# Test case for property # more tests are in test_descr import sys import unittest from test import support class PropertyBase(Exception): pass class PropertyGet(PropertyBase): pass class PropertySet(PropertyBase): pass class PropertyDel(PropertyBase): pass class BaseClass(object): def __init__(self): self._spam = 5 @property def spam(self): """BaseClass.getter""" return self._spam @spam.setter def spam(self, value): self._spam = value @spam.deleter def spam(self): del self._spam class SubClass(BaseClass): @BaseClass.spam.getter def spam(self): """SubClass.getter""" raise PropertyGet(self._spam) @spam.setter def spam(self, value): raise PropertySet(self._spam) @spam.deleter def spam(self): raise PropertyDel(self._spam) class PropertyDocBase(object): _spam = 1 def _get_spam(self): return self._spam spam = property(_get_spam, doc="spam spam spam") class PropertyDocSub(PropertyDocBase): @PropertyDocBase.spam.getter def spam(self): """The decorator does not use this doc string""" return self._spam class PropertySubNewGetter(BaseClass): @BaseClass.spam.getter def spam(self): """new docstring""" return 5 class PropertyNewGetter(object): @property def spam(self): """original docstring""" return 1 @spam.getter def spam(self): """new docstring""" return 8 class PropertyTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_property_decorator_baseclass(self): # see #1620 base = BaseClass() self.assertEqual(base.spam, 5) self.assertEqual(base._spam, 5) base.spam = 10 self.assertEqual(base.spam, 10) self.assertEqual(base._spam, 10) delattr(base, "spam") self.assertTrue(not hasattr(base, "spam")) self.assertTrue(not hasattr(base, "_spam")) base.spam = 20 self.assertEqual(base.spam, 20) self.assertEqual(base._spam, 20) def test_property_decorator_subclass(self): # see #1620 sub = SubClass() self.assertRaises(PropertyGet, getattr, sub, "spam") self.assertRaises(PropertySet, setattr, sub, "spam", None) self.assertRaises(PropertyDel, delattr, sub, "spam") @unittest.skipIf(sys.flags.optimize >= 2, "Docstrings are omitted with -O2 and above") def test_property_decorator_subclass_doc(self): sub = SubClass() self.assertEqual(sub.__class__.spam.__doc__, "SubClass.getter") @unittest.skipIf(sys.flags.optimize >= 2, "Docstrings are omitted with -O2 and above") def test_property_decorator_baseclass_doc(self): base = BaseClass() self.assertEqual(base.__class__.spam.__doc__, "BaseClass.getter") def test_property_decorator_doc(self): base = PropertyDocBase() sub = PropertyDocSub() self.assertEqual(base.__class__.spam.__doc__, "spam spam spam") self.assertEqual(sub.__class__.spam.__doc__, "spam spam spam") @unittest.skipIf(sys.flags.optimize >= 2, "Docstrings are omitted with -O2 and above") def test_property_getter_doc_override(self): newgettersub = PropertySubNewGetter() self.assertEqual(newgettersub.spam, 5) self.assertEqual(newgettersub.__class__.spam.__doc__, "new docstring") newgetter = PropertyNewGetter() self.assertEqual(newgetter.spam, 8) self.assertEqual(newgetter.__class__.spam.__doc__, "new docstring") def test_property___isabstractmethod__descriptor(self): for val in (True, False, [], [1], '', '1'): class C(object): def foo(self): pass foo.__isabstractmethod__ = val foo = property(foo) self.assertIs(C.foo.__isabstractmethod__, bool(val)) # check that the property's __isabstractmethod__ descriptor does the # right thing when presented with a value that fails truth testing: class NotBool(object): def __bool__(self): raise ValueError() __len__ = __bool__ with self.assertRaises(ValueError): class C(object): def foo(self): pass foo.__isabstractmethod__ = NotBool() foo = property(foo) C.foo.__isabstractmethod__ @unittest.skipIf(sys.flags.optimize >= 2, "Docstrings are omitted with -O2 and above") def test_property_builtin_doc_writable(self): p = property(doc='basic') self.assertEqual(p.__doc__, 'basic') p.__doc__ = 'extended' self.assertEqual(p.__doc__, 'extended') @unittest.skipIf(sys.flags.optimize >= 2, "Docstrings are omitted with -O2 and above") def test_property_decorator_doc_writable(self): class PropertyWritableDoc(object): @property def spam(self): """Eggs""" return "eggs" sub = PropertyWritableDoc() self.assertEqual(sub.__class__.spam.__doc__, 'Eggs') sub.__class__.spam.__doc__ = 'Spam' self.assertEqual(sub.__class__.spam.__doc__, 'Spam') @support.refcount_test def test_refleaks_in___init__(self): gettotalrefcount = support.get_attribute(sys, 'gettotalrefcount') fake_prop = property('fget', 'fset', 'fdel', 'doc') refs_before = gettotalrefcount() for i in range(100): fake_prop.__init__('fget', 'fset', 'fdel', 'doc') self.assertAlmostEqual(gettotalrefcount() - refs_before, 0, delta=10) @unittest.skipIf(sys.flags.optimize >= 2, "Docstrings are omitted with -O2 and above") def test_class_property(self): class A: @classmethod @property def __doc__(cls): return 'A doc for %r' % cls.__name__ self.assertEqual(A.__doc__, "A doc for 'A'") @unittest.skipIf(sys.flags.optimize >= 2, "Docstrings are omitted with -O2 and above") def test_class_property_override(self): class A: """First""" @classmethod @property def __doc__(cls): return 'Second' self.assertEqual(A.__doc__, 'Second') def test_property_set_name_incorrect_args(self): p = property() for i in (0, 1, 3): with self.assertRaisesRegex( TypeError, fr'^__set_name__\(\) takes 2 positional arguments but {i} were given$' ): p.__set_name__(*([0] * i)) # Issue 5890: subclasses of property do not preserve method __doc__ strings class PropertySub(property): """This is a subclass of property""" class PropertySubSlots(property): """This is a subclass of property that defines __slots__""" __slots__ = () class PropertySubclassTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_slots_docstring_copy_exception(self): try: class Foo(object): @PropertySubSlots def spam(self): """Trying to copy this docstring will raise an exception""" return 1 except AttributeError: pass else: raise Exception("AttributeError not raised") @unittest.skipIf(sys.flags.optimize >= 2, "Docstrings are omitted with -O2 and above") def test_docstring_copy(self): class Foo(object): @PropertySub def spam(self): """spam wrapped in property subclass""" return 1 self.assertEqual( Foo.spam.__doc__, "spam wrapped in property subclass") @unittest.skipIf(sys.flags.optimize >= 2, "Docstrings are omitted with -O2 and above") def test_property_setter_copies_getter_docstring(self): class Foo(object): def __init__(self): self._spam = 1 @PropertySub def spam(self): """spam wrapped in property subclass""" return self._spam @spam.setter def spam(self, value): """this docstring is ignored""" self._spam = value foo = Foo() self.assertEqual(foo.spam, 1) foo.spam = 2 self.assertEqual(foo.spam, 2) self.assertEqual( Foo.spam.__doc__, "spam wrapped in property subclass") class FooSub(Foo): @Foo.spam.setter def spam(self, value): """another ignored docstring""" self._spam = 'eggs' foosub = FooSub() self.assertEqual(foosub.spam, 1) foosub.spam = 7 self.assertEqual(foosub.spam, 'eggs') self.assertEqual( FooSub.spam.__doc__, "spam wrapped in property subclass") @unittest.skipIf(sys.flags.optimize >= 2, "Docstrings are omitted with -O2 and above") def test_property_new_getter_new_docstring(self): class Foo(object): @PropertySub def spam(self): """a docstring""" return 1 @spam.getter def spam(self): """a new docstring""" return 2 self.assertEqual(Foo.spam.__doc__, "a new docstring") class FooBase(object): @PropertySub def spam(self): """a docstring""" return 1 class Foo2(FooBase): @FooBase.spam.getter def spam(self): """a new docstring""" return 2 self.assertEqual(Foo.spam.__doc__, "a new docstring") class _PropertyUnreachableAttribute: msg_format = None obj = None cls = None def _format_exc_msg(self, msg): return self.msg_format.format(msg) @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.obj = cls.cls() def test_get_property(self): with self.assertRaisesRegex(AttributeError, self._format_exc_msg("has no getter")): self.obj.foo def test_set_property(self): with self.assertRaisesRegex(AttributeError, self._format_exc_msg("has no setter")): self.obj.foo = None def test_del_property(self): with self.assertRaisesRegex(AttributeError, self._format_exc_msg("has no deleter")): del self.obj.foo class PropertyUnreachableAttributeWithName(_PropertyUnreachableAttribute, unittest.TestCase): msg_format = r"^property 'foo' of 'PropertyUnreachableAttributeWithName\.cls' object {}$" class cls: foo = property() class PropertyUnreachableAttributeNoName(_PropertyUnreachableAttribute, unittest.TestCase): msg_format = r"^property of 'PropertyUnreachableAttributeNoName\.cls' object {}$" class cls: pass cls.foo = property() if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()