array[-1].supernet().subnet()[1]: ret_array.append(ret_array.pop().supernet()) optimized = True else: ret_array.append(cur_addr) if optimized: return _collapse_address_list_recursive(ret_array) return ret_array def collapse_address_list(addresses): """Collapse a list of IP objects. Example: >>> collapse_address_list([IPv4(''), IPv4('')]) [IPv4('')] Args: addresses: A list of IPv4 or IPv6 objects. Returns: A list of IPv4 or IPv6 objects depending on what we were passed. """ return _collapse_address_list_recursive( sorted(addresses, key=BaseIP._get_networks_key)) class BaseIP(object): """A generic IP object. This IP class contains most of the methods which are used by the IPv4 and IPv6 classes. """ def __getitem__(self, n): if n >= 0: if self.network + n > self.broadcast: raise IndexError return self._string_from_ip_int(self.network + n) else: n += 1 if self.broadcast + n < self.network: raise IndexError return self._string_from_ip_int(self.broadcast + n) def __lt__(self, other): try: return (self.version < other.version or self.ip < other.ip or self.netmask < other.netmask) except AttributeError: return NotImplemented def __gt__(self, other): try: return (self.version > other.version or self.ip > other.ip or self.netmask > other.netmask) except AttributeError: return NotImplemented def __eq__(self, other): try: return (self.version == other.version and self.ip == other.ip and self.netmask == other.netmask) except AttributeError: return NotImplemented def __ne__(self, other): eq = self.__eq__(other) if eq is NotImplemented: return NotImplemented return not eq def __le__(self, other): gt = self.__gt__(other) if gt is NotImplemented: return NotImplemented return not gt def __ge__(self, other): lt = self.__lt__(other) if lt is NotImplemented: return NotImplemented return not lt def __repr__(self): return '%s(%r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, str(self)) def __index__(self): return self.ip def __int__(self): return self.ip def address_exclude(self, other): """Remove an address from a larger block. For example: >>> addr1 = IP('') >>> addr2 = IP('') >>> addr1.address_exclude(addr2) [IPv4(''), IPv4('')] or IPv6: >>> addr1 = IP('::1/32') >>> addr2 = IP('::1/128') >>> s = addr1.address_exclude(addr2) >>> s[:4] [IPv6('::/128'), IPv6('::2/127'), IPv6('::4/126'), IPv6('::8/125')] >>> s[-1] IPv6('0:0:8000::/33') Args: other: An IP object of the same type. Returns: A sorted list of IP objects addresses which is self minus other. Raises: IPTypeError: If self and other are of difffering address versions. IPAddressExclusionError: There was some unknown error in the address exclusion process. This likely points to a bug elsewhere in this code. ValueError: If other is not completely contained by self. """ if not self.version == other.version: raise IPTypeError("%s and %s aren't of the same version" % ( str(self), str(other))) if other not in self: raise ValueError('%s not contained in %s' % (str(other), str(self))) ret_addrs = [] # Make sure we're comparing the network of other. other = IP(other.network_ext + '/' + str(other.prefixlen)) s1, s2 = self.subnet() while s1 != other and s2 != other: if other in s1: ret_addrs.append(s2) s1, s2 = s1.subnet() elif other in s2: ret_addrs.append(s1) s1, s2 = s2.subnet() else: # If we got here, there's a bug somewhere. raise IPAddressExclusionError('Error performing exclusion: ' 's1: %s s2: %s other: %s' % (str(s1), str(s2), str(other))) if s1 == other: ret_addrs.append(s2) elif s2 == other: ret_addrs.append(s1) else: # If we got here, there's a bug somewhere. raise IPAddressExclusionError('Error performing exclusion: ' 's1: %s s2: %s other: %s' % (str(s1), str(s2), str(other))) return sorted(ret_addrs, key=BaseIP._get_networks_key) def compare_networks(self, other): """Compare two IP objects. This is only concerned about the comparison of the integer representation of the network addresses. This means that the host bits aren't considered at all in this method. If you want to compare host bits, you can easily enough do a 'HostA.ip < HostB.ip' Args: other: An IP object. Returns: If the IP versions of self and other are the same, returns: -1 if self < other: eg: IPv4('') < IPv4('') IPv6('1080::200C:417A') < IPv6('1080::200B:417B') 0 if self == other eg: IPv4('') == IPv4('') IPv6('1080::200C:417A/96') == IPv6('1080::200C:417B/96') 1 if self > other eg: IPv4('') > IPv4('') IPv6('1080::1:200C:417A/112') > IPv6('1080::0:200C:417A/112') If the IP versions of self and other are different, returns: -1 if self.version < other.version eg: IPv4('') < IPv6('::1/128') 1 if self.version > other.version eg: IPv6('::1/128') > IPv4('') To sort networks with sorted(), min(), max() and other tools with a *key* argument, use the operator.attrgetter() function to extract the relevant fields: >>> from operator import attrgetter >>> s = [IPv6('::1/128'), IPv4('')] >>> sorted(s, key=attrgetter('version', 'network', 'netmask')) [IPv4(''), IPv6('::1/128')] """ if self.version < other.version: return -1 if self.version > other.version: return 1 # self.version == other.version below here: if self.network < other.network: return -1 if self.network > other.network: return 1 # self.network == other.network below here: if self.netmask < other.netmask: return -1 if self.netmask > other.netmask: return 1 # self.network == other.network and self.netmask == other.netmask return 0 def _get_networks_key(self): """Network-only key function. Returns an object that identifies this address' network and netmask. This function is a suitable "key" argument for sorted() and list.sort(). """ return (self.version, self.network, self.netmask) prefixlen = property( fget=lambda self: self._prefixlen, fset=lambda self, prefixlen: self._set_prefix(prefixlen)) def __str__(self): return '%s/%s' % (self._string_from_ip_int(self.ip), str(self.prefixlen)) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.ip ^ self.netmask) def __contains__(self, other): return self.network <= other.ip and self.broadcast >= other.broadcast @property def ip_ext(self): """Dotted decimal or colon string version of the IP address.""" return self._string_from_ip_int(self.ip) @property def ip_ext_full(self): """Canonical string version of the IP address.""" return self.ip_ext @property def broadcast(self): """Integer representation of the broadcast address.""" return self.ip | self.hostmask @property def broadcast_ext(self): """Dotted decimal or colon string version of the broadcast.""" return self._string_from_ip_int(self.broadcast) @property def hostmask(self): """Integer representation of the hostmask.""" return self.netmask ^ self._ALL_ONES @property def hostmask_ext(self): """Dotted decimal or colon string version of the hostmask.""" return self._string_from_ip_int(self.hostmask) @property def network(self): """Integer representation of the network.""" return self.ip & self.netmask @property def network_ext(self): """Dotted decimal or colon string version of the network.""" return self._string_from_ip_int(self.network) @property def netmask_ext(self): """Dotted decimal or colon string version of the netmask.""" return self._string_from_ip_int(self.netmask) @property def numhosts(self): """Number of hosts in the current subnet.""" return self.broadcast - self.network + 1 @property def version(self): raise NotImplementedError('BaseIP has no version') def _ip_int_from_prefix(self, prefixlen=None): """Turn the prefix length netmask into a int for comparison. Args: prefixlen: An integer, the prefix length. Returns: An integer. """ if not prefixlen and prefixlen != 0: prefixlen = self.prefixlen return self._ALL_ONES ^ (self._ALL_ONES >> prefixlen) def _prefix_from_ip_int(self, ip_int, mask=32): """Return prefix length from the decimal netmask. Args: ip_int: An integer, the IP address. mask: The netmask. Defaults to 32. Returns: An integer, the prefix length. """ while mask: if ip_int & 1 == 1: break ip_int >>= 1 mask -= 1 return mask def _ip_string_from_prefix(self, prefixlen=None): """Turn a prefix length into a dotted decimal string. Args: prefixlen: An integer, the netmask prefix length. Returns: A string, the dotted decimal netmask string. """ if not prefixlen: prefixlen = self.prefixlen return self._string_from_ip_int(self._ip_int_from_prefix(prefixlen)) class IPv4(BaseIP): """This class represents and manipulates 32-bit IPv4 addresses. >>> addr = IPv4('') >>> for attr in ['ip', 'ip_ext', 'ip_ext_full', 'network', 'network_ext', ... 'hostmask', 'hostmask_ext', 'broadcast', 'broadcast_ext', ... 'netmask', 'netmask_ext', 'prefixlen']: ... print(attr, '=', getattr(addr, attr)) ip = 16909060 ip_ext = ip_ext_full = network = 16909056 network_ext = hostmask = 31 hostmask_ext = broadcast = 16909087 broadcast_ext = netmask = 4294967264 netmask_ext = prefixlen = 27 """ # Equivalent to or 32 bits of 1's. _ALL_ONES = 0xffffffff _version = 4 def __init__(self, ipaddr): """Instantiate a new IPv4 object. Args: ipaddr: A string or integer representing the IP [& network]. '' '' '' '' are all functionally the same in IPv4. That is to say, failing to provide a subnetmask will create an object with a mask of /32. A netmask of '' is assumed to be /32 and '' is assumed to be /0, even though other netmasks can be expressed both as host- and net-masks. ( == Additionally, an integer can be passed, so IPv4('') == IPv4(3232235777). or, more generally IPv4(IPv4('').ip) == IPv4('') Raises: IPv4IpValidationError: If ipaddr isn't a valid IPv4 address. IPv4NetmaskValidationError: If the netmask isn't valid for an IPv4 address. """ BaseIP.__init__(self) # Efficient constructor from integer. if isinstance(ipaddr, int): self.ip = ipaddr self._prefixlen = 32 self.netmask = self._ALL_ONES if ipaddr < 0 or ipaddr > self._ALL_ONES: raise IPv4IpValidationError(ipaddr) return # Constructing from a packed address if isinstance(ipaddr, (bytes, bytearray)) and len(ipaddr) == 4: self.ip = struct.unpack('!I', ipaddr)[0] self._prefixlen = 32 self.netmask = self._ALL_ONES return # Assume input argument to be string or any object representation # which converts into a formatted IP prefix string. addr = str(ipaddr).split('/') if len(addr) > 2: raise IPv4IpValidationError(ipaddr) if not self._is_valid_ip(addr[0]): raise IPv4IpValidationError(addr[0]) self.ip = self._ip_int_from_string(addr[0]) if len(addr) == 2: mask = addr[1].split('.') if len(mask) == 4: # We have dotted decimal netmask. if not self._is_valid_netmask(addr[1]): raise IPv4NetmaskValidationError(addr[1]) if self._is_hostmask(addr[1]): self.netmask = ( self._ip_int_from_string(addr[1]) ^ self._ALL_ONES) else: self.netmask = self._ip_int_from_string(addr[1]) self._prefixlen = self._prefix_from_ip_int(self.netmask) else: # We have a netmask in prefix length form. if not self._is_valid_netmask(addr[1]): raise IPv4NetmaskValidationError(addr[1]) self._prefixlen = int(addr[1]) self.netmask = self._ip_int_from_prefix(self._prefixlen) else: self._prefixlen = 32 self.netmask = self._ip_int_from_prefix(self._prefixlen) def _set_prefix(self, prefixlen): """Change the prefix length. Args: prefixlen: An integer, the new prefix length. Raises: IPv4NetmaskValidationError: If prefixlen is out of bounds. """ if not 0 <= prefixlen <= 32: raise IPv4NetmaskValidationError(prefixlen) self._prefixlen = prefixlen self.netmask = self._ip_int_from_prefix(self._prefixlen) def subnet(self, prefixlen_diff=1): """The subnets which join to make the current subnet. In the case that self contains only one IP (self._prefixlen == 32), return a list with just ourself. Args: prefixlen_diff: An integer, the amount the prefix length should be increased by. Given a /24 network and a prefixlen_diff of 3, for example, 8 subnets of size /27 will be returned. The default value of 1 splits the current network into two halves. Returns: A list of IPv4 objects. Raises: PrefixlenDiffInvalidError: The prefixlen_diff is too small or too large. """ if self._prefixlen == 32: return [self] if prefixlen_diff < 0: raise PrefixlenDiffInvalidError('prefix length diff must be > 0') new_prefixlen = self.prefixlen + prefixlen_diff if not self._is_valid_netmask(str(new_prefixlen)): raise PrefixlenDiffInvalidError( 'prefix length diff %d is invalid for netblock %s' % ( new_prefixlen, str(self))) first = IPv4( self._string_from_ip_int(self.network) + '/' + str(self._prefixlen + prefixlen_diff)) subnets = [first] current = first while True: broadcast = current.broadcast if broadcast == self.broadcast: break current = IPv4(self._string_from_ip_int(broadcast + 1) + '/' + str(new_prefixlen)) subnets.append(current) return subnets def supernet(self, prefixlen_diff=1): """The supernet containing the current network. Args: prefixlen_diff: An integer, the amount the prefix length of the network should be decreased by. For example, given a /24 network and a prefixlen_diff of 3, a supernet with a /21 netmask is returned. Returns: An IPv4 object. Raises: PrefixlenDiffInvalidError: If self.prefixlen - prefixlen_diff < 0. I.e., you have a negative prefix length. """ if self.prefixlen == 0: return self if self.prefixlen - prefixlen_diff < 0: raise PrefixlenDiffInvalidError( 'current prefixlen is %d, cannot have a prefixlen_diff of %d' % (self.prefixlen, prefixlen_diff)) return IPv4(self.ip_ext + '/' + str(self.prefixlen - prefixlen_diff)) @property def is_private(self): """Test if this address is allocated for private networks. Returns: A boolean, True if the address is reserved per RFC 1918. """ for network in _IPV4_RFC1918_NETWORKS: if self in network: return True return False @property def is_multicast(self): """Test if the address is reserved for multicast use. Returns: A boolean, True if the address is multicast. See RFC 3171 for details. """ return self in _IPV4_RFC3171_MULTICAST @property def is_loopback(self): """Test if the address is a loopback adddress. Returns: A boolean, True if the address is a loopback per RFC 3330. """ return self in _IPV4_RFC3330_LOOPBACK @property def is_link_local(self): """Test if the address is reserved for link-local. Returns: A boolean, True if the address is link-local per RFC 3927. """ return self in _IPV4_RFC3927_LINK_LOCAL @property def version(self): return self._version @property def packed(self): """The binary representation of this address.""" return struct.pack('!I', self.ip) def _is_hostmask(self, ip_str): """Test if the IP string is a hostmask (rather than a netmask). Args: ip_str: A string, the potential hostmask. Returns: A boolean, True if the IP string is a hostmask. """ parts = [int(x) for x in ip_str.split('.')] if parts[0] < parts[-1]: return True return False def _ip_int_from_string(self, ip_str): """Turn the given IP string into an integer for comparison. Args: ip_str: A string, the IP address. Returns: The IP address as an integer. """ packed_ip = 0 for oc in ip_str.split('.'): packed_ip = (packed_ip << 8) | int(oc) return packed_ip def _string_from_ip_int(self, ip_int): """Turns a 32-bit integer into dotted decimal notation. Args: ip_int: An integer, the IP address. Returns: The IP address as a string in dotted decimal notation. """ octets = [] for _ in range(4): octets.insert(0, str(ip_int & 0xFF)) ip_int >>= 8 return '.'.join(octets) def _is_valid_ip(self, ip_str): """Validate the dotted decimal notation IP/netmask string. Args: ip_str: A string, the IP address. Returns: A boolean, True if the string is a valid dotted decimal IP string. """ octets = ip_str.split('.') if len(octets) == 1: # We have an integer rather than a dotted decimal IP. try: return int(ip_str) >= 0 and int(ip_str) <= self._ALL_ONES except ValueError: return False if len(octets) != 4: return False for octet in octets: try: if not 0 <= int(octet) <= 255: return False except ValueError: return False return True def _is_valid_netmask(self, netmask): """Verify that the netmask is valid. Args: netmask: A string, either a prefix or dotted decimal netmask. Returns: A boolean, True if the prefix represents a valid IPv4 netmask. """ if len(netmask.split('.')) == 4: return self._is_valid_ip(netmask) try: netmask = int(netmask) except ValueError: return False return 0 <= netmask <= 32 class IPv6(BaseIP): """This class respresents and manipulates 128-bit IPv6 addresses. >>> addr = IPv6('2001:658:22A:CAFE:200::1/64') >>> for attr in ['ip', 'ip_ext', 'ip_ext_full', 'network', 'network_ext', ... 'hostmask', 'hostmask_ext', 'broadcast', 'broadcast_ext', ... 'netmask', 'netmask_ext', 'prefixlen']: ... print(attr, '=', getattr(addr, attr)) ip = 42540616829182469433547762482097946625 ip_ext = 2001:658:22a:cafe:200::1 ip_ext_full = 2001:0658:022a:cafe:0200:0000:0000:0001 network = 42540616829182469433403647294022090752 network_ext = 2001:658:22a:cafe:: hostmask = 18446744073709551615 hostmask_ext = ::ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff broadcast = 42540616829182469451850391367731642367 broadcast_ext = 2001:658:22a:cafe:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff netmask = 340282366920938463444927863358058659840 netmask_ext = 64 prefixlen = 64 """ _ALL_ONES = (2**128) - 1 _version = 6 def __init__(self, ipaddr): """Instantiate a new IPv6 object. Args: ipaddr: A string or integer representing the IP or the IP and prefix/netmask. '2001:4860::/128' '2001:4860:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000/128' '2001:4860::' are all functionally the same in IPv6. That is to say, failing to provide a subnetmask will create an object with a mask of /128. Additionally, an integer can be passed, so IPv6('2001:4860::') == IPv6(42541956101370907050197289607612071936L). or, more generally IPv6(IPv6('2001:4860::').ip) == IPv6('2001:4860::') Raises: IPv6IpValidationError: If ipaddr isn't a valid IPv6 address. IPv6NetmaskValidationError: If the netmask isn't valid for an IPv6 address. """ BaseIP.__init__(self) # Efficient constructor from integer. if isinstance(ipaddr, int): self.ip = ipaddr self._prefixlen = 128 self.netmask = self._ALL_ONES if ipaddr < 0 or ipaddr > self._ALL_ONES: raise IPv6IpValidationError(ipaddr) return # Constructing from a packed address if isinstance(ipaddr, (bytes, bytearray)) and len(ipaddr) == 16: tmp = struct.unpack('!QQ', ipaddr) self.ip = (tmp[0] << 64) | tmp[1] self._prefixlen = 128 self.netmask = self._ALL_ONES return # Assume input argument to be string or any object representation # which converts into a formatted IP prefix string. addr_str = str(ipaddr) if not addr_str: raise IPv6IpValidationError('') addr = addr_str.split('/') if len(addr) > 1: if self._is_valid_netmask(addr[1]): self._prefixlen = int(addr[1]) else: raise IPv6NetmaskValidationError(addr[1]) else: self._prefixlen = 128 self.netmask = self._ip_int_from_prefix(self._prefixlen) if not self._is_valid_ip(addr[0]): raise IPv6IpValidationError(addr[0]) self.ip = self._ip_int_from_string(addr[0]) @property def ip_ext_full(self): """Returns the expanded version of the IPv6 string.""" return self._explode_shorthand_ip_string(self.ip_ext) def _set_prefix(self, prefixlen): """Change the prefix length. Args: prefixlen: An integer, the new prefix length. Raises: IPv6NetmaskValidationError: If prefixlen is out of bounds. """ if not 0 <= prefixlen <= 128: raise IPv6NetmaskValidationError(prefixlen) self._prefixlen = prefixlen self.netmask = self._ip_int_from_prefix(self.prefixlen) def subnet(self, prefixlen_diff=1): """The subnets which join to make the current subnet. In the case that self contains only one IP (self._prefixlen == 128), return a list with just ourself. Args: prefixlen_diff: An integer, the amount the prefix length should be increased by. Returns: A list of IPv6 objects. Raises: PrefixlenDiffInvalidError: The prefixlen_diff is too small or too large. """ # Preserve original functionality (return [self] if # self.prefixlen == 128). if self.prefixlen == 128: return [self] if prefixlen_diff < 0: raise PrefixlenDiffInvalidError('Prefix length diff must be > 0') new_prefixlen = self.prefixlen + prefixlen_diff if not self._is_valid_netmask(str(new_prefixlen)): raise PrefixlenDiffInvalidError( 'Prefix length diff %d is invalid for netblock %s' % ( new_prefixlen, str(self))) first = IPv6( self._string_from_ip_int(self.network) + '/' + str(self._prefixlen + prefixlen_diff)) subnets = [first] current = first while True: broadcast = current.broadcast if current.broadcast == self.broadcast: break current = IPv6(self._string_from_ip_int(broadcast + 1) + '/' + str(new_prefixlen)) subnets.append(current) return subnets def supernet(self, prefixlen_diff=1): """The supernet containing the current network. Args: prefixlen_diff: An integer, the amount the prefix length of the network should be decreased by. For example, given a /96 network and a prefixlen_diff of 3, a supernet with a /93 netmask is returned. Returns: An IPv6 object. Raises: PrefixlenDiffInvalidError: If self._prefixlen - prefixlen_diff < 0. I.e., you have a negative prefix length. """ if self.prefixlen == 0: return self if self.prefixlen - prefixlen_diff < 0: raise PrefixlenDiffInvalidError( 'current prefixlen is %d, cannot have a prefixlen_diff of %d' % (self.prefixlen, prefixlen_diff)) return IPv6(self.ip_ext + '/' + str(self.prefixlen - prefixlen_diff)) @property def is_multicast(self): """Test if the address is reserved for multicast use. Returns: A boolean, True if the address is a multicast address. See RFC 2373 2.7 for details. """ return self in _IPV6_RFC2373_MULTICAST @property def is_unspecified(self): """Test if the address is unspecified. Returns: A boolean, True if this is the unspecified address as defined in RFC 2373 2.5.2. """ return self == _IPV6_RFC2373_UNSPECIFIED @property def is_loopback(self): """Test if the address is a loopback adddress. Returns: A boolean, True if the address is a loopback address as defined in RFC 2373 2.5.3. """ return self == _IPV6_RFC2373_LOOPBACK @property def is_link_local(self): """Test if the address is reserved for link-local. Returns: A boolean, True if the address is reserved per RFC 4291. """ return self in _IPV6_RFC4291_LINK_LOCAL @property def is_site_local(self): """Test if the address is reserved for site-local. Note that the site-local address space has been deprecated by RFC 3879. Use is_private to test if this address is in the space of unique local addresses as defined by RFC 4193. Returns: A boolean, True if the address is reserved per RFC 3513 2.5.6. """ return self in _IPV6_RFC3513_SITE_LOCAL @property def is_private(self): """Test if this address is allocated for private networks. Returns: A boolean, True if the address is reserved per RFC 4193. """ return self in _IPV6_RFC4193_PRIVATE @property def version(self): return self._version @property def packed(self): """The binary representation of this address.""" return struct.pack('!QQ', self.ip >> 64, self.ip & (2**64 - 1)) def _is_shorthand_ip(self, ip_str=None): """Determine if the address is shortened. Args: ip_str: A string, the IPv6 address. Returns: A boolean, True if the address is shortened. """ if ip_str.count('::') == 1: return True return False def _explode_shorthand_ip_string(self, ip_str): """Expand a shortened IPv6 address. Args: ip_str: A string, the IPv6 address. Returns: A string, the expanded IPv6 address. """ if self._is_shorthand_ip(ip_str): new_ip = [] hextet = ip_str.split('::') sep = len(hextet[0].split(':')) + len(hextet[1].split(':')) new_ip = hextet[0].split(':') for _ in range(8 - sep): new_ip.append('0000') new_ip += hextet[1].split(':') # Now need to make sure every hextet is 4 lower case characters. # If a hextet is < 4 characters, we've got missing leading 0's. ret_ip = [] for hextet in new_ip: ret_ip.append(('0' * (4 - len(hextet)) + hextet).lower()) return ':'.join(ret_ip) # We've already got a longhand ip_str. return ip_str def _is_valid_ip(self, ip_str=None): """Ensure we have a valid IPv6 address. Probably not as exhaustive as it should be. Args: ip_str: A string, the IPv6 address. Returns: A boolean, True if this is a valid IPv6 address. """ if not ip_str: ip_str = self.ip_ext # We need to have at least one ':'. if ':' not in ip_str: return False # We can only have one '::' shortener. if ip_str.count('::') > 1: return False # '::' should be encompassed by start, digits or end. if ':::' in ip_str: return False # A single colon can neither start nor end an address. if ((ip_str.startswith(':') and not ip_str.startswith('::')) or (ip_str.endswith(':') and not ip_str.endswith('::'))): return False # If we have no concatenation, we need to have 8 fields with 7 ':'. if '::' not in ip_str and ip_str.count(':') != 7: # We might have an IPv4 mapped address. if ip_str.count('.') != 3: return False ip_str = self._explode_shorthand_ip_string(ip_str) # Now that we have that all squared away, let's check that each of the # hextets are between 0x0 and 0xFFFF. for hextet in ip_str.split(':'): if hextet.count('.') == 3: # If we have an IPv4 mapped address, the IPv4 portion has to be # at the end of the IPv6 portion. if not ip_str.split(':')[-1] == hextet: return False try: IPv4(hextet) except IPv4IpValidationError: return False elif int(hextet, 16) < 0x0 or int(hextet, 16) > 0xFFFF: return False return True def _is_valid_netmask(self, prefixlen): """Verify that the netmask/prefixlen is valid. Args: prefixlen: A string, the netmask in prefix length format. Returns: A boolean, True if the prefix represents a valid IPv6 netmask. """ try: prefixlen = int(prefixlen) except ValueError: return False return 0 <= prefixlen <= 128 def _ip_int_from_string(self, ip_str=None): """Turn an IPv6 address into an integer. Args: ip_str: A string, the IPv6 address. Returns: A long, the IPv6 address. """ if not ip_str: ip_str = self.ip_ext ip_int = 0 fields = self._explode_shorthand_ip_string(ip_str).split(':') # Do we have an IPv4 mapped (::ffff:a.b.c.d) or compact (::a.b.c.d) # address? if fields[-1].count('.') == 3: ipv4_string = fields.pop() ipv4_int = IPv4(ipv4_string).ip octets = [] for _ in range(2): octets.append(hex(ipv4_int & 0xFFFF).lstrip('0x').rstrip('L')) ipv4_int >>= 16 fields.extend(reversed(octets)) for field in fields: ip_int = (ip_int << 16) + int(field, 16) return ip_int def _compress_hextets(self, hextets): """Compresses a list of hextets. Compresses a list of strings, replacing the longest continuous sequence of "0" in the list with "" and adding empty strings at the beginning or at the end of the string such that subsequently calling ":".join(hextets) will produce the compressed version of the IPv6 address. Args: hextets: A list of strings, the hextets to compress. Returns: A list of strings. """ best_doublecolon_start = -1 best_doublecolon_len = 0 doublecolon_start = -1 doublecolon_len = 0 for index in range(len(hextets)): if hextets[index] == '0': doublecolon_len += 1 if doublecolon_start == -1: # Start of a sequence of zeros. doublecolon_start = index if doublecolon_len > best_doublecolon_len: # This is the longest sequence of zeros so far. best_doublecolon_len = doublecolon_len best_doublecolon_start = doublecolon_start else: doublecolon_len = 0 doublecolon_start = -1 if best_doublecolon_len > 1: best_doublecolon_end = (best_doublecolon_start + best_doublecolon_len) # For zeros at the end of the address. if best_doublecolon_end == len(hextets): hextets += [''] hextets[best_doublecolon_start:best_doublecolon_end] = [''] # For zeros at the beginning of the address. if best_doublecolon_start == 0: hextets = [''] + hextets return hextets def _string_from_ip_int(self, ip_int=None): """Turns a 128-bit integer into hexadecimal notation. Args: ip_int: An integer, the IP address. Returns: A string, the hexadecimal representation of the address. Raises: ValueError: The address is bigger than 128 bits of all ones. """ if not ip_int and ip_int != 0: ip_int = self.ip if ip_int > self._ALL_ONES: raise ValueError('IPv6 address is too large') hex_str = '%032x' % ip_int hextets = [] for x in range(0, 32, 4): hextets.append('%x' % int(hex_str[x:x+4], 16)) hextets = self._compress_hextets(hextets) return ':'.join(hextets) @property def netmask_ext(self): """IPv6 extended netmask. We don't deal with netmasks in IPv6 like we do in IPv4. This is here strictly for IPv4 compatibility. We simply return the prefix length. Returns: An integer. """ return self.prefixlen # IPv4 constants. _IPV4_RFC1918_NETWORKS = (IPv4(''), IPv4(''), IPv4('')) _IPV4_RFC3171_MULTICAST = IPv4('') _IPV4_RFC3330_LOOPBACK = IPv4('') _IPV4_RFC3927_LINK_LOCAL = IPv4('') # IPv6 constants. _IPV6_RFC2373_MULTICAST = IPv6('ff00::/8') _IPV6_RFC2373_UNSPECIFIED = IPv6('::') _IPV6_RFC2373_LOOPBACK = IPv6('::1') _IPV6_RFC4291_LINK_LOCAL = IPv6('fe80::/10') _IPV6_RFC3513_SITE_LOCAL = IPv6('fec0::/10') # Deprecated by RFC3879. _IPV6_RFC4193_PRIVATE = IPv6('fc00::/7') if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest print(doctest.testmod())