import unittest import sys from test.test_support import (catch_warning, CleanImport, TestSkipped, run_unittest) import warnings if not sys.py3kwarning: raise TestSkipped('%s must be run with the -3 flag' % __name__) class TestPy3KWarnings(unittest.TestCase): def test_backquote(self): expected = 'backquote not supported in 3.x; use repr()' with catch_warning() as w: exec "`2`" in {} self.assertWarning(None, w, expected) def test_bool_assign(self): # So we don't screw up our globals def safe_exec(expr): def f(**kwargs): pass exec expr in {'f' : f} expected = "assignment to True or False is forbidden in 3.x" with catch_warning() as w: safe_exec("True = False") self.assertWarning(None, w, expected) with catch_warning() as w: safe_exec("False = True") self.assertWarning(None, w, expected) with catch_warning() as w: try: safe_exec("obj.False = True") except NameError: pass self.assertWarning(None, w, expected) with catch_warning() as w: try: safe_exec("obj.True = False") except NameError: pass self.assertWarning(None, w, expected) with catch_warning() as w: safe_exec("def False(): pass") self.assertWarning(None, w, expected) with catch_warning() as w: safe_exec("def True(): pass") self.assertWarning(None, w, expected) with catch_warning() as w: safe_exec("class False: pass") self.assertWarning(None, w, expected) with catch_warning() as w: safe_exec("class True: pass") self.assertWarning(None, w, expected) with catch_warning() as w: safe_exec("def f(True=43): pass") self.assertWarning(None, w, expected) with catch_warning() as w: safe_exec("def f(False=None): pass") self.assertWarning(None, w, expected) with catch_warning() as w: safe_exec("f(False=True)") self.assertWarning(None, w, expected) with catch_warning() as w: safe_exec("f(True=1)") self.assertWarning(None, w, expected) def test_type_inequality_comparisons(self): expected = 'type inequality comparisons not supported in 3.x' with catch_warning() as w: self.assertWarning(int < str, w, expected) with catch_warning() as w: self.assertWarning(type < object, w, expected) def test_object_inequality_comparisons(self): expected = 'comparing unequal types not supported in 3.x' with catch_warning() as w: self.assertWarning(str < [], w, expected) with catch_warning() as w: self.assertWarning(object() < (1, 2), w, expected) def test_dict_inequality_comparisons(self): expected = 'dict inequality comparisons not supported in 3.x' with catch_warning() as w: self.assertWarning({} < {2:3}, w, expected) with catch_warning() as w: self.assertWarning({} <= {}, w, expected) with catch_warning() as w: self.assertWarning({} > {2:3}, w, expected) with catch_warning() as w: self.assertWarning({2:3} >= {}, w, expected) def test_cell_inequality_comparisons(self): expected = 'cell comparisons not supported in 3.x' def f(x): def g(): return x return g cell0, = f(0).func_closure cell1, = f(1).func_closure with catch_warning() as w: self.assertWarning(cell0 == cell1, w, expected) with catch_warning() as w: self.assertWarning(cell0 < cell1, w, expected) def test_code_inequality_comparisons(self): expected = 'code inequality comparisons not supported in 3.x' def f(x): pass def g(x): pass with catch_warning() as w: self.assertWarning(f.func_code < g.func_code, w, expected) with catch_warning() as w: self.assertWarning(f.func_code <= g.func_code, w, expected) with catch_warning() as w: self.assertWarning(f.func_code >= g.func_code, w, expected) with catch_warning() as w: self.assertWarning(f.func_code > g.func_code, w, expected) def test_builtin_function_or_method_comparisons(self): expected = ('builtin_function_or_method ' 'inequality comparisons not supported in 3.x') func = eval meth = {}.get with catch_warning() as w: self.assertWarning(func < meth, w, expected) with catch_warning() as w: self.assertWarning(func > meth, w, expected) with catch_warning() as w: self.assertWarning(meth <= func, w, expected) with catch_warning() as w: self.assertWarning(meth >= func, w, expected) def assertWarning(self, _, warning, expected_message): self.assertEqual(str(warning.message), expected_message) def test_sort_cmp_arg(self): expected = "the cmp argument is not supported in 3.x" lst = range(5) cmp = lambda x,y: -1 with catch_warning() as w: self.assertWarning(lst.sort(cmp=cmp), w, expected) with catch_warning() as w: self.assertWarning(sorted(lst, cmp=cmp), w, expected) with catch_warning() as w: self.assertWarning(lst.sort(cmp), w, expected) with catch_warning() as w: self.assertWarning(sorted(lst, cmp), w, expected) def test_sys_exc_clear(self): expected = 'sys.exc_clear() not supported in 3.x; use except clauses' with catch_warning() as w: self.assertWarning(sys.exc_clear(), w, expected) def test_methods_members(self): expected = '__members__ and __methods__ not supported in 3.x' class C: __methods__ = ['a'] __members__ = ['b'] c = C() with catch_warning() as w: self.assertWarning(dir(c), w, expected) def test_softspace(self): expected = 'file.softspace not supported in 3.x' with file(__file__) as f: with catch_warning() as w: self.assertWarning(f.softspace, w, expected) def set(): f.softspace = 0 with catch_warning() as w: self.assertWarning(set(), w, expected) def test_tuple_parameter_unpacking(self): expected = "tuple parameter unpacking has been removed in 3.x" with catch_warning() as w: exec "def f((a, b)): pass" self.assertWarning(None, w, expected) def test_buffer(self): expected = 'buffer() not supported in 3.x; use memoryview()' with catch_warning() as w: self.assertWarning(buffer('a'), w, expected) def test_file_xreadlines(self): expected = ("f.xreadlines() not supported in 3.x, " "try 'for line in f' instead") with file(__file__) as f: with catch_warning() as w: self.assertWarning(f.xreadlines(), w, expected) class TestStdlibRemovals(unittest.TestCase): # test.testall not tested as it executes all unit tests as an # import side-effect. all_platforms = ('audiodev', 'imputil', 'mutex', 'user', 'new', 'rexec', 'Bastion', 'compiler', 'dircache', 'mimetools', 'fpformat', 'ihooks', 'mhlib', 'statvfs', 'htmllib', 'sgmllib', 'rfc822') inclusive_platforms = {'irix' : ('pure', 'AL', 'al', 'CD', 'cd', 'cddb', 'cdplayer', 'CL', 'cl', 'DEVICE', 'GL', 'gl', 'ERRNO', 'FILE', 'FL', 'flp', 'fl', 'fm', 'GET', 'GLWS', 'imgfile', 'IN', 'IOCTL', 'jpeg', 'panel', 'panelparser', 'readcd', 'SV', 'torgb', 'WAIT'), 'darwin' : ('autoGIL', 'Carbon', 'OSATerminology', 'icglue', 'Nav', 'MacOS', 'aepack', 'aetools', 'aetypes', 'applesingle', 'appletrawmain', 'appletrunner', 'argvemulator', 'bgenlocations', 'EasyDialogs', 'macerrors', 'macostools', 'findertools', 'FrameWork', 'ic', 'gensuitemodule', 'icopen', 'macresource', 'MiniAEFrame', 'pimp', 'PixMapWrapper', 'terminalcommand', 'videoreader', '_builtinSuites', 'CodeWarrior', 'Explorer', 'Finder', 'Netscape', 'StdSuites', 'SystemEvents', 'Terminal', 'cfmfile', 'bundlebuilder', 'buildtools', 'ColorPicker'), 'sunos5' : ('sunaudiodev', 'SUNAUDIODEV'), } optional_modules = ('bsddb185', 'Canvas', 'dl', 'linuxaudiodev', 'imageop', 'sv', 'cPickle') def check_removal(self, module_name, optional=False): """Make sure the specified module, when imported, raises a DeprecationWarning and specifies itself in the message.""" with CleanImport(module_name): with catch_warning(record=False) as w: warnings.filterwarnings("error", ".+ removed", DeprecationWarning) try: __import__(module_name, level=0) except DeprecationWarning as exc: self.assert_(module_name in exc.args[0], "%s warning didn't contain module name" % module_name) except ImportError: if not optional:"Non-optional module {0} raised an " "ImportError.".format(module_name)) else:"DeprecationWarning not raised for {0}" .format(module_name)) def test_platform_independent_removals(self): # Make sure that the modules that are available on all platforms raise # the proper DeprecationWarning. for module_name in self.all_platforms: self.check_removal(module_name) def test_platform_specific_removals(self): # Test the removal of platform-specific modules. for module_name in self.inclusive_platforms.get(sys.platform, []): self.check_removal(module_name, optional=True) def test_optional_module_removals(self): # Test the removal of modules that may or may not be built. for module_name in self.optional_modules: self.check_removal(module_name, optional=True) def test_os_path_walk(self): msg = "In 3.x, os.path.walk is removed in favor of os.walk." def dumbo(where, names, args): pass for path_mod in ("ntpath", "macpath", "os2emxpath", "posixpath"): mod = __import__(path_mod) with catch_warning() as w: mod.walk("crashers", dumbo, None) self.assertEquals(str(w.message), msg) def test_commands_members(self): import commands members = {"mk2arg" : 2, "mkarg" : 1, "getstatus" : 1} for name, arg_count in members.items(): with catch_warning(record=False): warnings.filterwarnings("error") func = getattr(commands, name) self.assertRaises(DeprecationWarning, func, *([None]*arg_count)) def test_mutablestring_removal(self): # UserString.MutableString has been removed in 3.0. import UserString with catch_warning(record=False): warnings.filterwarnings("error", ".*MutableString", DeprecationWarning) self.assertRaises(DeprecationWarning, UserString.MutableString) def test_main(): with catch_warning(record=True): warnings.simplefilter("always") run_unittest(TestPy3KWarnings, TestStdlibRemovals) if __name__ == '__main__': test_main()