Newsgroups: cwi.sgi Subject: Re: new clock Distribution: cwi.sgi References: <> Last week I wrote: >For your enjoyment I have implemented a colorful clock. The clock has now been extended with some new facilities: a menu, an alarm and a gong. These may require some explanation beyond what's in the usage message. Menu ---- The right mouse button now pops up a menu that allows you to turn the seconds hand on or off and to switch the alarm off. Alarm ----- The left and middle buttons set the alarm. When it is on, the alarm time is displayed as a time on a 24 hour clock in the bottom left corner. It is also indicated by two red triangles, corresponding to the little (hours) and big (minutes) hand. These hands can be moved around: the left mouse button moves the minutes hand, the middle button moves the hourds hand. Watch out for differences of twelve hours (always check the digital display); these can be corrected by dragging the hours hand once around the dial. When the alarm goes off, two things happen: a shell command specified on the command line with the -a option is executed (in the background), and the clock's colors change every two seconds, for five minutes. You can also turn the alarm off by using the menu accessible through the right mouse button. There is no default command for the -a option; if it is not specified, only the changing of the colors happens. If you have an 8 ohm speaker connected to the audio output of your Personal Iris, a suitable command would be: mclock -a '/ufs/guido/bin/sgi/play /ufs/guido/lib/sounds/alarm' Gong ---- Some people like a clock that makes noises every hour, or even more often. This is supported by the -g and -G options. With -g you specify a shell command to be executed to sound the gong; with -G you can specify the interval between gong calls, in seconds (default is one hour). The shell command is executed in the background. It is given two arguments: the hours (on a 24 hour clock!) and the minutes. The executable Python script /ufs/guido/bin/sgi/chime is a suitable example. Again, this only works if you have installed a speaker (I bet 8 ohm speakers are going to be in demand!) -- Guido van Rossum, Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI), Amsterdam or ..!hp4nl!!guido or "A thing of beauty is a joy till sunrise"