"Test searchbase, coverage 98%." # The only thing not covered is inconsequential -- # testing skipping of suite when self.needwrapbutton is false. import unittest from test.support import requires from tkinter import Tk from tkinter.ttk import Frame from idlelib import searchengine as se from idlelib import searchbase as sdb from idlelib.idle_test.mock_idle import Func ## from idlelib.idle_test.mock_tk import Var # The ## imports above & following could help make some tests gui-free. # However, they currently make radiobutton tests fail. ##def setUpModule(): ## # Replace tk objects used to initialize se.SearchEngine. ## se.BooleanVar = Var ## se.StringVar = Var ## ##def tearDownModule(): ## se.BooleanVar = BooleanVar ## se.StringVar = StringVar class SearchDialogBaseTest(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): requires('gui') cls.root = Tk() @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): cls.root.update_idletasks() cls.root.destroy() del cls.root def setUp(self): self.engine = se.SearchEngine(self.root) # None also seems to work self.dialog = sdb.SearchDialogBase(root=self.root, engine=self.engine) def tearDown(self): self.dialog.close() def test_open_and_close(self): # open calls create_widgets, which needs default_command self.dialog.default_command = None # Since text parameter of .open is not used in base class, # pass dummy 'text' instead of tk.Text(). self.dialog.open('text') self.assertEqual(self.dialog.top.state(), 'normal') self.dialog.close() self.assertEqual(self.dialog.top.state(), 'withdrawn') self.dialog.open('text', searchphrase="hello") self.assertEqual(self.dialog.ent.get(), 'hello') self.dialog.close() def test_create_widgets(self): self.dialog.create_entries = Func() self.dialog.create_option_buttons = Func() self.dialog.create_other_buttons = Func() self.dialog.create_command_buttons = Func() self.dialog.default_command = None self.dialog.create_widgets() self.assertTrue(self.dialog.create_entries.called) self.assertTrue(self.dialog.create_option_buttons.called) self.assertTrue(self.dialog.create_other_buttons.called) self.assertTrue(self.dialog.create_command_buttons.called) def test_make_entry(self): equal = self.assertEqual self.dialog.row = 0 self.dialog.top = self.root entry, label = self.dialog.make_entry("Test:", 'hello') equal(label['text'], 'Test:') self.assertIn(entry.get(), 'hello') egi = entry.grid_info() equal(int(egi['row']), 0) equal(int(egi['column']), 1) equal(int(egi['rowspan']), 1) equal(int(egi['columnspan']), 1) equal(self.dialog.row, 1) def test_create_entries(self): self.dialog.top = self.root self.dialog.row = 0 self.engine.setpat('hello') self.dialog.create_entries() self.assertIn(self.dialog.ent.get(), 'hello') def test_make_frame(self): self.dialog.row = 0 self.dialog.top = self.root frame, label = self.dialog.make_frame() self.assertEqual(label, '') self.assertEqual(str(type(frame)), "") # self.assertIsInstance(frame, Frame) fails when test is run by # test_idle not run from IDLE editor. See issue 33987 PR. frame, label = self.dialog.make_frame('testlabel') self.assertEqual(label['text'], 'testlabel') def btn_test_setup(self, meth): self.dialog.top = self.root self.dialog.row = 0 return meth() def test_create_option_buttons(self): e = self.engine for state in (0, 1): for var in (e.revar, e.casevar, e.wordvar, e.wrapvar): var.set(state) frame, options = self.btn_test_setup( self.dialog.create_option_buttons) for spec, button in zip (options, frame.pack_slaves()): var, label = spec self.assertEqual(button['text'], label) self.assertEqual(var.get(), state) def test_create_other_buttons(self): for state in (False, True): var = self.engine.backvar var.set(state) frame, others = self.btn_test_setup( self.dialog.create_other_buttons) buttons = frame.pack_slaves() for spec, button in zip(others, buttons): val, label = spec self.assertEqual(button['text'], label) if val == state: # hit other button, then this one # indexes depend on button order self.assertEqual(var.get(), state) def test_make_button(self): self.dialog.top = self.root self.dialog.buttonframe = Frame(self.dialog.top) btn = self.dialog.make_button('Test', self.dialog.close) self.assertEqual(btn['text'], 'Test') def test_create_command_buttons(self): self.dialog.top = self.root self.dialog.create_command_buttons() # Look for close button command in buttonframe closebuttoncommand = '' for child in self.dialog.buttonframe.winfo_children(): if child['text'] == 'Close': closebuttoncommand = child['command'] self.assertIn('close', closebuttoncommand) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(verbosity=2, exit=2)