"""Create an applet from a Python script. This puts up a dialog asking for a Python source file ('TEXT'). The output is a file with the same name but its ".py" suffix dropped. It is created by copying an applet template and then adding a 'PYC ' resource named __main__ containing the compiled, marshalled script. """ import sys sys.stdout = sys.stderr import string import os import marshal import imp import macfs import MacOS from Res import * # .pyc file (and 'PYC ' resource magic number) MAGIC = imp.get_magic() # Template file (searched on sys.path) TEMPLATE = "PythonApplet" # Specification of our resource RESTYPE = 'PYC ' RESNAME = '__main__' # OpenResFile mode parameters READ = 1 WRITE = 2 def main(): # Find the template # (there's no point in proceeding if we can't find it) for p in sys.path: template = os.path.join(p, TEMPLATE) try: tmpl = open(template, "rb") tmpl.close() break except IOError: continue else: # XXX Ought to put up a dialog print "Template", `template`, "not found" return # Ask for source text if not specified in sys.argv[1:] if not sys.argv[1:]: srcfss, ok = macfs.StandardGetFile('TEXT') if not ok: return filename = srcfss.as_pathname() if not sys.argv: sys.argv.append('') sys.argv.append(filename) # Loop over all files to be processed for filename in sys.argv[1:]: process(template, filename) undefs = ('????', ' ', '\0\0\0\0') def process(template, filename): print "Processing", `filename`, "..." # Read the source and compile it # (there's no point overwriting the destination if it has a syntax error) fp = open(filename) text = fp.read() fp.close() try: code = compile(text, filename, "exec") except (SyntaxError, EOFError): print "Syntax error in script", `filename` return # Set the destination file name if string.lower(filename[-3:]) == ".py": destname = filename[:-3] else: destname = filename + ".applet" # Copy the data from the template (creating the file as well) tmpl = open(template, "rb") dest = open(destname, "wb") data = tmpl.read() if data: dest.write(data) dest.close() tmpl.close() # Copy the creator and type of the template to the destination # unless it already has one tctor, ttype = MacOS.GetCreatorAndType(template) ctor, type = MacOS.GetCreatorAndType(destname) if type in undefs: type = ttype if ctor in undefs: ctor = tctor MacOS.SetCreatorAndType(destname, ctor, type) # Open the input and output resource forks input = FSpOpenResFile(template, READ) try: output = FSpOpenResFile(destname, WRITE) except MacOS.Error: print "Creating resource fork..." CreateResFile(destname) output = FSpOpenResFile(destname, WRITE) # Copy the resources from the template, # except a 'PYC ' resource named __main__ UseResFile(input) ntypes = Count1Types() for itype in range(1, 1+ntypes): type = Get1IndType(itype) nresources = Count1Resources(type) for ires in range(1, 1+nresources): res = Get1IndResource(type, ires) id, type, name = res.GetResInfo() if (type, name) == (RESTYPE, RESNAME): continue # Don't copy __main__ from template size = res.SizeResource() attrs = res.GetResAttrs() print id, type, name, size, hex(attrs) res.LoadResource() res.DetachResource() UseResFile(output) try: res2 = Get1Resource(type, id) except MacOS.Error: res2 = None if res2: print "Overwriting..." res2.RmveResource() res.AddResource(type, id, name) #res.SetResAttrs(attrs) res.WriteResource() UseResFile(input) CloseResFile(input) # Make sure we're manipulating the output resource file now UseResFile(output) # Delete any existing 'PYC 'resource named __main__ try: res = Get1NamedResource(RESTYPE, RESNAME) res.RmveResource() except Error: pass # Create the raw data for the resource from the code object data = marshal.dumps(code) del code data = (MAGIC + '\0\0\0\0') + data # Create the resource and write it id = 0 while id < 128: id = Unique1ID(RESTYPE) res = Resource(data) res.AddResource(RESTYPE, id, RESNAME) res.WriteResource() res.ReleaseResource() # Close the resource file CloseResFile(output) print "Done with", `filename`, "..." if __name__ == '__main__': main()