""" Test suite to check compilance with PEP 247, the standard API for hashing algorithms """ import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', 'the md5 module is deprecated.*', DeprecationWarning) warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', 'the sha module is deprecated.*', DeprecationWarning) import hmac import md5 import sha import unittest from test import test_support class Pep247Test(unittest.TestCase): def check_module(self, module, key=None): self.assert_(hasattr(module, 'digest_size')) self.assert_(module.digest_size is None or module.digest_size > 0) if not key is None: obj1 = module.new(key) obj2 = module.new(key, 'string') h1 = module.new(key, 'string').digest() obj3 = module.new(key) obj3.update('string') h2 = obj3.digest() else: obj1 = module.new() obj2 = module.new('string') h1 = module.new('string').digest() obj3 = module.new() obj3.update('string') h2 = obj3.digest() self.assertEquals(h1, h2) self.assert_(hasattr(obj1, 'digest_size')) if not module.digest_size is None: self.assertEquals(obj1.digest_size, module.digest_size) self.assertEquals(obj1.digest_size, len(h1)) obj1.update('string') obj_copy = obj1.copy() self.assertEquals(obj1.digest(), obj_copy.digest()) self.assertEquals(obj1.hexdigest(), obj_copy.hexdigest()) digest, hexdigest = obj1.digest(), obj1.hexdigest() hd2 = "" for byte in digest: hd2 += '%02x' % ord(byte) self.assertEquals(hd2, hexdigest) def test_md5(self): self.check_module(md5) def test_sha(self): self.check_module(sha) def test_hmac(self): self.check_module(hmac, key='abc') def test_main(): test_support.run_unittest(Pep247Test) if __name__ == '__main__': test_main()