import imp import os import os.path import shutil import sys import unittest from test import support import importlib class LockTests(unittest.TestCase): """Very basic test of import lock functions.""" def verify_lock_state(self, expected): self.assertEqual(imp.lock_held(), expected, "expected imp.lock_held() to be %r" % expected) def testLock(self): LOOPS = 50 # The import lock may already be held, e.g. if the test suite is run # via "import test.autotest". lock_held_at_start = imp.lock_held() self.verify_lock_state(lock_held_at_start) for i in range(LOOPS): imp.acquire_lock() self.verify_lock_state(True) for i in range(LOOPS): imp.release_lock() # The original state should be restored now. self.verify_lock_state(lock_held_at_start) if not lock_held_at_start: try: imp.release_lock() except RuntimeError: pass else:"release_lock() without lock should raise " "RuntimeError") class ImportTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): mod = importlib.import_module('test.encoded_modules') self.test_strings = mod.test_strings self.test_path = mod.__path__ def test_import_encoded_module(self): for modname, encoding, teststr in self.test_strings: mod = importlib.import_module('test.encoded_modules.' 'module_' + modname) self.assertEqual(teststr, mod.test) def test_find_module_encoding(self): for mod, encoding, _ in self.test_strings: with imp.find_module('module_' + mod, self.test_path)[0] as fd: self.assertEqual(fd.encoding, encoding) path = [os.path.dirname(__file__)] self.assertRaisesRegex(SyntaxError, r"Non-UTF-8 code starting with '\\xf6'" r" in file .*", imp.find_module, 'badsyntax_pep3120', path) def test_issue1267(self): for mod, encoding, _ in self.test_strings: fp, filename, info = imp.find_module('module_' + mod, self.test_path) with fp: self.assertNotEqual(fp, None) self.assertEqual(fp.encoding, encoding) self.assertEqual(fp.tell(), 0) self.assertEqual(fp.readline(), '# test %s encoding\n' % encoding) fp, filename, info = imp.find_module("tokenize") with fp: self.assertNotEqual(fp, None) self.assertEqual(fp.encoding, "utf-8") self.assertEqual(fp.tell(), 0) self.assertEqual(fp.readline(), '"""Tokenization help for Python programs.\n') def test_issue3594(self): temp_mod_name = 'test_imp_helper' sys.path.insert(0, '.') try: with open(temp_mod_name + '.py', 'w') as file: file.write("# coding: cp1252\nu = 'test.test_imp'\n") file, filename, info = imp.find_module(temp_mod_name) file.close() self.assertEqual(file.encoding, 'cp1252') finally: del sys.path[0] support.unlink(temp_mod_name + '.py') support.unlink(temp_mod_name + '.pyc') support.unlink(temp_mod_name + '.pyo') def test_issue5604(self): # Test cannot cover imp.load_compiled function. # Martin von Loewis note what shared library cannot have non-ascii # character because init_xxx function cannot be compiled # and issue never happens for dynamic modules. # But sources modified to follow generic way for processing pathes. # the return encoding could be uppercase or None fs_encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding() # covers utf-8 and Windows ANSI code pages # one non-space symbol from every page # ( known_locales = { 'utf-8' : b'\xc3\xa4', 'cp1250' : b'\x8C', 'cp1251' : b'\xc0', 'cp1252' : b'\xc0', 'cp1253' : b'\xc1', 'cp1254' : b'\xc0', 'cp1255' : b'\xe0', 'cp1256' : b'\xe0', 'cp1257' : b'\xc0', 'cp1258' : b'\xc0', } if sys.platform == 'darwin': self.assertEqual(fs_encoding, 'utf-8') # Mac OS X uses the Normal Form D decomposition # special_char = b'a\xcc\x88' else: special_char = known_locales.get(fs_encoding) if not special_char: self.skipTest("can't run this test with %s as filesystem encoding" % fs_encoding) decoded_char = special_char.decode(fs_encoding) temp_mod_name = 'test_imp_helper_' + decoded_char test_package_name = 'test_imp_helper_package_' + decoded_char init_file_name = os.path.join(test_package_name, '') try: # if the curdir is not in sys.path the test fails when run with # ./python ./Lib/test/ test_imp sys.path.insert(0, os.curdir) with open(temp_mod_name + '.py', 'w') as file: file.write('a = 1\n') file, filename, info = imp.find_module(temp_mod_name) with file: self.assertIsNotNone(file) self.assertTrue(filename[:-3].endswith(temp_mod_name)) self.assertEqual(info[0], '.py') self.assertEqual(info[1], 'U') self.assertEqual(info[2], imp.PY_SOURCE) mod = imp.load_module(temp_mod_name, file, filename, info) self.assertEqual(mod.a, 1) mod = imp.load_source(temp_mod_name, temp_mod_name + '.py') self.assertEqual(mod.a, 1) mod = imp.load_compiled( temp_mod_name, imp.cache_from_source(temp_mod_name + '.py')) self.assertEqual(mod.a, 1) if not os.path.exists(test_package_name): os.mkdir(test_package_name) with open(init_file_name, 'w') as file: file.write('b = 2\n') package = imp.load_package(test_package_name, test_package_name) self.assertEqual(package.b, 2) finally: del sys.path[0] for ext in ('.py', '.pyc', '.pyo'): support.unlink(temp_mod_name + ext) support.unlink(init_file_name + ext) support.rmtree(test_package_name) def test_issue9319(self): path = os.path.dirname(__file__) self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, imp.find_module, "badsyntax_pep3120", [path]) class ReloadTests(unittest.TestCase): """Very basic tests to make sure that imp.reload() operates just like reload().""" def test_source(self): # XXX (ncoghlan): It would be nice to use # here, but that breaks because the os module registers some # handlers in copy_reg on import. Since CleanImport doesn't # revert that registration, the module is left in a broken # state after reversion. Reinitialising the module contents # and just reverting os.environ to its previous state is an OK # workaround with support.EnvironmentVarGuard(): import os imp.reload(os) def test_extension(self): with support.CleanImport('time'): import time imp.reload(time) def test_builtin(self): with support.CleanImport('marshal'): import marshal imp.reload(marshal) class PEP3147Tests(unittest.TestCase): """Tests of PEP 3147.""" tag = imp.get_tag() def test_cache_from_source(self): # Given the path to a .py file, return the path to its PEP 3147 # defined .pyc file (i.e. under __pycache__). self.assertEqual( imp.cache_from_source('/foo/bar/baz/', True), '/foo/bar/baz/__pycache__/qux.{}.pyc'.format(self.tag)) # Directory with a dot, filename without dot self.assertEqual( imp.cache_from_source('/', True), '/{}.pyc'.format(self.tag)) def test_cache_from_source_optimized(self): # Given the path to a .py file, return the path to its PEP 3147 # defined .pyo file (i.e. under __pycache__). self.assertEqual( imp.cache_from_source('/foo/bar/baz/', False), '/foo/bar/baz/__pycache__/qux.{}.pyo'.format(self.tag)) def test_cache_from_source_cwd(self): self.assertEqual(imp.cache_from_source('', True), os.sep.join(('__pycache__', 'foo.{}.pyc'.format(self.tag)))) def test_cache_from_source_override(self): # When debug_override is not None, it can be any true-ish or false-ish # value. self.assertEqual( imp.cache_from_source('/foo/bar/', []), '/foo/bar/__pycache__/baz.{}.pyo'.format(self.tag)) self.assertEqual( imp.cache_from_source('/foo/bar/', [17]), '/foo/bar/__pycache__/baz.{}.pyc'.format(self.tag)) # However if the bool-ishness can't be determined, the exception # propagates. class Bearish: def __bool__(self): raise RuntimeError self.assertRaises( RuntimeError, imp.cache_from_source, '/foo/bar/', Bearish()) @unittest.skipIf(os.altsep is None, 'test meaningful only where os.altsep is defined') def test_altsep_cache_from_source(self): # Windows path and PEP 3147. self.assertEqual( imp.cache_from_source('\\foo\\bar\\baz\\', True), '\\foo\\bar\\baz\\__pycache__\\qux.{}.pyc'.format(self.tag)) @unittest.skipIf(os.altsep is None, 'test meaningful only where os.altsep is defined') def test_altsep_and_sep_cache_from_source(self): # Windows path and PEP 3147 where altsep is right of sep. self.assertEqual( imp.cache_from_source('\\foo\\bar/baz\\', True), '\\foo\\bar/baz\\__pycache__\\qux.{}.pyc'.format(self.tag)) @unittest.skipIf(os.altsep is None, 'test meaningful only where os.altsep is defined') def test_sep_altsep_and_sep_cache_from_source(self): # Windows path and PEP 3147 where sep is right of altsep. self.assertEqual( imp.cache_from_source('\\foo\\bar\\baz/', True), '\\foo\\bar\\baz/__pycache__/qux.{}.pyc'.format(self.tag)) def test_source_from_cache(self): # Given the path to a PEP 3147 defined .pyc file, return the path to # its source. This tests the good path. self.assertEqual(imp.source_from_cache( '/foo/bar/baz/__pycache__/qux.{}.pyc'.format(self.tag)), '/foo/bar/baz/') def test_source_from_cache_bad_path(self): # When the path to a pyc file is not in PEP 3147 format, a ValueError # is raised. self.assertRaises( ValueError, imp.source_from_cache, '/foo/bar/bazqux.pyc') def test_source_from_cache_no_slash(self): # No slashes at all in path -> ValueError self.assertRaises( ValueError, imp.source_from_cache, 'foo.cpython-32.pyc') def test_source_from_cache_too_few_dots(self): # Too few dots in final path component -> ValueError self.assertRaises( ValueError, imp.source_from_cache, '__pycache__/foo.pyc') def test_source_from_cache_too_many_dots(self): # Too many dots in final path component -> ValueError self.assertRaises( ValueError, imp.source_from_cache, '__pycache__/') def test_source_from_cache_no__pycache__(self): # Another problem with the path -> ValueError self.assertRaises( ValueError, imp.source_from_cache, '/foo/bar/') def test_package___file__(self): # Test that a package's __file__ points to the right source directory. os.mkdir('pep3147') sys.path.insert(0, os.curdir) def cleanup(): if sys.path[0] == os.curdir: del sys.path[0] shutil.rmtree('pep3147') self.addCleanup(cleanup) # Touch the file. support.create_empty_file('pep3147/') m = __import__('pep3147') # Ensure we load the pyc file. support.forget('pep3147') m = __import__('pep3147') self.assertEqual(m.__file__, os.sep.join(('.', 'pep3147', ''))) class NullImporterTests(unittest.TestCase): @unittest.skipIf(support.TESTFN_UNENCODABLE is None, "Need an undecodeable filename") def test_unencodeable(self): name = support.TESTFN_UNENCODABLE os.mkdir(name) try: self.assertRaises(ImportError, imp.NullImporter, name) finally: os.rmdir(name) def test_main(): tests = [ ImportTests, PEP3147Tests, ReloadTests, NullImporterTests, ] try: import _thread except ImportError: pass else: tests.append(LockTests) support.run_unittest(*tests) if __name__ == "__main__": test_main()