:mod:`zipimport` --- Import modules from Zip archives ===================================================== .. module:: zipimport :synopsis: Support for importing Python modules from ZIP archives. .. moduleauthor:: Just van Rossum **Source code:** :source:`Lib/zipimport.py` -------------- This module adds the ability to import Python modules (:file:`\*.py`, :file:`\*.pyc`) and packages from ZIP-format archives. It is usually not needed to use the :mod:`zipimport` module explicitly; it is automatically used by the built-in :keyword:`import` mechanism for :data:`sys.path` items that are paths to ZIP archives. Typically, :data:`sys.path` is a list of directory names as strings. This module also allows an item of :data:`sys.path` to be a string naming a ZIP file archive. The ZIP archive can contain a subdirectory structure to support package imports, and a path within the archive can be specified to only import from a subdirectory. For example, the path :file:`example.zip/lib/` would only import from the :file:`lib/` subdirectory within the archive. Any files may be present in the ZIP archive, but importers are only invoked for :file:`.py` and :file:`.pyc` files. ZIP import of dynamic modules (:file:`.pyd`, :file:`.so`) is disallowed. Note that if an archive only contains :file:`.py` files, Python will not attempt to modify the archive by adding the corresponding :file:`.pyc` file, meaning that if a ZIP archive doesn't contain :file:`.pyc` files, importing may be rather slow. .. versionchanged:: 3.8 Previously, ZIP archives with an archive comment were not supported. .. seealso:: `PKZIP Application Note `_ Documentation on the ZIP file format by Phil Katz, the creator of the format and algorithms used. :pep:`273` - Import Modules from Zip Archives Written by James C. Ahlstrom, who also provided an implementation. Python 2.3 follows the specification in :pep:`273`, but uses an implementation written by Just van Rossum that uses the import hooks described in :pep:`302`. :mod:`importlib` - The implementation of the import machinery Package providing the relevant protocols for all importers to implement. This module defines an exception: .. exception:: ZipImportError Exception raised by zipimporter objects. It's a subclass of :exc:`ImportError`, so it can be caught as :exc:`ImportError`, too. .. _zipimporter-objects: zipimporter Objects ------------------- :class:`zipimporter` is the class for importing ZIP files. .. class:: zipimporter(archivepath) Create a new zipimporter instance. *archivepath* must be a path to a ZIP file, or to a specific path within a ZIP file. For example, an *archivepath* of :file:`foo/bar.zip/lib` will look for modules in the :file:`lib` directory inside the ZIP file :file:`foo/bar.zip` (provided that it exists). :exc:`ZipImportError` is raised if *archivepath* doesn't point to a valid ZIP archive. .. method:: create_module(spec) Implementation of :meth:`importlib.abc.Loader.create_module` that returns :const:`None` to explicitly request the default semantics. .. versionadded:: 3.10 .. method:: exec_module(module) Implementation of :meth:`importlib.abc.Loader.exec_module`. .. versionadded:: 3.10 .. method:: find_loader(fullname, path=None) An implementation of :meth:`importlib.abc.PathEntryFinder.find_loader`. .. deprecated:: 3.10 Use :meth:`find_spec` instead. .. method:: find_module(fullname, path=None) Search for a module specified by *fullname*. *fullname* must be the fully qualified (dotted) module name. It returns the zipimporter instance itself if the module was found, or :const:`None` if it wasn't. The optional *path* argument is ignored---it's there for compatibility with the importer protocol. .. deprecated:: 3.10 Use :meth:`find_spec` instead. .. method:: find_spec(fullname, target=None) An implementation of :meth:`importlib.abc.PathEntryFinder.find_spec`. .. versionadded:: 3.10 .. method:: get_code(fullname) Return the code object for the specified module. Raise :exc:`ZipImportError` if the module couldn't be imported. .. method:: get_data(pathname) Return the data associated with *pathname*. Raise :exc:`OSError` if the file wasn't found. .. versionchanged:: 3.3 :exc:`IOError` used to be raised instead of :exc:`OSError`. .. method:: get_filename(fullname) Return the value ``__file__`` would be set to if the specified module was imported. Raise :exc:`ZipImportError` if the module couldn't be imported. .. versionadded:: 3.1 .. method:: get_source(fullname) Return the source code for the specified module. Raise :exc:`ZipImportError` if the module couldn't be found, return :const:`None` if the archive does contain the module, but has no source for it. .. method:: is_package(fullname) Return ``True`` if the module specified by *fullname* is a package. Raise :exc:`ZipImportError` if the module couldn't be found. .. method:: load_module(fullname) Load the module specified by *fullname*. *fullname* must be the fully qualified (dotted) module name. Returns the imported module on success, raises :exc:`ZipImportError` on failure. .. deprecated:: 3.10 Use :meth:`exec_module` instead. .. method:: invalidate_caches() Clear out the internal cache of information about files found within the ZIP archive. .. versionadded:: 3.10 .. attribute:: archive The file name of the importer's associated ZIP file, without a possible subpath. .. attribute:: prefix The subpath within the ZIP file where modules are searched. This is the empty string for zipimporter objects which point to the root of the ZIP file. The :attr:`archive` and :attr:`prefix` attributes, when combined with a slash, equal the original *archivepath* argument given to the :class:`zipimporter` constructor. .. _zipimport-examples: Examples -------- Here is an example that imports a module from a ZIP archive - note that the :mod:`zipimport` module is not explicitly used. .. code-block:: shell-session $ unzip -l example.zip Archive: example.zip Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 8467 11-26-02 22:30 jwzthreading.py -------- ------- 8467 1 file $ ./python Python 2.3 (#1, Aug 1 2003, 19:54:32) >>> import sys >>> sys.path.insert(0, 'example.zip') # Add .zip file to front of path >>> import jwzthreading >>> jwzthreading.__file__ 'example.zip/jwzthreading.py'