import builtins import contextlib import errno import functools import importlib from importlib import machinery, util, invalidate_caches import os import os.path from test import support import unittest import sys import tempfile import types BUILTINS = types.SimpleNamespace() BUILTINS.good_name = None BUILTINS.bad_name = None if 'errno' in sys.builtin_module_names: BUILTINS.good_name = 'errno' if 'importlib' not in sys.builtin_module_names: BUILTINS.bad_name = 'importlib' EXTENSIONS = types.SimpleNamespace() EXTENSIONS.path = None EXTENSIONS.ext = None EXTENSIONS.filename = None EXTENSIONS.file_path = None = '_testcapi' def _extension_details(): global EXTENSIONS for path in sys.path: for ext in machinery.EXTENSION_SUFFIXES: filename = + ext file_path = os.path.join(path, filename) if os.path.exists(file_path): EXTENSIONS.path = path EXTENSIONS.ext = ext EXTENSIONS.filename = filename EXTENSIONS.file_path = file_path return _extension_details() def import_importlib(module_name): """Import a module from importlib both w/ and w/o _frozen_importlib.""" fresh = ('importlib',) if '.' in module_name else () frozen = support.import_fresh_module(module_name) source = support.import_fresh_module(module_name, fresh=fresh, blocked=('_frozen_importlib', '_frozen_importlib_external')) return {'Frozen': frozen, 'Source': source} def specialize_class(cls, kind, base=None, **kwargs): # XXX Support passing in submodule names--load (and cache) them? # That would clean up the test modules a bit more. if base is None: base = unittest.TestCase elif not isinstance(base, type): base = base[kind] name = '{}_{}'.format(kind, cls.__name__) bases = (cls, base) specialized = types.new_class(name, bases) specialized.__module__ = cls.__module__ specialized._NAME = cls.__name__ specialized._KIND = kind for attr, values in kwargs.items(): value = values[kind] setattr(specialized, attr, value) return specialized def split_frozen(cls, base=None, **kwargs): frozen = specialize_class(cls, 'Frozen', base, **kwargs) source = specialize_class(cls, 'Source', base, **kwargs) return frozen, source def test_both(test_class, base=None, **kwargs): return split_frozen(test_class, base, **kwargs) CASE_INSENSITIVE_FS = True # Windows is the only OS that is *always* case-insensitive # (OS X *can* be case-sensitive). if sys.platform not in ('win32', 'cygwin'): changed_name = __file__.upper() if changed_name == __file__: changed_name = __file__.lower() if not os.path.exists(changed_name): CASE_INSENSITIVE_FS = False source_importlib = import_importlib('importlib')['Source'] __import__ = {'Frozen': staticmethod(builtins.__import__), 'Source': staticmethod(source_importlib.__import__)} def case_insensitive_tests(test): """Class decorator that nullifies tests requiring a case-insensitive file system.""" return unittest.skipIf(not CASE_INSENSITIVE_FS, "requires a case-insensitive filesystem")(test) def submodule(parent, name, pkg_dir, content=''): path = os.path.join(pkg_dir, name + '.py') with open(path, 'w') as subfile: subfile.write(content) return '{}.{}'.format(parent, name), path @contextlib.contextmanager def uncache(*names): """Uncache a module from sys.modules. A basic sanity check is performed to prevent uncaching modules that either cannot/shouldn't be uncached. """ for name in names: if name in ('sys', 'marshal', 'imp'): raise ValueError( "cannot uncache {0}".format(name)) try: del sys.modules[name] except KeyError: pass try: yield finally: for name in names: try: del sys.modules[name] except KeyError: pass @contextlib.contextmanager def temp_module(name, content='', *, pkg=False): conflicts = [n for n in sys.modules if n.partition('.')[0] == name] with support.temp_cwd(None) as cwd: with uncache(name, *conflicts): with support.DirsOnSysPath(cwd): invalidate_caches() location = os.path.join(cwd, name) if pkg: modpath = os.path.join(location, '') os.mkdir(name) else: modpath = location + '.py' if content is None: # Make sure the module file gets created. content = '' if content is not None: # not a namespace package with open(modpath, 'w') as modfile: modfile.write(content) yield location @contextlib.contextmanager def import_state(**kwargs): """Context manager to manage the various importers and stored state in the sys module. The 'modules' attribute is not supported as the interpreter state stores a pointer to the dict that the interpreter uses internally; reassigning to sys.modules does not have the desired effect. """ originals = {} try: for attr, default in (('meta_path', []), ('path', []), ('path_hooks', []), ('path_importer_cache', {})): originals[attr] = getattr(sys, attr) if attr in kwargs: new_value = kwargs[attr] del kwargs[attr] else: new_value = default setattr(sys, attr, new_value) if len(kwargs): raise ValueError( 'unrecognized arguments: {0}'.format(kwargs.keys())) yield finally: for attr, value in originals.items(): setattr(sys, attr, value) class _ImporterMock: """Base class to help with creating importer mocks.""" def __init__(self, *names, module_code={}): self.modules = {} self.module_code = {} for name in names: if not name.endswith('.__init__'): import_name = name else: import_name = name[:-len('.__init__')] if '.' not in name: package = None elif import_name == name: package = name.rsplit('.', 1)[0] else: package = import_name module = types.ModuleType(import_name) module.__loader__ = self module.__file__ = '' module.__package__ = package module.attr = name if import_name != name: module.__path__ = [''] self.modules[import_name] = module if import_name in module_code: self.module_code[import_name] = module_code[import_name] def __getitem__(self, name): return self.modules[name] def __enter__(self): self._uncache = uncache(*self.modules.keys()) self._uncache.__enter__() return self def __exit__(self, *exc_info): self._uncache.__exit__(None, None, None) class mock_modules(_ImporterMock): """Importer mock using PEP 302 APIs.""" def find_module(self, fullname, path=None): if fullname not in self.modules: return None else: return self def load_module(self, fullname): if fullname not in self.modules: raise ImportError else: sys.modules[fullname] = self.modules[fullname] if fullname in self.module_code: try: self.module_code[fullname]() except Exception: del sys.modules[fullname] raise return self.modules[fullname] class mock_spec(_ImporterMock): """Importer mock using PEP 451 APIs.""" def find_spec(self, fullname, path=None, parent=None): try: module = self.modules[fullname] except KeyError: return None is_package = hasattr(module, '__path__') spec = util.spec_from_file_location( fullname, module.__file__, loader=self, submodule_search_locations=getattr(module, '__path__', None)) return spec def create_module(self, spec): if not in self.modules: raise ImportError return self.modules[] def exec_module(self, module): try: self.module_code[]() except KeyError: pass def writes_bytecode_files(fxn): """Decorator to protect sys.dont_write_bytecode from mutation and to skip tests that require it to be set to False.""" if sys.dont_write_bytecode: return lambda *args, **kwargs: None @functools.wraps(fxn) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): original = sys.dont_write_bytecode sys.dont_write_bytecode = False try: to_return = fxn(*args, **kwargs) finally: sys.dont_write_bytecode = original return to_return return wrapper def ensure_bytecode_path(bytecode_path): """Ensure that the __pycache__ directory for PEP 3147 pyc file exists. :param bytecode_path: File system path to PEP 3147 pyc file. """ try: os.mkdir(os.path.dirname(bytecode_path)) except OSError as error: if error.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise @contextlib.contextmanager def create_modules(*names): """Temporarily create each named module with an attribute (named 'attr') that contains the name passed into the context manager that caused the creation of the module. All files are created in a temporary directory returned by tempfile.mkdtemp(). This directory is inserted at the beginning of sys.path. When the context manager exits all created files (source and bytecode) are explicitly deleted. No magic is performed when creating packages! This means that if you create a module within a package you must also create the package's __init__ as well. """ source = 'attr = {0!r}' created_paths = [] mapping = {} state_manager = None uncache_manager = None try: temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() mapping['.root'] = temp_dir import_names = set() for name in names: if not name.endswith('__init__'): import_name = name else: import_name = name[:-len('.__init__')] import_names.add(import_name) if import_name in sys.modules: del sys.modules[import_name] name_parts = name.split('.') file_path = temp_dir for directory in name_parts[:-1]: file_path = os.path.join(file_path, directory) if not os.path.exists(file_path): os.mkdir(file_path) created_paths.append(file_path) file_path = os.path.join(file_path, name_parts[-1] + '.py') with open(file_path, 'w') as file: file.write(source.format(name)) created_paths.append(file_path) mapping[name] = file_path uncache_manager = uncache(*import_names) uncache_manager.__enter__() state_manager = import_state(path=[temp_dir]) state_manager.__enter__() yield mapping finally: if state_manager is not None: state_manager.__exit__(None, None, None) if uncache_manager is not None: uncache_manager.__exit__(None, None, None) support.rmtree(temp_dir) def mock_path_hook(*entries, importer): """A mock sys.path_hooks entry.""" def hook(entry): if entry not in entries: raise ImportError return importer return hook